Borges and Portuguese Literature-Balderston
Borges and Portuguese Literature-Balderston
Borges and Portuguese Literature-Balderston
Daniel Balderston
E todo este mundo meu de gente entre si alheia projecta, como uma multido diversa mas compacta, uma sombra unica este corpo quieto e escrevente com que reclino, de p, contra a secretria alta do Borges onde vim buscar o meu mata-borro, que lhe emprestra. Pessoa, O livro do desassossego, 1: 242
ernando Pessoa--or rather his alter ego Bernardo Soares leaning over Borgess desk: a seductive image, an invitation to meditate on the relations between the Argentine writer and the literature of Portugal. Borges defines literature as un eje de innumerables relaciones (a countless series of relations: Obras completas 747) and continually invites his readers to discover and to explore those relations. As always with such things, the unexpected
This article was first presented as the Robert OGrady Lectura at the University of Notre Dame in September 2005. I am grateful to Robert OGrady, Mara Rosa OliveraWilliams and Hugo Verani for the invitation. 2 Here is Richard Zeniths translation of this passage from Bernardo Soaress The Book of Disquiet: And my entire world of all these souls who dont know each other casts, like a motley but compact multitude, a single shadowthe calm, bookkeeping body with which I lean over Borgess tall desk, where Ive come to get the blotter that he borrowed from me (328). Obviously Borges here is one of Bernardo Soaress coworkers in the office in the fictional autobiography, although, as I suggest toward the end of this piece, he might also be Jorge Luis.
offers special pleasures, as if Borges were to look up from that desk and smile at Pessoa. What follows would inform their conversation. The poem Los Borges (1960) begins with the statement Nada o muy poco s de mis mayores/ portugueses, los Borges (Obra potica 145) [I know little or nothing of the Borges,/ my Portuguese forebears], but Borges then creates a fictive genealogy that links him to the Portuguese voyages of exploration in Asia and to the death of King Sebastio in Morocco in 1578. A significant elision in this poem, and in Borgess few other scattered references to the history of his fathers family, is the likely fact that whatever Borges emigrated to Entre Ros in the nineteenth century came from southern Brazil. I have speculated elsewhere that due to the frequent rather seamy representation of the border area between Uruguay and Brazil in Borgess writings there may have been a family history in contraband. Today I will be going in a different direction: to reconstruct Borgess interest in Portugal and Portuguese literature, a topic that has been neglected (while Borgess few references to Brazilian literature have been studied in depth by scholars such as Jorge Schwartz and Ral Antelo).3 Borges is of course a common surname in Portugal and Brazil (Juan Carlos Onettis mother, for instance, was a Borges from Rio Grande do Sul, and a famous Portuguese bank is Banco Borges e Irmos), but what seems to be of interest more than real or verifiable genealogies are imaginary ones. Here then is the 1960 poem, from El hacedor:
Nada o muy poco s de mis mayores portugueses, los Borges: vaga gente que prosigue en mi carne, oscuramente, sus hbitos, rigores y temores. Tenues como si nunca hubieran sido y ajenos a los trmites del arte, indescifrablemente forman parte
Much of the material on Borgess relations to Brazilian literature is collected in the special issue of the Boletim Bibliogrfico and in Schwartzs Borges no Brasil. In addition, I have worked on how Borges imagines southern Brazil in such stories as Emma Zunz and Tln, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius.
del tiempo, de la tierra y del olvido. Mejor as. Cumplida la faena, son Portugal, son la famosa gente que forz las murallas del Oriente y se dio al mar y al otro mar de arena. Son el rey que en el mstico desierto se perdi y el que jura que no ha muerto. (Obra potica 145)4
This sonnet is immediately followed by another one on a Portuguese theme, A Luis de Camoens:
Sin lstima y sin ira el tiempo mella las heroicas espadas. Pobre y triste a tu patria nostlgica volviste, oh capitn, para morir en ella y con ella. En el mgico desierto la flor de Portugal se haba perdido y el spero espaol, antes vencido, amenazaba su costado abierto. Quiero saber si aquende la ribera ltima comprendiste humildemente que todo lo perdido, el Occidente y el Oriente, el acero y la bandera, perdurara (ajeno a toda humana
Here is Alastair Reids (sometimes inaccurate) translation, The Borges: I know little or nothing of the Borges, my Portuguese forebears. They were a ghostly line, who still ply in my body their mysterious disciplines, habits and anxieties. Shadowy, as if they had never been, and strangers to the processes of art, indecipherably they form a part of time, of earth, and of oblivion. Better so. When everything is said, they are Portugal, they are that famous people who forced the Great Wall of the East, and fell to the sea, and to that other sea of sand. They are that king lost on the mystic strand and those at home who swear he is not dead. (Selected Poems 121)
Once again the Portuguese defeat in Alcaar Quibir in Morocco, which had as a consequence the annexation of Portugal and its empire to Spain for the next sixty years, holds center stage. Camess careerlinked to this defeat, as the legend has it, because King Sebastio was inspired to an emulation of the Crusaders by the heroic images from Portuguese history in Camess epic poem takes its shape with regard to one of the great crises in the history of his country. Interestingly the phrase about the national poet died en ella/ y con ella echoes the famous last words of Francisco Solano Lpez at the conclusion of the War of the Triple Alliance: the Paraguayan dictator is reported to have said Muero por mi patria (I die for my country) or perhaps, and more eloquently, Muero con mi patria (I die with my country). Thus perhaps the conclusion of one terrible war anticipates that of another, one in which Borgess grandfather, Colonel Francisco Borges, took part. Borgess most frequent allusions to Portuguese literature are to Cames and to Ea de Queiroz, by all accounts one of his (and his mothers) favorite novelists. And, as we shall see, there are a couple of intriguing references to Fernando Pessoa, the famous Portuguese poet of the multiple heteronyms. In sum, Borgess references to
5 And
now, my translation of the sonnet to Cames: Without pity or anger time nicks the heroic swords. Poor and sad you returned to your lamented country, oh captain, to die in her and with her. In the magic desert the pride of Portugal had been lost and the rude Spaniard, defeated before threatened the open side. I want to know if before the final shore you understood, modestly, that everything that had been lost, Occident and Orient, steel and flag, would survive (indifferent to all human changes) in your Lusitanian Aeneid.
Portuguese literature are considerably more extensive than may appear at first glance, and provide evidence for a thorough study of this literature, something that has not been commented upon to date. A worthy question is what language Borges read Portuguese literature in, and an answer of sorts is provided by his extensive article on Portuguese literature for the Enciclopedia prctica Jackson (1951).6 In it, he translates a cantiga de amigo (it appears en nuestra traduccin castellana), and his old friend Francisco Luis Bernrdez translates another. The paragraph on Bernardim Ribeiros Menina e moa includes both the Portuguese original and a Spanish translation of the first line of the famous novel (Textos recobrados 2: 285), and a quotation from Bocage (1735-1805) again includes the original and a translation: it seems clear, then, that Borges read Portuguese literature extensively in the original. (Already in 1933 he had reviewed a book by a minor Brazilian poet, Ribeiro Couto.) Remember that when he published this extensive essay in 1951 he had just published a whole series of essays on Dante, and when he talks about his research on Dante he explains that initially he relied on Italian-English bilingual editions until he felt comfortable reading the original directly ( Textos recobrados 3: 73-74). As he explains in an essay on Cames, he read Dante and Cames sin saber ni el italiano, ni el portugus (Pginas de Jorge Luis Borges, 238) [without knowing Italian or Portuguese], but in the rest of the same sentence he explains that he had forgotten his Latin and that el olvido del latn . . . ya es una posesin (Pginas 238) [that forgetting Latin is a possession], so we may reasonably assume that he is pulling our leg. Because certainly he read Cames and others in the original.
The Enciclopedia prctica Jackson: Conjunto de conocimientos para la formacin autodidacta is a multi-volume work that is organized around articles on such subjects as popular mechanics basic English, physical and political geography and so forth. The only set in a library in the United States (the fifth Mexican edition, published in 1963) is at the University of Missouri; I am grateful to Professor Magdalena Garca Pinto for photocopies of parts of volumes 6 and 9. The article on Portugal is part of a sequence of various articles on literature in volume 9 including Arturo Torres-Roseco on Literatura americana (Spanish America, the US, Brazil, Haiti and Canada), Ariel Maudet on French literature, Renata Donghi Halpern on Italian literature, and Borges on Portuguese literature.
And he read them carefully. The sections of the essay on Cames and Os Lusadas (and even more so in a later talk on Cames, to be discussed shortly) show a thorough knowledge of the Portuguese national poem but also of Camess other work, as well as a familiarity with details of his biography. Similarly, he comments with authority on the prose, theater and poetry of the medieval period and the Renaissance, on the historical works, sermons (Padre Vieira) and theater of the seventeenth century, on the Arcadian writings of the eighteenth century, on Portuguese romanticism (Garrett and Herculano), on the poets of the late nineteenth century (Antero de Quental, Guerra Junqueiro), and on the novels of Castelo Branco, Gomes Coelho and (most extensively) Ea de Queiroz. He also mentions nineteenth century historiography and travel writing. In sum, in twenty pages he provides a wide-ranging and wellinformed survey of Portuguese literature from the cantigas to the end of the nineteenth century. The first paragraph of the article sets out Borgess approach to Portuguese literature:
Por su anhelo de maravillas, por su nostalgia, por su aficin a la melancola y a la desdicha, la literatura portuguesa difiere profundamente de la espaola. Tambin la diferencia de sta su limitado radio de accin. El Quijote y la novela picaresca espaola son acontecimientos europeos, que influyen en las literaturas de Inglaterra, de Francia y de Alemania; nada comparable a esa difusin continental hay en las letras portuguesas. Camoens es un gran pico, de la altura de Milton o de Torcuato Tasso; Oliveira Martins, un gran teorizador de la historia; Ea de Queiroz, un novelista de la talla de Flaubert o de Meredith; pero no modifican, fuera de su pas, la evolucin de sus disciplinas. Los escritores de Portugal no influyen en otras naciones; tampoco los acompaa la atencin de su pueblo, y, en general, trabajan en la soledad. Por otra parte, la literatura portuguesa no se arraiga en la tradicin popular, como la espaola. Tambin la diferencia de aqulla su contacto secular con las civilizaciones asiticas. Heterogneas pruebas de ese contacto son Los Lusadas, de Camoens, la Peregrinacin, de Mendes Pinto, que refiere el descubrimiento de Japn y la obra entera de Wenceslao de Moraes. En la literatura de Portugal, como en la vida de Portugal, tierra de
navegantes, estn presentes el ocano y las remotas aventuras de Africa, de la China y del Brasil. As, las relaciones de naufragios constituyen una especialidad de la literatura portuguesa del siglo XVI. ( Textos recobrados 2: 277)7
In this opening paragraph Borges clearly posits an idea similar to that proposed by Gilles Deleuze and Flix Guattari in their wellknown (and controversial) book on Kafka. Deleuze and Guattaris idea of a minor literatureor perhaps a minority literature would be more accurate, since they are concerned both with Kafkas double minority status in Prague and his peripheral relation to German literatureoperates here in Borgess comparison of the place in world literature of Portugal as compared to Spain. The excellence of Portuguese literature is not in doubt; what characterizes a minor literature, though, is its small sphere of influence. Spain, the possessor of a great world empire, was a net exporter of literature; Portugal, the seat of another great empire, was
And now to translate this passage: Because of its taste for marvels, its nostalgia, its fondness for melancholy and unhappiness, Portuguese literature differs profoundly from that of Spain. It also differs due to its limited sphere of influence. Don Quixote and the Spanish picaresque novel are European events, influencing the literatures of England, France and Germany; Portuguese literature has nothing of this continental scope. Cames is a great epic poet, of the same order as Milton or Tasso; Oliveira Martins, a great theorist of historiography; Ea de Queiroz, a novelist of the stature of Flaubert or Meredith; but beyond the borders of their country they did not modify the evolution of their genres. Portuguese writers have no influence in other nations; nor have they had the constant attention of their own people, so that in general they work in solitude. On a different note, Portuguese literature does not have the same roots in popular traditions as Spanish literature. Another difference is due to the centuries-old influence on Portugal of Asian civilizations. Assorted proofs of this contact are Camess Lusadas, Mendes Pintos Peregrination (which tells of the discovery of Japan) and the whole works of Wenceslao de Moraes. In Portuguese literature, as in the life of Portugal, land of navigators, the ocean and remote adventures in Africa, China and Brazil are present. For this reason, shipwreck narratives constitute a specialty of Portuguese literature of the sixteenth century.
largely an importer.8 Borges positions himself, then, as an arbiter of taste who seeks to correct this evident injustice. Cames is also the subject of an extensive essay Destino y obra de Cames (1972), which strangely enough was not included in the third volume of Textos recobrados (the one that includes texts from 1956 to 1986), although it had been included in the Pginas de Jorge Luis Borges seleccionadas por el autor in 1982 and was published in Portuguese in the Boletim Bibliogrfico special issue on Borges in 1985. In this essay Borges shows great familiarity with Camess life, times and work. In this transcribed talk (from the period after Borges had gone blind) given at the Centro de Estudios Brasileos, in presence of the director and the Brazilian ambassador, Borges situates Cames with reference to classical and medieval epic, noting that Renaissance epic deliberately imitated classical poetry (as in the famous first line of Camess poem, which echoes the first line of the Aeneid) and invoked the gods of classical mythology. Even when representing a recent historical figure like Vasco de Gama, Borges notes, Cames fuses the real person with a mythological figure. In this slightly rambling talk Borges reveals great familiarity with and fondness for Os Lusadas, for him a great poem of loss. Ea de Queiroz, the other writer to whom considerable space is devoted in the encyclopedia article, is mentioned in the list of favorite novelists in the apocryphal note from a 2074 encyclopedia that closes the Obras completas of 1974: Esta novela [el Quijote] fue una de las pocas que merecieron la indulgencia de Borges; otras fueron las de Voltaire, las de Stevenson, las de Conrad y las de Ea de Queiroz (Obras completas 1143) [Don Quixote was one of the few novels that merited Borgess favor; others were those of Voltaire, Stevenson, Conrad and Ea de Queiroz]. Another prominent reference to the great ironic novelist of nineteenth-century Portugal is in the dedication of the 1974 Obras completas, A Leonor Acevedo de Borges, which mentions tu amor a Dickens y a Ea de Queiroz
These economic metaphors are similar to those used by Pascale Casanova in The World Republic of Letters: see 12-17.
(9). Ea is also mentioned at the end of the essay Flaubert y su destino ejemplar (266). I had the privilege in 1982 of seeing a public interview with Borges at Dickinson College in which a rather irritated Gonzalo Sobejano asked Borges how he could refer with such admiration to Ea de Queiroz when nineteenth-century Spain had four great writers. And who were they? asked Borges, with a bit of an ironic twinkle. Sobejano listed: Larra, Bcquer, Galds and Clarn. Ah, mi sentido psame entonces, said Borges, without clarifying whether he was responding for having forgotten themor, as is no doubt more likely, to compassion for Sobejano for his ill judgment. One can only imagine Borgess delight as his mother read Eas ironic masterpieces to himindeed irony and an urbane wit is what links Ea to the other novelists in that particular list, Stevenson, Conrad and Voltaire. In the encyclopedia article Borges refers to many of Eas works. He compares O primo Baslio to Madame Bovary (as he does also in the essay on Flaubert just mentioned), mentions the anticlerical theme of O crime do padre Amaro, describes Os Maas as a sharp critique of the Portuguese society of Eas time (specifically mentioning Eas use of irony), mentions A Relquias sarcastic tone (at the same time noting that the ending was weak), celebrates the metafiction in A ilustre casa de Ramires (and the fact that in it Ea breaks with naturalism), notes the unexpected reversal in A cidade e as serras (in which nature triumphs over artifice), and comments on the presence of Oriental themes in some of Eas writings, including the fantastic tale O mandarim. Eas travel writings are also mentioned in a different section of the article. The article, then, confirms Borgess preference for Ea among the nineteenth century writers of Spain and Portugal. Around 1960 Borges wrote a continuation of the article on Portuguese literature, presumably for a new edition of the Enciclopedia Jackson, but this piece was not published until 2003 when it was included in the third volume of the Textos recobrados.9 This new (and much briefer) article starts at the end of the
9 According
to the note at the end of the text, the typescript belongs to Alicia Jurado.
nineteenth century with the rise of soismo and saudosismo, and continues with discussions of Antonio Nobre, Fernando Pessoa, Mario de S-Carneiro, the Presena group, Antonio Srgio, Aquilino Ribeiro and Fernando Namora (with brief mentions of a number of other writers including Teixeira de Pascoaes, Jorge de Sena, Miguel Torga and Jos Rodrigues Miguis). The article ends with the declaration: Lo indiscutible, lo que nadie podr negar, es que Portugal ha dado a la gloria dos grandes nombres: el de CAMOENS y el del sonriente y mltiple EA DE QUEIROZ ( Textos recobrados 3: 59). For Borges in 1960 the unquestioned great figures of Portuguese literature continue to be not Pessoa but Cames and Ea de Queiroz. Without question the most important section is the paragraph devoted to Pessoa, which reads:
Hacia 1912, ANTONIO SERGIO acusa a Pascoaes de anhelar un pasado inaccessible y de rehusar lo contemporneo. Algo despus, empieza a destacarse FERNANDO PESSOA, cuyo Mensagem aparecer en 1933 y que fue equiparado a Walt Whitman, mereci el epteto de genial e hizo sentir su influencia en ambas costas del Atlntico. Tena el hbito de abundar en seudnimos; bajo el de Alberto Caerio [sic] firm poemas que se niegan a las especulaciones del intelecto y exaltan la pura visin de las cosas. Citemos este fragmento: Metafsica? Que metafsica tem aquelas rvores A de serem verdes e copadas e de terem ramos E de dar fruto na sua hora, o que no nos faz pensar, A nos, que no sabemos dar por elas. Mas que melhor metafsica que a delas, Que a de no saber para que vivem Nem saber que o no sabem? (57)10
Heres a translation of the paragraph on Pessoa: Around 1912, ANTONIO SERGIO accuses [Teixeira de] Pascoaes of desiring an inaccesible, even a Utopian past and of avoiding the present day. A bit later, FERNANDO PESSOA begins to come to prominence; his Mensagem appears in 1933 and was compared to Walt Whitman, earning him the title of genius and making his influence felt on both sides of the Atlantic. He had the habit of abounding in pseudonyms; with that of Alberto Caerio [sic] he signed poems that refuse intellectual speculation and exalt the pure vision of
The passage on Pessoa, then, is evidence of a reading of Pessoa (in the original) by 1960. Near the end of Borgess life he wrote a letter to Pessoa, dated Geneva, 2 January 1985, which reads:
La sangre de los Borges de Moncorvo y de los Acevedo (o Azevedo) sin geografa puede ayudarme a comprenderte Pessoa. Nada te cost renunciar a las escuelas y a sus dogmas, a las vanidosas figuras de la retrica y al trabajoso empeo de representar a un pas, a una clase o a un tiempo. Acaso no pensaste nunca en tu sitio en la historia de la literatura. Tengo la certidumbre de que te asombran estos homenajes sonoros, de que te asombran y de que los agradeces, sonriente. Eres ahora el poeta de Portugal. Alguien, inevitablemente, pronunciar el nombre de Camoens. No faltarn las fechas, caras a toda celebracin. Escribiste para ti, no para la fama. Juntos, hemos compartido tus versos; djame ser tu amigo. (Blanco 176)11
This text, written apparently for a commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Pessoas death (in late November 1935), islike the
things. He then quotes the end of the fifth poem of Caeiros The Keeper of Sheep, which I will cite in Richard Zeniths translation: Metaphysics? What metaphysics do those trees have? Only that of being of being green and lush and of having branches Which bear fruit in their season, and we think nothing of it. We hardly even notice them. But what better metaphysics than theirs, Which consists in not knowing why they live And in not knowing that they dont know. (Selected Poems 49) 11 This text was published in Fernando Pessoa, pote pluriel and in the Boletim bibliogrfico (39). Here is my translation: The blood of the Borges line of Moncorvo and of the Acevedos (or Azevedos) without geographic origin can help me understand you, Pessoa. It cost you nothing to renounce literary schools and their dogmas, the vain figures of rhetoric and the difficult task of representing a country, a class or a period. Perhaps you never thought of your place in the history of literature. I am sure you would be surprised by these noisy acts of homage, they would surprise you but that you, smiling, would be grateful for them. You are now the poet of Portugal. Someone inevitably utters the name of Cames. There will be festive dates, so beloved to this kind of commemoration. You wrote for yourself, not for fame. Together, we share your verses; let me be your friend.
talk on Camesnot included in the third volume of Textos recobrados, greatly diminishing the part of Borgess visible work that relates to Portuguese literature. To speculate for a moment, it would seem reasonable that Borges learned of Pessoa much earlier: not in 1985 (when he wrote him a letter asking to be his friend) or in 1960 (when he wrote the paragraph in the second encyclopedia article). Perhaps, indeed, during the Borges familys visit to Lisbon in 1924. Pessoathe Portuguese writer with the strongest affinities to Borgeswas certainly a quiet celebrity in literary circles in Lisbon in the midtwenties, even though the vast majority of his writings would only be published after his death in 1935. Borges, due to his associations with avant garde groups and small literary magazines in Madrid and in Buenos Aires from 1920 to 1924, would presumably have looked into what was happening in Portugal in these regards, and if he talked to anyone involved in literary circles he would have heard about Orpheu and surely about Pessoa himself. It is even tempting to posit a visit by Borges to the cafs frequented by Pessoa. Certainly Borges reveals a familiarity with Pessoas work in 1960 that contradicts the sense of the 1985 letter, which expresses a new discovery. A wonderful homage to both Pessoa and Borges is hidden in Jos Saramagos wonderful novel O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis (The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis). Pessoas neoclassical heteronym Ricardo Reis returns (shortly after the death of Pessoa) to Lisbon, where he will have a series of conversations with Pessoas ghost. In his suitcase: The God of the Labyrinth by Herbert Quain, an oblique reference to one of the apocryphal books by Quain mentioned in a story in Ficciones, Examen de la obra de Herbert Quain. Saramago writes:
O tdio da viagem e a sugesto do ttulo o tinham atrado, um labirinto com um deus, que deus seria, que labirinto era, que deus labirntico, e afinal sara-lhe um simples romance policial, uma vulgar histria de assassnio e investigao, o criminoso, a vtima, se pelo contrrio no preexiste a vtima ao criminoso, e finalmente o detective, todos trs cmplices da morte, em verdade vos direi que o
leitor de romances policiais o nico e real sobrevivente da histria que estiver lendo, se no como sobrevivente nico e real que todo o leitor l toda a histria. (23)12
Throughout the Saramago novel Reis tries to finish reading the Quain novel but can never do so: the apocryphal reader never finishes the apocryphal novel. In any case Reisone of Pessoas imaginary authors turned protagonist of the Saramago novel, where he has earnest conversations with Pessoas ghostis at the same remove from reality as The God of the Labyrinth, an apocryphal novel by an imaginary author. So I think it is worth entertaining the idea of a conversation that Borges could have had with Pessoa, and maybe even with Pessoas heteronyms, in Lisbon during his six weeks there in May-June 1924. La nadera de la personalidad, La encrucijada de Berkeley, and the other philosophical essays of the period (some collected in Inquisiciones in 1925) make sense in dialogue with Pessoas philosophical works and with the Livro do dessassossego (The Book of Disquiet), almost all of which were published posthumously. How one could wish to be sitting at a neighboring table in the caf listening in on the conversation of these two diffident and brilliant writers, no doubt conversing in an English that was already turning a bit antique the English of Borgess grandmother who had emigrated to Argentina in the 1870s, the English that Pessoa had learned in South Africa twenty years before. Pure speculation, surely, but speculation of a kind that is of a piece with both writers, with both of their projects.13
And in Giovanni Pontieros translation: The tedium of the voyage and the books evocative title had attracted him. A labyrinth with a god, what god might that be, which labyrinth, what labyrinthine god. In the end it turned out to be a simple detective story, an ordinary tale of death and investigation, the murderer, the victim, and finally the detective, all three accomplices to the crime. In my honest opinion, the reader of a mystery is the only real survivor of the story he is reading, unless it is as the one real survivor that every reader reads every story (12) 13 The intellectual kinship of Pessoa and Borges has been the subject of various texts, including Emir Rodrguez Monegals Jorge Luis Borges, el autor de Fernando Pessoa (1985), Jos Blancos Breve nota bibliogrfica sobre los encuentros de Jorge Luis Borges
So maybe it was about Borges that Pessoa wrote, in an unfinished poem dated 3 September 1924 (two months and four days after the Borges family left Lisbon for Buenos Aires):
Ah quanta melancholia! Quanta, quanta solido! Aquella alma, que vazia, Que sinto intil e fria Dentro do meu corao! Que angstia desesperada! Que magua que sabe a fim! Se a nau foi abandonada, E o cego caiu na estrada . . . Deixae-os, qu tudo assim. Sem socego, sem socego, Nenhum momento do meu . . . Onde for que a alma emprgo . . . Na estrada morreu o cego ....................... A nau desappareceu. (Poemas 68-69)14
y Fernando Pessoa (1989) and Sabrina Sedlmayers Pessoa e Borges: Quanto a mim, eu (2004). It is also the subject of the thesis by one of the characters in Carlos Caeques novel Quin (1997); I am grateful to Samuel Amago of Notre Dame for pointing this reference out to me. 14 This unfinished poem can be translated as: Oh such melancholy! Such, so much solitude! That soul, so empty, That feels useless and cold In my heart! What desperate anguish! What woe that tastes of the end! If the ship was abandoned, And the blind man fell by the road Forget them, thats the way it is.
Pessoa inevitably calls Borges o cego, the blind man, a full thirty years before Borges went blind, but for a writer accustomed to making star charts, and who was in correspondence with the esoteric master Aleister Crowley (like Borgess Buenos Aires friend Xul Solar), this is not too much of a stretch. And the image of the ship disappearingan image that is real enough in Lisbon, where the Tagus empties into the ocean, and where the Borges family went off into the horizon on the last day of June, 1924is also the image that Pessoa frequently uses to refer to the historic catastrophe that King Sebastios expedition to Morocco represented for his country (see for instance A ltima nau, The Last Ship, in Mensagem). To sum up, then, Borgess interest in Portuguese (not Brazilian) literature is framed in a mythical genealogy that would link him (and his half-English father, who taught psychology, and the paternal grandfather, a military officer) to the epic of navigation and discovery and to its great poet, Luis de Cames. But that was just a starting point: Borges clearly was well-acquainted with the full sweep of Portuguese literature from the cantigas to the midtwentieth century; his articles on Portuguese literature are wellinformed and would have served the reader of the Jackson encyclopedia well. The most frequent references in Borgess works are to Cames and to a favorite novelist, Ea de Queiroz, appreciated for his sharp irony and satiric vision of Portugal in its transition toward modernity. The two texts on Fernando Pessoa are intriguing because they suggest some knowledge of the European writer whose project bears the strongest affinity with Borgess own. Portuguese literatures great themes, for Borges, are nostalgic loss and the loneliness of the sea. Pessoa wrote in Mensagem: Que o mar com fim ser grego ou romano:/ O mar sem fim portuguez (Obra potica 13)in Zeniths translation That the sea with limits is for Greece or
Without rest, without rest No time whatsoever For my use of the soul The blind man died on the road The ship disappeared.
Rome:/ The limitless sea is Portuguese (Selected Poems 274)an idea that resonates with Borgess first published poem, Himno del mar (1919) and with many of his later texts. Portugal, then, has a literature that Borges discovered, and one that he travelled in. The six weeks in Lisbon in 1924 left their mark: deep, but also somewhat secret.
Daniel Balderston University of Iowa
Balderston, Daniel. Gauchos y gachos: Excursiones a la frontera uruguayobrasileira. Borges, realidades y simulacros. Buenos Aires: Biblos, 2000. 77-93. Blanco, Jos. Breve nota bibliogrfica sobre los encuentros de Jorge Luis Borges y Fernando Pessoa. Revista de Occidente 94 (1989): 173-78. Boletim Bibliogrfico 45.4 (1984) [actually appeared in 1985]. Borges, Jorge Luis. Destino y obra de Camoens. Pginas de Jorge Luis Borges seleccionadas por el autor. Buenos Aires: Celtia, 1982. 234-45. ---. Obra potica. Buenos Aires: Emec, 1989. ---. Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emec, 1974. ---. Portugal. Textos recobrados (1931-1955). Buenos Aires: Emec, 2001. 277-97. ---. Portugal. Enciclopedia prctica Jackson: Conjunto de conocimientos para la formacin autodidacta. Mexico City: W. M. Jackson, 1963. 9: 321-331. ---. Portugal: El siglo XX. Textos recobrados (1956-1986). Buenos Aires: Emec, 2003. 56-59. ---. Selected Poems. Ed. Alexander Coleman. New York: Viking Penguin, 1999. Caeque, Carlos. Quin. Barcelona: Ediciones Destino, 1997. Casanova, Pascale. The World Republic of Letters. Trans. M. B. DeBevoise. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004. Deleuze, Gilles and Flix Guattari. Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature. Trans. Dana Polan. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986. Pessoa, Fernando. The Book of Disquiet. Ed. and trans. Richard Zenith. New York: Penguin, 2001. ---. O livro do desassossego por Bernardo Soares. Ed. Maria Elite Galhoz and Teresa Sobral Cunha. Intro. Jacinto do Prado Coelho. Lisbon: Atica, 1982. 2 vols. ---. Obra potica. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Nova Aguilar, 1986.
---. Poemas de Fernando Pessoa 1921-1930. Edio Crtica de Fernando Pessoa. Ed. Ivo Castro. Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional/Casa da Moeda, 2001. ---. Fernando Pessoa & Co.: Selected Poems. Trans. Richard Zenith. New York: Grove Press, 1998. Rodrguez Monegal, Emir. Jorge Luis Borges, el autor de Fernando Pessoa. Vuelta 105 (1985): 15-18. Saramago, Jos. O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis. Lisbon: Caminho, 1984. ---. The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis. Trans. Giovanni Pontiero. Orlando: Harcourt, 1991. Schwartz, Jorge, ed. Borges no Brasil. So Paulo: UNESP, 2000. Sedlmayer, Sabrina. Pessoa e Borges: Quanto a mim, eu. Lisbon: Vendaval, 2004.