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City and Transport. Intermediate

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IN THE CITY direct train fast train change the tram / the bus change [money] single ticket

/ return ticket regular / discount ticket validate the ticket ticket validator ticket machine eave!de"art / #rrive $e"artures / #rrivals cancelled delayed %by an hour& bus sto" underground station [informal' tube] roundabout (unction %crossroads& turning %take the first turning on the left& high)ay / motor)ay cycle lane "edestrian crossing / *ebra crossing residential area / residential district district ASKING ABOUT TIME +hen does the %first& train/ bus to , leave+hen is the first bus to ,,ASKING ABOUT TRANSPORT I )ant to get to , . Ho) can I get to ,. - / Ho) do I get to ,.ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS +here is ,Is there a ,,.. near here- / Ho) far is it to ,.. Could you tell me the )ay to ,Ho) can I get to ,0000000 GETTING ON / OFF +here should I get off- / +here do I get off+hich bus / train do I takeAT at the bus sto" / train station etc. at the (unction / at the traffic lights / at the end of the street ON / IN On the corner %of 1armelicka and 2atorego& It3s on / in 4ill Road It3s in 1armelicka Street 5 2ritish English It3s on 1armelicka Street 5 #merican English


+HEN Y:6 #7E #T THE T7#;;IC I8HT9! T67N 7I8HT +HE7E I9 ,.8: 9T7#I8HT [#HE#$] +HICH 269 / T7#4 $: I T#1E T: ,T#1E THE ;I79T T67NIN8 E;T 8: 7I8HT +HEN Y:6 9EE THE CH67CH! 8: 9T7#I8HT :N T67N E;T +HEN Y:6 9EE THE CH67CH +HE7E $: I 8ET :;;-

T67N 7I8HT +HEN 9H:6 $ I 8ET :;;T67N E;T INT: THE ;I79T 9T7EET T67N E;T NE<T T: THE CH67CH 8: =#9T THE CH67CH C:6 $ Y:6 TE 8: # :N8 T67N 7I8HT #T THE T7#;;IC I8HT9 H:+ C#N I 8ET T:,4E THE +#Y T: ,.-

SPEAKING >. You are travelling by a really cro)ded tram / bus. You can3t move and you can3t see the ticket validator. 7eact.

?. You are on a tram. You )ant to go to the main train station. You don3t kno) )hen to leave the tram. @. You are at a train station. #sk if the >A.>B train to +arsa) is fast and ask for "ossible discounts. C. # tourist asks you ho) to buy a ticket from a ticket machine. B. You )ant to get to 1a*imier* district. #sk somebody if it is better to get there by bys or tram or on foot. A. You are at a train station. You )ant to kno) about the >? o3clock train to +arsa) and )here it leaves from eDactly. You also )ant to kno) if the last sto" is +arsa) or not. E. # tourist asks you )hat kind of tickets there are and ho) much they cost. F. You )ant to get to get to 8run)ald*kie 7oundabout. You don3t kno) )here is a good bus/tram sto". #sk someone for hel". You are in front of incoln. G. # tourist asks you )here he can buy a bus ticket. 8ive him all "ossible )ays. >H. You are standing in front of incoln. # tourist asks you for directions to 9ukiennice. 2e as s"ecific as "ossible. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 >>. :n ?? ;ebruary you bought a ticket to 8daIsk for > 4arch. Today you see that this train has been cancelled and the neDt one is on ? 4arch. You don3t like this arrangement. You )ant your money back. 4ake a com"laint. >?. You are at a bus station. #sk about the "rice of a ticket %t)o )ay& to +arsa). You3re a student. You have a credit card! no cash. >@. Your direct train to +arsa) is @H minutes late %it )as due at >?.HH &. You decide to go by other train! at. >>.CH. You )ant to change the ticket for this other train J ask if it3s "ossible and ask about the "rice.

C:N$ITI:N C:N$ITI:N# I %future reference& C:N$ITI:N# II 5 s"eculative %future reference J im"robable& %"resent reference J negating facts&

7E96 T

If you prepare for the test!

you will get a good mark

If I won in a lottery! If I were taller!

%but I3m not J negating "resent facts&

I would buy a house I would be a model

C:N$ITI:N# III %"ast reference J negating facts&

If I

ad !tudied last )eek!

%but I didn3t J negating "ast facts&

I would a"e "assed yesterday3s test

I, II, III CONDITIONAL 1. The teacher gave us an unexpected test yesterday! It was so unfa r. If we !!!!!!!!!!!!!."#now$ a%out the yesterday&s test, we !!!!!!!!!!!!. "prepare$ for t. '. I have a (ot of ho)ewor# and I have not enough t )e for )y fr ends. If I !!!!!!!!!!!"not have$ a (ot of ho)ewor#, I !!!!!!!!!!!!. "have$ )ore t )e for fr ends. *. +o)e t )e ago I )et Chuc# Norr s %ut I had no ca)era to ta#e a photo. I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "ta#e$ a photo of h ), f I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. "have$a ca)era. ,. I&) not sure a%out )y test resu(ts next wee#. If I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.."pass$, I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "can$ go on a tr p. -. I fa (ed )y exa) and I (et )y parents down. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!. .. I can&t cheat on the test to)orrow, %ecause /o% can te(( on )e. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!. 0. /o% pro) sed to g ve )e a present f I nv te h ) to )y party. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!.. 1. I never ( e to )y parents. They wou(d %e fur ous. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!.. 2. 3a#e up your ) nd or I&) go ng to dec de for you! If you

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! 14. The )anager got s c# and he had to ca(( off the )eet ng. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!.. 11. 5e )ust use good argu)ents to conv nce /o%. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!.. 1'. I&) exhausted. I can&t p(ay tenn s. I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!..

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