Study of Two Optical Retail Chains in India
Study of Two Optical Retail Chains in India
Study of Two Optical Retail Chains in India
The Indian markets account for about 1% of the worlds consumption of optical products. There are millions of people suffering from eye disorders and vision impairment and need treatment. Highest number of cataract patients in our country. There has been a noticeable shift in consumer purchases for eyewear from form and function to form and fashion. Focus of omestic !anufacturers is to produce sophisticated" high #uality $ elegant eyewear by making use of hi% tech materials combined with aesthetic designs and master craftsmanship. The compounded annual growth rate &'()*+ of the global eyewear industry is about ,- per cent. However" the Indian eyewear market is growing at around .- per cent '()*. The si/e of the Indian eyewear market" comprising optical products such as contact lens" intraocular lens" lasik" lens cleaning solutions" spectacle lenses" frames and sunglasses" is set to more than double by ,-10. From *s.,1"--- crore now" it is poised to touch *s.1."--- crore in three years" according to the (ssociated 'hamber of 'ommerce and Industry of India. The contact lenses market in India is growing at '()* of about ,0 per cent. (s per an industry estimate" sale of disposable contact lenses is rising at about .- per cent. In the sunglasses market" premium sunglasses sales are growing at 1-% and account for .-% of the overall sunglasses market. Types of 2ptical 3roducts 4pectacle 5enses $ Frames 'ontact 5enses 4unglasses 5ens 'leaning 4olutions Formats 6randed showroom7 There are various speciality stores owned by various brands like7 Titan 8ye 3lus" Himalaya. These branded stores are generally found in urban areas and metro cities. 2ther than these branded stores there are various small retailers available in urban as well as rural areas. There are various eyewear brands who sell their products in malls and other optical stores. 2nline Formats7 There are many online stores available where we can find eye wears 8g7 " " " etc.