Dark Angel Fluff and Conversions

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In their unrelenting hunt for the Fallen, the Dark Angels, have had to adapt to many situations in order to successfully capture their prey. They cannot reveal their secrets to anyone in the Imperium and so must forgo their assistance. The Ares pattern Land Raider was developed because of this reason. Following years of rumors, the distant planet Murus, was found to be under the control of three Fallen Dark Angels calling themselves 'The Tribunal'. In order to reach their fortress citadel the Deathwing would be forced to traverse the city surrounding it. The Tribunal had anticipated this eventual confrontation and had fortified the city with weaponry made all the more powerful by their knowledge from ages past. The leaders of the Dark Angels determined that the armour of the chapters vindicators could not stand up to the fire power they faced and so commissioned the Chapters Techmarines with finding a solution that would allow the Deathwing to reach the fortress and bring these Fallen to their redemption. Day and night they worked, and finally after many weeks they had successfully developed a tank with the heavy armor of a Land Raider and the crushing power of the Vindicators Demolisher cannon.

The Ares was also equipped with a pair of Sponsonmounted twin-linked Heavy flamers and a hull-mounted twin-linked Assault cannon. Weapons that would prove invaluable during battle in the heart of a city. The Ares has no troop carrying capacity as it must have room for the large demolisher shells it will unleash. For this reason it has been mostly used in conjunction with the other troop carrying patterns of Land Raiders. Unfortunately the battle of Murus was a failure. The Tribunal was able to escape long before the battle began and the Deathwing lost their quarry. However the Ares was a success and of the six created only one did not make it through the city to the Fortress. Following the battle the Master Techmarine, in a move unpopular with the Dark Angels Inner Circle, submitted this newly created pattern to the Adeptus Mechanicus on Mars but it has never officially been accepted as a viable variant of the Land Raider. Thus It is one of the rarest Land Raiders. However in a very few cases other chapters Techmarines have acquired the plans detailed by the Dark Angels Techmarines and have used them to create the Ares for situations that might call for its use.

Blast Exhaust Fans


Smoke Launcher.

Hull mounted twin-linked Assault cannon.

Demolisher cannon.

Sponson-mounted Twin-linked Heavy flamer.

Extra Armour. Dozer blade.

Size Comparison.

UNIT: 1 Ares pattern Land Raider. TYPE: Tank. ARMOUR FRONT SIDE
14 14


Demolisher Heavy Flamer Assault cannon


24" Template 24"

10 5 6

2 4 4 Ord. 1/Large Blast Assault 1 Heavy 4, Rending



Take extra armour for +15 points.


Demolisher cannon. Two sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy Flamers. One hull-mounted twin-linked Assault cannon. Smoke Launchers. Searchlight. Dozer blade Power of the Machine Spirit.

The city must fall. Our chapters purity depends on it!

Litany spoken by Interrogator Chaplain Bish on the 42nd day of the siege of Murus.

Games Workshop Limited 2007. Games Workshop, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Apocalypse are , TM and/or Games Workshop Limited 2007. All rights reserved.


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Apocalypse: Creating Your Own Datasheets and Scratch-Built Models Pages Apocalypse: Creating Your Own Datasheets and Scratch-Built Models 1. Introduction 2. Models First 3. Conversions 4. Scratchbuilt and Classic Models 5. Getting by Without a New Datasheet 6. Creating a Datasheet 7. Points 8. Gallery: Armoured Train 9. Gallery: Duty's Fist Defense Laser 10. Downloadable Example and Blank Datasheets 11. Creating the Land Raider Ares

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Creating the Land Raider Ares

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Nathan Bishop: I have always liked the idea that the Deathwing, the 1st Company of the Dark Angels, when working without the support of the other Dark Angels Battle Companies, exclusively use Land Raiders for all their tank needs. This would mean they would need to have various patterns of Land Raiders to fill the roles that other tanks built on the Rhino Standard Template Construct would normally fill. So when we got ahold of the new Plastic Vindicator I knew I was going to have to make a siege Land Raider for my Apocalypse army. What really made this project work is that the the front hull piece on the Vindicator sprue fits very nicely on the front of the Land Raider with just a little bit of modification. I cut down the Assault ramp so that it would fill in the area below the hull. I also put the blast exhaust fan from the Vindicator on the back top of the Land Raider, this took a bit of cutting but ended up fitting nicely as well. Next I decided to extend the dozer blade so that it would look wide enough to fit on the front of a Land Raider. Since the dozer blade that comes with the Vindicator is in three pieces this made it very easy to cut a couple pieces of plastic card the same thickness as the dozer blade and extend the sides a bit. Do a bit of dry fitting before you start gluing just to make sure it all fits right. I then attached the dozer blade with the dozer hydraulics provided on the Vindicator sprue. I decided to connect the dozer blade to the assault ramp section of the Land Raider rather then the sides as it is on the Vindicator, however you could do it either way. You might consider gluing the Dozer Blade to the mounts after you have painted the model as that will make it easier to paint the front section. Lastly I had to work out what I wanted use on the side sponsons. Originally I built twin-linked Multi-melta sponsons with the idea that they would be a back up for the Demolisher cannon if it was ever destroyed. But this seemed way over powered and didn't quite fit with the siege assault role I had wanted for this tank. So I decided to go with Twin-linked Heavy flamers. (Yes you read that right, Twin-linked flamers check out the rules for Twin-linked template weapons on page 31 of the 40k rule-book) In my mind I could picture the Ares blowing a hole in a fortification and the enemy pouring from the hold only to be greeted by cleansing flame and Assault cannon rounds. I used the Baal Predator Heavy flamer Sponsons which fit with just a little modification to the center support piece. If you trim off the Blood Angels symbol on the side of the Heavy Flamer sponsons the Land Raider sponson covers fit over them as well. One last thing to remember if you do decide to make this model you'll have an entire Rhino left over from the Vindicator kit. So you'll be able to make a rhino as well. This was a fun tank to build and I look forward to my next Apocalypse outing to see how it does on the battlefield. Addendum: Since the original publication of this article, the Baal Predator Heavy flamer sponsons are no longer available separately from the Baal Predator model kit, however some ingenious hobbyists at the Glen Burnie Battle Bunker came up with a solution to this dilemma. If you have one of the plastic Baneblade kits (who doesn't want one of those behemoths in their army!) and you haven't used the Heavy flamer sponsons they are easily modified to fit on to the Land Raider sponsons. Another alternative is to use the the Heavy flamers from the Sisters of Battle Immolator, or scratch build the Heavy flamer sponsons yourself!

The Dark Angels were the last Warhammer 40,000 army released before the Chaos Space Marines, so we thought it would be fun to come up with a scenario that pitted these two armies against each other. It is possible with the new Codex: Chaos Space Marines to create a Renegade Chapter themed around the Dark Angels' mortal enemies and greatest shame, The Fallen.

This scenario is based on the Bunker Assault Scenario on p. 194 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. The special rules below have been created for this scenario specifically and should not be used in regular games of 40K.

fter years of investigation into a growing number of disturbing rumors, the Dark Angels have stumbled upon what appears to be a gathering of Fallen Angels. These devotees of Chaos have taken command of a backwater Imperial world and enslaved its citizenry. To make matters worse, many of them have repainted their armor and are proclaiming themselves to be the true Dark Angels. It is very rare for the Dark Angels to locate one of the Fallen, let alone a group of them. However, according to the rumors, a mysterious leader has somehow "called" these many Fallen Angels to join him. Some claim this leader could be the elusive "Voice of the Emperor," but there is no evidence to support that claim. Other Chaos Renegades have been drawn here as well. After months of planning, the Dark Angels' Inner Circle has determined that it is time to "redeem" the souls of these fallen brethren and purge their Chaos allies.

Is this unknown Chaos Marine one of the Fallen?

Victory is determined by normal Victory Points and by the number of Fallen Angels killed in the game. Each Fallen Angel (Including the Fallen HQ) is worth Victory Points equal to the points limit of the game divided by the number of Fallen Angels in play at the beginning of the game, rounded up (e.g., in a 1,500-point game with 31 Fallen Angels, each Fallen Angel is worth 49 Victory Points). At the end of the game, add up the Victory Points as normal. Then, for each Fallen Angel captured by the Dark Angels, the Dark Angels are awarded their captives' worth of points. Conversely, for each Fallen Angel still alive at the end of the game, award the Chaos player their survivors' worth of points.


Deep Strike, Fortifications, Infiltrate, Preliminary Bombardment, Reserves, Victory Points Fallen Angels. For this scenario, the Chaos player may designate any Chosen Chaos Space Marine squads and one Chaos Lord or Chaos Sorcerer as Fallen Angel Marines (reveal your selections to the opposing player). The Chosen may not carry Icons, and the HQ may not be any of the named characters. The Fallen HQ unit must be attached to one of the Fallen Angel Squads and may not join any other units unless that unit is one of the other Fallen Angel Squads. My Brother...My Enemy. All Dark Angel Independent Characters (including the Master of the Ravenwing on Jetbike), units with an Independent Character attached to them, Deathwing Terminator Squads, and Venerable Dreadnoughts gain a +1 to their WS, only in close combat, against Fallen Angel Marines. The Fallen Angels hate the Dark Angels with such a fiery passion that the Fallen Angel Marines gain a +1 to their WS against any Dark Angel unit that they fight in close combat. Save Their Souls. Because of their desire to gain the repentance of the Fallen Angels, the members of the Inner Circle are loath to let any Fallen Angel escape. For this reason, Venerable Dreadnoughts, and units that are in the Dark Angels army that are Fearless or have Fearless conferred on them by a Chaplain, must assault the nearest Fallen Angels unit if they are within Assault range. Ravenwing Attack Squadrons are exempt from this rule. This rules does not allow Deathwing Units to assault immediately after they Deathwing Assault or Deepstrike. Death Before Capture. The Fallen Angels know that their only avenue of escape is to kill every Dark Angel who has besieged their outpost or die trying. Every turn, all Fallen Angels must move their full movement toward the nearest Dark Angel unit unless they are already engaged in close combat. Once they are within assault range of any Dark Angels unit, the Fallen Angels must assault it.

Both players roll a D6; the player who scores highest chooses the long edge on which he will deploy. The Chaos player's Deployment Zone is up to 18" onto the board. He may set up fortifications anywhere in this zone and must include at least one bunker. Bunkers must be placed at least 6" from any table edge. The Chaos player deploys any of his Troops and HQ units in his Deployment Zone. He does not have to deploy all these units but must deploy at least one. All bunkers must be manned. Any units not deployed are in Reserve The Dark Angels player deploys his entire army up to 12" onto the tabletop from his board edge. The Dark Angels player resolves his Preliminary Bombardment. Roll a D6. Highest score may choose whether to go first or second. RESERVES. The Chaos player's Reserves move on from his table edge. GAME LENGTH. 6 turns.

- Written by Nathan Bishop, with help from Stuart Spengler

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Devastator squads are equipped with multiple heavy weapons. This formation is the most heavily armed type of Space Marine squad of all and is deployed wherever extra firepower is needed, especially where the Chapter faces well-armoured opposition or where there are fortifications that need to be blasted open to create a breach for other Space Marines to exploit. On the following pages are several painted examples of the new plastic Devastator models. These pictures emphasize details that are unique to Devastators, like kill marks and heavy weapon painting tricks.

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Missile Launcher

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Painted by Nathan BIshop For my Dark Angel Devastator, I undercoated with Chaos Black Spray Paint. For the robes, I first basecoated with Graveyard Earth and then painted over the entire robe with an even mix of Graveyard Earth and Bleached Bone. Next, I highlighted the robe with Bleached Bone followed by a final highlight of 1:1 Bleached Bone to Skull White. I painted the rope belt with Vermin Brown, then a wash of Brown Ink, and finally a highlight of Bubonic Brown. For the Dark Angel's armor, I basecoated with Dark Angels Green. For the first highlight, I used an even mix of Dark Angels Green and Goblin Green. Next, I highlighted with a 2:1 mix of Goblin Green to Scorpion Green. Finally, I edged with an even mix of Goblin Green and Scorpion Green. For the grey areas, I started with a 1:2 mix of Chaos Black to Codex Grey. Then, I highlighted with straight Codex Grey followed by a highlight of Fortress Grey and finally one with a 1:2 mix of Fortress Grey to Skull White.

To represent this Space Marine's battlefield kills, I decided to use the Dark Angels symbol on the side of the Missile Launcher. These little icons were easy to paint by just creating an upside-down triangle with a Fine Detail Brush. Then, I added a short line to the top. The new Devastator Missile Launcher backpack has a missile-loading arm. To represent the damage the clamp could cause if misused, I decided to paint it with yellow-and-black warning stripes. I painted the yellow stripes with Bad Moon Yellow and then highlighted them with an even mix of Bad Moon Yellow and Skull White. I highlighted the Chaos Black lines with an even mix of Chaos Black and Bleached Bone.

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