Chaos - Traitor-Legions Supplement 7th

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The document provides details about different Chaos Space Marine legions and their forces and weapons.

The document describes forces from several Chaos Space Marine legions including the Thousand Sons, Black Legion, Death Guard, Iron Warriors, Emperor's Children and more.

The Thousand Sons are described as using warpflame weapons that hurl gouts of transmutative fire and mutate those touched by them. They also use inferno weapons that fire explosive bolts and uncanny energies that can melt ceramite.


* •
THE LONG WAR 4 Txaangnr Warhrad 6fi FORGES OF THE
The ISIack Ijecpoii 6 Srkhmrl (]mrbML . .67 WORLD EATERS, 104
Lire Alpha IJYKMI R j
'Vh riman F Fjilrw m Gham Anrlarh nTlhr
OK Inin Warriors 10 krhali War Sm m WhiH Enm HIS
lire Night 1 Jiirck 12 llairLkr Cokmny . 70 SOUK cf Angmn m
lire Wool Hrajnq 11 Kakuphoii , 7J World Fair re IlLLLrJmhonlr 107
lire World Fjlrrw
Ilic 'l housa. n <{ SIHIK
World Katrra TurtiraJ OIJ CWF - MUR

ilic Dralli Guard . 20 BLACK LEGION 74 FORCES OF THE

Ilic I ImpTor s Gliiklrrn

. 22 ( Ihaos Arldhils of I hr THOUSAND SONS 11 (1

lllark I jej*irjn . 75 ( Iliam ArlrferL.F of ilir
LEGIONS OFTHE Son* of lh < ViFrmi'Jrr L
. 76 J Tnnsand Sous ]I
DARK GODS 24 lllark [ j ion 5[ MLartip . 77 Sons 1 hi Mai TLlL*
Blark E jej'irm ' larliral Ohjcclivra , 7ft ^
Iliousand Suns Grand Coven 13
FORCES OFTHE CHAOS Thousand Sons Tac lical CHqrflnq ... 111
SPACE MARINES 36 FORCES OF THE Disripli nr t J I’/rm nil
I > aJiuhrrts .37 ALPHA LEGION 00
Klrirn ihe Brlraycx 38 Chaos ArlrJii ls IKI
Ah liman
Fjcallrd SonirnT
Sons of Alphad IL*
^ on
, R2 ( Ihaos ATITEATLF of the
II AlplLa l jon Insunjrnry Ktn :r .. .. 83 Death Guard 117
Rubric Mariru * 1
12 ^
Alpha IfgjiKi Iktiral ( Jljprlivrs. 81 Sons ill MorLarino IIR
Scarali OCCIIIL liTrninalory . 13 Lh'alh Guard Vcclorimu I 111
Khomr laml of Skulls . L1 FORCES or THE Lh - alli Guard Tarliral OliirrlLV-r?
.Magnus- ihr Red IRON WARRIORS 86 Ihscipline nf Nu
CThans Wajfaand .10
Chaos ArtdarlK of l hr ^ 121

Marlslnorn L >T{TORE 4? Imn Warriors . 87 FORCES OFTHE

[ Ire l . osl and ihr Damned 48 Son* oTPritiirahn m EMPERORS CHILDREN . 122
I lellouv;! Warpack .10 Irvin Warriors Grand ( Company . .. m Cham ArLrlarLs of ilk '
I Irklrakr ' Irmor Park 5q Inin Warrior; Tarliral ( Hjmivrs no Kmprmr*F Children ... 123
GiJl oi Drslmrlion 51 Sons ; if I ' ul rim 121

Fisl olihe (J<xb . 52 FORCES or THE Kni|u:mA Children^

Raplor ' Iklon .53 NIGHT LORDS 92 RapUnt IhLllaliou 12 Ji
Terminator Annihilation Forve Si Cham Artefacl s or Lite IVii ln liurk .1)3 Kmprmr*F Children
I'kwiunfl of (]ham i5 Son* of Gur/r ,
^ _ . : 'tarliral
Ohjnrlivrs 126
Trimly of Mood .56 Nit hl LnnbMLiderTakin .95 Discipline of SLunesh 127
Nirhl Ijorrb Tarliral Olrjrrlivrs _ ..
Ilic Chosen ofAlnri p
Ilic Bringers oflh'spair ^ SI
I llC LIOLLMI t of A1 KL1 It h ni 59 FORCES OF THE SiuiFl mm Ihsoiplinr ... 130
Daemon Ljiijior Park flO WORD BEARERS 93 Elcrrlcrh Diseiplirie.... 131
Cyi lofiia ( !alial fil Chaos Arii&Liof ihr Eolornaury Discipline [ 32
I lic lormenLed . ty? Word tfrarrr* . DEI Geomorlis Discipline . 13.3
LJLi-. li Ijegion Warlm. ni I 63 Sons- of E Jir ar. 11X1

War Galml i) i Word Brairn Grand Host 101 ARMOURY OF 11 IE Cl LAOS

War Covrn . 65 Word Branrs '[ au lii al OhjnlMS 102 SPACE MARINES 134

I ndiliH Irie nj 4 CLci| -
TfTi b 1 iaiii-ri Wnrftnh-rip I Jrnilnci . 111 &. Trai IJ-IHIIIP. G : Ctuiia -WUT Marinra 11W . 4 iain ra Wnrc ^ lr -j Sfner Marinr . PjK. Wju-Kiunrnra . Wiihiiinii rr in ,Cl®. Lkr i\| - iik
' ' ' ' '


DniliF -hmlnl Hu Hr 11 hn i JUMI il anHsIrrl Inry4 . rikvainliiiru^ wuxp, lumrs. rrmiurra, nuTs , veil ic Ira . HT KVO, rFiarju kra , anil Liir ilialini isT litmnwri I hrrrrsT. srr rillirn S iw J M . mrkur
' '
’ll11 lunca Wnrit : l . imilrd , vimlily rnnr/ r-- il sri--umI Ik- wnrkL Al KiHila. Rra-nrit ^
Nr |iwl ~iLhn|:11111 i .iiii 11 ru> l:-r rrpriKli>rnl . rinrd m a niriml
mai - - _ -- - nmlrm . nr irjinimiL4ril in
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The following scdioim introduce new Detachments, Warlord TmU, relics and Tactical Objectives for forces drawn from
each of the nine 'Traitor Legions, as well as a number of Army List Eutricsd Formations and psychic disciplines that can be
used by any Chaos Space Marine army.


Since Code.x: Chaos Span Marina was published, there have '[Tie com minders of the drierent Traitor Irgions have
lieen several new miniatures release! into the range. 'Ibis rJistinrLive approaches to waging war. 'lliis liook includes
bulk is designer ] It ) lie usxl ill conjunction with Codex: Chaos several I ,cgion-speri fie. Warloid ' Trait tables. IT your Warlord
Spate Marines LO provide players with all the rules needed Lo is drawn front one of I he nine Traitor legions iksoibwl in
play games of Warhammer IfffKlI ) with the entire range or this Itook, you ean r: hoose to ml on the appropriate Wadord
Chaos Sjnacc Marines miniatures. J lie niles here where Trails table in the following serLions instead of those found in
relevant update, replace nr supplement the rules in your Warfiammer 40,000: The Hula Codex: Chaos Spate Manats.
codex. 'ITie full rules for any new wargear referenced these
datasheets ean lie fount tm pages 13d - 1 Sri. Furthermore.
Chaos Vindicators and Predators ean now lie lidded as This bonk showcases several legion - specific. arLefael lists, each
vehie.le squadrons as described in Warhammer 40,000: The
, r ]esr:rihing a nuntlier or [ Mjwerful items ofwargear |Hisscssrd
Kales. These ufidatcs are detailed brltiw. try the different Traitor legions. ICae.h. of these arLefaels is a
piece ofiLs legion’s hisLory as well as a deadly tool or war.
DETACHMENTS and ean lie carried into liat Lie only hy these who have proven
While the wartiauds of (ilhaos Spare Marine manifest in many themselves wnrLhy.
guises, each of Llie nine 'Traitor legions has iLs own particular
way of making war. 'The Detachments presented in the TACTICAL OBJECTIVES
following sections enable players to licit ] a Chaos Spate Marine Ibis lx >olc also lists siveral sets ol legion -s|iee.ifle. I’arlical
' "

army that reflects the fighting style of thtwe legions. Olijerlivcs which may replan' the six Capture & Control
Tactical Objectives in Warhammer 40,000 The Kales if your
FORMATIONS Warlord is drawn from the appropriate legion. 'lbese olijectives
'Ibis fiookcontains a manlier I 'brmathms that can he nsrxl hy represent the favoured strategies of each legion .
a lonee chosen Tiom Codex: Chaos Spate Marines. Stwie of these aie
unique to the 'Traitor fegjons that field Lhem, whilst others are PSYC111 C POWERS
more nanmnn to the Chans Sp; u e Marines, and ean be induded Finally, you will lind several new and expanded psychic
in your army retprrlltrss ofiLs legion. Each Tormalion granLs
, discipli ncs. Any Chats Space Marine IVylter, rrsftrdless tif
the units within it jMiwerfiil tmnuses, which can enhance their which legion they lielong Hi, may generate powers from the
effectiveness on the hattlefteltl. You may iiiclutlc these RirmaLions Sinistrum , lleneteeh, betomancy nr (icemanrti Disciplines in
in your army as described in Warhammtr 40,000: The Kales. atltlition to Lluwe listcd in their Arnty List Entry.


Lincbreakcr bombardment : If this unit contains three Killshott Wbiilsl this unit include three Chaos lYcdators,

Chaos Vindicators that can all lire theirdcmolishcr all Chaos TretlaLors in the uniL have the Monster llunler
cannons, the squadron r:an fine a single Lincbreaker anti Tank f [outers sperial rules .
UcHnhardmciil instead offering normally. 'lb tk > si,
nominate one model in the squadron as the liter; the fireris OPTIONS:
dcmolishcr cannon ehaiigis its Lyfie from large blast to May include up Lo I wo adeti Lioual
Apticalyplir Illa-SL ami gains Lite Ignorra Gnver special nile. (ihatsfteefators 75 pis/ model
Any Chats lYcdalor may replace its aultieannon
OPTIONS : with a Lwin -Iiuketl laseaunoii 25 pis/ model
* May include up Lo two additional Any Chats lYcdator may tala Lwoside qNtnstms which

Chaos Vindicators 1 . llOptr/ modtl are tiolli armed with one ofthe following:
* Any ( ihaos Vindicator maty lake a Eleavy tiollers ,20 ptsfmodel

siege shield JOpts/ model Iaucannons. . . .40 ptsfmodel

* Any Chaos Vindicator maty lake items from Lite • Any Chats; Predator may lake items from the Chaos
Chaos Vehicle Equipment lisL. Vehicle Equipment list .



This section details background and rules for several new units and Formations that allow you to Geld the many infamous
fighting groups of the 'Traitor Legions on tbe tabletop. Formations grant the units within them powerful bonuses. You may
include these in your army as described in Wurhammcr fO?QOQ: The Rules .
Larh datasheet mnLains the following infcirnialijnn : 8
8 Faction : The unit’s Faction is shown here by a symbol .
Alt units that have this symbol, which includes all
* 8©
the an its described in this book , have the Chaos Space
Marines Faction. 5E3H
O Battlefield Role : The units Battlefield Hobre is shown
*** here by a symbol. Units in this book have one of the
following battlefield Roles: HQ, Troops, Elites or Lords of
War. The symbols for these Battlefield Roles are defined in
WarhaTnmer 10,001): LTic Rules

Unit Name : Here you wilt find the name of the unit.

J Unit Description: This section provides a background

TWT description of the unit , detailing theis particular strengths
and weaknesses along with the lac tics and methods
they employ to wage war in the grim darkness of the
4 tsi Millennium.

Points Cost : this is the points cost of the unit without
any upgrades, used if you are choosing an army to a zr
points value.

Unit Profile : this section will show the projilts of any

models the unit can include.

Q Unit Type : This refers to the unit type rules in Options : This section lists all of the upgrades you may
WarhaTnmer 10,00( 1: 'Hie Rub's- For example , a unit may add to the unit if you wish to do so, alongside the associated
be classed as Infantry, Monstrous Creature or Vckidt, which points cost for cork. Where an option states that you may
wilt subject it to a number of rules regarding, movement , exchange one weapon 'and/ or’ anolher, you may replace
shooting , assaults, etc. either or both, provided you pay the points cost for each.
The abbreviation pis’ stands for ‘ pcinis ' and ‘ptsfmodel '

8 Unit Composition : This section shows the number and

typt of models that form the basic unit, before any upgrades
are taken.
stands for ‘points per model’. Where applicable, this section
also refers to any Transports the unit may lake. These have
their own Army List Entries Dedicated Transports do
not ust up any slots on a Force Organisation Chart , but
fit Wargearr This section details the weapons and equipment otherwise function as separate units. The Detachments
" the models in the unit are armed with, man y of which are section of WarhaTnmer 10,000: 'Die Rules explains how
described in more detail later in this book . The cost for all the Dedicated Transports work.
unit’s basic equipment is included in its points cost.

8 Special Rules : Any special rules that apply to models

in the unit are listed here. Special rules that are unique to
models in that unit are described in full here, whilst others

are detailed in the Special Rules section Warhamnier
10,000: ' Hie Rules

Warlord Traits: Sometimes a character 's datasheet will have FORMATIONS

a specific Warlord "trail, in which case it will be listed here. Formal inn datasheets are idrtilifiivi by this
symhil. T be rules for Formalin ns ran be burnt!

Cw Chaos Artefacts : Some entries have unique items in _

40,000: The Rules A Formation
Oji irLipjfjsJ: the description and rules for which will he datasheet will list the Army I isl which
listed here. make up the hirmal inn, any restrictions upon what it may
include-, and ary special rules the Formation 1* units gain .

Kham is a raging storm of
bloodshed. lit is a primal jam
far murdtr, the embodimtnl of the
tigjitfoldpath ofKhome. Asht
sprints into battle, this superhuman
slaughterer bellows war cries,
booming through the vox-grill of

his helm. Kham s mantra - Kill!

Maim! Hum! - has becamt

infamous across tht Imperium, a
terrifying harbinger of the carnage
T to come. As ht closes upon tht

f enemy, tht llttrayer J plasma pistol !m

spits bolts of distraction into their
midst, iohih return frrt ricochets
off Kham 's marplot! to no effiet.
4 '
Him ht is amongst tht ft. Victim
iffUr victim trrmblts into the
mud, heads severed by lightning
fist swings ff Kham s screaming
chainaxe, Gortchild. i' ritnd and
foe alike an left twitching in
Kham wakt, for in the eyes of
the Betrayer, the skulls of all an
the Blood God's due. By the lime
his lost opponent falls, Kham is
already rampaging on in search of
new victims.

KTiirci 4 l r llrtrayer
7 ft 5 I 3
A Ld Sr
4 10 3+
Unil Type
Infantry [Charaeterl
Unit (lampDiiition
L (Unique)
WARGEAR: The Betrayer : WIICII nJlinir Unstoppable: Kharrfs melee attacks always hit on a (even if
Plasma pistol they would ntlierwise hit autnmaLirally jL
Jo I liL wiLh Kharn's mrlm
Frag grenades attaeks, any unmodified
Krak grenades ml Li of J arc mil tlisrarded .
Aura of dark glory Instead they autoinatieally Nexus of Khornet In a Primary Detachment that includes
hil a friendly model ( Imt not Kham the Betrayer, Khome Btrzerkers have tht Troops Battlefield
WAR LORD TRAIT: Kham' Lurked in the same Role instead of the Kiites Haitifield Role.
Hatred Incarnate eomhat . Randomly determine
( lorraeh roll thT I j which run lei
SPECIAL RULES: in hit , from ihnse within ft' of
Champion of Chaos Kham. If them ace no viable
Fearless targets in. range , these at Larks Cl LAOS ARTEFACT
Furious Charge am disearded. Core child : fhis massive chainaxt is an ancient and powerful
Independent Charaetcr -
artffacl with teeth from the jaws of a mica dragon.
Mark of Khorne Kiessing of the Blood Cod :
Veterans of the Long War Kham and his unit always Range ft AJ 3 Type
pass Lheir Deny the Witeh mils Mekr, Armoudnane
on a 2 e In addition if Kham
sulTcrs an unsaved wound
fmm a fome weaptm . that
weajion eannnt in I lie I Instant
heath ti|ion him .


warpffames nntrgts Ahriman.
Arch-sorccrcr ofthe 'thousand
.’war. For In thousand years.this
obsessive seeker of amme truths
has roamed the galaxy. Itistds
Irish to actum ulate every arte fat , "

every tome, and every scroll that

% harbours eldritch power, the better

Ir to increase his influence over the *
vagaries of fate. Worlds bum in his
shadow as he lakes these priceless
treasures by any means necessary.
'those that resist him
find the
endless devilries of Tzeenlchian
* p


magic reshaping the stuff of reality

around them, a pass of the Flack
Stiff twisting their bodies and
. * «
souls unlit there is nothing left but
ixbblingfiesh. Ahriman ir genius is
not limited to spellcasiing. When
the fires of battle tight the skyr
Ahriman orchestrates pintcity
efficient ambushes, his prescience
keeping him th ree steps ahead of
his adversaries. Whether sailing
over the heads of his soulless
minions or striding across a
battlefield set alight with magic
by his mere presence, this lord of
a broken legion has such iron
determination that destiny itself
answers to his whims.

WS US 5 T W I A Ld Sv Unit Typfi Unit Composition

Ahriman :>
^ 4 i 3 -
i 3 IO S+ [ nfanl ry haiac ler)
^ 1 (Unique )

Inferno bolt pislol {|ig 11ST;
Frag urcnadr- H
Ahriman generates bin [ Mnwen Tn m
Lhc Riomancy. Daemonology
i .
Th-e ISLark StaJT of Ahriman: This infamous
* Kralt grenades [ Malefic] , Divination , Letomancy,
* Aura of dark glory Cficmortis, Hcnclcrh . Pyromancy. stiff if a potent focus of psychic energy and -a symbol
Sin ini rum. telekinesis . Telepathy ami ofAhriman 's power.
SPECIAL RULES : T/rrntfh disciplines.
Jlic black Stall of Ahriman has Lite profile
" '

* Champion of Chaos
lidcjw. IL allcjws Ahriman Lo alLcmpL Lo
* Fearless OPTIONS:
* Independent Character * May lake a lJinr nTTaoentrh JOpts -
inamleRL lhc sarin wilehfirc ] H »wrj lip to
three times |ier I'sydiir phase.
* Mark oCT /eentch
* Psyfcer [Mastery Level 4 )
* Veterans of the Long War Master of the Rubric an In a Range S AT Type
Primary Detachment that includes *2 1 M ( kvn
WARLORD TRAIT: Ahriman, tiubric Marines have die ftim
* Master of Deception Troops Battlefield Hole instead of T.liies
Battlefield Hole.

Exahed Sorcerers art twisted arranists, widced of intent and strange if form. Each has an encyclopaedic knowledge ofcomplex spells, and ti able to
shafie reality to their desire. Amonrpt their number are warrior-mystics who have stalked the galaxy fir ten millennia , those txiles of Prospero whose lips
uttered the spell that doomed so many of the Thousand Sons to an eternity of dust. To these masters of the esoteric, matters of tear are a rmu distraction,
but these visionaries briny a terrible focus to bear when battle Coruscating beams dioot front silvered citadels in the sky, acidic ectoplasm pours
from outstretched fingers and the bones if their victims turn to lava at a whispered phrase , '{ host not slain by these magical barrages are hurled into the
bloody mire, as hideously changed as the most iiifaied Chaos Spawn.

& WS T!S S T W [ A Ld Sv Unit Jyp-e Unit Compciilios

Ksalleri SnirjCTer a i i 4 3 > 3 in \n- Infantry (Character] I LscalLeri Snintirr


Inferno holt pinto] !|> 17 I :t 1 j Champion of Chaos May be u|i;;rcu tiNl In IVyfcrr ( Mastery IJTWJ 3) 25 pts
* Force slave Fearless May Lake ileinR from the Chaos Howards and / or
' Frag grenades Independent Character Chaos Artefaets lislR .
' Krak grenade;; Psyker ( Mastery Level 2) May Lake a l >isr. of J krenlrh
* Aura of dark glory Mark of TVeenlch
Veterans of the Long War JL 1

I 'jcalln ] Sorcerers Lord of the Silver Tower: CORUSCATING BEAM
generate their powers Omre per hallle , instead nT From above comes a beam of raw magic, as lethal as i ir sudden.
Ibuii the Biomaney. liring in the Shooting phase ,

acme nology (Malefic ), an Kxallml Sorcerer r an call S AP Type

Divination. Fclomancy .
Gcomortis, Ilercteeh .
upon the deadly firepower nf
his Silver ' Jiwcr in Lhe form of
Unlimited fl 2 Heavy l ; lllasL , lance .
Use Only
One _
Pyromaney. Sioistnirn. a coruscating beam (see right).
v T T
Telekinesis . Telepathy and
Tiecntch disciplines.


Tzaangors are bright oftolomalion and sharp of intellect. Their beaks dad. as they chant blasphemous refrains in their dark longue, gimlet eyes glowing
in their aquiline skulls. Their hunger for kno irhdge jterns from a desirt for poorer, and even in bailie they look to transcend their base existences by
seeking out arcane artefacts and priceless relics in serving sarcerotss masters, they may earn the chance to elevate themseloes above iheir earthly stations,

but in truth such occasions are rare, far a streak of cruelty lurks within the warlike soul ofeoery Tzaangor. When givers the opportunity, they will take
their in out on those who oppose them E n inventive displays of blade-work
- or, when they pul aside iheir artistic pretensions for the gratification of : ; .
brutalityr a gory display of violence.

WS ES S T W [ A Ld Sv UmL Type Unit ('ompnsitinn
Taaanijnr + 3 3 4 ] 3 E 7 G+- Enfant ry lOTaaangnni
Twimhray + 3 3 + 1 3 '1 fi fit- Enfant ry {QiararLrr}

Two close combat May include tip In Lwrnly acklilitmal IVaan ini 7 pisfmodel
weapons ^
Any T/.aani'isr may rcplare Imth rinse enmlkaL wea{ions with
an ai ]tn|HsLtjl am] a rhainswnnl T ptfmodel
SPECIAL RULES: May upgrade ore Txaang<>r In a Twislhray 10 pis
Mark ofT/ccnlch

Relic Hunters t Miitlels with

tltis s|iec:ial rule ( .an re- mll
all failed Til I li L mils in elnse
c ornbal against enemy HHKICIS
ct pupped with a relic (nr
their Rvtam’i et uivalenl e . Ej.
( IhanR ArtefarLs ).


Stepping out from the fog of SPOT tome the Ruhricae. ITiosiifi many of these undying warriors were once psykers in their own nijkt, an ancient curse

transformed them into little more than empty shells. 'ITtrir baroque power armour houses only spark tin? dust , for the great spell which freed their legion
from the curse of mutation, the Rubric ofAhriman, did iff by bringing their physical forms to the edge of nonexistence. Perhaps something of their soul
still lingers; in battle, a malcsolenl wilch-ligfit crackles around the eyes of these traitor Space Marines as thy open fire upon those thrt would hare
once called bribers . I heir infernal weaponry sends plumes of warpflame into the ranks of the foe, gobbets of flesh and molten armour exploding i n all

directions wherever a saloo hits home.

WS US S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composi Lion.
Rulm: Marine 4 4 + 4 I 4
1 lfl + Infantry 1 Rubric Marines
As|n ri ng Sorcerer 4 + 4 4 I 4 3- TO 3+ infantry (Character) 1 Aspiring Sorcerer


RUBRIC MARINES Champion of Chaos May include up In fifteen additional
* [nffirnc bollgun IJHJ 134 ) (Aspi ring S4 uccrer only) Ruhrir Marines . 23 ptsfmodel

' Aura »1 d ark glory Fearless Any Ruhrir M arine inay replace their
Mark of Tzeentcb inlemo ImlLgun will ] a warpflamer (|ig Jill ) . . 7 ptsf model
ASPIRING SORCERER Psyker ( Mastery Level I ] hr every ten motlelsin I he unit , nnc Rubric Marine
Inferno bolt pistol (JHJ 134 ) (Aspi ring S4 uccrer only) may replace ( heir infernn Irollgim with
* Force slave Slow and Purposeful a snulreapcr eamum ( pg 134) .25 ptsf model

Aura of dark glory Veterans of the Long War 'ITie

Aspiring Sorcerer may replace his
inlemo link pistol with a warpllame jrisLnl ( pg 1. t 11. .5 pis

PSYKER: The Aspiring Sorcerer may Lake melta bombs .5 pis

Aspiring Sorcerers generate

their powers from the
' I In
Aspiring Sorcerer may Lake a gift of mutation .
•Okie nun lei in the unit may lake an

Txcenlch discipline. iron oriiame {pg LSS; I5 pts

'I’he unit may lake a Chaos Rhino at a Dedicated Transport.


r 1
. '4 '

Ihe Scarab Occull Terminators were once the finest psykers in the Thousand. Sons legion and bodyguards la Magnus the Red himself Reduced to
dust along with their brethren, they now possess only an echo of their once-vaunted initlien. They go into battle at the behest of their sarcerous masters,
advancing with eerie and unhurried ( aim. Their ornate armour - dennedfrom ancient Terminator war-plate - ripples with arcane force, sending
solid shot ricocheting away and even turning aside the beams cfhigh-tech weaponry. At dose quarters, the Scarab Occult Terminators bat away their

assailants' blows with contemptuous swaps of powered khopesh blades, before delivering devastating ripostes against those who insult the warriors of
Prosper# with their resistance.

WS US S T W ] A Ld Sv Unit Typs Unit Composition

Srarah Occull Terminalor 4 4 4- 4 4 2 in 2 + Infantry 4 Seaiah OrculL Tcrminatirs
Scarah Occull Sorcerer 2 T O ?+- I n finLry (Chziar Lrr) Scaiali OcculL Sorcerer
o 4 4 4 2
4 ]

WARGEAR: Daemonology ( Malefic}, OPTIONS:

SCARAB OCCULT Divination , Eetomancy, • May include up to five arkhLional
T LRM1N ATORS CeomorlLs, llerctcch . Srarah Octnll Terminators . Wpls/ model

Terminatcr armour Pyromancy. Simstrum, • hw every Eve nuHlds in the uni L , one Scarab
Inferno combi-boiler |
( ig L 311 Telekinesis . Telepathy and Occult Terminator may replace his inferno
Power sword Z 'aeentch disciplines. comhi - holLer willi one of I he following:
- 1 leavy warpfLamer (|ig 154} . l - Spts/ model

SCARAB OCCULT SPECIAL RULES: - Snnlreapcr camion fpp 134 ) JO pls/ model
SORCERER Champion of Chaos (Scarah • hir every five nun Ids in ihe unit, one Scarab
Terminator armour Occult Sorcerer only) Occult Terminator may also Lake ahellfyre
Inferno eomhi-bolter fearless missile rack ( pg 13+) .20 pls/ model

force slave Mark oFT*eentch • The Scarab Occult Sorcerer may:

Psyker ( Mastery Level 2 ) - swap his inferno oomhi-liolLcr lor a power sworn! 5 pis
PSYKERi (Scarah Occult Sorcerer only ) - Lake a gift nf mutation TOpts
Scarah Occult Soirerers generate Veterans of the Long War [ he unit may lake a Charts land Hairier as a
their [lowers from ihc Biomancy . Dedicator!Trarsjmrt.


So gnat is the daemonic iage of the lord of Skulk that it factum reality. Cracks spread and widen beneath its rumbling mads, boiling Hood and
chattering skulls spilling up from below. lhe sky is rent by crimson lightning every lime the war engine looses another roar of fry. I .'nemies fall to
their knees and wail in tenor as the titanic Daemon Engine opens fire, tides of boiling gore and whipping storms if brass shells silencing their cries
for good. Driven on by the caged essence of a Bloodthirster, this hellish mar engine surges forwards on powerful tracked engines, desperate to dose
the gap and sink the whirling teeth of its great cleaner into metal and flesh. A single swing of this nasi weapon can lop of a Titan's head, or sweep
away ranks of luckless soldiers.

r Armour i
W5 BS S F 5 R I A I1 F Unit Type Unit Campoulion #
Kliorne I Jinl of Stull!! \ 3 10 IS 13 II 3 4 9 Vnhidc (Super heavy Walker) I Ijond of Skulls


( lore storm ran non ( pg I $4 ) * Dacmonforgc * May replace gnndnrm nuinnn with
Hades "all i ng r anno n | hi; 134 ) * Fleet one of Lhe following:
Great cleaver of Kho rue (JHJ I 3!>) * It Will Noi Die - Ichor ean TUMI ( pg 134) .10 pis
Daemonic possession * RaSe - I }aenuM ]gorecannon {|ig LSI ) .65 pis
• May replace I ladles galling cannon with
Daemon of Khornei Daemons of Klmme hvi lhe l rikim . Furious .60 pis
Charier and Hatred ( Daemons ofSIaanesh) s|ierial rules.

^ a skullhurler ypg 134)

Fuelled by Rage! For every I lull Diiiil Lhe lord of Skulls has lost , lL
ains ail arkliLinual Attack . even if lhal I lull Foim is later retainer ]
lhe At lacks characterisin cannot canoed Ifl.

Tracked Behemoth : A lam) of Stulls ran 'lank Sliodc or Ram using

the ThuNclerUliu Lahlr , in the same manner as a Sii[ ier- heavy vehicle.,
hut it ntay noL Sunup.



r 1
. '4 '

The air screams as Magnus l /it Ted descends from the skits, and slant runs molten beneath his shadow. Cydopean son of tht Emperor of Mankind, and
the mass talented in the arcane arts of all his brothers, this godlike figure's very presence is anathema to logic. Knew. to look upon him is to surrender all
jin n I fy, and when the Crimson King stares back , destruction manifests n mf mtasure. Those under his gaze are blasted into douds of scattering atoms;

soldiers and super-heavy tear engines alike art annihilated by tht world-splitting intensity of his ire. A sweep of his blade and reality if rent asunder, the
bodies of those in his path transmuted into mealing Chaos Spawn. Then, with a flex of mighty pinions , Magnus is borne aloft once more, glorying in his
unnatural pouter as he brings fresh calamity to the weaklings of the Imperium.

' WSBS S T W [ A Ld Sv Unit Tvpe Unit Composition

Magnus litc Red 7 7 M 7 7 7 6 in 4+ Flying MtHkdmus E fljniejur':
Creature {Character)

SPECIAL RULES! Unearthly Pcwtir: Magnus

1 Adamant inm Will harnesses Warp Charge
The Blade of Magnus t Ihis weapon changes form according to
Daemon of Taoentch points cm a result tif 2+
Magnus" will, and its mutagenic powers extend to its victims.
' Deep Strike when attempting ki manifest
* Eternal Warrior psyrhic ptiwers.
S AP Type
* Fearless
* Heel WARLORD TRAIT! User ‘2 McJcr, KHPC, Soul IJlajre,
It Will Not Die * Lord of F]ui (pg I Ifft Transmogrify (pg I 15)
Psyker ( Mastery Level 5)
* Veterans of the Long War PSYKER! ( Iron ll
of the Crimson King: The Hazing halo of power
Magnus knows the Coze of that plays around Magnus " hams prefects both his mind and body
Omniscient Lye: Magnus Magnus pnyichit : jwiwn- (|ig J la) from. harm.
has line of sigj]( lu every as well as all of the |jrwers
Luiit on the halLlelield when from the Tiecntch and Magnus the Red has a 4 + invulnerable save and never sufTers
determining the Largrts or his Ohange disciplines. from IVrils of the Waip.
psychic ,

The warriors of the Chaos Wdrhand roar oaths to the Dash Gods as they storm into bailie. They are fed hy the greatest champion amongst their ranks,
a Chaos Lord whose body and mind bam with cursed misfit. Beneath his glowering gaze, the traitorous warriors of the warhand jfufit all the harder,,
for to achieve glory' in the eyes of one so marked is a sure step on the path to power. Mofcrrr loyalist Space Marines fight with honour and discipline^
these cruel and selfish renegades compete with one another on the battlefield, striving to claim the greatest victories for themsefees. the effect is no less
deadly, the superhuman warriors of the Chaos Warhand jailing upon their enemies with boilers thundering and Mades swinging as they fight to earn the
rewards of ultimate power.

jk A A A A A A A

LORMAirON: Lavoured Scions : Whm a iimdel J nmi a < di:nk- Wait ): aid

* I Cham I Jtni ’ E - IS units rhosrrL in any rams a roll on I lu - Chans llixm I able as a result of ihe
* IM SCHTXTCT J onmbinalion from the < :hi iLcupii :> i i rif Chaos special rule, ro]] Iwinrgai I lie lable and
] - !i units chosen in any l < i ]] *u im* iist :
i rhonsc other ooi - or liolh of I h - results .
nomhination from I he - Kaplnrs
Ihllnwinir list: - Warp Taba Objective Securedt All nnils in a Chain Wariiaml have this
- Chosen - ( Ihaoi LtFIcera sjtccial rule and will control ohjn lines even if ail enemy snoring

- L Ihanfl lenninatnrc * t - IS unilidinini in any uni I is witftdn range rift he OhjcrtM Marker, unless Lhrairniy
- EWsri! cnmhinaliorL from the uni I also lias ihk t coal rule .
2 -U unitsoftIHup liillrn^ in .L7 list : ^
Spare Marines I lavt wn
- I lelhmle
.-liu'ii! 1 '
*. .
:- JIV jOapii iliT; firm Jf ' jrJIV rrj. &&zrc JV Mrtrayn; j j-fttur J .mrim ifo
..'. TTHI:l LT f 'dtiia Hr mat Jnr JOLTE
jEstvai i V a Smem.
JJ ofa ( haa Lont Atrimair <aif i\r IOJ. IT:


16 a.


- if

. *4

7 itr AAoniiJJj mfm tn oj1 (Ae Maelstrom of (Ion charge to bottle nr a roaring mass with a Khomale lord al their head. Above the battlefield the clouds
' "

swirl into a blood-bruised vortex of coiling dunderheads, the Blood (lad *s power crackhng through the air in anticipation of the slaughter to come.

Throu i blast and bolt the llerzerkers charge , immune to pairs, fear and doubt. I hey strike the enemy battle line like the beheading biota ofa mighty
blade, and blood sprays high as axes and chainswords bile deep into the necks of the untaorlhy jbe. Whal follows ii a hacking , leasing, bludgeoning riot
of butchery os horrific as it is swift. As Khome 's monstrous laughter rumbles throusfi the skies, o blood red downpour fills from the churning clouds to
dritse the Berzerkers to frtsh heights of madness.


Elcod-cra /cd: Maj LuDiii nfCJnrr iinil.: iidivv I lie Find spriil
* I Cham lord or Kharnlhe llel raver
rule and add !S " In ( heir rhartje rfislaneefl.

* --
l -fl uni Is iifKI u ^ riifT Uer/erkers
Red Rain; Onc e per bailie, aL tier Rlartnrynnr Movement
filial, a Maelst nwi ol Oorc ran Rurrnnon the nee] rain. When il
does so, every unit in I he bonnalinn tliaL in Indeed in eomhal is
allowed lo Pile In arid lic iL aLR if il wen; a lujHl sub- phase bul
^ ,

enemy uni LR ran not liiyfil baeL [ sin" Lhis ability lines ml slii|]

llie Maelstrom nf flore's units from li blinif again in ihe ARRaulL

phase of I he Rame Lurn. ^

IIIIR bonnal inn's t ihans |j>rd rmM be given Lhe

Marie nJ Khome aL no additional |ioinls rrwL


byes Mazing it'ish fanatical fervour, the mortal servants of the Chaos Cods oast themselsxs willingly onto the bloody altar if war. Whipptd into a frenzy
by the rhetoric of the Dart Apostle in their midstr wane upon wave of Cullists spiBs across the battlefield They raise desperate cries to their uncaring
gods, their screamed prayers mingling with the rattle of gunfire and the erump of explosions la create a madman's symphony, ifore Cullists spill from
their hiding places by the moment , bursting from secret lairs in sewers and ruins to completely surround the enemy with a dosing ring of screaming
warriors and jagged sacrificial blades. Whal these fanatics lack in strength, they make up for in sheer weight of numbers, coupled with a wildfervour
that sets them swamp even the most determined enemies.

* X

A Tide of Traitors: I 'Laeli lime a unil ufdhans (]jlLisb from
( he IJTVI and lire Damned is nKH |]lfldy drslmyed, mil a IXi :
no a 1+ yrm ear iranifilialely place a now, identical imil
into Ongoing Reserve. TTirse new i mils gain I hr Outflank
H ieeia] rulr IJLLL otherwise noun as licing part of the original
Rtrmaiinn. so mil a IX ] as described alitjve if they are
nutKoqnently destroyed as well. Vietnry IVrinLn are awarded
as normal for new units in this Kormarioii Lhat Itave been
romplelely destroyed.

Prophet of the fkrds: ' ITie Dari AjMKile's /ealoL s|ier:ial n ]le
applies ( o all Lhe and ( he Damned units within ft" of him.

r T T T T * r

1 ft
Terrifying mechanical roars echo aeross the battlefield as the I Idforgtd Warpaek hunts for Jltsh and blood. Out lering fa rwa rds amidst hissing clouds
of sulphurous steam, tht monstrous machines stalk their prey. 1'or many tern fed victims, the first things they set art the eyes of their hunters. Thcygloze
through the smokt and June of the battlefield likt something from, a primal nifitmart . Seconds later, this unnerving sight LT jbllotrtd by whipping
storms ofgunfire, and tht thundering charge of huge, ironclad bodies as the Daemon Fatgines and Helbrutes attack . Focussed by the malice if the alpha
engine if the pack, and enhanced by the dark techno-sorcery of their Warpsmilhr the assault if the lielfarged Warpaek is a groundshaking avalanche if
Daemon-tainted sletL

FORMATION: Master of Mechanical Warpcraft: Whilst ihiir War[Hmilh
* I Warpsmilli is alive and nil I he halllelield , I lelfnrgrft Waj[iai: k mm Iris that
3-.S units chraen in any mmhinalkwi from lhe Ihlkiwii j list : have already used their rjaernuiiforre rule din-ini' lhe
- 1 IdhmLc ^ i cnc can choose to tin so Lor a second am I/or sLihsetjiieiil Limr_
- Maulerliend ^
- I 'Vw r-JiimH Warpack Alpha; One vehicle model from the I lelfnri$ed
- rwdjTT Warjuaek rntisl tie nnminalrd as Lhe Warpaek Alpha. ' I’hr
Warpack Alpha iranis Lhe ( ( Iharaeler} unit type and a 4-t
irLvuhiiTahlc save . IT lhe Warparfc Alpha is completely
destroyed, all oilier models in its I lei longed Warpack. ;;ain Lhe
H iceial nile.
Raije |


Tht sky catches jin as the lleldrakc Terror Pack sumps into battle. These biade-winigd Daemon Rngjnes soar at the forefront of the CJiaos nsmull ,
borne aloft by the minds if death. Spitting gunfire, tht l Itidrakts spread fear and panic bike a plague Potent daemonic rants are graven into the
ironclad bodies of these Daemon Hagns; and they bum with unholy energies as they sictep lair over the heads of the foe. Rack pnlst of malign energy
from the infernal sigiis magnifies the aura if dismay that the Terror Pack creates, conjuring a how mane of mindless horror and panic that sees ad but
the most stalwart enemies flee far their lines. To run is fo- die, however., for tht fltldrakes art quick to fad upon fitting prey, relishing the moment their
talons sink into the backs of their terrified victims.

Rising Terror: Enrmy unils dial ant: within 12' ( if two
RRWKICIK from .L I teklrike lemur Pad mime their leadership
hy I . Piinny units thal are wiLhin 12" of LHIK * nmtrls from a

I leldralte 'I error Pack instead miner their h^ilcrsliip hy ‘1,

tir nodnoe their leadership hy 1 if ihey ire wiLhin 12' of four
models from .L ] [rklrake lemor Pack .

Merciless Pursuit: When fierConning a VeoLor Strike wilit a

model from L Hrklrake 'lemur Pack against a tarijeL anil thal
is Pinned l alng or has ( Jone to ftimind, the larijeL uriil

Hiflcn lift Strength 7 AP2 hits instead of only I hiL.

The Cult sf Destruction smashes and blasts its way across iht battlefield in a hideously methodical fashion. Its Mutilators and Obliterators maintain
a steady, grinding adcanct , scouring the battlefield far targets with obsessive focus, h.ken fresh victims are Located, the Cult of Destruction turns

Us fillfirry upon thtm , iht Obliterators pounding them with an ever-changing arsenal of hearty weaponry before the monstrous weapon -limbs of the
Mutilators rip into the survivors and reduce them to bloody rap. The shter power of the Cult of Destruction is terrifying enough - when supported by
the empyrionic guidance rituals of the Warpsmiths who lead it to battle, this formation becomts one of the most deadly weapons a Chaos lend, am
send agiinst ihtir fires.

Lnipyrionir (iuid ^ niT Kilujb : AL 11J L - of Lhr (Ihaos
Sjniiia' Marine; Movement phase, each WarfKmiLl ] in this
ronnaLion ran [ lerliwni a net of Ivinpyrionie ( inulanee RiLoals
on onr 11 nil ofOhlitrcalorc or Mutilators from the I ' onnaLiori
that is within fF. Karh WaqusruiLh must pick attinhrenl nnil In
perform the ritual upon.

If a unit of ObliLeiaLon is selmncl then iL can shool twin; (al

the; sami; unit ) in I hr Shooting phase of Lhr lorn. If a unit of
Mutilators is Helmet ], then it ran altark Iwiee afire Piling In in
the; Assault phase of Lhr Lnm.

Carryout the lirsL srt ofaltarliR to oomplrjlinn . then tarry tml

the norontl sel of attacks. A unit musL ILK; different wea [ NHis Itw
the I wo different sets of attacks, ami r aunt it nsr a weajton it
used in the previous Lnm.

The massed fury of the h'ist ofthe Cods smashes enemy battle lints asunder and bring enemy strongholds crashing down in min. Iron trucks chum
through mud and rubble. Cargpyle-mawcd henry weapons thump shot after shot into the enemy lines. Cmeleyed traitor tank crews direct their armoured
steeds with masterful taser bodies and minds flowing into flesh -mtial comm union with the war machines they command. Unholy blessing and dark
wards craw! across the battle tanks ' hulls, fending off enemy fire in crackling iirrrJj of WarpUght and burning away the minds and souls ofthose who
approach too close like mobile altars, the tanks of a list of the Cods slaughter more sacrificial victims with every passing moment , their dark offerings

charging the runes on their hulls with ever more power.

* i . .

Dark Wards: All vnhidrs from ihr Hi ihc have; ili1
invulnerable; save; whili ihry are wilhin I T of Ikdr WaqiHmilh.

Unhihlv Blessings : 'lltc Waqismiili from ibis Formation

has a ( I bonus when making allrmpls In rrjiair a vehicle
from ils Iw million .

T T T T T V r

As ike forefront of ike Chaos offensive come the Raptor Talons, jump packs handing as these predator? turnon swoop inio bank. ToLdowing the ketn
predatory stnses of ike Chaos lard at its fore, a Rapier Talon sweeps around to encircle the enemy or plunges down foam on high, straight inio the
thick of battle. Terrifying shrieks and screams echo across the battlefield as the Raptors and Warp Talons attack , their cacophonic war cries driving
ike enemy mad with fear. Even as their victims cower at the sensory assault , these cruel warriors pounce upon them and tear them to shreds. Keen
those who stand their ground will not survive for Long - the lashing daws and snarling chainswords of the Raptor Talon make short work ofsuch
courageous prey.

FORMATION: Predatory Warriors: [ nilR in this Hnriqn ran oharcy: on

* I Chats Linl ihesamr turn they arrive (nun I Strike KeFtervr , but always
S-.!i iHbdiim in any combination from ihr IbUtiwii ] list : moot as inaki ng i diBorrlerec oharrje when they tki SOL
- Raptors ^
- Warp Talons Cajcophonic War Cries: llnmny units that air charged tiy two
or more units frorn a Raptor 'lalnn mtisl subtract 2 front ihcir
I .ratltTship until the end of the turn .

ITiis I 'bmiatiorLS Chars liirri innsL lie et|ui|]|ied

with a jum|] park at no atklilional [ ini Ms erst .


lhe Terminator Annihilation TOKC £r likt an iron clour that reaches out and tean the throat from iht enemy army, seeking out and destroying its
assigned laigtts to rob thtfot of armoured iuppon or their leaders and leave them reeling. Comprising the mightiest and most haie-fiitlled a- xnrioTsfrom
amongst the traitor tanks, this terrifying waibanJ mardies to mar dad aaludvebt in Terminator armour. The power and influence required to field sack
a heavily equipped force ir breathtaking., but the destruction the Annihilation lorce unleashes rr worth every dark pact required to bring it together. Often
teleporting straight into the maelstrom of battle, this usarband of Chaos Terminators slaughters everything in its path.

FORMATION: Targeted Tor Annihilations Al the RlarL nflhe garTte . before
I Chans Dirt ] or Snircirr tlrplnyment, nominate one unit in the enemy army. Units in
?-!> units of Chats 'lemiiiialors I his Formation have the Hal ret ] special rule when making
r Abaddon the Dtspoiler or Typhus may be taken instead of the
al Larks againRl Lhe nominated unit . In atkfiLion , nnilR from this
Chaos Lord or Sorcerer. ftimialinn ran make a shooting al Lark AGAINRL the Nominated
mil immediately after Lhey tkploy by Deep Strike, if il is
wilhin range ant ] line ofRigfn . This ( kies not simp lhe unit fmin
Rhtioting again Later in the mine lurn, either al Lhe name nr a
different target .

Target Updated: If the enemy unit nominated hr annihilation

(see ahme) is mm|ileLely drstrriyed, yon ean immediately jiirk
anew enemy unit as a replarement target 'llieTargeted liw

Annihilation roles ap|ily In the new unil front I hen on. IT lhe
RESTRICTIONS: new unit is also ileslmyetl. pirk another new nnil . ant ] RO on .
' ’his Lormathin's Chats lain ] tir Soirener mnsl he
i‘t [ni|] }et ] with Terminator armour al no additional
points crwL


J 'P

Ir *

, '4

The lazoirred of (.Tuna lope into battle burning with unholy power. Hlessed by the loach of the Dark Cods, given bodf and soul tit the daemonic energies
that suffuse their frames, these sacred slaughterers are as monstrous in aspect as thrf are devastating in. battle. Tentacles lash and clans snap, the
/Visrim/ manifesting fresh mutations by the moment. She eye of the Cods rests heazy upon the looming Daemon Prince that leads this hideous warband
to battle, the raw power of the Warp flawing from him to empower the nichsts entities that inhabit the bodies ofthe Chaos Space Marines who fallow
him. Ionising like a baleful nfjnti of Warp energies, the Favoured of Qiaos rip through the enemy ranks, leaving mutation and madness in their wake.

Baleful Nexus of Warp Energies: [ \iiLq cif I’toasesM ^ i fmin the
F.LM nm i:] tif ( ]hans. that are wilhiu 12" nJT their Daemon EYinr-r

al Lhe RlarL tiT Lhe Light snTvphase reeeive the lienelit ofall three
Mu Lath ms from Lheir Mutation taiile, rather than rm]y nnc _

T T f ’ T T T T T T


the raw armoured might of the Tmtiiy of Wood is enough to annihilate armies and bum worlds. The earthshaking tremor of their grinding tracks
bring biddings crashing now.a and hark runny -Iranian from thtir feel. batery noshing volley from the Daemon Kngcna ^prac obliterates entire

regiments of enemy warriors, or reduces war engin rs and tank squadrons to scrap metal. The concentrated rage cf the Trinity of ftload scorches the eery
fabric of reality, an apoplectic storm raging around them to set fight to the air in the enemies' fangs and boid the blood in their veins. Truly, the coming
ofthe Trinity of ftfood is akin to the onset if the apocalypse and as reality warps and burns to ashes around them nothing can halt their rampage.

Rjjnpa c
Apoplectic Storm: At the atari or ihii fijrmalion’a Movement
phase, any enemy units Incited in rtwnhaL with any modtla from
a Trinity or Iflood are enquired in a sjomhinij storm rf rai c -
ruelled enenjy. Afle[:K*l uni La antTer a nnmlier of Slnenifth ( j Als1
hi La with Lhe lipiorca ( lover and Soul Illare special rules t Lial
to Lhe number nf rnndela in the unit . Any Wound * caused hy ^
Lheae hits are Randomly Allocated.

Crashing Volleys: Weajmns naefl Eiy a motlel fmm a Trinity

tl ISIOCMI have 1 hr IWin - linlteLl special rule if they are: used to

attaelt a tanjeL that ha-v already lieen aL Lacked hy anther mtxlel

from the formation earlier in I hat Shooting phase.

T T T T T r

To be counted amongst the ( Junes of Abaddon Lr a dark honour without equal Amongst the ranks if this elite band stand some of the greatest Chaos
Champions in the galaxy, murderers and monsters ringed out for greatness by die Dark (lads themselsses. it speaks relumes for the might ofAbaddon
that he oommands the loyalty of such warriors, and that he tan compel them to figft alongside one another rother than be at each other's throats heated

and loathed aortas the fmpcrium and beyond, such gtnocidal despots as Dezram Korda, the Tyrant ofSarora, and Krussus Take, author of the Perdigus
Atrocity, an lords of Chaos rn their own right. hack bring with them the cream of their warriors, and each ties to outdo the others in displays of
violence and entity, that they might rise highest in the Decoder’s favour.

FORMATION: Elxjllcd Champion!;: I )uri m' dc|iloymcnl . each Gha[ K l .nnl
l - l Ghana I jNnt < wSorr^rm ( in any r *niiliinaLion and Sorrecer from I hi :-; formation musL join me of l HL unii^
I nnil nTOinnm nr Chans Irrmiiiialiini " in any or{]hm < w Qians lerminaloiT . Only one characler can J^ tin
4 .4 miliii]3.LiL » rG ftir each Ghacs I jmt nr Sorcerer
each unit in ihiR way, and 1 ILL V cannot leave LIICRC iiiiil; ilnriri"
the munr of the liaiLlc . AR Inns an the character IR on the
T »al Llc'iiclc], his miil has (hr IVaHcsF Rjiecial rule.

Birred by the Chaos (iodR: Refund H le- ploy mi'- iil . roll on
the Ghaos Ihmn lahle in Codex: Chaos Space Marines |iw carh
ChaoR leni ami Sorcerer in LhiR formal ion., rc- nillinj any
results tif SpawnhnnH or Dark A|KMLIEUSIK. 'I ' hc result lasts for
the enlinc game .


ITiis is a Blaek [ egion Drlaehmcnl
(see pg i~\).

enemy firepower .
The Rnngrs of Despair march across iht batdefidd like a walking prtress of spike studded adamantium. / hey advance relentlessly through hails of
and rolling A fasts of psychic fu ry their foes * panic ignoring with eoery fusillade the Chaos Terminators shrug off. in return, the Eringers
- .
of Despair lay down a withering hail of non stop gun fu their potent frearms and lethal marksmanship ensuring that those who fall within their gun
siffits swiftly meet a messy end. Abaddon's elite bodyguard are utterfy donoted to their master, body and souL Ihey would give their lines for him in a
heartbeat, while the excesses of violence and cruelty they hose wrought in the Despoiler's name have ensured that the Ifringcrs of Despair arc fared to iht
furthest comen tf the tmperium.

Without Kcjual : ( Ihana 'Jmnralnn lhal are ]iart urthis
I ' oniLLlion ( ineliiding the Terminalor ( Ihampi ) have a
Weapon Skill and ISalliKLir. Skill nfS rather than \.

The Dcspailpr's Guaid: While Aharidm Llie Despoiler is

joined lo Lhe unit nfQians TrrmmalfirF fmm this hurnalion,
you can re- roll one I Jiok OLLL, Sir mil for him in eaeh phase.

L .

Ir *

, '4

As subtle as a chainaxc la the face , and cscry bit as bloody the psychalit assault af the Hounds of Abaddon is all but unstoppable , less deployed than
set looser this warbond offerocious Khomt worshippers sujges across the battlefield with screams of insatiable bloodlusl. The lbounds ofAbaddon give rso
thought to their own survival^ longing only to rend their enemies limb from limb and claim their skulls in the Blood Cod's name. They care nothing for
their own casualties, nor for their place t n the grand strategies ofthe Black /jgum The l founds ofAbaddon line only to shed the blood of their foes and

- -
as they slam screaming into the enemy bailie line amidst the fire and thunder of war they spill that lifeblood in risers.

FORMATION: Let Slip the Houndii: Gnc:e per r une. at ihe Rlarl or any of
* I Chaos lainl ^
your Inrun after the fiml , yon ran tlerlare a masRed assault .
> I - 3 units tif Khoroe Rer/e risers
Lor the duration of that Lorn, t ]nils from this Formation t:an
I - 3 units of ( Ilian is Spare M annes charge in LhtL Assault phase even if Lhey made a Run move in
* 1 -3 units of Raptors, Warp Talons orChaos ISihrni {in the same turn .
any combination}
Khornc's Favour; [ f a tjuil from iHis Formation makes a
success rill charge ami ihe total ml let I It n its charge range is ft
or ntore f}*e (onL modifiers ), arid I to the Strength of its models
until Lhe end of ihe Assaull phase.

ITiisisa Iflark I ei’ioii llelachmenl (see pg 71}. Any unit

that has the option to Lalce a Mark if Klmrne must rlo so,
litil ai no additional points rost.


I ike monstrous hunting bcash, the ironclad abominations of the Daemon Dngine Wrot lope across the battlefield la tear apart their master's prey.
Whether lash-leniaded Maulerfiends or lumbering, gu.Ti-ma.uxd f orgefiends, these prised pets of the Warpsmith obey his every command with instant
ferocity. Such daemonic tear engines art not cast into battle lightly, fir they are valuable assets. Most commonly a Warpsmith tall send his bestial
servants to seise BMHf vital artefact whose power he desires, or to annihilate a foe or rival whose continued existence can no bsnger be tolerated. Given the
soul-scent of their luckless victim, the Daemon Engines prowl out across the battlefield with single-minded determinationr not slopping in their hunt until
their victim is strewn in bloocty tatters across the field of war.

FORMATION: Hunting IVk : AFlrr deployment, IHJI heftier the lirst turn, you
* I Waq rani ill ean nominate one rhararLer in the enemy army. All Forgefiends
* 2 Forgrlieiid:; or ManleHiends ( ill any fjnmhiuatiori : anti Maiileriimtis fnun Lliis Formation have the Inferred
I ' jit ' iny sprrial rule against that rhararLer. U LIIC nominated

rhuarier is slain. Iiy avrhiele from this Formation . LhaL model

regains a I lull lloinL liM earlier in the IILLILIE.

Prized Possessions; At I he si art rtf earh Shooting and Assault

phase. yon ran nominate a I 'orgefiend or M auJrrtVml from
this Formation lhal is within V2 ttTthe formation Warpfmilh .
Until the end ttf the phase, Lhal model uses the Warpsmith’s
Weajion Skill or ISallislir Skill instead nfiLs own .

rlhis is a Mark legion IVtaeliment
(see ps ? +)-



. -
aeCfr- i ,
Sometimes subtlety and naming an far more potent weapons than etstn the largest blade organ. Tht twisted Swarm ofAbaddon's Cyclopi. a Cabal
embody this doctrine, employing their devious Warperaft la cloud tht minds iftht enemy and sate confusion and despair amongst die fee’s ranks. It if
said that these cooens of Sorcerers are crtaled only for eery specific, secret tasks, and that Abaddon’s personal Sorcerers fight amongst their number from
time to time beta enemies h&ve gotten dose enough to discover the truth of such an assertion, koineoer. Most find their perceptions clouded, their thou fits

and tmotions chumint? in paranoia andfear as the Sorcerers unleash their cunt. Soon enough the enemies of the Black legion tear ihemsdzes apart,
their minds destroyed by the Cyclopia Cabal.

Shroud of Deceit; At the atari ornaeh cif yiour l ^syrhir. phasea.,
a elm one mtidel from I ho C lyt lopia Cabal It ) lead il in a dark
ritual. ' ITial model t:an attempt to manifest I he Shroud f
Deceit payehie|HJwer, lieliw. I 'hr earli oLher Sorcerer from ihia
Formation I Hal is within 12* add tine dire lo the l \ yt:hit: ' lest
ihese dine do not mat any Warp ( Ihanje [ minis .


Arcane fire Insisting around them as their incantations build to a
crescendo, the Cydopia Cabal cloud the minds of the enemy, blurring the
line belwet n friend andfoe.

Shroud of Deceit is a payehit:|KJwer that tari els a ain le non -

^ ^
vehiele enemy unit willnu :t ( J\ 'lire target unit eanncit be lor.loed
in eonkhal. You ran immediately make a altooting altark wilh

lhal unit as thon i il were pari of your army.


j. /_
- V
To court the infernal power of Chars u to incite disasln and mutation. Yet even in damnation, the servants of the Dark Cods are deadly fees, often
more so than etser. Ltd by a looming Daemon Prince - a hellish war grd whose path to gfory has led him to the nery pinnacles of unclean power - the
Tormented surge into battle in a screaming, gibbering tide. These deranged warriors wets once normal fllack 1.emormaires, yet their bodies hart been
twisted into malleable weapons of flesh and bone by the Daemons that lurk parasiticalbt within. Frplossce mutation wracks the taintedflesh of the
Tormented as they charge into battle, but ran as they become ever more hideous and insane they also become stronger and more ferocious. Few can stand
before the hellish horror of such beingi and line.

Advanced Possession: l Jnils of IVussesaec ] From Lhe Tormented
Itavc Wcajmn Skill mid Initiative !> . am I lhe Kj rnliniT P]h^ ia 3
role. I lowm^r, any miil of Ihraraani from Lhe Tormented
lhal is not locked in combat ai Lhe alart nTita turn RMLS1 Lake a
Ieaiknhi|] leal . Ifii laila , llic nnil ran only move Ilf »' in lhe
Movement Hiase its il is wracked with initiative spaama. Units
lhal are within IfT of lhe lormalHsinia Daemon Prinrepasta this
leal anloinaLieally.
The Hindi ligiers advance into bailie with a. feus and efficiency both Tare andfrightening nr ihe worshippers of Chaos. These tainted Irailon me thi
living embodiments of the Desp^oilers will, cruel da! raven of light and civilisation whose singular purpose is the annihilation of the A'mperor's Realm.
Veterans ofa war that has raged for millennia, the Hlack legfonnaira fight with efficiency and canning is match the mast stralegiialfy gifted loyalist
Space Marines. I Trey me arisen on by an endless hunger to prove ihemselrsts to their Warmaster, and to earn the boons of power dial both he and the
Dark Gods may grant . This combination of martial excellence and boundless, infernal ambition is potent indeed., and has seen many worlds left burning
in Abaddon's wake.

i i

FORMATION: Favoured of the Warmasler: When .L model from a lllank
i t Tan:-; LJOIKI 1 11 iinils tifU.a[ Hors, legion Wartaaml earn!; a null on the Chans 13* ion table as a result
0- 1 Snrnrrnr WaipTalnni nr Hikers ;in nflhe (Ihani|]ion of Chans sper.ial rule. mil Lwiee on the Lalile

"2-ft uni Li of Chaos Sjkaoe any eornhiiiajtinri and ehnone either one or holh rib I he results.
Marine yGhrern in 1 11 units nfilavous
any enmhmalionj nr I hlliniKs ( in Thirst for Glory t If an enemy unit is onmplelely destroyed hy
* I units ofChaew any mmhanalinn ) a Lin.iL from a lllaok I egion Wartnand, all other units [ mm the
|eimi naLon; or hissessid name lllark legion Warhaiul ran re- roll 'lo Ilil and 'lh Won ml
(in any et m iliiualion '
mill nf I until the end of the phase.

llus is a ISlarlt legion Oitarliiiieiit
(see|jg 71).



j. /_
EP 1
An army of warrior mages and eldritch automatons, a War ilabai fights not onfy on the material plant, hut aha in tht dimensions of the mind. These
Aarti are twisted refections of Prosftero’s oner-great t .efcn, which brought order (iff Humanity and the hedlam of battle to empires of aliens andfends.
Now, the Ifor Cabals march against the any rioilisations they once protected Tht Rubric Marines and Scarab Occult Termsnators advance relentlessly,
their sabots ofhtllfrr burning enemy infantry to sfittrring ask. Amongst them chant tkepsykers trho condemned the ihovsasid Sons to their twilit
existence, their scholarly intellects turned from enlightcnmtni to destruction. Ihose unlucky or foolish enough to resist them fnd their minds assailed ripped
apart by invisible dams earn as their bodies are blasted aiunder.

A *

FORMATION : Favoured of Tmnloh: If ; t War (!ahal cnnlaina ihe maximum
* I of the fnllnwing: imiiiiior cif units. then all units from the Lnrmalinfi ran re - mil
- Ahriman any failed saiving throws tif I .
- Darmnn Prince
- lixallcd SnnenT Oracular Guidance: I fa I'rylirr rmma War Cahal
- Sorcerer aucjcessriilly manifests a psychic pnvwTT, I he Plsylrr, and any War
i -3 unit a ehnnen Imm rhiL fctllowirLif: ( lahal imil hr is pari nr nr has joined , can re - mll failed " In Mil
- Kxaltcil Stirrmr rolls of I tinLil the start nfynnr next Psychic phase.
- Sorcerer
* I -3 nnita t if Rubric Marines
I - - t nnita tifScarab ( Vmll leriuiiiatnis

rl hia ia a ' ITmnsarid Sons Detachment ( are psj J Ifl) .


r 1
. '4 '

Tor tht Sorcerers of the Thousand Sons, open battle is a chance to revel in the pooser ihey hasx marshalled ozer long millennia. War Covens, howtss er,
base a greater purpose than the gratifying thrill of magical patency. There ait spells that can only be scrought when the fang ifspilt blood tr in the
air and the screams of the dying echo r n every tar, just as some magic is empowered by the passage of souls into the Warp. When a luminary of the

Thousand Sons musters his A in in the seething cauldron of battler the fabric ofdestiny can be undone and shaped anew. Such gatherings are treated with

a scary respect even by the Grand Masters of the Grey Knights, for the War Gossetts are immensely dangerous in their pursuit of arcane secrets and the
fassovr of their patron that it represents.

FORMATION: l an urcd of r/ ccnl^t: [f J War iltwm mulaiuR the
* I of lh < following
niasimuni imiiilicr iiuniflK, ihm dll nnilR fmm ihc Rtnnalinn
- Darrnmi Prince ran ro- mll any failnrl Ravini* llirnws nf L

- lixahcd Sdmrrr
- Sonnecrr Prospcrinc Cult; liclnro gmeraliriE; piiwiTS Inr models Ttnni
3-!) units rhosm fnorn Lhe foUrHvijijf: a War Cfircn, you can choose a single cult nF anriciH Prnspem
- Rxallfd SniUCnT from those listed tielow. All imiLs in Lhe Rtnnalinn ihm cnnnl as
- Sommer having belonged In LhaL cull . and harness H'aqi Chanje points
on a result of 3 + when attempting to manifest psychic jitjwcni
from their cull’? associate * I psychic. discipline:

Cull Psychic Discipline

IWnri UinrTLancy
( huvittic ] >ivinalinTi
Pyran Pyromancy
lliis is a Thousand Stms Detachment (see _
jig 11 ( V}
Atfantu '


The airfiBs with a cawing, hooting cacophony as the Tsaangor Warherd charts to batik. Cantrips spark from, gnarled talons and weapons an
discharged through sheer exuberance. Hast beast men haze served their Sorcerer master tirelessly ; stun ? hare even fallen to a cursed spawnchange in

the process, becoming bestial in mind as well as body lint their reward is finally here. Tzaangor Warherds are given the spoils of the corfsse-harvat -

cadasters to make into grotesque puppets, body parts for the slewing of vile witches * brews, and sparkling jewels with which to adorn their jutting horns
and feathered anatomies. Avarice glints in every eye as the warherd 's proud strut accelerates into a loping run , then a howling, shrieking sprint - those in
their path will be tom apart and worn as trophies by day’s end.

* 1 Sorcerer or Flxallnri Soiveicr
* 3 units ofT/aangnis Avaricious Vigour: Traanpir uniln fnun this I 'bimatinn can
* Ih -fj units chosen from I In - following: Run and charge in Lhc same Lurn. In aflrhtitm , if a changing
- Txaangor uniL mils or nnn: (iw its charge mil , arid I to their
- ( lliam Siiaun Strength anil Initiative in the ensuing Fight sub-phase.

Favoured of TVccnlch: 11 a Txaangor Warherd contains the


maximum nninlier of units , then units from Lhc Ibrmatinn can

rr - noll any failed saving throws if I .

rl his is a ' Ihjnnsand Sons Detachment ( see pg I I fPjc



Iht Sekhmet Qynclare is a concentration sf magical jbrce like JW other The air around these timeless Iranian shimmers criih energy as ike sigil-wards

of the Scarab Occult magnify their pjoitctiee powers to nrr heights. Gathered around their fayher masters, these massively armoured mania rs EHALH in
thudding lockstep, the heat of their heary tread a deathly drum that speaks if impending doom , inferno combi-bolters art raised at a silent eemmand, a
blistering sahto of bolts hammering out to send transmorphic fame biSotring in all directions. The arcane syllables uttered by their lords echo across the
hattiefeld - thousfi the Scarab Occult were once counted amongst the most pouxrful mortals u existence, ihtir independence EI long gone, and now they
seme only the sarccrons fends in their midst .

* I of Lhe fiilliiwinf
- Magnus ( he RUN I Favoured of Trcenlch.1 Cf a Sekhinel Conclave conlaina I Tie
- Ahriman maximum mmiliiT nf nnila, ( lien uni Is from the Formation can
- Daemon Prince re - rol] any failed saviniT Lhrowa nf L .
- Fxallod Socnner
- Sorcerer Sore crons SigiJ - wards; IJnils from a SelthmeL Conclave have
* 5- *l i mils of Scarab Qrmh ' Fermi nalon +E' Foughness HI long as they are wi ihi n ft" ol ai least 2 oilier

unils from I heir Fnrmalinrt

JTiis is a Thousand S*ma Detachmonl face |ig Ll ( l() .


After casting the great Rubric that damned his lxgionT Ahriman and hispsyker elite icert banished from the Plane! if the Sorcerers. Pang did these
warrior mystics roam the galaxy in search of knowledge, power and redemption. Nate, Ahriman has amted those of iht cabal that are still alive, calling
upon remnants offtahy and lingering traces of brotherhood la better cast dataa their mutual enemies. Where the b'jales walk , long -harboured ambitions
of vengeance art made rtaL The air around this sorenous brotherhood setthes with bitterness and hatred, an aura of menace so strong it saps the will

to resist from those mortal souls nearby. To tmbraet the act of revenge tr intoxicating, and each Sorcerer tries to outdo his jcllows with the scale of his
arcant attacks.

A A *

FORMATION: ( labil of the -
Rubric : All ri man, arul ]i n: n fc L-- I min Litis Formal inn

Ah ri roan lhai air wilhi n I ttr of Lint , hamrst War]] ( Ihar : [ x tints < mi [mill
* : J - 5 ) fcxallnf Snmrrcrs cuTSt wlmn aLLnmjttini; In inaniC^ jisyohir : ^
Favoured of lmnLch: If Aliriman s I'jrih contains the:

maximum numlicr tif rmwlfih, ihrn rnrxLHs from. lhtL Formal ion
can m - mll any failrxl saving throws ( if I .

rl his in a ' I’hnnsanxl Sons IVLae: hinonL ( wir pt; I Iffy.

6 ft
Magisterial, masterful and unparalleled in psychic supremacy, the royal court of Magnus floats ethereally across the land. None can malch this

assemblage f prowess in the arcane arts, for the patronage

of a Daemon Primarch confers power ofsuch magnitude that ike hues of physics are reduced
to mere plaything?. Named the liekali in remembrance of Magnus * original bodyguard , this collection ofpsyherr is comprised of the mrst favoured entities
from the Planet of the Sorcerers. Same may be warrior mystics from the Primarch 's original legion, others ascendant gfory -seekers that hare achieved
immortality by becoming Daemon Dances under Magnus' rule. The air shimmers with raw Warp energy as the sect advances, the deaths of their enemies
assured by the dominating malice of the Kehati and their master.

-Conn of the Crimson King: Whilsl ihey an wilhin Ifl" of
* Magnus I lie RINI Magnus Lhe Red . Haimon lYinres and I'JcalLetl Sorcerers .from
3- 9 i mils chosen rmm ihc towkg;
^ a Kcliali W&r Sort harness Warp ( Charge |HjinLscin a result nl 3+
- Daemon Frinoe -
hv hN n aLLem|iLing lo manilcsl |iRyrhir |Hiweis . and they have Hue
- Lxallrd Sorcerer ofsighL 4oi ?very uoiL cm the hallleliclrl when dclennining the
LargeLa of Lhjeir |iHychir |HJwers .

Favoured of TVeenleb.: Uf a Rchali War Sort mnLains iho

maximum iiiinilier of uniLi , I hen unils from the I 'VinnaLiott rjji
re - roll any (ailed saving Lhrows of L .

This is a Thousand Sons Drlachincnl [see pg I Ilf;. All
Daemon I Vinces and I'jcalml Sorcerers in Lhr l onnaLioii
nmsL lie upgraded Lo IVylaT ( Manlery Ijevel 3|)L


i y
Wuftraiit of Pkgpt Marines an often f >un d organised in squads of seem, banded icreihn into groups of seven squads. An echo of the Death Guard Ijgfan 's
organisational model at its height , seem is also the snared number of the Legion !i patron power, and they believe that by forming themselves in multiples of
that number they carry the favour ofthe Chaos Cod Ntrr e. Whether this organisation draws the attention and sonorous blessing of the Plague Cod or not, the
manner in which the Plague Marines cany themselves to war still refects the hand of Montanan, the grim Primanh who forged them, shaped them, then led
them to their damnation. The Plague Marines revel in the contamination of Imperial worlds, sewing pestilenoe and contagion whererxr they gg and inflicting
cruel and agonising deaths on a planetary scale.

A ± .

* Year

Enervating IV nlilrntial Aura : I 'Jinny me*Irh wiLhin 7" tif

any ll iir Cnlmy miils al I lie start nflhc l iiHjl suh-|iliafl‘
mnsL miner I heir IniLiaLivr anti Wea|M ) n Skill by I for I hr
rlurajlinn nr Lite phase . Iflhin Lbnnalinn inrluilrs the maxinmin
number of iinil s aL the alarL c >r LhehaLtle . Lhen enemy mndeli
wilhin 7' ttf any l un Cnkmy unit aL I he sLarl ofthe Fight
sub- phase most alsn nature Lhrir ' IbLH inrss by I Jbr the
rlurajlinn nf Lite |]liaa‘. ^

JTrisiw Death {'nanl Drlarhcnnil (see pg lift) .

None Manats make war into an art form - a riot of sights, sounds and sensations. Doom sirens wail and instruments of torture lash as these followers
ofSiaantsh are dream la eserfurther extremes in order to stimulate their overloaded sensa. led by a brutal and depraved champion cfSlaanesh, the
warriors of a tyakophoni treat battle as an intoxicating thrill to be discovered am re in entry conflict . Equipped with a variety ofpsychosonic weapons,
they lake pleasure in the pain and suffering they can deal out , and their battles rapidly degenerate into orgies of destruction and daughter. "Ihcy place the
sensations and pleasure of combat abore any other objective, racing across the battlefield to zdsit their cruel attention upon their chosen prey.

A i A

* Split Fire

Sonic Overload; AH sonic wrajssis used by unils from a

Kakoplioni have the Shred special rule. If Lliif . Formation
inrluiles Lhr: maximum number of units aL I he sLarl of the bailie,
L fieri all al I neks nude by sonic VH ms from the Kaltoplioni are
also imdwd al - L Strength . ^

r ¥ ¥ ¥ T T T


On these pages you will find special rules unique to armies from the Black Legion that reflect their tactics on the
battlefield , You will also find Warlord Traits , Chaos Artefacts and Tactical Objectives that you can use when fielding jour
Black Legion army in games ofWarhammcr 10,0011, and an exclusive Detachment the Black Legion Speartip,


Any Detachment with the Chats Sparc Marines Fat lion
t:an tie from tine of the nine Traitor legions. A Black legion
Detachment retain!; the ( Jhaos Space: Marines L hrliun anti is
treated in all ways as a Chaos. Sjuaee Marine!; DcLarhmenl., with
the following modifications : D6 WARLORD TRAIT
I Black Crusader: Tfii J Warlord has sworn never to ntsl

liny ranunt intlntle any Unique units other than Abaiidon in his eternal vendetta against his loyalist ftts.

Lhe I >esjMiiler ITic Warlord and all Trientfly units wiLhin 12' nf the
All imiLs LhaL can tki BO must lie upgraded to Veterans nf the Warlnnt have the lYcfcrred linemy '[Space Marines)
long War, at nti additional joints rrwL sjiecial rule.
IVykrrs with the Mark nf’IVrcjilrh, Nurgfc or Slaanesh
rail choose to generate all of ( heir [ isyrhic jMiwen; from the 2 Eye of the Cods: Jiif Warlord bears the of the
Discipline iifTKcentch, Nurgle or Slaanesh resjiecjlivcly. Dark Cods, who watch his actions and will reward, him
Any Daemon ofT*ecnlL:h , Nnrgle or Slaanesh that is a Psykrr if he if deemed worthy.
rail choose to generate all of ( heir [ Kyrhic jwiwers from the lOarh time the Warlord rolls on the Chaos Boon
Discipline nfTaeentch, Nurgle or Slaanesh res|iet:lively. table {including lor Lhe Cift or Mntatitin Chans
Reward} yitin may choose to re- roll the result .

All units in a Black legion LVlarhrnenL or Ktnnalitm gain the You most aree|it Lhe result tif the: re - mll, even if
following s|ietdal rules: it is worse.

ENDLESS HATRED 3 Gift of Balefire : The CJiaos Cods have granted she
UtiiLs LhaL have the Veterans or the I ong War sjw ^c.ial rule hays: Warlord the ability to spew forth gouts of searing Warp-
the Hatred sjierial rule, anti can re- roll failed ' lb Hit rolls in Jlame at trill.
every round of rinse mm hat when attacking units lhal contain The Warlord may make a shooting attack, using the
any models fnnn the Armies ; id the Irnjieriinn. following pmfile:


UniLs nf Chans rl terminators anti Chosen are Tmnpo choices Tcaphtc 4 5 Assault I ,
instiLatl of Elites rhnit:es. Soul Blaze,
One Use Only

Cl IAOS ARTEFACTS 4 Unholy Fortitude: hiany ciaitn to hone slain this

Units in a Black Legion Detachment nr Formation dial Warlord ever the millennia, yet unholy life burns within
can normally take Chaos Artefacts in Codex: Chaos Space him still.
Marines ran choose lo take items fnnn the Chaos ArlefarLs rlhe Warlord has the It Will NtiL Die s|iet :ial nile.
tif the Black Legion list ( see npjtnsiLc} at the [ minis cost
shown insLcad. 5 Stiul Later: This Warlord is capable of tearing the
rwv J«r/ from his victims as an offering to the Dark
C dsofCh. j .
If this mtitlel is attacking wiLh a Melee weapon,
When generating his Warlord Trails a Warlord from a Black
, any Tti Wound mil ofafihas Lhe Instant l >ealh
legion L VlaehmeriL tir Formation may choose to roll tin the special rule.
table Iti the right instead tif ihose found in Wajhammer 40,000:
The Rules nr Codex: Chaos Space Marines. 6 Chosen of Abaddon: Abaddon has granted this
Warlord absolute authority in his absence , and none
would dart defy his vassal.
Designer's Wolfe lhe Black Crusader Warlord Trait provides rllie Warlord anti all rrientfly units wiLhin 12' tif the
Preferred Enemy (Space Marines). The category iSpace Marines * Warlord have the Kluhliom sgiec.ial rule.
comprises all units from the following Tactions: Space Marines, Blood
Angels, Dark Angels, Deathwalch , City knights, legion of the Damned
and Space Wo Ires.


. J
'Hie Chaos Artefacts; of the Black Legion are relics of incredible power that Abaddon has; spent millennia seeking out
to serve in his eternal war of vengeance against the Emporium . Only one of each of the following items may be chosen
per army, and only one may lie chosen per model .


ft ij impossible lo describe the Crucible of lAes, for its image ti unique YURANTHOS 30 POINTS
to the beholder. One gifted with the witch-sight may perceive it as a .ifk'cU was a psyker who was responsible for the annihilation of his
rippling ( look saturated with Warp energy ; a warrior may set it as species, the Yuranlhos. lhe psyker 's power was so great that he was tom
an archaic amulet wreathed in baleful psychic flame. Regardless of apart by the Warp energies he wielded, mm as hisplanet i populace was
its appearance, the Crucible of lies defies natural law lo distort the immolated by the resultant firestorm. Unwilling to waste the power of
blows of the wearer's enemies, but such powtr does not came without .
such a talented student Tzeenlch bound the essence of the dying race into
a price.. a small crystal. One who carries this azure gem can access a fragment of
MCell 's power and unleash it upon his foes, though not without risk.
Die Ivearer nf Lhe Crucible of Litis has - I Ttmgtincss, hul may
re - noil invulnerable save rolls nf l. I tyker tirily. The bearer momrs his Mastery level by I .
l >o rmt generate an additional [isyrhio power lor this liomis
THE EYE OF NIGHT 75 POINTS Maslerv level Instead . the l \iyicr knows Lhc Aaniurvf psychic
One of the artefacts used by Abaddon lo take command of the dreaded power from the Pyromancy discipline [see Warhammer 40,000:
Rlackslont Fortresses, the Fye of Night is a multifaceted obsidian The Rnlei\ in addition lo any other|iowers he knows. 'lhc
crystal of nnfowiej! origin. The slightest caress of the ebon beam l yker can choose lo manifcsl Sunburst with an increased
il can unleash causes machines to safer mossier power failure or
range, though lies will have an increased Waqi (Charge eost.
catastrophic internal damage. Not even the thickest armour can resist
its malignant touch.
If yon wish lo ine.reasc its range to L £", irnAirrii has a Warp

Charge cos I nf Vpi wish lo increase ils range Lo Jfl".
Sunburst has a Waqi Charge cost of 3 Adair I he range of
Once|icr game, instead tif bring his weapon, the liearer of the the power you are attempting to manifest liclore rolling. IT Lhc
Eye or Night can ctumse lo make a shot ri ing al Lack lhal uses
the profile below:
l yknT sulTers IVrils of the Waqi when allemjuing Lo manifest
this power with an increased range tie is remover! from play

as a casualty tin ntH roll on the IVrils of Lhe Warp lalde.

Range S AP Type
Inlinile 5 A I Icavy 1 , 1arge lllasl , LHE SKULL OF KER NGAR 40 POINTS
I laywire MaelsLmm, Kcr'ngar was a mighty champion of the Dark Gods long before the
Ignores tjfwer. Homs Heresy and the rise of the Chaos Space Marines. So masterful
fine Use f >nly was this ancient warrior that he once boasted he could not be killed
in battle. Sadly for Ker'ngar, his claim was proven false when
EEavwire Maelstrom: instead of making armour penetration Thorne sent forth Skulllaktr to challenge the haughty warrior and
mils any vehicles, buildings or I ' ortilications that are
, take his skull. It adorned Skullloker’s cloak for centuries before being
buildings that are fully or partially beneath the marker suffer replaced. It is said that , despite his defeat, Kerngarl indomitable
D!1 automatic|ient1rating hits. spirit is still bound within the skull and it protects die one who
carries it from harm, be it physical or arcane.
An ancient device infused with the atrophying power of the Warpr rILc iicarer of Lhe Skull of Ker'rtgar has Lhc Eternal Warrior
the Hand of Darkness decays all and everything that its wielder and Adamant min Will special rules.
touches. Flesh sloughs from bones and armour tr rfd'uiffd' to little
more than pools of liquid dag. It was with this jtabled artefact that THE SFINESHARD BLADE 30 POINTS
Abaddon finally gained access to the inner workings of the Rlachslont Relieved lo have been forged from the spinal column of a mighty
Fortresses, before later surrendering it to the Daemon Primarch .
Kctper of Secrets, K 'alith the Prurient the Spinahard Rlade
Mortarion lo secure the allegiance of the Death Guard for his reverberates with the quivering essence of the Daemon's final ,
Thirteenth Black Crusade. lascivious death throes.

When making Iris close combat attacks, Lhc Iicarer of the Range S AP Type
11 anti tif Darkness can instead choose to make a single sjnrial User 3 Mdce,
attack lhal uses the prolile Ivelow: Daemon Weapon*,
Range S AP Type
x? Melee, Armnurhane, Quicksilver: The Iicarer of lhe Spincdiard Made has + 1
I 'lcshluanc, Initiative in close comtial.
Instant Death
‘jwrfkitlra: Ghana Space Marines .

T T T w T v — f T T

nidrk Legion Spear!ip Dr Lac hnients arc used exclusively by the forces of the IS] act Legion. The rules below will allow yon
to oi nise the models in your Chaos Space Marines collection of miniatures to represent one of these Uelachments in

your games of Warhammer 10,000.

CHOOSING AN ARMY A black Ijegion Spearlip is a s|iet:ial type of Detach men I

When thtiosing an army to play a game e » r Warfiamruer 40,000, I hat ran he inrlotletl in any ISaLtli -forgt*i army. Unlike I he
there ate Iwo main ways tiforganising yot ] r rtdlcclitm. ' ihese Detachments shown in Waihamnwr 40,000: The Haiti, ii has
are the l liilionriH I method which means taking -whichever uni Is
, a I ’orne Organisation Chart whtiso slots are a combination or
you like, anti Lhe baiLlc-lbrgetl rruLlht )il which is more rigid
; siiccific. Rtnnal ions anti Army List Liilries insLeati of batllclicltl
hut has cxLra lienehLs. ISolh are tlesc. rilietl fully in Warfiammn- Roles. I Itwcvcr. it still has compulsory and optional elements ,

40,000: Iht Haiti . as well as Restrictions anti ( 3ommand beiieiils, jusl like any
iilhcr Detachment .
If you are using the Unliourid method simply use the datasheets

that oomos|x > ntl to Lhe mtxlels in your mllet:tion . If you are All hough uni Is cannot normally belong to more than one
using lhe balLlc -ltugerl method you will insLeacI ueetl lo
, DctaeJimenl. units from a lonnation that is part of :L Black
organise the models in your collecLitin into Delachmeuts. This legion S|iearlipare an cxceplitm. 'ITuy count as part orimth
is a fmi process in ils own righl . ' Jhe most common of these are their Formation anti the Dctachmcul . anti have all asstirialetl
the Ctunhiiietl Arms anti Allietl Detachments. Ctuninautl benefits anti s|iet:ial rules. IT your Warlord is pact
of a formation or an Army List EnLry that makes up part of a
Black [ egitm Sjtcartip. the eulire black la^gion Speartip is your
Primary Detachment.

L his Detachment mtisl incltitle al least one Core choice and true
Auxiliary choice. It may inclurle up Lo live Command choices
and any numlier tif additional Core or Auxiliary choices, in anv
combination . -Only the datasheets lisled hem t:an lx included
in this Delaehmeut anti all units must have the tltiatss Spare THE HOUNDS OF ABADDON ( pg 59)
Marines l ''action.

lip of the Speart If this l >eLat:hmtLnt is your Primary
Delaehmeut, you can re- roll Lhe result when rcJling on the
black legion Warioni Traits Lahle ( jig 74 ) .

Heralds of the black Crusade : All ntm -vehirJe unils in this CYCLOPIA CABAL (pg 61)
Detachment have the frar anti Crusatlejspecial rules.

Spearlip Striker Any unils with the Deep Strike social rule
from this Detachment can make a Reserve Roll to soe if they THE CHOSEN OF ABADDON (pg 57)
arrive from Deep Strike Reserve tin the lirst lutn, requiring
a roll of LO lie successful. In atltlil ion, if this Delachmenl
is your Primary Delat:hmeut anti your Warlord has Lhe Deep
SLrike special rule, you can dmor to automatically pass his LORD OF THE LEGION
unit 's Reserve Roll Its arrive on ( > u ^ first lurn.
• I { T Lhe following - Sorcerer
Ahaddnn Lhe Dcspniler Dtark Apoffdr
- Chaos liinl - Daerntwi Ibinre


The B1act Lepon Speariip allow; you to represent the Epical slni^lunc of a vanguard Black Legion army on ihc
battlefield . Whothor you wish to bring death and destruction with a vast Chaos invasion force , or lield an elite

warhand tasked with some dark purpose, the choices below offer a great way to pick your army.

For example, Stv j Chaos Space Mo nn FJ collectio n consists of Abaddon 11tiroes), and a Helfirged Warpack (his Warpsmith , / lelhmles
the Despoiler, a Chaos Lord, a Sorcerer, a Dark Apostle, a Warpsmith , and Forref end ) as an Auxiliary choice. Slu also lakes the Printers
three anils of Chaos Space Afan irci, two units each of Raptors,
of Despair ( Abaddon and his unit of Chaos Terminators ) as a
Lihome Berserkers and Chaos Cultists, a unit each of Qasrn, Chaos Command choice.
Terminators, Husoes and Warp Talons, tux Jfdbrutcs, a Heidrake, a
Chaos Predator and a Ihirgfiend. Htu s Dark AposlIer K.home Berzerkers, Chaos Cultists, Heidrake

and Chaos Predator firm a Combined Arms Detachment As all

if Stu wishes to organise his collection using the Rattle-forged method of his units belong to a Detachment, the army is Battle-forged. Slu
- as described in Waibammer 10,1)00: |he Rules - all of his units
chooses Abaddon lo be his Warlord - his Black Legion Speariip
need lo fie rrJ of a Detachment ora Formation. Slu achieves this by Detachment is therefore his Primary Detachment. The units that are
choosing one Black Legion Speortip Detachment and one Combined part of it hoot the Tip of the Spear, Heralds of the Black Crusade
Arms Detachment from Warhammer 4 (),fH)0: ' Ihe koles- and Speariip Strike Command Benefits, whilst those that are part
of the Combined Arms Detachment hare the Objectset Secured
The Black legion Speariip in Sin’s army consists if a Black Command Benefit .
Legion Warband as a Core choice (his Chaos Lord, Sorcerer,
Chosen , Chaos Space Marines, Aa forj, Warp Talons and


(FS 4 )
( PS 2)

Cpg +T 1
(PS 53}


(PS 60)
FORCE fpg 54)

( pg 50) 9 SPAWN
1 - 3 units of Chants Sjiawi
Presented below axe six Tactical Objectives louse in your games ofWarhunnia 10, 01)0, which are exclusive lo Black
Legion players and rrflccl the relentless tyranny of the Despoiler's followers.

If your Warlord is fnim a ISlack [ ,cginn Detachment or
riimuLiiiu, you may replace I he tlapLuie & tlnutrol Tactical DS6 RESULT
Qhjcdiws ( number; 11 - 16) ricBrriliet ] in Warhammer 40,000: II Death and Dnlnirlion
The Rules wilh Lhc Tactical Oltjectivcs tm litis page.
12 Tear Lhe Ij gion
If a Waihammer 40,000 mission has the Tactical Objectives
special rule. players use lhe normal mlcs (or using TaelicaJ 13- birr the Unworthy, Only l >iLaLh
Objectives with Lhe following cnccpiinn : when a Black I cgion .
player using these Tactical lIhjertivrs generates a Capture & M [ at I h >y
^ Example
Control objective ( numbers II . I % 1.1 14, I.Sor lli), they instead
generate lhu‘ mnespanding Black I jgion Tactical Olqixlnc, 15- Tlie liing War Continues
as shown in the I able to the righL. Other Tactical Olijeetives
(numbers 'iJ -fifiJ are generated normally. 16- War]]-spawncd 'lerror


Wring death to any who stand btjort you. ihtm know horn
, The a'arriorsoj the Mach legion oniy aetepl strong , capable leaders ,
hopeless their defiance tr, and crush shear utterly. hope you ? worth to those oho follow you .
Seise 1 Victory IVtin L at lhe end ol your tu m if an enemy uni L
Rrdl a when Lhis Tactical t )hjct:livc is generated. Store
was completely tiesLmyei] during ynnr Lum. ] Victory Pirrinl at the end or your lum lT your Warlord
mnlmls the Objective Marker whose number cormponrla to
the Dti result .


Stride forth, the might of your legion scattering the joe before you.
, lhe warriors oj the Ris<± legion have been slaughtering their
Reap death, but jirsi SKWE terror.
1 enemies for millennia, lhis battle is but one ej otasy.
Score 1 Vic Lory l % iinL at the end ol ynur I urn if aL least one
Store I Victory l ti nl at the end ofynur lum il atleasl one
" "

enemy unil railed a Morale, Pinning nr Fear Lest during enemy unil was minplrtcly destroyed during your lum. IT any
your turn . enemy uniLs were destroyed hy a unit with the Veterans nf lhe
Ijong War s|iecial rule, score l>H Vie lory ftiinls irtslead.


Ihove your contempt Jor the rewards and utaAiirrg that oppose you lhe Warp is year ally. Make use oj its eldritch powers.
by eradicating their leaders as they stand helpless.
Sense I >3 Victory Points at the end of ynur turn if every one
Sore I Victory l iinl at the end of jour lum iTynii
sueeessfully manifested tsne tw more psychic powers during
oTyour trp|innenls mrtdels with the IndcfHndcnl Character ynur Lum. IT you manifested airy conjuration [lowers, score
special rule has tsren removed as a casualty. 1)3 Vic lory Points i nslead , or I )3+ 3 Victory Peinls ir you
summoned a Hlttodlhirtler, bond of Change, Great Unclean
One or Keeper of Sorrels.

7 ft

o. J&rn
m J
= M
I 4 fi*

-i; m-
r^ t
On these pages, you will find special rules unii|ur to armies from l he Alpha Lotion that reflect their tar tics on the
battlefield. You will also find Warlord Traits , Chaos Artefacts and Tactical Objectives that you can use when fielding your
Alpha Legion army in games of Warhammer -1(1 ,000, and an exclusive Detachment the Insurgency force


Any Detachment with the Chats Space Marines Faction can
lie [ tom one tif the nine Traitor I jegions. An Alpha I jegion
Detachment retains the Chaos Space Marines faction anti is WARLORD TRAITS TABLE
treated in all ways as a Chaos. Sjuacc Marines DcLachmcnl, with
the following mt >diiit:aLions : D6 WARLORD TRAIT
I Forward Agent: -1 firmer Headhunter during the
They cannot include any 1 lrLic[ ur: units. Homs Heresy, this Warlord prefers to secrete himself in
Units LhaL have a Mark nf Chaos cannot lie taken. a forward position from which to lead the destruction of
Units cannoL lie ii[ igratletl to Lake any Marks of Chaos. his enemies.
, \JI units LhaL can tin so must lie upgraded to Veterans of the: Your Warlord has the In I ill rate s|iet:ial rule.
long War, at nti additional Jamils cost .
Any Daemon tifTiteenlt:h, Nurgle or Slaauesh that is a Fsyker 2 Faceless Commander: The Alpha are
tail choose to generate all of ( heir [ Kychic jwiwen; from the experts in the art of deception , and none more so than
Discipline nfTarentrh, Nurgle or Slaauesh respectively. this Warlord.
Once per game, al the start of any of your
All units in an Alpha Ijcgion DcLachmenL or formation gain turns, you ran dinnse a friendly diameter on
the following s ieeial mles: thtL battlefield that is from an Alpha legion
^ Del acini ten I or formation anti has ihe same unit
FORWARD OPERATIVES type as your Warlord . Swap I lie posi l inn or Lhis
Units of Chosen arc Troops choices instead of Elites c.hniees. In mot ltd with that of your Warloni.
at It li I ion, all units of Chosen, Chaos Space Marines, anti Chaos
Cullists have the liifiltrate s[ ieeial rule. 3 Expert Timing: Your Warlord is a master of strategic
riming; omrn rir Ah reserve assets always arrive when

MANY HEADS OF THE HYDRA they are most needed.

If your Warloni is from ail Alpha Legion Detachment or At the start of each nf your turns after the lirsL,
Formation and they art slain, yon can immediately select
you can pick one if your units in Reserve lo arrive
another character Trom a friendly Alpha legion Detachment automatical!v instead of malting a Reserve Roll.
or formation to take their place - generate a Warloni Trait Jtir
your new Warlord irnrnetlialcly. This can hap|icn multiple i Hidden in Plain Sight : This Warlord makes use of
times in the same Italtle, provided you lolltiw these steps each advanced optical scramblers, masking his presence from
time. Furthermore, if your W'adord is from an Alpha legion all hut the keenest eye even when in the open.
Detachment or I'hrmation anti the mission yon are playing Your Warloni has the Stealth special mle.
grants Vic.lory hunts Irw slaying the enemy Warlord, your
opponent will tinly achieve that objective if all or the t:harac.lers 5 Cut Leader: This Warlord was personalty responsible
for establishing the local cult. Iheir members all but
lieen slain. ^
in your Alpha legion Detachment ; and/ or lormalionfs; have
renerale him. as a god and will fight with relentless
purpose in his presence.
Friendly units of (Ihais CullisLs within 12" of your
Cl I AOS ARTEFACTS Warloni have the- Furious Charge anti fed No Fain
Units in an Alpha legion DeLachmenl or Kormatitm that can (6+} special rules.
normally Lake Chats Artefacts in Codex: Chaos Spate Marines
can choose lo Lake items from the- Chaos Artefacts nf the Alpha 6 Alpha Strategist: Your Warlord is renowned for
legion list ( see ofjxmle) al the pitjanLs cnsL shown instead. leading deadly ambushes from in expected angles to altaek
the exact location where his enemies are most vulnerable.
Your Warlord has the Aculc Senses anti OuLllauk
WAR 1 GRID TRAITS special rules.
When generating his Warloni Trails a W'adtinl fmm an Alpha

Ijegitin DetachmenL nr Fonnalitiri may choose to roll tin the

table Iti the right instead of those ftiunrl in Warhammer 40,000:
The Rules or Codex: Chaos Space Marines.

The storied artefacts of the Alpha Legion arc often as secretive in tlicir purpose and design BE the Legion champions
that wield them . They rare- ly display any ostentation , yet their power is never to he underestimated . Only one of eaeh
of the following items may he chosen per army, and only one may he chosen per model .

' ’
Shimmering with illusion^ the Mindveil h a long ( look stitched with A suit of Corvus-Alphapaitempower armour forged by an ancient tech-
iht interlocking teeth ofDostoy Prime 's chameleonic hydrasharks. So savant of the Dark Mtchanicum , this battlcplatc incorporates the living
potent are the spells of confusion and dislocation cast upon it that the titanium scales of the tmea skydrake. Itspauldrons, vambraces and
bearer and his kin are accompanied by incorporeal mirages that mirror greaves are so well protected by that elder beast 's innate resistance to fire
their appearance perfectly. Stranger still, at a chanted command in the that even a fiamestorm cannon's channelled inferno plashes harmlessly
Dark longue, the wearer's truer location and that of his dappeiganger aside like water from smooth pillars of obsidian.
can switch places, an instant translocation that leases his enemies
gaping in confusion. Tie death of those fooled is nicer far away. '
Lhe DrahKalr Hale con fen; a armour save. In addition ,
I fie wearer has a 2* invulnerable save against all liatncr
At the start nf any of your MtivcrncnL phases, yon ran choose wcajwtns {as tlcfmed in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules ).
to roll IlDfi anti tnmr the hearer anti fib- unit up Iti the
distance rolled in inches instead nf moving normally. YtHi ran ICON OF INSURRECTION 25 POINTS
tit » this even if ihey are Incited in mmliaL; if VCHJ tic nn, enemy This eight pointed standa rd top is no mere symbol, but an tnsorcelled,
anils cannot ( jmscJidaie . semi-diabolic magnet far chaotic entrgits that broadcasts thoughts
of anarchy and rebellion into the minds of all who behold it . Honed
BLADE OF THE HYDRA 30 POINTS and perfected by generations of Alpha LJTERN demagogues and
long ago, this oversized chainsword was of purely ceremonial use. Since mctamentalists, it has became a potent artefact famed throughout the
the Daemon Prince ( Iharual of the Nine Sundered Souls was bound brotherhood of Alpharius, firr when the icon ir raised , mayhem soon
inside it, however, the blade has been a fiendish tool ofdestruction. follows. When held aloft amongst a crowd, it can turn malcontents
Those with a will strong enough to control its multiple cfti raring
into death squads and dabblers in heresy into seething, frenzied
mindsets cart cause the sawtoothed black to shimmer into not one, but maniacs bent on burning the realms of men to ash.
several swords that gnaw and tysash with an immortal hunger. These
extra blades are insubstantial when the wielder wills it, and raiorsharp ITienrUy units tif Ghats GnllistR veil Lin [ T nf lhe f leaner I Lave
when the flesh of his enemies rr near. the Zealot R|ietdaJ rule.

Replaces one of Lhe lieart'r’s Melee weapons. HYDRA’S TEETH . 15 POINTS

The Hydra's leeth are boll rounds with an ammo casing that must
Range S AP Type be kept slick with blood-laced oil lest they detonate prematurely and
User S Meta. cause irrevocable damage to the wielder. lhe legend goes that they
Daemon Weapon*, are sentient in the manner of Daemon EMU GJLT, and that soreemus
Mulli - fLeadcd , ^
powers have somehow given them a terrible hunger for destruction. I
Rending Once fired, they seek out fresh victims - regardless ofhow well
hidden they may be - before exploding iir a blast of eye-searing, lung-
Multi - headedt Each time I fief nearer rolls a fi 'lii Nit , ihey scorching gas that can turn exposedflesh to black dudgt .
can immediately make another At Lack . Any additional Attacks
also hcncJiJ In mi this rule , so furl her lt > I lit mils nf ti also

I lytlra s leelh can fie I i ret I from any httkgtin, ficJt pislol ,

grant additional ALtar.ks. ctmihi - 1 Milter or liollgnn part erf any onmht-wra|}ttfl that the

fiearer is equipped with; I hat wea[ ion s [ irofilc gains the Hla.iL,

*Sa ( Index: Ghats Sfiacc Marines . Igjiorics {lover anti IVjisoiiod (?+ ) Rjinial rules.


This ornate boltgun has a wide, serpent-head mrczzle and a magazine
that never seems to run dry. When it fins, it makes no noise louder
than a dry hiss, but a cacophony ofscreams if never far behind. The
projectiles it fires glow with acrid green flame, the energy swathing eaeh
boll so virulent they fin sizzle through even the ancient war-plate of
Terminator armoured otic ram.

Replaces one of the bearer’a ranged weapons.

Range S AP
2\' 3 ‘1 Rapid l ire

T T T T T r T T T
Insurgency Forces arc used exclusively by ihc forces of Alpha Led cm . The rules below will allow you the ID organise
models in your Chaos Space Marines eolleclion of miniatures lo represent one of these Detachments in your games of
Warhammor 40,00(1 .

CHOOSING AN ARMY An Insurgency Force is a special type of Detach menl lhal

When r.hixising an anny lo play a game nFWarhammer 10,0410, can lie inrlurled in any ISal Llc -forgcd army. Unlilic ihe
there are I wo main ways nr organising your mlletlinn . ' ITLCSC Detachments shown in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules^ it has
are the Unbound method , which means taking whichever nnitH a Inrrr Organisalion Chari whose slots are a combination
you like, anti the HaLlle-forged method, which is more rigid oFsporilic Formal ions am I Army List Llnlrira instead nr
hut has exLra lieneJiLfl. both are descrilietl fully in fkijAamracr tSaLLlelielii Roles. However, it Hi ill has rnmpLilRnry anel
40,000: The Rules. optional elements as well as Restrictions anti Comrnarnl

liemelils, just like any other Detachment.

IF you arc using the Unhountl method, simply use the datasheets
tliaL com xind to the models in your collection. If yon are Although uniLs cannot normally belong In more than tine
using I he ISatLle -Cnrged methtxl, you will instead need to Detachment units from a LWmalimi lhal is part nr an

lnsurgent: y Force are an exception. ' ITiey count at pari nfholh

organise the moilds in your collection into Detachments. rl hin
is a Fun process in its own right . Ihc most common of these are their Formation and the Detachment anti have all associated

the Combined Arms and Allied DetachmenLs. Command benefits and s|iet:ial rules. IT your Warlord is pari
oFa Formation or an Army List KnLry that makes up pari
oFan Insurgency Force, the entire Insurgency lone is your
Primary Detachment.

Detachment mnsL int: hitlc at least out - ( lore choice anti tine
' JTiis

Auxiliary choice. It mav iuclurle up In Ihur Command choices

and any rtnmlier of additional ( lore or Auxiliary choices, in any
coinlHiiation . Only the datasheets listed here can he included
in this Detachment . and all units must have the Chaos Sparc
Marines Faction.

1 Am Alpharius: If this Detachment is your Primary
Detachment, you rail nL- rrJI the result when nilling on the
Alpha legion Wadtirtl Traits table (pgflO).

Hidden Deployment: All noil-vehicle uniLs in tins DeLachment

have this Shrouded sjhccial mle during the first game tum.
- I of die following
- Chaos [and - Dark Apostle
- Sorcerer - Daemon Prince
Gull Uprising : Larli time a Chaos CulList unit from ibis
Detachment is riwn|ileLely destroyed, roll a I Mi; on a A*- , ytai
can immediately place a new unit into Ongoing Reserves that is ,

itlentical in terms of the original mnnlier of motlels, weajHms

arul upgrades lo the unit lhal was destroyed. ' Jhese new units
count as being pari of I he original Detachment so roll a Dfi

as descrilietl above il thevare subsequently rlestroyerl. Vir.Lory X

Points are awank ^ l for new units in ihis Detachment that fiave THE LOST AND THE DAMNED
( re 4 )
lieen liestroyed .
Core 1 +

The Insurgency Force JIIOWH -you lo rcprescnl Lhc typical structure of an Alpha Legion army on the; battlefield .
Whether you wish to bring death and destruction with the full might of a Chaos invasion force, or field an elite
war band tasked with some dark purpose , the choices below offer a great way to piek your army.

Lor example,Jen’s Chaos Spaa Marina collection consuls of a Chaos The Insinsrtnty hone in Josh army consuls of a Chaos Wajband as

Lard a Sorcerer a Dark Apostle, a Warpsmith , tkrtt anils of Chaos
, a Con choice (her ( haos Sard, Sojcenr, Chostn, Chaos Terminators,
Spaa Marinis, two units each of Raptors, Thome Rerzerhers and Chaos Spaa Marines, Raptors, Warp Talons and llarsocs), and a
Qtane Cuttuls units, a unit each of Chosen , Chaos Terminators, llrfjorgcd Warpack (her Warpsmith, flelbmles and T'orgjiend} as an
Harms and Warp Talons, two llelhrvtes, a Iteldrake, a Chaos Auxiliary choia.
Predator and a L'orgtfiend.
fen j Dark
Apostle, Khome Herzerkers, Chaos Cullists, lleldrake and
If Jen wishes to organist her collection tui ng the Pa tile-forged method
Chaos Predator form a Combined Arms Detachment. As all of far
- as described in Warhamrner 40,0(10; ' Ihe Roll* - all if her units units belong to a Detachment , the amy is Paltleforged. Jen chooses
need to be pari of a Detachment ora Tormalion.Jen achieots this by her Chaos ford lo be her Warlord - her Insurgency Tone LT therefore
1 choosing one insurgency IPra and one Combined A rms Detachment her Primary Detachment. The units that are pari of it hone the l Am
I from Hhrhaiituter 40,0110: rITie Rides- Alpharius, Hidden. Deployment and Cull Uprising Command lienfils,
whilst thene that arc part of the Combined A rms Detachment hart the
Objective Secured Command Peneft.


(PS 49)
(PS r> n )

fpss| )
FORCE ( PS 54)



1 -3 units of Chaos Spawn


m ri 7$


Predated bclowjuc six radical Objectives louse in yourgames iifWarhammcr 10, 000, which are exclusive lo Alpha
Legion players and rcflccl the clandestine nature of the way in which they fight.

I IT your Warlord is from a Alpha legion Detachment nr
I 'br-malion, you may replace the Capture & OmLrol 1helical DS6 RESULT
ChjmiHS ( inimtier; 1 I - 1 ft) drscriljed in Washammer 40,000: II Capture arul SuliverL
The Rules wilh the Tactical OlijocLives un litis page.
12 Sardfinal letter
If a Warhammor 40,000 mission has the Tactical Objectives
special rule, players use ihe normal mles for using Tactical 13- Tar lira] Supremacy
Objectives wilh the [ nlltjwing exception : when an Alpha I ^Tgion

player using these 'Jar.Liral l Jlijertives generates a Capture & 11 In fil Irate ant I An n i liilate
Control objective [ numbem II . I % IT II . IScw they instead
generate ihe cormspcmding Alpha legion Tartiral Olijeetive, 15 Strike l Within
as shown in the I aide lothe righL. Other Tactical Olijeetives
fnumheir 'iJ -fifiJ ate generated normally. 16 Strike OIT Ihe [ had


JJST gutit and. earning to capture the tnem 's fortifications before Ihe r strategy to infiltrate key batitefoeld positions before
turning their own gttns against them.
yosts rapfr
destroying foe itSieriy.
Score 1 Victory l rin I at ihe end or your turn if you have
eapHined any enemy buildings or any unclaimed buildings
Score I Vielory ftiiinl al the end nf your lum iral leasl
one enemy unit was completely destroyed by a unil with
during this or any previous lum. ihe In fill rale s|ienal rule. If al least !i enemy units were
eomplelely drslnoyed try units wilh ihe InliltraLe social rule,
wore l >!i Victory PhinLs instead.


Dram the enemys guns a&aypom yam legionnaires through the
.VKTUT a crucial target behind ikt enerny
lines that they foolishly

callous use of yoUJ human set rants. dAt nA: is safe.


litis Tartiral Ohjrelive is acltieved Lite nexl time one or your Score I Vielory htinl at the end of your lum ir you mnlnol an
Ghans GnlList uniLs is completely destroyed . You immediately Objective Marker lltal is wilhin your ofqwmenL’s deployment
senre VicLiry ftiinl. /one. Score 1 ) 3 Vielory Points instead if you control al leasL
Iwo Objective Markers lltal are wiLlrin your opponent's
drpktymenl mnr.


J'Jimrt and destroy the energy's most tactically flexible BHI U lo
ensure battlejieid dominance.
Unlike the Alpha Jjgion , the enemy "s heads do not grow back...
Scorn 1 Virlttry Atinl al Lhe entl oTyour Lum ir al leasl one
SCOTT 1 Vic.lory lAtin I at ihe end ol~ your lum if al least enemy rhararLer was slain during your Lnrn. Score 1 )3 Vielory
one enemy unit wilh any of ihe following sftreial mles was Aunts inslead if al least 3 enemy rhaiaelers were killed during
eomplelely destroyed during your Lnrn: LDeep Strike. I til &. ynur lum. If live or more enemy rbaiaelcrs were killed during
Knn . Infiltrate, Outflank or Seoul. your turn, Senre ItM VieLory Rjinls instead.

“V, n.t
h =>J
- V

\- .


<? $«£
' > <

.- -

. i

Jt ’


' tje ' '

>:W ©hfthj!

v, V’S
On ibcsc pagps, you will find special rules unique lo armies from lhe Iron Warrior * lhai reflect their tactics on the
battlefield. You will also find Warlord Traits, Chaos Artefacts and Tactical Objectives that you can use when fielding your
Iron Warrior* army in games of Warhammer lfl.OHO. and an exclusive Detachment the Grand Company.


Any Detachment with ( he Chans Spare Marines Faction can
lie from tine of the nine Tmtnr li ions. An Inin Warriors
I >elachmenL reLains ihe Ghaos Space Marines Eklinn and is WARLORD TRAITS TABLE
Irealctl in all ways an a Ghaos Space Marine Detachment , with
ihe (iilhjwing modifications: DG WARLORD TRAIT
I Iron Without; Ihis Warlord is mtwr machine

- '
JTicy cannoL inclutieany Unique uni Li.
UniLi lhal have a Mailt ( if Chans cannot IML Lalcen .
than man.
Your Warlord has ihe Feel Nit Rain [4+) special rule,
lYiiLs cannot 1ML upgraded Lit Lab any M arks dTGhana.

. Ml uuils that can do sti nuisL Ite upgratled Lo VeLerans orLhc

which cannul lie imprmtxl hy any means.

Ling War. aL no addi Lioual gioiiils cost. 2 Cold Calculations ; Ihis Warlord has no room for
- Any Darnm onVernLrh. Nurgfc or Slaanesh lhal is a I*syloer
can choose Lo generate all tif their psychic powers bnn the
emotion lift in his mind - only ruthless efficiency.
Your Warlord hat ihe Feariess s[ iecial rule.
Discipline oniVeenLch .. Niirgjc or Slaanesh resfteclively.
3 Master of Ectrtilicationsi Tern can belter this
/Ml uuils in au Imn Warriors Dclachmenl or Formation gain Warlord's ingenuity jbr bolstering fortifications.
ihe (tilltywing special rules: After deployment , hut before Smut ncdeploymenLs
and InfLllrale dcployntenls. nominate one|iicce of
All uuils with the Veterans of the Ling War s|iecial rule
tn rrain in your dirplcyinent /one (thin cannot lie
one you have purchased as part or your army}. rITie
re- roll failed ' lb I lit rolls in every round orrJosc comhal wlicu terrain pieced cover save is increased liy L (or the
attacking Imperial lusts uniLi. However, all Im|icrial IdaLs uni Li
have the Haired ( Into Warriors ) special rule.
I duration of the game ( lo a maxi mum of $t- ). Note
that a|Hcce or terrain can only Ite bolstered in this
way once.
Units wilh Lhc Veterans or the laing War special rule have the i Technoviral Manipulator ; litis Warlord has an
led No l in ( fit ) special rule. innate understanding of the intricacies of the QAll Ieralor
^ lechnouims, and can turn it lo his oten ends.
PA I RONS C ) F THE I RC!HNC )V1 RL 5 Friendly uniLi ofOtililcraLors from an Iron
Units ofOEililcraLors and Mutilators are Ttoo|is choices insLead Warriors Formation or Detachment thaL are within
of Elites choices. 12* of your Wadonl ran choose Lo lire the same
weapon in coiiiccuLive Shooting phases.
Units can re- toll armour penetration mils againsL builtlings 5 Sled Castellan; The presence if this inspirational
lhal tlo not result in a glancing hil or|ienctratiiig hit , and add Warlord within the castle trails spurs his warriors on to
J Lo the result when rolling CHI the Building I >ainage table. In greater acts of defiance.
addition , units of I lavocs, Ohlileraiors and Mutilalors have the Your Warlord and his unit have the (
lank I luirltTS special rule. and S) iliL Fire s|iecial rules whilst in cover.

6 Master of Blasphemous Machines : This Watford

GHAOS ARTEFACTS can. perform minor repairs to damaged vehicles with
Units in an Iron Warriors Detachment or Formal ion that can remarkable swiftness , helping to ensure his machines of
normally take Ghaos Artefar.Ls in Codex: Qiaos Space Marines usar are ester ready to figfit.
can choreic lo take ilems fmin the Ghaos. ArLefacLs of the Imn Friendly vehicles wilh ihe Ghaos Space Marine
Warrior; list {see opposile ) at the points caisl shown instead. Faction have the It Will Not I >ie sjtmial rule whilst
they are within fi" of your Wadonl.

When generating his Wadonl train, a Warlord from an Iron
Warrior DcLarhmenl or Formation may choose Lo mil on the
lahle Lo Lhe right i nsLead of Lhose (bund in Warhammer 4Q 00Q:
Ihe Hales or Codex: Chaos Space Marines.


ft 6
The artefacts borne by the Warsmilhs and lesser lords of ihe iron Warriors are much like their bearers brutish.,
unsublle and designed fur mass destruction . Only one of each of the following items may be ehosen per army, and
only one may be chosen per model.


Ihis complex net of mechalendrils incorporates a large, ivory-toothed EXOSKEIJiTON m POINTS
{ law. Earerv long incisor has bun inscribed with a dozen ruufjfs .
Ibis warrior embodies the maxim " Iron within Iron without ' in a
the Dark longue, tack symbol no larger than a quill-tip, but potent quite literal sense fits both, long ago clad in the flcshmelal so prized by

nonetheless. lhe wearer of Warpbreacher can use the claw lo nock the Eye if Terror’s Warpsmiihs, has bonded with his protective wargear
into tht Empyrean, plucking a Daemon attracted to tht carnage of so that his anatomy is metallic on the inside as well as the outside.
tht balllefitld from its voyeuristic fugue and thrusting its soul into the A blade that manages to penetrate his armour will blunt itself on the
corporeal form ofa nearly vehicle. Such a favoured mechanism will hardenedflesh beneath, and the return blow will not be long in coming
growl like a living thing as the thaolic anim ttr within rails against Us Keen these enemies that somehow deal the warrior significant damage
imprisonment - to the detriment of all mortal creatures nearby. will see their adversary J cabled muscles reknit in a frenzy ofsilvered
fibres until they are rebuilt as strong as ever.
Waijisrnilh. only. Warplwearher in an Lgigradc In the Eiearrds
mechalendrils. At I he start of each of your turns, the liearer Ibe FleJmietal Exrakrlrlciii conIcrs a‘1+ armour save. In

ran grant the Daemonic luasesaon Chaos Vehicle Equipment addition . the liearer has the 11 Will Mol Die serial rule.
ujigradc (see Codex: Chaos Space Marines'; m a frientlly vehicle
wilhio V tifliim, BO long as the vehicle lias the Chaos Space CRANIUM MALEVOLUS 30 POINTS
Marine Faction ami does not already have the upgrade. -
This iron clad death J head was once a servo-skull taken from the
Sainted Halls of Terra. \Though intended as little more than a
NEST or MECHASERPENTS 20 POINTS tmphyr under the ownership of the Iron Warriors it has mutated into
bhe morass of mechanical tentacles that graces the wearer 's back are a mouthpiece for the mind-shattering language of the soul forges.
possessed of an insidious and cruel consciousness. Not in fact a single The coded blurts of Dark Tongue it emits are potent enough lo undo
relic of the Tong War, fvt rather a collection ofseveral small and the machine spirits if enemy technology. Its scrapcode chant ir se
deadly Daemon Engines, the coil ii as spiteful and fierce as any mortal maddening that opposing war engines will spontaneously immolate
worshipper of Chaos, loyal only to its master. When a worthyJoe comes themselves t n order to avoid spending another second near the

close, the mechatendrils will snake from their master s back to dither
foaling, anarchic device.
quickly across the battleground, whipping around legs, arms and necks
to throttle the enemy so that their master might deliver the killing blow. At the start of the bearer’s Shooting jJiase, enemy vehicles within
‘11 Mr of the liearer sufler an automatic hit with the I laywi re
Warfismith only.
J hc Nest orMerhaserpenLi is an upgrade

sfirciaJ rule. Gmer sail 's cannot he laien against this Hi L .

Lo the hearer s nuybLalendrilH. When lighting in a challenge,
resolve Lwoof Lite Eieaners Attacks separately iirst Iteloie SI EG EBREAKER MACE , 25 POINTS
resolving the remainder. If both or these initial Attacks score Though most of the Iron Warriors' siegemasters batter the enemy 's
successful hits, ( In bearers remaining Attacks have the liistanl
defences to rubble with mercilessly accurate bombardments, there are
Death special rule that turn . those who prefer to ium the tide first hand, striding the crater-riddled
field without fear. The Siegcbreaker Mace is a weapon that has become
AXE OE THE EORGEMASTER ... 25 POINTS legendary- amongst these bombastic warriors. A cast sphere of dense
That which this tog;toothed axe creates, it can also destroy, for the starmetal bound with sigils of shattering ana mounted on the wrist-
masters of the Daemon forgps have long had to ensure dominance over tbick pole of a captured Adeptus Astartes standard, the Siegebreakcr
their creations with acts of might as well as cunning. An inherent Mace was created with acts of destructive symbolism in mind. When
authority over machines bleeds from the metallic skin of this massize jzuunjf with sufficient fora, it can blast rockcrete wads to scattering
grealaxe. Such are the energies of unmaking that are bound into this shards, allowing the wielder to stomp imperiously through the dusty
axe's hafi that a single blow can turn an adamantium-hulled tank lo remnants of a barrier that once seemed insurmountable.
a pile of rusted scrap. Eartn xenos war engines simply come apart when
struck hard enousfi , disintegrating with screams of tortured materials. Replaces cine of Lhe liearer’s Melee weapons.

Replaces one of Lhe liearer’s Melee weajNins. Range S AP Type

+2 4 Melee. (ionc.ussKe.
Range S
Meli ^e, Armouriiane,
MasLer rtafted ,
Unwieldy Siegebrealter; Instead J if altackiiig nonnally, the liearer can
choose lo make a single Attack resolved at Strength 10 and API .

T v
(irani Companies arc
T r T T v — t T

niifd fidushfly by the forces of the [ run Warners. The ndcs below will allow you ID organise the
models in your Chaos Space Marines eoUeclion of miniatures lo represent one of these Detachments in your games of

Warhammer 1 - 0,00(1.
CHOOSING AN ARMY A Grand Company is a special type of Detachment that
When choosing an army In play a game nf Warhammer 10,000, can lie included in any ISal Lie -forged army. Unlilic the
there are t wo main ways or organising your mlletlion. ' ITiese Detachments shown ill Warhammer 40,000: The Rulrs^ it has
arc the Unbound method , which means Lairing whichever units a lorrr Organisation Chari whose sloLs arc a combination
you like, anti the HaLlle-forged method, which is more rigid ofsprrilic Formations anti Army List Llntrira instead or
hut has exLta lienefus. ISnth ate rlescrilietl fully in Warhammer ISatLlelield Roles. I lowrver, i. L still has compulsory and
i0.000: The Hula . optional elements as well as Restrictions and Comntanrl

lienrlils, just like any tither DnladimmL

Ifynuare using 1 lie Unbound method, simply use the datasheets
llial nrmsprairl to the models in your collection. If you are Although units cannot ntirmally belong to intire than one
using the ISatLlr - torgiod method, you will instead need to Detachment units from a formation Lhat is part of a Grand

organise the models in your collodion inlo Detachments. "ITiis Company are an exception. They round as part of both their
is a fun process in its own right . I’he most common of these are Formation and the Detachment and have all associated

the Combined Arms and Allied Detachments. Command ISenehLs and s|iecial rules. If your Warlord is part
of a Formal ion or an Army List F ntry that makes up pari
of a Cram I ( jomjiany, the entire Grand ( Company is your
Primary DelachmenL .

' HiisDelaelunenl mnsL include at least tme Core choice and one CHAOS WARBAND
(re 4 )
Auxiliary choice. It may inelmlc up Lo four Command choices
ami any nnmtier of additional Core or Auxiliary choices, in any *
combination . Only the datasheets listed here can he included
in this Detachment and all units rnnsl have the Chaos Sparc
.Marines Faction .
L nf the following:
War smith: If this Detach menl is your Primary Detachment^ - Sorcerer
yon can re- roll the result when rolling on the Iron Warriors - Dark Apostle
Wadord Trails table | f ig Hi ). - Dbemtin IVinee

Masters of Annihilation ; When liring ISarrage and/ or

Ordnance weapons with models fmm this Detachment, you can
choose Lo re- roll the scalier dice.
Intractable brotherhood: All non -vehicle units fnun this Ml Lorlifiralitms
Detachment have the Stubliom s|iceia] rule. Noil-vehicle unils
front this Detachment that are on or within a Fori ilieal ion have

the tearless special rule instead.


( P£ + B)

Command Auxiliary Coir 1 +

fl-1 1+


The Grand Company allows you lo represent the typical structure of an Iron Warners army on the battlefield.
Whet her you wish to bring death and destruction with the full might of a Chaos invasion force, or field an elite
war hand tasked with some dark purpose , the choices below offer a great way to piek your army

Tor example, Kim’s Chats Space Marina collection consists of a The Grand Company in Kim ir army consuls of a Chaos Warband as
Chaos Lard, a Sorcerer, a Dark Apostle a Warpsmilh, ihrtc anils of .
a Con choice (her ( dioas lord Sorcerer, Chosen, Chaos Terminators,
Chaos Spaa Marines, two anils each of Raptors Khome Berzerkers Chaos Space Marines, Kaplan, Warp Talons and 1locoes}, and a
and Chaos Cultisls, a unit took of Chosen, Chaos Terminators, Itaoocs 11clforged Warpack (her Warpsmith, flelbmtes and Torgjiend} as an
and \tarp Talons, two tlelbmles a Heldrake, a Chaos Predator and Auxiliary choice.
a i'orgrfirrtd.
Kim i Dork ApostleP Khorne Itcnerhers, Chaos Cultists, Heldrake
If Kim wishes to organise her collection nui njr the Dottle-forged method
and Chaos Predator form a Combined Arms Detachment AsaU. of
- as described in Warhamrner 40,0(10: ' 1110 Rolls - all if her anils her units belong to a Detachment , the army if Pallle-forged Kim
need to be part of a Detachment or a Tormation. Kim achieves this by chooses her Chaos lord to be her Warlord - her Crand Company tr
1 choosirtg one Crand Company and one Combined Anns Detachment therefore her Primary Detachment. ITte anils that are part of il hare
I r
ftom Whthaininer 40,0110: |THI Rides- the Warsmilh , Masters of Annihilation and Intractable Drotherhood
Command Dmrfiis whilst those that are part of the Combined A rms
Detachment haste the Objeetisst Secured Command Rentfil.


( pg 53)


fpg >!>)
FORGE (pg 54)

( PS 55)


fpg 52)
9 1 -3 units of Chaos Sjiawr


7j W mmf v 1


f \ jL
^ V i f


PrfHiQtfdbclawarc six radical Objectives louse in yaurgames iifWarhammcr 10.000, which arc ntrlusivc lo Iron
Warriors players and rcQccl ihoir highly destructive style of warfare.

If your Warlord is from an Inin Warrior; Detachment or
I 'ormalion, you may replace the (lapluie & OmLirJ 'Ikliial DS6 RESULT
Objectives ( number; 11-16) dranrihrd in Warhammor 40,000: 11 Hold the Bailie Line
The Rules with the Tactical Olijoctives on this page.
12 'Earliral Destruction
If a Waihammcr 40,000 mission has- llic Tactical Objectives
special rule. players use ihe normal rules (fir using Tarlieal 13- Wanton Obliteration
Objectives with Lhe (iilLjwing exception : when ail Iron Warriors
player using these Tar I Seal l Jhjortivcs generates a CapLnre & M Hold anrl fortify
Conlrol objective ( number; II . I % l .:i. II . Litre Ihj.. they instead
generate lhe crKrrc*;[ iondiiig I non Warriors Tactical directive, 15- .\1 ante rr of I Icinnlilion
as shown in the LalJe to the righL. Other Tactical Olijeelives
fnnmheis are generated normally . 16- Dcatmy 'ITieir AmMHiry


An Iren Warriors baltle lira should be urtbreaehable. Ihorx ii. this crudai position , and lei none dispute your control oj it .
{ fold
Sense 1 Victory Aiint al the end or your turn if, during yvmr Wlirri ibis '1 'artieal Objective is generated, nominate tine
turn , you completely rWlnrynl an enemy unit that was even Objective .Marier. Score 113 Victory ftimts al the end of
partially within IfT -rtf yntir own table edge. your next Lum (nr the end or the game} if, al the end nr
your next Lum (nr the end or the game}, yrm crmlrol that
Objective Marier.


lhe enemy seeks to hold a valuable position against
their Jothf by annihilating them.
you. Attest to -
lhe Iron Warriors have no tqual u hen it comes lo demolition.
Score I Victory Hint al the end nf wmr turn ir, during ynur
Scum I Victory hiinl al the end nfyemr Lum ir, during lum, any enemy buildings or horliliratirms Inst a Hull hiint
ynur Lum, you eomplelrly destroyed an enemy uniL that was nr Wound . Sen re 113 Victory Itanls instead if any enemy
ennl rolling an Objective Marier aL the start of your lum. buildings or i'orlilieatinns were destroyed during ynur Lum .


Ihooe the superiority oj the lechrtoBirus by IHIHJP it ensure the Without vehicle suppait , the enemy 's strength h nothing compared to
joe's annihilation. your .

Sense 1 Vic lory Aiint al the end of your turn if a friendly unit Score I Victory Point al the end nT wmr lum iPaL least
or OHileralnrs nr MuLilatnrs romplrlely desLnwerl an enemy one enemy vehicle was destroyed during your Lum . Score
unit during ynur lum. 113 Victory Points instead if at IcasL 3 enemy vehicles were
destroyed during ynur turn ir five nr more enemy vehicles

were destroyed during your turn, Sense 1)3+ 3 Victory

Points instead.

la - — dl aS l?
On these pages, you will find special rules unii|ur to armies from lhe Night Lords that reflect their tactics on the
battlefield. You will also find Warlord Traits, Chaos Artefacts and Tactical Objectives that you can use when fielding your
Night Lords army in games of Warhammer 1- 0,(100, and an exclusive Detachment the Murder Talon.


Any Detachment with the ( IHais Sparc Marines Far I inn
t:an tie from one of the nine Traitor Ixrgions. A Night IxirdR
Detachment retains the Chaos Space Marines faction anti is WARLORD TRAITS TABLE
treated in all ways as a Chaos Sjrace Marines DeLachmenl, with
the following modifications : DG WARLORD TRAIT
I ...
One Piece at a 'Time : This Warlord prefer* to toy
Itiey rauuot include any Unique units. with his preyr striking hard and fast , then Banishing
Units LhaL have a Mark of Chans cannot lie taken. ana mart , his injured and helpless riclim completely at
Units eannoL lie ii[ igraded to Lake any Marks of Chans. his merry.
All units LhaL can tin no must lie upgraded to Veterans of the Your Warlord has the Mil & Run special rule.
I xing War, at no additional JN riots c.osl .
Any Uaemnn ofTKeeulrh , Nurgle or Slaauesh that is a Psyfcrr 2 Murderous Reputation; hten amongst a treed of
ran choose to generate all of their [ Kychic jwiwen; from the murderers, this Warlord and his brethren haze gained a
Discipline nf 'farentrh, Noigle or Slaanesh reflectively. notorious reputation fir their mastery ofthe killing art.
Your Warinnl artel his unit tan re - roll arty lo
All units in a Night lords Iletarhmenl or Formation gain the Wound rolls of J in Lhe Assault phase.
following s|iec.ial rules:
3 Bitter Hatred : This Warlord shares his ancient
IN MIDNIGHT CLAD Primarch s bitterness and channels it into a ferocious
Units LhaL have the Veterans or the I King War special rule have killing fury in battle.
the Rar, Night Vision and SlealLh sfierial rules. Your Warlord has the 11 at nil special rule.

5KYBORNE HORROR i One With the Shadows: So skilled at blending into

Units of Raptors are Troops choit :es instead of Fast darkness is this Warlord that it is difficult to discern
At tacit c.hoit:es. where his corporeal form ends and the shadotrs begin.
Your Warloni t:art re- nill failetl mver saves.
Enemy units LhaL are locked in martial with any units from a 5 Dirty fighters: lb the Nigft lords, the very notion of
Night lords Detachment or Formation must suhtract '1 Imm fighting fair is alien , and this Warlord has trained his
their leadership wlien taking fear tests. closest warriors to use retry dirty trick in iht book .
Your Warloni anti his tmil have the Hammer tif
Wrath Rfieeial rule. If they already have this sjreeial
Cl I AOS ARTEFACTS rule {if they are tquipped with jump packs or Chaos
Units in a Night lords Detachment or Formalinn that can hikes, Tor example; yoti r:an re - roll any failetl 'lo

normally Lake Chans Artefacts in Codex: Chaos Space Marines Wound rolls wfien resolving their Hammer of
ran choose lo Lake items from the Cilhaos Artelaets nf the Night Wrath attacks.
I jwds list (see o|ipoatr:) at Lhe jmints cost shown instead.
6 Killing Fury: .4 warrior bom, this Warlord launches
himself into the heart of the enemy lines the better to slake
WARLORD TRAITS his thirst jbr murder.
When generating his Warlord Trails a Warlord from a Nigfil
, Your Warlord has the Ram]iage special mltL .
lords Dtiat hmein or Formation may choose Lo roll on the talile

to Lhe right instead of those loutirl ill Warhammer 40,000: The

Rules or Codex: Chaos Space Marines.


* -
ITie most favoured champions within Nigjil Lonk Legion wield powerful and deadly relics designed wilh a simple hut
cruel purpose in mind murder. Only one of each of the following items may be chosen per army, and only one may
be chosen per model .


The Scomging Chaim once jarsgfedfrom the rafters of the Lamarck Emanating from the ornate winged helm u which it makes its home, a
Konrad Curie’s throne rao-m . Many a soul judged guilty by the lining susumes haunts the airwaves, spreading lies and falsehoods across
Nigfil Haunter has been hanged from their jagged spikes until death. the vox networks of the Nisfit Lords’ enemies. The chill whispers of the
Appearing taut as corded tendons as the nearer flies towards bis chosen Far Daemonic ter hast unmanned brave commanders and undermined
victims, these spiked chains loosen and loop at the Iasi moment before masterful strutcries ; many a well-laid plan has been lorn to shreds by its
impact, 1!V ladling oat to catch the wearer's prey and then cent meting baleful, curse.
sharply, they bring the enemy close - often onto an outstretched blade or
crackling set if lightning denes. Enemy units within fi' of [he liearer must subtract ] From their
[ jCBdcnhp. In addition , whilsL the hearer is nn the battlefield ,
AIL nf Lhe bearer's dose mmltal attacks haw: the Shred your opponent must suhlrael I from their Reserve Rolls.
special rule.
CLAWS OF THE upon the arm of Curse i throne, this orb was a gift
Said to have sal
BLACK HUNT.... . 40 POINTS from Magnus, Trimarch of the Thousand Sons. It was given to help
These vicious hooked talons have spill the blood of thousands of victims Curze focus his prccognitive visions, though in truth, the primogenitor
finer their creation in the Soul Targes. Worn by the master of the of the Night lards never fit the need to asr iJ. Now it is his sons that
Black Hunt , a airwiB ritual that precedes the greatest of Night Lords make use of the strange devicer serving possible futures in its depths t
invasionsr they are so encrusted with gore they are almost black , ibis even as they take battle to their enemies.
congealed fluid is so thick it cannot even be seared away by die vicious
energy field that runs about each dear, litis is seen by some as a dear '
ITtr hearer nf Curve's Orti can ie - rol arty Run . ' In I lit and
fi£TC of a gory blessing from destructive gods, and the crackling field ir rlb Wound mils of 1 .
so powerful it bums doth at a yard’s distance. Tven when the wielder
swipes the air near afber not tfuile contact , the jjirtmri armour STORMBOLT PLATE 20 POINTS
andflesh part as ifslashed optn by a fierce and invisible beast. This artificer amour was fashioned from a strange metal smelted
in the darkest pits of long-dead Nostnzmo. It ii not the war plate i
I Tie C laves of the black I lunt are a pair nf Melee weajtnns incredible durability , however, that has made ir so prized amongst
that replace all nf the liearer's Melee anti ranged weafMU ]s the Night fords, for it is wreathed in a claying darkness , an

(exdnding grenades). Each claw has the litlltiwing profile :

Range S
unnatural skein of midnight that perpetually shrouds the wearer. So
ii is that a warrior with the Slormbolt Plate pounces on their prey
from the shadows .

Master-crafted ., ITLC Slnrmholl Mate conicrs a 2< IIMIW H I In atldil ion ,

Rending, Shm] the heaner improves thei r cover save liy J .

Ifonr over a pair of bools, these talons give the wielder the appearance
of some eldritch raptor-beast that has evolved to better disembowel its
prey. Should ant porting these bladed accoutrements descend feel-first
into the ranks of his prey, die talons will cluteh and rip, jfreirag and
eviscerating all those too slow to evade. A heartbeat later, the crushing
weight rf the Chaos Space Marine wearer will be benight to bear with
sickening, spine-breaking impact.

In each Fight sub- phase , Lhe hearer ran make an additional

D.1 Attacks {or I >ft At Larks on a turn in which Lhey charged) at
their normal Initiative step , iisiiiLT Lhe following profile:

Range S AP Type
User 5 Meke . Shod


v: •
* ••
iif "
:" T> Wi
, »-’ i*


f f * T T T T T T T T T T

Murder TaJim Uclachincms arc med KccJushtly lay the forces of the Night Lords, The rules below will allow you to
organise tbe models in your Chaos Space Marines collection of miniatures to represent one of these Detachments in your
games of Warhammer 10.000.

CHOOSING AN ARMY A Munlet Talon is a special type nr DetachmenL lhaL ran he

When choosing an anriy lo play a game ofWaihammer included in any Bailie-forged army. Unlike the Detachments
there are t wo main ways nr organising your collection. ' ITtese shown iia WaThammte 40,000: The Rules , it has a Ferre
are the Unbound method , which means taking whichever units Organisation Chari whose slnLs are a combination nr specific.
you like, anti the IlaLllr -forged method, which is more rigid Formation* and Army List instead of Hal Lie field
hut has exLra IjenrJ- us. ISolh are descrilied fully in ffijAamracr Roles . However, il si ill lias compulsory and optional
40,000 The Rules. elements, as well as Restriction* anti Command Benefits, just
like aiay other Detachment .
If you are using the Unbound method, simply use lhe datasheets
LhaL com mnd to the model* in your collection. If yon are Althotigli unit* cannot nonnally belong to more tfiau one
using the ISaiLle - torged method, you will instead need to Detachment, units from a Formation that is juarl of a Murder
organise ihe models in your colleclion into Detachments. This Talon arc an ejacr|jtitm- Tliey rounl as juarl L ^ riioLh. their
is a fun process in its own right . 'Die most com mem tif these are tvirmation and the Detachment and have all associated

the Combined Arms anti Allied DdarJimrnLi. Command benefits and special rules. If your Warlord i* [ tart nTa
hi Hmation or an Army Li*t Fill rv that makes up juart ol a M un ler

Talon, the entire MurderTalnn is your Primary DilarhincuL.

' HiisDctarlnueul mnsL include at leasl one Core ehoiitr and one CHAOS LVARBAND
(re 4 )
Auxiliary choice. Il may inclutle up Lo lour Command choices
and any nnmtier of additional ( lore or Auxiliary chnices, in any *
cnmNuaLinn . Only the italasheeLs lisleti here can Iteinrluik’d
in Lhi* Detachment and all units mnsL have Lite Charts Spare
Marines Faction.


TaJtm -maslrr : IT this Detachment is your Primary (re 53)
Delaehmeut , you can re- mil the result when rolling on the
Night I jjnis Warlord Trails table fpg «3).

Strike Fast, Strike Hard: Yon can rr - mll failed charge rolls
for units from this Detachment .

Nocturnal Warfare; If Lhe Night lords player wishes ihr

Night lughling rules In Lake effect they are automatically
successful; there is no need lo roll . Whilst Lhe Night lighting I of lhe following:
ruhs are in elleel . all non - vehicle units in Lhis Detachment arid - Chaos faud
L lo their ctsver saves. - Snirarr
- Dark Apostle
- Daemon Prince

Command Auxiliary Core 1 +

0-1 1+


ITie Murder Talon allows you Lo represent ihc typical structure of a Nijtl Lords army on the battlefield, Whether you
wish to bring death and destruction with the full might of a Chaos invasion force * or Geld an elite warhand tasked
with some dark purpose, the choices below offer a great way to pick your army.

Tor txam pit, Luke's Chaos Spaa Marines collection consists of a The Murder Talon in Take's army consists of a Chaos Warhand as
Chaos Lard, a Sorterer, a Dark Apostle, a Watpsmilh, three anils if .
a Core choice (his Chaos lard Sorcerer, Chosen, Chaos Terminators,
Chaos Space Marines, lux? anils each of Raptors, Kkome Rerzerkers Chaos Space Marines, Raptors , Warp Talons and Hensocsf and a
and Chaos Cultists., a unit each of Chosen, Chaos Terminators, 1 faeces lleljhrged Warpack (his Warpsmith, lldbmtes and Targtfiend) as an
and Warp Talons , two llelhmlts, a Htldrake, a Chaos Predator and Auxiliary choice.
a Forgefiend.
lathe's Dark Apostle, Kkome Rerzerkers, Chaos Cullisls , Ifeldrake
If lake wishes to organise his collection using the Battle-forged method and Chaos Predator form a Combined Amts Detachment. As all of his
- ess described in Wajhammrr 40,4)00: Ike Rules - all of his units units belong to a Detachment , the arm/ is Tattle-forged. Take chooses
need to be part of a Detachment ora Tormation. lake achieves this by his Chaos lord to be his Warlord - his Murder Talon if therefore his
choosing one Murder Talon and one Combined Arms Detachment from Primary Detachment . The units that are part of it hose the Talon-
Warbammcr 40,004):'Hu Rules 1
master, Nocturnal. Warfare and Strike Tost , Strike Hard Command
Benefits , whilst those that are part of die Combined Arms Detachment
hone the Objective Secured Command Benefit.



(pg 4R )


( PS 52)

( PS
FORCE ([ jg 54)


\ PS

fog 51) f Id units of Chant Spawn

m 0# ri
% if
PrfHiQtfdbclawjrc six radical Objectives louse in yaurgames iifWarhammcr 10.000 , which arc exclusive lo Nighl
Lords players and reflccl ihcir murderous slyle of warfare .

If your Warlord is fnejm a Nighl Lords Dutadinunl or
Tormatiou, you may replace the CapLme & OmLml rlar:liral DS6 RESULT
CbjmiHS ( numbera 11 - 16) dracrihrd in Wariiammer 40,000: II I turner, Prey
The Rules wilh the Tactical Olijectives on litis paijc.
12 GsHHidalTcHhiinrs
If a Waihammer 40,000 mission has. ihe Tactical Objectives
special rule. players use the normal mica (or using Tactical 13- Strike as if from Nowhere
GljcdnES wilh the IhDnwkig cxorplinn : when a Night lj>nU
player using these Lari Seal l Jhjoctives generates a. Capture &
11 Murder im ihe Mind
Control objective ( numbrni II . I % IT II . ] hor Mi lhry instead
generate lhn‘ corres[ iondiiig Night lairds Taclical Directive, 15- -
t juiessive Tone
as shewn in the Lalilc lolhc righL. Other Tactical Olijcctives
fnumheis 'iJ -fifiJ are generated normally. 16 ISringers of Terror


iWight I Aids prey upon ihe weakling champions of laser Joes ihe Night Lords nesser pass up an opportunity JOT a gory
wilh a cruel pleasure. of brutality .
Sane 1 Vir.lory tVrinl ai ihe end of your lum if pm killed any Score I Victory Hinl al ihe end rtf wnir Him iryieu
enemy rharaclrrs in a challenge during pair turn. eomplelely destroyed me enemy unil during Lite Assault
phase rf ynur Him. Score IX-t Victory Points instead if you
nunplrtely destroyed ihree or more enemy units during ihe
Assault phase of your lum.


ihe Night lutrds can ojlen be seen gining into their baser Since the thrys oj the Ureal Crusade , the Nighl Lords haze borne a
iratincls and hurting themselves at the Joe Is indiscriminately reputation JOT ihe merciless execution of those standing in their way.
murder and slay . Score 1 )3 Victory fiiinls al the end nf your turn Tyon
SCCHT 1 Vic lory Aunt ai the end of your 1 u m if at leasl one completely destroyed al leasl Lwo enemy units lhal were
unit made a successful charge during your lum. controlling Objective Markers at the start of ynur lum.


A favoured rtralfj v of the Nighl fjrds is iff launch sndden and / fommnag the ways oj their Primarch's reign of tenor on ancient
^ , be they jrom the shies concealed positions or the
hardhitting strikes , Nostramo, the Nighl Lords tes? fear as a weapon as much as bolter
entmy flanks. and blade.
Sense 1 Victory Hunt aithe end ofymir lum if pm Score I Victory Point al the end of your Him f your opponent
completely destroyed an enemy unit with a unil Llial was failed a Morale, Pinning or bear losL during yvmr lum. IT
eillier in cover or that arrived Trom Deep Strike Reserves your opponent failed 3 or more Morale finning or fca.r tests..

during your turn. 3rore Dll Victory fijinls instead, and if they Tailed ti or more,
core 1JS+-3 VicHiry fiiinls.

, v — . ,

: IS
On ibcsc pagKS you will ILnd special rulfis unique ID armies from the Word Bearers that reflect their tar tics on the
battlefield. You -will also find Warlord Traits, Chaos Artefacts and Tactical Objectives that you can use when fielding your
Word Bearers army in games of W’arhammer 4(1,000, and an exclusive Detachment the Crand Host .


Any Detachment with the Chats Spate Marines Faction ran
lie [ tom one of the nine Traitor legions. A Word Bearers
Detachment retains the Chaos Space Marines Faction anti is WARLORD TRAITS TABLE
treated in all ways as a Chaos Sjuacc Marines DcLarhmenl, with
the following intitlilirations : D6 WARLORD TRAIT
I Unholy Firebrand : fhis Warlord learned the an of
rrhey cannot include any Unique units. oratory at die feet of Krehus himself and can roast his
Units LliaL already have a Marik of Chaos (such as Hague followers to terrible acts of barbarity.
Marines) cannot he taken thorn'll units that have the option
, Your Waritinl ha* the Zealot special rule. If yonr
Ln lake a Mark of Chaos as an ujigradc can tit ) so. Warlord already has the Zealot Hpct ial rule, then fie

All units LhaL can tlo BO must lie upgraded to Veterans tif the anti any models allerLetl by his Zealot sjicrial nile
I ring War, at no additional [ mints cost can re - mil all failed rlo Nit mils in every round of
IVykcrs with Lhe M ark oflVeen Lch. Nurgfc tirSlaanesh close comhal. not just the first .
can ehtsose to generate all of their [ Kychir jMiwen; from the
Discipline ofl Vecnlfh, Nurgle or Slaancsh respectively. 2 Lalcn t Powers; Just like Lorgar tf old, this Warlord
Any Daemon of 'l Vrcult:h , Nnrgle JIT Slaaucsl] that is a hsyker has btgun to develop formidable psychic powers.
Your WaHoritl has the l yker [ MasLery level I )
can ehtmse to generate all of their|Kyebir jmwers from the
Discipline nTTsmlrh, Nurgle or Slaanesh reflectively.
special rule and t :an generate his jiowers from the

I Jaemnnnlogy (M alefie ) discipline. If your Warlord is

All units in a Won! Bearers Detachment or Formation gain the already a l >;ylu:r, at hi I to his Mastery level inslead.
following s|iec.ial rules:
3 The Voice of Lorgar: / 'his Warlord speaks with the
UNHOLY PACT authority of his Primarch; when hi commands, others
Units of hissesstwl areTmnpfl choit:es instead of Elites choices. follow without question or hesitation.
In addition . I’fiykers from a Won! Hearers DtaclunenL At the start of each of yonr turns,|iick one of the
or Formation harness Waqi (ilharge [ mints on a lit whtLn (hlltiwing jq- M taal rules Lo liesLtJW upon a single unit
attempting to manifest conjuration psychic [ lowers from the from a Word Bearers UeLachmenL or Rrnnalion
Daemonoltigy ( Malefic) discipline. that is lvitliin 12* of your Waritinl: Counter-attack,
Tearless, Furious Charge, Relentless ' [lie unit you

BLOOD FEUD jiick gains ( hat sjH ^ ial rule until Lhe start tif your
All uniLs with Lhe Veterans or Lhe I twig War spt ^rial rule next turn .
re- roll failed In I lit rolls ill every round tif close comhal when
attacking U1 Lramari nes units. However, all Ulltamarines units 4 Unbreakable Devotion: This Warlord 's dedication
have the I laired [ Word Hearers) rule. to tht dark pouters grants him indomitable resolve.
Your Waritinl has the Attamanlium Will anti
PROFANE ZEAL fearless s|iet :ial rules.
Word Hearers units within ft" nfany Word Bearers
Dark Ajmstles have Lhe Zealot s|iecia] nile . 5 Nexus of Lhe Cods: The Dark Gods pour their favour
through their chosen conduit, blessing those they deem
worthy of such esteem.
Cl [ AOS ARTEFACTS I f ytiur Wkrionl, or a friendly model within I 2" of
Units in a Word Rearer; Detachment or formation LliaL t:an him, earns a mil on the Chaos Boon table, you can
normally Lake Chats Artefacts in Codex: Chaos Space Marines atltl tine to nr subtract tine fmm the secontl dit :e of
can choose lo Lake items from the ( ilhatis Artefacts nf tht: Wtirtl your I Hid roll, to a maximum orb and a minimum
Hearers list (see o|][itKite} at the [ mints rest shown insLeatl. of I .

6 Unexpected Bonn: As he readies himself for battle,

WAR ]JORD TRAITS this Warlord's prayers ate abruptly artsutertd as tht Dark
Whim generating his Warknd Trails a Waritinl from a Word
, Gods IDORK to aid him tir the romimr conflict.
Hearers Detachment or Rrrmation may choose Iti mil on the Your Waritinl ran immediately make a roll on the
talJe Iti the right instead tif those found in Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Boon table, te - rollim' any results of I 1 -22.
The Rules or Codex: Chaos Space Marines.

During the Long War against the Emporium of the False Emperor, the Word Bearer *; have come to favour a number of
artefacts that serve as symbols of blasphemous hate to their unholy cause . Only one of each of the following items may
be chosen per army, and only one may be chosen per model .



OF MONARCH L\ I !) POINTS Copied with painstaking eare by thefirst of the traitorous Dark
The destruction if Monorchia at the hands if the Ultramarines Apostles pom the nines upon his own flesh, ike Scripts of Erebus
legion was all hut total. A few relics remain from that time, were inscribed in Mood bearing traces of IrOTgar s vitae. Ike rfinals

however. The art fact known as the Skull of Monorchia tr firemost and imprecations if these long parchments are potent messages in
amongst them , the only intact cranium that remained after the utter the Dark Tongue. When read aloud, they can channel the energy of
destruction visited upon the Word Heaters* perfici city. Chased with the Empyrean into realspaee with a staggering degree of stability,
precious metals and protected with powerful force fields, it is a allowing the bearer to unleash myriad unnatural deaths upon his
constant reminder rf the atstruction that turned the HW Rearm enemies, or else banish the powers of their enemy's worn Warp-craft.
upon the path of rebellion and damnation. All those nearby find their "
Though the scripts are rendered invisible by each reading , a journey
haired of the tmperium swelling to new heights. into the Warp ea uses them to blossom into being once more, ready to
unleash fresh carnage upon the worlds of men.
1 he l ^earer and his unit can re- roll all [ailed ' lb Ilil rolls in
close comfial when ;LL larking units thaL cm lain any rnotlels i > nt :e|ier game, at die start or either your or your ofifiuncnfs
from Lbc Annies of the lmprrium. In atldiLiou, I lie bearer and Psychic phase ihe bearer can read from the Se.ripls of Erebus

his nnil rail re- mll all failed ib Wound mils in rinse comlizl li> immediately generaLe an additional Dfi Warp Charge

: when attacking units dial conlain any Ultramarines. jHiinLs. Add the ajipmjiriale number of thee Lo your Warp
Charge pool.

Adorned with tbe finger bones f defiant men and anointed with the This inwr bears an tight fainted star so saturated in the blood if
blood of unbelievers, the Crown of the Hlasphemer attracts the attention loyalists that it is forever stained with the taint of treachery those

if Warp entities to the wearer. Whether these daemonic creatures are whs wish the bearer harm find their certainly sapptd away by the
keeping him alive for their own entertainment or because there is some mere proximity of this blasphemous standard the Word Hearers that

purpose be has yet to fulfil on their behalf is immaterial, for upon the carry it feel its toxic aura much as a sun worshipper feels tht tirr of a
battlefield, the kingly figure beneath the crown is extremefy difficult to jammer day upon his skin 'those who do not worship the Dark Gods

harm. Powered blades are turned away at the last moment by invisible instead find their skin crawling and their muscles shuddering in
hands, thunderous volln/ s of bullets find themsehxs snatched into repulsion Even Adeptus Astartes are drained of thtir righteous angpr

tbe aether at the last moment , and enemy warriorsfind their minds in its presence.
assailed with visions ofa galaxy in flames.
Units at I ( ' milling to charge die bearer or Llie Baleful Iron, or
rUiC Crown of tht Blasphemer confers a 11 invulnerable save.
the nnil lie is with, must re - roll successful charge rolls, anti if
lo a; Hi I ion, die bearer has the Ailainantinm Will and l ear - still successful models in I he charging nnil do not gain any

linn us Attacks from charging.

sfNnial rules.

This blasphemous tome has been stitched together from the flayed This was once the rod of office for a founding member of larva's
skins of a dozen mortal psykers. These dabblers in the arcane signed Chaplains, one ofthe first of his kind to be sent into the Legiones
their own death warrants , for though they look entry precaution Astartes in order to watch for signs of sedition. In truth , it has
in their dealings with Daemons , they made their locations known always been the weapon of an arch-trailer. First used in anger to
to those Chaos worshippers who walk the material world at will. bludgeon an ex-Librarian Praetor of the White Scars to death, it still
Each leathery page still bears the hairs and birthmarks of the bears the indelible stains of that first treacherous kill to this day.
book 's unwilling donors, their horror at the mistake they made still Those Chaos worshippers nearby are instilled with all the knowledge
emanating from every inch of stolen skin. Tht book 's leaves are they need to slay the loyalist thralls if the Corpse Cod. Conversely ,
inscribed with true names , hexagrammath diagrams and daemonic those who bear the mark of the Emperor find the eroiius * eoery swing
hierarchies that enable the bearer a measure of influence over his unerringly seeking out the weak spots in their armour.
Warpspawntd allies.
Range S AP Type
ftykm only ihe bearer knows one adililional
, jmwrr from the +2 3 Mdee, Bane of Men .
Daei i H molngv ( Malellc ) discipline. Ctmcussive

Bane of Men; llie hearer ol the ( Inrscd Crrodus has ihe

" "

Ihedemed Enemy fAnniesofthe fTnperimn) sjUNsal rule.


— -
J, '
' * *
iif "
.. . -Wl
s.y* ]
rri 4 V
' i

v: •

T~V * T
*“Y T T T T T T T T T

Crand Hosts arc UHod exclusively by the forces of the Word Bearers. The rules below will allow you to organise ihe models
in your Chaos Space Marines collect ion of miniatures lo represent one of these Detachments in your games of
Warhammer -10,000 .

CHOOSING AN ARMY A Uraud llosl is a special type of Detachment that can lie
When choosing an army to play a game ofWaihamrner 10,000, included in ai]y Battle-forged army. Unlike the Detachments
there are t wo main ways ororganising your mlletlion. ' ITicsc shown in War- hammtT 40,000: The Rules , it has a Force
are the Unbound method , wbirh means Lalriti.ii whichever units Organisation Chari whose SIOLH are a combination or Rpocilic.
yon like , anti the HaLlle - forged method , which it more rigid Formations anti Army last instead of UaLLie field
hut haR exLra lieneJLLR . ISolh are desrrilied fully in BhjAammcr Roles . However, il nl ill has rjompulsory and optional
40,000 The Rules. elements, as well ;LR Restrictions anti Command Benefits, just
like ai]y tnher Detachment .
If you are using- the Unbound method, simply use the datasheets
dial corresiioiid lo the models in your collection. If you are Although units cannot normally Ixilong to more than tnic
using the ISaiLle -Corged method, you will iiiRlead neerl to Detachment. units from a Formation that is part of a U rand 1 lost
organise ihe mrHlds in your collection into Detachments. rl hiR are an exception. ' ITicy cnuiil as pari of btith Lltcir Herniation anti

is a fun procesR in its own right . 'I’he mnst common of these are the Detachment. and have all associated Command ISeiielils am I
the Combined ArmR anti Allied DcLarJimcnls. H ieoial rules. 11 your Warlord is part of a Formation or an Anny

list lintry that makes up|iarL of a C rarnl I lost, the entire Cram!
Host is your IVi rnarv I Juaehment.

iiiis Ih 'tachmenL mnsL include at least one Core choice anti one CHAOS WARBAND
(re 4 )
Auxiliary choice. Il may include up In limr Command choices
ami any numtier of additional Core or Auxiliary chniccs, in any *
combination . Only the datasheets listed here can be inrJui 'd
in ibis Detachment anti all units rnnsl liavv ibo Chaos Space 4
Marines Faction.


(re 4 )
The Coryphaus : If this Detachment is your Primary
Delachmenl . you can re- mil the result when rolling OTI the *
World Bearers Warlord Traits table ( pg !V!)-

Dark Crusaderst All non - vchiele units in this Detachment

have LheCnisader special rule.

I hc Eight-fold Bath: At the slarl of each tif your

one character from this Dctachrneul and make a roll on the
I rtf the following:
Chaos Bonn table for them. I acli character ran only benefit
- Chans fated
from this rule once though they may still earn further rolls nn
, - Sntceier
the Charts Bnon table as normal . - Dark Apostle
- Daemon Priore

t. iornmand Auxiliary
0-4 ]+

The Grand Host allows yau to represent the typical slnicturc of a Word Hearers army on tbc battlefield. Whether you
wish to bring death and destruction with the full might of a ( IhaoH invasion force * or field an elite warhand tasked
* with some dark purpose, the ehoiecs below offer a ireat way to piek your army.

For example Corf 's Chaos Space .Marines collection eetirntr of a The Grand I fust in Coil's army fflusistr ofa Chaos Wdrhand as a Core
Qiaos Lord, a S*rrcereT , a Dark Apostde, a Wdrpsmith, ihete units of .
choice (his Chaos lord Sorcerer, Chosen, Chaos lirmdn, Chaos Spaa
Qiaos Space Marinesr tiro units each of Raptors, Khame Rnzerkrrs Marines, Raptors, Warp Talons and flaoocs), and a Uefforged Warpack
and Chaos Cultisls, a unit each of Chosen, Chaos Terminators, Honors (his Warpsmith, 1 felbrules and Ivrgefand) as an Auxiliary choice.
and Warp Talons , tiro Heibrules, a Heidrake, a Chaos Predator and
a Torgeftend. .
CarTs Dari Apostle, Khome Rerzerkers, Chaos Cultisls, IIddrah and
Chaos Predator form a Combined Arms Detachment. /Is all of his
If Carl tvidus to organise his collection using the Battle-forged method units belong to a Detachment , the army is Ralife-forged. Carl chooses
- as described in Wajhaimner 40,1)0(1: 'Ihe Rules - all of his units his Chaos lord to be his Warlord - his Grand Host is therefore his
need to he part of a Detachment ora Formation. Carl achieves this by fVimary Detachment . The units that are part ofil hone the Dark
choosing one Grand Host and one Combined Arms Detachment from Crusaders, The Coryphaus, and Ihe FJsfitfofd Path Command
Wafttammer 10,000: ITLO Rules-
Benefits , udrilsl those that are part of the Combined Arms Detachment
have the Objective Secured Command Benefit.


fpg }
( pgr>3 >

(pg 50)
FORCE ( pgf> 4)

( PS 51)
fpg 55 )


( PS 52)
1 -3 units of Chao* S] uun

10 L
m ri
vi' W
Predated bclowjuc six radical Objectives louse in yourgames iifWarhammcr 10, 000, which are exclusive lo Wttrd
Bearer players and. re fleet lie ways in whieh they bring their unholy sehemes inlet fruition.

I IT your Warlord is [ nerm
iWnd hearers Detachment or
I 'ormalion, you may replace the tlaplnre & Conlrol Taclical
ChjmiHS ( immtrers 11- 1 ft) rieFtrrilied in Warhammer 40,000: IL Unholy Crusade
The Rules wilh the Tactical Olrjectivcs on litis parje .
12 ftieil lhe I Garmon
If a Wraiham met 40,000 mission has. the Tactical Objectives
special rule players use lhe normal rules (or using Tactical
, 13- Slay Lheir lalse Brojthiis
Objectives wilh Lhe following exception : when a Woni Bearers
player using these lac I Seal l Jhjerlives generates a. Capture & 11
Allies tSeyorwl lhe Veil
Control objective [ number* II . I % l . ». II . IS or llr), lhey instead
generate lhe corresjrondiiig Won ] Bearers 'laclical Objt ^ Jlive, 15- flight in Despoliation
as shown in the I able lolhe righL. Other Tactical Olijeclives
fnnmheir are generaled norrTLally. 16- Jbr the flktry rtf Charts


\A your most dedicated servants tend the fight against those that lhe Word Rearers have tang been renowned jar summoning
li - ocltd spurn the blessings of the f )s\ k ( lads. daemonic aid pout the Warp.
Sane 1 Vic.Lory PiinL ir a friendly unit llial included one or Scorn 1 )3 Viclory Prims al the end c 4 your Him iTyou

metre motlris wilh lhe ZralrH special rule made a snnceRshil successfully casl a conjuration power from lhe Paemnnnlogy
charge during your lum. ( Malefic ) disei[ »line during yrmr lum.


Km? unholy allies must feed upon the jtesh of ike enemy, and in lhe It iW Rearers lake cruet enjoyment from defiling the havens of

doing so, devout lheir souls. lheir enemies.

SCCHC 1 Vic lory fVtint al lhe end or your lum if al least one Scorn 1 )3 Victory Prints al the end nf your Him i I you cnnliol

enemy unil was ortmplelrly destroyed by a unil with the an Objective Marker dial was rnnlrolled by your oftponenl at
I )aefnrm special rule du ri ng the Assaul L phase of you r lu m. lhe slarl of your lum .


Ihove the terrible might of those dedicated to Chaos by spilling the there is no higher calling than to serve lhe whim of lhe liarA Gods
blood of rival champions . and give oneself completely-, body and soul, to Chaos.
Snnr 1 Vic lory Print al lhe end or your lurn if you killed at Score 1 Victory PiinL aL the mil or your Hint if wni rolled any
mull on the l haos Boon lalrlr. IT you nrllcd 3 or more mulls
least one enemy duraJrr during your Lurn.
on Lhe Chaos boon lahle during your lum , more 1)3 Victory
Prints instead, and score 1 )3+3 Victory Prims iryou rolled
fi or utore results. In any ease, do not eonnl any Unworthy
Offering ncsulls.


On ibcsc pagKS yon will ILnd special rulfis unique ID armies from the World Lac ere that reflect their tactics on the
battlefield. You -will also find Warlord Traits , Chaos Artefacts and Tactical Objectives that you can use when fielding your
World Eaters army in games of Warhammer 10.000. and an exclusive Detachment the Lutcherhorde .


Any Detachment with the Chaos Spare Marines Faction
can tic from one of the nine Traitor I jegions. A World Eaters
Detachment retain!; the Chaos Space Marines Earth m and is WARLORD TRAITS TABLE
treated in all ways as a Chaos. Sjiare Marine:; DeLarhmenl, with
the following modifications : D6 WARLORD TRAIT
I Arch-slaughterer: When surmundtd by fats to kill ,
Jltey cannot include any Unique units other than Kharn this Warlord is truly in his tit mini.
the Betrayer. Hie Warlord has the Ramjiage sptxial rule.
Ihey e aunt it include INykers.
Units Lhat ran take Lite Mark ofKhome must do so. 2 Slaughterborn : Ihis Warlord bears ike favour of
Units with a Mark of Chaos other titan the Mark tif Khorne Khorne, his murderous prowess grousing with each worthy
cannot lie taken . skullclaimed in his master 's bloody name.
All uni IK Lhat can tin so must lie upgraded to Veterans of the Each Lime your Warlord could roll on the Chaos
long War; at no additional POINTSCOFL Bonn Lahle ( including Itvr Lhe Cifl of Mutation
Any Daemon Princes must have the Daemon nfKliome C Ihatri Reward} you may instead choose Lo increase

spiral rultL. his Attacks characteristic hy !.

All tinils in a World EaLers Delachmeiil or I 'dmialion gain lhe 3 Unrivalled Battlelust: So desperate is this Warlord
following H|ietsal rules: to join tn the slaughter that he will Lead his jbllosrers
sweeping into the fray should lhe eamagt start
BERZERKER HORDE without him.
Units of Khorne ISerzerkers are Troops choices insLeatl of At the end of your opponents Charge sub-|ihase.
Llilrs choices. yoti can declare a charge wilh your Warlord anti his
unit, so long as Lhe enemy unit that yon aLlem|it Li
L HE BLESSING OF KHORNE charge is locket I in comliat . Your W'ariond anti his
Unils I hat have lhe Veterans or lhe long War special rule have urtil count as charging for all rules purposes.
the AiiamantiuTTL Will sjtccial rule.
4 Disciple of Khorne: Many claim to hold the title
THE BUTCHER S NAIL .S of one of Khome's eight foremost champions , bat any
Unils I hat have lhe Veterans or lhe I jong War sptcial rule haw: pretenders are swiftly prooen false, for none ears r.real one
the Radess ami Furious Charge special rules. of their number iar the art of single combat.

Your W'ariond can re- mil all failed lb I lit anti lb

Wound rolls when lighting in a challenge.
Units in a World Eaters DeLarhincnt nc Formation that can 5 True Berrerker : Whtn this Warlord meets his fats
normally Lake Chaos ArLefajrLs in Coda: Chaos Space Marines fact -to-fact , his fury is such that he will brush, aside
ran choose lo Lake items from the ( ilhaon Artefacts or the Worid even fatal wounds, the belter to claim more skulls for
laters list (see opposite] at the jioinLs cost shtjwu instead. lord Khorne.
Whilst locked in ctunhaL, your Warlord has the
Eternal Warrior and Ihrl No I’aiu sfierial rules.
When generating his Warlord Trails a Warioni from a Work I
, 6 Violent Urgency: This Warlord's blaodlusi is
Eaters Detachment or Ebrrnalion may choose Lo noil on the palpable and pushes the Rutcher's Nails of those around
talde lo the right instead of those found in Warhammer 40,000: him into overdrive. This , in Sum , fuels a desperate need
The Rules or Codex: Chaos Space Marines. to spill blood.
When determining lhe charge range of your
Warlord and any friendly units wilh the Mark
ol Khorne within fl' of him at lhe start of the

Charge still - phase roll three dire anti pick lhe


two highest results.

rJ he bloodslaia^d jrLrfacts wielded by the champions the World Eaters arc items of incredible rarity , bestowing
, ,

unrivalled killing powers upon those whose combat prowess is already vaunted as amongst the deadliest in the galaxy.
Only one of each of the following items may be chosen per army , and only one may be chosen per model.


BURNING BLOOD . , 2.3 POINT ’S This immense chainaxe is said to hast once been wielded by Angron
This bizarre relic constantly drips with thickr bubbling gore. The air himself. Though it was ultimately cast aside, just as with iis
around it is so hearty with the charnel stench of the slaughterhouse pastjur weapon Corechild, it has since been Ttturned to its firmer
that it has a stark effect on those nearby, tht stink of carnage so pre-eminence on a diet of sacred oil and spiced blood. This relic is of
potent they find themselves charging forwards with a supernatural such immense importance to the Legion that wars hast been pught
eagerness to slake their need for slaughter. bttween risal warbands setking to claim it JOT themselves. One strong
enough to heft Confather can scythe his enemies into scattering
Add :l’ to the maximum move t finances nf the 1 leaner and all explosions of blood and ruined jlesh.
morlelsin HE unit each Lime they naive in Lite Movement phase,
Run in Lite Slinking phase and charge ii ] the Assault phanc . Replaces one of Lhe liearer’s Mek ^e weapons.


The bearer of this inordinately hearty Daemon-infested killing tool +2 ‘1 Melee, Arnunniliane,
is driven to a stale ofapoplectic frenzy by the proximity of its red-hot Murderous SLrike ,
steel. Ms fellow World Talers treat kim with great caution, shunning Tim- handed ,
j him as a dangerous maniac even amongst his bloodthirsty kind Unwieldy
jj whilst venerating him - from a distance - as a lining totem of rage.
L A host of ItloodletUrs are bound into the weapon s fabric , and by
' Murderous Strike : Any 'Cl Wound rolls of ft made with this !
channelling the life essence if those it slays, the z ampiric Daemon weapon have the Instant IValh sjiecial rule .
weapon ensures Us isolated host can fight like a man possessed for
weeks on end, healing his wounds JW it fan continue the slaughter. T’hct Grimstm Killer , 20 points
This ornate pistol fires blasts of crimson plasma that crackle with
Ri slaces lhe one of the heareds Melee wea) Minn . Ihe m urderous power, fierce energies that ignite body and soul alike.
berserker fllaive has Lhe liillrjwing profile:
Replaces one of Lhe Ijearer’s ranged wea[ H ) ns.
Range S AP Type
+2 3 Meta:, Range S AP Type
Daemon Weapon*, L 2' 7 2 PLslnL, Soul Blaze
Eyiiuiinr nf Rage,
SjN^r.ialisL Weapon, BLOODFEEDKR . 30 POINTS

iwn-handed Khorne carts not from whence the blood flows, and this Daemon
weapon is testament to that immortal truth. One struck by this etser-
Epitome of Rage : ' I Tie hearer gai ns die Fed No l in and thirsting blade is immediately exsanguinated, reduced to a desiccated
ll Will Ntit Ihe spedal rulirs. but loses ihe IndejtendenL ^ husk as his lifeblood is channelled into ihe lakes of gore that swill
{ Iharacler social role.

around Khomc 's brass stockade as sustenance for his juggernaut
Daemon beasts. Wot betide he who dots not answtr its call - if the
*Sec Urxlex: Chaos S[ iace Marines . blade goes without this grisfy harvest for long enough , it will gladly
siphon away its witldtr's blood instead.
BHORGHASTER 20 POINT’S Replaces one ofLhe beater’s Melee weapons.
7Sir spiked collar ofhteny Amu ir the bane of sorcerers, far it has
bound within it a Greater Daemon that despises magic with a fiery Range S AP Type
passion. A pryher with the temerity to unleash tldritoh ptower near -l
i 2 Melee:
this rtlic finds his mind screaming with 1nit me pain. .Moments later, Spysalisl Weapon,
the empyric energies he has conjured into being are turned back upon Unwieldy,
him in a raging inferno of white-hot flame. Those who succumb are Whirlwind of Wood
immediately sucked into Theme 's realm, there to die by Bhorghaster’s
blades a thousand limes over. Whirlwind of Blood: Wlten using lllnodfeeder in rinse
nominal , Lhe heaneFs Attacks eharaclerisLie is IIOL used; instead ,
When making Deny lhe Witch Lite liearer and his unit
Lesls . Lhe hearer makes 21Jfi Allacks ( roll lielore making Attacks
always millify Warp Charge ftoinLs on rolls of i or more wilh the liearer each Lime they use il ) . which can he increased
Though ill is cannot lie modified liy any means). In arkklinn, as normal if Lhe bearer charged , etc . However, for each mil
ir lhe ptiwer is successfully nullified , Lhe easting Psyker or J . the hearer i iruticdialelv suffers a Wound wilh no armour
imii ]edialely suffers IVrils t >f the Warjt . saws allows I.

i! --

= 2
' '
s s -= r
The Bulcbrrhordc allows you lu represent ihc lypkal structure of a World Latent army on the battlefield . Whether
you with to hrinji death and destruction with the full mi ht of a Chaos invasion force , or Geld an elite warhand tasked
with some dark purpose, the choices below offer a urcat way lo pick your army.

Tor example, Wade s Cham Spaa Marines collection consists of Ihe Butcherhorde in Wade i army ceniutr of two One chokes - a
khana the betrayer, a Chaos lard, a Dark Apostle, a Daemon Prince, Maelstrom of Core ('Mini the and his Khome Berserkers)
four anils ofkhome Benerken, two units tank of Chocs Space and a Chaos Warband (his Chaos lend, Chosen , Chaos Terminators,
Marines, Chaos Terminators and Chaos Cullisis, one anil each of Chaos Space Marines, Raptors and Ilclbrutt ) - and a tietdrake
Raptors and Chosen, a llelbruit, two If debates, a Defier and two Terror Pack (hispair of lieldrakes ) os on Auxiliary choke.
Wade's Dark Apostle, Daemon Prince, Chaos Cuitists, two
If Wade wishes to organist has collection un /tir the Baltic-forged
Maulerfiends and Defier form a Combined Arms Detachment. As all
method - as described in War+ Lamincr lO,(}fflh 'lhe Rules - all of his anils belong to a Detachment, the army is Baltic-forged. Wade
\ of his uni Jj need to be part of a Detachment or a formation. Wade
chooses Khdm the Betrayer to be his Itiirfimy - his Baleherhorde is
achieves this by choosing one Butcherhorde and one Combined Arms the refers his Primary Detachment. The units that are part of it haste
I Detachment from Warhammer 10, 00(1: 'flic RLLN S- - the Berserker ford and the Blood Mad Command Benefits, whilst
those that are part of the Combined A rms Detachment hare the
Objectin Secured Command Benefit.



fpg 53)

fpg 40)
FORCE ( ps 54)

fpg r> n)
(pg 3r)j

( pgSJ )
( pg 56J


(p& 52) 9 SPAWN
1 - 3 units of Chans Sjuawn


7j W mmf v 1

f \ jL
^ V i


PrfHiQtfdbclawarc six radical Objectives louse in yaurgames iifWarhammcr 10.000 , which arc ntrlusivc Lo World
Lalcrs players and reflect their penchant for wholesale slaughter and carnage .

Ifyour Wariord is from aWhrid Eaters Detachment or
I 'hrmaLinii, you may replace the Capture & OmLnol daclical DS6 RESULT
Ghjmiws ( numbers 11 - 16) dcarrihrd in Warhammec 40,000: IL Bane of Sorcery
The Rules wilh ihe Tarlical Olrjoclives on litis page.
12 Kill Llrcin Where 'Ihey Stand
If a Waiham met 40,000 mission has- the Tactical Objectives
special rule. players use ihe normal rules (ha- using Tactical 13- "llir Sac.ramenl of Khorne
Objectives with LhtL ItilLywing exception : when a Wndd halers
player using these Tactical l Jhjeriivcs generates a Capture & 11 Stulls (or ihe Slcnll ThmncJ
Clonlrol objective [ numbers II . I % l . ». II . ] hor I they instead
generate ihe corrcs|ionding Wtirirl Talers Jar bra] Olijeelive, 15- ( flood ftjr the IUIKKI Cud!
as shrrwu in llie I aide lothc righL. Other Tactical Olrjcclivics
(numbers are generated normally. IS Kill! Maim ? Bum!


Khome despises Unit mate than she use of sorcery. Khome demands ihe studs of she enemy t greatest champians.
‘ Ihis Tarliral Objective is aeliicveri Lite next lime one r > l your
Score I Victory him at. I he end of your lum iFanyoTynur
unils successfully mates a Demy ihe Wilch Lest. Immediately characters slew an opjvmenl in a challenge during ynur
score I Viclnry ftirnL lum. Score DU Viclory hints instead if you tilled ihe enemy
Warlord in a challenge during your lum.

tJk enemy seeks 1» hold a strategic location against you . Show them Khosw cases rend from uhence the (STOODPOCM, re ITM.P as id flows.
thepity of their actions. Score I Viclory him al ihe end of your lum iral least rme
SCOTT ] Viclory hiiril ai ihe end tiryour turn if al least one unit . Irienrl or roe, was completely destroyed during your
enemy unit ihal was conLmllingan Ohjccliir Marker al lire lum. Score 133 Victory hints instead if ai lead one eneiny
starl of yntir lum was completely destroyed. unit and al least rme friendly unit were both destroyed during
your Lum.


1st ihe thick of ihe fighting, where his bloody u osi ir done , Khorsse 's
followers truly glorify iheis saaaoe master.
Kid! Maim! Run! Kith1 Mains! Rurst! Kill* Maim! Ran! Kid!
Maim! Rum! Kiti! Moisei! Hun! Kid! Maim! Run! Kid! Maim!
Sane ] Viclory Hiin L ai ihe end oTyour lu m if al lead 3 of Rum! Kid! Maim! Hurst! Kill! Maim! Ruin!
your uni is marie dicceasful charges during your turn. Score L Victory hint al ihe end nf wuir lum for each enemy
unit Ihal was cnmplrlcly dcsLnyycd during the Assault phase
of your I urn ( up lo a maximum of 0 Victory WiinL .


On these: pages you will lind special rules unii[ue to armies from the Thousand Sons that rellect their lac lies on the
battlefield . You will also Qnd Warlord Traits, Chaos Artefacts and Tactical Objectives that you can use when fielding your
Thousand Sons army in games of Warhammcr 10,000. and a Detachment the t rand Coven . .
Any Detachment with the Chans Sparc Marines I 'anion can
lie rrom one tif the nine Traitor IjCgions. A d’housand Sons
Detachment retains the Chaos Space Marines Laclitm anti in WARLORD TRAITS TABLE
treated in all ways as a Chaos. Sjiaee Marines Detachment, with
the following modifications : D6 WARLORD TRAIT
I Arrogance of Aeons : The Warlord draws strength

liny c aunt it include any Unique units other than Ahrinian pom a long-harboured hubris ; the idea of submitting to
anti Magnus the Ret ]. the will of another is anathema to him.
Units dial can take the Mark nfT/renlch mtiRL dan. Your Warlord hac the /Vi La.ina.rLii um Will Rjieoial
UniLR with a Mark nf Chaos other than the Mark ofTxccntrh rule artrl can chonsc to rc- nill a single dice each
cannot lie taken . Lime they male a Deny the Witch ICRI.
.Ml tmiLi LhaL can tin on must lie upgraded to Veterans of the
long War, at no additional points OORL 2 Undving Forms fhe Warlord 's body has beta
Any Daemon Princes must have the Daemon ofTioeentch transformed into an impervious substance such as
special rultL. psychocrystal , lining granite, or glittering cosmic dust .
Your Warlord has the Ivtemal Warrior social nile.
Any l ykers can ehoose to generate all of their jksychic. jniwers
from the Discipline oriVeenlch .
3 Aetherstridc; By chanting art ancient incantationr the
All tmiLq a'
in ITiousand StniR >etachment or Formation gain
] Warlord can fold time and space Hi walk through walls
the ltd lowing special rules: J2 J if he awrr no more than an unquiet spirit .

Your Waritinl ant ] his uniL are nol slowed hy

BLESSING OF TZEENTCH difficult terrain ant ] do not stiller the jienally

If a unit with the Veterans nf the Ding War special rule is In their Initial h e for charging through
affected liy a blessing. I heir invulnerable save is improved hy L difficult terrain.
until the start ofynur nest I'sychic phase.
i Lord of Forbidden Lore: This Warlord has committed
BLOOD FEUD to memory many a grimoire andgraren tome, gining him
All units with Lhc Veterans orLhe Ding War special rule extensive knowledge if hexes, cantrips and sptlh.
re- roll failed To I lit rolls in every mnntl of close cjomhal when Your Warlord knows one arHitionaJ jisychit : [itjwcr.
attacking S|iaee Wolves units. However. all Spare Vtorlvrs units
have the Haired fllmusand Sons) special role. 5 Walker of the Webwayt The Warlord knows
many of the hidden webway paths long claimed by
LEGACY OF n IE RUBRICAE the forces of disorder, and uses them to launch sudden
UniLs of Rubric Marines are Troops choices instead of unheralded attacks.
Eli les choiccs. Your Warlord ant ] his uniL have the Deep SLrike
sfiecial rule. I f they already had the Deep Strilce
special rule, Lhcn tin not roll for seal ter when ihey
ARTEFACTS OF 11 IE THOUSAND SONS arrive hy Deep Strike.
Units in a Tliousand Stms Delachrneiil or 1'brmaLioii dial can
normally Lake Chats Artefacts in Codex: Chaos Space Marines can G Lord cf Flux: The ground itself rebels at the Warlord's
chtHse to lake items from the Chaos Artefar. Ls of the Thousand presence - he is so anathema to natural order that roofr
Sons list (see opposite} al lhtL points cost shown insteatl. runs like liquid , earth twists into snapping maws, and
roots writhe and clutch like the fingers if i m ij.r sktletons.
' '

Enemy units within I 'If of your Warlord treat all

WARLORD TRAITS terrain, even tspen ground, as tlifliciill terrain. In
When generating his Warlord Trails a Warinn ] from a
, addition all models in any enemy units that Run ,

' ThotiRand Stms DelathmeuL
may choose to mil tin the table to |urho-hmst, move Mat Out or charge within 12" of
the right instead nf those Ihiiud in Warhammer 40,000: The Kales your Warlord must lake a Dangerous terrain LCRL.
or Codex: Chaos Space Marines .


-i -i
The artefacts of ih-c Thousand Sons arc items of incredible rarity, liestowing great power upon the Sorcerers that
carry them. Only one of each of the following items may be chosen per army, and only one may be chosen per model .

l he Astral Crimoire contains the magic if the stars; its hermetically COMPULSION 10 POINTS
inscribed constellations and rannir diagrams imbuing it with so 7 Hi 15 fong-hafted weapon tr bound with hypnotic rune-prms. Created by
much astrological energy it must be bound with chains to stop it from the arch-seneschal Tazariq to keep the oppressed masses of Calaractis
orbiting its owner as a moon orbits its planet . One in command of this from bis door, it can repel a distant throng of enemy warriors with a
powerful relic can escape the quotidian shackles of gravity : the powers simple horizontal motion. When the fang War erupts on a battlefield,
of levitation and evtngisfil are his to command . the time beugfil by the stag's protective magic can be the digtrente
between life and death
Al the start of the Mnvrrnrnl . [rick. I he liearcr ora single
friendly Infantry unit within 12" tif I lie turner L'br the duration Replaces one of tin : hearer's Melee weafmns.

of the phase, that unil. hat tfieJump unit type.

Range S AP fypr
SEERSBANE . 40 POINTS +2 A Melon, Cnncuasivc,
The Seer's Rane tr a Daemon wtapon , quenched in the blood of force,
a grand vizier and bound tifil with a thousand curses. Its magic- Rejielliiig Sweep
infused allays form the prison for the disgraced lard of Change
btalach raccatax, who once uttered an unvarnished truth in the Repelling Sweep; Kneruy aUompUnr to charge the

presence of lend Tzeenlch It is said this ensorctlled weapon is the bearer or hu unit must subtract 2 from their charge roll .
bane of learned men, and that it tan cut through the minds of those
that tarn its master 's irt as easily as it dices apart theirfresh. Coruscator. .20|H >tlUs
Of all the Warp-forged weapons carried to battle by the Thousand
Replaces one of the licaner's Mcloe weapons. Ami, Coruscator is the most revered. Since the lime of the Horns
Heresy„ it has taken the lives of countless loyalist Space Marines , and
Range 5 AP Type its daemonic spirit will lake any chance to stake the fires of hatred
User 2 Melee, that eat away at the Imperium from within. When the trigger is
ISane of Wisdom, pulled . Ceruseator fires not boltsr but blinding helices of magical
IXtcmorL Weapon*, energy that punch a smoking hole thrvusfi a target 's torso - the edges
Rome of that grievous wound will glitter and bum until there is nothing
left to consume .
llano of Wisdom; . \ i[;uiisl rum -vehicJe LarycLs. I lie Strength
value of the Seer's thnrimplln the Iwajer's I radrrsliip Replaces < me nflhe hearer's ranged wca|Jons.
characteristic , ami all '[h Wound rolls are made ai insl the
' ^
target's I aatierahif t duranrrhtie inslrajd or their I burliness. Range S AT Typi
I Inwrvrr, use the target 's [( HHjh.nons. values as rronnal for 1 2" 1 3 Hfatnl, blast ;

flftumirring whether or not the Seer's llane inllicLs lo -. l .ml I >eajth . Soul blaze

*See Codra: Chaos S[ iacc Marines. ATHENAEAN SCROLLS .. 20 POINTS

7Sr arch-sorcerer Ahriman consumed the knowledge contained in
I \ ELM OF THE Tl IIRl > EYE 20 POINTS the Athenaeum of Kaiiimakus long ago. However,; no! all of the
Many of the Thousand .Seru disciplines teach of a mystical third rye
Athenaeum 's founders were slam when their repository of knowledge
that stares out from the prehead, string with far more than sight was destroyed. Some of their Apollonian disciplines have since been
alone and even staring into the souls of men. This helm incorporates transcribed on sanctified papyrus in order to keep an tcho of that
a crystalline eyeball that allows iht wearer to perceive the intent of great library in existence. One who possesses the so-called 'Alhenatan
these around him, giving him a chance to react evtn befort they have Scrolls' has access to advanced psychic techniques that make his spells
committed to their next action. all but unstoppable.

llie wearer ami any unit he joins can lire OwrwaLrh even if If the lieaiKT maJtes a snreessfnl INychic Lest that includes
llirv have ihe Slow and hj q xisr- lul sjicrial mle . Units that tin two or moredine of the same number, Lhe jmwer has lieen
not have the Slow and I’Urposeful sfMeial rule ean instead lire manifested with such unstoppable force that the target unit
OverwaLchal ballistic Skill '1 . rannrf duree to Labe a Deny the Witch Lest.

— in
T T T T T T T T * w
Grand Covens are used rn lusivehr by the forces of the Thousand Sons. The rules below will allow you to organise ihe
models in your Chaos Space Marines collection of miniatures to represent one of these Detachments in your games of
Waxhammer 10,000,

CHCKJSING AN ARMY The Cram I Covin is a sjierial ly|ic of l >elarhmerLL llial can li‘
When choosing an anny Lo jilay a game oTWarhammer 40,000, included m any lSatlle-l< irg]ed anny. Unlike the Detachments
(here are I wo main ways of organising your collection ' ibesc
, shnwi ] in WariuunnuT 40,000: ] ht Hula ii has a Kwee Organisation

arc the Unbound method which means laiingwhichever units

, Chart wltose slnts arc arnmlanalinn nfsjM'nlie Fonnalions and
you like, and I he Ital tle-lorged method. which is more rigid Army List Entries instead of Ralllelield Roles. EUrweviT. iL still
but has exLra liencfiLs. ISolh are described fully in Wa.Tha.mmrr has compulsory anil optional rlemmls, as well as Restrictions and
40.000: Ihr Ruin . Command ISenelils, jnsl like any other DilarhiuciiL

If you. are using the IJuliouud method simply Lise Lhe ilaLasheels
, Although uniLs cannot normally lielong lo more Llian one
diat eorres|ionL ] to the models in your collection . If you are lirlathmenL, units from a formation LhaL is part of a Grand
using lhe RalLle -liuged method, you will instead need lo Coven are an exception. They count as part ofholli I heir
organise Lhe models in your collerLiou into Detachments. This formation and Lhe DelzrhmenL, and have all associated
is a fun process in ils own right . Lhe rrutsl common of these are Command benefits and social nrles. If your Warlord is
the Combined Arms and Allied DctarhincnLs. part of a I 'brmaLiou or an Anny List Entry lhal makes up
part of a Grant ] Coven , that entire Grant ] Coven is your
Primary I >etarhmenL.

This DHaehment must int:lut ]e at least WAR CABAL
one Core choice and tine Auxiliary (pg 64)
choice. It may include up In lour
Command choices ant ] any number or
acklitional Core nr Auxiliary choices, in
any continuation . Only Lhe tlatasheeLs
lislml here can 1ML included in Lhis
Detachrm - nt anti all units must have Lhe
Chats; Space Marines Faction. SEKHMET CONCLAVE
(Pg 67)
Lord of Fallen Prospeno: IF
this Detachment is your Primary
Detachment , you can n ^- mll like result
when rolling cm lhe thousand Sons
Wariond '1 'rails I able on juage I 111
Masters of Arcane Knowledge! If * I of the following:
- Magnus lhe Red
a l ylaT horn this Detachment suliters
IVrils t >f lhe \Vaqi, you can clttrac Lo - Ahriman
re- roll die result. In addition . I ykcrs Daemon Price
front ihis Detachment can attempt lo
- Exalted Sorcerer
manifest one addil ional psychic [ w >vter
in each Psychic Em example, a
I’sykerwith a Mastery Eirvel of -t miJtl
al lemjn It ) manifest 1 jisychic jNrwen.

Auxiliary Gore 1 +
ITtet .rand Coven allows you to represent the lypical slnictimr of a Thousand Sons army on the battlefield . Whether
you wish to bring death and destruction with the full might of a Chaos invasion force , or Geld an elite warhand lacked
with Home dark purpose, the ehoiees below offer a great way to pick your army.

LJHT example, Andy '5 Chaos Spate Marines collation tarnish of as an Auxiliary choice. Andy takes tux further Auxiliary choices in
Ahriman , a Daemon Prince , three Exalted Sorcerers, lux Sorcerers, the farm of Daemon higines ( his / Morale and Defier), as well ui
a Dark Apostle, three units if Rubric Marines, tiro anils of Scarab Ahriman '5 KxHes as a Command choice ( Ahriman himself and an
Occult Terminators, tiro anils of CJiaos Space Marines, lux Chaos entourage comprising ad three of Andy s Exalted Sorcerers).
Spawn , three units of Tzaangan, a tltldrakc and a Defier. If Andy
irishes to organise his collection min.*; tht Battle fortgd method - as Andy's Dark Apostle (HQ) and pair if Chaos Space Marine units
described in WaHiammer 1(1*000: 'fbe Rules - oil of his units (Trrxps) firm a Combined Arms Detachment. As all of his units
need to be part of a Detachment ora Tormation. Andy adueocs this by belong to a Detachment, the army is Rattle-forged. Andy chooses
choosing to field a Grand Coverr and a Combined A rms Detachment Ahriman to be his Warlord - his Grand Coven is therefore his
j r
from Wtafcamnirr 40,(01: |Tui Rules- Primary Detachment. I hr units that are pari of it have the Lard
of Pollen Prospero and Masters of Arcane Knowledge Command
The Grand Coven in A ndy’s army consists if a War Cabal as a Com Btnefls, whilst those that are part of the Combined Arms Detachment
choice ( his Daemon Prince, one Sorcerer and all of his Rubric Marines have the Objective Secured Command Benefit.
and Scarab Occult Terminators ), and a Tzaangpr Warherd (his
second Soicerer, both of his Chaos Spawn and his anils of Tiaangoas)

I elitism from Lhe following:
11 nil
- Deliler
- FmjrSrrtd
- Ilelbrule
Held raid
- Maulerfierwl

I uniL eliosen from Lite following:
- Cham laud Raiiler
- filiate IVedaLor
- ( Iharn

ri 7$

% if
Below arc six Taclifa! Olujcctivcii to use in your games of Warhammer 10,000 that are exclusive to Thousand Sons players,
and help to reflect their psyehic might and esoteric methods of waging war.

ITyour Warlord is from a ' thousand Sons Detachment or A
I 'bnnaLion, you may replace the Capture & OmLml 'larlical
Objectives fnumhcni IL - ifft r lesrrilied in Warhammer 40,000: DS6 RESULT
The Hales with the Tactical OEijrrlivra mi this page. II Ritual Slaughter

IT a Wartiaininer 40,000 mission has the '[ helical Otjcdnn I2 Psychic Supremacy
n|jecial rule, players use Lhe normal rules Svr using Tactical
t >hjeclfves wilh Lhe following rxrqHmn: when a 'Ihousand Stms 13 Wngoance liing Awailtsl
player using these Taetiral Objer lilies generates a Capture &
Control olijeetive (nfumherc II , 12, 13, K, l.ior Ibji, ihey instead M Arcane Kite
generate the cnnesptwidnjg ITioosarirl Sons |helical Objective ,

as slum' ll in the taMe In the righL. Other Tactical Olijertives 15 rlhe Wrath of .Magnus
( nnmliers 21-66) are generaled normally.
16 Power of the Cabal



lhe telling of blood ir a powerful ingredient of Jell riiitals - spill il lhe lead itself eontains great power - for this geomastlk rile fa he
fa Titenlch i liking , and reap she lexviids . comp fait , the battlefield mssl belong lo tht Thousand Sons.
Sane 1 Victory l tin I ai lhe end or your turn if yon killed at Score llrl Virlory PVrints at lhe entl or your turn if yon control
least enemy modeli during your turn. aL least one Objective Marker and your opponent controls
^ none at the end tifyourlum .


lhe sons of Prospero hare long been masters of the limpvtean - those It is not enough lo merely stay lhe foe - he must bt overcome in mind,
whs rival their srtprtmacy must hast iheir works undone. body and spirit for Magyius ' iiwrtf lo be comptele.
Sane 1 Victory hViin I ai lhe entl or your opionent’s turn Scom llH Virlory PoinlH at lhe entl or your turn if pm
if you made a successful l >eiry Lite Witch lest to nullify an completely destroyed an enemy unil in the l*syehie fihase of
enemy fusyrhic|iower earlier during their Lum. your Lurn .


lhe jThousand Sons hast waited for millennia lo avenge lhe iiin>a.nj ib muster estss a fragment of lhe legist n 's former splendour is fa
of the { fonts Heresy - now dial reckoning is at hand. show the of Prospers reborn, i+"« ( s those nearbyf
Saar 1 Victory Hunt ai lhe end oTynur lum if yon Score D:3 Victory ftiints at the end of ynnr Him iT you
completely destroyed at least one enemy unil lielonging to a successfully manifested three [ Hyrhie [ towers of different lypes
Paction which is part of the Armies of the lm ]ierinm during (e.g. blessing beam arid nova,) . Score D3+S Victory HhinU

your turn . instead if yon successfully manifest sis [ Hyrhie [ tciwera of

diflcient ty[ trs during your turn .


“V, mtii '

Those who dabble w Lt h the stuff of change gfclc to nutter the psychic essence: empowering Tzeenlch himself . Such

individuals skirt the edge of sanity as they wield the forces of madness and mutation, blessing their allies and cursing their
foes mi to death. Tzeenlch lends immense power to those who win Ids favour with such displays , hut always at a cost .


The psyker exhales a mutagenic cloud of negative merlin that least his
mrtfrFis * physical forms running like icax.
FIRES FORM .WARP CHARGE 1 Breath of Chaos is a witehlirc|MJwer with the following profile:
The psyker conjures a storm of pink and hint fre that mutates his
fitsr leasing tapering Daemons that clous and bile in its wake. Flange S AF Type

Tzeenlch's firestorm t a wilehiire jNiwrr with the

Template ] 2
ASKWIL Cpiiina,
FYnonol (4+)
inflowing profile:
Corrosion; I >o not roll for armour pend ration against vehicles
Range S AF
Type touched Fry the Lemplale. Instead, they sulTer a gLuieing hit on a
21 T
IMH Asranll I , IllasL , mil L 5f 4 +.
Inferno : Liu earh mode! that is removed as a casually as DEVOLUTION . WARP Cl IARGE 2
a nesidl of Tzeenlch's firestorm , ihe remainder .! if the uuil With a shout, tht psyker channels transmulative forces into his
immediately Lakes a further 113 Strength 3 AV- hi Is. Jlw^e
adversaries. Their bodies soon devolve into horrendous new forms.
extra liils do lint Lhemselycs generate more luLs.
Baleful Devolution. is ;L Focussed witch Are [ nnvi:r with I he
ftilltywing profile:
The psyker lays hands upon a warrior marked for glory, channelling the
warping pacer of Chaos into his body until his flesh wrenches and flows.
If!" 2

Boon of Mutation is a blessing that Laigeta a single friendly Transmogrify; Any 'lit Wound roll of ft mat It by an alLack 1

character wiLhiu 2". Thai character lakes a Strength 1 that has this special njle gains ( he Instant IVaLh 5|ierial rule. If
Al1- hit. If ihe character survivra , he muat immediately any mtirlela are slain in this manner, then you may immediately
make a roll on the ( Ihaoa Rtioii lahle ( re- rolling the Dark place a new Chaos Spawn model under yeinr mnlml aa clone
Apotheosis result}. as jmasihle to where any of the slain models standing, lint
more lhan I " from any etietny mtxlels.
The psyker hurls a bolt of roiling energy that blasts its tajgels into fi. TREASON
terrifying new shapes. Anything caught in the explosion is hurled acmu OFTZEENTGH WARP C ] IARGE 3
the field with horrifk force. The psyker whispers into the minds of the tntmy. Brother turns upon
brother before the pall of dissipates to leone the aggressors
Doombolt is abeam with ihe following profile: staring in horror al the treachery they have wrought.

Range S AF Type treason of Tzeenlch is a malediction that targets an enemy ntui-

IH" fl I Assault I , I >elnnaLe vehicle iiuit within 24 that is not locked in combat . You can
imrnetlialely make a shooting attack with every model in the
Detonate; If a Doombolt hits a vehicle anti causes an I'lxplodrsl unit aa iTiL were a frientlly unit . When resolving these attacks,
result, roll 21!tfi to delennine the range of the explosion. the unit munis as ntH having m Lives I in the preceding Movement
phase. After thtw altackshave been resolved, the uni L affected by
SIPHON MAGIC WARP CHARGE I treason of Tzeenlch rnusL immediately lake a IHnning LesL

The psyker opens his arms wide, embracing the invisible gales ofarcane
force that rage around the battlefield. By chanting backwards m the
Dark Tongue, he cars steal the power of other psychic emanations and use GAZE OF MAGNUS WARP Cl IARGE f>
them to bolster his own spells. To fall under the monocular gait of Magnus is to be utterly destroyed
by the power rf Tzeenlch.
Siphon Magic is a blessing that targets the Ihrylu ^ r. Ru the rest
of the phase, each tinte a frientlly model successfully manifests a Gaze of Magnus i? a beam wiLh the following profile:
|iayehic. jrnwer within IS' of them, place a dice next to this model.
Any thee accrual in this manner can Ite usetl by ihe l yker as Range S AF Ty£5L
Ixinus Warp Charge|MjinLa. ^ If!" D I AXUIIL I . Snol Maze

On those pagrs, you will find special rules unii|ur to armies from l hr Doith Guard Lhal reflect their tactics on the
battlefield. You will also find Warlord Traits, Chaos Artefacts and Tactical Objectives lhal you can use when Holding your
Death Cuard army in games orWarhammer 1- 0,000, and an exclusive Detachment the Veelorium .


Any Detachment with the Chans Space Marines Faction can
lie rrom one of the nine Traitor legions. A Death Giianl
Delachcneiil retains the Chaos Space Marines Faction and is WARLORD TRAITS TABLE
treated in all ways as a Chaos Sjiacc Marines Detachment, with
the following modifications : D6 WARLORD TRAIT
I Insensate to Pain; So vast and bloated has this
Fhcy cannot include any Unique units cither than Typhus. Warlord become that he is all but immune So she pain
Units lhal ran take the Mark ofNurglr must rln m of inpsry.
IJrils with a Mark of Chaos other than the Mark of Nurgle Add I lo your Warlord's leel No Pain rolls.
cannot lie taken .
All units LhaL can do BO musl lie upgraded to Veterans of the 2 Tainted Regeneration : So biased is this Warlord
long War, al no additional [ mints cost wish Nurgfe 'sfoetid restorative powers that bis body heals
Any Daemon I Vinces must have the: Daemon nFNuigle itself asfast as his enemies can harm him.
sfireial rule. Your Warlord has the It Will Not Die special rule.
IVykers from the Detachment c:an choose Lo generate all of
Lheir psychic: |iowers from the Discipline of Nurgie. 3 Lord of Contagion r Saturated as he if with Nujgle t
contagious blessings, merely to stand before this Warlord
All units in a Death Cuard Detachment or Formation gain the and. his closest sea Triors is to be assailed by an oppressive
following s|ienal rules: aura of plague.
Your Warlord and all friendly units from a Death
GIFTS OF NURGLE Cuard formal inn or DeLarhmcnL that are within 7'
Units lhal have the Veterans or the I jmg War special rule or your Warlord at the start of the Fight
have the leariess and I 'eel No Pain s|iecial rules, hut reduce are infer Led wiLh a contagious plague unlil die
their Initiative charaelerisLic. hy I . 'typhus and units of Hague end of Llie phase. All enemy units that ace locked
Marines are unaffected. in comhat with any units infected in this manner
sutler IKi Strength I A I1 I hits wiLh the IViisoruxI
IN EXC 5 R A IllI Al )VANC E ( +} s|iec:ial rule (distributed randomly ) al the
Units thaL have the Veterans or the long War special rule have Initiative JO step.
the Relentless sgiecial nile.
4 Hulking Physique : This Warlord's body has become
LORIES OF THE PLAGUE HOST swollen with jVuirgfc r divine blessings, and stands all but
Units of Plague Marines are Troops c.hoiees instead of inviolate as a veritable behemoth of rancid flesh.
Elites choices . Add I Li your Watford's Wounds charac:teristic.

5 Rotten Constitution : Nursfe "s favour takes many

Cl IAOS ARTEFACTS forms , and this Warlord's flesh has become so rot-infested
Units in a Death Cuard Detachment or Formation that ran that vast chunks if it can be lorn free without risk if
normally Lake Chaos Artefacts in Codex: Chaos Space Afjrjjifj lasting harm.
ran choose lo Lake items from the Chaos Artefacts or Lht - Death
Your Warlord has the Eternal Warrior sficcial rule.
i icisile ) al the [ joints root shown instead.
Cuard lisL ( see o||

6 Areh -contaminacor : Such are this Warlord 's virulent

emanations that his very presence u enough to make even,
WARLORD TRAITS the most lethal Jounkr and venoms deadlier still.
When generating his Warlonl Trails a Warlord from a Death 'Ihe eEfect of the Poisoned
, sjjeeial rule cjn any
Cuard Detachment or Formation may choose to mil on the weajMms wielded liy your Wariord and any mentis
table lo the right instead of theme found ill Warhammer 40,000: in his unit is improved by J , to a maximum of
The Rules nr Codex: Chaos Space Marines. ?+. I ’or exam[ ile, if your Warlord joined a iiuil of
Hague Marines their plague knives would have I he

Poisoned (3+ ) sjMtaal rule insLead of lYiisonod (1+;.

Nurjrfti’s putrescent blessing hangs heavy in the air about the Death ( iiurd\ most sacred relics, and proximity alone is
often enough to infer L those who breathe deep of their noxious foulness. Only one of caeh of the following items may
be chosen per army, and only one may be chosen per model.


Appearing as a particularly large piague knife, mart like a machete The clangour of this giant bell is painful to the ear, almost intrusive
than the traditional side weapton of the Death Guard l*gi\n, the as its foul sounds push their sickening notes into the minds of those
Puscleaver bean the infamous Gurgling Deem contagion. Qnr struck nearby. bach toil registers as a dull dank on the data-harvest of
by the blade has not only to contend with part of their anatomy recording dec- ices such as vid-thief skulls, but to hear it in person is
being hacked away, fir its edge remains punsshingly sharp, but also quite another matter. Bracers is undone and certainty ebbed away
a wound so infected it balloons into a swollen mess in seconds. The as the shambling horde of the Death Guard closes in, rendered as
afflicted individual keels oner a moment later, grrgling phlegm as he looming behemoths by the peals of the deathly knell.
finally realises the glory of Margie 's generosity.
All friendly Death Guard units within M " nf Lite liearer at
Replaces tine rtf Lhc licarer's Mder weajNins. the start of the Hgfit anti-phase have the hear H|iecial nile ftir
I he duration of the phase. In addition enemy units taking a

Range S AP Type Fear Lest against an afTcrled unit must tin so tin 3l )fi instead
User -
Mder, I Vristiru xi |T t )

of ?l>6.


OFGLOTIIIIA 15 POINTS Daemon insects spiii from the tubular, ehimncylikt structures of the |
: ..
This oversized death’s head was once the skuii of the Chaos Ixtrd Toxwalktr Hive lire incessant droning chatter of these liny cnatures
, j
Glothiia, whose dying wish was to become a weapon of purest coil. ads as an infection in in own right , and those who willingly listen i
to it are at grave rift of contracting the po.cwalker s ccrer. Should
Once|icr Eftme, instead of firing his weapon, the liearer tif ihe they succumb, they will devolve into shambling , mutant monstrosities,
Hague Skull tifCItilhila ran cbotiae Iti make a shooting alLark murmuring and babbling in the same flyblown tongue as the hive itself.
* that uses the pnilile heitiw:
At the start of each of your to ms , [ lick a frientlly unit nf Charm
Range 5 AP Type Cubists within 7' tn infeel wiLh the [itixwalker virus. Kir the
S' I Assault I , rest of the game, lhal unit tif Chaos Cubists ranntil Run tie
large ISIast . make shtmting at Larks, tint they gain the Fearless anti Feel
One Use f >nly, Nti Pain s|ier.ial rules. In addition . aL tlie sLart nfrarh tif ytiur
tVusonerl (2+ ) li hi lowing turns, return 133 slain models to every friendly unit
nUnHerLed Chatis Cohists that an wiLhin lw tif die lMLarer. Any

THE PANDEMIC STAFF 30 POINTS mtxlels returned in this manner that cannot tie placed within
This rune-engraved artefact is long and pitted, mouldering with a unil inherency are lost.
visible miasma of plague and entropy. Fcvcry one of its odd dents
and hides harbours a deadly strain of contagion , one ofNurgie’s PLAGUEERINGER . 35 POINTS
oldfavourites, tried and proven. Collectively, the grotesque diseases The hooked blade Plaguebringer once bore the souls of a trio of Beasts
that riddle the Pandemic Staff have seen trillions of lives ebb away of burgle. Once the sword sprayed the virulent, infected spittle of these
to nothing , reduced to little more than fodder for the Grandfather’s overexcilable Daemons with every swing However, those entities were
Garden. When waved expansively, the staff can conjure forth a tide trapped so long in the rusted artefact's confines that their lelhaily
of hypertoxic fluids that could bring lew even a rampaging pestiger. potent enthusiasm has drained away, replaced with something even
worse. After a long period of SBUTJI£ the blade’s inhabitants became
Replaces me of Lhe heater's Melee weajwms. TTie hrarrr ran something else entirely; it now contains the malignant souls of three t
alsti use the Pandemic St aif in the ShtttiLiiig phur instead of Hot flies that take every chance to inflict a terrible wasting disease
firing another weapon. on those around them.

Range 5 AP Type Replaces me of the licarer’s Mch ^ weapons.

Rangi'd Template .i Asault I ,
Phisonnl (2+) Range S AP Type

MHoe +2 i Melee, User 3 Mdce,
Cnnranuc, Daemon Weapon*
hlimned (3+) l \iisriru* l (4+ )

Cntiox: Chaos S[iace Marines.

J, '
v: •
* *
iif "
.. . -Wl
s.y* ]
:- ' i

if -’.:

* f
* T T T T T T T T T T T T

Vecloriums arc used cxiliuivdy hy the fortes of the Death Cuard . The rales helow will allow you to organise the
models in your Chaos Spite Marines collection of miniatures to represent one of these Detachments in your games of
War hammer 40 00,
CHOOSING AN ARMY A Vrclorinm is a sjHirial Lyjtc of Idetachment that can he included
When choosing an anny to play a game ofWarhammer 1fl,fl4H ), in any llaLlle-ltwgcd army. Unlike thiL Detachments shewn in
there are I wo main ways or organising yoor mlletlion. ' ITtese l+hnfij-mnrer -10,000: The /fnifj, it has a Emtx Organisation Chan
are the Unbound method , which means taking whiehever units whose slots are a riimtiination of s|K 'cilif Ibrmalinns anti Army
yon like, anti the HaLlle-forged mcdiod, which is more rigid 1JRI I’ntrieH instead onSalLlelield Roles. However. il still has
hut has exLra IjcncJiLs- ISolh are r (escribed fully in fkijAamraer eompulsorv and optional elements, as well as HesLriejlions and
10,00): The Hairs. Command UcnefLLs, just like any other DeLaehmenl .

If you are using the Unbound method, simply use the datasheets Although units t:annot normally belong to more than
dial com Hiud to the models in your collection. If you are one Detachment, units horn a formation that is pari of a
using the ISaiLle - tbrged method, you will instead need to Veclnrium are an exception. J hey count as parL ofbolh their
organise the modds in your colleelion into Detachments. rl his Formation anti the Detachment . anti have all associated
is a fun process in its own right . 'Die most common of these are Cominautl ISenef its anti s|iet:ial niles. If your Wadord is part
the Combined Arms and Allied Detachments. of a Formal ion or an Army List KnLry that makes up part of
a VecLorium, the entire VeeLorimn is your Primary DriidiiTKnL

Hi is Detachment musL inelutle at least one Core ehoice and tine CHAOS WARRAND (pg 46}
Auxiliary choice. Il may include up tn lour Command choices
anti any numlier qTarkitinnal Core or Auxiliary choices, in any
etimhiuatitin . Only the datasheets lisleti liere can he mduded
in this I detachment anti all units mu- 1 have I he Cih:ios Spat e PLAGUE COLONY (pg 70)
Marines Faction.


Plague Lord: If this Detachment is your Primary Detachment ,
you t:an re- noil the result when rolling tin the Death Cuard
- I oT the following:
- Chaos [and
Warlord |'rails table I pg 11 ( I5L - Sorcerer
- Dark Apostle
Disgustingly Resilient : Units from this Detachment can - Daemon Prince
re- roll Feel No Fain rolls tif I .

Cloud of Flies; If an enemy unit Largels a unit from litis

Detachment thaL is I FT or more away the target uniL has the

Stealth spL cial rule while that attack is resolved .

(pg ®} *

(pg +9)

Command Auxiliary Owe 1 +

fl-1 i+

The Vectorium allow *; you Lo represent the typical structure of a Death Guard army on the battlefield. Whether you
wi Lo bring death and destruction with the Full might of a Chaos invasion force, or field an elite warhand tasked
j ^
with some dark purpose, the choices below offer a ireat way lo pick your army.

For example, Krik r Chaos Space Marines collection romufi of The Vectorium in Erik 's army r-wtstslf of two Cart chokes - a Plague
dyphus , a Chaos Lard, a Dari: Apostle, a Daemon Prince, four anils Colony (Typhus and the Plague Marines ) and a Chaos Warhand
of Plague Marines, tux mils each if Chaos Space Marinesr Chaos (his Chaos Lard , Chosen , Chaos Terminatorsr Chaos Space Marines,
Terminators and Chaos Csilists, one unit each of Raptors and Chosen, Paptors and llelbrute ) - and a fleldrake Terror Pack (his pair of
a ileihmtc„ two tleldrakes, a Defier and two Maulerfends. lleldrakes) as an Auxiliary choice.

if Erik wishes to organise his collection using the Rattle-forged method Erik,'s Dark Apostle, Daemon Princer Chaos Cultists, two
- as described in Warhanirucr 10,000: ' 1 lie Roles - all fhis units Maulerfcnds and Defier form a Combined Arms Detachment. As all
need to be part of a Detachment ora Formation. Fait achieves this of his units belong to a Detachment, the army is Datlle-fbrged. Erik
by choosing one Vectorium and one Combined Arms Detachment from chooses Typhus lobe his Warlond - his Vectorium is therefore his
I Warhaimuer 10,000: 'Hie Rules Primary Detachment . 7he units that are part of it hose the Plague
lord Disgustingly Resilient and Cloud of Hies Command fienefls,
whilst thene that arc part of the Combined A rms Detachment have the
Objective Heas red Command Itenefl.

g 43


FORCE fpg .rt 4)

(pKr JJ


( PS 3)
I - 3 units tif Chaos Sjiiwn



f* o# ri ’, >
Predated bclowjuc six radical Objectives louse in yourgames iifWarhammcr 10,000, which are exclusive lo Death
Guard players and reflect the foetid and utterly relentless nature of the Death Guard in battle.

If your Warlord is from a DeaLh Guard I Jet arJimen L or
I 'bmuttiou, you may replace the (laplurr & OmLiDM atliral DS6 RESULT
ChjmiHS ( numbeni 11 - 1 ft) desrriljed in Washammor 40,000: II -
lieall Man li
The Rules with ihe Jartical OlijerLives on litis pasje.
12 I*ain is (hr the Weak
If a Warham mer 40,000 mission has- the Tactical Objectives
special rule, players use the normal rules (or usinif TaoLieal 1J Nude’s Gift
Objectives with Lhr [olltjwini; CMceptinn : when a Death Guanl

player using these Tac.Lieal l Jlijertives generates a Capture & 11 Spread Hague and Contagion
Gonlrul ohjeelive ( numbers II . I % IT II . HOT IfiX they instead
generate ihe conesjxmrhng UeaLh Guard Tac.1 ical l llijec.Live, 15- Symlml of the I 'ly-Innl
as shown in Llie Lalile to the right.. Other TaoLieal Olijeelives
fnumheis 'iJ -fifiJ are generated normally. 1-6 I >ealh Begets [ Jfe


'The store inexorable advance
of ihe Death Guard has been ihe death ihe lords of ihe Dtalh Guard haoe aroinedJar countless ctnlunei ,
. of no wilt beyond courts.
inf 8 enduring lo spread disease to esery DOORID they invade.
^ nr
Sase 1 Vic.lory l tin I al ihe curl your turn if al lead 3 of Wlten this 'larLieal Ohjcrtiw^ is generated, nominate one of
your uni Is are wilhin your tipfinnent's table half. ynur Death Guanl characters. Score 1 VieUny IVSDLL al the
end of ihe game if this rhararlcr is still alive and tin ihe lalile.


hhn$e despises physical fiaiily and blesses his foiiowers iritis bloated Ihe symbolism of the three -eyed fly holds great meaning lo the
bodies filled ,tilh decay lhai they may fomer forgo iis touch. am shippers of the Plague God.
' Ihis Tarliral Objective is acinicvied iT you make at least 7 leel Score IK Victory IViints at the end of ynur Him i I you eonlrol

Me rain rolls in any single phase. Vim irnmerlialely snore I exactly throe Objective Markers no more. no less.
Vielnry Poinl.


hhirgft enjoys (rule more than watching his followers spread his . nrgle, ihe endless cycle of sowing death lhal new
lb ihe followers of\
diseases upon the mortal races. life may bloom is nothing less than a sacred acl.
Sane ] Vic.lory Aunt al ihe end oTyour turn if al least one Sore I Vielory hii nl al the end of wmr Him il at leasl 7

enemy unit was completely destroyed hy a weapon or psychic enemy mtsdels were slain during your turn. Ifal least 14
power that had ihe IViisoned special rule during lhal turn . enemy models were slain during your turn , score l > H VirLrtry
IVUILLR instead, and score Vielory Atinls if at least lil
enemy models were slaiit du ri ng your tu m .


'V, n.t
Psykers Lhd( arc blr ^ rd by KrandTalhcr Nurgle ran channel ike Plague Cod's corruptingpowers lo debilitate or infect
their vie limn with rancid visitations. Lven those fortunate enough to survive the touch of such unwholesome energies will

forever be tormented by their legacy.

The- psyker gathers clouds of contagion and Rot Idles shoal his enemies,
NURGLE’S ROT WAR l 1 CHARGE I granting them l •other Nurse's blessijtg
(lurkingpraise to Father Single, ihe psyker selflessly exudes a
disgusting wane of soulpox. All those nearby arc covered in a layer Gift of Contagion is ; L malediction that allccls a single enemy
of toxic goo so foal it cun till in seconds. unit within 1 ) 3 V Roll rm the Lahle below to see whal elTect il has
on every model in the unit whilsL the [ Hjwcr is in ellect. 'I’he
Single's ftol in a nova|HJwer with the profile heltyw. Note effects of mnlLi|]le Gifts if Contagion ire cumulative.
that Daemons of Nurgle and models with thtL Mark of
Nurgle are unaffected by Surge's Rot in fart , ihey line] it |]3 ( rranlcd
rather refreshing

jV sanll
Dfi 1 I ,
_ 1

flyblown Pblsyt - ] Attack ant! the Shrouded
special rule.
Muscular Atrophy: - I Strength anti ntay ntil Run .
Liquefying Ague : - I Strength and - I Ibiighiiess.
Nusoned {14}
Ha psyker belches forth a wind of plague that blows through his foes.

, WARP CHARGEJ Plague J+ tnv/ isa wilchfire power with lhtL profile lieltw. It has
bhe psyker the generosity of his pairsn. infesting hisjbe's no eflert on vehicles.
weaponry with viral decay.
Range S AP Type
Weapon liras is a malediction I hat largels a single enemy unit I 2T I ‘1 Asranlt I . IjnTC blast .
within 21'. All or the target unifs ranged wcaptms have the f 'eLq Poisoru ^ l (14}

I hit sjterial rule whilsL the [lower in in eilerL

ABUNDANCE . WARP Cl IARGE l The victims tf this curse find themselves weakened and drained by
Nurglei bountiful energies singr through the target and the deep wouneis its enervating touch, yet those that hear Surge's favour are instead
that score theirflanks begin iff secrete foulfluids that thicken and harden granted new strength by the rancourous energies coursing through their
upon contact with the air. fly the time the psyker'spower has run its bloated bodies.
ctmnr, the largeis injuries are nowhere to be seen . hidden beneath the
swollen jblds of new fleshy growth. Curse tf the Leper is a blessing if it targets a friendly unit tw a

malediction if it targets an enemy unit; ill either rase, il must

Flrshy Abundance i .s a blessing LliaL target a single friendly target a angle unit within ‘2 I " t if the I'sylaer. If Ora of the Leper
model within 11'of the l \ykor. "I"hr allcclcd rootle! immediately is used Lo target a friendly unit, all models in that unit add I to
regains 111 Wounds lust earlier in the haLlle. their Strength anti lougfinesa characteristics whilst this|iower
is in effect if used to target an enemy unit, all mtitlels in that
unit must reduce Lheir Strength and 'limgjmcss characteristic
PLTl’ REFACTION WARP Cl IARGE l Iry I whilsL this|iower is in eEFccL
As the psyker draws fords more of Grandfather Surge's fxswerfrom the
Warp, the blades of his allies begin to rad and secrete foul, pas-hke fluids,
the stench alone of which bears the promise of disease.

Blades of Putrefaction is a blessing wiLh a range tif 14'. rlhe

Melee weapons of all motieh in the targiLL unit have the
Poisoned (14) spmal rule whilsL this|Kiwer is in eETeel . Any
models LhaL alreatly had Lite Poisoned sj^erial rule on their
MtJee wea[ions or attacks instead have the IViisoned (?4} special
rule whilst this peiwer is in elft ^ .L.


On ibcsc pagKS yon will ILnd special rulfis unique ID armies from the Emperor's Children that reflect their tactics on the
battlefield. You -will also find Warlord Traits, Chaos Artefacts and Tactical Objectives that you can use when fielding your
Emperor's Children army in games of Warhammcr 10,000, and an exclusive Detachment the Rapture Battalion .


Any Detachment with the Chats Spare Marines Faction can he
from one of the nine Traitor legions. An Kiiqicmr's Children
Detachment retain!; the Chaos Spare Mariner; L artimi anti in
treated in all ways as a Chaos. Sjiaee Marines Detachment, with
the following modification:; : D6 WARLORD TRAIT
I Chilton forlhiniiJiment: This Warlord revels iir
Jliey cannot inelntle any Unique units other than Lucin; entry sensation - even ones that would slay a lesser
the Internal . mortal outright .
Units that can take the Mark ofSIaanesh must dn so. Your Warlord hac the Eternal Warrior sjieeial n ]le.
Units with a Mark of Chaos other than the Mark oTSIaanesh
raunol lie taken . 2 Quicksilver Reflexes: / hr Warlord has been blessed
All units Lhat ran dn so must lie upgraded to Veterans of the with reflexes so swift that he can sever the ruck of his

long War, at no atltlilional JHTINLN mnL opponent before they even see him move.
Any Daemon Princes must have the Daemon ofSIaanesh Add 2 lo your Warlord's Initiative chararlerisLit:.
special ru.ltL.
IVyhers from the Dftadiaifnl t :an rhotwc Its generate all tif 3 Nexus of Debaneheryt No experience of the mind
Llieir|Hyt : hit : |iowers frorTL the Discipline of Slaanesh. or body is enough lo deter the rampant desires if this
Warlord , and those in his praence endlessly strive to
All units in an Einfienor's Children Delaehinent or Formation match his levels of euphoria .
gain the liilluwing special rules: Atld I to ( lie I ’ed No Rain mils of your Warlord anti
his unit .
Units tliaL have the Veterans or the I jmg War special rule have i Psyebotropie Aura: To stand within this Warlord s '

the Earless and Kid No Pain ( ( > + ) s|ieeial rules ( units with an shadow is lo suffer an assault on the sensa that lays bare
Icon of Excess instead have ( he Fearless and Fed No I’kin ( 4 +) all hut the mtuf ironclad mind to depravity Sunt of a
s|iec.ial rules ). iimillas potential for excess.
Your Warlord has the K\ar sjieeial nile . Any unit
In addition if a mtitlel that has the Veterans of the L > ng War
, that is locked in eomfial with your Warlord IIIIIRL
s|iec.ial rule is slain in Lhr Eight sub-phase liefore it has marie
, Lake a Fear Lest wit> L IlDti instead ol~ 2 Dfi.
any Attacks that phase, it ran make a single Attack at ihe tLnti of
the current Initiative step brittle lieing removetl as a t :asually. 5 Stimulated by Pain : The more grievous this
Warlord's lupines , the deadlier he becomes.
MASTERS OF THE KAKDPHGN1 Your Warlord gains I Attack each lime lie loses a
Units of Noise Marines are Tmnps ehoices iusteatl of Wound. However if lie reeovers Wounds ihnough

Eli les rhoiees. any means, his AtlaeLs are reduced acctinlinglv.

6 Idtil of Mindless Devotion: Such is this Warlord's

Cl IAOS ARTEFACTS disturbingly beautiful appearance that others would
Units in an Emperors Children Del acini tent or Formation gladly sacrifice themselves to save him from harm.
tliaL tan normally lake Charts Artefacts in Codex: Chaos Space Your Warlord can choose lo automatically pass any
Marines can ehotsse to Lake items from the Chaos ArtefarLs of Look Out, Sir rolls he is required lo make instead
the Empemrs Children list (see opposite ) at the points eost or rolling. If your Warlord is a Daemun Prince, yun
shown instead. can rhnnse lo re - roll this result.


When generating his Warlord Trails a Wationl from an

Empenir’s Children DetarhmenL or Formation may choose

lo roll on the table lo the right instead of those fcwnrl in
Warhammcr 40,000: The Rules or Codex: Chaos Space Marines.


ITtc Emperor's Children bear some of the imtsl disturbing artefacts of war, each crafted with flawless precision to kill
and torment with unrivalled efficiency. Only one of each of the following items may he chosen per army and only one ,

may be chosen per model.


This concoction is w valuable that even a minute drop is worth This fleshy mask is ikt stilUiving , flayed face of a man who ireera1
a fortune. Some say it was brewed by the master fieshcraften of SInantsh to fulfil his irish to live former. The Dark Prime was
Commorragb , others that it is nectar from Slaanesh 's pleasure gardens, only too pleased to oblige, gifting the unfortunate soul immortality
or that it tr the blood of Act{grim himself. Ihe liquid is self- replenishing, but also forcing him to present his face to the Chaos Lord Shire .
and one who partakes of it harnesses dark physical power. Ihe After murdering the supplicant , Shixe wore that face as a prized
Emperor 's Children channel it into dispenser arrays so they can dump it reminder of the occasion for several centuries . Ihe Endless Grin has
into their bloodstream by the pint. since exchanged hands many times, but the potency of its anguish
has never diminished.
After deployment, make l ) H rolls on the Ccuhal Druids table
( pig 121) to sec wlial elTcct the luloxieaLing Elixir has mi Lite '
lhe liearer of Lhe Etulless f Jrin has the Fear spmal nile.
hcaicr. All clhxts arc cumulative, including with the ( jornhat .
l iiL - inv uni Is mnsl reduce their leadership by I whilst thev
Drugs < H tmrttam I llciiclit should I he licarcr lie part nr a an within bT of ihe Iwafcr.

Rapture Baltahon fpg I 2 -1).

This ornate doom siren emits a thunderous bass boom and a hired with a shrill howl, these stmngefy shaped mass-reactive bolts
I hypermodulaied scream powerful tnougfi to shatter diamond. The sheer contain not explosive charges, but a peculiar cerise gas. Any who catch
deafening power hits with a physical impact , blasting away all cohesive so much as a whiff of this vapour are driven into a hallucinatory fugue I
thought in an instant. Onfy those with a tremendous strength if will state where all thtir dreams and nightmares mingle together into a
can hold mind and body together - ihost who let their minds be swtpt kaleidoscope of intense sensation. Kaen. the most fortified linker or
away find their flesh, bone and gristle alike reduced to shuddering pulp sainted sanctum is of little protection, fi>r the winding tendrils of the
by myriad resonant frequencies. pinkish hallucinogen seek out sane minds as a hungry fehd seeks out
fresh meat.
Once per game, ihe lieaner can make a special shooting
attack instead ofliring another weaptm. This has Lite
, Rolls of Ecstatic Vexation can Ite fired from any liollgim, liolt
following profile: pi slol or holtgim part nr any riimbi-wcajioM that the hearer is
|nipped with ;. that weapon 's profile gains the ISIast , Ignores
Range S AP Type {lover and Pinning special rules.
LIT H 2 Assault I >h,
This long-tongued whip can render those who feel its irt njr insensible

Mental Trauma: Hcliire making this attack the larget uni I

, with indescribable pleasure. Keen those who put aside gratification for
must lirsL Lake a leadership Lest . I [Tailed, you can re - mll all a greater duty find their oaths and promises forgotten, washed away
failed ' lb Wound mils made fiir this at Lack . rn a tide of sensation that drowns the mind completely. So it is to feel
the kiss of Slaanesh. Ihough their lives are cruelly lorn away almost
THE SGULSNARE IAS] L , 20 POINTS immediately afterwards, for a few short moments, they truly know
This fleshy whip has been marinated in the swtal of six Keepers of ecstasy and agony manned.
Secrets during their forbidden strife-rituals. Barbed hooks run along
its length , and its coils are warm yet unsettling to the touch. Should it Replaces one of Lhc liearer’s Melee weajtons.
ensnare a victim , the poor fool is consumed in aetheric fire that bums
the soulfrom his body, srsaiching it away for an eternity of anguish in Range S AP Type
the JUT circles of Slaanesh's realm. User 3 Melee.
C lalalonie Trance.
Replaces one or Lhe hearer’s Melee weapons This licarer can Daemon Weapon*
also use this weapon in lhe Shooting phase, in adiilinn Lo
firing his ranged weapon. Catatonic Trance: Any rntitlcJ that suffers tine or mom
unsaved Wounds fmrn IJlissgiver must immctliately pass a
Range S AP Type leadership test few each Wound sJTered or lie removed fmm
Rang* fi' 1 5 AssaidL '2 , Soulsnare play as a casually.
Melee User 5 Melee, Snohnair
*Set f Index: Chaos
Kfiarc Marines.
Soulsnare: Any In Wound mils off ) marie with ihis weapon

arc resolved ai Aidant! have the Instant Dcalh sjkecial nile.

T T w T T w T T T T T T T T T T
Rapture Battalions are used evrlusrvelv by the forces of the Lmpemir's Children, The rules below will allow you te organise

the models in your Chaos Space Marines collection of miniatures to represent one of these Detachments in your games of
- 0,00(1.
Warhammer 1

CHOOSING AN ARMY A Kapli i re Battalion is a special I vpe of Detachment Lhal

When rhnoRing an anny In play a game ofWaihammcr can lie included in any ISal Lie -forged army. Unlilie ihe
there are I wo main ways nrorganriing ynur mlletlinn. ' ITLCSC Detachments Rhtiwn ill Warhammer 40,000: The Rales it has

are the Unhntmd method , which means taking whichever unitR a l orrr Organisation Chart whose RIOLR are a combination
ynu like , anti the HaLlle - forged method , which iR more rigid ofRporilic Formations and Army IURI Fnlries instead nr
hut haR exLra liemcfiLR . ISolh ant descrilicd fully in Warhammer ISaLLlelield Roles. However, il Rtill has rnnLpulRory and
tQjOOOt The Rules. optional elements. as well as ResL rid ions and Command
lienelils, jusi like arty other Detachment.
If you ant using the Unbound method, simply IIRC the datasheets
dial nrnspruj to the models in your collection. If yon are Although units cannot normally bilong In mnre than one
using the ISatLlc -Cnrged method, you will instead need to Detachment units from a formation lhal is part nfa Rapture

organise the mndeh in ynur collection in In Detachments. ThiR

battalion are an exception. Lliev count as pari oflioth I heir
is a fun proeesR in its own right . I’he nmst common of thcfle are FonnaLinn ami the DcLarhmcnl . and have all associated
the Combined AmLR and Allied Detachments. Command ISenetils and | H ieeial rules. IT your Warlord is part
of a Formation or an Army List L ' lilry that makes up part
of a kaplure battalion, the entire Rapture battalion iR your
Primary Detachment.

' HiisDetachment musL include at leaRl one Core choice and one CHADS WARRANT) (pg 46}
Auxiliary choice. Il may inclmle up Lo limr Command choices
and any nnmlier of additional Core nr Auxiliary choices, in any
comliiiiaLion . Only the datasheets listed here can he included
in this Detachment and all units rnnsL have the dhais Spare
Marines F'artinn. KAKOFHONI (pg 71)

Lord of Hedonismt If this Detachmenl is your Primary
Detachment, ynu ran re- roll the rcRull when nJliug on the LORD OF THE LEGION
Fmprmr’fl Children Warlord Trails Lahle (pg L 22!}L - I of the following:
- Chare [and
Combat Drngst After Deployment mil a dice and consult
, - Sorcerer
the following table Lo see what cJlcrtR Lhe combat drags have - Dari Apostle
on the rhaiaeleriRtir. pro111es of all mm -vehicle units Trom ibis - Daemon Prince
Detachment (nr the duration of the game:

D6 Result
1 + 1 Weapon Skill
2 + 1 Ballistic Skill THE LOST AND THE DAMNED
+ 1 Initiative
+E Strength
( ps 4 )
5 +E Ihughness
6 H Attacks

Command Auxiliary done 1 +

fl-1 i+

The Rapture: BaUalitm allows you to represent the typical structure of an Emperor's Children army on the battlefield .
Whether you wish to bring death and destruction with the full might of a Chaos invasion force, or field an elite
warhand tasked with some dark purpose, the choices below offer a great way to pick your army.

Eor example Jade's Chats Spaa Marina caUtcdoa consists of t .ucius jade's Dark Apostle, Daemon /Vinrf, Chaos Cullists, Mauierfends
the Etmud, a Chaos f .-onf a Dash Apostle , a Daemon Prince, lime and Defier form a Combined A rms Detachment. As aii of her anils
units of Noise Marines, tiro units each of Chaos Spaa Marines, Chaos belong to a Detachment, the arm is fialtleforged. jade chooses Isieius
Terminators and Chaos Cuitists, ora unit each of Raptors and Chosen, the Eternal to be her Warlord - her Rapture Battalion is therefore
a iieUmitc, two tleidrakes, a Defier and two Mauierfends. her Primary Detachment. The ccni £r that are part of it hoot the Ixtrd

of Hedonism and the Combat Thugs Command Rene fils, whilst those
tf Jade wishes to organise her collection using the Baltleforged method that are pert of the Combined A rms Detachment haoc the Objective
- as described in Wajhammrr 40,000: Ihc Roles - adof her units Secured Command Beneft.
need to be part of a Dttaehment ora Eormation. jade achieves this by
choosing one Rapture Battalion Detachment and one Combined Arms
Detachment from WaHununer tOJKWL 'flic Rules -
I The Rapture Battalion in Jade's army consists if two Core ehoitts - a
hakophoni ( Lucius the Etemai and the Noise Marines ) and a Chaos
Warband (her Chaos ijrrd, Chosen, Chaos Terminators CJiaos Space
Marines, Raptors and llelbrute) - and a Iftldrahc Terror Rack (her
pair of fleidrakes) as an Auxiliary choice.

(pg 49)
(PS 53;

(pg 50)
FORCE ( pg fi4)

(pg 51)
{pg r> .r>:


( PS 52)
oP 1I -
'{ uii iLq of ( ]hatw


f* iff-. ri
% ff
PrfHiQtfdbclawjrc six radical Objectives louse in yaurgames iifWarhammcr 10.000 , which arc ntrlusivc lo Emperor's
Children players and reflect their malicious depravity on the battlefield.

If your Warlord is from an Eviufierior’s ( Ihiltlren l >ctanhmmt or
Formation, you may replace the Cap!Lite & ConLnJ "laeliral DG6 RESULT
Objectives [ numlNets I 1 -16} described ITI WarhanimeT 40,000: II rihe Sonntl of Death
The Rults wiLh ( be Tacliral Objeolivt ^ on this|iage.
12 Without Wcr
If a Warhammer 40,000 mission has. the Tartical Objectives
special rule players use ihe normal rules for using Tantical
, 13- Desfuir anti Death
Objectives with Lhe [ nlltjwi ng CMrc|Jtirm : when an Iun|ien 3 r’s

Chiklren player using these Tar lira! OlijerLives generates a 11 Sensory Onslaught
(laplure & Control objective ( numbers 11 , L 2 . Ill, 14, I Stir lb),
Lhey insLeatl generate the corresponding EmperrV* ( Ihilrfren 15- rlhat Which 'Jhey Value Mctsl
Tartieal Objective, as shown in Lhe Lahle In Lhe righl . OLher
Tacliral Objectives (nunilNTS 21 -lib) are generate normally. 1-6 Flawless Performance


USD can sland of saidly -btailing sound entitled by ihe
ujD JL> ikt mail Slaantsh detighls when the senses of morlats are overloaded.
sonic of iht iintpenr Chitdien. Snore I Victory huinl at the end of yemr turn each lime your
itfa hfjts J

rr|ipmrnl fails a Mmale. Pinning or Irar lest during your

Sase 1 Vic. tnry l tin I ai the end of your turn if yon
completely destroyed any enemy units itsiiku; Nonne Marine lum tup lo a maximum of 3 Vinery LViintsl.
stmir wea]vtns during your turn.


Slaanesh. demands great deeds of his champions, especially in lhe Ai iht ate of eoery hirtpetors CJsiidten legionary lies a spilt jut heasl
field of personal combal. lhal onerjoys in iht despair of others.
Scorn 1 Vic.lory FViin L ai the entl or your Lum if yon killed at Wlicn this 'lar.Lieal Ohjectiw^ is generated, your opimnent
least one enemy character in a challenge during your turn. musL choose an Objective Marker. Score 1)3 Vic.lory Points aL
lhe entl of your turn if ytHi con I ml the Objective Marker ynur
rr]ifMinenl chose.


lhe hinperor 's ( Xitdren faroar delivering lhe tilling blazs only when Sina their foundation, the Kmperor's Children have sought lo master
the enemy are ai their most terrified, when they can reset in lhe fall, iht ail wfperfection is bailie.
undiluted sensation of iht kilt. Senrr Dl Vielocy hiints at the end nf yntir Lum iTyour
Sane 1 Vic. tnry Aiint ai the entl or your turn if ynn opponent controls no Objective Markers. Score 1 )3+3 Victory
completely destroyed an enemy unit that was Palling Pack Prints instead if you cnnlrol all ft Objective Markers.
during your turn.


“V, n.t
Sorcerers who wield the power of Slaanr sh w rack both ihe minds and bodies of their foes with catatonic fevers and
psychological traumas against which even the most steeled mind can be rendered helpless. Those who feci its caress may
never recover ihcir wits, such is ihe seductive promise of bliss eternal .


PR ]MAR IS POWER Opening his mouth unnaturally wide, the shriekingpsyker emits a
barrage of rare Chaos energy that rages around his foes. ,

OVERLOAD WARP CHARGE I Symphony of Pain is a malediction Lhal targets a single enemy
teaching out to overload the nerve centres of his foes, the psyker unit within 21 ". Whilst this [ Hjwer is in eflert , dial unit is aL - I
makes sure they art era a fit slate to accept his deadly caress. Weapm Skill anti - 1 ballistic Skill Ilmherrnrw any attacks

from stjnie. wea[mnry dial hit the target unit whilst this|m\w:r is
Sensory Overload is a witch tire: [ lower wilh the in effect are nrsnlved at + L Strength . NoLe I hat the e ITet is of more
liilltjwing profile: 1 kail ontL Symphony of Pain ate tunthliw.


24" 1 1 jVnanlL 4, Mind . The psyker gives voire to a putting shriek that grates upon the oery sanity
( jnnriiRsivc , of those that hear it , who fall to their knees, hands clasped to their ears
in a desperate attempt to block out the sound.
.Vojii r Shockwave is a nova [ itywer wiLli die following profile:


FRENZY .WARP Cl LARGE I 5 1 .Asia nil l ) ti.
ihe psyktr 's chant goads his followers into a frantic frenzy tfactivityr Ignores ( Inver, Pinning
driving them to ever greater ads ofsensation seeking destruction.
Hysterical Frenzy is a blessing lhal targets a single friendly non - An aetheric sound wave trvpls from the psyktr 's distended maw, shattering
vehirle unit within 12". 'Ihe target unit mlk on the table lieltvw the minds of all it passes through with a maddening sonic shock.
In determine what lienrlit all motiels in Lhe unit E iin whilst the
[ irnver is in ellerL. ^ Aural Onslaught is a beam with the loll owing pmfile:

Ll -j Altered State
. Range S AP Type
] Swollen Srnsorium: I I nil i at i vi *- II!" R 2 JWIJL I ,
2 Lunatie Strengths t L Strength Mental Anguish
3 Hyperactive til: +| Attack
Mental Anguish: Before resolving Lhis attack , each affccterl
2. DELIGHTFUL enemy unit must first lake a leatiership lest . If failetl , you can
AGONIES . WARP ClIARGE I re- roll all (ailed ' In Won nil rolls made Tor I his attack against
Those whose minds are touched by the psyktr 's cartss arc wracked by that unil.
waves of indescribable pain, over which physical trauma has no hold.
Delightful Agonies is a blessing wilh a range of L 2". Whilst the Those stricken by this terrible affliction at first find themselves helplessly
[ irnver is in effort , all models in die target imii have the Fetl No chuckling. However, as the curse continues to lake hold, its victims begin
l in [1 H ) sfrerial rule . to laugh with itureasing vigour until their very organs begin to burst
^ inside them wilh the uncontrolledfury of their mirth.

Apoplectic dee is a wilehfire|iower will ] the following profile:

Range S AP Typ*
21" Special \ssaull I , festasy,

Ignores ( Itwer

Ecstasy: If a unit is liit Iry Apoplectic dee, do no! roll ' In Wound
as normal . InsLeatl . every non - vehicle mtxlrl in the target unit
takes a Itil at its own unmnrtified Strength .


When the AdrpLm Aslirlfs embrace Chaos they sell their souls to vile Daemon deities. In trade for their eternal

damnation they receive mighty gifts from the Dark Cods, with few gaining more than the psykers of the Lihrarins. These
gifted champions become Sorcerers, warrior mystics whose powers tear at the very fabric of reality itself

Many are lhe dark and terrible|Jowers of Lhe Sorcerers. SINISTRUM DISCIPLINE
Some pry apart the wefl anti weave of fate, tearing through Stwceiera spend their lives hunting for dark and
the threads tif the future anil weaving Lhem into bleak new forbidden tomes eflore. Wilh each eklritch volume
webs of damnation and despair. Others summon horrilic they uncover new visLastd unspraltahlc wisdom yawn wide
entities from the Warp, Lhe neverhorn spilling through the within iheir Rhnddering minds. Sanity is thrusL aside it ] favour
veil at their call to tear horrified vie Limn limh from limb. ol Clhantic lore , anti the tainted Mack magic of the Lm[ iyrcan .
Sorcerers wield the energieR of the Empyrean as r.raekling With such dread [ Kjwers at their rtLspraal, Soncercn can rip
hlatles anti crushing hlaRtR tif force. 'Ihey pervert the away their enemies? psychic energies, Itolster iheir own LwisLed
fimtlamental forces or reality into grotesque weajmns, and mighl . or smash I heir victims lo bloody pulp with hideous
unleash the blasphemous energies of Chaotic corruption
, curses from the primal dark of the void .
upon their (ties. ' Hie very thoughts anti desires of Lhesc occult
warriors become weaponised their enemies beset hy storms
of crackling hale nr beguiled liy glittering clouds of envy
anti desire few are lhe defences that can repel such 1 ainlcd
, I leietnhs drive their minds like healed blades into
psychic assaults, anti HO Sorcerers are hated and feared liy all the workings of enemy war machines, twisting them to
those they face. their bidding. ' ITierc is nothing delicate or subtle alxiut
this process. rlhe he re tech URCR brute psychic (here Lo bend
'flu paLh lo snt: h formidable|jowcr is ntit an easy one, htiwever,
machine spirits Lo his will sending ImrsLH of artificial agony

and lhe dangers lhe Sorcerers musl lace are uncountable Even racing through circuits anti burning out saviour mechanisms
the rcsilienl psyches of Lhe AdepLus Aslartcs ate not altogether wilh the cruelty of a torturer fhin mot ]nls spit sjraiks as they
immune Iti the touch or madness. 'Hie deviant lore that swivel menacingly lo sighL u|ion iiusus|ieL:tiiig Largels and ]wwcr
Sorcerers cnvel is laden with insidious rlangers. Inevitably, all plants overload. AgainsL such a psyktT lhe enemy's armoured
Mil the si congest willed fmcl iheir sanity blasted lay the crawling might liecomes a fatal weakness, anti their reliance tin iheir own
honor of the RcereLs they unt:over. technologies s|iells iheir doom.

Kvcn those who retain their grip ujion reality risk much hy
harnessing the powers or the Empyrean ITiongh ostensibly
allies Lti the Traitor leginrs, lhe litaemons nT Lhe Waqi are I ' jctotnaneers draw u ion the raw energies or lhe
rapacious and mercilcHH prerlalors. ' Ihey will gladly|Jossess ^
Warp, transforming empyric. [itswer into bursts of
or beguile the unwary in order lo sale their gnawing hunger eraekling black lightning. ' ITiry are surrounded hy crawling,
for souls arul like these of all psykers lhe animas nfSuunpi
, leaping energies, and can unleash Lhese powers with a thought
hum heat :on -hrighl lo these monslmus entities. Mutation anti Li scorch their luckless victims Lo blackened husks. Ski ] In I
degeneralion are eonstant d angers also, Gw Sorcerers channel ecmmancers can cjonLnil these Warp- spawned lightnings
floods ofeormpting energies through Lheir minds and bodies. further. Wilh tint a gjcsture they throw up dancing fields of
Many are lhe prideful or ineautious Sorcerers wfui have ended empvmsLaLic inIcrlerciice Lo hum enemy projectiles out of
up as writhing, screaming Chaos Sfiawn when iheir spells iheir air. or even rip ragged holes in the fabric of reality.
ran amok . Despite sneh dangers. Lhe re are always more fallen
Li brari an s willing to follow the twisting paLh of lhe Sorcerer,
for the powers Lhey command afford a swifL paLh lo dark glory. GEOMORTIS DISGIPUNE
Stuveiers versed in the dark seerels of OomorLis
are feared as the murderers or worlds. '1 hr: ground
writhes lieneath iheir feet as they advance, tectonic shudders
liet raying the fear or the very bedrock ii[ion which they Head.
SORCERERS With t:ontempLuons gesLunes these dark Sorcerers rip open greal
Any l yker wilh the Chaos Span - Marines l;action
can generate their psychic powers from the SinisLmm,
chasms like filing Daemon maws under lhe feet of iheir kies
or pervert the energies nr the land into frantic paroxysms and

llerelerh, Eclnmancy and ( xcomortis disciplines, in

explosive blasts of force. (Teysen or raxor-edged nodi erupt from
addition to any other disciplines llu y have access Lo. tieneath iheir enemies' feel . Koaring landslides engulf them
in ihundcroLiH waves of rock and spoil. Should they choose to
tin so, genmtwLicians can even wrench lhe very landscape into
shajres more pleasing to them, reforging the battlefield like
baleful gods tufcrealion.


T f T T T T T f T

The Sorcerer focuses his energies upon the soul ofa psychicft , njflping
FURY OF THE GODS . AVAR P CHARGE J nuxnt his enemy 's defences and illuminating their presence in the Warp to
7 he Sorcerer conjures a shimmering sphere of dark energy, pouring draw down a lethal daemonic fieding frenzy.
his hate and spite into the crackling orb before hurling it through his
Warp l tire is a malediction that Landis an enemy l ylcer wilhin
joes with sledgehammer force.
'IV . rlhe
Fury of the Cods is a with the
l ylcer manifesting I liin ptiwer rolls two dice and adds
their Mastery Ijevd LO the highest result. rl he oLher IVylter nulls

following profile: a single ( lire and at Ids their Mastery l ^ vel lo the result .

Range S AP TVPC If the enemy I'syLr'i result is higher. there is EHI eEIiect.
IfT S 3 Assault I ,
Blast If the scones are drawn , nr your result is higher than the enemy
l yloer’s, Lhjn target suffers a Wound wilh rut saves of any kintl
allowed anti, whilst this jmwer is in elhT.t, ran only successfully
harness Warp ( lharge [ Mjaets tin Lhr mil < tf a ft.

J . WARP FATE WARP CHARGE 2 finally, if your result is at least $ jHtinls higher than that nr the
Ripping aside the rseil of time and space, the Sorcerer grasps the strands enemy I'sylcer's, then they also lose a randomly chosen [isyehir
offate and wrenches them into nrw configurations. Feery pluck and twist jtower they rannoL use it litr the rest tif the bat lie.
champs file in the Sorcerer\ favour.
Warp Fate is a blessing tliaL targets Lhe Inker's unit. Whilst the Chanting unholy curses, the Sorcerer places a dire hex upon his enemies.
|KJwer is in eEEhoL, the I’sykrr anti his unit ean ne- noU all failed Defensine wards and energised shields flicker and fail , leaning the foe
saving throws. exposed to the gracing daws of death.

2. EMFYRACHEIST WARP CHARGE I Death Ilex is a malrdietion that targets an enemy unit wilhin
Using his own soul as a lure, the Sorcerer draws a formless Warp 'IV . Whilst Lhe|itjwcr is in eEFnol, all models in the target unit
predator near before shackling its essence and hurling it forth to rip and sutler a -2 penalty to any invulnerable saves they have. 'Ihis is
tear its tray through his fists. eunmlalive with any other modifiers to a model's invulnerable
save hut cannot make it worse than fi K
, -
F.mpyragfieist is a heam with the liilltjwing profile:

Range S AP Type
711" fi 1 Assault I ,

The Sorcerer turns his mind inwards, to the boundless hatred and vitriol
that fester in his soul. Drawing upon that dark wdlspring , he fashions a
jaggedpsychic shield against his fees ' powers.

Armour of Hatred is a blessing tliat targets the l*syker. Whilst the

|itjwer isinefTecl . all friendly uniLs wilhin 12" of the Psyloer have
the fradess ami Adamamium Will special rules. In aiktition ,
whilst this jrnwer is in elTee.L, all friendly units wilhin 12" or the
Psvker have a -H inv ulneralile save against any Wounds caused
liy witch fixe [ wywers.

The unhobi energies of Chaos flow througf the Sorcerer, SLorfifjrj his
frame with the strength to tear a tank in. two. ^
Diabolic Strength i <i a blessing that targets Lite l ^syleer. Whilst the
|Miwer is in elfnoL, atltl 2 to the l yier’s Strength, Toughness.
Initiative anti At Laris.

CORRUPT MACHINE .. WARP Cl LARGE I Disgusted by the weakness of a nearby damaged vehicle, the Sonera
Like a vims entering the blood strram of a bring creature, the poim a tide of fresh energy into tht stricken machine, rffDtsimg il to
Sorcerer invades the machine spirit if an enemy war engine, shudder and spark as it is forcibly repaired.
reversing energy flaws and hijacking vital systems.
Dark Invigoration is a blessing lhat targets a single friendly
Cbrrt j; Machine is a malediction lliaJ targets a single
enemy vehicle within If!". [f this|HJwer is successfully

vehicle within 21". I In controlling player rail choose liu Lite

target whirlc cither Lo iinincitiatcly recover one Hull tViinl

manifested, randomly select imc of the vehicle's weapons (do Icml earlier in the battle. or rejuair a Wrapm llrsl toyed or
not include llnmhs, weapons will ] the One Use Only Onr Immobilised result sulTcred cadicr in the Inal tie. ]n arlrhtion ,
Shot Only special rule dial have already fired, and weapnns
that have been destroyed ). 'Ihen , you anti your ttppnncnl
^ I he target vehicle hat the 11 Will Nrri I >ie sjFerial rule whilst this
jmwer is in cJlect.
each roll a dine and ItHik ti|] the result below;
If the I cykrr is embarked on a Transpcwf vehicle, he ii]ay still
If your npjionent rolls higher, nolhi ng happens.
attempt to maniltist this psychic power hnl may only target I he

vehicle he is embarked upon.

If the results are drawn, thei ] that weapon ean only fire
Snap Stints whilst this jNiwer is in effect. 4 . FLESHMETAL 111 DE WARP dLARGE 2
blowing from the Sorcerer’s hands tomes a revolting tide of
If you mil higher . you ean immediately shnnt with thal biomechanical ooze. The foul substance slithers across its target,
weapon al anoLher enemy unit the weapon lires using ha rdening into a second skin that protects them from harm.
the vehicle's ballistic Skill , unless I he vehicle is drew
Stunned or Shaken, in which case the weapon can only Fleshmetal Hide is a blessing Lhat targets a single friendly unit
fixe Snap Shots. within 24". If this|lower targets a vehicle unit, then whilsL il is
in elTeet add I H > all the Armour Values ( I ’muit, Sides and Rear)
ormotlels in that unit. If this giower LargeLs a non -vehicle unit,
then whilst it is ill effect arid I to Lhe 'loughness of all models in
the target unit.

1 . BOON OF THE If the l ^vyker is embarked on a Traiis[ior1 vehicle, lie may still
IRON BEAST . WARP CHARGE J attempt to manilt ^t this psychic power hnl may only target lhe

lhe Sorcerer sketches dark sigits in the air;. drawing forth gibbering vehicle he is embarked upon.
cacodaemons from the Warp. These swarming entities flow irsia the
Sorcerer J chosen vehicle, lending it frantic energy and unnatural rsitality rL ELECTROMORTIS WARP CHARGE 1
for a diort time. The Sorcerer hurls out crackling tendrils of Warp energy, winding them
around the beating furnace heart of the enemy war machine and crushing
/loon of the Iron lleast is a blessing dial targets a single friendly it slowly to death.
vehicle within 24’. Whilst the|H >wer is in eUccL the target
vehicle ignores iheeEFeels rfCrew Shaken anchor Crew Flectromortis is a beam with the (oliowine; profile :
Si tinned damage mulls ami has the Phwn of the .Machine
Spirit s|ier:ial rule. ITlhtL vehicle already has this s|ieeial rule, Range S AP Type
il instead increases its ballistic Skill liy I whilst this jmwer 19T I AssauH I ,
is in effect. I lay wire

If the l iyker is embarked on a Transport vehicle , he may still

aLlempt to manifest this psychic |H )wer, knit may only target the A rust-laden tempest howls from the depths of the Warp at the Sorcerer's
vehicle ht is embarked upon.
command. It screams across the hull of an enemy vehicle, shaking the
machine like a dog shakes a hone as il rips away great splinters of its
2 . SCRAPCODECURSE WARP CHARGE hull and hurls them as spears into the foe.
The Sonterer opens his mouth wide and vomits a screaming, whirring
barrage ofserapeode. The barrage of corrupting code explodes systems and /tffljtfFJftjrm b: a focussed witch Arc power Lhat targets a single
drives the machine spirit of the target vehicle to imanity. enemy vehicle unit within If!" 'lhe target immediately loses

I > 3 1 lull IViiiils. I 'breach Mull PoinL that tin vehicle loses, the

Serapeode Omris a. focussed witehGre |KJwer that Largels

a single enemy vehirde unit wiLhin I S’. "Hie Larget mrxlel
^ ^
l yker iullicts Iltfi Strength 1 Al i hits with the Rending s[ ieeial
nile on a angle enemy unit within 12’ or the target vehicle. Yon
imrTuvIialtJy suffers 113 Strength I AP- hits with the Haywire ran choose athriereiil target for earh Mull IViint lost in this way
s|ietial rule. if you wish.

13 L

T f T T T f T T


PR ]MARIS POWER The Sorcerer calls forth crackling class that sheathe his arms in dark
lightning. When he strikes, his foes are blasted hack as foul energy
WARPSHOCK . WARP CHARGE J spears from their bodies , striking their hapless comrades.
At the Sorcerer's arrogant gesture, the raw power of the Warp boils
firth and races along his limbs, before leaping oat with explosive infernal Class is a blessing Lhal targets ihc I'sylirr WhilsL I his
firce to obliterate his enemies. flower is in elTeoL, the IVykeradds I tn liolh his Strength dmi
Allarks . In afliiilion, each lime Lhe Psyker hils an enemy unil
Warpshock is awilchfire power wilh lhe follcwi ng profile: in dose cjomhal . dial unit sullen Iwo additional Strength ii
AP- him.
Range S AP Type
ifl" 3 i Assault I \ r» . GHOST STORM WARP Cl IARGE 2
The Sorcerer summons a whirling masr of tctophantasmic endtits from
the Warp, in a jabbering , shrieking mass the half-seen gargoyles pluck
die Sorcerer's allies from the battlefield and bear them swiftly - and
roughly - to their destination.
An awful keening shine euis through the air as the Sorcerer charges the Chost Storm is j blessing- lhal Latgels a single unit within Lfl\
air around him with Warp poser to firm a shield that repels attacks on Unless I he largeL is Zooming . Swnfjmqg or is looked in comhal,
a molecular level iL ran immediately make a mtive nTup m lfl". The unil ran
move over all other models and terrain as if ihey were open
A'tnfiyric Shield is a blessing lhal largeLs lhe Psyker. Whilst lhe ground , ImL il rannctf end iLs move tyn lop of olher models or
|Kiwer is in elfeel, lhe l*; yker has a 5+ invulnerable rave. imjiassahle Lerrain . Any model LhaL slarLs nr ends this mime in
dilEieiill terrain mnsL take a I )ai ]gerous 'lerrain lesL. J lic unit

2. DAEMONSHRIEK WARP CHARGE I eanruU charge in Lhe same Lum lhal iL was moved using this
Throwing back his head the Surecm lets loose a hypersonic banshee howl [mwer, and all motHs in the unil muni as having moved in Lhe
that causes generators to overload and weapon systems to short out in Movement phase for the puqiones nr shooting wea|iorLR in lhe
m triwis of blood-red sparks. Shooling phase.
Daemonshriek is a nova [ Niwer wilh lhe following profile: 6. SOULSWITCII WARP Cl IARGE 2
Disregarding the laws of realspace, the Sorcerer gathers up the soul
Range 5 AJ1 lyric energies of himself and his comrades before sinidling them in the Warp
Assault I , with those of nearby warriors. Amidst crackling arcs tf empyric energy,
I laywine those units' corporeal firms follow snip switching places as they are
reunited with their ghosts in the Warp.
BLAZE WARP CHARGE 2 Soulswitch is a blessing lhal Largels a single non - vehicle uniL
The Sorcerer draws Warp energies to him until he bums wilh dark within 'IV . Remove all nmdels in lhe large! nnil earepL tine ,
power. Roaring with the effort, he hurls the energies forth in a searing then swap Lhe [ Msilion or the I^syker with lhal model. |'hen

tide that blasts ils victims to a A and leaps from soul to soul with sel up all models horn lhe I’iiyieds nnil (if any ) wilhin li" and
malicious glee. tiikil eohenemc.y of Lhe l iyker, anil seL up all remaining models
from Lhe swappt ^ i model's unit wilhin fi " anti tinil eohenemry
Coruscating Rlazc is a wile hlire|iower wilh the or lhal model.
following pmlilr:
If either unit was linked in oomhaL ., Lhe displaced unil is now
Range 5 AP Type locked in eomhaL with lhal enemy models eannol otherwise
lfl" 5 1 Asadt I Mi, lie placed wilhin Ir of an enemy mtuH . If either nnil was
IJCIILLI Discharge Swntsping, Lhey are now {Hiding.

Lelhal Diseharpci After this aJLaek has lieen resolved against Unless locked in close cornku , these nnils ran charge in lhe
lhe LatgrL, mil a dee (hr every olher enemy unit wilhin fi* of lhe same turn.
largel . On Lhe roll of a 4 or more, Lhal unil suflets I Mi SlrengLh !>
AIM hits lhaL axe Ramk imly AJlocaled.

Vomiting words of a twisted world nm(, the Sorcerer iai jttr
ifu '

ROC KM AW . WARP CHARGE 2 his very being with such monstrous energies that skt world around
Rooming out a ground-shaking curse, the Sorcerer transmutes kirn retoils, clearing the heretic psyker's path rather than endure his
bedrock, soil and boulders into a ragged, slone-fanged maw that loathsome touch.
yawns wide to swallow the enemy from below.
Earthly Anathema is a blessing lhal largets a single friendly imil
/iflchretzit is a [ isychir jHrwrr that targets an enemy uniL
within 2T. Whilst the |it >wer is in eEFoel* Lhe unil has Lhe Mtwe
within I !ln nT the E ^sylnT that is nttf Incited in mmlnl. |' lironc i Ower sjreeial rule and all nTils wea|iotis have Llic
All models in the enemy unil musl immediately take a
IJaiu nnaTtrani Lest with nn aimiiUT Raves alltjwerl
Ignores ( 3over spoeial rule . In aikliLioii , the unit tkies noL need
line nT Kit'll! in onler tfi aiLaclr an enemy unil in ihr Shu w >1 i ni.7
(invulnerable saira can l « Laken normally). This iiayehir
phase an ltmg as the large! in in range . it can hr stunt at.
power has no elli ^nl nn Swooping or / tmmirLg units.
fj .
Uttering the seven forbidden truths if the last ruination, the Sorcerer
02 uses his enemies " walls to crumble and collapse , eren their mightiest
1 . LEY LEACH ..WARP CHARGE I fortifications erasking down.
hike a foul parasite, the Sorcerer siphons away the vital energies of
the world upon which he fiyfiti, channelling the stolen geo- animus into Erojane tiuinalion is a witehfire power lhal Largets either a
inntgamling wanes that heal Air traitorous allies. single building or a single jnece nT Ruins Lerrain within 2l".

hey Reach is ;L blessing lliat targets a single friendly nnn -vehirle If yon taigrtec ] a huilrhng, roll a dine; tm a mO or I - 3, the
character within IfT. 'lfie target immediately ngains 1X1 building suffers a glancing hil , ami on a roll of 4- fi , it suffer; a
Wdumh lost earlier during the battle. fn addition . whilst the jteuel rating bin
|HM:r is in effect^ the Largel anti all models in their nnit have
the II Will Nnt l >ie sjnnial rule . If yon targeted a jritic nf Rnins terrain, roll a dire for each unit
that is even parLially within those niins: tun a 4 or more, that
2. RUPTURE WARP CHARGE I unit suffers Dfi Strength fi At'- hits as they are struck by falling
lhe Sorcerer focuses his Warpspawned powers upon a single point on "
tlehris. llieae hits are Randomly Allocated.
the battlefield , farting an unnatural build up of geothermal energies. Ihe
land buckles and bulges until , unable to hold on anv longer, it bursts like fi. WORLDWRITHE. WARP Cl IARGE 3
a nast bod and obliterates the enemy in a spewing tide of tainted Jana Screaming with maniacal laughter, ihe Sorcerer rips madly at the bedrock
and screaming steam. beneath his enemies' feet with vast psychic daws. Boulders are tom from
the ground, fortifications andforests flung sb/tcard and sent crashing
Rupture is a malediction Lhal targets a jtoint on Lhe haulefieltl dawn upon the broken bodies ofthe foe as the damned psyker reshapes the
within 24'of Lhe l yker. Chouse lhtL ptiint when Lhe|MJwer
is manifested. Each unit within 6" of that point immediately
world around him.

snlTera a single Strength !> AP4 hit with Lhe Ignores ( kner Worldwrithe is a psychic jtower that targets a single Lerrain
s|ietial rule (hits are Randomly Alloralrd). In addition, whilst feature within 21' of the l yker ant ] in their line tif sight. rllie
the power is in eJlert , all terrain (inrJ wring o|ien ground ) within
terrain feature musl he one that ean he physically jrirked up
li" nf the|ioinl chosen is treated as liedng dangerous lerrain. ant ] planed in a different location tin the haL LlelielrI . Move the
terrain to an area nfopen ground anywhere on the Eiaitlelield
3. TORTURER within 2T til its starting juisilint ]., so long as it is ninre than I "

OF WORLDS.... WARP CHARGE I away from any other morlels or other lerrain feaLnrea after lhe
.Vi nAinjF his psychic barbs deep into the bedrock of the world, the Sorcerer
relocation ia enmplele.
torments the ground upon which his foe stands until it buckles and chums
with wordless agony. Any imits Lhal have all tif their mtidels tm Lhe pieee of terrain
arc: trroved with it. If a unit has tmly a [ lortion tif ils models tm
TorTHrrr of Worlds is a malediction lhal targets all enemy units the terrain leaLure. then the models lhal nmrpy the ItTrain
within IfT. Whilst this |M *wer is in effect^ the targets mtwe as piece are immediately mttvcal ofTit hy iheir player, in Lhe same
( hough ihcy were in difficult lerrain. liirLhenntire , whilsL this manner as a model disembarking fnnn a vehicle ( treating lhe
|itjwer is in efTecl, Lhe Largrls eanntH Run, Turbo-honsL, or edge nf the terrain as an Access Ik tint anti tin ling this move
move l;lal Out. 'litis psychic jNHvrr has rioeElbnt tm SwiHgiing wholly within ft" of Lhe terrain anti in cuhereney) . Models
or / tunning unils . moved in ihis way must I hen take a Dangerous 'lerrain test .

T T T f T V V v — r
I'hk page lists the weapon!; and equipment used by the Thousand Sons and the Khorne bird of Skulls, alum? with the rules
for using them in your games ofWarhatnmer IO, IWOL

" T \ \ \ \ T *
A \ T v A T \ A V T
^ \ T T


This horrific weapon hors up to its name, spewing a mighty jet of the Mounted atop the shoulders of Scarab Occult Terminators, the heUfyre
Lard ichor. those engufed by the ode tide stand little
of Skulk * boiling '
missile rack fires compact but deadly warheads that detonate in
chance of survival, for armour, flesh and bane alike are reduced to molten explosions of aetheric light.
slurry in seconds by i t s h e a l.
Range 5 AP Type 21 T
H 3 I leatvy *1
I lellsLnmi f> 3 Primary Weajtou I ,
InslanL LValh In the hands of the ihousand Sons, fame weapons hurl gouts of
transmarphic fire that mutate those touched by diem.
The gonfjftjra! eanrum is a simple but horribly efiectioe weapon that Warpllame weajtnns am flamer wea|ioiis for ( hr purposes rtf
sprays a high pressure torrent of boiling blood amui a wide area. 1hose '
any sjHfial rules thaL interae!wilh flamer wrajioiis as tlesrrilied
not dissolved amid the horrific flood are drowned, or else cooked aline in iVarhammer 10,000: The Rules.
inside their armour.
Range S AP Type
Range 5 AP Type Warpflame [listol Template 3 5
I liiltUimi R 3 Primary Weaptm WarpRaiiv
Waipflamer '
I tinplate -I A . Vr;iau ]l I ,
The enormous lladts galling cannon summons firth a hurricane. Tiring 1 leavy warpflamer Tinplale 5 3 AiaaulL ln
several hundred rune-grmtn rounds per second , this weapon churns Wupltunr
everything in its sights to unrecognizable pulp.
Warpllame: At Lite end of earh phase, any unit that sullened tine
Range 5 AP Type nr more u n saved Wotmtls during the phase hum an altar :k will ]
AST fl 3 I leavy 12, Ihnning this pftei ial rule few from an alLar :k made by a mntiiJ wilh I his

sfMi ial rule), must Lake a Tjiighness Lest . If the lest is Jailer ], ( he
ICHOR GANNON unit intmeriiaLely sutlers 1 )3 Wounds with no armour nr rnwr
The ichor cannon fires huge brass sheds that combine a sizeable explosive saves allowed . If ihe test is jiassed, all models in the unit gain
charge with a bubbling reservoir of daemonic gore. Those not blown apart ihe reel No Run (fit- ) jq- tetial nde lor ihe rest nf ihe i une. Any
by the cannonrs blast, nr tom to pieces by red-hot shrapnel, are scorched inttld!: in iheuuil that alneatly have the Leel No Pam sprrial rule ^
and drowned under a wave of foul ichor. in Pleat I cpin t- J Its all Leri No Pain mils (hr the msL of ihe g une.

Chans is holder ^
APT 1 7 Primary WeajMtu I , SKULLH URLER
large Blast When nuxd to temth. mighty Khon^ has been Arwitfl Jo rite from his throne
Jo had giant bronze skulls, sntomag brazen projectiles that asA down
INFERNO WEAPONS amongst his enemies and slaughter them tn masse. The Aullhurier emulates
The weapons of the Thousand Sons are shaped by the craft of artificers this gesture of godly rage, vomiting a cascade ofdtrieking, chattering skulls
and sorcerers alike. When theirguns roar, they fine no! only explosive STRUT the fix i ranks. This horrific ordnance falls amid iht enemy like macabre
bolls that tear flesh , but uncanny energies that can melt even ceramtie. In hail, fanged jaws gnadting and chewing frantically. A rmour is gnawed away
such a fashion is the long War waged anew. Jo mangled snap, flesh and bone mukhed and mashed amid screams of agony
and horror. Soon, all that remains cf the on rename m us fix A a charnel field
Range 5 AP Type afbloody offal ui which still-cheu'ing utnJjjr writhe like fat tohise maggotr.
Inlemo boll pistol 12" 4 3 Pistol
Inlemo hoi I gun IV ^ 4 3 Ra|]itl Lire Range S AP Type
Inlemo mmbi-bttller 2V 4 3 Rajffi ] Lire . 3 Ihintary Weapon I ,
I wiu -liuker ] Apoealyptir: ISIasL, Gnaw
Soulmafier eannnn ?4" 5 3 Ileavy A ,
Rending Gnaw: Siieeessfiil saving throws against this wea|tnn mosl he
re- rolled .


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