Distance Warning System
Distance Warning System
Distance Warning System
Most of the accidents in high-ways a e ha!!ening d"e to the d owsiness of d i#e s$ %ost often this sy%!to% is fo"nd in &ong distance t "c' d i#e s$ these d i#e s %ay ta'e so%e ti%e to ecogni(e the o!!osite #ehic&e$ which is "nning at &ow s!eed$ es"&ting accident) This 'ind of accidents %ay ha!!en d"e to the d "n'en d i#e s a&so) So to inc ease safety an e&ect onic wa ning syste% is essentia& to a&e t the d i#e s) This 'ind of syste% can *e insta&&ed in a&& ty!es of #ehic&es$ es!ecia&&y in co%%e cia& #ehic&es$ so that accident ate can *e %ini%i(ed) The wa ning syste% designed he e can *e ca&&ed as d i#e attention syste%$ which aises an a&a % and ene gi(es the dis!&ay *oa d a"to%atica&&y when the fo&&owing #ehic&e ca%e nea to the in-f ont "nning #ehic&e) The syste% is designed with +,S-. %ic ocont o&&e $ the tas' is /"ite si%!&e$ the fo&&owing #ehic&e detection ci c"it is designed with inf a ed senso s$ when the IR signa& is inte "!ted d"e to the fo&&owing #ehic&e$ the ci c"it gene ates high signa& and it is fed to %ic ocont o&&e ) It offe s se#e a& ad#antages o#e con#entiona& %"&ti-chi! syste%s) The e is a cost and s!ace ad#antage as e0t a chi! costs and
! inted ci c"it *oa d and connecto s e/"i ed to s"!!o t %"&ti-chi! syste%s a e e&i%inated)
1.2 AIM:
The ai% of this syste% is to a&e t the fo&&owing #ehic&e whene#e it ca%e #e y c&ose to the ahead #ehic&e< the e*y to so%e e0tent accidents can *e a#oided )Many accidents at 7igh-ways a e ta'ing !&ace d"e to the c&ose "nning of #ehic&es$ a&& of s"dden$ if the in f ont #ehic&e d i#e ed"ces the s!eed o a!!&ied * ea's$ then it is /"ite diffic"&t to the fo&&owing #ehic&e d i#e to cont o& his #ehic&e$ es"&ting accidents a#oid this 'ind of accident$ the wa ning syste%$ which contains a&a % and dis!&ay syste% can a ange at ea side of each and e#e y #ehic&e)
Initia&i(ation of 2CD
7ence$ the ci c"it is designed s"ch that whene#e the inf a ed signa& is inte "!ted$ &ogic high signa& is gene ated and it is fed to %ic ocont o&&e $ on ecei!t of this signa&$ the cont o&&e acti#ates the dis!&ay *oa d and a&a % a"to%atica&&y)
P#$% &
Po t @ is an +-*it o!en d ain *idi ectiona& IC3 !o t f o% !in 5. to 5,) As an o"t!"t !o t each !in can sin' eight TT2 in!"ts) When 1s a e w itten to !o t @ !ins$ the !ins can *e "sed as high-i%!edance in!"ts In this %ode P@ has inte na& !"&&-"!s) Po t @ a&so ecei#es the code *ytes d" ing 6&ash ! og a%%ing$ and o"t!"ts the code *ytes d" ing ! og a% #e ification) E0te na& !"&&-"!s a e e/"i ed d" ing ! og a% #e ification)
P#$% 1
Po t 1 is an +-*it *idi ectiona& IC3 !o t with inte na& !"&&-"!s f o% !in 1 to +) The Po t 1 o"t!"t *"ffe s can sin'Cso" ce fo" TT2 in!"ts) When 1s a e w itten to Po t 1 !ins they a e !"&&ed high *y the inte na& !"&&-"!s and can *e "sed as in!"ts) As in!"ts$ Po t 1 !ins that a e e0te na&&y *eing !"&&ed &ow wi&& so" ce c" ent 8II29 *eca"se of the inte na& !"&&-"!s) In addition$ P1)@ and P1)1 can *e config" ed to *e the ti%e Cco"nte . e0te na& co"nt in!"t 8P1)@CT.9 and the ti%e Cco"nte . t igge in!"t 8P1)1CT.EE9$ es!ecti#e&y$ as shown in fo&&owing ta*&e) Po t 1 a&so ecei#es the &ow-o de add ess *ytes d" ing 6&ash ! og a%%ing and ! og a% #e ification)
P#$% 2
Po t . is an +-*it *idi ectiona& IC3 !o t with inte na& !"&&-"!s f o% !in .1 to .+) The Po t . o"t!"t *"ffe s can sin' C so" ce fo" TT2 in!"ts) When 1s a e w itten to Po t . !ins they a e !"&&ed high *y the inte na& !"&&-"!s and can *e "sed as in!"ts) As in!"ts$ Po t . !ins that a e e0te na&&y *eing !"&&ed &ow wi&& so" ce c" ent 8II29 *eca"se of the inte na& !"&&-"!s) Po t . e%its the high-o de add ess *yte d" ing fetches f o% e0te na& ! og a% %e%o y and d" ing accesses to e0te na& data %e%o y that "ses 1A-*it add esses 8M34E F DPTR9) In this a!!&ication it "ses st ong inte na& !"&&-"!s when e%itting 1s) D" ing accesses to e0te na& data %e%o y that "ses +-*it add esses 8M34E F RI9$ Po t . e%its the contents of the P. S!ecia& 6"nction Registe ) Po t . a&so ecei#es the high-o de add ess *its and so%e cont o& signa&s d" ing 6&ash ! og a%%ing and #e ification)
P#$% 3
Po t 5 is an +-*it *idi ectiona& IC3 !o t with inte na& !"&&-"!s f o% !in 1@ to 1G) The Po t 5 o"t!"t *"ffe s can sin' C so" ce fo" TT2 in!"ts) When 1s a e w itten to Po t 5 !ins they a e !"&&ed high *y the inte na& !"&&-"!s and can *e "sed as in!"ts) As in!"ts$ Po t 5 !ins that a e e0te na&&y *eing !"&&ed &ow wi&& so" ce c" ent 8II29 *eca"se of the !"&&-"!s)
Pin , is the Reset in!"t) It is acti#e high) ;!on a!!&ying a high !"&se to this !in$ the %ic ocont o&&e wi&& eset and te %inate a&& acti#ities) A high on this !in fo two %achine cyc&es whi&e the osci&&ato is "nning esets the de#ice)
Add ess 2atch is an o"t!"t !in and is acti#e high) Add ess 2atch Ena*&e o"t!"t !"&se fo &atching the &ow *yte of the add ess d" ing accesses to e0te na& %e%o y) This !in is a&so the ! og a% !"&se in!"t 8PR3G9 d" ing 6&ash ! og a%%ing) In no %a& o!e ation A2E is e%itted at a constant ate of 1CA the osci&&ato f e/"ency$ and %ay *e "sed fo e0te na& ti%ing o c&oc'ing !" !oses) Note$ howe#e $ that one A2E !"&se is s'i!!ed d" ing each access to e0te na& Data Me%o y) If desi ed$ A2E o!e ation can *e disa*&ed *y setting *it @ of S6R &ocation +E7) With the *it set$ A2E is acti#e on&y d" ing a M34E o M34C inst "ction) 3the wise$ the !in is wea'&y !"&&ed high) Setting the A2E-disa*&e *it has no effect if the %ic ocont o&&e is in e0te na& e0ec"tion %ode)
P og a% Sto e Ena*&e is the ead st o*e to e0te na& ! og a% %e%o y) When the AT+,C-. is e0ec"ting code f o% e0te na& ! og a% %e%o y$ PSEN is acti#ated twice each %achine cyc&e$ e0ce!t that two PSEN acti#ations a e s'i!!ed d" ing each access to e0te na& data %e%o y)
E0te na& Access Ena*&e EA %"st *e st a!!ed to GND in o de to ena*&e the de#ice to fetch code f o% e0te na& ! og a% %e%o y &ocations sta ting at @@@@7 "! to 66667) Note$ howe#e $ that if &oc' *it 1 is ! og a%%ed$ EA wi&& *e inte na&&y &atched on eset) EA sho"&d *e st a!!ed to 4CC fo inte na& ! og a% e0ec"tions) This !in a&so ecei#es the 1.-#o&t ! og a%%ing ena*&e #o&tage 84PP9 d" ing 6&ash ! og a%%ing when 1.-#o&t ! og a%%ing is se&ected)
In!"t to the in#e ting osci&&ato a%!&ifie and in!"t to the inte na& c&oc' o!e ating ci c"it)
3"t!"t f o% the in#e ting osci&&ato a%!&ifie )
ETA21 and ETA2. a e the in!"t and o"t!"t$ es!ecti#e&y$ of an in#e ting a%!&ifie which can *e config" ed fo "se as an on chi! osci&&ato $ as shown in 6ig" e -)5) Eithe a /"a t( c ysta& o ce a%ic esonato %ay *e "sed) To d i#e the de#ice f o% an e0te na& c&oc' so" ce$ ETA2. sho"&d *e &eft "nconnected whi&e ETA21 is d i#en )
KEEP DISTANCE WARNING SYSTEM FIGURE( 2.3.2) E(TERNAL CLOCK DRI"E CONFIGURATION The e a e no e/"i e%ents on the d"ty cyc&e of the e0te na& c&oc' signa&$ since the in!"t to the inte na& c&oc'ing ci c"it y is th o"gh a di#ide-*y two f&i!-f&o!$ *"t %ini%"% and %a0i%"% #o&tage high and &ow ti%e s!ecifications %"st *e o*se #ed)
In id&e %ode$ the CP; !"ts itse&f to s&ee! whi&e a&& the on-chi! !e i!he a&s e%ain acti#e) The %ode is in#o'ed *y softwa e) The content of the on-chi! RAM and a&& the s!ecia& f"nctions egiste s e%ain "nchanged d" ing this %ode) The id&e %ode can *e te %inated *y any ena*&ed inte "!t o *y a ha dwa e eset) It sho"&d *e noted that when id&e is te %inated *y a ha dwa e eset$ the de#ice no %a&&y es"%es ! og a% e0ec"tion$ f o% whe e it &eft off$ "! to two %achine cyc&es *efo e the inte na& eset a&go ith% ta'es cont o&) 3n-chi! ha dwa e inhi*its access to inte na& RAM in this e#ent$ *"t access to the !o t !ins is not inhi*ited) To e&i%inate the !ossi*i&ity of an "ne0!ected w ite to a !o t !in when Id&e is te %inated *y eset$ the inst "ction fo&&owing the one that in#o'es Id&e sho"&d not *e one that w ites to a !o t !in o to e0te na& %e%o y)
T*+,- (2.3.3) S%*%./ #0 E1%-$2*, P32/ D.$324 I5,- *25 P#6-$ D#62 M#5-
T37-$ & *25 1 Ti%e @ and Ti%e 1 in the AT+,S-. o!e ate the sa%e way as Ti%e @ and Ti%e 1 in the AT+,S-.) Registe !ai s 8T7@$ T219$ 8T71$ T219 a e the 1A-*it co"nte egiste s fo ti%e Cco"nte s @ and 1) T37-$ 2 Ti%e . is a 1A-*it Ti%e CCo"nte that can o!e ate as eithe a ti%e o an e#ent co"nte ) The ty!e of o!e ation is se&ected *y *it CCT. in the S6R T.C3N) Ti%e . has th ee o!e ating %odesB ca!t" e$ a"to- e&oad 8"! o down co"nting9$ and *a"d ate gene ato ) The %odes a e se&ected *y *its in T.C3N$ as shown in Ta*&e -).) Ti%e . consists of two +-*it egiste s$ T7. and T2.) In the Ti%e f"nction$ the T2. egiste is inc e%ented e#e y %achine cyc&e) Since a %achine cyc&e consists of 1. osci&&ato !e iods$ the co"nt ate is 1C1. of the osci&&ato f e/"ency)
T*+,- (2.4) T37-$ 2 O8-$*%324 M#5-/ In the Co"nte f"nction$ the egiste is inc e%ented in es!onse to a 1-to-@ t ansition at its co es!onding e0te na& in!"t !in$ T.) In this f"nction$ the e0te na& in!"t is sa%!&ed d" ing S-P. of e#e y %achine cyc&e) When the sa%!&es show a high in one cyc&e and a &ow in the ne0t cyc&e$ the co"nt is inc e%ented) The new co"nt #a&"e a!!ea s in the egiste d" ing S5P1 of the cyc&e fo&&owing the one in which the t ansition was detected) Since two %achine cyc&es 8.: osci&&ato !e iods9 a e e/"i ed to ecogni(e a 1-to-@ t ansition$ the %a0i%"% co"nt ate is 1C.: of the osci&&ato f e/"ency) To ens" e that a gi#en &e#e& is sa%!&ed at &east once *efo e it changes$ the &e#e& sho"&d *e he&d fo at &east one f"&& %achine cyc&e)
KEEP DISTANCE WARNING SYSTEM The e a e no est ictions on the d"ty cyc&e of e0te na& in!"t signa&$ *"t it sho"&d fo at &east one f"&& %achine to ens" e that a gi#en &e#e& is sa%!&ed at &east once *efo e it changes)
The AT+,S-. has a tota& of si0 inte "!t #ecto sB two e0te na& inte "!ts 8INT@ and INT19$ th ee ti%e inte "!ts 8Ti%e s @$ 1$ and .9$ and the se ia& !o t inte "!t) These inte "!ts a e a&& shown in 6ig" e .)-
FIGURE (2.5) INTERRUPTS SOURCE Each of these inte "!t so" ces can *e indi#id"a&&y ena*&ed o disa*&ed *y setting o c&ea ing a *it in S!ecia& 6"nction Registe IE) IE a&so contains a g&o*a& disa*&e *it$ EA$ which disa*&es a&& inte "!ts at once) Ti%e . inte "!t is gene ated *y the &ogica& 3R of *its T6. and EE6. in egiste T.C3N) Neithe of these f&ags is c&ea ed *y ha dwa e when the se #ice o"tine is #ecto ed to) In fact$ the se #ice o"tine %ay ha#e to dete %ine whethe it was T6. o EE6. that gene ated the inte "!t$ and that *it wi&& ha#e to *e c&ea ed in softwa e) The Ti%e @ and Ti%e 1 f&ags$ T6@ and T61$ a e set at S-P. of the cyc&e in which the ti%e s o#e f&ow)
F34 (3.1) B,#<= D3*4$*7 #0 * R-4.,*%-5 P#6-$ S.88,> S>/%-7 3.2 TRANSFORMER:
A t ansfo %e ste!s down high #o&tage AC %ains to &ow #o&tage AC) 7e e we a e "sing a cente -ta! t ansfo %e whose o"t!"t wi&& *e sin"soida& with .:4 !ea' to !ea') )
A ectifie con#e ts AC to DC$ *"t the DC o"t!"t is #a ying) The e a e se#e a& ty!es of ectifie s< he e we "se a * idge ectifie )
KEEP DISTANCE WARNING SYSTEM The = idge ectifie is a ci c"it$ which con#e ts an ac #o&tage to dc #o&tage "sing *oth ha&f cyc&es of the in!"t ac #o&tage) The ci c"it has fo" diodes connected to fo % a * idge) The ac in!"t #o&tage is a!!&ied to the diagona&&y o!!osite ends of the * idge) The &oad esistance is connected *etween the othe two ends of the * idge)6o the !ositi#e ha&f cyc&e of the in!"t ac #o&tage$ diodes D1 and D5 cond"ct) The cond"cting diodes wi&& *e in se ies with the &oad esistance R2 and hence the &oad c" ent f&ows th o"gh R2) 6o the negati#e ha&f cyc&e of the in!"t ac #o&tage$ diodes D. and D: cond"ct)The cond"cting diodes D. and D: wi&& *e in se ies with the &oad esistance R2 and hence the c" ent f&ows th o"gh R2 in the sa%e di ection as in the ! e#io"s ha&f cyc&e) Th"s a *i-di ectiona& wa#e is con#e ted into "nidi ectiona&)
The s%oothing *&oc' s%oothes the DC f o% #a ying g eat&y to a s%a&& i!!&e and the i!!&e #o&tage is defined as the de#iation of the &oad #o&tage f o% its DC #a&"e) S%oothing is a&so na%ed as fi&te ing) 6i&te ing is f e/"ent&y effected *y sh"nting the &oad with a ca!acito ) The action of this syste% de!ends on the fact that
KEEP DISTANCE WARNING SYSTEM the ca!acito sto es ene gy d" ing the cond"ction !e iod and de&i#e s this ene gy to the &oads d" ing the no cond"cting !e iod) In this way$ the ti%e d" ing which the c" ent !asses th o"gh the &oad is ! o&onging Ted$ and the i!!&e is conside a*&y dec eased) The action of the ca!acito is shown with the he&! of wa#efo %)
F34.$- (3.3.4) W*?-0#$7 #0 %@- $-<%303-5 #.%8.% /7##%@324 3.4 "#,%*4- R-4.,*%#$:
4o&tage Reg"&ato e&i%inates i!!&e *y setting DC o"t!"t to a fi0ed #o&tage) 4o&tage eg"&ato ICs a e a#ai&a*&e with fi0ed 8ty!ica&&y -4$ 1.4 and 1-49 o #a ia*&e o"t!"t #o&tages)Many of the fi0ed #o&tage eg"&ato ICs has 5 &eads 8in!"t$ o"t!"t and high i%!edance9) >ene diode is an e0a%!&e of fi0ed eg"&ato which is shown he e)
We he e *y conc&"de that %ost of the digita& &ogic ci c"its and ! ocesso s need a - #o&t !owe s"!!&y) To "se these !a ts we inc&"de a eg"&ated - #o&t so" ce) ;n eg"&ated !owe s"!!&y wi&& *e anging f o% , #o&ts to .: #o&ts DC ) So$to %a'e a - #o&t !owe s"!!&y$ we "se a 2MG+@- #o&tage eg"&ato IC )
Pa a&&a0Hs PING999I "&t asonic senso ! o#ides a #e y &ow-cost and easy %ethod of distance %eas" e%ent) This senso is !e fect fo any n"%*e of a!!&ications that e/"i e yo" to !e fo % %eas" e%ents *etween %o#ing o stationa y o*?ects) Nat" a&&y$ o*otics a!!&ications a e #e y !o!"&a *"t yo"H&& a&so find this ! od"ct to *e "sef"& in sec" ity syste%s o as an inf a ed e!&ace%ent if so desi ed)
FIG (4.1) ULTRASONIC SENSOR This %eas" es distance "sing sona < an "&t asonic 8we&& a*o#e h"%an hea ing9 !"&se is t ans%itted f o% the "nit and distance-to-ta get is dete %ined *y %eas" ing the ti%e e/"i ed fo the echo et" n) 3"t!"t f o% the PING999 senso is a #a ia*&e-width !"&se that co es!onds to the distance to the ta get) PING)))A S-2/#$ F-*%.$-/:
The PING999 has on&y has 5 connections$ which inc&"de 4dd$ 4ss$ and 1 IC3 !in) The 5-!in heade %a'es it easy to connect "sing a se #o e0tension ca*&e$ no so&de ing e/"i ed) Se#e a& sa%!&e codes a e a#ai&a*&e "sing the Ping999 senso )
Range - .c% to 5% 8J)G-K to 1@H9 S"!!&y 4o&tageB -4 DC-1@L 8A*so&"teB Mini%"% :)-4$ Ma0i%"% A49 S"!!&y C" entB 5@ %A ty!< 5- %A %a0 5-!in inte face 8!owe $ g o"nd$ signa&9 .@ %A !owe cons"%!tion Na ow acce!tance ang&e
Si%!&e !"&se in C !"&se o"t co%%"nication Indicato 2ED shows %eas" e%ent in ! og ess In!"t T igge - !ositi#e TT2 !"&se$ . Ms %in$ - Ms ty!) Echo P"&se - !ositi#e TT2 !"&se$ 11- Ms to 1+)- %s Echo 7o&d-off - G-@ Ms f o% fa&& of T igge !"&se =" st 6 e/"ency - :@ '7( fo .@@ Ms Si(e - .. %% 7 0 :A %% W 0 1A %% D 8@)+- in 0 1)+ in 0 @)A in9
U,%$*/#23< /-2/#$/ 8a&so 'nown as %$*2/5.<-$/ when they *oth send and ecei#e9 wo ' on a ! inci!&e si%i&a to ada o sona which e#a&"ate att i*"tes of a ta get *y inte ! eting the echoes f o% adio o so"nd wa#es es!ecti#e&y) ;&t asonic senso s gene ate high f e/"ency so"nd wa#es and e#a&"ate the echo which is ecei#ed *ac' *y the senso ) Senso s ca&c"&ate the ti%e inte #a& *etween sending the signa& and ecei#ing the echo to dete %ine the distance to an o*?ect) This techno&ogy can *e "sed fo %eas" ingB wind s!eed and di ection 8ane%o%ete 9$ f"&&ness of a tan'$ and s!eed th o"gh ai o wate ) 6o %eas" ing s!eed o di ection a de#ice "ses %"&ti!&e detecto s and ca&c"&ates the s!eed f o% the e&ati#e distances to !a tic"&ates in the ai o wate ) To %eas" e the a%o"nt of &i/"id in a tan'$ the senso %eas" es the distance to the s" face of the f&"id) 6" the a!!&ications inc&"deB h"%idifie s$ sona $ %edica& "&t asonog a!hy$ *" g&a a&a %s$ and nondest "cti#e testing) Syste%s ty!ica&&y "se a t ansd"ce which gene ates so"nd wa#es in the "&t asonic ange$ a*o#e .@$@@@ he t($ *y t" ning e&ect ica& ene gy into so"nd$ then "!on ecei#ing the echo t" n the so"nd wa#es into e&ect ica& ene gy which can *e %eas" ed and dis!&ayed) The techno&ogy is &i%ited *y the sha!es of s" faces and the density o consistency of the %ate ia&) 6o e0a%!&e foa% on the s" face of a f&"id in a tan' co"&d disto t a eading)
An "&t asonic t ansd"ce is a de#ice that con#e ts ene gy into ultrasound$ o so"nd wa#es a*o#e the no %a& ange of h"%an hea ing) Whi&e technica&&y a dog whistle is an "&t asonic t ansd"ce that con#e ts %echanica& ene gy in the fo % of ai ! ess" e into "&t asonic so"nd wa#es$ the te % is %o e a!t to *e "sed to efe to piezoelectric transducers that con#e t e&ect ica& ene gy into so"nd) Pie(oe&ect ic c ysta&s ha#e the ! o!e ty of changing si(e when a voltage is a!!&ied$ th"s a!!&ying an a&te nating c" ent 8AC9 ac oss the% ca"ses the% to osci&&ate at #e y high f e/"encies$ th"s ! od"cing #e y high f e/"ency so"nd wa#es)
Since !ie(oe&ect ic c ysta& gene ate a #o&tage when fo ce is a!!&ied to the%$ the sa%e c ysta& can *e "sed as an "&t asonic detecto ) So%e syste%s "se se!a ate t ans%itte and ecei#e co%!onents whi&e othe s co%*ine *oth in a sing&e !ie(oe&ect ic t anscei#e ) A&te nati#e %ethods fo c eating and detecting "&t aso"nd inc&"de %agnetost iction and ca!aciti#e act"ation)
Use in industry;
;&t asonic senso s a e "sed to detect the ! esence of ta gets and to %eas" e the distance to ta gets in %any a"to%ated facto ies and ! ocess !&ants) Senso s with an on
KEEP DISTANCE WARNING SYSTEM o off digita& o"t!"t a e a#ai&a*&e fo detecting the ! esence of o*?ects$ and senso s with an ana&og o"t!"t which #a ies ! o!o tiona&&y to the senso to ta get se!a ation distance a e co%%e cia&&y a#ai&a*&e)
! o0i%ity$ o distance %eas" ing a!!&ications) These de#ices ty!ica&&y t ans%it a sho t *" st of "&t asonic so"nd towa d a ta get$ which ef&ects the so"nd *ac' to the senso ) The syste% then %eas" es the ti%e fo the echo to et" n to the senso and co%!"tes the distance to the ta get "sing the s!eed of so"nd in the %edi"%)
KEEP DISTANCE WARNING SYSTEM The &e#e& of *ac'g o"nd "&t asonic noise di%inishes as the f e/"ency inc eases) The eason is that &ess noise at the highe f e/"encies is ! od"ced in the en#i on%ent$ and the noise that is ! od"ced is g eat&y atten"ated as it t a#e&s th o"gh the ai )
Gene a&&y$ the !ositi#e and the negati#e !owe s"!!&y a e "sed fo the o!e ationa& a%!&ifie ) The ci c"it this ti%e wo 's with the sing&e !owe s"!!&y of D, 4) The efo e$ fo the !ositi#e in!"t of the o!e ationa& a%!&ifie s$ the ha&f of the !owe s"!!&y #o&tage is a!!ied as the *ias #o&tage and it is %ade :)- 4 in the cent a& #o&tage of the a%!&ified a&te nating c" ent signa&) When "sing the o!e ationa& a%!&ifie with the negati#e feed*ac'$ the #o&tage of the !ositi#e in!"t te %ina& and the #o&tage of the negati#e in!"t te %ina& *eco%e e/"a& a!! o0i%ate&y) So$ *y this *ias #o&tage$ the side of the !ositi#e and the side of the negati#e of the a&te nating c" ent signa& can *e e/"a&&y a%!&ified) When not "sing this *ias #o&tage$ the disto tion ca"ses the a&te nating c" ent signa&)
S342*, 5-%-<%#$:
This ci c"it is the ci c"it which detects the "&t asonic which et" ned f o% the %eas" e%ent o*?ect) The o"t!"t of the detection ci c"it is detected "sing the co%!a ato ) At the ci c"it this ti%e$ the o!e ationa& a%!&ifie of the sing&e !owe s"!!&y is "sed instead of the co%!a ato ) The o!e ationa& a%!&ifie a%!&ifies and o"t!"ts the diffe ence *etween the !ositi#e) In case of the o!e ationa& a%!&ifie which doesnHt ha#e the negati#e feed*ac'$ at a &itt&e in!"t #o&tage$ the o"t!"t *eco%es the sat" ation state) So$ when the !ositi#e in!"t *eco%es highe a &itt&e than the negati#e in!"t$ the diffe ence is tens of tho"sands of ti%es a%!&ified and the o"t!"t *eco%es the sa%e as the !owe s"!!&y a&%ost) 8It is the sat" ation state9 3!!osite&y$ when the !ositi#e in!"t *eco%es &owe a &itt&e than the negati#e in!"t$ the diffe ence is tens of tho"sands of ti%es a%!&ified and the o"t!"t *eco%es @ 4 a&%ost)8It is in the 366 condition9 This o!e ation is the sa%e as the o!e ation of the co%!a ato ) 7owe#e $ *eca"se the inne ci c"it is diffe ent a*o"t the co%!a ato and the o!e ationa& a%!&ifie $ the co%!a ato can not *e "sed )
signa&s and they a e inte faced to 5AA:)=y "sing . !o ts$ !o t @P5 data !ins a e connected to
A %ic o-cont o&&e contains a CP;$ c&oc' ci c"it y$ R3M$ Ra% and IC3 ci c"it y on a sing&e integ ated ci c"it !ac'age) The Mic o-cont o&&e is the efo e$ a se&f-contained de#ice$ which does not e/"i e a host of associated s"!!o t chi!s fo its o!e ation as con#entiona& %ic o! ocesso s do) It offe s se#e a& ad#antages o#e con#entiona& %"&ti-chi! syste%s) The e is a cost and s!ace ad#antage as e0t a chi! costs and ! inted ci c"it *oa d and connecto s e/"i ed to s"!!o t %"&ti-chi! syste%s a e e&i%inated) The othe ad#antages inc&"de chea!e %aintenance$ dec eased ha dwa e design effo t and dec eased *oa d density$ which is e&e#ant in !o ta*&e cont o& e/"i!%ent) The %ic ocont o&&e that we "se is AT+,S-.)
KEEP DISTANCE WARNING SYSTEM !hysica&&y e0ists on the chi! o it is e0te na&&y inte faced) The +,S-. can add ess +K*ytes on-chi! %e%o y whose %a! sta ts f o% @@@@7 and ends at 16667) It can add ess A:K*ytes of e0te na& ! og a% %e%o y "nde the cont o& of PSEN 8&ow9 signa&) The AT+,S-. i%!&e%ents .-A *ytes of on-chi! RAM) The "!!e 1.+ *ytes occ"!y a !a a&&e& add ess s!ace to the S!ecia& 6"nction Registe s) That %eans the "!!e 1.+*ytes ha#e the sa%e add esses as the S6R s!ace *"t a e !hysica&&y se!a ate f o% S6R s!ace) When an inst "ction accesses an inte na& &ocation a*o#e add ess G67$ the add ess %ode "sed in the inst "ction s!ecifies whethe the CP; accesses the "!!e 1.+ *ytes of RAM o the S6R s!ace) Inst "ctions that "se di ect add essing access S6R s!ace)