Load Test On Single-Phase Capacitor Start Induction Motor: Serial No. Item Range and Type Quantity

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To conduct the load te t on the !"#en $oto% and to &lot the 'ollo("n! cha%acte%" t"c . )"* )""* )"""* E''"c"enc+ Sl"& , Out&ut , Out&ut

Po(e% 'acto% , Out&ut

Serial No. . 1 0 5 6 Item ,olt$ete% A$$ete% 2att$ete% Tacho$ete% S"n!le &ha e #a%"ac Range and Type /-0//, )MI* /-./A)MI* 0//, ./A3 UP4 /-.//// RPM)D"!"tal* 16/,37A Quantity . . . . .

S"n!le &ha e "nduct"on $oto% a%e ("del+ u ed "n do$e t"c a (ell a "n "ndu t%"al a&&l"cat"on . The $a"n d%a(9ac: o' a "n!le &ha e "nduct"on $oto% " that "t doe not ha#e a ta%t"n! to%;ue. 2hen a "n!le &ha e ("nd"n!3 &%o#"ded on the tato% o' a "n!le-&ha e $oto%3 " ene%!" ed '%o$ a "n!le &ha e u&&l+3 "t &%oduce a &ul at"n! 'lu< "n one a<" . The &ul at"n! 'lu< can 9e con "de%ed e;u"#alent to t(o $a!net"c '"eld 3 each ha#"n! a #alue hal' the &ea: #alue o' &ul at"n! '"eld3 9ut %otat"n! "n o&&o "te d"%ect"on . Each o' the e ("ll act "nde&endentl+ on the $oto%3 "nduc"n! on %oto% conducto% 3 the"% o(n cu%%ent and %e ult"n! to%;ue "n e"the% d"%ect"on3 na$el+ "n 'o%(a%d and 9ac:(a%d d"%ect"on . At ta%t"n!3 (hen the 'o%(a%d l"& " one3 the e t(o to%;ue a%e e;ual and cancel each othe%. Thu 3 "n!le &ha e $oto% a%e not el' ta%t"n!. De&end"n! on the $ethod ado&ted to "$&a%t ta%t"n! to%;ue3 the e $oto% a%e cla "'"ed. Re " tance &l"t-&ha e3 ca&ac"to% ta%t and ca&ac"to% %un ("th "n!le o% t(o #alue ca&ac"to%3 haded &ole o% %e&ul "on ta%t a%e d"''e%ent t+&e o' "nduct"on $oto% .

In the ca e o' &l"t &ha e o% ca&ac"to% ta%t t+&e3 the $oto% " te$&o%a%"l+ con#e%ted to a 1 &ha e $oto% at ta%t"n! and (h"le %unn"n!3 "t act a a "n!le &ha e $oto%. The $oto% " &%o#"ded ("th t(o ("nd"n! 3 na$el+ the $a"n ("nd"n! M and ta%t"n! ("nd"n! S3 9oth (ound ("th a$e nu$9e% o' &ole . The $oto% " &%o#"ded ("th a ca!e %oto%. The ta%t"n! ("nd"n! " "n e%"e ("th a ca&ac"to% and a cent%"'u!al ("tch3 (h"ch %e$a"n clo ed (hen the %oto% &eed " =e%o. >oth ("nd"n! a%e connected "n &a%allel ac%o "n!le &ha e u&&l+. The cu%%ent th%ou!h the $a"n ("nd"n! la! 9eh"nd the #olta!e3 (he%e a the cu%%ent th%ou!h the ta%t"n! ("nd"n! lead the #olta!e due to ca&ac"tance. The t"$e &ha e an!le 9et(een I$ and I " ?/ de!%ee .Thu the $a"n and ta%t"n! ("nd"n! a%e ene%!" ed 9+ t(o d"''e%ent cu%%ent ha#"n! al$o t ?/ de!%ee a &ha e d"''e%ence .A the &eed %eache a9out @6A o' the no%$al #alue3 due to cent%"'u!al act"on3 the cent%"'u!al ("tch that " $ounted on the ha't o&en 3 d" connect"n! the ta%t"n! ("nd"n! and ca&ac"to%. The%ea'te%3 the $oto% o&e%ate a a t%ue "n!le &ha e "nduct"on $oto%. The &eed o' the $oto% %eache a ta9le #alue3 'o% (h"ch the net to%;ue de#elo&ed 9+ the $oto% " e;ual to the total to%;ue de$and.

.. Ma:e the connect"on a ho(n "n the c"%cu"t d"a!%a$.

1. Chec: all $ete% 'o% =e%o e%%o% and note do(n the (att$ete% $ult"&l"cat"on 'acto%. 0. Bee& the ,ARIAC at =e%o out&ut #olta!e &o "t"on. 5. S("tch on the u&&l+ and %un the $oto% on no load 9+ lo(l+ "nc%ea "n! the #olta!e to %ated #alue. 6. Note do(n the no-load %ead"n! o' a$$ete%3#olt$ete%3(att$ete%3 tacho$ete% and &%"n! 9alance . C. Load the $oto% "n te& unt"l the $oto% ta:e the %ated cu%%ent. @. At each te& %eco%d the &%"n! 9alance %ead"n! 3 %ead"n! o' all $ete% and the &eed. 7. Relea e the load3 9%"n! the ,ARIAC to =e%o out&ut #olta!e and ("tch o'' the u&&l+. O9 e%#at"on Rad"u o' the 9%a:e d%u$ : RD Mult"&l"cat"on 4acto% 'o% (att$ete% D Th"c:ne o' the 9elt :t D : $ R. D R E tF1 D

E''ect"#e Rad"u

In&ut ,olta!e , ),olt *

In&ut Cu%%en t I )A$&*

In&ut Po(e% P )2att *

S&%"n! >alance Read"n! S. )B! * S1 )B! * S.S1 )B!*

S&eed N RPM

To%;u e TD)S. S1*<R . <?.7. )N$*

Out&ut PDT)1 N*FC/ )2att *

A E''"c"enc+ )P1FP.*< .//

A Sl"& )N N*FN <.//

Po(e 4acto P' P.F,I



The load te t (a conducted on the !"#en "n!le-&ha e "nduct"on $oto% and the %e;u"%ed !%a&h (e%e d%a(n.


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