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Chapter 45. Avasthas of Planets 1.

O sage, you have earlier stated that the Avasthas (states) of planets be considered in the conte t of planetary effects. !e "ind to tell #e about the sa#e. $. O e cellent of !rah#ins, various "inds of planetary Avasthas have been e pounded. Out of these, % tell you the su##ary of infant and other states (in the first instance). &. %'(A') *)A)+ +)C, %nfant, youthful, adolescent, old, and dead are the states of planets placed in the ascending order at the rate of si degrees in odd signs. )his arrange#ent is reverse in the case of even signs. 4. -+*./)*, One fourth, half, full, negligible, and nill are the grades of results due to a planet in infant, youthful, adolescent, old, and dead states. 5. A0A1+'%'2, 3-+A4%'2, A'3 */++P%'2 *)A)+*, %f a planet is in its o5n sign or in e altation, it is said to be in a state of a5a"ening (or alertness). %n the sign of a friend or of a neutral it is in drea#ing state, 5hile in ene#y6s sign or in debilitation it is in a state of sleeping. 7. According to a planet being in A5a"ening, 3rea#ing, *leeping states, the results due to it 5ill be full, #ediu#, or nil. 8. O)9+- 1%'3* O( *)A)+*, )here are nine "inds of other states, vi:. 3eepta, *5astha, Pra#udita, *anta, 3eena, ;i"ala, 1hala, and 1opa. <=1>. %f a planet is in its e altation sign, it is in 3eeptavastha, in o5n sign *5astha, in thic" friend6s sign Pra#udita, in friendly sign *anta, in neutral6s sign 3eena, in the co#pany of a #alefic ;i"ala, in an ene#y6s sign 1hala, and in being eclipsed by the *un = 1opa, 3epending on such a state of the planet, the house occupied by it 5ill obtain corresponding effects. 11=1<. ?+) O)9+- A;A*)9A*, /a@@ita, 2arvita, 1shudita, )rushita, 4udita, and 1shobhita are the other "inds of (si ) states due to the planets. Placed in the 5th house if a planet is associated 5ith a node or 5ith the *un, *aturn, or 4ars, it is in /a@@itavastha. %f a planet is in e altation or in 4oolatri"ona, it is 2arvitavastha. )he Avastha is 1shudita if the planet is in an ene#y6s sign, or con@unct an ene#y or aspected by an ene#y or even be in con@unction 5ith *aturn. %f a planet is in a 5atery sign and be in aspect to a #alefic but not a benefic, the Avastha is called )rushita. %f a planet is in a friendly sign, or con@unct or aspected by a benefic or is con@unct Aupiter, it is said to be in 4uditavastha. %f a planet is con@unct the *un and is aspected by or con@unct a #alefic or is aspected by an ene#y, it is said to be in 1shobhitavastha. )he houses occupied by a planet in 1shuditavastha or 1shobhitavastha are destroyed. 1B=$&. )he learned should esti#ate the effects due to a house in the #anner cited above (i.e. 5ith the help of various "inds of avasthas), after ascertaining the strength and 5ea"ness (of

various planets). 0ea" planets cause reduction in good effects 5hile stronger ones give greater effects. %f a planet posited in the 1>th house is in /a@@itavastha, 1shudhitavastha or 1shobhitavastha, the person 5ill al5ays be sub@ected to #iseries. %f a planet in the 5th house is in /a@@itavastha, there 5ill be destruction of progeny, or there 5ill be only one surviving child. *urely the 5ife of the native 5ill die if there is a planet in the 8th in 1shobhitavastha or in )rushitavastha. $4=$B. +((+C)* O( 2A-;%)A;A*)9A +)C., A planet in 2arvitavastha 5ill cause happiness through ne5 houses and gardens, regalhood, s"ill in arts, financial gains at all ti#es, and i#prove#ent in business. A planet in 4uditavastha 5ill give residences, clothes, orna#ents, happiness fro# lands and 5ife, happiness fro# relatives, living in royal palaces, destruction of ene#ies, and acCuisition of 5isdo# and learning. A planet in /a@@itavastha 5ill give aversion to 2od, loss of intelligence, loss of child, interest in evil speeches, and listlessness in good things. A planet in 1shobhitavastha 5ill give acute penury, evil disposition, #iseries, financial debacles, distress to feet and obstruction to inco#e due to royal 5rath. A planet in 1shudhitavastha 5ill cause do5nfall due to grief and passion, grief on account of relatives, physical decline, troubles fro# ene#ies, financial distress, loss of physical strength, and an eclipsed #ind due to #iseries. A planet in )rushitavastha 5ill cause diseases through association 5ith fe#ales, leading over 5ic"ed (or evil) deeds, loss of 5ealth due to one6s o5n #en, physical 5ea"ness, #iseries caused by evil people, and decline in honor. &>=&8. CA/C./A)%O' O( *A?A'A A'3 O)9+- A;A*)9A*, %6ll no5 tell you of the avasthas vi:. *ayana, .pavesana, 'etrapani, Pra"asana, 2a#ana, Aaga#ana, *abha, Aga#a, !ho@ana, 'rityalipsa, 1autu"a, and 'idra, and the Chesthas of such avasthas. 'ote the nu#ber of the stars (fro# As5ini) occupied by the planet for 5hich Avastha is to be calculated. 4ultiply that nu#ber by the nu#ber denoted by the planet (*un 1, 4oon $, etc.). )he figure so arrived at be again #ultiplied by the nu#ber of 'ava#sa the planet is in. Add to this the nu#ber of birth asteris#, the nu#ber of ghatis of birth and the nu#ber of signs the ascendant gained fro# Aries. )his figure be divided by 1$ and the re#ainder 5ill indicate the corresponding Avastha of the planet. )he sub state in the said Avastha can be found out thus, #ultiply the figure denoted by the Avastha concerned (i.e. *ayana 1, .pavesana $, etc.) by the sa#e figure and increase it by the figure denoted by the An"a value for the first syllable of the native6s personal na#e. 3ivide the product so obtained by 1$. )he re#ainder there of be further increased by constant planetary addita#ents thus, *un 5, 4oon $, 4ars $, 4ercury &, Aupiter 5, ;enus &, *aturn &, -ahu 4 ( and 1etu 4). (9ere the planet #eans the one for 5ho# the the sub state is being "no5n.) )he product so arrived at be divided by &. %n the process if the re#ainder is 1, it is 3rishtiD if $ Cheshta, and if > ;ichestha. &<=&B. +((+C)* O( C9+*)A +)C, %f the sub state is 3rishti in an Avastha, the results being stated for the Avastha 5ill be #ediu#, full in Chestha, and neglibible in ;ichestha. )he good and bad effects of planets be deciphered based on the strength and 5ea"ness of the planets. %n e altation, the planets reveal effects in a pronounced #anner due to (good) avasthas. +((+C)* O( )9+ ;A-%O.* P/A'+)* 4>=51. +((+C)* O( )9+ *.'6* A;A*)9A* A) !%-)9, %f the *un is in *ayanavastha, the native 5ill incur digestive deficiency, #any diseases,

stoutness of legs, bilious vitiation, ulcer in the anus, and heart stro"es. %( the *un is in .pavesanavastha, the native 5ill suffer poverty, 5ill carry loads, 5ill indulge in litigations, be hard=hearted, 5ic"ed, and 5ill lose in his underta"ings. %f the *un is in 'etrapani Avastha, the native 5ill al5ays be happy, 5ise, helpful to others, endo5ed 5ith pro5ess and 5ealth, very happy, and 5ill gain royal favors. %f the *un is in Pra"asanavastha, the native 5ill be liberal in disposition, 5ill have plenty of 5ealth, be a significant spea"er in the asse#bly, 5ill perfor# #any #eritorious acts, be greatly strong, and be endo5ed 5ith char#ing beauty. %f the *un is in 2a#anavastha, the native 5ill be disposed to live in foreign places, be #iserable, indolent, bereft of intelligence and 5ealth, be distressed due to fear, and be short= te#pered. %f the *un is in Aga#anavastha, the native 5ill be interested in other6s 5ives, be devoid of his o5n #en, be interested in #ove#ents, s"illful in doing evil deeds, be dirty, ill disposed, and be a tale=bearer. %f the *un is in *abhavastha, the native 5ill be disposed to help others, be al5ays endo5ed 5ith 5ealth and ge#s, be virtuous, endo5ed 5ith lands, ne5 houses and robes, be very strong, very affectionate to his friends, and be very "indly disposed. %f the *un is in Aaga#avastha, the native 5ill be distressed due to ene#ies, fic"le=#inded, evil=#inded, e#aciated, devoid of virtuous acts, and into icated 5ith pride. %f the *un is in !ho@anavastha, the native 5ill e perience pains in @oints, 5ill lose #oney on account of others6 fe#ales, 5ill have strength declining off and on, be untruthful, 5ill incur headaches, 5ill eat re#nant food, and 5ill ta"e to bad 5ays. %f the *un is in 'rityalipsavastha, the native 5ill be honored by the learned, be hi#self a scholar, 5ill have "no5ledge of poetry, etc, and be adored by "ings on the earth. %f the *un is in 1autu"avastha, the native 5ill al5ays be happy, be endo5ed 5ith spiritual "no5ledge, 5ill perfor# sacrificial rites, 5ill #ove a#id "ings, 5ill have fear fro# ene#ies, be char#ing faced, and be endo5ed 5ith "no5ledge of poetry. %f the *un is in 'idravastha, the native 5ill possess eyes laden 5ith sleepiness (i.e. al5ays dro5sy), 5ill live in foreign (or distant) places, 5ill incur har# to 5ife, and 5ill face financial destruction. 5$=7&. +((+C)* O( )9+ 4OO'6* A;A*)9A* A) !%-)9, %f the #oon is in *ayanavastha, the native 5ill be honorable, sluggish, given to se ual lust, and 5ill face financial destruction. %f the 4oon is in .pavesanavastha, the native 5ill be troubled by diseases, be dull=5itted, be not endo5ed 5ith #entionable 5ealth (i.e. 5ill have only negligible 5ealth), be heard= hearted, 5ill do un5orthy acts, and 5ill steal others6 5ealth. %f the 4oon is in 'etrapani Avastha, the native 5ill be troubled by great diseases (long lasting in nature), be very garrulous, 5ic"ed, and 5ill indulge in bad deeds. *hould the 4oon be in Pra"anasavastha, the native 5ill be fa#ous in the 5orld, 5ill have his virtues e posed through royal patronage, be surrounded by horses, elephants, fe#ales, and orna#ents, and 5ill visit shrines. %f the 4oon is in 2a#anavastha, 5ith decreasing rays, the native 5ill be sinful, cruel and al5ays troubled by afflictions of sightD if 5ith increasing rays, the native 5ill be distressed due to fear. %f the 4oon is in Aga#anavastha, the native 5ill be honorable, 5ill suffer diseases of feet, 5ill secretly indulge in sinful acts, be poor and devoid of intelligence and happiness. %f the 4oon is in *abhavastha, the native 5ill be e#inent a#ong #en, honored by "ings, and "ings of "ings, be very beautiful, 5ill subdue the passion of 5o#en, be s"illful in se ual acts, and be virtuous. %f the 4oon is in !ho@anavastha, the native 5ill be endo5ed 5ith honor, conveyances, attendants, social status, 5ife and daughters, provided she is fullD if she is in dar" fortnight these auspicious effects 5ill fail to co#e. %f the 4oon is in 'rityalipsavastha and be endo5ed 5ith (fortnightly) strength, the native 5ill

be strong, 5ill have "no5ledge of songs and be a critic of beauty of thingsD if said 4oon is of dar" fortnight, the person 5ill be sinful. %f the 4oon is in 1autu"avastha, the native 5ill atain "ingship, lordship over 5ealth, and s"ill in se ual acts and in sporting 5ith harlots. *hould increasing 4oon con@unct Aupiter be in 'idravastha, the native 5ill be Cuite e#inent. 3evoid of Aupiter6s con@unction, if the 4oon is in the said Avastha, the native 5ill lose his 5ealth on account of fe#ales, and fe#ale @ac"als 5ill be crying around his abode (as though it 5ere a ce#etery). 74=85. +((+C)* O( A;A*)9A* O( 4A-* A) !%-)9, %f 4ars is in *ayanavastha, the native 5ill be troubled by 5ounds, itch and ulcer. %f 4ars be in .pavesanavastha, the native 5ill be strong, sinful, untruthful, e#inent, 5ealthy, and bereft of virtues. %f 4ars be in the ascendant and be in 'etrapani Avastha, there 5ill be penuryD in other houses this state 5ill confer rulership of a city. *hould 4ars be in Pra"anasavastha, the native 5ill shine 5ith virtues and 5ill be honored by the "ing. 4ars in Pra"anasavastha in the 5th house 5ill, ho5ever, cause loss of children and of 5ife. %f 4ars is in the said state and be 5ith -ahu, a severe (positional) fall 5ill descend on the native. *hould 4ars be in 2a#anavastha the native 5ill be al5ays roa#ing, 5ill have fear of #ultiple ulcers, 5ill incur #isunderstandings 5ith fe#ales, 5ill be afflicted 5ith boils, itches etc., and 5ill incur financial decline. %f 4ars be in Aga#anavastha, the native 5ill be virtuous, endo5ed 5ith precious ge#s, 5ill adore a sharp s5ord, 5ill 5al" 5ith the (#a@estic) gait of an elephant (i#parting surprise in the onloo"er), 5ill destroy his ene#ies, and 5ill re#ove the #iseries of his people. %f 4ars be in *abhavastha and be in e altation, the native 5ill be s"illful in conducting 5ars, 5ill hold the flag of righteousness aloft and be 5ealthyD if 4ars be in the said state in the 5th or Bth, the native 5ill be bereft of learning, if in the 1$th childlessness and no 5ife and no friends 5ill result, and if 4ars be in other houses than these in the said Avastha, the native 5ill be a scholar in a "ing6s court, be very 5ealthy, honorable, and charitable. %f 4ars be in Aga#avastha, the native 5ill be devoid of virtues and good deeds, 5ill be distressed by diseases, 5ill acCuire diseases of the foot of the ears and severe gout pains, be ti#id, and 5ill befriend evil lot. %f 4ars be 5ith strength 5hile in !ho@anavastha, the native 5ill eat s5eet food, and if be devoid of strength, the native 5ill indulge in base acts and be dishonorable. %f 4ars be 'rityalipsavastha, the native 5ill earn 5ealth through "ing and 5ill be endo5ed 5ith fullness of gold, dia#onds and corals in his house. %f 4ars be in 1autu"avastha, the native 5ill be curious in disposition and be endo5ed 5ith friends and sons, if 4ars be si#ultaneously e alted, the native 5ill be honored by the "ing and virtuous and be hi#self virtuous. %f 4ars be in 'idravastha, the native 5ill be short=te#pered, devoid of intelligence and 5ealth, be 5ic"ed, fallen fro# virtuous path, and troubled by diseases. 87=<7. +((+C)* O( 4+-C.-?6* A;A*)9A* A) !%-)9, *houd 4ercury in *ayanavastha be in the ascendant, the native 5ill be la#e and 5ill have reddish eyesD if 4ercury be in the said Avastha in other houses, the native 5ill be addicted to licentious pleasures and be 5ic"ed. %f 4ercury be in .pavesanavastha in the ascendant, the native 5ill possess (the seven principle) virtuesD if aspected by or con@unct #alefics, penury 5ill result and if by benefics financial happiness 5ill follo5. %f 4ercury be in 'etrapani Avastha, the native 5ill be devoid of learning, 5isdo#, 5ell5ishers, and satisfaction but be honorableD if 4ercury be in the 5th house in the said Avastha, the sub@ect 5ill be bereft of happiness fro# 5ife and son, be endo5ed 5ith (#ore) fe#ale children, and 5ill gain abundant finance

through royal patronage. %f 4ercury be in Pra"anasavastha, the native 5ill be charitable, #erciful, #eritorious, 5ill cross the boundaries of ocean in respect of #any branches of learning, be endo5ed 5ith great faculty of discri#ination, and 5ill destroy evil people. %f 4ercury be in 2a#anavastha, the native 5ill visit the court of "ings on #any occaisions and 2oddess /a"sh#i (denoting 5ealth) 5ill d5ell in his abode. %f 4ercury be in Aga#anavastha, the sa#e effects due to his being in 2a#anavastha 5ill fructify. %f 4ercury be in *abhavastha, and be in e altation, the native 5ill be affluent and #eritorious at all ti#es, be eCual to 1ubera (the lord of 5ealth), or be a "ing or a #inister, be devoted to /ord ;ishnu and /ord *iva, be virtuous, and 5ill attain final e#ancipation. *hould 4ercury be in Aga#avastha, the native 5ill serve base #en and gain 5ealth thereby and 5ill have t5o sons and one fa#e=bringing daughter. %f 4ercury be in !ho@anavastha, the native 5ill face financial losses through litigations, 5ill physically lose on account of fear fro# "ing (i.e 5ill beco#e thin due to royal 5rath), fic"le= #inded, and 5ill be bereft of physical and con@ugal felicity. %f 4ercury be in 'rityalipsavastha, the native 5ill be endo5ed 5ith honor, conveyances, corals, sons, friends, pro5ess, and recognition in asse#bly due to his scholarshipD if 5ith the said state 4ercury be in a #alefic6s sign the native 5ill be addicted to prostitutes and 5ill long for licentious pleasures. %f 4ercury be in 1autu"avastha, and be in the ascendant, the native 5ill be s"illful in #usicD if be in the 8thE<th 5ith the said Avastha one 5ill be addicted to courte:ans and if in the Bth, the native 5ill be #eritorious and attain heavens after death. %f 4ercury be in 'idravastha, the native 5ill not en@oy co#fortable sleep, be afflicted by nec" or nec" @oint diseases, be devoid of coborn, afflicted by #iseries galore, 5ill enter into litigations 5ith his o5n #en, 5ill lose 5ealth and honor. <8=B<. +((+C)* O( A.P%)+-6* A;A*)9A* A) !%-)9, %f Aupiter is in *ayanavastha, the native 5ill be strong but 5ill spea" in 5hispers, be very ta5ny in co#ple ion, 5ill have pro#inent chee"s, and 5ill have fear fro# ene#ies. %f Aupiter be un .pavesanavastha, the native 5ill be garrulous, very proud, be troubles by "ing and ene#ies, and 5ill have ulcers on feet, shan"s, face and hands. %f Aupiter be in 'etrapani Avastha, the native 5ill be afflicted by diseases, devoid of 5ealth, be fond of #usic and dances, libidinous, ta5ny in co#ple ion, and be attached to other caste#en. %f Aupiter be in Pra"anasavastha, the native 5ill en@oy virtues, be happy, splendorous, and 5ill visit places holy to /ord 1rishnaD if Aupiter in the said Avastha is e alted, the native 5ill attain greatness a#ong #en, be eCual to 1ubera = the lord of 5ealth. %f Aupiter is in 2a#anavastha the native 5ill be adventurous, be happy on account of friends, scholarly, and endo5ed 5ith various "inds of 5ealth and 5ith ;edic learning. %f Aupiter be in Aga#anavastha, serving force, e cellent 5o#en, and the goddess of 5ealth 5ill never leave the native6s abode. %f Aupiter be in *abhavastha, the native 5ill attain co#parability 5ith Aupiter (the 2od of speech) in the #atter of speech, be endo5ed 5ith superior corals, rubies, and 5ealth, be rich 5ith elephants, horses and chariots, and 5ill be supre#ely learned. %f Aupiter be in Aga#avastha, the native 5ill be endo5ed 5ith various conveyances, honors, retinue, children, 5ife, friends, and learning, be eCual to a "ing, e tre#ely noble, fond of literature, and 5ill ta"e to virtuous path. %f Aupiter be in !ho@anavastha, the native 5ill al5ays beget e cellent food and horses, elephants and chariots 5hile /a"sh#i, the goddess of /ucre, 5ill never leave his house. %f Aupiter be in 'rityalipsavastha, the native 5ill receive royal honors, be 5ealthy, endo5ed 5ith "no5ledge or #oral la5 and )antra (a branch of learning dealing 5ith #agical or #ystical for#ularies to attain superhu#an po5ers), be supre#e a#ong the learned , and be a great gra##arian.

%f Aupiter be in 1autu"avastha, the native 5ill be curious in disposition, very rich, 5ill shine li"e the *un in his circles, be e ceedingly "ind, be happy, honored by the "ings, endo5ed 5ith sons, 5ealth and @ust disposition, be very strong, and be a scholar in the the "ing6s court. %f Aupiter be in 'idravastha, the native 5ill be foolish in all his underta"ings, 5ill suffer irredee#able penury, and 5ill be devoid of righteous acts. BB=11>. +((+C)* O( A;A*)9A* O( ;+'.* A) !%-)9, %f ;enus be in *ayanavastha, the native, although strong, 5ill incur dental diseases, be very short=te#pered, bereft of 5ealth, 5ill see" union 5ith courte:ans, and be licentious. %f ;enus be in .pavesanavastha, the native 5ill be endo5ed 5ith #ultitude of nine ge#s and golden orna#ents, be ever happy, 5ill destroy ene#ies, be honored by the "ing, and 5ill have highly increased honors. %f ;enus be in 'etrapani Avastha in the ascendant, the 8th or 1>th, there 5ill be loss of 5ealth on account of sight afflictions, and if the said Avastha occurs 5hen ;enus is in other houses, there 5ill be large houses o5ned by the native. *hould ;enus be in Pra"asavatha, in o5n sign, e altation sign of friendly sign, the native 5ill sport li"e a lofty elephant, be eCual to a "ing, and be s"illful in poetry and #usic. %f ;enus be in 2a#anavastha, the native 5ill not have a long living #other, 5ill la#ent over separation fro# his o5n people, and 5ill have fear fro# ene#ies. %f ;enus be in Aga#anavastha, the native 5ill co##and abundant 5ealth, 5ill underta"e to visit superior shrines, be ever enthusiastic, and 5ill contract diseases of hand and foot. %f ;enus be in *abhavastha, the native 5ill earn e#inence in the "ing6s court, be very virtuous, 5ill destroy ene#ies, be eCual to 1ubera in 5ealth, charitable, 5ill ride on horses, and 5ill be e cellent a#ong #en. %f ;enus is in Aga#avastha, there 5ill be no advent of 5ealth but troubles fro# ene#ies, separation fro# children and relatives, diseases and lac" of pleasures fro# the 5ife. *hould ;enus be in !ho@anavastha, the native 5ill be distressed due to hunger, diseases and #any "inds of fear fro# ene#ies, and if the said planet is in ;irgo in !ho@anavastha, the native 5ill be very rich and 5ill be honored by scholars. %f ;enus be in 'rityalipsavastha, the native 5ill be s"illful in literature, intelligent, 5ill play #usical instru#ents li"e lute, taber etc., be #eritorious and very affluent. %f ;enus be in 1autu"avastha, the native 5ill be eCual to /ord %ndra, 5ill attain greatness in the asse#bly, be learned and 5ill have /a"sh#i al5ays d5eeling in his abode. %f ;enus be in 'idravastha, the native 5ill be interested in serving others, 5ill bla#e others, be heroic, garrulous, and 5andering all over the earth. 111=1$$. +((+C)* O( *A).-'6* A;A*)9A* A) !%-)9, %f *aturn is in *ayanavastha, the native 5ill be troubled by hunger and thirst, 5ill incur diseases in boyhood and later on 5ill beco#e 5ealthy. %f *aturn be in .pavesanavastha, the native 5ill be trouble greatly by ene#ies, 5ill contract dangers, 5ill have ulcers all over the body, be self=respected, and punished by the "ing. %f *aturn be in 'etrapani Avastha, the native 5ill be endo5ed 5ith a char#ing fe#ale, 5ealth, royal favor and friends, 5ill have "no5ledge of #any arts, and be an eloCuent spea"er. %f *aturn be in Pra"anasavastha, the native 5ill be very virtuous, very 5ealthy, intelligent, sportive, splendorous, #erciful, and devoted to /ord *iva. %f *aturn be in 2a#anavastha, the native 5ill be very rich, endo5ed 5ith sonsD 5ill grab ene#y6s lands, and be a scholar at royal court. %f *aturn be in Aga#anavastha, the native 5ill be a"in to a don"ey (i.e. foolish), bereft of happiness fro# 5ife and children, 5ill al5ays roa# pitiably 5ithout anybody6s patronage. %f *aturn be in *abhavastha, the native 5ill have suprising (i.e. great) possessions of abundant precious stones and gold, be endo5ed 5ith great @udicial (or political) "no5ledge, and be e tre#ely brilliant. %f *aturn be in Aga#avastha, the native 5ill incur diseases, and 5ill not be s"illful in earning royal patronage.

%f *aturn be in !ho@anavastha, the native 5ill en@oy tastes of food, be 5ea"=sighted and be fic"le=#inded due to #ental delusion. %f *aturn be in 'rityalipsavastha, the native 5ill be righteous, e tre#ely opulent, honored by the "ing, brave, and be heroic in 5arfield. %f *aturn be 1autu"avastha, the native 5ill be endo5ed 5ith lands and 5ealth, be happy, endo5ed 5ith pleasures through char#ing fe#ales, and learned in poetry, arts, etc.. %f *aturn be in 'idravastha, the native 5ill be rich, endo5ed 5ith char#ing virtues, valorous, 5ill destroy even fierce ene#ies, and be s"illful in see"ing pleasures through harlots. 1$&=1&4. +((+C)* O( -A9.6* A;A*)9A* A) !%-)9, %f -ahu be in *ayanavastha, the native 5ill e perience #iseries galoreD but if -ahu in the said Avastha be in )aurus, 2e#ini, ;irgo, or Aries, the native 5ill be endo5ed 5ith 5ealth and grains. %f -ahu be in .pavesanavastha, the native 5ill be distressed due to ulcers, be endo5ed 5ith royal association, highly honorable, and ever devoid of financial happiness. %f -ahu be in 'etrapani Avastha, the native 5ill be troubled by eye diseases, 5ill have fear fro# 5ic"ed people, sna"es, and thieves, and 5ill incur financial decline. %f -ahu be in Pra"anasavastha, the native 5ill acCuire a high position, 5ill perfor# auspicious acts, 5ill obtain elevation of financial state, be highly virtuous, be a chief in the "ing6s court, be char#ing li"e freshly for#ed clouds (that 5ill cause rain soon), and be very prosperous in foreign places. %f -ahu is in 2a#anavastha, the native 5ill be endo5ed 5ith nu#erous children, be scholarly, 5ealthy, charitable, and honored by the "ing. %f -ahu is in Aga#anavastha, the native 5ill be al5ays #entally distressed, 5ill have fear fro# ene#ies and litigations 5ith ene#ies, be bereft of his o5n #en, 5ill face financial destruction, and be crafty and e#aciated. %f -ahu be in !ho@anavastha, the native 5ill be distressed 5ithout food, dull=5itted, be not bold in his acts, and be bereft of con@ugal and progenic happiness. %f -ahu be in 'rityalipsavashta, the native 5ill contract a great and unsubduing disease, 5ill have afflicted eyes and fear fro# ene#ies, and 5ill decline financially and righteously. %f -ahu be in 1autu"avastha, the native 5ill be devoid of a position (or a place), be interested in others6 fe#ales, and 5ill steal others6 5ealth. %f -ahu be in 'idravastha, the native 5ill be a repository of virtues, be endo5ed 5ith 5ife and children, bold, proud, and very affluent. 1&5=147. +((+C)* O( 1+).6* A;A*)9A* A) !%-)9, %f 1etu is in *ayanavastha in Aries, )aurus, 2e#ini or ;irgo, there 5ill be plenty of 5ealth 5hile in other signs increased diseases 5ill follo5. %f 1etu be in .pavesanavastha, the native 5ill suffer fro# ulcers and 5ill have fear fro# ene#ies, 5indy diseases, sna"es, and thieves. *hould 1etu be in 'etrapani Avastha, the native 5ill contact eye diseases, and 5ill have fear fro# 5ic"ed people, sna"es, ene#ies and people of royal fa#ily. %f 1etu be in Pra"asanavastha, the native 5ill be 5ealthy, righteous, 5ill live in foreign places, be enthusiastic and genuine, and 5ill serve the "ing. %f 1etu be in 2a#anavastha, the native 5ill be endo5ed 5ith #any sons, abundant 5ealth, be scholarly, virtuous, charitable, and be e cellent a#ong #en. %f 1etu be in Aga#anasavastha, the native 5ill incur #any disease, 5ill face loss of 5ealth, 5ill hurt (others) 5ith his teeth, be a talebearer, and 5ill bla#e others. %f 1etu be in Aga#avastha, the native 5ill be a notorious sinner, 5ill enter in to litigations 5ith his relatives, be 5ic"ed and troubled by diseases and ene#ies. %f 1etu be in !ho@anavastha, the native 5ill al5ays be distressed 5ith hunger, penury and diseases, and 5ill roa# all over the earth. %f 1etu be in 'rityalipsavastha, the native 5ill be distressed due to diseases, 5ill have a floral #ar" on the the eye, be i#pertinent, 5ic"ed, and 5ill plan evils.

%f 1etu be in 1autu"avastha, the native 5ill see" union 5ith dancing fe#ales (i.e. prostitutes), 5ill suffer positional displace#ent, 5ill ta"e to evil paths, and 5ill roa# all over. %f 1etu be in 'idravastha, the native 5ill be endo5ed 5ith 5ealth and corns, be virtuous, and 5ill spend his ti#e sportively. 148. 2+'+-A/ +((+C)* (up to slo"a 155), O !rah#in, if a benefic planet is in *ayanavastha, there 5ill be benefic effects at all ti#es according to the learned. 14<. %f a #alefic is in !ho@anavastha, everything (related to the house concerned) 5ill be destroyed and there is no need of a second thought. 14B. *hould a #alefic in the 8th be in 'idravastha auspicious effects 5ill follo5, provided there is no aspect fro# another #alefic. 15>. 3eclare 5ithout a second thought auspicious effects follo5ing the location of a #alefic in the 5th but 5ith 'idravastha or *ayanavastha. 151. .nti#ely death due to royal 5rath 5ill co#e to pass if there is a #alefic in the <th in 'idravastha or *ayanavastha. 15$. %f in the above case there be a benefic aspect or con@unction, the said (unti#ely) death 5ill be in the river 2anges, i.e. 2angetic belt, shrines, etc.. 15&. %f there be a #alefic in the 1>th house in *ayanavastha or !ho@anavastha, the native 5ill face #any #iseries on account of his o5n deeds. 154. O e cellent of the !rah#ins, doubtlessly a -a@ayoga 5ill co#e to pass if the 4oon is in the 1>th in 1auta"avastha or Pra"asanavastha. 155. )hus the good and bad effects be guessed assessing the strength and 5ea"ness of the planets concerning all the !havas.

: Graha Avastha
Dear Friends, I had been thinking about Graha Avastha's and wanted share them with you. Here are some of my thoughts. The state of a graha indicates nature of fructification of karma. The graha s resu!ts are fe!t during their dasas. The grahas avastha or state indicates many things, "# How soon the graha wi!! give the indicated resu!ts. $# The guna or nature of the graha whi!e giving the resu!ts. %# The good fortune indicated by the graham &# The weaknesses of the graha. '# The activity interested by the graha.

(aharishi )araashara has indicated five ty*es of avathas +ref, -h &',.)H/#. They are ". Baalaadi Avastha : ' ty*es based on five *arts of odd or even sign. $. Jagrutaadi Avastha : % ty*es de*ending on it s graha s 0atura! re!ationshi* to dis*ositor +friend, neutra! or enemy# %. Deeptaadi Avastha : 1 ty*es based on graha s -hart s*ecific re!ationshi* to dis*ositor. &. Lajjitaadi Avastha : 2 ty*es based on con3unctions with ma!efics etc. '. Shayanaadhi Avastha : "$ ty*es of activities ca!cu!ated by 0akshatre 4 Graha 4 0avamsha 5 6anma0a7 5 Ghatika 5 8agna 1) Baalaadi Avastha kramAd.h bA!aH kumAro.atha yuvA v9:iddhastathA m9:itaH .)H/ &'.% They are of five ty*es name!y, ". $. %. &. '. .aa!a , -hi!d ;umaara , Teen <uva , <outh =Adu!t >riddha , ?!dage (rita , 8ate

The sign is divided in ' *arts and they ru!e each *art in se@uence for odd signs and resu!ts are reverse for even signs. These indicates AwhenB the graha wi!! give the resu!ts. The baa!a avatha graha wi!! give resu!ts too ear!y and mrita avastha graha can give resu!ts too !ate during the dasa.

2) Jaagrutaadi Avastha 0atura! re!ationshi* of graha determines this avastha. A graha can be in a friend!y house or neutra! or enemies house. There are three ty*es of re!ationshi*s and hence there are three ty*es of this avastha, 3Agratsva*nasushhu*tyAkhyA avasthA nAmad9:ik.h*ha!AH ' ". 6aagrut = Awake $. /wa*na = Dreaming %. /ushu*ta = /!ee*ing

These indicate three states of nature !ike /atwic +Fu!!y conscience#, 9a3asic or *assionate +)artia!!y conscious of deeds# or sushu*ta +dee* s!ee*, not conscious of what it s doing#.

3) Deeptaadi Avastha This is based on the individua! re!ationshi*s of graha for a *articu!ar chart. i.e tem*ora! re!ationshi*s. .ased on *osition of grahas in the chart. Due to s*ecific *ositioning the chart may get better resu!ts. These of nine ty*es indicating the bhaagya, dI*taH svasthaH *ramuditaH shAnto dIno.atha duHkhitaH vika!ashcha kha!aH ko.a*ItyavasthA navadhA.a*arAH &'.C ". $. %. &. '. 2. C. D. 1. Dee*ta /wastha )ramudita /haanta Deena >ika!a Dukhita ;ha! ;o*

This avastha indicates the goodness or bhaagya got from the graham. "E& is good, ' is midd!ing and 2E1 indicates !esser amounts of fortune in se@uence. This avastha wi!! indicate the resources avai!ab!e of a graha to do it s task.

4) Lajjitaadi Avastha A graha has weaknesses and enemies these are of shad ri*u +the si7 enemies#. These are indicated by various!y as, !a33ito garvitashchaiva 7udhitast9:ishhitastathA muditaH 7obhitashchaiva grahabhAvAH *rakIrtitAH "" ". 8a33it , Fmbarrased *utragehagataH kheTo rAhuketuyuto.athavA ravimandaku3airyukto !a33ito graha uchyate "$ )!aced in )utr .hava, if a Grah is associated with 9ahu, or ;etu, or with /Grya,

Hani, or (aIga!, it is in 8a33it Avastha $. Garvit , Haughty tu0:gasthAnagato vA.a*i triko0e.a*i bhavet*unaH garvitaH so.a*i gadito nirvisha(ka( dvi3ottama "% If a Grah is in e7a!tation, or in (oo!trikon, it is Garvit +As*ected by ma!efics# %. ;shudhit , Hungered shatrugehI shatruyukto ri*ud9:ishhTo bhavedyadi 7udhitaH sa cha viG<eyaH shaniyukto yathA tathA "& If a Grah is in an enemys 9JKi, or yuti with an enemy, or receives a Drishti from an enemy, or even, if a Grah is yuti with Hani, the Avastha is ;shudhit &. Trushit , Thirsty 3a!arAshau sthitaH kheTaH shatru0A chA.ava!okitaH shubhagrahA na *ashyanti t9:ishhitaH sa udAh9:itaH "' If a Grah is in a watery 9JKi and receives a Drishti from a ma!efic, but does not receive a Drishti from a benefic, the Avastha is ca!!ed Trushit '. (udit , -om*!acent mitragehI mitrayukto mitre0a cha vi!okitaH guru0A sahito yashcha muditaH sa *rakIrtitaH "2 If a Grah is in a friend!y 9JKi, or is yuti with, or receives a Drishti from a benefic, or is yuti with Guru, it is said to be in (udit Avastha. +And it becomes com*!acent it it's as*ected by /aturn# 2. ;shobhit , Tremb!ing +?ut of fear of authority# ravi0A sahito yashcha *A*A *ashyanti sarvathA 7obhita( ta( vi3AnIyAchchhatru0A yadi vI7itaH "C If a Grah is yuti with /Grya and receives a Drishti from, or is yuti with a ma!efic, or receives a Drishti from an enemy, it is said to be in ;shobhit

yeshhu yeshhu cha bhAveshhu grahAstishhThanti sarvathA 7udhitaH 7obhito vA*i tad.hbhAva*ha!anAshanaH "D The 7uditah +Hungered# and 7obhita +frightened# are the worst of these avasthas. 5) Shaayanaadi Avastha There are "$ forms of activities indicated by the twe!ve bhaavas, This is found using the formu!a 0akshatra 4 Graha 4 0avamsha 5 6anma0a7 5 Ghatika 5 8agna 0akshatra , is the nakshatra number where graha is sitting Graha, is indicated by the graha number sun L"MsatLC, rahuLD and ketu L 1 0avamsha, the navamsha number of the graha in given rashi, eg if in N to%.%% deg then " 6anma 0a7, (oon nakshatra Ghatika, the ghatika number counted from sunrise 8agna , 8agna number "Laries etc ". /hayan $. O*avesan %. 0etra*ani &. )rakash '. Gaman 2. Agaman C. /abha D. Agam 1. .ho3an "N. 0ritya 8i*sa "". ;autuk "$. 0idr The detai!s of ca!cu!ating this can be read from the 0arasimha3i s artic!e. A co*y which is in htt*,$'11D1=CEavastha Parm 9egards /an3ay ) 0?TF, A detai!ed artic!e wi!! fo!!ow in 6yotish Digest.

)osted by /an3ay )rabhakaran at ",&D A( 3 !""ents:

secsee said... . ! " Q " ",$" )( subhash said... I wou!d !ike to know for every *!anet or graha which awastha is the best. i.e. for Guru whether ba!ya +chi!d# is good or yuva or vriddhaQ same for manga!a shukra et a!. $,N& )( -asab!anc said... The *ast is gone and static. 0othing we can do wi!! change it.scar!et b!ade go!d, the future is before us and dynamic. Fverything we do wi!! affect it rs go!d, <ou !augh at mescar!et b!ade go!d for being different , but I !augh at you for being the same. If you can ho!d something u* and *ut it down, it is ca!!ed weightE!iftingR if you can ho!d something u* but can never *ut it down -hea* (inecraft Gift -ode, 8ove makes man grow u* or sink down .uy Sbo7 8ive )oints, I !ove you not for who you are, but for who I am before you, and successfu! in each endeavor O!timate Game -ard. ","2 )( )ost a -omment Lin#s t! this p!st -reate a 8ink 0ewer )ost ?!der )ost Home /ubscribe to, )ost -omments +Atom#

Bl!g Ar hive

$N"% +"# $N"$ +$# $N"" +$# $NN1 +$"# $NND +"2# $NNC +"N# o Dec +&# o ?ct +"# o Aug +"# , Graha Avastha o 6u! +"# o 6un +$# o A*r +"# $NN2 +$C# $NN' +&N#

$!nne ti!ns

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/ri )t. /an3ay 9ath's .!ogs*ot Ose this to kee* track of b!og

A%!ut &e

/an3ay )rabhakaran I am academica!!y interested in 6yotish to e7*!ore and see how it shows the s*iritua! *ath. >iew my com*!ete *rofi!e

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