OPNET BGP Simulation

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BGP: Border Gateway Protocol

An Interdomain Routing Protocol

The objective of this lab is to simulate and study the basic features of an interdomain routing protocol called Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).

The Internet is organized as a set of routing domains. Each routing domain is called an autonomous system (AS). Each AS is controlled by a single administrative entity (e.g., an AS of a single service provider). Each AS has a unique 16-bit identication number. This number is assigned by a central authority. An AS uses its own intradomain routing protocol (e.g., RIP or OSPF). An AS establishes routes with other ASs through interdomain routing protocols. The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is one of the well-known interdomain routing protocols. The main goal of BGP is to nd any path to the destination that is loop-free. This is different from the common goal of intradomain routing protocols, which is to nd an optimal route to the destination based on a specic link metric. The routers that connect different ASs are called border gateways. The task of the border gateways is to forward packets between ASs. Each AS has at least one BGP speaker. BGP speakers exchange reachability information among ASs. BGP advertises the complete path to the destination AS as an enumerated list. In this way, routing loops can be avoided. A BGP speaker can also apply some policies such as balancing the load over the neighboring ASs. If a BGP speaker has a choice of several different routes to a destination, it will advertise the best one according to its own local policies. BGP is dened to run on top of TCP, and hence BGP speakers do not need to worry about acknowledging received information or retransmission of sent information. In this lab, you will set up a network with three different ASs. RIP will be used as the intradomain routing protocol and BGP as the interdomain routing protocol. You will analyze the routing tables generated in the routers as well as the effect of applying a simple policy. 75

PRE-LAB ACTIVITIES & Read Section 4.1.2 from Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 5th Edition. : Go to www.net-seal.net and play the following animation:

IP Subnets

Network Simulation Experiments Manual

Create a New Project
1. Start OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition Choose New from the File menu. 2. Select Project and click OK Name the project <your initials>_BGP, and the scenario No_BGP Click OK. 3. In the Startup Wizard: Initial Topology dialog box, make sure that Create Empty Scenario is selected Click Next Select Enterprise from the Network Scale list Click Next four times Click OK.

Create and Congure the Network

The ethernet4_slip8_ gtwy node model represents an IP-based gateway supporting four Ethernet hub interfaces and eight serial line interfaces. IP packets arriving on any interface are routed to the appropriate output interface based on their destination IP address.

1. The Object Palette dialog box should now be on top of your project workspace. If it is not there, open it by clicking . Make sure that the internet_toolbox is selected from the pull-down menu on the object palette. 2. Add to the project workspace the following objects from the palette: six ethernet4_slip8_gtwy routers and two 100BaseT_LAN objects. a. To add an object from a palette, click its icon in the object palette Move your mouse to the workspace Click to place the object Right-click to stop creating objects of that type. 3. Use bidirectional PPP_DS3 links to connect the routers you just added, as shown in the following gure. Rename the objects as shown (right-click on the node Set Name). 4. Use a bidirectional 100BaseT link to connect LAN_West to Router1 and another 100BaseT link to connect LAN_East to Router6 as shown. 5. Close the Object Palette dialog box Save your project.


LAB 8 BGP: Border Gateway Protocol

Routers Conguration
1. Right-click on any router Click Select Similar Nodes (make sure that all routers are selected) Right-click on any router Edit Attributes Check the Apply Changes to Selected Objects check box. 2. Expand the BGP Parameters hierarchy and set the following: a. Redistribution Routing Protocols RIP Redistribute w/ Default as shown.
Redistribute w/ Default allows a router to have a route to a destination that belongs to another autonomous system.


3. Expand the IP Routing Parameters hierarchy and set the following: a. Routing Table Export = Once at End of Simulation. This asks the router to export its routing table at the end of the simulation to the simulation log. 4. Expand the RIP Parameters hierarchy and set the following: a. Redistribution Routing Protocols Directly Connected Redistribute w/ Default. 5. Click OK, and then Save your project.

Application Conguration
1. Right-click on LAN_West Edit Attributes Assign All to Application: Supported Services Assign West_Server to the LAN Server Name attribute as shown Click OK. Notice that two objects for Applications and Proles will be added automatically to the project. 2. Right-click on LAN_East Edit Attributes: a. Expand the Application: Supported Proles hierarchy Set rows to 1 Expand the row 0 hierarchy Set Prole Name to E-commerce Customer.

Application: Destination Preferences provides mappings between symbolic destination names specied in the Application Denition or Task Denition objects and real names specied in Server Name or Client Name on each node.

Network Simulation Experiments Manual


b. Edit the Application: Destination Preferences attribute as follows: Set rows to 1 Set Symbolic Name to HTTP Server Edit Actual Name Set rows to 1 In the new row, assign West_ Server to the Name column. 3. Click OK three times, and Save your project.
Auto Addressed means that all IP interfaces are assigned IP addresses automatically during simulation. The class of address (e.g., A, B, or C) is determined based on the number of hosts in the designed network. Subnet masks assigned to these interfaces are the default subnet masks for that class.

Congure the Simulation

Here, we need to congure some of the simulation parameters: 1. Click on and the Congure Simulation window should appear. 2. Set the duration to 10.0 minutes. 3. Click on the Global Attributes tab and make sure that the following attributes are assigned as follows: a. IP Interface Addressing Mode = Auto Addressed/Export. b. IP Routing Table Export/Import = Export. c. RIP Sim Efciency = Disabled. If this attribute is enabled, RIP will stop after the RIP Stop Time. But we need the RIP to keep updating the routing table in case there is any change in the network.

LAB 8 BGP: Border Gateway Protocol

4. Click OK, and then Save the project.


Choose the Statistics

1. Right-click on LAN_East and select Choose Individual Statistics From the Client HTTP hierarchy choose the Trafc Received (bytes/sec) statistic Click OK. 2. Right-click on the link that connects Router2 to Router3 and select Choose Individual Statistics from the pop-up menu From the point-to-point hierarchy choose the Throughput (bits/sec) --> statistic Click OK. Note: If the name of the link is Router3 <-> Router2, then you will need to choose the Throughput (bits/sec) <-- statistic instead. 3. Right-click on the link that connects Router2 to Router4 and select Choose Individual Statistics from the pop-up menu From the point-to-point hierarchy choose the Throughput (bits/sec) --> statistic Click OK. Note: If the name of the link is Router4 <-> Router2, then you will need to choose the Throughput (bits/sec) <-- statistic instead.

Export causes the autoassigned IP interface to be exported to a le (name of the le is <net_ name>-ip_addresses. gdf and it gets saved in the primary model directory).

Router Interfaces and IP Addresses

Before setting up the routers to use BGP, we need to get the information of the routers' interfaces along with the IP addresses associated to these interfaces. Recall that these IP addresses are assigned automatically during simulation, and we set the global attribute IP Interface Addressing Mode to export this information to a le. 1. First, we need to run the simulation. Click on and the Congure Simulation window should appear Click on Run. 2. After the simulation run completes, click Close.

Network Simulation Experiments Manual

3. From the File menu choose Model Files Refresh Model Directories. This causes OPNET IT Guru to search the model directories and update its list of les. 4. From the File menu choose Open From the drop-down menu choose Generic Data File Select the <<your initials>_BGP-No_BGP -ip_addresses le Click OK. The le that contains all the information about router interfaces and their IP addresses will open. Table 8.1 shows the interface number and IP addresses between the six routers in our projects. For example, Router1 is connected to Router2 through interface (IF) 11, which is assigned as its IP address. A router is connected to itself by a Loopback interface as shown. Create a similar table for your project, but note that your result may vary due to different node placement.

TABLE 8.1 Interfaces That Connect the Routers and Their Assigned IP Addresses
Routers 1 2 3 4 5 1 IF: 12 IP: IF: 10 IP: 2 IF: 10 IP: IF: 12 IP: IF: 10 IP: IF: 10 IP: 3 4 5 6


IF: 11 IP: IF: 12 IP: IF: 4 IP: IF: 11 IP:

IF: 4 IP: IF: 4 IP: IF: 12 IP: IF: 10 IP:

IF: 11 IP: IF: 11 IP: IF: 12 IP: IF: 10 IP:

IF: 4 IP: IF: 12 IP:

Creating the BGP Scenario

In the network we just created, all routers belong to the same autonomous system. We will divide the network into three autonomous systems and utilize BGP to route packets among these systems. 1. Select Duplicate Scenario from the Scenarios menu and name it BGP_Simple Click OK. 2. Highlight or select simultaneously (using shift and left-click) Router1 and Router2 Right-click on Router1 Edit Attributes Check the Apply Changes to Selected Objects check box. 3. Expand the IP Routing Parameters hierarchy and set the Autonomous System Number to 12 Click OK. 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for routers Router3 and Router4. Assign their Autonomous System Number to 34. 5. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for routers Router5 and Router6. Assign their Autonomous System Number to 56. The following gure shows the created autonomous systems. The gure also shows the interfaces that connect routers across different autonomous systems. There interfaces are taken from Table 8.1. (Note: the interface numbers in your project may vary.)

LAB 8 BGP: Border Gateway Protocol

6. The next step is to disable the RIP protocol on the interfaces shown in the previous gure (i.e., Router2: IF4 and IF11, Router3: IF10 and IF11, Router4: IF10 and IF11, Router5: IF10 and IF11). Note: Make sure to apply the next step on the interfaces in your simulation because they might be different from the preceding interfaces. 7. Right-click on Router2 Edit Attributes Expand the IP Routing Parameters hierarchy Expand the Interface Information hierarchy Expand row 4 hierarchy Click on the values of the Routing Protocol(s) attribute Disable RIP as shown Click OK twice. 81

Network Simulation Experiments Manual

8. Repeat Step 7 for all other interfaces that connect routers across autonomous systems (i.e., all the remaining seven interdomain interfaces listed in Step 6). 9. Save your project.

Conguring the BGP Neighbor Information

If you try to run the simulation of the BGP_Simple scenario, you will receive hundreds of errors! This is because there is no routing protocol running between the interdomain routers. Therefore, no routing tables are created to deliver packets among autonomous systems. The solution is to utilize BGP by dening the neighbors of interdomain routers. Table 8.2 shows the neighbors of the routers that will run BGP. Neighbors are dened by their interface IP addresses and the AS numbers. For each router in Table 8.2, carry out the following step:
IBGP stands for Internal BGP, where BGP runs between two routers belonging to the same autonomous system. When a BGP speaker receives an update from an IBGP neighbor, the speaker will not redistribute the route advertisement to its other IBGP peers. To make sure that the routing information is consistently distributed throughout the network, each BGP speaker should maintain an IBGP connection to all the BGP speakers in its own autonomous system. EBGP stand is for external BGP. IP Address here is the IP address of the neighbor. The node should have knowledge of a valid route to reach this address. For IBGP connections, it is recommended that a Loopback interface address of the neighbor be used. For EBGP connections, a physical interface address that is within one IP hop is used. Remote AS species the autonomous system number of the neighbor.

1. Right-click on the router Edit Attributes Expand the BGP Parameters hierarchy Expand the Neighbor Information hierarchy Assign to the rows attribute the value 1 for Router1 and Router6. For all other routers, assign the value 3 to the rows attribute Utilize Table 8.2 to assign the corresponding values to the IP Address, Remote AS, and Update Source attributes for each of the added rows. Note: The values to be assigned to the IP Address attribute have to match the values you collected in your Table 8.1.

TABLE 8.2 Neighbors Info for Interdomain Routers

BGP Parameters Neighbor Information Routers Router1
row 0 row 1 row 2


IP Address: Remote AS: 12 Update Source: Loopback IP Address: Remote AS: 34 Update Source: Not Used IP Address: Remote AS: 12 Update Source: Not Used IP Address: Remote AS: 12 Update Source: Not Used IP Address: Remote AS: 34 Update Source: Not Used IP Address: Remote AS: 56 Update Source: Loopback IP Address: Remote AS: 34 Update Source: Not Used IP Address: Remote AS: 56 Update Source: Not Used IP Address: Remote AS: 56 Update Source: Not Used IP Address: Remote AS: 34 Update Source: Not Used IP Address: Remote AS: 12 Update Source: Loopback IP Address: Remote AS: 34 Update Source: Loopback IP Address: Remote AS: 34 Update Source: Loopback IP Address: Remote AS: 56 Update Source: Loopback






Creating the BGP with Policy Scenario

BGP allows for routing policies that can be enforced using route maps. We will utilize this feature to congure Router2 to redirect its load on the two egress links of its autonomous system. 1. Make sure that your project is in the BGP_Simple scenario. Select Duplicate Scenario from the Scenarios menu and name it BGP_Policy Click OK.

LAB 8 BGP: Border Gateway Protocol

2. Right-click on Router2 Edit Attributes Expand the IP Routing Parameters hierarchy Expand the Route Map Conguration hierarchy Set the attributes as shown in the following gure. The purpose of the created route map is to reduce the degree of preference of the route to AS 56 to the value 10. (Note: The normal value is 99, which is calculated as 100 number of ASs that should be crossed to reach the destination.)


Network Simulation Experiments Manual

The next step is to assign the preceding route map to the link connecting Router2 to Router3. This way traffic from Router2 to AS 56 will be preferred to go through Router4 instead. 3. Right-click on Router2 Edit Attributes Expand the BGP Parameters hierarchy Expand the Neighbor Information hierarchy Expand the row that has the IP address of Router3 interface (it is row 0 in my project) Expand the Routing Policies hierarchy Set its attribute as shown in the following gure. 4. Click OK, and Save your project.


LAB 8 BGP: Border Gateway Protocol

Run the Simulation

To run the simulation for the three scenarios simultaneously: 1. Go to the Scenarios menu Select Manage Scenarios. 2. Change the values under the Results column to <collect> (or <recollect>) for the three scenarios. Compare with the following gure.

3. Click OK to run the three simulations. 4. After the three simulation runs complete, one for each scenario, click Close Save your project.

View the Results

Compare the routing tables content: 1. To check the content of the routing tables in Router2 for No_BGP scenario: a. Click Ctrl + 1 Go to the Results menu Open Simulation Log Expand the hierarchy on the left as shown in the following gure Click on the eld COMMON ROUTE TABLE in the row that corresponds to Router2.


2. Carry out the previous step for scenario BGP_Simple by clicking Ctrl + 2 at the beginning. The following are partial contents of Router2's routing table for both scenarios. (Note: Your results may vary due to different node placement.)

Network Simulation Experiments Manual

Routing table of Router2 for the No_BGP scenario:

Routing table of Router2 for the BGP_Simple scenario:


Compare the load in the network: 1. Select Compare Results from the Results menu. 2. Change the drop-down menu in the right-lower part of the Compare Results dialog box from As Is to time_average as shown.

LAB 8 BGP: Border Gateway Protocol

3. Select and show the graphs of the statistics shown previously: Trafc Received in LAN_ East, throughput in the Router2-Router3 link, and throughput in the Router2-Router4 link. The resulting graphs should resemble the graphs that follow.


A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4): IETF RFC number 1771 (www.ietf.org/rfc.html). Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in the Internet: IETF RFC number 1772 (www.ietf.org/rfc.html). BGP-4 Protocol Analysis: IETF RFC number 1774 (www.ietf.org/rfc.html).

Network Simulation Experiments Manual

1. Obtain and analyze the routing table for Router5 in the project before and after applying BGP. 2. Analyze the graphs that show the throughput in both the Router2Router3 link and Router2Router4 link. Explain the effect of applying the routing policy on these throughputs. 3. Create another scenario as a duplicate of the BGP_Simple scenario. Name the new scenario BGP_OSPF_RIP. In this new scenario change the intradomain routing protocol in AS 56 to OSPF instead of RIP. Run the new scenario and check the contents of Router5's routing table. Analyze the content of this table.

Prepare a report that follows the guidelines explained in the Introduction Lab. The report should include the answers to the preceding exercises as well as the graphs you generated from the simulation scenarios. Discuss the results you obtained and compare these results with your expectations. Mention any anomalies or unexplained behaviors.


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