Control of A Wind Energy Conversion System Associated To A Flywheel Energy Storage System
Control of A Wind Energy Conversion System Associated To A Flywheel Energy Storage System
Control of A Wind Energy Conversion System Associated To A Flywheel Energy Storage System
D.Rekioua, Pr is with the Electrical Engineering department, University of Bejaia 06000 Algeria (e-mail: T. Rekioua, Pr is with the Electrical Engineering department, University of Bejaia 06000 Algeria (phone: +213 34215006; fax: +213215105; e-mail: to_reki@ K.Idjdarene, Jr is with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Bejaia 06000 Algeria (e-mail: A.M Tounzi, Pr is with L2EP Laboratory, USTL of Lille France (e-mail:
Where: Pref is the reference power, Pload the load power; Pwind the wind power and P is the power required to control the DC voltage Vdc at constant value. IV. CONTROL STRATEGY The conditions of dynamic control on the torque of the induction machine can be highlighted, by the vector model of the machine. For that one we present the electrical equations of the machine in the spatial vector: d s (3) Vs = Rs I s + dt
0 = Rr I r +
d r j r dt
The voltage vector Vs is delivered by a three-phase voltage inverter, whose state of the switches are supposed perfect, is represented in theory by three (3) Boolean sizes of control Sj (j=a,b,c) such as : Sj =1 high switch is closed and low switch is open. Sj =0 high switch is open and low switch is closed. Thus the voltage vector Vs can be written in the form: 2 4 j j 3 3 3 (5) Vs = Vdc S S e S e + + a b c 2 The combinations of the three (3) sizes (Sa, Sb, Sc) make it possible to generate eight (8) positions of the voltage vector Vs whose two (2) positions correspond to the zero vector : (SaSbSc) = (111) or (000). We use Concordia transformation [11]:
3 i s = i sa 2 1 i = ( ) i i sb sc s 2
3 1 V = V dc S a (S b S c ) s 2 2 1 V s = V dc (S b S c ) 2 With: Sj (j=a,b,c) are the Boolean sizes of control.
The magnitude of the stator flux is estimated from its components along the axes and [10]; t s (t ) = (V s R s i s ) dt (8) 0 t (t ) = (V R i ) dt s s s s 0
s = s 2 + s 2
The electromagnetic torque can be estimated starting from the estimated sizes of flux (s and s ) and the calculated sizes of current (is and is ) (Fig.2).
Te m = p (
i s
i s
For 0 rated The torque may be maximal giving up a power proportional to the speed PIG
= k .