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Mathematical Programming 35 (1986) 365-367




The IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, C A 95120-6099, and
Department of Statistics, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Received 20 September 1985

Revised manuscript received 10 February 1986

We show that the problem of exiting a degenerate vertex is as hard as the general linear
programming problem. More precisely, every linear programming problem can easily be reduced
to one where the second best vertex (which is highly degenerate) is already given. So, to solve
the latter, it is sufficient to exit that vertex in a direction that improves the objective function value.

Key words: Degeneracy, strongly polynomial time, randomized simplex.

1. Introduction

An interesting question is raised in [I] about the role of degeneracy in the

worst-case complexity of the randomized simplex algorithm. It is well known that
every linear programming problem can be perturbed into a non-degenerate problem
[3, 41. However, it is interesting to know how hard the problem is of "exiting" a
degenerate vertex in a direction that improves the objective function value. To
formulate the question more precisely, consider the following definition.

Definition 1.1. The following problem will be called the degeneracyproblem. A linear
programming problem is given in the form
minimize cTx
subject to Ax 3 b

(where m > n and A E R m x n ,b E R m and {c,x} c R n ) together with a degenerate

solution (possibly a vertex) u E R" such that A u = b. Decide whether u is an optimal
solution; if u is not optimal, then provide a feasible direction of improvement, that
is, a vector w such that cTw < O and A w 2 0.

The degeneracy problem can obviously be solved as a linear programming prob-

lem. Thus, it is in the class P. Moreover, there are standard techniques for dealing
with degeneracy [3,4] and finite pivoting rules were developed by Bland [2]. We
are interested here in the question whether the degeneracy problem is easier than
366 N. Megiddo / Degeneracy in linear programming

the general linear programming problem. The question is of interest in the context
of the uniform cost model. It is not known whether the linear programming problem
can be solved in strongly polynomial time, that is, in a polynomial number p(m, n )
of arithmetic operations. The result proved below implies that if the degeneracy
problem is solvable in strongly polynomial time, then so is the general linear
programming problem.

2. The result

Suppose a linear programming problem P with rational coefficients is given in

the form
minimize cTx
subject to Ax 2 b
and assume A is of full rank. Without loss of generality let us assume that P has
an optimal solution, and furthermore, assume that the optimal value of the objective
function is equal to zero. A justification for this assumption can be found in [ 5 ] .
Moreover, assume that P has a unique optimal basic solution, that is, a unique
(nonsingular) submatrix B E R n x nof A such that B-'b, (where b, is the restriction
of b to the coordinates corresponding to B) is an optimal solution. This assumption
can be justified by small perturbations.
Since the coefficients are rational, we can easily derive a lower bound 6 > 0 on
the value of the objective function at any nonoptimal basic feasible solution. Such
a 6 depends on m, n and the largest integer occurring as a numerator or denominator
in any coefficient. A suitable 6 can easily be found in a linear number of arithmetic
operations, and its size (that is, the length of its binary encoding) is bounded by a
polynomial in the size of the problem. Now, let v E R n be any vector such that
cTu = 6. Since by our assumptions c # 0,we may simply choose v so that vj = 6/cj
for some j such that c, # 0, and vi = 0 for i # j. Now, consider the following linear
programming problem P* in n + 1 variables:
minimize cTx
subject to Ax + (b - Av)xn+,3 b,
Obviously, (v, 1) is a degenerate solution.

Proposition 2.1. The feasible region of P* has no vertices with 0 < xn+,< 1.

Proof. Suppose (x, xn+,)is any feasible solution of P* with 0 < xn+,< 1 and consider
the straight line determined by (x, x,,,) and ( v , 1). For any t 2 0,A[tx + (1 - t)e] +
(b - Av)[tx,+, (1 - t ) l ] 2 b. Thus, for any t 2 0 such that tx,,, + 1 - t 2 0, the point
t(x, x,+,)+(l- t)(v, 1) is feasible in P*. This range of values of t is equal to the
N. Megiddo / Degeneracy in linear programming 367

interval [ 0 , l / ( l - x , + , ) ] and hence includes t = 1 in its interior. It follows that

( x , x,,,) is not a vertex.
It can similarly be shown that the feasible region has no vertex of the form ( x , 1 )
where x # v.

Proposition 2.2. If ( x , x,,,) is feasible in P* and 0 < x,,, < 1 then cTx > 0 .

Proof. Suppose, to the contrary, that ( x , x,,,) is feasible and c T x S O . Let t =

1 / ( 1 - x,,,) and consider the point ( y , y,,,) = t ( x , x,,,) + ( 1 - t ) ( v , 1 ) . It follows that
y,,, = 0 , Ay 2 b and cTy < 0 , which contradicts our assumption that the optimal
value of P is zero.

Proposition 2.3. There is no feasible solution ( x , 1 ) of P* with cTx < cTv.

Proof. The existence of such a point implies the existence of feasible points ( y , 1 )
with any negative value for cTy. This contradicts Proposition 2.2.

Corollary 2.4. The optimal objective function value of P* is also 0 .

Consider the degeneracy problem at ( v , 1 ) . We have to find a vector (w, w,,,)

such that for sufficiently small E > 0 , ( v , 1 ) + ~ ( ww,,,)
, is feasible and cTw < O . It
follows from the previous propositions that such a vector (w, w,,,) would lead us
to a point y which is feasible in P and 0 s cTy < 6. Once at y, finding an optimal
solution to P is straightforward. This establishes the equivalence of the two problems
from the worst-case viewpoint in the sense that one is solvable in strongly polynomial
time or randomized strongly polynomial time if and only if the other is also. It is
still an open problem to study the role of degeneracy in the 'average case' perform-
ance of algorithms for linear programming.


[ I ] M.L. Balinski, Th.M. Liebling and A.-E. Nobs, "On the average length of lexicographic paths,"
Mathematical Programming (to appear).
[2] R.G. Bland, "New finite pivoting rules," Mathematics of Operations Research 2 (1977) 103-107.
[3] V. Chvatal, Linear programming (W.H. Freeman and Co., New York/San Francisco, 1983).
[4] G.B. Dantzig, Linear programming and extensions (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ 1963).
[ S ] N. Karmarkar, "A new polynomial-time algorithm for linear programming," Combinatorica 4 (1984)

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