River Ganga at A Glance:: Identification of Issues and Priority Actions For Restoration

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IdentificationofIssuesandPriorityActions forRestoration



In exercise of the powers conferred by subsections (1) and (3) of Section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986), the Central Government has constituted National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) as a planning, financing, monitoring and coordinating authority for strengthening the collective efforts of the Central and State Government for effective abatement of pollution and conservation of the river Ganga. One of the important functions of the NGRBA is to prepare and implementaGangaRiverBasin:EnvironmentManagementPlan(GRBEMP).

A Consortium of 7 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) has been given the responsibility of preparing Ganga River Basin: Environment Management Plan (GRB EMP) by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), GOI, New Delhi. Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) has been signed between 7 IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur,MadrasandRoorkee)andMoEFforthispurposeonJuly6,2010. This report is one of the many reports prepared by IITs to describe the strategy, information, methodology, analysis and suggestions and recommendations in developing Ganga River Basin: Environment Management Plan (GRB EMP). The overall FrameWorkfordocumentationofGRBEMPandIndexingofReportsispresentedonthe insidecoverpage. There are two aspects to the development of GRB EMP. Dedicated people spent hours discussing concerns, issues and potential solutions to problems. This dedication leads to the preparation of reports that hope to articulate the outcome of the dialog in a way that is useful. Many people contributed to the preparation of this report directly or indirectly.Thisreportisthereforetrulyacollectiveeffortthatreflectsthecooperationof many, particularly those who are members of the IIT Team. Lists of persons who are membersoftheconcernedthematicgroupsandthosewhohavetakenleadinpreparing thisreportaregivenonthereverseside. DrVinodTare ProfessorandCoordinator DevelopmentofGRBEMP IITKanpur

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1. 2. 3. 4. VinodTare,IITKanpur RajivSinha,IITKanpur RPMathur,IITKanpur SandeepBehera,WWFIndia vinod@iitk.ac.in rsinha@iitk.ac.in rpm_2k1@yahoo.com sbehera@wwfindia.net

1. 2. VinodTare,IITKanpur RPMathur,IITKanpur

1. 2. 3. 4. HaridasMohanta,PhDScholar,IITKanpur LipiBasu,SrProjectAssociate,IITKanpur RakeshCMishra,SrProjectAssociate,IITKanpur ShashikantPatel,ProjectAssociate,IITKanpur

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SNo. PageNo. 1 Introduction 5 2 3 4 UpperGangaSegment:GaumukhtoHaridwar 2.1 Suggestions and Recommendations MiddleGangaSegment:HaridwartoVaranasi 3.1 Suggestions and Recommendations 7 11 12 13 14 14

LowerGangasegment:VaranasitoGangaSagar 4.1 Suggestions and Recommendations


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1. Introduction
River systems have been the birthplace of civilizations all over the world. They are woven into the social and economic fabric of society and penetrate deep into the psyche of the people living around them. Nowhere is this more evident than in India where the Ganga, Indus, Narmada and other rivers possess the cultural identity transmitted down the ages throughsacredliterature,thePuranasandtheVedas,aswellasthroughpopularmythsand legends. The river Ganga (commonly called as Bhagirathi in the stretch Gangotri to Devprayag and Hubli in the stretch Farakka to Ganga Sagar) occupies a unique position in the ethos of people of India. Emotional attachment to the river and the centers of pilgrimage on its banksrunsdeepandlongintheIndianHistory. The Ganga originates from the ice caves at Gaumukh (N 3055, E 797) at an elevation of 4100m.Alaknanda,itsmaintributaryinthemountainousstretch,risesbeyondMannaPass, 8kmformBadrinath(N3044,E7941)atanaltitudeof3123m,andmeetsatDevprayag. The Ganga traverses a distance of 2510 km from its source to its mouth (Ganga Sagar), draining eleven states of India (Figure 1). In her course she is joined by many tributaries, important being Bhilangana, Alaknanda, Ramganga, Kali, Yamuna, Gomti, Ghagra, Gandak, KosiandSone(Figure2and3). TheentirestretchofriverGanga(mainstem)canbeviewedintothreesegments: A. B. C. UpperGanga 294km MiddleGanga1082km LowerGanga 1134km GaumukhtoHaridwar HaridwartoVaranasi VaranasitoGangaSagar

Figure1: DrainageAreaoftheGangaRiverCovering11StatesinIndia(AIWFSData)

These three segments not only differ in their geomorphology, ecology and rheology but are differentintermsofissuesthatneedtobeaddressed:
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A. The river in the upper segment flows on steep and narrow bed, mostly rocks and boulders, carries cold water, is subjected to much less anthropogenic pollution, has highly sensitive and fragile ecosystem and biodiversity, and most importantly consideredtohavepotentialforharnessinghydropower. B. The river in the middle segment enters and flows in plains, meandering mostly on bed of fine sand, has wide river bed and flood plain, and most importantly modified through human interventions in terms of huge quantities of water diversion/abstractionandsubjectedtohighdegreeofpollutantloadsfromdomestic, industrialandagriculturalactivities. C. Theriverinthethirdsegmenthasexperiencedconsiderablechangesinthesediment transport and deposition, causes wide spread flooding, undergoes frequent changes in her channel path, and most importantly is subjected to international disputes on flowsandinterventionsmadeand/orarebeingcarriedout/planned.

Figure2: MajorTributariesofRiverGanga(Bhagirathi)intheUpperGangaSegment

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MajorTributariesofRiverGanga(Bhagirathi)intheMiddleandLower GangaSegments

2. UpperGangaSegment:GaumukhtoHaridwar
In the Upper Ganga Segment (UGS) from Gaumukh to Rishikesh, the river flows mostly on steep bed with an average approximate slope 1 in 70. The river has turbulent flow and high velocities in most part of this segment. The habitat is stony intermingled with pebbles and sand. With limited nutrients in the water body, the growth of phytoplankton and other aquaticplantsislimited.Thegrazingfoodchainwithfish(carps,occasionallycatfish)astop species predominates. Mahasheer and Trout have been sighted at many places. Specifically TrouthasbeenreportedatHarshil,UttaraKhandandinoneofthetributariesofriverGanga (i.e. in river Assi, a few thousand meters upstream of its confluence with river Ganga at Uttarkashi). The phytoplankton is dominated by diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) in winters followed by green algae (Desmids, Chlorophyceae). The zooplankton is represented mostly bycilliates.Afewrotifersalsohavebeenreported. The most important modifications in the river system in this segment have occurred due to construction of Run of the River and Run of the River with Ponding (ROR + RORP) hydro electric projects. Location of most of such projects (under operation, construction and proposed) is presented in Figure 4 and 5. Implementation of these projects have resulted in significant alteration in hourly, daily and seasonal flows over substantial river length. A substantial part of the river flow is forced through tunnels or the river stretch has been
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ReportCode: :001_GBP_IIT_GE EN_DAT_01_Ver1_Dec2010

convert tedintodee epimpound dments.Anestimated82kmleng gthoftheriverinthissegment s out of total t UGS length ( 29 94 km) has s been conv verted into impoundm ments or the major portion of the flow w has been n forced into the tunne els and only an estima ated 80 km m stretch from Gaumukh to o some dist tance down nstream of Jhala flows s in natural and near pristine form.Theareaund dertheinflu uenceofhy ydroelectric cprojectsissuspectedtoundergo odecline in its fo orest cover r and expe erience enh hanced land dslides. Pot tential relea ase of gree enhouse gases from f impou undments, drying of local water r resources s, and dam mage to res sidential structures, moderation in loc cal climate leading to breeding of o mosquito o and other r insects g health ha azard, are also a report ted. The river ecosyst tem is und der stress and a the causing reverine e environm ment tends to shift to o lacustrine environme ent. Some salient feat tures of differen ntstretches s(referFigure6)within ntheUGSarepresente edinExhibit t1.

Existing: A. A Badrinath h (1.25MW); B. Tapovan (0.8MW); C. Tharali ( (0.2MW); D. Tilwara (0.2MW);E.Urgam(3 3MW);F.Vishnuprayag(400MW) Under Co onstruction: a. KaligangaI (4MW) ); b. Kaliga angaII(6MW W); c. Kotli Bhel IB (93.20MW W); d. Madhm maheswar (1 10 MW); e. . Topovan Vishnugad(52 V 20 MW); f. Shrinagar S (330MW) Proposed: 1. Alaknanda (Badrinath) (300MW W); 2. Bagoli (72MW); 3. Bowla Nan ndprayag (132MW); ; 4. Chuni Semi (24MW W); 5. Deod di (60MW); 6. Devsari Dam (255MW); 7. Gaurikund d (18.6MW); 8. Gohana Tal (60MW) ); 9. Jelam Tamak T (60MW W); 10. Karn naprayag (160MW); ; 11. Lakshm manganga (4 4.4MW); 12. . Lata Tapov van (310MW W); 13. Male eri Jelam (55MW); 14. Nandpra ayag Langas su (141MW) ); 15. Padli Dam (27MW W); 16. Phat taByung (10.8MW) ); 17. Ramba ara (24MW); ; 18. Rishi Ganga G I (70M MW); 19. Rishi GangaII (35MW); 20.Singoli iBhatwari(9 99MW);21.Tamak T Lata(280MW); ( 22 2.UrgamII( (3.8MW);23 3.Utiyasu Dam(860MW);24.Vis shnuprayagPipalkoti(44 44MW)

Figu ure4:
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Hydroelect tricProjects sinAlaknan ndaRiverB Basin


Existing:a.ManeriBhaliI(99MW);b.ManeriBhaliII(304MW);c.Tehri(1000MW) Under Construction : A. Loharinag Pala, now abandoned (600 MW); B. Koteshwar (400 MW);C.KotliBhelIA(195MW);D.KotliBhelIB(320MW);E.KotliBhelII(530MW);F.Pala ManeriI(480MW) Proposed: 1. Bhaironghati I (380 MW); 2. Bhaironghati II (65 MW); 3. Bhilangana I (22.5 MW);4.BhilanganaII(11MW);5.Gangotri(55MW);6.Harsil(210MW);7.Jadhganga(50 MW);8.Karmoli(140MW);9.TehriPSS(1000MW)



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Station 1. Gomukh 2. Gangotri 3. Mukhaba 4. Jhala 5. MB1U/S 6. MB1 7. MB1Tailwater 8. MB2U/S 9. MB2 10. MB2Tailwater 11. TehriDamU/S 12. TehriDam 13. TehriDamTailwater 14. KoteswarU/S 15. KoteswarDam 16. KoteswarTailwater 17. Devprayag 18. RishikeshU/S 19. RishikeshBarrage 20. Satyanarayana 21. BheemGaudaBarrage

Longitude,E Latitude,N Elevation,m 79.03 30.56 4238 78.54 31.00 3037 78.47 31.02 2569 78.40 30.55 2120 78.33 30.45 1355 78.31 30.44 1297 78.28 30.45 1278 78.27 30.44 1126 78.26 30.44 1122 78.21 30.44 1055 78.19 30.36 845 78.28 30.23 830 78.29 30.21 653 78.29 30.20 604 78.29. 30.15 555 78.31 30.15 551 78.36 30.09 474 78.18 30.06 345 78.17 30.04 334 78.14 30.00 316 78.10 29.57 290

Figure6: UpperGangaSegments

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Station 1. BheemGaudaBarrage 2. BijnoreBarrage 3. NaroraBarrage 4. KachlaGhat 5. Kusumkher 6. KannaujU/S 7. KannaujD/S 8. KanpurBarrage 9. Shuklaganj 10. Jajmau 11. Allahabad 12. Varanasi

Longitude,E Latitude,N 78.10 29.57 78.02 29.22 78.23 28.11 78.51 27.56 79.56 27.08 79.59 27.04 79.59 27.00 80.19 26.30 80.22 26.28 80.24 26.26 81.53 25.25 83.01 25.18

Elevation,m 290 221 182 165 130 128 127 118 116 115 76 74

Figure7: MiddleGangaSegments

2.1. SuggestionsandRecommendations
Gangotri Valley to be viewed as a place of pilgrim tourism and spiritual activities. All commercial activities in the vicinity of Gangotri (say within 500 m) to be transformed into eco friendly activities. Plan for environment protection and preservation of natural and pristine conditions (e.g. hotel culture to be changed to hut culture; severe restrictions on overnight stay of tourists, promotion of pilgrim tourism than commercial tourism,facilitatingPadYatra,encouraginguseoflocallyavailablematerials,provision forsegregatedcollectionofentiresolidwasteofallkinds,entirelyeliminatingdisposalof

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anykindofwastefromanthropogenicsourcesinthevalley,completerecycle/reuseand conversion into acceptable products of wastes generated; sanitation and bathing facilities with no direct/indirect discharge into river valley, control of noise and artificial lighting,etc.). Harshil to be developed as nature friendly, zero waste terminal pilgrim tourist spot with facilitiesofashrams,guesthouses,parking,internet,etc. Environmental Flow (E Flow) to be estimated at various places, particularly for those stretcheswhereriverflowhasbeenmodified(IITConsortiatoworkonthisaspartofthe efforts to develop GRBMP). Flow measurement and display devices to be developed for allsuchstretchesbytheprojectimplementer. All existing hydro electric projects may be redesigned and operated based on requirementofEflows. Community toilets and wash rooms with zero discharge of solid and liquid wastes to be developedatnumberofplacesasperapprovedplanfortheentireUGS. RiverBankandRiverWaterQualityManagementPlantobepreparedasdescribedinthe reportpreparedbyIITconsortiadevelopingGRBMPforUttarkashi,Shrinagar,NewTehri Town,RudraPrayag,DevPrayagandRishikeshonpriority. Eutrophication potential of all impoundments to be assessed and measures taken to controlreleaseofnutrientsfrompointandnonpointsources. Detailedstudiesanddocumentationonchangesduetoimplementationofhydroelectric projectsintheregionincluding,butnotlimitedtothefollowing:(i)dryingoflocalwater sources, (ii) enhancement of landslides, (iii) impact on hills surrounding the impoundmentsduetoyearlyfluctuationsinwaterlevelsbecauseoffillingandemptying, (iv) damage/changes to residential buildings and hills, (v) potential changes in forest cover due to draining of waters in the tunnels, (vi) estimation of release of greenhouse gases from impoundments, (vii) differences in water temperature between a free flowing river and modified river, (viii) changes in the travel time/distance for local residents, (ix) employment generation, (x) loss of livelihood for local people, (xi) rehabilitation issues, (xii) effect of release of E flows on income from power generation, (xiii) aesthetic value, and (xiv) sociocultural aspects (IIT Consortia to make such documentation as part of GRBMP efforts with help/assistance from concerned agencies if MOEF provides reports of all studies (including backup data) conducted through sponsored projects/consultancy assignments given to various agencies, institutions, universities,etc.).

3. MiddleGangaSegment:HaridwartoVaranasi
The river enters into the plains. The river bed consists of boulders, gravels and sand initially but subsequently consists of fine sand only. The river bed is essentially flat (slope 1 in 5000) and the river channel meanders, bifurcates into several channels in some parts and consists of dynamic system of pools and riffles. Substantial portion of the river flow is divertedto supportagriculturalactivitiesthroughsystemofcanalsreferredasUpperGanga
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Canal (from Bhimgaura Barrage commissioned in 1854 and renovated in 198485 just upstream of Haridwar), Madhya Ganga Canal (from Bijnore Barrage commissioned in 1977 78; essentially flood water or kharif canal system), and Lower Ganga Canal (from Narora Barrage commissioned in 1878). Substantial amount of flow, conveyed through a feeder canaloriginatingfromthebarrageatKalagarhontheriverRamganga,isintroducedintothe riverGangajustdownstreamofGarhmukteshwartoensuresufficientquantitiesofwaterfor NaroraAtomicPowerPlant.TheconfluenceofRamgangaatKusumkher,KaliatKannaujand Yamuna at Allahabad augment the flow in the river. However, these rivers, particularly Ramganga and Kali also bring in a lot of domestic/industrial pollution load. In addition, several towns, industries and agricultural activities contribute to the point and nonpoint pollutionloadinthissegment.Thusriverflowandwaterqualityarethekeyconcernsinthis segment in addition to general degradation of river system and encroachment of river bed, gravel/sand mining, riverbed farming, active netting of fish, open defecation, etc. In many places dumping of solid wastes including floral offering and other materials used for religious purposes, washing of clothes, wallowing of animals, throwing unburnt/partially burnt dead bodies adversely affect aesthetics, water quality and aquatic life. Many important small, large and mega religious conglomerations are a part of sociocultural dimensions of the riverine system at several places, the most important being at Haridwar, AllahabadandVaranasi. In the initial parts of this segment, fish population predominates depending upon grazing and detritus food chain. The next portion has turtles, crocodiles, ghariyals and Gangetic dolphin alongwith active breeding sites. Pallaze, a practice to grow cucurbetaceous crop in thesandbedproducedbymeanderingriverisverycommon.Atanumberofplaceswateris pumped out from the river or riverside wells to grow sugarcane and other crops. Riparian vegetation also is noteworthy. Some salient features of different stretches (refer Figure 7) withintheUGSarepresentedinExhibit2.

3.1. SuggestionsandRecommendations
River Bank and River Water Quality Management Plan to be prepared as described in the report prepared by IIT consortia developing GRBMP for Haridwar, Garhmukteshwar, Kanpur, Allahabad and Varanasi on priority. IIT consortia to give priorities for the various work packages in the above plan. The priority work packagestobeexecutedonfasttrackaspertheguidelines. Industries directly or indirectly discharging their solid/liquid wastes into Ramganga, Kali and Ganga must be directed to follow best available practices for managing solid/liquid wastes and attain complete recycling of water and proper disposal of solidwastes/sludgesaspernormsenforcedbytheregulatingagencies. Ganges Dolphin Conservation Zone Garhmukteshwar Narora Barrage to be declared as NO GO AREA for which detailed studies have been done by WWF India.

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4. LowerGangaSegment:VaranasitoGangaSagar
In this segment, the river Ganga receives water from three categories of rivers. In the first category are perennial rivers that originate in Himalayas and carry snow fed flows with significant discharge in the nonmonsoon season. This includes Kosi, Gandak, Karnali (Ghaghra) and Mahakali (Sharda) river systems. In the second category are the rivers which originateinthemidlandsofMahabharatrangeofmountainsandarefedbyprecipitationas well as ground water, including springs. Mechi, Kankalm, Kamla, Bagmati, West Rapti and Babai rivers fall under this category. Although these rivers are also perennial, they are commonly characterized by wide seasonal fluctuations in discharge. The third category of river systems includes a large number of small rivers in the terrain which originate from the southern Shiwalik range of hills. These rivers are seasonal with little flows during the dry season but characterized by flash floods during the monsoon. This part of the basin, particularly the alluvial belt, is viewed as play ground for many rivers. There is spilling of riverbanksanddrainagecongestionbecauseofpeculiardeltaicformationofsoil. Majorchangesinnatureofsurfaceflowhavebeenobservedinthissegment.Thischangeis due to the massive silt coming along with the flow. Planning for this massive silt is as important as the surface water flow itself. The problem of development and water resources management is highly complex in this segment. Flood, drought and water logging occur frequently. Flood is a big menace and agriculture is badly affected, though the land is veryfertile. Several towns, industries and agricultural activities contribute to the point and nonpoint pollution load in this segment. In addition to general degradation of river system, encroachment of river bed, sand mining, riverbed farming, active netting of fish, open defecation, etc. are also of concern. In many places dumping of solid wastes including floral offering and other materials used for religious purposes, washing of clothes, wallowing of animals, throwing unburnt/partially burnt dead bodies adversely affect aesthetics, water quality and aquatic life. Many important small, large and mega religious conglomerations are a part of sociocultural dimensions of the riverine system at several places, the most important being at Ganga Sagar where the river merges into the sea. This segment offers unique biodiversity with many important wetland systems. In some portions Ganges Dolphinsareofgreatsignificancefromecologicalpointofviewandthegeneralhealthofthe riversystem.Thefoodchainistypicallydetrituswithdominanceoffishes.

4.1. Suggestions and Recommendations

Hydrological and geomorphological studies for managing sediment transport and water resources.FGM,WRMandEQPgroupofIITConsortiatoworkonthis. RiverBankandRiverWaterQualityManagementPlantobepreparedasdescribedinthe report prepared by IIT consortia developing GRBMP for priority towns to be identified

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within the next three months (Action by the EQP group of IIT consortia). IIT consortia to also give priorities for the various work packages in the above plan. The priority work packagestobeexecutedonfasttrackaspertheguidelines. Industries directly or indirectly discharging their solid/liquid wastes into Ganga must be directed to follow best available practices for managing solid/liquid wastes and attain complete recycling of water and proper disposal of solid wastes/sludges as per norms enforcedbytheregulatingagencies. Exhibit1:SalientFeaturesinVariousPartsoftheUpperGangaSegment

SubStretchandItsDescription UGS_1:GaumukhtoGangotri(19 km) Represents near natural and pristine conditions; Steep bed with rocks and boulders; No apparenthumaninterventionandnegligiblepollution UGS_2:GangotritoMukhoba(14km) Represents near natural and pristine conditions; Known to reemerge as Janhavi river; narrowest channel; Steep bed with rocks and boulders; Deep Gorges; Slight distributed pollutionduetowastesfromeatingjointsontheGangotrishrine;guesthouses.Problemof sanitationismostimportant. UGS_3:MukhobatoJhala(22km) Represent near pristine and natural conditions; Historical and religious importance due to joining of three rivers, known as Hari Prayag; Wide flood plain; Flat bed with pebbles and sand; Meandering and bifurcating into several channels with dynamic system of riffles and pools; Slight pollution due to domestic and commercial (hotels/guest houses) establishments UGS_4:JhalatoU/SMB1(24km) Represents near pristine and natural conditions; Steep and narrow river bed intermingled withboulders,pebblesandsand;Slightpollutionduetodomesticactivities UGS_5:MB1U/StoMB1Barrage(4km) Modifiedtoimpoundment;Reverineenvironmentshiftingtolacustrineenvironment;Slight pollutionduetodomesticactivities;Higheutrophicationpotential UGS_6:MB1Barrage toMB1TailWaters (7km) Flow substantially reduced; River bed may dry up for sometime; Discontinuity in flow regime;Aquaticlifeseverelyaffected UGS_7:MB1TailWaterstoMB2U/S (4 km) Modified fluctuating flows depending upon power generation at MB1 power plant; Additional flows due to Gaderas; River bed consisting of small stones and pebble; River in combinationofrifflesandpools. UGS_8:MB2U/StoMB2Barrage(3 km) Modifiedtoimpoundment;Reverineenvironmentshiftingtolacustrineenvironment;Slight pollutionduetodomesticactivities;Higheutrophicationpotential

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SubStretchandItsDescription UGS_9:MB2BarragetoMB2TailWaters (10 km) Flow substantially reduced; River bed may dry up for sometime; Discontinuity in flow regime;Aquaticlifeseverelyaffected UGS_10:MB2TailWaterstoTehriU/S (21 km) Modified fluctuating flows depending upon power generation at MB2 power plant; River bed consisting of small stones and pebble; River in combination of riffles and pools. Slight pollutionduetodomesticactivities UGS_11:TehriU/StoTehriDam(38 km) Modifiedtoimpoundment;Reverineenvironmentshiftingtolacustrineenvironment;Slight pollution due to domestic activities; High eutrophication potential; Potential for release of greenhousegasesduetodecompositionofsubmergedbiomassinthelake UGS_12:TehriDamto TehriTailWaters(4 km) Flow substantially reduced; River bed may dry up for sometime; Discontinuity in flow regime;Aquaticlifeseverelyaffected UGS_13:TehriTailWaterstoKoteshwarU/S (3.5km) Substantially modified fluctuating flows depending upon power generation at Tehri power plant; River bed consisting of small stones and pebble; River in combination of riffles and pools.Slightpollutionduetodomesticactivities UGS_14:KoteshwarU/StoKoteshwarDam (11km) Will be modified to impoundment; Reverine environment likely to shift to lacustrine environment;Slightpollutionduetodomesticactivities;Higheutrophicationpotential UGS_15:KoteshwarDamtoKoteshwarTailWaters(5 km) Flow substantially reduced; River bed may dry up for sometime; Discontinuity in flow regime;Aquaticlifeseverelyaffected UGS_16:KoteshwarTailWaterstoDevPrayag(17 km) Modified fluctuating flows depending upon power generation at Koteshwar power plant; River bed consisting of small stones and pebble; River in combination of riffles and pools. Slightpollutionduetodomesticactivities UGS_17:DevPrayagtoRishikeshU/S (64 km) Substantially modified fluctuating flows depending upon power generation at Tehri and Koteshwarpowerplants;FlowaugmentedduetoconfluencewithAlaknanda;Hydroelectric projects under construction/proposed on Alaknanda and its tributaries may further influence hourly variation in flow; River bed consisting of small stones and pebble; River in combination of riffles and pools. Slight pollution due to domestic activities, bathing and otherculturalreligiousactivities;Initiationofdetritusfoodchainwithfishatthetopoffood chain; Riverine ecosystem under stress due to frequent fluctuations in flow and water quality(e.g.temperatureandturbidity)

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SubStretchandItsDescription UGS_18:RishikeshU/StoRishikeshBarrage (4km) Substantially modified fluctuating flows depending upon power generation at Tehri and Koteshwarpowerplants;FlowaugmentedduetoconfluencewithAlaknanda;Hydroelectric projects under construction/proposed on Alaknanda and its tributaries may further influence hourly variation in flow; River bed consisting of large and small pebble with some boulders and sand; River in combination of riffles and pools. Slight pollution due to domestic activities, bathing and other cultural/religious activities; Development of detritus food chain with fish at the top of food chain; Riverine ecosystem under stress due to frequentfluctuationsinflowandwaterquality(e.g.temperatureandturbidity) UGS_19:RishikeshBarragetoSatyanarayana(11km) Flow pattern modified depending upon modified fluctuating flow received from upstream and power generation at Chilla power station; River bed consisting of small stones and pebble; Active fish breeding area; Fish netting and rampant stone mining; Riverine ecosystem under stress due to frequent fluctuations in flow and water quality (e.g. temperatureandturbidity) UGS_20:SatyanarayanatoBhimGaudaBarrage(9 km) Flow pattern modified depending upon modified fluctuating flow received from upstream; Wide flood plain; Flat bed with pebbles and sand; Meandering and bifurcating into several channels with dynamic system of riffles and pools; Much of the water diverted to Harki paudi through canal and much less water released in the main stream as Neel Dhara; Moderatepollutionduetodomesticandcommercial(hotels/guesthouses)establishments

Exhibit2:SalientFeaturesinVariousPartsoftheMiddleGangaSegment SubStretchandItsDescription MGS_1:BheemGaudaBarragetoBijnorBarrage(82 km) MostofthewaterisdivertedtoHarkiPaudi;Excessflowfromcanalsisreturnedat68km downstream; Wide flood plain, River meandering and bifurcating into several channels; Riverbedconsistingofpebbleandsand;ReportedreappearanceofMahasheeratBalawali; OccurrenceofOtters,Crocodiles,Ghariyal,Turtleinsomepartsindicatinggoodbiodiversity; Active breeding grounds for fish in some parts; Moderate pollution due to domestic and agriculturalactivities. MGS_2:BijnorBarragetoNaroraBarrage(176km) NOGOZONE Low flow during nonmonsoon period in the initial portion of the stretch up to Garhmukteshwar; Subsequently flow modified through discharge of Ramganga waters through feeder canal; Impoundment and abstraction of water through Lower Ganga Canal systematthetailend;Widefloodplainandsandybedwithsomepebbles;GangesDolphin conservationsite;Moderatepollutionduetodomesticandagriculturalactivities

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SubStretchandItsDescription MGS_3:NaroraBarragetoKachlaGhat(70 km) Extremely low flows during nonmonsoon period; Only occasional releases of water during nonmonsoonperiod;Widefloodplain;Meanderingriverwithdynamicsystemofpoolsand riffles; Sandy bed; Breeding site for Turtles and Ghariyal; Agricultural activities in river bed, predominantly Cucurbetaceous crops known as Pallaze; Significant degradation of river waterquality. MGS_4:KachlaGhattoKusumkher(182 km) Extremely low flows during nonmonsoon period; Only occasional releases of water during nonmonsoonperiod;Widefloodplain;Meanderingriverwithdynamicsystemofpoolsand riffles; Sandy bed; Agricultural activities in river bed, predominantly Cucurbetaceous crops knownasPallaze;Significantdegradationofriverwaterquality. MGS_5:KusumkhertoKannaujU/S(12 km) Additional flow and pollutant load from river Ramganga; Low flows during nonmonsoon period; Only occasional increase in flows during nonmonsoon period; Wide flood plain; Meanderingriverwithdynamicsystemofpoolsandriffles;Sandybed;Agriculturalactivities in river bed, predominantly Cucurbetaceous crops known as Pallaze; Use of excessive pesticides.Significantdegradationofriverwaterquality. MGS_6:KannaujU/StoKannaujD/S(9 km) Additionalhighlypollutedflowfrom riverKali;Lowflowsduringnonmonsoonperiod;Only occasional increase in flows during nonmonsoon period; Wide flood plain; Meandering riverwithdynamicsystemofpoolsandriffles;Sandybed;Agriculturalactivitiesinriverbed, predominantly Cucurbetaceous crops known as Pallaze; Use of excessive pesticides. Significantdegradationofriverwaterquality. MGS_7:KannaujD/StoKanpurBarrage(78 km) Low flows during nonmonsoon period; Only occasional increase in flows during non monsoon period; Wide flood plain; Meandering river with dynamic system of pools and riffles; Sandy bed; Impoundment in the part downstream of Bithoor near Barrage; Ganges Dolphins Spotted; Agricultural activities in river bed, predominantly Cucurbetaceous crops known as Pallaze; Use of excessive pesticides. Significant degradation of river water quality. MGS_8:KanpurBarragetoShuklaganj(7.5 km) Low flows during nonmonsoon period; Only occasional increase in flows during non monsoon period; Wide flood plain; Meandering river with dynamic system of pools and riffles; Sandy bed; Agricultural activities in river bed, predominantly Cucurbetaceous crops knownasPallaze;Useofexcessivepesticides.Extensivedegradationofriverwaterquality due to domestic and industrial wastes, dumping of solid wastes, animal wallowing, throwingofunburntdeadbodies.

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SubStretchandItsDescription MGS_9:ShuklaganjtoJajmau(5.5 km) Low flows during nonmonsoon period; Only occasional increase in flows during non monsoon period; Wide flood plain; Meandering river with dynamic system of pools and riffles; Sandy bed; Agricultural activities in river bed, predominantly Cucurbetaceous crops knownasPallaze;Useofexcessivepesticides.Extensivedegradationofriverwaterquality due to domestic and industrial wastes, dumping of solid wastes, animal wallowing, throwingofunburntdeadbodies;Themostcriticalstretch. MGS_10:JajmautoAllahabad(247km) Low flows during nonmonsoon period; Only occasional increase in flows during non monsoon period; Wide flood plain; Meandering river with dynamic system of pools and riffles; Sandy bed; Agricultural activities in river bed, predominantly Cucurbetaceous crops known as Pallaze; Use of excessive pesticides. Discharge of domestic and some industrial wastes, dumping of solid wastes, animal wallowing, throwing of unburnt dead bodies; Gradual but very slow recovery of the river system; Ganges Dolphin spotted; Several importantmajorandmegareligious/culturalconglomerationheldontheriverside. MGS_11:AllahabadtoVaranasi(212 km) Slight increase in flow due to joining of a major tributary Yamuna; Wide flood plain; Meanderingriverwithdynamicsystemofpoolsandriffles;Sandybed;Agriculturalactivities in river bed, predominantly Cucurbetaceous crops known as Pallaze; Use of excessive pesticides. Discharge of domestic and some industrial wastes, dumping of solid wastes, animalwallowing,throwingofunburnt/halfburntdeadbodies;GangesDolphinspotted.

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