D09222835 PDF
D09222835 PDF
D09222835 PDF
Abstract: Currently, about a billion people around the world are facing major water problems drought and
flood. The rainfall in the country is irregularly distributed in space and time causes drought and flood. An
approach for effective management of droughts and floods at the national level; the Central Water Commission
formulated National Perspective Plan (NPP) in the year, 1980 and developed a plan called Interlinking of
Rivers in India. The special feature of the National Perspective Plan is to provide proper distribution of water
by transferring water from surplus basin to deficit basin. About 30 interlinking of rivers are proposed on 37
Indian rivers under NPP plan. Sharda to Yamuna Link is one of the proposed river inter links. The main
concern of the paper is to study the proposed inter-basin water transfer Sharda Yamuna Link including its
size, area and location of the project. The enrouted and command areas of the link canal covers in the States of
Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh in India. The purpose of S-Y link canal is to transfer the water from surplus
Sharda River to deficit Yamuna River for use of water in drought prone western areas like Uttar Pradesh,
Haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat of the country. It could be one of the effective plans of flood and drought
management and other water based activities for future.
Key words: Drought, Flood, River Interlinking, Sharda Yamuna Link, Water Management
I. Introduction
Water is an important element and one of the most essential natural resources [1]. Some researchers
have estimated that by 2025 more than half of the world population will be facing water-based crisis and
suggested that by 2030, in some developing regions of the world, water demand will exceed supply by 50%.
Water resources are however limited due to developmental activities, industrialization, pollution, population,
dropped rainfall levels, droughts, floods and other factors. Problem of water scarcity in Indian scenario
discussed by [2]. In future, even more water will be needed to produce food because the Earth's population is
forecast to rise to 9 billion by 2050. More than one-third of all counties face higher risks of water shortages by
mid-century as a result of climate change in the developed countries which causes due to increasing pollution,
population, industrialization, deforestation, urbanization and depleting natural resources. Climate change is
affected by many things from natural processes or by human activities. Drought and Flood are natural disasters
caused by climate change which are the major water concerns in the country happens due to heavy and low
rainfall. The recent mega and complex disaster due to flash flood [3]. [4] Change in water supply and demand
across river basins of India. Considering the future demands, conservation and management of water resources
are very essential.
1.2 National Perspective Plan (NPP) for Water Resources Development: Inter-Linking of River's (ILR)
A National Perspective Plan (NPP) was formulated in the year 1980, by Ministry of Water Resources
and the Central Water Commission indentified a number of large scale Inter- Basin Water Transfer Links
Inter-Linking of River's (ILR) to increase the availability of water by transferring from surplus water basins to
deficit basins in India and also to manage the problems of flood and drought disasters. Inter-Linking of River
(ILR) is a water conservation method to reduce the irregular distribution of water and for providing solution to
minimize floods and droughts in India. Practices should be needed for water resource management [6] .Various
practices have been made by the Indian Govt. for water management and conservation. To overcome the
problems of flood and drought, National Water Development Agency (NWDA) has taken up massive project
ILR which includes 30 major river link canals over 37 rivers throughout the country. National Perspective Plan
(NPP) consists of two components Himalayan component and Peninsular component. The Himalayan
component carries of 14 canal links and 16 links are proposed in the peninsular component (Fig. 3.). Interlinking
system of Sharda-Yamuna is a part of the Himalayan Rivers Development Component of the National
perspective plan. Planning of Interlinking of rivers for the mitigation of droughts and floods under national
water policy by the Government of India [7].Study on proposed river link canal project has done by several
researchers [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13]. Environmental impacts, issues and challenges of Inter- Linking of
Rivers in India are discussed by [14].
II. Methodology
The research work has been done to carry out the studies on the descriptions and impacts of proposed
Sharda-Yamuna Link Project. The related information has been collected from various state and central govt.
water departments. Extensive review of literature was done to collect information and get a fair understanding of
the kind of research.
III. Discussion
3.1 Proposed Sharda-Yamuna Link Canal
Sharda-Yamuna Link is an interdependent link for the diversion and utilizations of water to overcome
the problems of drought and flood in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand states in India.This plan is aimed to transfer
of about 11,680 Mm of surplus water from river Sharda to deficit river Yamuna and further towards west parts
of India. Before falling into Yamuna River the water of Sharda river will be utilize to fulfill all the water
requirements of its command areas and transfer of water towards the drought prone western areas of India such
as Haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat. Sharda-Yamuna link project will locate in the States of Uttarakhand and
Uttar Pradesh (Fig.4). The proposed link canal will cross through enrouted areas Champawat, Nainital, Udham
Singh Nagar and Haridwar districts of Uttarakhand and Bijnor and Muzaffarnagar districts of Uttar Pradesh
DOI: 10.9790/2402-09222835 www.iosrjournals.org 30 | Page
Interlinking of rivers in India: proposed Sharda Yamuna Link
(Table.2) in India. The command areas of the link canal would be Bareilly, Rampur, Moradabad, Badaun and
Bijnor districts of Uttar Pradesh and Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand (Table.3).There will be
development of Pancheshwar dam and Poornagiri dam for the generation of power during the construction work
of link canal and also to provide domestic, irrigation facilities to drought prone western parts of the country.
During the journey it will cross the major rivers viz. Sharda, Kosi, Ramganga and Ganga. Barrages on these
crossings are also proposed for flood control and to be constructed at the time of level crossing which would be
named as Sarda barrage, Kosi barrage, Ramganga barrage and Ganga barrage. The Sharda-Yamuna link canal
and its proposed four barrages will locate in the Ganga basin. The total length of this link canal will be 384 Kms
and full supply depth is 7.8 m. The proposed link canal will transfer water from Sharda river near Tanakpur
town of Champawat district of Uttarakhand between proposed Poorangiri dam and Tanakpur barrage into the
Yamuna River about 2.5 Km near Kairana village of Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh. First the available
water in the catchment of Sarda River will be stored in the reservoir of Pancheshwar dam, then the release of
water from this reservoir after generating the power will again stored at proposed Poornagiri dam which is
located of about 58 Km distance of Pancheshwar dam. The construction of Pancheshwar and Poornagiri dams
would be across the Sharda river known as Mahakali in Nepal with having gross storage capacities of 11,355
Mm3 and 3,680 Mm. (Table.1) The discharge of water at starting and ending of the link canal will be 757.32
cumec and 605.77 cumec and the transmission losses would be of 541 Mm. Annual electrical energy benefit
may be of approx. 8378 Mkwh, Irrigation benefit 2.94 lakh hac and economic irrigation benefit shall be 1306.63
crore. Overall this proposed link canal will pass through 2 states, 6 districts, 15 Tehsils and 170 villages. The
Sharda to Yamuna Link would provide an additional irrigation benefits, generation of power, fisheries, salinity,
economic development and employment potential in the enrouted and command areas. The inter-basin water
transfer can be quicker and efficient plan for proper distribution of water in India. This plan is socially needed,
technically feasible, economically viable and environmentally sustainable (Thatte).This link canal could be
beneficial for fulfilling the water requirements of its command areas and drought prone western areas of India
such as Haryana, Rajasthan Gujarat. The inter-basin water transfer can be quicker and efficient plan for proper
distribution of water and to overcome the problem of floods and droughts in India.
3.3 Enrouted and Command Areas of Proposed Sharda Yamuna Link Canal
The location of the proposed Sharda-Yamuna link project covers in the states of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh
in India. (Fig.5).
(Fig.5.) Satellite Map of Enrouted and Command areas covered under Proposed S-Y link Canal.
(Google map)
IV. Conclusion
This paper highlights the description viz. size, area and location of proposed inter basin water transfer
Sharda-Yamuna Link, which is a part of Himalayan river development component (Fig. 4.) and one of the
proposed links of NPP (National Perspective Plan) to minimize the problem of flood and droughts in India. The
Ministry of Water Resources and Central Water Commission formulated a National Perspective Plan (NPP) for
Water Resources Development in 1980, considering large scale inter basin water transfer proposals for transfer
of water from surplus regions to deficit regions. Sharda-Yamuna Link (S-Y Link) is aimed to make available of
water to the acute water short and drought prone west part such as Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat of the country.
V. Acknowledgements
The authors acknowledge the Head, Department of Environmental sciences, Babasaheb Bhimrao
Ambedkar (A Central University) Lucknow-226025 for providing facilities to this work. Financial support to
Ms. Anjali Verma in the form of Ph. D fellowship is gratefully acknowledged.
VI. References
[1]. R. R. Iyer, Water Perspectives, Issues and Concerns, Sage Publication, New Delhi, 2003.
[2]. E.B. Barbier, 2004, Water and Economic Growth. Economic Record 80, 1-16.
[3]. Gupta, Readings on Critical Issues and Concerns for NGOs, Activists and others concerned with Justice and Social Change
Uttarakhand: Disaster as a Tragedy, 2013.
[4]. U.A. Amarasinghe and M.D. Kumar, Spatial Variation in Water Supply and Demand across River Basins in India. Research report
83, Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute, 2005.