Wind Tunnel Techniques 1
Wind Tunnel Techniques 1
Wind Tunnel Techniques 1
WIND TUNNEL TECHNIQUES PART A (10 x 2 = 20) Answer All the Questions 1. What is geometrical similarity in wind tunnel testing of models? 2. What is boundary layer correction in the test section design of wind tunnels? 3. What is turbulence factor of a subsonic wind tunnel? 4. How is test section speed measured in case of a subsonic wind tunnel? 5. How are wind tunnel balances classified? 6. What is the basic principle involved in the interferometer method of flow visualization? 7. What are the advantages of flow visualization methods? 8. How is total pressure estimated in the test section of a super sonic wind tunnel? 9. What is horizontal buoyancy? 10. What are the limitations of dye injection method for flow visualization? PART B (5 x 18 = 60) Answer All the Questions 11. (a) State Buckingham theorem. How is thus theorem useful in the experiments using wind tunnels? (b) What is the basic principle behind hot wire anemometer? What are its limitations? 12. Define the following non-dimensional numbers: force coefficient, Euler number, Reynoldss number and moment coefficient. How do the model scale effects influence the wind tunnel test results? 13. How are the wind tunnels classified? What are the special problems of testing in hypersonic wind tunnels?
14. Sketch the typical layout of a supersonic wind tunnel and mark all the components and subsystems. What is starting problem in supersonic tunnels? 15. Write short notes on the following topics: (a) Flow angularities in wind-tunnel testing. (b) Turbulence intensity measurements in wind tunnel test section. 16. With a neat illustration explain the objective of calibration of a wind tunnel. In what way the calibration procedure for a supersonic tunnel different from that of a subsonic wind tunnel? 17. Distinguish between internal and external wind tunnel balances. Briefly explain how force measurements are carried out using an external strain gauge balance. 18. Bring out the essential features of a strain gauge based six component internal wind balance. Explain how the six components are measured using the balance. 19. With neat illustration explain the basic principles of Schelieren method of flow visualization. What are the advantages and limitations of the method? 20. Write short notes on the following techniques: (a) Smoke technique for flow visualization. (b) Use of tufts and electrical techniques for flow visualization studies.