Dutch Vietnam Management Supporter November 2013 (No. 30)
Dutch Vietnam Management Supporter November 2013 (No. 30)
Dutch Vietnam Management Supporter November 2013 (No. 30)
,ra-e in Peace
For successful trade peace in the market place is vital. The Netherlands and Vietnam have known this for ages. This year both countries celebrate 40 years of uninterrupted diplomatic relations. art of a diplomat!s "ob is to facilitate successful trade. erhaps one could measure diplomats! performance by increasing trade volume and value# and smoothness of bilateral trade operations.
$ntil %ecember &' (olland Village in )aigon
Prof. Loek Hopstaken Email: loek@hopstaken.com Mobile: 090 888 94 0
In this issue:
Trade in peace *olland Village + 2 3
L./I!0 12)E ,he noble art of losin3 face ma( one -a( sa"e the human race an- turn into eternal merit 4hat 4eaker min-s 4oulcall -is3race. $iet *ein
)earning #s. ignorance ,isdom comes with perspecti#es -ast is -ast( ,est is ... Vietnam0*olland 1ontact information2 1lients
. / 3 7
)aigon# November <*# <0&= 3 flourishing relationship between two nations is much more than their heads of state shaking hands in public and signing documents. 3 flourishing relationship is visible in action and active mutual e>change# like in trade and culture. Friday November << (olland Village# ne>t to (,.,!s ?en Thanh .arket# opened its gates. .any %utch enterprises active in Vietnam# from hilips# @7.# $nilever and %e (eus to %utch 7ady and (eineken# but also %alat (asfarm -founded / run by %utchmen0 prominently sponsor this 5-day event. The first days the Village attracted &0!s of �!s of visitors# who came to en"oy the %utch street# to try %utch snacks# to meet %utch artists and to AbreatheB some %utch atmosphereCagainst the backdrop of )aigon!s skyline# with ?ite>co Financial Tower. :rab the opportunityD
%uring &#* years of intensive coaching and training by a team of specialists# (F+, -(o ,hi .inh ,ity Finance / +nvestment ,ompany0 professionali1ed its performance in the fields of financial services# +T and (2.. The pro"ect was organi1ed / coordinated by 3+T -3sian +nstitute of Technology0. 4ctober 5 we finali1ed the pro"ect with a presentation by each consultant. The consultants' %r. (ans )toessel -coordinator0# .s. +ris Fang -)trategy6 37.0# .r. ,laude )piese and myself. 8e were generously supported by .r. Ngo %inh %ung / .s. Nguyen Thi .ai huong -3+T0# and .iss Vo 7am Thuy Trang / .iss Van Thi (ai %uong -(F+,0. 9veryone is in the picture. .r. %iep %ung# (F+,!s :eneral %irector is ;th from right.
He that is 3oo- for makin3 e+cuses is sel-om 3oo- for an(thin3 else.
4en5amin 6ran&lin
20082013 This month it has been five years since + started living and working in Vietnam. Five years of observing a process of permanent change. + cannot afford to Fuit learning. +t is the only way to stay connected and understand what is going on in VietnamCin business# in life.
2i"ksmuseum# 3msterdam
Ah% snug lie those that slumber beneath con"iction&s roo'# (heir 'loors are sturd lumber% their )indo)s )eatherproo'# *ut + sleep cold 'ore"er% and cold sleep all m !ind% ,or + )as born to shi"er in the dra't 'rom an open mind#
,HE ;.2< ,. 8I/<.M ,he roa- to 4is-om7 8ell$ it:s plain an- simple to e+press: Err an- err an- err a3ain but less an- less an- less. $iet *ein
,8. P2//I9I/,/ Era-icate the optimist 4ho takes the eas( "ie4 that human "alues 4ill persist no matter 4hat 4e -o. 2nnihilate the pessimist 4hose ineffectual cr( is that the 3oal:s alrea-( misseho4e"er har- 4e tr(. $iet *ein
National ark. No memories of its %utch 9ast +ndia past remain. Kou can hire a made-inThailand Atuk tukB to tour the island. 4r make a skydive# as + did some years ago. 4ne way of getting a different viewpoint of earthD
When Im o er! seas, its a high! light of my day to communicate "ith my daughter #ara #ien$ %&ype is a "onderful tool, and not only because its free$
Life is a 3reat bi3 can"as$ an- (ou shoul- thro4 all the paint (ou can on it. Dann! 7a!e
8H2, 2;E =.>7
,he 4a( to 3ro4 3ranis not: to -eman-. In life:s e"er( fiel(ou are 4hat (ou (iel-. $iet *ein ;in3 the bells that still can rin3 1or3et (our perfect offerin3. ,here is a crack in e"er(thin3 ,hat:s ho4 the li3ht 3ets in.
)eonard 1ohen
Email: loek@hopstaken.com or loek.hopstaken@3mail.com Mobile: 090 888 94 0 ;ssistant% Ms. Vo =goc )ien *uong -mail% 5ane.hopsta&enDgmail.com Mobile% 0E0 FFF E./+
=ou either lea- b( e+ample or (ou -on:t lea- at all. 6rom The Leadership Challenge( b! Games 7ouzes " 4arr! $osner