The document lists prominent members of the Council on Foreign Relations including bankers, financiers, government officials, and central bankers. Many held high-level positions at major banks like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and the Federal Reserve. The list includes current and former US Secretaries of State, Treasury, and other government departments.
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The document lists prominent members of the Council on Foreign Relations including bankers, financiers, government officials, and central bankers. Many held high-level positions at major banks like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and the Federal Reserve. The list includes current and former US Secretaries of State, Treasury, and other government departments.
Original Description:
Portraits of New York City's Financial, Business, Political, and Academic Elite
The document lists prominent members of the Council on Foreign Relations including bankers, financiers, government officials, and central bankers. Many held high-level positions at major banks like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and the Federal Reserve. The list includes current and former US Secretaries of State, Treasury, and other government departments.
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The document lists prominent members of the Council on Foreign Relations including bankers, financiers, government officials, and central bankers. Many held high-level positions at major banks like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and the Federal Reserve. The list includes current and former US Secretaries of State, Treasury, and other government departments.
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The document lists many current and former government officials, business leaders, academics, and others who are or have been members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Some prominent current and former members listed include Henry Kissinger, George Soros, Janet Yellen, John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Jamie Dimon and David Rockefeller.
The individuals represented include current and former government officials, bankers, academics, lawyers and those in media/entertainment.
Prominent Members of the Council on Foreign Relations
(as of June 30, 2013)
James D. Wolfensohn President of the World Bank (1995-2005) Henry . !issin"er #.$. $e%retary of $tate (19&'-19&&) (loyd ). Blankfein )hairman of the *oard of +oldman $a%hs ,*ank in -e. /ork )ity0 (2001-2resent) +eor"e $oros )hairman of $oros 34nd 5ana"ement (1991-2res.) 6o*ert 7. 64*in Partner of +oldman8 $a%hs 9 )o. (19&1-1992): $e%retary of the ;reas4ry (1995-1999) Daniel !. ;ar4llo 5em*er of the 3ederal 6eser<e Board (2009-2resent) Jerome H. Po.ell 5em*er of the 3ederal 6eser<e Board (2012-2resent) Janet (. /ellen )hairman of the 3ederal 6eser<e (201=-2resent) $tanley 3is%her >i%e )hairman of the 3ederal 6eser<e (201=-2resent): +o<ernor of the Bank of ?srael (2005-201') (ael Brainard 5em*er of the 3ederal 6eser<e Board (201=-2resent) John 3or*es !erry #.$. $e%retary of $tate (201'-2resent) )h4%k Ha"el #.$. $e%retary of Defense (201'-2resent) Ja%o* J. (e. $e%retary of the ;reas4ry (201'-2resent) Penny Prit@ker #.$. $e%retary of )ommer%e (201'-2resent) Jeh )harles Johnson #.$. $e%retary of Homeland $e%4rity (201'-2resent) 7rnest J. 5oni@ #.$. $e%retary of 7ner"y (201'-2resent) $yl<ia 5athe.s B4r.ell #.$. $e%retary of Health and H4man $er<i%es (201=-2resent) $4san 7. 6i%e -ational $e%4rity d<isor (201'-2resent): #.$. 6e2. to the #nited -ations (2009-201') 5i%hael B.+. 3roman #.$. ;rade 6e2resentati<e (201'-2resent) New York City (Wall Street) Bankers: John ). Whitehead Partner of +oldman8 $a%hs 9 )o. (1955-19A=) Peter +. Peterson )hairman of the *oard of (ehman Brothers (19&'-19A=) Da<id 6o%kefeller )hairman of the *oard of )hase 5anhattan Bank (1919-19A1) Henry 6. !ra<is $enior Partner of !ohl*er" !ra<is 6o*erts 9 )o. (19A&-2resent) >ernon 7. Jordan Jr. $enior 5ana"in" Dire%tor of (a@ard 3reres (2000-2resent) Jamie Dimon )hairman of the *oard of JP 5or"an )hase ,*ank in -e. /ork )ity0 (200&-2resent) !enneth 5. Ja%o*s )hairman of the *oard of (a@ard ,*ank in -e. /ork )ity0 (2009-2resent) !enneth ?. )hena4lt )hairman of the *oard of meri%an 7B2ress )o. (2001-2resent) Henry 5. Pa4lson Jr. )hairman of the *oard of +oldman $a%hs (1999- 2001): $e%retary of the ;reas4ry (2001-2009) 5a4ri%e 6. +reen*er" )hairman and )7C of meri%an ?nternational +ro42 (19A9-2005) $anford ?. Weill )hairman (199A-2001) and )7C (199A-200') of )iti"ro42 )harles C. Prin%e ??? )hairman (2001-200&) and )7C (200=-200&) of )iti"ro42 6i%hard D. Parsons )hairman of the *oard of )iti"ro42 (2009-2012) William B. Harrison Jr. )hairman and )7C of JP 5or"an )hase (2001-2001) James D. 6o*inson ??? )hairman and )7C of meri%an 7B2ress )o. (19&&-199') 7. $tanley CD-eal )hairman and )7C of 5errill (yn%h 9 )o. (200'-200&) Walter >. $hi2ley )hairman of the *oard of )hemi%al Bank (19A'- 19918 199=-1991) John H. +4tfre4nd )hairman of the *oard and )7C of $alomon Brothers8 ?n%. (19A1- 1991) John P. Birkel4nd )hairman and )7C of Dillon8 6ead 9 )o. (19AA-199') 3eliB +. 6ohatyn +eneral Partner of (a@ard 3reres 9 )o. (1910-199&): #.$. m*assador to 3ran%e (199&-2000) Bankers and inan!iers: $eymo4r E$yF $tern*er" )hairman and )7C of -e. /ork (ife ?ns4ran%e )o. (199&-200A) $te2hen 3riedman Partner of +oldman8 $a%hs 9 )o. (19&'-1992): )hairman of +oldman $a%hs 9 )o. (1990-199=) John (. ;hornton President of +oldman $a%hs 9 )o. (1999-200') 6o*ert J. H4rst Partner of +oldman $a%hs 9 )o. (19A0-2000) 6o*ert Wolf )hairman and )7C for #B$ +ro42 meri%as 7<an +. +reen*er" )hairman and )7C of )7 +ro42 (o4is Perlm4tter 7Be%4ti<e 5ana"in" Dire%tor of (a@ard 3reres 9 )o. ,*ank0 (19&A-1999) $te2hanie !. Bell-6ose 5ana"in" Dire%tor of +oldman8 $a%hs 9 )o. Jane Fraser Chief Executive Officer of CitiMortgage [Citigroup] lfred 3. !elly Jr. President of meri%an 7B2ress )o. (200&-2010) W. )4tter 5ana"in" Dire%tor of War*4r" Pin%4s (1991-2009) $te2hen . CBman $enior d<isor at 5or"an $tanley (1999-2resent) 3rederi%k B. Whittemore Partner (191&-2resent) and 5ana"in" Dire%tor (19&0-2resent) of 5or"an $tanley 9 )o. William 6. 6hodes $enior >i%e )hairman and $enior ?nternational Cffi%er of )iti"ro42 ( !aden >i%e )hairman of )iti"ro42 (2005-201') leBander ;. 7r%klent@ Partner of Bro.n Brothers Harriman 9 )o. (19&A-2resent) $te2hen . $ )hairman and )7C of ;he Bla%kstone +ro42 (19A5-2resent) 3rank +. Gar* +eneral Partner of (a@ard 3reres 9 )o. (19&&-19AA) Donald B. 5arron )hairman and )7C of PaineWe**er ?n%. ,no. 2art of #B$0 (19A0-2000) 6o*ert 6. Do4"lass >i%e )hairman of )hase 5anhattan Bank (19A5-199') ederal "eser#e Bankers: Pa4l . >ol%ker )hairman of the 3ederal 6eser<e (19&9-19A&) $ir lan +reens2an )hairman of the 3ederal 6eser<e (19A&-2001) lan $. Blinder >i%e )hairman of the 3ederal 6eser<e (199=-1991) li%e 5. 6i<lin >i%e )hairman of the 3ederal 6eser<e (1991-1999) 6o"er W. 3er"4son Jr. >i%e )hairman of the 3ederal 6eser<e (1999-2001) Donald (. !ohn >i%e )hairman of the 3ederal 6eser<e (2001-2010) William J. 5%Dono4"h President of the 3ederal 6eser<e Bank of -e. /ork (199'-200') ;imothy 3. +eithner $e%retary of the ;reas4ry (2009-201'): President of the 3ederal 6eser<e Bank of -e. /ork (200'-2009) 5i%hael H. 5osko. President of the 3ederal 6eser<e Bank of )hi%a"o (199=-200&) 6i%hard 3. $yron President of the 3ederal 6eser<e Bank of Boston (19A9-199=): )hairman and )7C of 3reddie 5a% (200'-200A) William ). D4dley President of the 3ederal 6eser<e Bank of -e. /ork (2009-2resent) 6i%hard W. 3isher President of the 3ederal 6eser<e Bank of Dallas (2005-2resent) Dennis P. (o%khart President of the 3ederal 6eser<e Bank of tlanta (200&-2resent) !aren -. Horn President of the 3ederal 6eser<e Bank of )le<eland (19A2-19A&) Jamie B. $ Jr. 3irst >i%e President of the 3ederal 6eser<e Bank of -e. /ork (1999-200=) )hristine 5. )4mmin" 3irst >i%e President of the 3ederal 6eser<e Bank of -e. /ork ;erren%e J. )he%ki 7Be%4ti<e >i%e President of the 3ederal 6eser<e Bank of -e. /ork +lenn H. H4t%hins )lass B Dire%tor of the 3ederal 6eser<e Bank of -e. /ork (201'-2resent) Jerry ?. $2eyer De24ty )hairman of the 3ederal 6eser<e Bank of -e. /ork (200=-2001) Central Bankers and $!ono%i! Bureau!rats: nne C. !r4e"er 3irst De24ty 5ana"in" Dire%tor of the ?nternational 5onetary 34nd (2001-2001) John P. (i2sky 3irst De24ty 5ana"in" Dire%tor of ?nternational 5onetary 34nd (2001-2011) 6o*ert B. Goelli%k President of ;he World Bank (200&-2012) James . Johnson )hairman and )7C of 3annie 5ae (1991-199A): >i%e )hairman of Perse4s ((P (2001-2resent) 3ranklin D. 6aines )hairman and )7C of 3annie 5ae (1999-200=) rminio 3ra"a -eto +o<ernor of the )entral Bank of Bra@il (1999-200') dam $. Posen 5em*er8 5onetary Poli%y )ommittee of the Bank of 7n"land (2009-2012) 6al2h ). Bryant Dire%tor of Di<ision of ?nternational 3inan%e at the 3ederal 6eser<e (19&2-19&5) 5. ;r4man ssistant $e%retary of the ;reas4ry for ?nternational ffairs (199A-2001): Dire%tor of the Di<ision of ?nternational 3inan%e of the Board of +o<ernors of the 3ederal 6eser<e (19&&-199A) -athan $heets Dire%tor of the Di<ision of ?nternational 3inan%e at the 3ederal 6eser<e (200&-2011) Pa4la $tern )hairman8 #nited $tates ?nternational ;rade )ommission (19A=-19A1) ?r<in" . Williamson )hairman8 #nited $tates ?nternational ;rade )ommission (2012-2res.) Jill 5. )onsidine $42erintendent of Banks of the $tate of -e. /ork (19A5-1991) Diana (. ;aylor $42erintendent of Banks of the $tate of -e. /ork (200'-200&) Do4"las . 6ediker 5em*er of the 7Be%4ti<e Board of the ?nternational 5onetary 34nd (2010-2012) William H. Dra2er ??? )hairman and President of 7B2ort-?m2ort Bank of the #nited $tates (19A1-19A1) !enneth D. Brody )hairman and President of 7B2ort-?m2ort Bank of the #nited $tates (199'-1991): Partner of +oldman $a%hs 9 )o. (19&A-1991) James . Harmon )hairman and President of 7B2ort-?m2ort Bank of the #nited $tates (199&-2001) 3red P. Ho%h*er" )hairman and President of the 7B2ort-?m2ort Bank of the #nited $tates (2009-2resent) 6i%ki ;i"ert Helfer )hairman and )7C8 3ederal De2osit ?ns4ran%e )or2oration (199=-199&) Cor&orate $'e!uti#es: 6andall (. $te2henson )hairman8 )7C8 and President of ;9; (200&-2resent) 54htar !ent )hairman of the *oard and )7C of ;he )o%a- )ola )om2any (2009-2resent) >ir"inia 5. 6ometty )hairman8 President8 and )7C of ?B5 (2012-2resent) !enneth ). 3ra@ier )hairman and )7C of 5er%k 9 )o.8 ?n%. (2011- 2resent): +eneral )o4nsel of 5er%k 9 )o.8 ?n%. (1999-2001) William P. (a4der )hairman of the *oard (2009-2resent) and )7C (200=-2009) of 7stee (a4der )om2anies (ee 6. 6aymond )hairman and )7C of 7BBon5o*il (1999-2001) Da<id J. CD6eilly )hairman and )7C of )he<ron (2000-2009) 6o*ert J. $te<ens )hairman and )7C of (o%kheed 5artin (2005-201') -orman 6. 4"4stine )hairman and )7C of (o%kheed-5artin (1995-199&) Phili2 5. )ondit )hairman and )7C of Boein" )o. (1991-200') nne 54l%ahy )hairman and )7C of HeroB )or2. (2002-2010) Pa4l . llaire )hairman and )7C of HeroB )or2. (1991-2001) 3rederi%k W. $mith )hairman and )7C of 3ed7B )or2. (19&5-2resent) James $. ;is%h President and )7C of (oe.s )or2. ,-e.2ort %i"arettes0 (1999-2resent) (eonard . (a4der )hairman of the *oard (1995-2009) and )7C (19A2-1999) of 7stee (a4der )om2anies ). 5i%hael rmstron" )hairman and )7C of ;9; (199A-2002) Henry B. $%ha%ht )hairman and )7C of (4%ent ;e%hnolo"ies (1995-199&8 2000-2002) Donald 5. !endall )hairman and )7C of Pe2si)o8 ?n%. (19&1- 19A1) 5. Do4"las ?<ester )hairman and )7C of ;he )o%a-)ola )om2any (199&-2000) Crit +adiesh )hairman of the *oard8 Bain 9 )om2any Cor&orate $'e!uti#es: ).J. $ilas )hairman and )7C of Philli2s Petrole4m )o. (19A5-199=) (4%io . -oto )hairman and )7C of 5o*il Cil )or2. (199=-1999) (o4is >. +erstner Jr. )hairman of the )arlyle +ro42 (200'-200A): )hairman and )7C of ?nternational B4siness 5a%hines )or2. (?B5) (199'-2002) James 6. Ho4"hton )hairman of the *oard and )7C of )ornin"8 ?n%. (19A9-19918 2002-2005) lfred ). De)rane Jr. )hairman of the *oard of ;eBa%o (19A&-1991) ;imothy ). )ollins $enior 5ana"in" Dire%tor and )7C of 6i22le.ood Holdin"s8 (() Br4%e !o<ner )hairman of )aBton sso%iates (() $te<en 6attner 5ana"in" Prin%i2al of I4adran"le +ro42 (() Da<id 5. 64*enstein 3o4nder of the )arlyle +ro42 Bernard (. $ )hairman and )7C of (oral $2a%e 9 )omm4ni%ations (1991-2001) John 7. Bryson )hairman and )7C of 7dison ?nternational (1990-200A): #.$. $e%retary of )ommer%e (2011-2012) William H. Donaldson )hairman of -e. /ork $to%k 7B%han"e (1991-1995) 5arshall -. )arter )hairman8 -e. /ork $to%k 7B%han"e (2005- 200&): De24ty )hairman of -/$7 74roneBt (200&- 2resent) William J. Brodsky )hairman and )7C of )hi%a"o Board C2tions 7B%han"e ()BC7) (199&-2resent) )harles . Heim*old Jr. )hairman and )7C of Bristol-5yers $J4i** )o. (1995-2001) 6o*ert W. (ane )hairman and )7C of Deere 9 )o. (2000-2010) James W. C.ens )hairman and )7C of )ater2illar8 ?n%. (200=-2resent) ?n"e ;h4lin )hairman8 President8 and )7C of '5 (2012-2resent) $am4el J. Palmisano )hairman8 President8 and )7C of ?B5 (200'-2012) 6o*ert D. Haas )hairman of (e<i $tra4ss 9 )o. (19A9-200A) Wall Street (awyers: John 7. 5ero. Partner of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell (1915-1991): $enior )o4nsel of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell (199&-2resent) 5. Bernard idinoff Partner of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell (191'-1991) $enior )o4nsel of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell (199&-2resent) 6i%ardo . 5estres Jr. Partner of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell (191A-2000): $enior )o4nsel of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell (2001-2resent) William J. Williams Jr. Partner of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell (1919-200=): Cf )o4nsel of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell (2005-2resent) D. Williamson Partner of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell (19&1-19908 199'-%.2011): Cf )o4nsel of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell (%.2011-2resent) $er"io J. +al<is Partner of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell: $e%retary of the )o4n%il of the meri%as 3ran%is J. J4ila Partner of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell ,la. firm in -e. /ork )ity0 James H. )arter Partner of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell ,la. firm in -e. /ork )ity0 (19&&-2resent) 6o*ert +. De(a5ater Partner of $4lli<an 9 )rom.ell ,la. firm in -e. /ork )ity0 6i%hard . Dr4%ker Partner of Da<is8 Polk 9 Ward.ell ,-e. /ork )ity0 (19AA-2resent) Be<is (on"streth Partner of De*e<oise 9 Plim2ton (19&0-19A18 19A=-199&) Bar*ara Pa4l 6o*inson Partner of De*e<oise 9 Plim2ton (19&1-2001) Da<id W. 6i<kin Partner of De*e<oise 9 Plim2ton (19AA-2resent) )hristo2her $meall Partner of De*e<oise 9 Plim2ton (19AA-2resent) $arah .W. 3itts Partner of De*e<oise 9 Plim2ton ,la. firm in -e. /ork )ity0 6i%hard ?. Beattie Partner of $im2son8 ;ha%her 9 Bartlett ,la. firm in -e. /ork )ity0 (19&5-19&&8 19A0-2res.) )onrad !. Har2er Partner of $im2son8 ;ha%her 9 Bartlett (19&=-199'8 1991-2002) 5el 5. ?mmer"4t Partner of 5il*ank8 ;.eed8 Hadley 9 5%)loy ,-e. /ork )ity0 (19A0-2resent) 5atthe. -imet@ Partner of Pa4l8 Weiss8 6ifkind8 Wharton 9 +arrison (19&=-19&&8 19A1-2000) ;o*y $. 5yerson Partner of Pa4l8 Weiss8 6ifkind8 Wharton 9 +arrison (19A'-19A98 1990-2resent) Cor&orate (awyers: Daniel (. $2ie"el Partner of kin8 +4m28 $tra4ss8 Ha4er 9 3eld ,la. firm0 (19A'-199'8 1991-2res.) John W. )arr Partner of $im2son8 ;ha%her 9 Bartlett (1990-2010) $te<en B. Pfeiffer Partner of 34l*ri"ht 9 Ja.orski ,la. firm in Washin"ton8 D.).0 (19A'-2resent) 5ark ). 5edish Partner of kin +4m2 $tra4ss Ha4er 9 3eld ,la. firm0 6onald (. Clson Partner of 54n"er8 ;olles 9 Clson ,la. firm in (os n"eles0 Pa4l W. B4tler Partner of kin8 +4m28 $tra4ss8 Ha4er 9 3eld ,la. firm0 John . B4r"ess Partner of Wilmer8 )4tler8 Pi%kerin"8 Hale 9 Dorr ,la. firm0 !enneth J. Bialkin8 Partner of $kadden8 r2s8 $late8 5ea"her8 9 3lom ,la. firm0 (19AA-%.2009) Dana H. 3reyer Partner of $kadden8 r2s8 $late8 5ea"her8 9 3lom ,la. firm0 (199=-2009) -an%y . (ie*erman Partner of $kadden8 r2s8 $late8 5ea"her8 9 3lom ,la. firm0 (19A&-2resent) 7rnest ;. Patrikis +eneral )o4nsel of meri%an ?nternational +ro42 (?+) (1999-2001) $heila ). )heston +eneral )o4nsel of -orthro2 +r4mman )or2oration (2010-2resent) 5i%hael $te<ens Helfer >i%e )hairman of )iti"ro42 (2012-2resent): +eneral )o4nsel of )iti"ro42 (200'-2012) (o4ise 5. Parent +eneral )o4nsel of meri%an 7B2ress )o. (199'-2resent) -oah Hanft +eneral )o4nsel of 5aster)ard (2001-201=) Deirdre $tanley +eneral )o4nsel of ;homson 6e4ters (2002-2resent) Wendell (. Willkie ?? +eneral )o4nsel of 5eadWest<a%o (2002-2resent) BenKamin Heineman Jr. +eneral )o4nsel of +eneral 7le%tri% )o. (19A&-200=) +eor"e >raden*4r" ??? +eneral )o4nsel of )ol4m*ia Broad%astin" $ystem (19A0-1991) 6. He.itt Pate >i%e President and +eneral )o4nsel of )he<ron )or2oration (2009-2resent) Business%en: Barry Diller )hairman of Paramo4nt Pi%t4res (19&=-19A=): )hairman and )7C of 20th )ent4ry 3oB (19A=-1992) nn 5. 34d"e President of 5aB.ell Ho4se )offee and Post )ereal (199&-2001) 64th Porat 7Be%4ti<e >i%e President and )hief 3inan%ial Cffi%er of 5or"an $tanley (2010-2resent) De<en $harma President of $tandard 9 PoorDs ,finan%ial information %om2any0 (200&-2011) J. ;omilson Hill >i%e )hairman of ;he Bla%kstone +ro42: former Partner of (ehman Brothers ndre. H. ;is%h )o-)hairman of the *oard of (oe.s )or2. (2001- 2resent): President of B4lo<a )or2. (19&9-1990) James 7. 6o"ers )hairman8 President8 and )7C of D4ke 7ner"y (200&-2resent): )hairman and )7C of )iner"y (199=-2001) John B. Hess )hairman and )7C of merada-Hess )or2. (1995-2resent) 3arooJ !ath.ari )hairman8 President8 and )7C of 7than llen ?nteriors ?n%. (19AA-2res.) John . (4ke Jr. )hairman and )7C of 5eadWest<a%o )or2. (2002-2resent) 5aria 7lena (a"omasino Dire%tor of ;he )o%a-)ola )om2any (200A-2res.): )hief 7Be%4ti<e Cffi%er of +en$2rin" 3amily Cffi%es 6o%helle B. (a@ar4s Dire%tor of +eneral 7le%tri% )o. (2000-2res.): )hairman of the Board and former )7C of C"il<y 9 5ather World.ide8 "lo*al marketin" %omm4ni%ations %om2any +ay J. H4ey 7<ans Dire%tor of )ono%oPhilli2s (201'-2resent): 3ormer >i%e )hairman of Bar%lays )a2ital (200A-2010) 5oni%a ). (o@ano Dire%tor of Walt Disney )om2any (2000-2resent): P4*lisher of La Opinin ,$2anish-lan"4a"e ne.s2a2er0 John $. )hen Dire%tor of Walt Disney )om2any (200=-2resent): )hairman and )7C of $y*ase ?n%. (a4rette ;. !oellner Dire%tor of $ara (ee )or2oration (200'- 2resent): former President of Boein" ?nternational (eslie . Br4n Dire%tor of 5er%k 9 )o. (200A-2resent) J. 5i%hael $he2herd )hairman and )7C of Bank of the West 7sther Dyson )hairman8 7D<ent4re Holdin"s ?n%. Jerry /an" )o-fo4nder and former )7C of /ahoo Business%en: $te2hen $tamas >i%e President of P4*li% ffairs at 7BBon (19&'-19A1) 6o**in $t. )lair Johnson $enior >i%e President for )or2orate ffairs at )ar"ill8 ?n%. (2000-200&) Pa4l J. 3ri*o4r" )hairman and )7C of )ontinental +rain )om2any (199&-2resent): Dire%tor of 7stee (a4der )o. (2001-2resent) leBander B. )4mmin"s Jr. 7Be%4ti<e >i%e President and )hief dministrati<e Cffi%er of ;he )o%a-)ola )om2any )lyde ). ;4""le $enior >i%e President8 )hief P4*li% ffairs and )omm4ni%ations Cffi%er of ;he )o%a-)ola )om2any >i%tor !. 34n" )hairman of the ir2ort 4thority Hon" !on" (1999-200A): )hairman of the Hon" !on" ;rade De<elo2ment )o4n%il (1991-2000) Da<id W. Heleniak >i%e )hairman of 5or"an $tanley 9 )o. (2005- 2009): $enior Partner of $hearman 9 $terlin" (2001-2005) +erald 6osenfeld d<isor to the )7C and >i%e )hairman ?n<estment Bankin" at (a@ard (2011-2resent): De24ty )hairman (200&- 2011) and )7C (1999- 200&) of 6oths%hild -orth meri%a ;homas (. !alaris )hief 7Be%4ti<e of the Wealth and ?n<estment 5ana"ement di<ision of Bar%lays: 7Be%4ti<e )hairman of Bar%lays in the meri%as )arl $2iel<o"el )hairman and )7C of #nited 4to +ro428 ?n%. (199=-199&) #.$. m*assador to $lo<akia (2000-2001) Jose2h 5. $i"elman )hairman of the tlanti%8 +4lf 9 Pa%ifi% )om2any $ean 5. Healey )hairman and )7C of ffiliated 5ana"ers +ro428 ?n%. (2011-2res.) ;homas J. Prit@ker )hairman of +lo*al Hyatt )or2. (2005-2resent) 6onald $. ;em2le 5ana"in" Dire%tor8 Portfolio 5ana"er8 (a@ard sset 5ana"ement William J. ;o22eta President of ?nternational ,di<ision0 of 5et(ife8 ?n%. (2001-2011) Jose2h ;. +orman )hairman and )7C of ;6W8 ?n%. (19AA-2001) Phili2 . Cdeen )hairman of ;6W8 ?n%. (2001-2002) 6i%hard 3. $%h4*ert President and >i%e )hairman of Bethlehem $teel )om2any (19&9-19A2) 5ar<in 7. Cd4m ??? President of $hell Cil )om2any J. Dennis Bonney >i%e )hairman of the Board of )he<ron )or2oration (19A&-1995) ederal )o#ern%ent *ffi!ials Career +oliti!ians and Jud,es: Jay 6o%kefeller #.$. $enator (D-West >ir"inia8 19A5-2resent) John 5%)ain #.$. $enator (6-ri@ona8 19A&-2resent) Dianne 3einstein #.$. $enator (D-)alifornia8 1992-2resent) Ja%k 6eed #.$. $enator (D-6hode ?sland8 199&-2resent) 5ark 6. Warner #.$. $enator (D->ir"inia8 2009-2resent) ;homas 7. Petri #.$. )on"ressman (6-Wis%onsin8 19&9-2resent) Jim 5%Dermott #.$. )on"ressman (D-Washin"ton8 19A9-2resent) James H. $. )oo2er #.$. )on"ressman (D-;ennessee8 19A'- 19958 200'-2resent) William 5. ;horn*erry #.$. )on"ressman (6-;eBas8 1995-2resent) !ay +ran"er #.$. )on"ressman (6-;eBas8 199&-2resent) )harles W. Bo4stany Jr. #.$. )on"ressman (6-(o4isiana8 2005-2resent) -ita 5. (o.ey #.$. )on"ress.oman (D--e. /ork8 19A9-2resent) 7leanor Holmes -orton Dele"ate to the #.$. Ho4se of 6e2resentati<es (D-Distri%t of )ol4m*ia8 1991-2resent) !eith 7llison #.$. )on"ressman (D-5innesota8 200&-2resent) $4san 5. )ollins #.$. $enator (6-5aine8 199&-2resent) 64th Bader +ins*4r" J4sti%e of the #.$. $42reme )o4rt (199'-2resent) $te2hen +. Breyer J4sti%e of the #.$. $42reme )o4rt (199=-2resent) Pa4line J4d"e of the #.$. )o4rt of 22eals for the 3ederal )ir%4it (19A=-2resent) John 5. 6o"ers J4d"e of the #.$. )o4rt of 22eals for the $iBth )ir%4it (2002-2resent) !eith P. 7llison J4d"e of the #.$. Distri%t )o4rt for the $o4thern Distri%t of ;eBas ,Ho4ston0 (1999-2resent) *-a%a .d%inistration Bureau!rats: 5ary Jo White )hairman of #.$. $e%4rities and 7B%han"e )ommission (201'-2res.): #.$. ttorney for the $o4thern Distri%t of -e. /ork (199'-2002) 5ar"aret nn Ham*4r" )ommissioner of 3ood and Dr4" dministration (2009-2resent) ntony John Blinken De24ty -ational $e%4rity d<isor (201'-2resent) (isa C. 5ona%o #nited $tates Homeland $e%4rity d<isor (201'-2resent): ssistant #.$. ttorney +eneral for -ational $e%4rity (2011-201') 7li@a*eth D. $her.ood- 6andall $2e%. ssistant to the President and -ational $e%4rity )o4n%il $enior Dire%tor for 74ro2ean ffairs (2009-2resent) -an%y Jo Po.ell #.$. m*assador to ?ndia (2012-2resent) )aroline !ennedy #.$. m*assador to Ja2an (201'-2resent) James B. )4nnin"ham #.$. m*assador to f"hanistan (2012-2res.): #.$. m*assador to ?srael (200A-2011) 6i%hard (. 5ornin"star #.$. m*assador to @er*aiKan (2012-2resent) 5ark 3. Br@e@inski #.$. m*assador to $.eden (2011-2resent) 5ari )armen 2onte #.$. m*assador to 7l $al<ador (2010-2resent) +ina !. *er%rom*ie- Winstanley #.$. m*assador to 5alta (2012-2resent) ((t. +en.) Do4"las 7. (4te #.$. 6e2resentati<e to -;C (201'-2resent) 6e4*en 7. Bri"ety ?? #.$. 6e2resentati<e to the fri%an #nion (201'-2resent) William J. B4rns De24ty #.$. $e%retary of $tate (2011-2resent) )ameron 3. !erry +eneral )o4nsel of the #.$. De2artment of )ommer%e (2009-2resent) 3ran%is%o J. $an%he@ #nder $e%retary of )ommer%e for ?nternational ;rade (2009-2resent) )yr4s mir-5okri ssistant $e%retary of the ;reas4ry for 3inan%ial ?nstit4tions (2011-2resent) )laire 6eade ssistant #.$. ;rade 6e2resentati<e for )hina ffairs (2009-2resent) 5iriam $a2iro De24ty #.$. ;rade 6e2resentati<e (2009-2resent) 6aymond 7. 5a*4s $e%retary of the -a<y (2009-2resent) $arah $e.all #nder $e%retary of $tate for )i<ilian $e%4rity8 Demo%ra%y8 and H4man 6i"hts (201=-2resent) Wendy 6. $herman #nder $e%retary of $tate for Politi%al ffairs (2011-2resent) 6o*erta $. Ja%o*son ssistant $e%retary of $tate for Western Hemis2here ffairs (2012-2resent) Da<id 5%!ean Dire%tor of $tate De2artment Poli%y Plannin" $taff (201'-2resent) 6i%hard $ten"el #nder $e%retary of $tate for P4*li% Di2loma%y and P4*li% ffairs (201=-2r.): 5ana"in" 7ditor of Time ma"a@ine (2001-201') 6ose 7. +ottemoeller ssistant $e%retary of $tate for >erifi%ation8 )om2lian%e8 and ?m2lementation (2009-2resent) !erri-nn Jones sst. $e%retary of $tate for C%eans 9 ?nternational 7n<ironmental and $%ientifi% ffairs (2009-2resent) nne ). 6i%hard ssistant $e%retary of $tate for Po24lation8 6ef4"ees8 and 5i"ration (2012-2resent) ;om ssistant $e%retary of $tate for Demo%ra%y8 H4man 6i"hts and (a*or (201=-2resent) Da<id (. +old.yn $tate De2artment )oordinator for ?nternational 7ner"y ffairs (2009-2resent) Bonnie D. Jenkins $tate De2artment )oordinator for ;hreat 6ed4%tion Pro"rams (2009-2resent) (4is )deBa%a #nited $tates m*assador-at-(ar"e to 5onitor and )om*at ;raffi%kin" in Persons (2009-2resent) Heidi 7. )re*o-6ediker )hief 7%onomist of the $tate De2artment (2012-2resent) Bathshe*a -. )ro%ker Prin%i2al De24ty Dire%tor of Poli%y Plannin" $taff (2011-2resent) Daniel B. Poneman De24ty $e%retary of 7ner"y (2009-2resent) ;odd D. $tern $2e%ial 7n<oy for )limate )han"e (2009-2resent) 7li@a*eth 5. )o4sens #.$. 6e2resentati<e on the #- 7%onomi% and $o%ial )o4n%il (2012-2resent) lan D. Bersin )ommissioner of #.$. )4stoms and Border Prote%tion (2010-2011): ssistant $e%retary of Homeland $e%4rity for ?nternational ffairs (2009-20118 2012-2res.) Derek )hollet ssistant $e%retary of Defense for ?nternational $e%4rity ffairs (2012-2resent) J4an 5. +ar%ia ??? ssistant $e%retary of the -a<y for and 6eser<e ffairs (2009-2resent) Janine . Da<idson De24ty ssistant $e%retary of Defense for Plans (2009-2resent) !athleen Hi%ks De24ty #nder $e%retary of Defense for $trate"y8 Plans8 and 3or%es (2009-2resent) (t. +en. 5i%helle D. Johnson $42erintendent of #.$. ir 3or%e %ademy (201'-2resent) Bradley H. 6o*erts De24ty ssistant $e%retary of Defense for -4%lear and 5issile Defense Poli%y (2009-2resent) manda J. Dory De24ty ssistant $e%retary of Defense for fri%an ffairs (2011-2resent) 6e*e%%a !.). Hersman De24ty ssistant $e%retary of Defense for )o4nterin" Wea2ons of 5ass Destr4%tion (2009-2resent) )eleste nn Wallander De24ty ssistant $e%retary of Defense for 64ssiaL#kraineL74rasia (2009-2resent) William 3. We%hsler De24ty ssistant $e%retary of Defense for )o4nternar%oti%s and +lo*al ;hreats (2009-2resent) +en. )harles Ja%o*y Jr. )ommander8 -orth meri%an eros2a%e Defense )ommand (-C6D) (2011-2resent) +en. (loyd J. 4stin ??? )ommander of #.$. )entral )ommand (5ar%h 228 201'-2resent) 5aK. +en. John 3. -e.ell ???8 #$3 Dire%tor of $trate"y8 Poli%y 9 Plans (J5)8 -orth meri%an eros2a%e Defense )ommand (201'-2resent) 5aK. +en. Walter +i<han )ommander8 )4rtis 7. (e5ay )enter for Do%trine De<elo2ment and 7d4%ation8 and >i%e )ommander8 ir #ni<ersity (201'-2resent) Bri". +en. Blaine D. Holt8 #$3 Dire%tor of (o"isti%s8 HeadJ4arters #.$. 74ro2ean )ommand (2012-2resent) (t. +en. +eor"e J. 3lynn Dire%tor for Joint 3or%e De<elo2ment8 ;he Joint $taff J-& (2011-2resent) 5aK. +en. 6onald Bailey )ommandin" +eneral8 3irst 5arine Di<ision (2011-2resent) 5aK. +en. Her*ert 6. 5%5aster )ommander of the 5ane4<er )enter of 7B%ellen%e at 3t. Bennin"8 +eor"ia (2012-2resent) 6ear dm. James +. 3o""o ??? ssistant De24ty )hief of -a<al C2erations for C2erations8 Plans8 and $trate"y (201'-2resent) 6ear dm. Jeffrey . Harley President of the Board of ?ns2e%tion and $4r<ey (C%to*er 1A8 201'- 2resent) "etired /0S0 Senators: Ho.ard H. Baker Jr. #.$. $enate 5aKority (eader (19A1-19A5) +eor"e J. 5it%hell #.$. $enate 5aKority (eader (19A9-1995) John W. Warner #.$. $enator (6->ir"inia8 19&9-2009) ;homas . Das%hle #.$. $enate 5aKority (eader (2001-200') William H. EBillF 3rist #.$. $enate 5aKority (eader (200'-200&) Bill Bradley #.$. $enator (D--e. Jersey8 19&9-199&) (arry Pressler #.$. $enator (6-$o4th Dakota8 19&9-199&) $am -4nn #.$. $enator (D-+eor"ia8 19&2-199&) )hristo2her J. Dodd #.$. $enator (D-)onne%ti%4t8 19A1-2011) Joe (ie*erman #.$. $enator (D-)onne%ti%4t8 19A9-201') +ary Hart #.$. $enator (D-)olorado8 19&5-19A&) Bo* +raham #.$. $enator (D-3lorida8 19A&-2005) J. 6o*ert EBo*F !errey #.$. $enator (D--e*raska8 19A9-2001) 64dy #.$. $enator (6-5innesota8 19&A-1991) lfonse MlM DDmato #.$. $enator (D--e. /ork8 19A1-1999) 6o*ert +. ;orri%elli #.$. $enator (D--e. Jersey8 199&-200') 3red D. ;hom2son #.$. $enator (6- ;ennessee8 199=-200') )harles $. 6o** #.$. $enator (D->ir"inia8 19A9-2001) 7<an Bayh #.$. $enator (D-?ndiana8 1999-2011) Clym2ia J. $no.e #.$. $enator (6-5aine8 1995-201') or%er +oliti!ians: ;imothy 7. Wirth #.$. $enator (D- )olorado8 19A&-199'): #nder $e%retary of $tate for +lo*al ffairs (199=-199&) Di%k )lark #.$. $enator (D-?o.a8 19&'-19&9) ($en.) James 6. $asser #.$. $enator (D-;ennessee8 19&&-1995): #.$. m*assador to )omm4nist )hina (1995-1999) Harris (. Wofford #.$. $enator (D-Pennsyl<ania8 1991-1995) John 7. $4n4n4 #.$. $enator (6--e. Ham2shire8 200'-2009): #.$. )on"ressman (6--H8199&-200') John 7d.ard Porter #.$. )on"ressman (6-?llinois8 19A0-2001) Da<e !. 5%)4rdy #.$. )on"ressman (D-Cklahoma8 19A1-1995) C"den 6. 6eid #.$. )on"ressman (D--e. /ork8 191'-19&5): #.$. m*assador to ?srael (1959-1911) (ee Hamilton #.$. )on"ressman (D-?ndiana8 1915-1999) Di%k +e2hardt #.$. )on"ressman (D-5isso4ri8 19&&-2005) James ;. EJimF !ol*e #.$. )on"ressman (6-ri@ona8 19A5-200&) Jim (ea%h #.$. )on"ressman (6-?o.a8 19&&-200&) Ho.ard Wol2e #.$. )on"ressman (D-5i%hi"an8 19&9-199') >in We*er #.$. )on"ressman (6-5innesota8 19A1-199') Do4"las !. Bere4ter #.$. )on"ressman (6--e*raska8 19&9-200=) Harold 7. 3ord Jr. #.$. )on"ressman (D-;ennessee8 199&-200&) Jim ). $lattery #.$. )on"ressman (D-!ansas8 19A'-1995) -e.t +in"ri%h $2eaker of the Ho4se (1995-1999) John Brademas President of -e. /ork #ni<ersity (19A1-1991): #.$. )on"ressman (D- ?ndiana8 1959-19A1) $te2hen J. $olar@ #.$. )on"ressman (D--e. /ork8 19&5-199') or%er +oliti!ians, Jud,es, and Ca-inet 1e%-ers: Jane Harman #.$. )on"ress.oman (D-)alifornia8 199'-19998 2001-2011) John 5. $2ratt Jr. #.$. )on"ressman (D-$o4th )arolina8 19A'-2011) -orman D. Di%ks #.$. )on"ressman (D-Washin"ton8 19&&-201') Da<id Dreier #.$. )on"ressman (6-)alifornia8 19A1-201') Ho.ard (. Berman #.$. )on"ressman (D-)alifornia8 19A'-201') Da<id 6. C*ey #.$. )on"ressman (D-Wis%onsin8 1919-2011) John B. nderson #.$. )on"ressman (6-?llinois8 1911-19A1) ;homas J. )am2*ell #.$. )on"ressman (6-)alifornia: 19A9-199'8 1995-2001) James (. Ba%%h4s #.$. )on"ressman (D-3lorida8 1991-1995) mory Ho4"hton Jr. #.$. )on"ressman (6--e. /ork8 19A&-2005) )harles B. 6enfre. J4d"e8 #.$. Distri%t )o4rt for the -orthern Distri%t of )alifornia (19&1-19A0) William W. $ J4d"e8 #.$. Distri%t )o4rt for the -orthern Distri%t of )alifornia (19&1-1991) 3ern 5. $mith J4d"e8 #.$. Distri%t )o4rt for the Northern District of California (1988-2005) *raham D. $ofaer J4d"e8 #.$. Distri%t )o4rt for the $o4thern Distri%t of -e. /ork (19&9-19A5) (a4ren%e H. $il*erman J4d"e8 #.$. )o4rt of 22eals for the D.). )ir%4it (19A5-2000) 6i%hard >. llen -ational $e%4rity d<isor (19A1-19A2) ;homas 7. Donilon -ational $e%4rity d<isor (2010-201'): +eneral )o4nsel of 3annie 5ae (1999-2005) )arla . Hills #.$. ;rade 6e2resentati<es (19A9-199'): #.$. $e%retary of Ho4sin" and #r*an De<elo2ment (19&5-19&&) Pa4l D. President of ;he World Bank (2005-200&): De24ty $e%retary of Defense (2001-2005) John 3. (ehman Jr. $e%retary of the -a<y (19A1-19A&) Central 2ntelli,en!e .,en!y: James 6. $%hlesin"er $e%retary of Defense (19&'-19&5): $e%retary of 7ner"y (19&&-19&9): )? Dire%tor (19&') dm. $tansfield ;4rner Dire%tor of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (19&&-19A1) 3rank ). )arl4%%i De24ty Dire%tor of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (19&A-19A1): #.$. $e%retary of Defense (19A&-19A9) 6o*ert 5. +ates Dire%tor of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (1991-199'): #.$. $e%retary of Defense (2001-2011) William H. We*ster Dire%tor of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (19A&-1991) 6. James Woolsey Dire%tor of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (199'-1995) John 5. De4t%h Dire%tor of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (1995-1991) +eor"e J. ;enet Dire%tor of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (199&-200=) +en. 5i%hael Hayden Dire%tor of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (2001-2009) (+en.) Da<id H. Petrae4s Dire%tor of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (2011-2012) (dm.) Bo**y 6ay ?nman De24ty Dire%tor of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (19A1-19A2) +en. John . +ordon De24ty Dire%tor of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (199&-2000) John 7. 5%(a4"hlin De24ty Dire%tor of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (2000-200=) J4dith . EJamiF 5is%ik President and >i%e )hairman of !issin"er sso%iates (2009-2res.): De24ty )? Dire%tor for ?ntelli"en%e (2002-2005) 7li@a*eth 6indsko2f Parker +eneral )o4nsel of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (1990-1995) Jeffrey H. $mith +eneral )o4nsel of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (1995-1991) $te2hen W. Preston +eneral )o4nsel of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (2009-2resent) 3rederi%k P. Hit@ ?ns2e%tor +eneral of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (1990-199A) John (. Hel"erson ?ns2e%tor +eneral of )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (2002-2009) !enneth 5. Polla%k ?ran-?raJ 5ilitary nalyst at the )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y (19AA-1995) or%er +residents, Ca-inet 1e%-ers, and National Se!urity *ffi!ials: Walter 3. 5ondale >i%e President of the #.$. (19&&-19A1): #.$. m*assador to Ja2an (199'-1991) Jimmy )arter President of the #nited $tates (19&&-19A1) William J. EBillF )linton President of the #nited $tates (199'-2001) Di%k )heney >i%e President of the #.$. (2001-2009): #.$. $e%retary of Defense (19A9-199') William $. )ohen #.$. $e%retary of Defense (199&-2001): #.$. $enator (6-5aine8 19&9-199&) +eor"e P. $h4lt@ #.$. $e%retary of $tate (19A2-19A9) James . Baker ??? #.$. $e%retary of $tate (19A9-1992): $e%retary of the ;reas4ry (19A5-19AA) 5adeleine !. l*ri"ht #.$. $e%retary of $tate (199&-2001) +en. )olin (. Po.ell #.$. $e%retary of $tate (2001-2005) )ondolee@@a 6i%e #.$. $e%retary of $tate (2005-2009): -ational $e%4rity d<isor (2001-2005) W. 5i%hael Bl4menthal $e%retary of the ;reas4ry (19&&-19&9) -i%holas 3. Brady )hairman and )7C of Dillon8 6ead 9 )o. (19A2-19AA): $e%retary of the ;reas4ry (19AA-199') ( H. $4mmers $e%retary of the ;reas4ry (1999-2001): President of Har<ard #ni<ersity (2001-2001) Harold Bro.n #.$. $e%retary of Defense (19&&-19A1): $e%retary of the ir 3or%e (1915-1919) William J. Perry #.$. $e%retary of Defense (199=-199&) G*i"nie. Br@e@inski -ational $e%4rity d<isor (19&&-19A1) Brent $%o.%roft -ational $e%4rity d<isor (19&5-19&&8 19A9-199') 6o*ert ). 5%3arlane -ational $e%4rity d<isor (19A'-19A5) $andy Ber"er -ational $e%4rity d<isor (199&-2001) $te2hen J. Hadley -ational $e%4rity d<isor (2005-2009) *t3er or%er Ca-inet *ffi!ials: 6o*ert . 5os*a%her #.$. $e%retary of )ommer%e (19A9-1992) Bar*ara H. 3ranklin #.$. $e%retary of )ommer%e (1992-199') 5i%key !antor #.$. $e%retary of )ommer%e (1991-199&) William 5. Daley $e%retary of )ommer%e (199&-2000): White Ho4se )hief of $taff (2011-2012) )harles W. D4n%an Jr. #.$. $e%retary of 7ner"y (19&9-19A1) 3. 6ay 5arshall #.$. $e%retary of (a*or (19&&-19A1) (ynn 5. 5artin #.$. $e%retary of (a*or (1991-199') 7laine (. )hao #.$. $e%retary of (a*or (2001-2009) (o4is W. $4lli<an $e%retary of Health and H4man $er<i%es (19A9-199') ;ommy +. ;hom2son $e%retary of Health and H4man $er<i%es (2001-2005) Daniel 6. +li%kman #.$. $e%retary of "ri%4lt4re (1995-2001) nn 5. >eneman #.$. $e%retary of "ri%4lt4re (2001-2005) James H. B4rnley ?> #.$. $e%retary of ;rans2ortation (19A&-19A9) William ;. )oleman Jr. #.$. $e%retary of ;rans2ortation (19&5-19&&) 3ederi%o 3. Pena #.$. $e%retary of ;rans2ortation (199'-199&) Jose2h . )alifano Jr. #.$. $e%retary of Health8 7d4%ation8 and Welfare (19&&-19&9) Di%k ;horn*4r"h #.$. ttorney +eneral (19AA-1991) ;o"o D. West Jr. #.$. $e%retary of >eterans ffairs (199A-2000) (+en.) 7ri% !. $hinseki #.$. $e%retary of >eterans ffairs (2009-201=) Janet -a2olitano #.$. $e%retary of Homeland $e%4rity (2009-201') or%er Bureau!rats (*-a%a .d%inistration): -eal $. Wolin De24ty $e%retary of the ;reas4ry (2009-201') shton B. )arter De24ty #.$. $e%retary of Defense (2011-201') 5i%hael 5%3a4l #.$. m*assador to 64ssia (2012-201=) Jane Holl (4te De24ty $e%retary of Homeland $e%4rity (2009-201') 5i%hele 3lo4rnoy #nder $e%retary of Defense for Poli%y (2009-2012) +ene $2erlin" Dire%tor of the -ational 7%onomi% )o4n%il (2011-201=) Diana 3arrell De24ty Dire%tor of -ational 7%onomi% )o4n%il (2009-2011) !aren +ordon 5ills dministrator8 #.$. $mall B4siness dministration (2009-201') 5ona $4t2hen White Ho4se De24ty )hief of $taff for Poli%y (2009-2011) Peter 6. Crs@a" Dire%tor of the Cffi%e of 5ana"ement and B4d"et (2009-2010) Da<id ). +om2ert Prin%i2al De24ty Dire%tor of -ational ?ntelli"en%e (2009-2011) aron $. Williams Dire%tor of Pea%e )or2s (2009-2012) )hristine . >arney ssistant #.$. ttorney +eneral for ntitr4st (2009-2011) 5elanne >er<eer m*assador-at-(ar"e for WomenNs +lo*al ?ss4es (2009-201') 5aria Ctero #nder $e%retary of $tate for +lo*al ffairs (2009-201') $te<en 7. !oonin #nder #.$. $e%retary of 7ner"y for $%ien%e (2009-2011) Da<id B. $andalo. ssistant $e%retary of 7ner"y for Poli%y and ?nternational ffairs (2009-201') 5i%hael -a%ht ssistant $e%retary of Defense for +lo*al $trate"i% ffairs (2009-2011) J4liette -. !ayyem ssistant $e%retary of Homeland $e%4rity for ?nter"o<ernmental Pro"rams (2009-2011) 7llen C. ;a4s%her #.$. )on"ressman (D-)alifornia8 199&-2009): #nder $e%retary of $tate for rms )ontrol and ?nternational $e%4rity ffairs (2009-2012) or%er Bureau!rats (*-a%a .d%inistration and )eor,e W0 Bus3 .d%inistration): ;homas 6. -ides De24ty $e%retary of $tate for 5ana"ement and 6eso4r%es (2011-201') Jose W. 3ernande@ ssistant $e%retary of $tate for 7%onomi%8 7ner"y and B4siness ffairs (2009-201') 6o*ert D. Hormats #nder $e%retary of $tate for 7%onomi% +ro.th8 7ner"y and the 7n<ironment (2009-201') !4rt )am2*ell ssistant $e%retary of $tate for 7ast sian and Pa%ifi% ffairs (2009-201') Phili2 H. +ordon ssistant $e%retary of $tate for 74ro2ean and 74rasian ffairs (2009-201') ;ara D. $onenshine #nder $e%retary of $tate for P4*li% Di2loma%y and P4*li% ffairs (2012-201') 5i%hael H. Posner ssistant $e%retary of $tate for Demo%ra%y8 H4man 6i"hts8 and (a*or (2009-201') ndre. J. $ha2iro ssistant $e%retary of $tate for Politi%al-5ilitary ffairs (2009-201') 7sther Brimmer ssistant $e%retary of $tate for ?nternational Cr"ani@ation ffairs (2009-201') rt4ro >alen@4ela ssistant $e%retary of $tate for Western Hemis2here ffairs (2009-2011) ;amara )ofman Wittes De24ty ssistant #.$. $e%retary of $tate for -ear 7astern ffairs (2009-2012) ;ara Jeanne CD;oole #nder $e%retary of Homeland $e%4rity for $%ien%e and ;e%hnolo"y (2009-201') D. )ameron 3indlay De24ty $e%retary of (a*or (2001-200'): +eneral )o4nsel of 5edtroni%8 ?n%. 5i%hael 5ontelon"o ssistant $e%retary of the ir 3or%e for 3inan%ial 5ana"ement and )om2troller (2001-2005) !athleen B. )oo2er #nder $e%retary of )ommer%e for 7%onomi% ffairs (2001-2005) James 3. Do**ins #.$. 6e2resentati<e to the 74ro2ean )omm4nities (1991-199') 6o%k.ell . $%hna*el #.$. 6e2resentati<e to the 74ro2ean #nion (2001-2005): #.$. m*assador to 3inland (19A1-19A9) ). Boyden +ray #.$. 6e2resentati<e to the 74ro2ean #nion (2001-200&) 6i%hard ;homas 3oB 5%)orma%k #.$. 6e2resentati<e to the Cr"ani@ation of meri%an $tates (19A5-19A9) (4i"i 6. 7ina4di #.$. 6e2resentati<e to the Cr"ani@ation of meri%an $tates (19A9-199') or%er Bureau!rats ()eor,e W0 Bus3 .d%inistration): Phili2 D. Geliko. )o4nselor of the $tate De2artment (2005-2001) Do4"las J. 3eith #nder #.$. $e%retary of Defense for Poli%y (2001-2005): $enior 3ello. of H4dson ?nstit4te Pa4la J. Do*riansky #nder $e%retary of $tate for Demo%ra%y and +lo*al ffairs (2001-2009) Do< $. Gakheim )om2troller of the De2artment of Defense (2001-2005) ( E$%ooterF (i**y )hief of $taff to the >i%e President of the #.$. (2001-2005): $enior >i%e President of H4dson ?nstit4te 6e4*en Jeffery ??? )hairman of the )ommodity 34t4res ;radin" )ommission (2005-200&) !ristin J. 3or*es 5em*er8 )o4n%il of 7%onomi% d<isers (200'-2005) 7liot . )ohen )o4nselor of the #.$. $tate De2artment (200&-2009) Henrietta H. 3ore Dire%tor of the #.$. 5int (2001-2005) $4san ). $%h.a* #.$. ;rade 6e2resentati<e (2001-2009) !enneth W. Dam De24ty $e%retary of the ;reas4ry (2001-200'): De24ty $e%retary of $tate (19A2-19A5) 6o*ert 5. !immitt De24ty $e%retary of the ;reas4ry (2005-2009) ;imothy Dees dams #nder $e%retary of the ;reas4ry for ?nternational ffairs (2005-200&) Da<id D. 4fha4ser +eneral )o4nsel of the ;reas4ry De2artment (2001-200') John B. ;aylor #nder $e%retary of the ;reas4ry for ?nternational ffairs (2001-2005) )lark !ent 7r<in ?ns2e%tor +eneral of the De2artment of Homeland $e%4rity (200'-200=) ;heodore W. !assin"er +eneral )o4nsel of the De2artment of )ommer%e (2001-200=) 6o*ert ). Bonner )ommissioner8 #.$. )4stoms and Border Prote%tion (2001-2005): dministrator of Dr4" 7nfor%ement dm. (1990-199') James +. 6o%he $e%retary of the ir 3or%e (2001-2005) (eo $idney 5a%kay Jr. De24ty $e%retary of >eterans ffairs (2001-200') or%er Bureau!rats ()eor,e W0 Bus3 .d%inistration): Peter 6. 3isher #nder $e%retary of the ;reas4ry for Domesti% 3inan%e (2001-200') Brian ). 6ose*oro #nder $e%retary of the ;reas4ry for Domesti% 3inan%e (200=-2005) 7mil W. Henry Jr. ssistant $e%retary of the ;reas4ry for 3inan%ial ?nstit4tions (2005-2009) J4an ). Garate ssistant $e%retary of the ;reas4ry for ;errorist 3inan%in" and 3inan%ial )rimes (2001-2005) Da<id H. 5%)ormi%k #nder $e%retary of the ;reas4ry for ?nternational ffairs (200&-2009) !enneth ?. J4ster #nder $e%retary of )ommer%e for ?nd4stry and $e%4rity (2001-2005) l*erto J. 5ora +eneral )o4nsel of the De2artment of the -a<y (2001-2001) $ . Baker ssistant $e%retary of Homeland $e%4rity for Poli%y (2005-2009): +eneral )o4nsel of -ational $e%4rity "en%y (1992-199=) 6i%hard +re%o Jr. ssistant $e%retary of the -a<y for 3inan%ial 5ana"ement and )om2troller (200=-2009) 5e"han (. CN$4lli<an De24ty -ational $e%4rity d<isor for ?raJ and f"hanistan (2005-200&) John B. Bellin"er ??? (e"al d<iser8 #.$. $tate De2artment (2005-2009) John Hillen ssistant $e%retary of $tate for Politi%al-5ilitary ffairs (2005-200&) 5it%hell B. 6eiss Dire%tor of $tate De2t. Poli%y Plannin" $taff (200'-2005) $te2hen !rasner Dire%tor of $tate De2t. Poli%y Plannin" $taff (2005-200&) Dina Ha*i* Po.ell ssistant $e%retary of $tate for 7d4%ational and )4lt4ral ffairs (2005-200&) )hristina B. 6o%%a ssistant $e%retary of $tate for $o4th sian ffairs (2001-2001) Walter H. !ansteiner ??? ssistant $e%retary of $tate for fri%an ffairs (2001-200') !im 6. Holmes ssistant $e%retary of $tate for ?nternational Cr"ani@ation ffairs (2002-2005) !risten $il<er*er" ssistant $e%retary of $tate for ?nternational Cr"ani@ation ffairs (2005-200A) Barry 3. (o.enkron ssistant $e%retary of $tate for Demo%ra%y8 H4man 6i"hts8 and (a*or (2005-2009) or%er Bureau!rats (Clinton .d%inistration): 6o"er ). ltman De24ty $e%retary of the ;reas4ry (199'-199=) John P. White De24ty $e%retary of Defense (1995-199&) Jamie $. +oreli%k De24ty #.$. ttorney +eneral (199=-199&) 6o*ert (. 5allett De24ty $e%retary of )ommer%e (199&-2001) )harles B. )4rtis De24ty $e%retary of 7ner"y (199=-199&) Jose2h 7. $ti"lit@ )hairman of the )o4n%il of 7%onomi% d<isors (1995-199&) Doris 5. 5eissner )ommissioner of ?mmi"ration and -at4rali@ation $er<i%e (199'-2000) ;homas 3. 5%(arty ??? )o4nselor to the President (199=-19958 1991-199&) )harlene Barshefsky #.$. ;rade 6e2resentati<e (199&-2000) Dre. $. Days ??? $oli%itor +eneral of the #.$. (199'-1991) Walter B. $lo%om*e #nder $e%retary of Defense for Poli%y (199=-2001) (o4is 7. )aldera $e%retary of the rmy (199A-2001) $4san +. 7sserman ssistant $e%retary of )ommer%e for ?m2ort dministration (199=-199&)
(inda J. Bilmes ssistant $e%retary of )ommer%e for dministration (1999-2001) Jeffrey 6. $hafer #nder $e%retary of the ;reas4ry for ?nternational ffairs (1995-199&): >i%e )hairman of +lo*al Bankin" at )iti"ro42 ;o*y ;rister +ati ssistant $e%retary of $tate for ?ntelli"en%e and 6esear%h (199'-199&) !arl 3. ?nderf4rth ssistant $e%retary of $tate for $o4th sian ffairs (199&-2001) Peter ;arnoff #nder $e%retary of $tate for Politi%al ffairs (199'-199&): President of )o4n%il on 3orei"n 6elations (19A1-199') (ynn 7. Da<is #nder $e%retary of $tate for rms )ontrol and ?nternational $e%4rity ffairs (199'-199&) $tanley C.en 6oth sst. $e%retary of $tate for 7ast sian and Pa%ifi% ffairs (199&-2001) or%er Bureau!rats (Clinton .d%inistration): John D. Hol4m Dire%tor of the #.$. rms )ontrol and Disarmament "en%y (199'-199A) rth4r (e<itt Jr. )hairman of #.$. $e%4rities and 7B%han"e )ommission (199'-2001) )harles C. 6ossotti )ommissioner of ?nternal 6e<en4e $er<i%e (199&-2002) Dan (. )ri22en Dire%tor of )on"ressional B4d"et Cffi%e (1999-200') !enneth Pre.itt Dire%tor of the )ens4s B4rea4 (199A-2001) 7d.ard $. !ni"ht +eneral )o4nsel of the ;reas4ry De2artment (199=-1999): 7Be%4ti<e >i%e Pres. and +eneral )o4nsel of -$DI C5H +ro428 ?n%. 5orton H. Hal2erin Dire%tor of $tate De2t. Poli%y Plannin" $taff (199A-2001) Da<id +er"en )o4nselor to the President of the #.$. (199'-199=) Da<id $at%her $4r"eon +eneral of the #nited $tates (199A-2002) James P. EJamieF 64*in ssistant $e%retary of $tate for P4*li% ffairs (199&-2000) +il*ert 3. )asellas )hairman of the 7J4al 7m2loyment C22ort4nity )ommission (199=-199&) +eneral )o4nsel of the ir 3or%e (199'-199=) -an%y 7. $oder*er" De24ty ssistant to the President for -ational $e%4rity ffairs (199'-199&) 3. manda DeB4sk ssistant $e%retary of )ommer%e for 7B2ort 7nfor%ement (199A- 2001): Partner of H4"hes H4**ard 9 6eed ,la. firm0 $4san $hirk De24ty ssistant $e%retary of $tate for 7ast sia and Pa%ifi% ffairs (199&-2000) 7d.ard (. Warner ??? ssistant #.$. $e%retary of Defense for $trate"y and ;hreat 6ed4%tion (199&-2000) $t4art 7. 7i@enstat #.$. 6e2resentati<e to the 74ro2ean #nion (199'-1991): De24ty $e%retary of the ;reas4ry (1999-2001) Da<id (. aron #.$. 6e2resentati<e to C7)D (199'-199&): #nder $e%. of )ommer%e for ?nternational ;rade (199&-2000) Harriet ). Ba**itt #.$. 6e2resentati<e to the Cr"ani@ation of meri%an $tates (199'-199&) $idney $. Bl4menthal ssistant to the President of the #nited $tates (199&-2001) and a4thor Donald !. Bandler #.$. m*assador to )y2r4s (1999-2001): $enior Dire%tor for 74ro2e at !issin"er 5%(arty sso%iates (200=-200&) or%er Bureau!rats: ). 3red Ber"sten ssistant $e%retary of ;reas4ry for ?nternational ffairs (19&&-19A1) 6i%hard -. )oo2er #nder $e%retary of $tate for 7%onomi% ffairs (19&&-19A1) John +. Heimann )om2troller of the )4rren%y (19&&-19A1) Peter J. Wallison +eneral )o4nsel of the ;reas4ry De2artment (19A1-19A5) Bar*ara ;homas J4d"e )ommissioner of #.$. $e%4rities and 7B%han"e )ommission (19A0-19A') 7lliott *rams ssistant $e%retary of $tate for ?nternational Cr"ani@ation ffairs (19A1-19A5) )hester . )ro%ker ssistant $e%retary of $tate for fri%an ffairs (19A1-19A9) 6i%hard H. $olomon ssistant $e%retary of $tate for 7ast sian and Pa%ifi% ffairs (19A9-1992) 6i%hard $%hifter ssistant #.$. $e%retary of $tate for H4man 6i"hts and H4manitarian ffairs (19A5-1992) 5aB 5. !am2elman )o4nselor of the $tate De2artment (19A&-19A9) !enneth 5. D4*erstein White Ho4se )hief of $taff (19AA-19A9) Dennis B. 6oss Dire%tor of $tate De2t. Poli%y Plannin" $taff (19A9-1992) ( J. !or* ssistant $e%retary of Defense for 5an2o.er8 6eser<e ffairs and (o"isti%s (19A1-19A5) 3red ). ?kle #nder $e%retary of Defense for Poli%y (19A1-19A&) 6onald 3. (ehman ?? Dire%tor of rms )ontrol and Disarmament "en%y (19A9-199') ?<an $elin #nder $e%retary of $tate for 5ana"ement (19A9-1991) )harles H. Dallara ssistant $e%retary of the ;reas4ry for ?nternational ffairs (19A9-1991) 6o*ert 6. +la4*er #nder $e%retary of the ;reas4ry for 3inan%e (19A9-199') lan )harles 6a4l +eneral )o4nsel8 #.$. De2artment of "ri%4lt4re (19A9-199') +eor"e 6. $alem $oli%itor of #.$. De2artment of (a*or (19A5-19A9) or%er .%-assadors: Donald 3. 5%Henry #.$. 6e2resentati<e to the #nited -ations (19&9-19A1) 7d.ard J. Perkins #.$. m*assador to $o4th fri%a (19A1-19A9): #.$. 6e2. to the #nited -ations (1992-199') ;homas 6. Pi%kerin" #.$. 6e2. to the #nited -ations (19A9-1992): #.$. m*assador to 64ssia (199'-1991) John D. -e"ro2onte #.$. 6e2. to the #nited -ations (2001-200=): #.$. m*assador to 5eBi%o (19A9-199') John 6. Bolton #.$. 6e2resentati<e to the #nited -ations (2005-2001) Phili2 J. (ader #.$. m*assador to +reat Britain (199&-2001) rth4r . Hartman #.$. m*assador to the $o<iet #nion (19A1-19A&) Ja%k 3. 5atlo%k Jr. #.$. m*assador to the $o<iet #nion (19A&-1991) Da<id 5. *shire #.$. 6e2resentati<e to -;C (19A'-19A&) ?<o H. Daalder #.$. 6e2resentati<e to -;C (2009-201') 6i%hard 6. B4rt #.$. m*assador to West +ermany (19A5-19A9) ;eren%e . ;odman #.$. m*assador to Denmark (19A'-19A9) 6i%hard -. +ardner #.$. m*assador to $2ain (199'-199&) $hirley ;em2le Bla%k #.$. m*assador to )@e%hoslo<akia (19A9-1992) Jenonne Walker #.$. m*assador to the )@e%h 6e24*li% (1995-199A) Daniel >. $2e%khard #.$. m*assador to +ree%e (200&-2010) 5ark Palmer #.$. m*assador to H4n"ary (19A1-1990) 6o@anne (. 6id".ay #.$. m*assador to 7ast +ermany (19A'-19A5) 7li@a*eth 3ra.ley Ba"ley #.$. m*assador to Port4"al (199=-199&) James +. (o.enstein #.$. m*assador to (4Bem*o4r" (19&&-19A1) or%er .%-assadors: $.anee H4nt #.$. m*assador to 4stria (199'-199&) !athryn Walt Hall #.$. m*assador to 4stria (199&-2001) 6o*in )handler D4ke #.$. m*assador to -or.ay (2000-2001) Jean !ennedy $mith #.$. m*assador to ?reland (199'-199A) nne )oB )ham*ers #.$. m*assador to Bel"i4m (19&&-19A1) Br4%e $. +el* #.$. m*assador to Bel"i4m (1991-199') lan John Blinken #.$. m*assador to Bel"i4m (199'-199A) Walter J.P. )4rley Jr. #.$. m*assador to 3ran%e (19A9-199') 7d.ard 7. 7lson #.$. m*assador to Denmark (199=-199A) (yndon (. Clson8 Jr. #.$. m*assador to $.eden (199A-2001) lfred H. 5oses #.$. m*assador to 6omania (199=-199&): President of meri%an Je.ish )ommittee (1991-199=) Donald 5. Blinken #.$. m*assador to H4n"ary (199=-199&) drian . Basora #.$. m*assador to )@e%h 6e24*li% (1992-1995) John H.3. $hatt4%k #.$. m*assador to )@e%h 6e24*li% (199A-2000) )harles 7. )o** Jr. #.$. m*assador to ?%eland (19A9-1992) John ). !orn*l4m #.$. m*assador to +ermany (199&-2001) ;homas ). 3oley #.$. m*assador to ?reland (2001-2009) ;homas J. 5iller #.$. m*assador to +ree%e (2001-200=): #.$. m*assador to Bosnia and Her@e"o<ina (1999- 2001) $te<en !. Pifer #.$. m*assador to #kraine (199A-2000) William +reen 5iller #.$. m*assador to #kraine (199'-199A) or%er .%-assadors: -i%holas . >eliotes #.$. m*assador to 7"y2t (19A'-19A1) 3rank +. Wisner ?? #.$. m*assador to 7"y2t (19A1-1991) 6o*ert H. Pelletrea4 Jr. #.$. m*assador to 7"y2t (1991-199') Daniel ). !4rt@er #.$. m*assador to 7"y2t (199A-2001) #.$. m*assador to ?srael (2001-2005) ). Da<id Wel%h #.$. m*assador to 7"y2t (2001-2005) 6i%hard W. 54r2hy #.$. m*assador to $a4di ra*ia (19A1- 19A'): #.$. m*assador to $yria (19&=-19&A) Walter (. )4tler #.$. m*assador to $a4di ra*ia (19A=-19A&8 19AA-19A9) Wy%he 3o.ler Jr. #.$. m*assador to $a4di ra*ia (1991-2001) 6o*ert W. Jordan #.$. m*assador to $a4di ra*ia (2002-200') 7d.ard P. DKereKian #.$. m*assador to ?srael (199'-199=): #.$. m*assador to $yria (19AA-1991) 3ran%es D. )ook #.$. m*assador to Cman (1991-1999) 7dm4nd J. H4ll #.$. m*assador to /emen (2001-200=) 5artin $. ?ndyk #.$. m*assador to ?srael (1995-199&8 2000-2001) 5ar% +rossman #.$. m*assador to ;4rkey (1995-199&) James 3ranklin Jeffrey #.$. m*assador to ?raJ (2010-2012): #.$. m*assador to ;4rkey (200A-2010) )harles 3. D4n*ar #.$. m*assador to Iatar (19A'-19A5) Patri%k -. ;heros #.$. m*assador to Iatar (1995-199A) )harles +. #ntermeyer #.$. m*assador to Iatar (200=-200&) William . 64"h #.$. m*assador to the #nited ra* 7mirates (1992-199=) 5ar%elle 5. Wah*a #.$. m*assador to #nited ra* 7mirates (2001-200=) or%er .%-assadors: Winston (ord #.$. m*assador to )omm4nist )hina (19A5-19A9) J. $ta2leton 6oy #.$. m*assador to )omm4nist )hina (1991-1995): #.$. m*assador to ?ndonesia (1991-1999) )lark ;. 6andt Jr. #.$. m*assador to )omm4nist )hina (2001-2009) 6o*ert D. Bla%k.ill #.$. m*assador to ?ndia (2001-200') Da<id ). 54lford #.$. m*assador to ?ndia (200=-2009) 5i%hael H. rma%ost #.$. m*assador to Ja2an (19A9-199'): President of ;he Brookin"s ?nstit4tion (1995-2002) $te2hen W. Bos.orth #.$. m*assador to $o4th !orea (199&-2001) Donald P. +re"" #.$. m*assador to $o4th !orea (19A9-199') William H. ?toh #.$. m*assador to ;hailand (1995-1999) 7ri% +. John #.$. m*assador to ;hailand (200A-2010) -i%holas Platt #.$. m*assador to the Phili22ines (19A&-1991) Harry +. Barnes Jr. #.$. m*assador to ?ndia (19A1-19A5): #.$. m*assador to 6omania (19&'-19&1) ;eresita ). $%haffer #.$. m*assador to $ri (anka (1992-1995) 5ary nn Peters #.$. m*assador to Ban"ladesh (2000-200') J4lia )han" Blo%h #.$. m*assador to -e2al (19A9-199') <is ;. Bohlen #.$. m*assador to B4l"aria (1991-1999) James W. Parde. #.$. m*assador to B4l"aria (2002-2005) Peter W. +al*raith #.$. m*assador to )roatia (199'-199A) 7. llan Wendt #.$. m*assador to $lo<enia (199'-1995) -an%y Halliday 7ly- 6a2hel #.$. m*assador to $lo<enia (199A-2001) or%er .%-assadors: James 6. Jones #.$. m*assador to 5eBi%o (199'-199&) ntonio Cs%ar +ar@a Jr. #.$. m*assador to 5eBi%o (2002-2009) )arlos 7. Pas%4al #.$. m*assador to 5eBi%o (2009-2011) Donna J. Hrinak #.$. m*assador to >ene@4ela (2000-2002) >. 5an4el 6o%ha #.$. m*assador to Boli<ia (2000-2002) m*ler H. 5oss Jr. #.$. m*assador to Panama (19&A-19A2) Deane 6. Hinton #.$. m*assador to Panama (1990-199=) (inda 7. Watt #.$. m*assador to Panama (2002-2005) >iron P. >aky #.$. m*assador to )olom*ia (19&=-19&1) Dennis ). Jett #.$. m*assador to Per4 (1991-1999) William H. (4ers #.$. m*assador to >ene@4ela (19&A-19A2) l*erto 5. Piedra Jr. #.$. m*assador to +4atemala (19A=-19A&) )harles ;. 5anatt #.$. m*assador to the Domini%an 6e24*li% (1999-2001) )resen%io $. r%os Jr. #.$. m*assador to Hond4ras (1990-199') John J. Danilo<i%h #.$. m*assador to Bra@il (200=-2005) +eor"e W. (anda4 #.$. m*assador to )hile (19&&-19A2): #.$. m*assador to >ene@4ela (19A2-19A5) +ordon D. +iffin #.$. m*assador to )anada (199&-2001) $4e 5%)o4rt )o** #.$. m*assador to Jamai%a (2001-2005) $ally +. ) #.$. m*assador to ;rinidad and ;o*a"o (1991-199=) nthony ).7. I4ainton #.$. m*assador to Per4 (19A9-1992): #.$. m*assador to !4.ait (19A=-19A&) or%er .%-assadors: Prin%eton -. (yman #.$. m*assador to $o4th fri%a (1992-1995) James . Jose2h #.$. m*assador to $o4th fri%a (1991-1999) )ameron 6. H4me #.$. m*assador to $o4th fri%a (2001-200=): #.$. m*assador to ?ndonesia (200&-2010) Jendayi 7. 3ra@er #.$. m*assador to $o4th fri%a (200=-2005) ;om 5%Donald #.$. m*assador to Gim*a*.e (199&-2000) Hora%e +. Da.son Jr. #.$. m*assador to Bots.ana (19&9-19A2) Jeffrey . Bader #.$. m*assador to -ami*ia (1999-2001) $haron P. Wilkinson #.$. m*assador to 5o@am*iJ4e (2000-200') +ordon (. $tree* #.$. m*assador to Gam*ia (1990-199') Johnnie )arson #.$. m*assador to !enya (1999-200') +eor"e 7. 5oose #.$. m*assador to $ene"al (19AA-1991) Dane 3. $mith8 Jr. #.$. m*assador to $ene"al (1991-1999) Dennis !4B #.$. m*assador to )ote dD?<oire (?<ory )oast) (19A1-19A9) Walter ). )arrin"ton #.$. m*assador to -i"eria (199'-199&) Ho.ard 3. Jeter #.$. m*assador to -i"eria (2001-200') Jose2h >erner 6eed Jr. #.$. m*assador to 5oro%%o (19A1-19A5) 5ar% )harles +ins*er" #.$. m*assador to 5oro%%o (199'-199&) #lri% Haynes Jr. #.$. m*assador to l"eria (19&&-19A1) )harles 6. $tith #.$. m*assador to ;an@ania (199A-2001) 4relia 7. Bra@eal #.$. m*assador to 7thio2ia (2002-2005) or%er .%-assadors and $n#oys: ;atiana ). +foeller #.$. m*assador to !yr"y@stan (200A-2011): #.$. )ons4l +eneral in Jeddah8 $a4di ra*ia (200=-200A) John 5. Crd.ay #.$. m*assador to rmenia (2001-200=): #.$. m*assador to !a@akhstan (200=-200A) 6yan ). )ro%ker #.$. m*assador to f"hanistan (2011-2012): #.$. m*assador to ?raJ (200&-2009) Galmay !halil@ad #.$. m*assador to ?raJ (2005-200&): #.$. m*assador to f"hanistan (200'-2005) James 6. !eith #.$. m*assador to 5alaysia (200&-2010): #.$. )ons4l +eneral in Hon" !on" (2002-2005) (. Pa4l Bremer ??? #.$. Pro-)ons4l8 ?raJ (200'-200=): #.$. m*assador to the -etherlands (19A'-19A1) 6o*in (ynn 6a2hel #.$. m*assador to ;4nisia (199&-2000) !enneth $. / #.$. m*assador to +eor"ia (199A-2001) )lifford 5. $o*el #.$. m*assador to the -etherlands (2001-2005): #.$. m*assador to Bra@il (2001-2009) 5arion >. )reekmore Jr. #.$. m*assador to $ri (anka (19A9-1992) B. (ynn Pas%oe #nder-$e%retary-+eneral of the #nited -ations (200&-2012): #.$. m*assador to ?ndonesia (200=-200&): #.$. m*assador to 5alaysia (1999-2001) J4ne )arter Perry #.$. m*assador to $ierra (eone (200&- 2009): #.$. m*assador to (esotho (200=-200&) William H. ;aft ?> #.$. 6e2resentati<e to -;C (19A9-1992): De24ty $e%retary of Defense (19A=-19A9) 6o*ert 7. H4nter #.$. 6e2resentati<e to -;C (199'-199&) 6. -i%holas B4rns #.$. m*assador to +ree%e (199&-2001): #.$. 6e2resentati<e to -;C (2001-2005) John (. Hirs%h #.$. m*assador to $ierra (eone (1995-199A) Jeffrey (. Blei%h #.$. m*assador to 4stralia (2009-201') (a4rie $. 34lton #.$. m*assador to Denmark (2009-201') (ee . 3einstein #.$. m*assador to Poland (2009-2012) "etired 1ilitary *ffi!ers (.r%y): +en. John W. >essey Jr. )hairman8 Joint )hiefs of $taff (19A2-19A5) +en. John P. *i@aid )ommander8 #.$. )entral )ommand (200'-200&) +en. +eor"e . $42reme llied )ommander of 74ro2e ,-;C0 (199'-199&) +en. Wesley !. )lark $42reme llied )ommander of 74ro2e ,-;C0 (199&-2000) +en. Bant@ J. )raddo%k $42reme llied )ommander of 74ro2e ,-;C0 (2001-2009) +en. 7d.ard ). 5eyer rmy )hief of $taff (19&9-19A') +en. )arl 7. >4ono rmy )hief of $taff (19A&-1991) +en. +ordon 6. $4lli<an rmy )hief of $taff (1991-1995) +en. Dennis J. 6eimer rmy )hief of $taff (1995-1999) +en. John 5. !eane rmy >i%e )hief of $taff (1999-200') +en. 5ont"omery ). 5ei"s )ommander8 #.$. rmy 74ro2e (199A-2002) +en. B4r.ell B. Bell )ommander8 #.$. rmy 74ro2e (2002-2005) +en. William 7. Ward )ommander8 #.$. fri%a )ommand (200&-2011) +en. Barry 6. 5%)affrey )ommander8 #.$. $o4thern )ommand (199=-1991) +en. James ;. Hill )ommander8 #.$. $o4thern )ommand (2002-200=) +en. $tanley 5%)hrystal )ommander8 #.$. 3or%es f"hanistan (2009-2010) (t. +en. Da<id W. Barno )ommander of )om*ined 3or%es )ommand- f"hanistan (200'-2005) (t. +en. Daniel W. )hristman $42erintendent8 #.$. 5ilitary %ademy (1991-2001) (t. +en. William J. (ennoB Jr. $42erintendent of #.$. 5ilitary %ademy (2001-2001) +en. Pa4l J. !ern )ommander8 #.$. rmy 5ateriel )ommand (2001-200=) "etired 1ilitary *ffi!ers (Na#y and Coast )uard): dm. ;homas B. Hay.ard )hief of -a<al C2erations (19&A-19A2) dm. Jay (. Johnson )hief of -a<al C2erations (1991-2000) dmiral +ary 6o4"head )hief of -a<al C2erations (200&-2011) dm. 7dm4nd P. +iam*astiani Jr. >i%e )hairman of the Joint )hiefs of $taff (2005-200&) dm. James +. $ta<ridis $42reme llied )ommander of 74ro2e (2009-201') dm. Harry D. ;rain ?? )ommander-in-)hief8 #.$. tlanti% 3leet (19&A-19A2) dm. ;imothy J. !eatin" )ommander8 -orth meri%an eros2a%e Defense )ommand (200=-200&) dm. Patri%k 5. Walsh )ommander of #.$. Pa%ifi% 3leet (2009-2012) dm. William . C.ens >i%e )hairman of the Joint )hiefs of $taff (199=-1991): )ommander8 #.$. $iBth 3leet (1990-1992) >i%e dm. Jeffrey (. 3o.ler $42erintendent of #.$. -a<al %ademy (200&-2010) >i%e dm. James Ho4%k J4d"e d<o%ate +eneral (J+) of the -a<y (2009-2012) dm. )harles 6. (arson )ommander8 #.$. Pa%ifi% )ommand (1991-199=) >i%e dm. 6onald 6o4te ?ns2e%tor +eneral of the -a<y (200=-2010) >i%e dm. nn 6ondea4 President of -ational Defense #ni<ersity (2009-2012) dm. Jose2h W. Pr4eher #.$. m*. to )omm4nist )hina (1999-2001): )ommander8 #.$. $iBth 3leet (199'-1995) dm. 6o*ert 7. !ramek )ommandant of the )oast +4ard (199=-199A) dm. ;had W. llen )ommandant of the #.$. )oast +4ard (2001-2010) dm. )harles E$te<eF **ot )ommander of #.$. $iBth 3leet (1991-199A) "etired 1ilitary *ffi!ers (.ir or!e): +en. ;homas $. 5oorman Jr. ir 3or%e >i%e )hief of $taff (199=-199&) +en. (arry D. Wel%h ir 3or%e )hief of $taff (19A1-1990) +en. 6i%hard B. 5yers )hairman of the Joint )hiefs of $taff (2001-2005) +en. 6al2h 7. 7*erhart )ommander8 -orth meri%an eros2a%e Defense )ommand ,-C6D0 (2000-200=) +en. >i%tor 6en4art Jr. )ommander8 -orth meri%an eros2a%e Defense )ommand (200&-2010) +en. 5errill . 5%Peak ir 3or%e )hief of $taff (1990-199=) +en. 6onald 6. 3o"leman ir 3or%e )hief of $taff (199=-199&) +en. John P. J4m2er ir 3or%e )hief of $taff (2001-2005) +en. ;. 5i%hael 5oseley ir 3or%e )hief of $taff (2005-200A) +en. -orton . $ ir 3or%e )hief of $taff (200A-2012) +en. 6aymond Johns Jr. )ommander8 ir 5o*ility )ommand (2009-201') +en. James P. 5%)arthy De24ty )ommander8 #.$. 74ro2ean )ommand (19A9-1992) +en. )harles +. Boyd8 #$3 De24ty )ommander8 #.$. 74ro2ean )ommand (1992-1995) (t. +en. Bradley ). Hosmer $42erintendent of #.$. ir 3or%e %ademy (1991-199=) 5aK. +en. Perry 5. $mith8 #$3 )ommandant of -ational War )olle"e (19A'-19A1) 5aK. +en. $te2hen ;. $ar"eant De24ty )hief of $taff8 #nited -ations )ommand and #.$. 3or%es !orea (2005-200&) +en. James 7. Dalton )hief of $taff of $42reme HeadJ4arters8 llied Po.ers8 74ro2e ,$HP70 (19A'-19A5) (t. +en. 5i%hael . Hamel )ommander8 ir 3or%e $2a%e )ommand (2002-2005) (t. +en. 3rank +. !lot@ )ommander of ir 3or%e +lo*al $trike )ommand (2009-2011) (t. +en. John 6. Baker >i%e )ommander8 ir 5o*ility )ommand (2002-2005)
1ilitary *ffi!ers: 5aK. +en. Donald 7. (oran"er Jr.8 #$3 >i%e )ommander8 Ath ir 3or%e (199=-1991) (t. +en. 6o*ert 7. P4rsley )ommander8 #.$. 3or%es Ja2an and )ommander8 3ifth ir 3or%e (19&2-19&=) 5aK. +en. 3rederi%k 3. 6o""ero ir 3or%e )hief of $afety8 HeadJ4arters #.$. ir 3or%e (200A-2010) 5aK. +en. John (. Barry8 #$3 Dire%tor of Plans and Pro"rams8 ir 3or%e 5ateriel )ommand (2002-200=) +en. 6o*ert 3o"leson" )ommander of #.$. ir 3or%es in 74ro2e (200'-2001) (t. +en. John $. P4stay8 #$3 President8 -ational Defense #ni<ersity (19A1-19A') (t. +en. 7r<in J. 6okke President8 -ational Defense #ni<ersity (199=-199&) (t. +en. 5i%hael 5. D4nn President8 -ational Defense #ni<ersity (200'-2001) (t. +en. )hristo2her D. 5iller ir 3or%e De24ty )hief of $taff for $trate"i% Plans and Pro"rams (2009-201') (t. +en. )harles W. )arson Jr. )ommander8 ;.elfth ir 3or%e and ;a%ti%al ir )ommand (19&=-19&5) 5aK. +en. William 6. #sher8 #$3 5aK. +en. W. 5onta"4e Winfield )ommander8 #.$. rmy )adet )ommand (200=-200A) ((t. +en.) !arl 7iken*erry #.$. m*assador to f"hanistan (2009-2011) 5aK. +en. William (. -ash )ommandin" +eneral8 #.$. rmy 1st rmored Di<ision (1995-199&) (t. +en. +4y ). $.an ??? )ommandin" +eneral8 #.$. $tates rmy -orth (3ifth rmy) (2009-2011) (t. +en. 6o*ert +. +ard8 Jr. (rmy)8 Ph.D. President of -ational Defense #ni<ersity (19&&-19A1): )hairman of the )enter for rms )ontrol and -on- Proliferation (t. +en. 3rederi% J. Bro.n )ommandin" +eneral of the 3o4rth #.$. rmy (19A1-19A9): )ommandant8 #.$. rmy rmor $%hool8 3ort !noB8 !ent4%ky (19A'-19A1) 5aK. +en. $al<atore 3. )am*ria (retired) Dire%tor of C2erations at #.$. fri%a )ommand (%.2011-2012) (t. +en. 7d.ard +. nderson ???8 rmy De24ty )ommander8 #.$. -orthern )ommand (200=) Bri". +en. James 6. +olden (rmy8 retired) >i%e President for $trate"i% ?nitiati<es at the )olle"e of William and 5ary "etired 1ilitary *ffi!ers (1arines and .r%y): (t. +en. Walla%e ). +re"son Jr.8 #$5) )ommander8 #.$. 5arine 3or%es Pa%ifi% (200'-2005) +en. Jose2h P. Hoar8 #$5) )ommander8 #.$. )entral )ommand (1991-199=) +en. James (. Jones Jr. $42reme llied )ommander of 74ro2e (200'-2001): -ational $e%4rity d<isor (2009- 2010) +en. )harles ). !r4lak )ommandant of the #.$. 5arine )or2s (1995-1999) (t. +en. 7arl B. Hailston )ommander8 #.$. 5arine )or2s 3or%es )entral )ommand (2001-200') Bri". +en. $te2hen . )heney )ommandin" +eneral8 5arine )or2s 6e%r4it De2ot8 Parris ?sland (1999-2001) 5aK. +en. )hristo2her )orte@ )ommandin" +eneral8 5arine )or2s 6e%r4itin" )ommand (2002-200=) 5aK. +en. Da<id 5. 5i@e )ommandin" +eneral8 5arine )or2s Base )am2 (eKe4ne (2001-200') (t. +en. Ja%k W. !lim2 )ommander8 ;ask 3or%e 5o"adish4 ,$omalia0 (199') +en. Pa4l H. !elley )ommandant of the #.$. 5arine )or2s (19A'-19A&) (t. +en. Bernard ;rainor 5arine )or2s De24ty )hief of $taff for Plans8 Poli%ies8 and C2erations (19A'-19A5) 5aK. +en. ;homas (. Wilkerson )ommander of 5arine 3or%es 6eser<e (1995-199A) (t. +en. William B. )ald.ell ?> )ommandin" +eneral of #nited $tates rmy -orth (3ifth rmy) (2011-201') (t. +en. James 5. D4*ik (#.$. rmy8 6etired) 3ormer )ommandin" +eneral of ? )or2s at 3t. ( ,near $eattle0 +en. Ja%k -eil 5erritt #nited $tates 5ilitary 6e2resentati<e to the -;C 5ilitary )ommittee (19A5-19A&) (t. +en. 7d.ard (. 6o.ny (#.$. rmy8 6etired) Bri". +en. 5ark !immitt8 (#.$. rmy8 6etired) )o#ernors, 1ayors, and State )o#ern%ent *ffi!ials: Bill 6i%hardson +o<ernor of -e. 5eBi%o (200'-2011): #.$. 6e2. to the #nited -ations (199&-1999) )hristine ;odd Whitman +o<ernor of -e. Jersey (199=-2001): 7P dministrator (2001-200') ;homas !ean )hairman of 9L11 )ommission: +o<ernor of -e. Jersey (19A2-1990) Br4%e Ba**itt $e%retary of the ?nterior (199'-2001): +o<ernor of ri@ona (19&A-19A&) 6i%hard 3. )eleste +o<ernor of Chio (19A'-1991): #.$. m*assador to ?ndia (199&-2001) !4rt (. $%hmoke 5ayor of Baltimore (19A&-1999) Da<id -. Dinkins 5ayor of -e. /ork )ity (1990-199') William H. White 5ayor of Ho4ston (200=-2010) ndre. /o4n" 5ayor of tlanta (19A2-1990) 5a4ri%e . 3erre 5ayor of 5iami (19&'-19A5) +erald (. Baliles +o<ernor of >ir"inia (19A1-1990) James $. +ilmore ??? +o<ernor of >ir"inia (199A-2002) 5i%hael Bloom*er" 5ayor of -e. /ork )ity (2002-201') William 3. Weld +o<ernor of 5assa%h4setts (1991-199&) Haley Bar*o4r +o<ernor of 5ississi22i (200=-2012) J. !enneth Bla%k.ell Chio $e%retary of $tate (1999-200&) ;h4r*ert 7. Baker ttorney +eneral of +eor"ia (199&-2011) Daniel $. $4lli<an ttorney +eneral of laska (2009-2010) !athleen !ennedy ;o.nsend (ie4tenant +o<ernor of 5aryland (1995-200') )arlos 6omero-Bar%elo +o<ernor of P4erto 6i%o (19&&-19A5)
Colle,e +residents: (ee ). Bollin"er President of )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity (2002-2resent) )hristina H. PaBson President of Bro.n #ni<ersity (2012-2resent) (eo 6afael 6eif President of 5assa%h4setts ?nstit4te of ;e%hnolo"y (2012-2res.) Da<id J. $korton President of )ornell #ni<ersity (2001-2resent) John J. De+ioia President of +eor"eto.n #ni<ersity (2001-2resent) Da<id (. Boren President of #ni<ersity of Cklahoma (199=- 2resent): #.$. $enator (D- Cklahoma8 19&9-199=) Donna 7. $halala President8 #ni<. of 5iami ,3lorida0 (2001-2resent): $e%.8 Health and H4man $er<i%es (199'-2001) $te<en !na22 President of +eor"e Washin"ton #ni<ersity (200&-2resent) John 7d.ard $eBton President of -e. /ork #ni<ersity (2002-2resent) )hristo2her B. Ho.ard President of Ham2den- $ydney )olle"e ,>ir"inia0 (2009-2resent) !erry 54r2hy Healey President of Ba*son )olle"e (201'-2resent) 5i%hael !. /o4n" President of #ni<ersity of Washin"ton ,$eattle0 (2011-2resent) Da<id W. (ee*ron President of 6i%e #ni<ersity (200=-2resent) Jane Dammen 5%4liffe President of Bryn 5a.r )olle"e (200A-2resent) 6en4 !hator President of #ni<ersity of Ho4ston (200A-2resent) 5i%hael 5. )ro. President of ri@ona $tate #ni<ersity (2002-2resent) Jeffrey ?. Her*st President of )ol"ate #ni<ersity (2010-2resent) 5ark B. 6osen*er" President of 3lorida ?nternational #ni<ersity (2009-2resent) 7d4ardo J. Padron President of 5iami Dade )olle"e (1995-2resent) dam Wein*er" President of Denison #ni<ersity (201'-2resent) or%er Colle,e +residents: -eil (. 64denstine President of Har<ard #ni<ersity (1991-2001) Benno ). $%hmidt Jr. President of /ale #ni<ersity (19A1-1992) 6i%hard ). (e<in President of /ale #ni<ersity (199'-201') +eor"e 7. 6422 President of )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity (199'-2002) 5i%hael ?. $o<ern President of )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity (19A0-199') >artan +re"orian President of Bro.n #ni<ersity (19A9-199&) 64th J. $immons President of Bro.n #ni<ersity (2001-2012) $4san Ho%kfield President of 5assa%h4setts ?nstit4te of ;e%hnolo"y (200=-2012) Hanna Hol*orn +ray President of #ni<ersity of )hi%a"o (19&A-199') -annerl C. !eohane President of D4ke #ni<ersity (199'-200=) +erhard )as2er President of $tanford #ni<ersity (1992-2000) $te2hen J. ;ra%hten*er" President of +eor"e Washin"ton #ni<ersity (19AA-200&) Jill !. )on.ay President of $mith )olle"e (19&5-19A5) 7d.ard ;. 3oote ?? President of #ni<ersity of 5iami ,3lorida0 (19A1-2001) !enneth H. !eller President of #ni<ersity of 5innesota (19A5-19AA) Henry $. Bienen President of -orth.estern #ni<ersity (1995-2009) ;heodore 5. Hes*4r"h President of #ni<ersity of -otre Dame (1952-19A&) 5. Peter 5%Pherson President of 5i%hi"an $tate #ni<ersity (199'-200=) Da<id J. $tein*er" President of (on" ?sland #ni<ersity (19A5-201') Colle,e +residents: 7llen >. 34tter President of Barnard )olle"e (19A1-199') J4dith 6. $ha2iro President of Barnard )olle"e (199=-200A) De*ora (. $2ar President of Barnard )olle"e (200A-2resent) 5ary Bro.n B4llo%k President of "nes $%ott )olle"e (1991-2001) Johnnetta B. )ole President of $2elman )olle"e (19A&-199&) James ;. (aney President of 7mory #ni<ersity (19&&-199'): #.$. m*assador to $o4th !orea (199'-199&) $te2hen 6. ( Jr. President of )arleton )olle"e (19A&-2002) Walter 7. 5assey President of 5oreho4se )olle"e (1995-200&) Jeh4da 6einhar@ President of Brandeis #ni<ersity (199=-2010) 6e<. Dennis H. Holts%hneider President ofDePa4l #ni<ersity ,)hi%a"o0 (200=-2resent) Dale 6o"ers 5arshall President of Wheaton )olle"e (1992-200=) -an%y (. Gim2her President of #ni<ersity of )in%innati (200'-2009) Jennifer J. 6aa* President of H4nter )olle"e ,-e. /ork )?ty0 (2001-2resent) Clin ). 6o*ison President of 5iddle*4ry )olle"e (19&5-1990) 6o*ert H. 7d.ards President of Bo.doin )olle"e (1990-2001) $te2hen J. 3riedman President of Pa%e #ni<ersity (200&-2resent): Partner of De*e<oise 9 Plim2ton ,la. firm in -e. /ork )ity0 (19&0-19&&8 19A1-19A18 199'-200=) 6i%hard W. (ari<iere President of #ni<ersity of Cre"on (2009-2011) 7rskine B. Bo.les President of #ni<ersity of -orth )arolina (2005-2010) $te<en B. $am2le President of #ni<ersity of $o4thern )alifornia (1991-2010) Do4"las J. Bennet President of Wesleyan #ni<ersity ,)onne%ti%4t0 (1995-200&) Colle,e 4eans: )arol J. (an%aster Dean of 7dm4nd . Walsh $%hool of 3orei"n $er<i%e at +eor"eto.n #ni<ersity (2009-2resent) 5erit 7. Jano. Dean of $%hool of ?nternational and P4*li% ffairs at )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity (J4ly 18 201'-2resent) 6. +lenn H4**ard Dean of )ol4m*ia B4siness $%hool (200=-2resent) Jessi%a P. 7inhorn Dean8 Pa4l -it@e $%hool of d<an%ed ?ntDl $t4dies at Johns Ho2kins #ni<. (2002-2012) >ali 6. -asr Dean8 Pa4l -it@e $%hool of d<an%ed ?ntDl $t4dies at Johns Ho2kins #ni<. (2012-2resent) nthony ;. !ronman Dean of /ale (a. $%hool (199=-200=) +raham ;. llison Jr. Dean of !ennedy $%hool of +o<ernment at Har<ard #ni<ersity (19&&-19A9) l*ert )arnesale Dean of !ennedy $%hool of +o<ernment at Har<ard #ni<ersity (1991-1995) Jose2h $. -ye Jr. Dean of !ennedy $%hool of +o<ernment at Har<ard #ni<ersity (1995-200=) Henry 6oso<sky Dean8 3a%4lty of rts and $%ien%es at Har<ard #ni<. (19&'-19A=) lfred ). $te2an Dean of $%hool of ?nternational and P4*li% ffairs at )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity (19A'-1991) (isa nderson Dean of $%hool of ?nternational and P4*li% ffairs at )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity (199&-200&) nne-5arie $la4"hter Dean of Woodro. Wilson $%hool of P4*li% and ?ntDl ffairs at Prin%eton #ni<. (2002-2009) 6o*ert (. +all4%%i Dean of 7dm4nd . Walsh $%hool of 3orei"n $er<i%e at +eor"eto.n #ni<ersity (1991-2009) Jes.ald $ala%4se Dean of 3let%her $%hool of (a. and Di2loma%y at ;4fts #ni<. (19A1-199=) 5a4ri%e . 7ast Dean of ;he 7lliott $%hool of ?nternational ffairs at +eor"e Washin"ton #ni<ersity (19A5-199=) Harry Hardin" Dean of ;he 7lliott $%hool of ?nternational ffairs at +eor"e Washin"ton #ni<ersity (1995-2005) 5i%hael 7. Bro.n Dean of ;he 7lliott $%hool of ?nternational ffairs at +eor"e Washin"ton #ni<ersity (2005-2resent) John . I4el%h Dean of (ondon B4siness $%hool of 7%onomi%s (199A-2001) (a4ra DDndrea ;yson Dean of (ondon B4siness $%hool of 7%onomi%s (2002-2001) Colle,e 4eans: 7ri% Pa4l $ Dean of the H4*ert H. H4m2hrey $%hool of P4*li% ffairs at the #ni<ersity of 5innesota (2011-2resent) James B. $tein*er" Dean of 5aB.ell $%hool of )iti@enshi2 and P4*li% ffairs at $yra%4se #ni<. (2011-2resent): De24ty $e%. of $tate (2009-2011) 6o*ert (. H4t%hin"s Dean8 (yndon B. Johnson $%hool of P4*li% ffairs at #ni<ersity of ;eBas at 4stin (2010-2resent) Peter B. Henry Dean of -e. /ork #ni<ersity (eonard -. $tern $%hool of B4siness (2010-2resent) ;homas 3. )ooley Dean of the -e. /ork #ni<ersity $tern $%hool of B4siness (2002-2010) J. Brian t.ood Dean of the H4*ert H. H4m2hrey ?nstit4te of P4*li% ffairs at #ni<ersity of 5innesota (2002-2010) 5it%hel B. Wallerstein Dean of 5aB.ell $%hool of )iti@enshi2 and P4*li% ffairs at $yra%4se #ni<ersity (200'-2011) 7rnest James Wilson ??? B.. Har<ard 19&0 Dean8 nnen*er" $%hool for )omm4ni%ation at #ni<. of $o4thern )alifornia (200&-2resent) Cr<ille H. $%hell ??? Dean of the +rad4ate $%hool of Jo4rnalism at #ni<ersity of )alifornia at Berkeley (1991-200&) (oren +hi"lione Dean of 5edill $%hool of Jo4rnalism at -orth.estern #ni<ersity (2002-2001) Jeffrey 7. +arten Dean of /ale $%hool of 5ana"ement (1995-2005) Pa4l +. 5ahoney Dean8 #ni<ersity of >ir"inia $%hool of (a. (200A-2resent) 5eredith J4n"-7n Woo Dean of rts and $%ien%es at #ni<ersity of >ir"inia (200A-2resent) (a4ren%e 7. (ynn Jr. Dean8 $%hool of $o%ial $er<i%e dministration at #ni<ersity of )hi%a"o (19A'-19AA) Da<id 7. >an Gandt Dean of -orth.estern #ni<ersity $%hool of (a. (1995-2010): President of ;he -e. $%hool ,-e. /ork )ity0 (2011-2resent) Jo ?<ey Bo4fford Dean of 6o*ert 3. Wa"ner +rad4ate $%hool of P4*li% $er<i%e at -e. /ork #ni<. (199&-2002) 5i%hael 5astand4no Dean of the 3a%4lty of rts and $%ien%es at Dartmo4th )olle"e (2010-2resent) 6i%hard (. 6e<es@ Dean of -e. /ork #ni<ersity $%hool of (a. (2002-201') William )4rt H4nter Dean of Henry B. ;i22ie )olle"e of B4siness at #ni<ersity of ?o.a (2001-2012) -oreen 5. )lark Dean of the $%hool of P4*li% Health at #ni<ersity of 5i%hi"an (1995-2005) Colle,e .d%inistrators: 5i%hael 3. dams President of #ni<ersity of +eor"ia (199&-201') (4is Proen@a President of #ni<ersity of kron (1999-2resent) Dr. $hirley nn Ja%kson President of the 6ensselaer Polyte%hni% ?nstit4te (1999-2resent) 74"ene P. ;rani President of >ir"inia )ommon.ealth #ni<ersity (1990-2009) 6o*ert H. Donaldson President of #ni<ersity of ;4lsa ,Cklahoma0 (1990-1991) Da<id . )a24to President of Pa%e #ni<ersity (2000-200&) (eonard . $%hlesin"er President of Ba*son )olle"e (200A-201') Pamela B. +ann President of )laremont 5%!enna )olle"e (1999-201'): Dean of the (a. $%hool at D4ke #ni<ersity (19AA-1999) 5atina $. Horner President of 6ad%liffe )olle"e ,2art of Har<ard #ni<ersity0 (19&2-19A9) 5olly )or*ett Broad President of #ni<ersity of -orth )arolina ,)ha2el Hill0 (199&-2001): President of meri%an )o4n%il on 7d4%ation (200A-2resent) (inda P. Brady )han%ellor8 #ni<. of -orth )arolina at +reens*oro (200A-2resent): Pro<ost of #ni<ersity of Cre"on (2001-200A) John 5aB.ell Hamilton Dean of 5anshi2 $%hool of 5ass )omm4ni%ations at (o4isiana $tate #ni<ersity (199=-2011) William 5. (eo+rande Dean of the $%hool of P4*li% ffairs at meri%an #ni<ersity (199&-19998 200'-2012) Henry H. Perritt Jr. Dean of )hi%a"o-!ent )olle"e of (a. at ?llinois ?nstit4te of ;e%hnolo"y (199&-2002) 5aka4 W. 54t4a Dean of $tate #ni<ersity of -e. /ork at B4ffalo (a. $%hool (200A-2resent) William H. Danforth )han%ellor of Washin"ton #ni<ersity in $t. (o4is (19&1-1995) (inda !o%h (orimer >i%e President for +lo*al and $trate"i% ?nitiati<es at /ale #ni<ersity (201'-2resent) 6o*ert D. P4tnam Dean of John 3. !ennedy $%hool of +o<ernment at Har<ard #ni<ersity (19A9-1991) +eor"e W. Bresla4er Pro<ost of #ni<ersity of )alifornia at Berkeley (2001-2resent) )hristo2her 7dley Jr. Dean of #ni<ersity of )alifornia at. Berkeley $%hool of (a. (200=-201') Colle,e +rofessors (2#y (ea,ue): !enneth 6o"off Professor of 7%onomi%s at Har<ard #ni<ersity Henry (o4is +ates Jr. W.7.B. D4 Bois Professor of the H4manities at Har<ard #ni<ersity $te2hen 5. Walt 6o*ert and 6enee Belfer Professor of ?nternational ffairs at Har<ard #ni<ersity William P. lford Henry (. $timson Professor of (a. at Har<ard (a. $%hool (1990-2resent) Da<id W. !ennedy 5anley C. H4dson Professor of (a. at Har<ard (a. $%hool (19A1-2resent) Pa4l +e.irt@ Potter $ Professor of )onstit4tional (a. at /ale (a. $%hool Cona . Hatha.ay +erard ). and Berni%e (atro*e $mith Professor of ?nternational (a. at /ale (a. $%hool W. 5i%hael 6eisman 5yres $. 5%Do4"al Professor of ?nternational (a. at /ale (a. $%hool !ate $tith (afayette $. 3oster Professor of (a. at /ale (a. $%hool (199A-2resent) John ( +addis 6o*ert . (o<ett Professor of History at /ale #ni<ersity Jose2h (yon Baker 3o4ndation Professor of B4siness dministration at Har<ard B4siness $%hool 6osa*eth 5oss !anter 7rnest (. r*4%kle Professor of B4siness dministration at Har<ard B4siness $%hool W. )arl !ester +eor"e 3isher Baker Jr. Professor of B4siness dministration at Har<ard B4siness $%hool (o4is ;. Wells Jr. Her*ert 3. Johnson Professor of ?nternational 5ana"ement at Har<ard B4siness $%hool Da<id B. /offie 5aB and Doris $tarr Professor of ?nternational B4siness dministration at Har<ard B4siness $%hool (ori 3isler Damros%h Henry (. 5oses Professor of (a. and ?nternational Cr"ani@ation at )ol4m*ia (a. $%hool l*ert 3ishlo. Professor of ?nternational and P4*li% ffairs at )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity Da<id C. Beim 7Be%4ti<e >i%e President of Bankers ;r4st )o. (19&A-19A&): Professor of Professional Pra%ti%e at )ol4m*ia B4siness $%hool (1991-2resent) +erald (. )4rtis B4r"ess Professor of Politi%al $%ien%e at )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity 6i%hard H. )larida ). (o.ell Harriss Professor of 7%onomi%s and ?nternational ffairs at )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity Colle,e +rofessors (2#y (ea,ue): aron (. 3ried*er" Professor of Politi%s and ?nternational ffairs at Prin%eton #ni<ersity Helen >. 5ilner Professor of Politi%s and ?nternational ffairs at Prin%eton #ni<ersity ndre. 5ora<%sik Professor of Politi%s and ?nternational ffairs at Prin%eton #ni<ersity (200=-2resent) !.ame . 22iah (a4ran%e $. 6o%kefeller #ni<ersity Professor of Philoso2hy at Prin%eton #ni<ersity Peter B. !enen Walker Professor of 7%onomi%s and ?nternational 3inan%e at Prin%eton #ni<ersity (19&1-200=) +. John ?ken*erry l*ert +. 5il*ank Professor of Politi%s and ?nternational ffairs at Prin%eton #ni<ersity ;homas J. )hristensen William P. Bos.ell Professor of World Politi%s of Pea%e and War at Prin%eton #ni<ersity 3ran%ine 6. 3rankel Professor of Politi%al $%ien%e at #ni<ersity of Pennsyl<ania (19&9-2resent) ?an $. (4sti%k Professor of Politi%al $%ien%e at #ni<ersity of Pennsyl<ania (1991-2resent) rth4r Waldron (a4der Professor of ?nternational 6elations at #ni<ersity of Pennsyl<ania BenKamin 5. 3riedman Professor of 7%onomi%s (19A0-19A9) and William Jose2h 5aier Professor of Politi%al 7%onomy (19A9- 2resent) at Har<ard #ni<ersity +lenn ). (o4ry 5erton P. $tolt@ Professor of the $o%ial $%ien%es and Professor of 7%onomi%s at Bro.n #ni<ersity (2005-2resent) llan ). $tam Daniel We*ster Professor of +o<ernment at Dartmo4th )olle"e 6o*ert G. ( l*ert (. Williams Professor of ;rade and ?n<estment at the John 3. !ennedy $%hool of +o<ernment at Har<ard #ni<ersity Jonathan (. Gittrain Professor of (a. at Har<ard (a. $%hool 3rit@ $tern Pro<ost of )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity (19A0-19A') Jonathan 6. )ole Pro<ost of )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity (19A9-200') John H. )oats.orth Pro<ost of )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity (2011-2resent) 6o*ert (e"<old 5arshall D. $h4lman Professor ,7merit4s0 of Politi%al $%ien%e at )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity 7@ra 3. >o"el Henry 3ord ?? Professor ,7merit4s0 of $o%ial $%ien%es at Har<ard #ni<ersity Colle,e +rofessors: John J. 5earsheimer 6. Wendell Harrison Distin"4ished $er<i%e Professor of Politi%al $%ien%e at #ni<ersity of )hi%a"o 6ashid ?. !halidi Professor of 5iddle 7ast History at #ni<ersity of )hi%a"o (19A&-200') 5arina <. -. Whitman Professor of B4siness dministration and P4*li% Poli%y at #ni<ersity of 5i%hi"an 3o4ad Kami Professor of 5iddle 7ast $t4dies at Johns Ho2kins #ni<ersity 3ran%is 34k4yama Bernard (. $ Professor of ?nternational Politi%al 7%onomy at Johns Ho2kins #ni<ersity William ;a4*man Bertrand $nell Professor of Politi%al $%ien%e at mherst )olle"e 6onald ;iersky Jose2h B. 7astman Professor of Politi%al $%ien%e at mherst )olle"e 5ariano-3lorentino )4ellar $tanley 5orrison Professor of (a. at $tanford (a. $%hool Do4"lass W. )assel Jr. (illy 7ndo.ment Professor of (a. at the #ni<ersity of -otre Dame ;imothy 6. $%4lly Professor of Politi%al $%ien%e at the #ni<ersity of -otre Dame ndre. J. Ba%e<i%h Professor of ?nternational 6elations and History at Boston #ni<ersity Da<id 3romkin Professor of ?nternational 6elations8 History8 and (a. at Boston #ni<ersity Barry J. 7i%hen"reen +eor"e ). Pardee and Helen -. Pardee Professor of 7%onomi%s and Politi%al $%ien%e at the #ni<ersity of )alifornia at Berkeley John . Gysman Professor of Politi%al $%ien%e at #ni<ersity of )alifornia at Berkeley )arlisle 3ord 64n"e Professor of 22lied 7%onomi%s and (a. at #ni<ersity of 5innesota $%hool of (a. .7. Di%k Ho.ard White B4rkett 5iller Professor of (a. and P4*li% ffairs at #ni<ersity of >ir"inia John -orton 5oore Walter (. Bro.n Professor of (a. at #ni<ersity of >ir"inia William B. I4andt 7d.ard 6. $tettini4s Professor of +o<ernment and 3orei"n ffairs at #ni<ersity of >ir"inia 3ran%is J. +a<in ;om $li%k Professor of ?nternational ffairs at #ni<ersity of ;eBas at 4stin 6o*ert Pastor Professor of ?nternational 6elations at meri%an #ni<ersity: d<o%ate of E-orth meri%an #nionF Colle,e +rofessors: (o4ise ?. $helley #ni<ersity Professor at +eor"e 5ason #ni<ersity -o4riel 6o4*ini Professor of 7%onomi%s and ?nternational B4siness at -e. /ork #ni<ersity 5ark Weston Janis Professor of (a. at #ni<ersity of )onne%ti%4t $%hool of (a. Henry J. 6i%hardson ??? Professor of (a. at ;em2le #ni<ersity $%hool of (a. (19A'-2resent) Peter J. !at@enstein Walter $. )ar2enter8 Jr. Professor of ?nternational $t4dies at )ornell #ni<ersity (19AA-2resent) !im*erly Joy 5arten nn Whitney Clin Professor of Politi%al $%ien%e at Barnard )olle"e 5i%hael 5andel*a4m )hristian . Herter Professor of meri%an 3orei"n Poli%y at Johns Ho2kins #ni<ersity ($?$) ;homas J. Biersteker )4rt +astey"er Professor of ?nternational $e%4rity and )onfli%t $t4dies at ;he +rad4ate ?nstit4te of ?nternational and De<elo2ment $t4dies in +ene<a8 $.it@erland (200&-2resent) $hi*ley ;elhami $adat Professor for Pea%e and De<elo2ment at the #ni<ersity of 5aryland Bartram $. Bro.n Professor of (a. at )hi%a"o-!ent )olle"e of (a. at ?llinois ?nstit4te of ;e%hnolo"y Jose 7. l<are@ Her*ert and 6ose 64*in Professor of ?nternational (a. at -e. /ork #ni<ersity $%hool of (a. (in%oln P. Bloomfield Professor ,7merit4s0 of Politi%al $%ien%e at 5assa%h4setts ?nstit4te of ;e%hnolo"y 5arshall ?. +oldman !athryn W. Da<is Professor ,7merit4s0 of $o<iet 7%onomi%s at Wellesley )olle"e 7llen 5i%kie.i%@ Professor of P4*li% Poli%y $t4dies and Professor of Politi%al $%ien%e at D4ke #ni<ersity (199=-2resent) 7dith Bro.n Weiss 3ran%is )a*ell Bro.n Professor of ?nternational (a. at +eor"eto.n #ni<ersity Phili2 ). Bo**itt Her*ert We%hsler Professor of 3ederal J4ris2r4den%e at )ol4m*ia (a. $%hool 5atthe. ). WaBman Professor of (a. at )ol4m*ia (a. $%hool 6i%hard D. Portes Professor of 7%onomi%s at (ondon B4siness $%hool Barnett 6. 64*in Dire%tor of $t4dies and $enior 3ello.8 )enter for ?nternational )oo2eration8 -e. /ork #ni<ersity )asimir . /ost Dire%tor of ?nstit4te for the $t4dy of Di2loma%y8 $%hool of 3orei"n $er<i%e8 +eor"eto.n #ni<ersity *r,ani5ation $'e!uti#es: Walter ?saa%son President of s2en ?nstit4te (200'-2resent) J4dith 6odin President of ;he 6o%kefeller 3o4ndation (2005-2resent) Jessi%a ;. 5athe.s President of )arne"ie 7ndo.ment for ?nternational Pea%e (199&-2resent) Darren Walker President of the 3ord 3o4ndation (201'-2resent) Pa4l (. Josko. President of lfred P. $loan 3o4ndation (200A-2resent) $tro*e ;al*ott President of ;he Brookin"s ?nstit4tion (2002-2resent) )arl J. $%hramm President and )7C of" 5arion !a4ffman 3o4ndation (2002-2012) $4san >. Berresford President of 3ord 3o4ndation (1991-200A) (eslie H. +el* President of the )o4n%il on 3orei"n 6elations (199'-200') 6i%hard -. Haass President of the )o4n%il on 3orei"n 6elations (200'-2resent) ;homas (. H4"hes President of )arne"ie 7ndo.ment for ?nternational Pea%e (19&1-1991) 5orton ?. * President of )arne"ie 7ndo.ment for ?nternational Pea%e (1991-199&) Peter ). +oldmark Jr. President of ;he 6o%kefeller 3o4ndation (19AA-199&) 3ranklin . ;homas President of 3ord 3o4ndation (19&9-1991) (4is . #*inas President of 3ord 3o4ndation (200A-201') Da<id . Ham*4r" President of )arne"ie )or2oration of -e. /ork (19A2-199&) James . ;homson President of 6-D )or2oration (19A9-2011) 5i%hael D. 6i%h President of 6-D )or2oration (2011-2resent) Her*ert ?. (ondon President of H4dson ?nstit4te (199&-2011) John J. Hamre President of )enter for $trate"i% ?nternational $t4dies (2000-2resent) *r,ani5ation $'e!uti#es: Henry $. 6o.en President of 6-D )or2oration (191&-19&2) 6onald $. (a4der President of World Je.ish )on"ress (200&-2resent) *raham H. 3oBman -ational Dire%tor of the nti-Defamation (ea"4e (D() (19A&-2resent) 6o*ert ?. 6ot*er" President of World Pea%e 3o4ndation (199'-2010) )arl +ershman President of -ational 7ndo.ment for Demo%ra%y Harold ;anner )hairman8 )onferen%e of Presidents of 5aKor meri%an Je.ish Cr"ani@ations 5al%olm Hoenlein 7Be%4ti<e >i%e )hairman of )onferen%e of Presidents of 5aKor meri%an Je.ish Cr"ani@ations Br4%e 5. 6amer President of meri%an Je.ish )ommittee (199A-2001) +len $. (e.y -ational )hairman of the nti-Defamation (ea"4e (2001-2resent) ;homas . Dine 7Be%4ti<e Dire%tor of meri%an ?srael P4*li% ffairs )ommittee (?P)) (19A0-199') dele $. $immons President of the John D. and )atherine ;. 5a%rth4r 3o4ndation (19A9-1999) Jonathan 3. 3anton President of the John D. and )atherine ;. 5a%rth4r 3o4ndation (1999-2009) (ester )ro.n )hairman of the *oard of ;he )hi%a"o )o4n%il on +lo*al ffairs (200=-2resent) 5arshall 5. Bo4ton President of ;he )hi%a"o )o4n%il on +lo*al ffairs (2001-2resent) +ra%e Barry President of ;he 7%onomi% )l4* of )hi%a"o (19A1-2011) ntonia Hernande@ President and +eneral )o4nsel of 5eBi%an- meri%an (e"al Defense and 7d4%ational 34nd (5(D73) (19A5-200=) 6a4l H. /@a"4ierre President of -ational )o4n%il of (a 6a@a (19&=-200=) 6e<. Jesse Ja%kson $r. President of 6ain*o.LP#$H )oalition (1991-2resent) -orman Dorsen President of meri%an )i<il (i*erties #nion ()(#) (19&1-1991) -adine $trossen President of meri%an )i<il (i*erties #nion ()(#) (1991-200A) *r,ani5ation $'e!uti#es: 6i%hard 5. !rasno President of ?nstit4te of ?nternational 7d4%ation (19A1-199A) llan 7. +oodman President of ?nstit4te of ?nternational 7d4%ation (1999-2resent) )lifton 6. Wharton Jr. )hairman and )7C of ;?-)673 (19A&-199') John H. Bi""s )hairman and )7C of ;?-)673 (199'-2002) 7lliot 3. +erson meri%an $e%retary of 6hodes $%holarshi2 ;r4st (199A-2resent) J4li4s 7. )oles President of fri%are (2002-2010) Dari4s 5ans President of fri%are (2010-2resent) Jonathan ;.5. 6e%kford )hief 7Be%4ti<e Cffi%er of Ha*itat for H4manity ?nternational Peter D. Bell President and )7C of )67 #$ (1995-2001) Helene D. +ayle President and )7C of )67 #$ (2001-2resent) Jay 5a@4r President8 #nion of -eedletrades8 ?nd4strial and ;eBtile 7m2loyees (#-?;7) (19A1-2001) John J. $.eeney President of 3(-)?C (1995-2009) William !. 6eilly President of World Wildlife 34nd (19A5- 19A9): )hairman of World Wildlife 34nd (2000-2001) >ishaka Desai President of the sia $o%iety (200=-201') (orne W. )raner President of ?nternational 6e24*li%an ?nstit4te (1995-20018 2005- 2resent) )olin +. )am2*ell )hairman and President of ;he )olonial Williams*4r" 3o4ndation (2000-2resent): President of 6o%kefeller Brothers 34nd (19AA-2000) $te2hen B. Heint@ President of 6o%kefeller Brothers 34nd (2001-2resent) Br4%e !. 5a%(a4ry President of ;he Brookin"s ?nstit4tion (19&&-1995) Joan 7. $2ero President of Doris D4ke )harita*le 3o4ndation (199&-200A): former 7Be%4ti<e >i%e President of meri%an 7B2ress )o. 74"ene !. (a.son President of #.$.-64ssia B4siness )o4n%il (199'- 200A): >i%e )hairman of the 7B2ort-?m2ort Bank of the #nited $tates (19A9) *r,ani5ation $'e!uti#es: +ro<er +. -orJ4ist President of meri%ans for ;aB 6eform (19A5-2resent) 5artin $. 3eldstein President of -ational B4rea4 of 7%onomi% 6esear%h (19&&-19A28 19A=-200A) mitai 7t@ioni 3o4nder and Dire%tor of ;he )omm4nitarian -et.ork 3rederi%k $. !em2e President of tlanti% )o4n%il of the #nited $tates (2005-2resent) 5arian Wri"ht 7delman 3o4nder and )7C (and former 2resident) of )hildrenDs Defense 34nd 6i%hard 7. $alomon >i%e )hairman of the )o4n%il on 3orei"n 6elations (200&-2resent) ((t. )ol.) John . -a"l President of the )enter for a -e. meri%an $e%4rity (2009-2011) 6i%hard H. 3ontaine Jr. President of the )enter for a -e. meri%an $e%4rity (2012-2resent) -athaniel ). 3i%k )7C of the )enter for a -e. meri%an $e%4rity ()-$) (2009-2012): )7C of 7nd"ame8 ?n%. !ristin 5. (ord 7Be%4ti<e >i%e President and Dire%tor of $t4dies at the )enter for a -e. meri%an $e%4rity Jeffrey (. $t4r%hio President and )7C of +lo*al Health )o4n%il (2009-2resent) 7ileen B. )la4ssen President of the )enter for )limate and 7ner"y $ol4tions 7llen (ai2son President and )7C of Henry (. $timson )enter li%e ;e22er 5arlin President and )7C of $o%ial %%o4nta*ility ?nternational (199&-2resent) Jessie ). +r4man President8 )enter for d<an%in" Health )al<in $ims President and )7C of ?nternational Ho4se (201'-2resent): former New York Times %orres2ondent )rai" !ennedy President of +erman 5arshall 34nd of the #nited $tates (1995-2resent) -oel >. (ateef President of 3orei"n Poli%y sso%iation (%.2000-2resent) Peter $ Dire%tor of )enter for a -e. meri%an $e%4rity: $enior >i%e President for +lo*al +o<ernment 6elations and $trate"i% Plannin"8 $alesfor%e.%om 5aya (. Harris >i%e President for Demo%ra%y8 6i"hts and J4sti%e8 3ord 3o4ndation (200A-2resent) 1edia $'e!uti#es: $ir Ho.ard $trin"er )hairman and )7C of $ony )or2oration (2005-2012) Jeffrey (. Be.kes )hairman and )7C of ;ime Warner8 ?n%. (2009-2resent) 642ert 54rdo%h )hairman and )7C of -e.s )or2. (3oB -e.s) (1991-2resent) 7ri% $%hmidt )hairman and )7C of +oo"le ?n%. (2001-2resent) Peter 6. !ann )hairman of Do. Jones 9 )o. (1991-200&) $heryl !. $and*er" )hief C2eratin" Cffi%er of 3a%e*ook8 ?n%. (200A-2resent) 7lliot J. $%hra"e >i%e President of +lo*al )omm4ni%ations8 5arketin" and P4*li% Poli%y at 3a%e*ook8 ?n%. 6i%hard Ple2ler )hief 7Be%4ti<e Cffi%er of Home BoB Cffi%e8 ?n%. (HBC) (201'-2resent) 5i%hael $. C<it@ President of Walt Disney )o. (1995-199&) ;homas H. +lo%er 3ormer )7C of ;homson 6e4ters Patri%ia 7. 5it%hell President of P4*li% Broad%astin" $er<i%e (PB$) (2000-2001) >i<ian $%hiller President and )7C of -ational P4*li% 6adio (-P6) (2009-2011) )athleen P. Bla%k President of Hearst 5a"a@ines (1991-2010) )esar 6. )onde President of #ni<ision )omm4ni%ations ?n%. Phili2 ?. !ent )hairman and )7C of ;4rner Broad%astin" $ystem8 ?n%. (200'-2res.) lan $2oon President of ;he Washin"ton Post )o. (199'-2000) Janet (. 6o*inson President and )7C of ;he -e. /ork ;imes )om2any (200=-2011) 5ortimer B. G4%kerman 7ditor-in-)hief of U.S. News and World Report (19A=-2resent) rna4d de Bor%h"ra<e 7ditor-in-)hief of The Washington Times (19A5-1991) Da<id (. Westin President of B) -e.s (199A-2010) 1a,a5ine and News&a&er +u-lis3ers, $ditors, and Journalists: Jason D. 5%5an4s 7ditor-in-)hief of ;ime ma"a@ine (19A&-1995) -orman Pearlstine 7ditor-in-)hief of Time ma"a@ine (1995-2005) John W. H4ey Jr. 7ditor-in-)hief of Time ma"a@ine (2001-2012) 3areed Gakaria 7ditor of -e.s.eek ?nternational (2000-2resent) James 3. Ho"e Jr. P4*lisher of New York Daily News (19A5-1991): P4*lisher of Chiago S!n Times (19A0-19A=) Pa4l 7. $tei"er 5ana"in" 7ditor of Wall Street "o!rnal (1991-200&) !aren 7lliott Ho4se P4*lisher of The Wall Street "o!rnal (2002-2005) (. +ordon )ro<it@ P4*lisher of The Wall Street "o!rnal (2001-200&) +erald $ei* Washin"ton B4rea4 )hief8 Wall Street "o!rnal $te2hen B. $he2ard 7ditor-in-)hief of #!siness Week (19A=-2005) l*erto ?*ar"4en P4*lisher of The $iami %erald (199A-200=): President of John $. and James (. !ni"ht 3o4ndation (2005-2res.) W. ;homas Johnson P4*lisher of Los &ngeles Times (19A0-19A9) Helle Dale 7ditorial Pa"e 7ditor of The Washington Times (199&-2002) H4"h D.$. +reen.ay 7ditorial Pa"e 7ditor of The #oston 'lo(e (199=-2000) 3red Hiatt 7ditorial Pa"e 7ditor of The Washington )ost (2000-2resent) )ynthia . ;4%ker )ol4mnist for the &tlanta "o!rnal Constit!tion (ee )4ll4m )ol4mnist for Dallas $orning News Da<id 5. $hri*man )ol4mnist for the )itts(!rgh )ost*'a+ette ndres 5. C22enheimer )ol4mnist for The $iami %erald Pe""y -oonan )ol4mnist for the Wall Street "o!rnal News&a&er Colu%nists and Journalists: Da<id 7. $an"er )hief Washin"ton )orres2ondent of The New York Times 5i%hael 6. +ordon )hief 5ilitary )orres2ondent of The New York Times ;homas (. 3riedman 3orei"n ffairs )ol4mnist of The New York Times (1995-2resent) ndre. 5. 6osenthal 7ditorial Pa"e 7ditor of The New York Times (200&-2resent) )arla nne 6o**ins De24ty 7ditorial Pa"e 7ditor of The New York Times (200&-2012) -i%holas D. !ristof )ol4mnist for the New York Times Warren 5. Ho"e (ondon B4rea4 )hief for The New York Times (1991-200') 7than Bronner Jer4salem B4rea4 )hief for The New York Times (200A-2012) Bernard +.ert@man 3orei"n 7ditor of The New York Times (19A9- 1995) ;homas D. E;homF $hanker Penta"on )orres2ondent for The New York Times )harles !ra4thammer $yndi%ated )ol4mnist for The Washington )ost (19A=-2resent) !aren J. De/o4n" sso%iate 7ditor of The Washington )ost !eith B. 6i%h*4r" 3orei"n 7ditor of The Washington )ost (2005- 200&): -e. /ork *4rea4 %hief of The Washington )ost (200&-2009) Jim Hoa"land sso%iate 7ditor and )hief 3orei"n )orres2ondent of The Washington )ost (19A1-2resent) 6o*ert +. !aiser sso%iate 7ditor and $enior )orres2ondent at The Washington )ost (199A-2resent) 6o*ert W. !a"an )ol4mnist for The Washington )ost Ja%kson !. Diehl )ol4mnist for the Washington )ost nne 7. 22le*a4m )ol4mnist for the Washington )ost Da<id 6. ?"nati4s )ol4mnist for the Washington )ost 7li@a*eth +. E(allyF Weymo4th $enior sso%iate 7ditor of The Washington )ost 6ele#ision Journalists: (esley $tahl )B$ -e.s ,- $in!tes )orres2ondent (1991-2resent) +eor"e $te2hano2o4los n%hor of 'ood $orning &meria on B) (2010-2resent) Diane $a.yer n%hor of B) World News Tonight (2010-2resent) Brian D. Williams n%hor of -B) Nightly News (200=-2resent) ndrea 5it%hell )hief 3orei"n ffairs )orres2ondent for -B) (199=-2resent) Bar*ara Walters )o-host of The .iew on B) (199&-2resent) !atie )o4ri% n%hor of )B$ 7<enin" -e.s (2001-2011) Dan 6ather n%hor of )B$ 7<enin" -e.s (19A1-2005) ;om Broka. n%hor of -B) -i"htly -e.s (19A2-200=) Bo* (. $%hieffer 5oderator of /ae The Nation (1991-2resent) )harles J. EJoeF $%ar*oro4"h )o-n%hor of O5ornin" JoeD on 5$-B) 5ika Br@e@inski )o-n%hor of O5ornin" JoeD on 5$-B) 5aria $. Bartiromo 3ormer n%hor of O)losin" BellD on )-B) Jim $%i4tto B) -e.s $enior 3orei"n )orres2ondent Jeffrey 6. ;oo*in (e"al analyst on )-- 5ar"aret +. Warner PB$ an%hor Jim (ehrer n%hor of The News%o!r with "im Lehrer on PB$ (1995-2011) )harlayne H4nter-+a4lt national %orres2ondent for The $aNeil0Lehrer News%o!r on PB$ (19&A-199&) )harlie 6ose PB$ %ommentator !itty Pil"rim )-- Ko4rnalist
Journalists and .ut3ors: nnette +ordon-6eed 4thor and .riter Jose2h 7. Persi%o 4thor and .riter Peter (. Ber"en 4thor and .riter Daniel Pi2es 4thor and .riter 6. 7mmett ;yrrell Jr. 4thor and .riter 6o*in Wri"ht 4thor and .riter +eor"ie nne +eyer 4thor and )ol4mnist Joan Didion 4thor and Writer Hannah ). Pak4la 4thor Pa4la D. Broad.ell 4thor (inda J. >ester 3oB -e.s tele<ision an%hor: 5em*er of the *oard of tr4stees of ?nstit4te of ?nternational 7d4%ation J4K4 )han" -e.s n%hor for 'ood $orning &meria (B) -e.s) (2009-2011) !atrina <anden He4<el 7ditor-in-)hief of The Nation (1995-2resent) Patri%k J. CD6o4rke %ontri*4tin" editor at The Weekly Standard 5ar% . ;hiessen )ol4mnist for the Washington )ost 7d.ard !lein 4thor Jay Winik 4thor 7ri% $%hmitt Jo4rnalist for The New York Times J4dith 5iller 3ormer Jo4rnalist for The New York Times 6o"er W. Wilkins 3ormer Jo4rnalist for The New York Times and The Washington )ost
Journalists: 5ar<in !al* former host of -B)Ds O5eet ;he PressD Bernard !al* Jo4rnalist 7li@a*eth Dre. Jo4rnalist Pa4la Gahn 3ormer )B$ and )-- Ko4rnalist J4dy ). Woodr4ff )-- and PB$ Ko4rnalist -orman J. Patti@8 )7C of )o4rtside 7ntertainment +ro42: fo4nder of West.ood Cne ,radio net.ork0 $te2hen . )a24s President of -B) -e.s John 3. )ooke President of ;he Disney )hannel (19A5-1995) Daniel Hennin"er De24ty 7ditorial Pa"e Dire%tor of the Wall Street "o!rnal 5ar%4s W. Bra4%hli 7Be%4ti<e 7ditor of The Washington )ost (200A-2012) Betsy 3is%her 7Be%4ti<e Prod4%er of -B)Ds N5eet the PressN (2002-2resent) $4san )hira assistant mana"in" editor for ne.s of The New York Times Da<id +. Bradley )hairman and C.ner of tlanti% 5edia )om2any +ideon 6ose 7ditor of /oreign &11airs ma"a@ine (2010-2resent) 5oises -aim 7ditor-in-%hief of /oreign )oliy ma"a@ine (1991-2010) $anKay !. +42ta )-- medi%al %orres2ondent 3ran%es 3ra"os ;o.nsend $enior >i%e President8 5a%ndre.s and 3or*es Holdin"s8 ?n%.8 -e. /ork: )-- -ational $e%4rity )ontri*4tor Jessi%a 7. $tern Writer8 Boston: 5em*er8 Hoo<er ?nstit4tionDs ;ask 3or%e on -ational $e%4rity and (a. 5artha ;ei%hner )B$ -e.s $4nday 5ornin" %orres2ondent Ja%o* 5. Weis*er" 7ditor of Slate ma"a@ine
2nternational *r,ani5ation $'e!uti#es and 1uni!i&al Bureau!rats: $te2hen 5. $%h.e*el J4d"e of the ?nternational )o4rt of J4sti%e (19A1-2000) ;homas B4er"enthal J4d"e of the ?nternational )o4rt of J4sti%e (2000-2010) 6i%hard D. 7r* De24ty 5ana"in" Dire%tor of the ?nternational 5onetary 34nd (19A=-199=) !o-/4n" ;4n" >i%e President and +eneral )o4nsel of ;he World Bank (1999-200') )arol Bellamy 7Be%4ti<e Dire%tor of #-?)73 (1995-2005) D. $te2hen 5athias ssistant $e%retary- +eneral of the #nited -ations for (e"al ffairs (2010-2resent) )atherine nn Bertini #nder $e%retary-+eneral of the #nited -ations for 5ana"ement (200'-2005) +illian 5artin $orensen ssistant $e%retary- +eneral of the #nited -ations for 7Bternal 6elations (199&-200') John +. 64""ie ssistant #- $e%retary- +eneral and )hief d<isor for $trate"i% Plannin" to the #- $e%retary-+eneral (199&-2001) 6o*ert ). Crr ssistant $e%retary- +eneral of the #nited -ations for Poli%y )oordination and $trate"i% Plannin" (200=-2resent) Josette 5. $heeran 7Be%4ti<e Dire%tor of #nited -ations World 3ood Pro"ramme (200&-2012): President of sia $o%iety (201'-2res.) )harles -. J4d"e of the ?ran-#nited $tates )laims ;ri*4nal in ;he Ha"4e (19A'-2resent) Da<id J. >itale President of the )hi%a"o Board of 7d4%ation (2011-2resent) 6e*e%%a #. Weiner Dire%tor of ?ntelli"en%e nalysis for the -e. /ork )ity Poli%e De2artment (2012-2resent) 5i%hael . $heehan De24ty )ommissioner of )o4nter ;errorism for the -e. /ork )ity Poli%e De2artment (200'-2001) $etti D. Warren 5ayor of -e.ton8 5assa%h4setts (2010-2resent) Daniel ). 7sty )ommissioner of the )onne%ti%4t De2artment of 7ner"y and 7n<ironmental Prote%tion (2011-2resent) +ina 6aimondo +eneral ;reas4rer of 6hode ?sland (2011-2resent) $te<en P. Westly )alifornia $tate )ontroller (200'-200&) James D. Bindena"el $2e%ial 7n<oy for Holo%a4st ?ss4es (1999-2002) *r,ani5ation $'e!uti#es: +eor"e 6. Perko<i%h >i%e President for $t4dies at the )arne"ie 7ndo.ment for ?nternational Pea%e Do4"las H. Paal >i%e President for $t4dies at the )arne"ie 7ndo.ment for ?nternational Pea%e: Dire%tor of the meri%an ?nstit4te in ; ,6.C.).0 (2002-2001) Pa4l Balaran 7Be%4ti<e >i%e President and $e%retary of )arne"ie 7ndo.ment for ?nternational Pea%e ;homas )arothers >i%e President for $t4dies at the )arne"ie 7ndo.ment for ?nternational Pea%e ndre. $. Weiss >i%e President for $t4dies at the )arne"ie 7ndo.ment for ?nternational Pea%e Doron We*er >i%e President for Pro"rams at lfred P. $loan 3o4ndation 5i%hael $. ;eitel*a4m >i%e President of lfred P. $loan 3o4ndation (2001-200A) Da<id 6o%kefeller Jr. ;r4stee of the 6o%kefeller 3o4ndation (2001-2res.): $on of Da<id 6o%kefeller )arol ). delman $enior 3ello. and Dire%tor of the )enter for +lo*al Pros2erity ()+P) at H4dson ?nstit4te +ary $amore >i%e President for $t4dies at the )o4n%il on 3orei"n 6elations (2001-2009) Dimitri !. $imes President and )7C of the )enter for the -ational ?nterest )ora Weiss President of ?nternational Pea%e B4rea4 (2000-2001) GoP Baird B4din"er President of ;he 5arkle 3o4ndation !enneth 6oth 7Be%4ti<e Dire%tor of H4man 6i"hts Wat%h )arroll 6. Bo"ert De24ty 7Be%4ti<e Dire%tor for 7Bternal 6elations8 H4man 6i"hts Wat%h )armen 5. 6einhart Dennis Weatherstone $enior 3ello.8 Peterson ?nstit4te for ?nternational 7%onomi%s $tanley . Weiss )hairman of B4siness 7Be%4ti<es for -ational $e%4rity8 ?n%. $te<en 7. $anderson President and )7C of Wildlife )onser<ation $o%iety -i%holas 7*erstadt meri%an 7nter2rise ?nstit4te s%holar Business%en: Jonathan Pl4t@ik Dire%tor of 3annie 5ae (2009-2resent): >i%e )hairman of )redit $4isse 3irst Boston )harlynn +oins Dire%tor of 3annie 5ae (200A-2resent): )hair2erson of the *oard of -e. /ork )ity Health and Hos2itals )or2oration (200=- 200A) my 7. l<in" Dire%tor of 3annie 5ae (201'-2resent) nne 5. 3in4%ane +lo*al $trate"y and 5arketin" Cffi%er at Bank of meri%a ;odd . 3isher 5em*er and )hief dministrati<e Cffi%er of !ohl*er" !ra<is 6o*erts 9 )o. ryeh B. Bo4rkoff 3ormer >i%e )hairman and head of in<estment *ankin" for the meri%a at #B$ Da<id 5. 5ar%hi%k 5ana"in" Dire%tor of the )arlyle +ro42 **y Jose2h )ohen Partner of +oldman $a%hs 9 )o. (199A-2resent) 7sta 7. $te%her )hief 7Be%4ti<e Cffi%er of +oldman $a%hs Bank #$: former +eneral )o4nsel of +oldman $a%hs Denis . Bo<in 3ormer >i%e )hairman of Bear $tearns 9 )o.8 ?n%. 7llen Han%o%k $enior >i%e President of ?B5 (1992-1995): 7Be%4ti<e >i%e President of 22le )om24ter (1991-199&) )rai" J. 54ndie )hief 6esear%h and $trate"y Cffi%er for 5i%rosoft )or2. (2001-2resent) +ideon r"o< d<isory Dire%tor of Berkshire Partners ,2ri<ate eJ4ity firm in Boston0 (201'-2resent): President and )7C of 7nte"ris (200=-2012) 6e*e%%a P. 5ark-J4s*as%he former >i%e )hairman of 7nron (ois 7. I4am 3ormer President and )7C of the P4*li% and $enior 5arkets se"ment at #nitedHealth +ro42 $eth . !larman Je.ish *illionaire *4sinessman 6i%hard Winston 7delman President and )hief 7Be%4ti<e Cffi%er of 7delman ,24*li% relations firm0 7d"ar Bronfman Jr. )hairman and )7C of Warner 54si% +ro42 )or2. (200=-2resent) )arter 3. Bales Dire%tor of 5%!insey 9 )om2any (19&A-199A) ( W. )oleman President of DreamWorks nimation $!+: Dire%tor of -orthro2 +r4mman )or2. (2001-2011) 1is!ellaneous: Daniel H. /er"in )hairman8 ?H$ )am*rid"e 7ner"y 6esear%h sso%iates: +lo*al 7ner"y 7B2ert on )-B) 54rray (. Weiden*a4m )hairman of the )o4n%il of 7%onomi% d<isors (19A1-19A2) 5ark . 7mmert President of -ational )olle"iate thleti% sso%iation (-)) (2010-2resent) !enneth B. 5ehlman )hairman of the 6e24*li%an -ational )ommittee (2005-200&) Harold 7. >arm4s Dire%tor of -ational ?nstit4tes of Health (1991-2000) Harold H. $a4nders ssistant $e%retary of $tate for -ear-7astern and $o4th sian ffairs (19&A-19A1) $t4art W. Holliday #.$. m*assador for $2e%ial Politi%al ffairs at the #nited -ations (200'-2005) 3lynt (. (e<erett )entral ?ntelli"en%e "en%y senior analyst (1992-2001): -ational $e%4rity )o4n%il senior dire%tor for 5iddle 7ast affairs (2002-200') 6. !eith Walton 7Be%4ti<e >i%e President and $e%retary of )ol4m*ia #ni<ersity (1991-200&): +lo*al Head of +o<ernment ffairs for l%oa (2011-2resent) Br4%e 6. !4niholm Professor of P4*li% Poli%y and History at D4ke #ni<ersity: Dean of $anford $%hool of P4*li% Poli%y at D4ke #ni<ersity (2009-2resent) John (. Wash*4rn )on<ener of the meri%an -on-+o<ernmental Cr"ani@ations )oalition for the ?nternational )riminal )o4rt (5?))) -i%holas 6. (ardy nthony 5. $olomon $enior 3ello. at the Peterson ?nstit4te for ?nternational 7%onomi%s Da<id $ham*a4"h Dire%tor8 )hina Poli%y Pro"ram at +eor"e Washin"ton #ni<ersity Daniel H. Bran%h 5em*er of the ;eBas $tate Ho4se of 6e2resentati<es W. $%ott ;hom2son sso%iate Dire%tor of #nited $tates ?nformation "en%y (19A2-19A=): #nited $tates ?nstit4te of Pea%e8 Board of Dire%tors (19A1-199') Jeanne (. Philli2s #.$. 6e2resentati<e to C7)D (2001-200') 6i%k Warren $enior Pastor of $addle*a%k )h4r%h in (ake 3orest8 )alifornia (19A0-2resent) rth4r $%hneier $enior 6a**i of Park 7ast $yna"o"4e in -e. /ork )ity (1912-2resent) E3atherF J. Bryan Hehir Parker +il*ert 5ont"omery Professor of the Pra%ti%e of 6eli"ion and P4*li% (ife at Har<ard #ni<ersity 7lie Wiesel 3o4ndin" )hairman of the #nited $tates Holo%a4st 5emorial )o4n%il: -o*el Pea%e Pri@e re%i2ient (19A1) 1is!ellaneous: Da<id J. $tern )ommissioner of -ational Basket*all sso%iation (-B) (19A=-201=) Pa4l ;a"lia*4e )ommissioner of -ational 3oot*all (ea"4e (-3() (19A9-2001) 6o*ert Wood EWoodyF Johnson ?> C.ner of -e. /ork Jets (-3() 6o*ert !. !raft C.ner of -e. 7n"land Patriots (-3() )hristina Weiss (4rie )o-C.ner of Philadel2hia 7a"les (-3() Warren Beatty Holly.ood %tor +eor"e )looney Holly.ood %tor n"elina Jolie Holly.ood %tress 5i%hael Do4"las Holly.ood %tor ( Bender 3ilm 2rod4%er Pe""y 6o%kefeller D4lany Da4"hter of Da<id 6o%kefeller: 3o4nder and )hairman of ;he $yner"os ?nstit4te Joan +an@ )ooney Prod4%er of Sesame Street on PB$: .ife of *anker Peter +. Peterson (ynn 3orester de 6oths%hild Wife of British *anker 7<elyn de 6oths%hild ;eresa Hein@ !erry )hairman of Hein@ 3amily Philanthro2ies: .ife of #.$. $e%retary of $tate John 3or*es !erry 5arie-Josee !ra<is $enior 3ello. of the H4dson ?nstit4te: .ife of *anker Henry 6. !ra<is -ina (. !hr4sh%he<a +reat-"randda4"hter of $o<iet Premier -ikita !hr4sh%he< >anessa !erry Da4"hter of #.$. $e%retary of $tate John 3or*es !erry )helsea )linton Da4"hter of former #.$. President William J. EBillF )linton (a4rene Po.ell Jo*s Wife of the late 22le )om24ter fo4nder $te<e Jo*s $ilda li%e Wall $2it@er former .ife of former -e. /ork +o<ernor 7liot $2it@er 1is!ellaneous: Henry (. !in" Partner of Da<is8 Polk 9 Ward.ell ,la. firm0 (1911-199A) Helene (. !a2lan Cf )o4nsel of $kadden8 r2s8 $late8 5ea"her8 9 3lom ,la. firm0 (1990- 2resent): dire%tor of 7BBon5o*il (1999-200=) +reyson (. Bryan Cf )o4nsel of CD5el<eny 9 5yers ,la. firm0 James B. H4rlo%k Partner of White 9 )ase ,la. firm0 (191&-2000) +ary -. Horli%k Partner of Wilmer8 )4tler8 Pi%kerin"8 Hale 9 Dorr ,la. firm0 (2002-2resent) 6i%hard W. Po"4e 3ormer Partner of Jones8 Day8 6ea<is 9 Po"4e ,la. firm0 -i%holas ). Ho.son former Partner of Pa4l8 Weiss8 6ifkind8 Wharton 9 +arrison ,la. firm in -e. /ork )ity0 5ark ). ;reanor +eneral )o4nsel of Wa%ho<ia )or2oration (1999-200A) !enneth . )4tsha. President of ?nternational of I4i@nos (2012-2res.): +eneral )o4nsel of )h4r%hDs )hi%ken (2001-2012) 3loren%e . Da<is President of ;he $tarr 3o4ndation (1999- 2resent): +eneral )o4nsel of meri%an ?nternational +ro42 (1995-1999) Daniel 7lls*er" Penta"on Pa2er leaker 5orton !ondra%ke 3oB -e.s %ommentator 5el (e<ine #.$. )on"ressman (D-)alifornia8 19A'-199') 5ark . n"elson De24ty 5ayor of the )ity of )hi%a"o (2011-2012): 3ormer Partner of $idley 9 4stin ,la. firm in )hi%a"o0 Donald (. )4neo Partner of $hearman 9 $terlin" ,la. firm0 (19&9- 199'): President and )7C of ?nternational Ho4se (199'-201') )hristo2her 6. Wall ssistant $e%retary of )ommer%e for 7B2ort dministration (200A-2009): Partner of Pills*4ry Winthro2 $ha. Pittman ((P ,la. firm0 ;ed +alen )ar2enter Dire%tor of forei"n 2oli%y st4dies at )ato ?nstit4te (19A1-1995): >i%e President for defense and forei"n 2oli%y st4dies at )ato ?nstit4te (1995-2011) -orman J. Crnstein )ol4mnist8 M)on"ress ?nside C4t8M Roll Call ma"a@ine (199'-2resent): meri%an 7nter2rise ?nstit4te s%holar +ary ). H4f*a4er Dire%tor of $t4dies at the )o4n%il on 3orei"n 6elations (1991-199A): 5ar%4s Wallen*er" Professor of ?nternational 3inan%e Di2loma%y at +eor"eto.n #ni<ersity (19A5-1992) Walter 64ssell 5ead Henry . !issin"er senior fello. for #.$. forei"n 2oli%y at the )o4n%il on 3orei"n 6elations: a4thor