The document lists the members of the Trilateral Commission as of June 12, 1995. It includes over 200 members from North America, Europe, and Japan with backgrounds in government, business, academia, and other fields. Some notable members mentioned include David Rockefeller (founder and honorary chairman), Henry Kissinger (chairman of Kissinger Associates), Paul Volcker (former chairman of the US Federal Reserve), and Robert McNamara (former president of the World Bank).
The document lists the members of the Trilateral Commission as of June 12, 1995. It includes over 200 members from North America, Europe, and Japan with backgrounds in government, business, academia, and other fields. Some notable members mentioned include David Rockefeller (founder and honorary chairman), Henry Kissinger (chairman of Kissinger Associates), Paul Volcker (former chairman of the US Federal Reserve), and Robert McNamara (former president of the World Bank).
Original Description:
A copy of the Trilateral Commission membership list as of 1995
The document lists the members of the Trilateral Commission as of June 12, 1995. It includes over 200 members from North America, Europe, and Japan with backgrounds in government, business, academia, and other fields. Some notable members mentioned include David Rockefeller (founder and honorary chairman), Henry Kissinger (chairman of Kissinger Associates), Paul Volcker (former chairman of the US Federal Reserve), and Robert McNamara (former president of the World Bank).
The document lists the members of the Trilateral Commission as of June 12, 1995. It includes over 200 members from North America, Europe, and Japan with backgrounds in government, business, academia, and other fields. Some notable members mentioned include David Rockefeller (founder and honorary chairman), Henry Kissinger (chairman of Kissinger Associates), Paul Volcker (former chairman of the US Federal Reserve), and Robert McNamara (former president of the World Bank).
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The document appears to list members of the Trilateral Commission, an unofficial, non-governmental discussion group formed in 1973 by private citizens from Europe, North America, and East Asia.
The Trilateral Commission is mentioned. Other organizations referenced include the World Bank, PepsiCo, Times Mirror Company, National Bureau of Economic Research, Eastman Kodak Company, Morgan Stanley Group, and Sony Corporation.
Many of the individuals listed hold positions as chairmen, presidents, CEOs, and partners of large corporations and organizations. Government positions like Prime Minister and Senator are also represented.
(as of June 12, 1995)
The Trilateral Commission
OTIO GRAF LAMBSOORFF PAUL A. VOLCKER European Chairman CARLOS FERRER European Deputy Chairman PAUL REVAY European Director North American Chairman ALLAN E. GOlLIEB North American Deputy Cbainnan DAVID ROCKEFELLER Founder and Honorary Chairman CHARLES B. HECK North American Director North American Members KIICHI MIY AZA WA Japanese Chairman (Acting) SHUURO OGATA Japanese Deputy Chairman TADASHI YAMAMOTO Japanese Director Paul A Allaire, Chmrman and Chief Executive Officer, Xerox Corporation Dwayne 0. Andreas, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive, Archer Daniels Midland Company Rand V. Araskog, Chaimum, President and Chief Er:ecutive Office1; I1T Corporation *C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Institute for Intemational Economics; fonner U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Intemarional Affairs Conrad M. Black, Chai.rman and Chief Executive Officer, Hollinger Inc., Toronto Stephen W. Bosworth, President, United States-Japan Foundation Jacques Bougie, President and Chief Executive Office1; A/can Aluminium limited, Montreal John Brademas, President Emeritus, New York University; fonner Member of U.S. House of Representatives Harold Brown, Counselor, Center for Strategic and Intemational Studies; former U.S. Secretary of Defense . *Zbigniew Brzezinski, Cowiselor, Center for Strategic and Intemational Studies; Robert Osgood Professor of American Foreign Affairs, Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopldns University; fonner U.S. Assistant to the President for National Secwity Affairs M. Anthony Burns, Chainnan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ryder System, Inc. Frank C. Carlucci, Chainnan, The Carlyle Gmup; fonner U.S. Secretmy of Defense John H. Chafee, Member of United States Senate Marshall A Cohen, President and Chief Execunve Office1; The Molson Companies Ltd, Tomnto I j I I I I ! William S. Cohen, Member of United States Senate *William T. Coleman, Jr., Senior Partner, O'Melveny & Myers;fonner U.S. Secretary of Transportation Richard N. Cooper, Maurits Boas Professor of International Economics, Han-'ard University; fonner U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs E. Gerald Corrigan, Chainnan, International Advisors, Goldman, Sachs & Co.; fonner President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Gerald L. Curtis, Professor of Political Science, East Asian Institute, Columbia University Ian Deans, Chairperson, Public Service Staff Relations Board of Canada, Ottawa; former Member of the Canadian House ofConvnons Paul Desmarais, Chainnan and Chief Executive Officer, Power Corporation of Canada, Montreal Peter C. Dobell, Direct01; Par/iamentaty Centre for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Ottawa; Wee-President, Institute for Research on Public Policy Marie-Josee Drouin, Adjunct Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations, New York; Janner Executive Director, Hudson Institute of Canada, Montreal *Jessica P. Einhorn, Wee President and Treasurer, World Bank Roger A Enrico, Wee Chainnan, PepsiCo, Inc. Jeffrey E. Epstein, President, New Albany Property, Inc. Robert F. Erburu, Chainnan and Chief Executive Officer, Times Mirror Company Trevor Eyton, Member of Canallian Senate; President and Chief Executive Officer, Brascan limited, Toronto Dianne Feinstein, Member of the United States Senate; Janner Mayor of San Francisco Martin S. Feldstein, President, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.; George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University, fonner Chainnan, President's Council of Economic Advisors George M. C. Fisher, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, &stman Kodak Company Richard B. Fisher, Chaim1an, Morgan Stanley Group, Inc. Thomas S. Foley, Partner, Akin, Gwnp, Strauss, Hauer & Feld; fonner Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives *L. Yves Fortier, Senior Partner, Ogilvy Renault, Barristers and Solicitors, Montreal; Janner Canallian Ambassador and Pennanent Representative to the United Nations Paolo Fresco, Wee Chainnan of the Board and Executive Officer, The General Electric Company (U.SA.) Stephen Fdedman, Senior Partner and Chairman, Goldman, Sachs & Co. Leslie H. Gelb, President, Council on Foreign Relations John A Georges, Chainnan and Chief Executive Officer, International Paper Joseph T. Gorman, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, 1RW Inc. Allan E. Gotlieb, Chairman, Burson-Marsteller, Toronto; fonner Canadian Ambassador to th.e United Sta.res Bill Graham, Member of the Canadian House of Commons and Wee Chairman of th.e Standing Commi.ttee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ottawa Katharine Graham, Chairman of th.e Executive Committee, The Washington Post Company Wtlliam H. Gray, III. President and Chief Executive Officer, United Negro College Fund Maurice R Greenberg, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, American International Group, Inc. John H. Gutfreund, Former Chairman of th.e &ard and Chief EXecutive Officer, Salomon Inc. *Robert D. Haas, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Levi Strauss & Co. Lee H. Hamilton, Member of U.S. House of Representatives Carla A. Hills, Chairman, Hills & Company; former U.S. Trade Representative Robert D. Honnats, Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; for- mer U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs James R. Houghton, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Coming Incorporated Samuel C. Johnson, Chairman, S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. W. Thomas Johnson, President, Cable News Network Vernon C. Jordan, Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld Nannerl 0. Keohane, President, Duke University Donald R Keough, Chairman of th.e Board, Allen & Company Incorporated; former President and Chief Operating Officer, The Coca-Cola Company *Herny A Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.; fomter U.S. Secretary of State; former U.S. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Thomas G. Labrecque, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Chase Manhattan Bank, NA Jim Leach, Member of U.S. House of Representatives Gerald Levin, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Time Warner Whitney MacMillan, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Cargili Inc. Deryck C. Maughan, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Salomon Inc. Jay Mazur, President, UNITE Hugh L. McColl, Jr., Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, NationsBank Corporation *Robert S. McNamara, Fomrer President, The World Bank; former U.S. Secretary of Defense Allen E. Murray, Former Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mobil Corporation Michel Oksenberg, Fonner President, East-West Center, Honolulu; former Staff Member (China), U.S. National Security Council Herny Owen, Senior Advisor, Salonwn Brothers; former U.S. Amhassador-at- 1.arge and Special Representative of the President for Economic Summits James A Pattison, Chainnan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Jim Pattison Group Inc., Vancouver Michael E.S. Phelps, Chainnan and Chief Executive Officer, Westcoast Energy Inc., Vancouver Robert D. Putnam, Director of the Center for International Affairs and Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs, Harvard University Charles B. Rangel, Member of U.S. House of Represenmtives Lee R Raymond, Chaim1an and Chief Executive Officer, Exxon Corporation Rozanne Ridgway, Co-Chai1; Atlantic Council; former U.S. Assisfilnt Secrefilry of State for European and Canadian Affairs Charles S. Robb, Member of United Smtes Senate; former Governor of Virginia *David Rockefeller, Fowuler and Honorary Chainnan, Trilateral Commission John D. Rockefeller N, Member of United States Senate; former Governor of West Virginia *Herny Rosovsky, Lewis P. & linda L Geyser University Professor of &onomics, Harvard University William V. Roth, Jr., Member of United Smtes Senate William D. Ruckelshaus, Chabman and Chief Executive Officer, Browning- Ferris Industries; former Administrator, U.S. Environmenfill Protection Agency; former U.S. Deputy Attorney General Kurt L. Schmoke, Mayor of Baltimore Albert Shanker, President, American Federation of Teachers . Walter V. Shipley, Chainnan and Chief Executive Officer, Chemical Banking Co1poration George P. Shultz, Honorary Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stilnford University; former U.S. Secretary of State; former U.S. Secretqry of the Treasury; former U.S. Secretary of Labor; former Director, U.S. Office of Management and Budget C. J. Silas, Former Chainnan of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Phillips Petroleum Company Ronald D. Southern, Chaimian, President and Chief Executive Officer, ATCO Ltd., Calgary; Chainnan, Canadian Utilities Ltd., Edmonton Paula Stem, Senior Fellow, The Progressive Policy Institute; President, The Stem Group; fonner Chairwoman, U.S. International Trade Commission Wilson H. Taylor, Chainnan, President and Chief Executive Officer, CIGNA Corporation Ko-Yung Tung, Chainnan, Global Practice Group, 0 'Melveny & Myers, New York *Paul A Volcker, Chainnan and Chief Executive Officer, James D. Wolfensohn Inc.; Frederick H. Schultz Professor of International Economic Policy, Princeton University;former Chainrum, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System Glenn E. Watts, President Emeritus, Communications Workers of America Henry Wendt. Former Chainnan, Smith.Kline Beecham Marina v.N. Whitman. Distinguished Visiting Professor of Business Administration and Public Policy, The University of Michigan L.R Wtlson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, BCE Inc., Montreal Robert N. Wilson, Wee Chairman, Board of Directors, Johnson & Johnson Robert C. Wmters, Chairman Emeritus, Prudential Insurance Co. of America Robert B. Zoellick. Executive Vice-President, General Counsel and Secretmy, Federal National Mortgage Association; fonner U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs *Executive Committee Former Members in Government Service Bruce Babbitt. U.S. Secretary of the Interior Warren Christopher, U.S. Secretary of State Henry Cisneros, U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Bill Clinton, President of the United States William J. Crowe, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom Lynn E. Davis, U.S. Under Secreta1y of State for Intemational Security Affairs John M. Deutch. U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Richard N. Gardner, U.S. Ambassador to Spain _ Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System Richard Holbrooke, U.S. Assistant Secreta1y of State for European and Canadi,an Affairs James R. Jones, U.S. Ambassador to Winston Lord, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for F.ast Asian and Pacific Affairs Walter F. Mondale, U.S. Ambassador to Japan Roy Maclaren, Canadian Minister of International Trade Joseph S. Nye, Jr., US. Assistant Secretary for International Security Affairs Alice M. Rivlin, Director, U.S. Office of Management and Budget Donna E. Shalala, U.S. Secretary of Health and Hwnan Services Joan Edelman Spero, U.S. Under Secretmy of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs Strobe Talbott, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Peter Tarnoff, U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs European Members Carl Johan A.berg, Managing Director, AP-Fonden, Stockholm Lionello Adler, Chairman, Banca Commerciale Italiana, Milan; Chairman, Cartiere Burgo, San Mauro Torinese Umberto Agnelli, Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman, IF/; Chairman, /FIL, Turin Krister Ahlstrom, Chairman, Ahlstrom Group, Helsinki *Michel Albert, Member of the Council for Monetary Policy of the Banque de France, Paris; Honorary Chairman, Assurances Generales de France; former High Commissioner of the French Planning Agency Lord Armstrong of Ilminster, Director, The R. T.Z Corporation, London; former Chief Cabinet Secretary to the Prime Minister Giovanni Auletta Armenise, Chairman, Banca Nazionale dell 'Agricoltura, Rome Raymond Barre, Member of the National Assembly; former Prime Minister of France Hans Bartelds, Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors, Amev, Utrecht; Chairman of the Executive Board of Fortis Piero Bassetti, Chairman, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Milan; former Member of Chamber of Deputies Erik Belfrage, Senior Vice President, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Stockholm Jean Bergougnoux, Chairman, S.N.C.F. (French Railways), Paris *Georges Berthoin, International Honorary Chairman, European Movement; Honorary European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission, Paris Kurt Biedenkopf, Minister President of the Free State of Saxony; former Member of the German Bundestag Ritt Bjerregaard, Member of the European Commission, Brussels; for- mer Member of Danish Parliament; former Minister of Education and Minister for Social Affairs , Marcel Boiteux, Honorary Chairman, French Electricity Board (EDF), Paris Michel Bon, Director General, French National Employment Agency (ANPE), Paris Peter Bonfield, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, /CL, London Jorge Braga de Macedo, Professor of Economics, Universidade Nova, Lisbon; former Minister of Finances Arne Olav Brundtland, Senior Researcher, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Oslo Richard Burrows, Chairman, Irish Distillers, Dublin Pierre Callebaut, Chairman, Amylum, Brussels; former Chairman, Belgian Federation of Agricultural and Food Industries Victoria Camps. Member of the Spanish Senate; Professor of Philosophy, Barcelona University Umberto Cappuzzo, Member of the Defense Committee, Italian Senate; Former Chief of Staff of the Army, Rome *Herve de Cannoy, Chairman, Banque Industrielle et Mobiliere Privee (B.l.M.P.), Paris; former Chief Executive, Sociite Generale de Belgique, Brussels Jaime Carvajal Urquijo, Chairman Ibetfomento; Chairman, Ford Espana, Madrid Jean-Claude Casanova, Professor of Economics, Institute of Political Studies, Paris; Editor, Commentaire Fausto Cereti, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Alenia, Ronie Jose Luis Ceron Ayuso, Former Spanish Minister ofTrade;.Chainnan of ASETA, Madrid Willy de Clercq, Member of the European Parliament and Chairman, Commission on Foreign Economic Relations; former Vice President, Commission of European Comniunities, Brussels Bertrand Collomb, Chairman, Lafarge-Coppee, Paris *Umberto Colombo, Chairman, Scientific Board of ENI-Enrico Mattei Foundation, Rome; former Italian Minister for Universities, Science and Technology Richard Conroy, Chairman and Chief Executive, Conroy; Member of Senate, Irish Republic Alain Cotta. Professor of Economics and Management, University of Paris Michel David-Weill, Senior Partner, Lazard Freres, Paris & New York Viscount Etienne Davignon, Chairman, Sociite Generale de Belgique; former Vice President of the Commission of the European Communities Baron Guido Declercq, Chairman, Fidisco, Investco and Benevent, Brussels; Honormy General Administrat01; Kath University, Leuven Jean Deflassieux, Chainnan, Banque des Echanges lnternationaux; Honorary Chairman, Credit Lyonnais, Paris Ottaviano Del Turco, Former General Secretmy, Italian Socialist Party (PSI), Rome Bengt Dennis, Senior Advisor, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Stockholm; former Governor of the Central Bank of Sweden Jean Dromer, Chairman, Financiere Agache, Paris; Chairman, Louis Vuitton, Paris; former Chairman, Union des Assurances de Paris Bill Emmott, Edit01; The Economist. London Aatos Erkko, Chairman, Sanoma C01poration, Helsinki *Oscar Fanjul, Chairman, Repsol; Chairman, Instituto Nacional de Hidrocarburos, Madrid Julio Feo. Chairman, Consultores de Comunicacion y Direccion, Madrid; Chairman, Holmes & Marchant --: Carlos Ferrer, President, Economic and Social Committee of the European Union; Chairman, Ferrer International Group; Chairman, Bank of Europe, Barcelona; Chairman, International Vienna Council *Garret FitzGerald, Former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ireland; Member of the Irish Dail Michael Fuchs, President, National Federation of German Wholesale & Er:port Traders, Bonn Tristan Garel-Jones, Member of British Parliament; former Minister of State at the Foreign Office (European Affairs) Antonio Garrigues Walker, Senior Partner, J & A Garrigues, Madrid Giuseppe Gazzoni Frascara, Chairman and Managing Director, Gazzoni; President, Federation of Italian Food Industries, Bologna John Gilbert, Member of British Parliament; Former Treasury, Transport and Defense Minister; Chairman of John Gilbert & Associates, London Marcello Guidi, Chairman, ISP/, Milan; former Ambassador of Italy Uwe Haasen, Chairman, Allianz Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft, Munich Carl Hahn, Member of the Supervisory Board, Volkswagen, Wolfsburg Sirkka Hamalainen, Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland, Helsinki Gerhard Heiberg, Partner, Norscan Consulting, Oslo; Chairman of the Board, Aker, Oslo; President, C.O.J.O. Lillehammer 94 Olympic Games *Miguel Herrero de Minon, Lawye1; International Consultant; Member of the Royal Spanish Academy of Political and Moral Sciences; former Member of Spanish Parliament Jan Hinnekens, Chairman, Belgian Boerenbond (Farmers Union); Member, Board of Directors, National Bank of Belgium Niels W. Holm, Chairman, National Institute of Animal Science and of the Danish Standards Association; Vice Chairman, J. Lauritzen Holding; Director, Teledanmark, Copenhagen Karl-Heinz Homhues, Member of the German Bundestag and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee David Howell, Member of British Parliament and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee; former Cabinet Minister Carmen Iglesias, Member of the Royal Spanish Academy of History; Professor at the Complutense University, Madrid Claude Imbert, Editor-in-Chief and Managing Director, Le Point, Paris Jagland, Member of the Norwegian Parliament; Chairman, Labour Party Parliamentary Group, Oslo *Max Jakobson, Independent Consultant and Senior Columnist, Helsinki; former Finnish Ambassador to the United Nations; former Chairman of the Council of Economic Organizations *Baron Daniel Janssen, Chairman, Executive Committee, Solvay & Co., Brussels Baron Paul-Emmanuel Janssen, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Generale de Banque, Brussels Sir Michael Jenkins, Executive Director, Kleinwort Benson, London; former British Ambassador Reimut Jochimsen, President, Central Bank of Northrhine-Westphalia, Dii.sseldoif; Member of the Central Bank Council of the Deutsche Bundesbank Josef Joffe, Foreign Editor, Siiddeutsche Zeitung, Munich Alain Joly, Member of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, L'Air Liquide, Paris Jacques Julliard, Associate Director, Le Nouvel Observateur, Paris Karl Kaiser, Director, Research Institute of German Society for Foreign Affairs (DGAP); Professor of International Relations, University of Bonn Justin Keating, Former Irish Minister of Industry and Commerce; former Leader of the Labour Party in the Senate; former Dean, F acuity of Veterinary Medicine, University College, Dublin Horst Kohler, President, Deutscher Sparkassen-und Giroverband, Bonn; former State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Finances Max Kohnstamm, Former President, European University Institute, Florence Manfred Lahnstein, Member of the Supervisory Board, Bertelsmann AG, Gatersloh; former Federal Minister of Finance Martin Laing, Chairman, John Laing, London *Count Otto Lambsdorff, Member of German Bundestag; Honorary Chairman and Chief Economic Spokesman, Free Democratic Party; former Federal Minister of Economy and President of the Liberal International Jose Lame go, Member of the Socialist Party in charge of International Affairs, Lisbon Liam Lawlor, Member of Irish Dail Cees van Lede, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Akzo Nobel, Arnheim; former President, Federation of Netherlands Industry Alan Lee Williams, Director, The British Atlantic Council; former Member of British Parliament Klaus Dieter Leister, Member of the Board, Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale, Diisseldorf; former State Secretary, Ministry of Defense Pierre Lellouche, Member of the National Assembly; Defence Spokesman of the RPR Party and Diplomatic Advisor to Jacques Chirac Arrigo Levi, Political Columnist, Corriere della Sera, Rome Andre Leysen, Chairman, Agfa Gevaert, Antwerp; Chairman, Supervisory Board, Hapag Uoyd, Hamburg *Cees Maas, Member of the Executive Board of the Internationale Nederlanden Group, Amsterdam; former Treasurer of the Dutch Government - - I Roderick Mac Farquhar, Professor of Government, Harvard University; Director, Fairbank Center for East Asian Research; former Member of British Parliament Gilles Martinet, Ambassadeur de France; President, Association for the European Cultural Community, Paris Eberhard Martini, Spokesman, Bayerische Hypotheken-und Wechsel Bank, Munich Count Albrecht Matuschka, Chairman, Matuschka Group, Munich Cesare Merlini, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Council for the United States and Italy; Chairman, Institute for International Affairs, Rome Peter Mitterbauer, Chairman, MIBA, Laakirchen, Austria Thierry de Montbrial, Membre de l'Institut de France; Professor, Ecole Polytechnique; Director, French Institute for International Relations (/FRI), Paris *Mario Monti, Member of the European Commission, Brussels; Janner President & Rector, Bocconi University, Milan Klaus Murmann, Chairman, Federation of German Employers' Association ( BDA), Cologne Heinrich Neisser, Member of Austrian Parliament; Second President of the National Assembly Sir Edwin Nixon, Deputy Chairman, National Westminster Bank, London Lord Owen, Co-Chairman (EU) of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on former Yugoslavia; former Member of British Parliament; former Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary *Sir Michael Palliser, Vzce Chairman, Samuel Montagu & Co.; former Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth . . Office, London Sir Michael Perry, Chairman, Unilever, London Heinrich von Pierer, Chairman of the Board, Siemens, Munich Ilidio de Pinho, Chairman, COLEP, Lisbon Lord Rippon of Hexham, Chairman, Unichem and Dun & Bradstreet, London; former British Cabinet Minister Gianfelice Rocca, Chairman, Techint, Milano Lord Roll of Ipsden, President, S.G. Warburg Group, London Sergio Romano, Editorialist, La Stampa; former Italian Ambassador to USSR, Milan John Roper, Director, Institute for Security Studies, Western European Union; former Member of British Parliament H. Onno Ruding, Vice Chairman Citicorp/Citibank, New York; Janner Dutch Minister of Finance Renato Ruggiero, Director General-designate, World Trade Organization (WTO/OMC), Geneva; former Italian Minister of Foreign Trade Antx6n Sarasqueta, President, Multimedia Capital; Editor, Hechos, Madrid Willem Scherpenhuijsen Rom, Former Chairman, Internationale Nederlanden Group, Amsterdam Jorgen Schleimann, Senior Columnist, Berlingske Group of Newspapers, Denmark *Guido Schmidt-Chiari, Chairman, Creditanstalt Bankverein, Vienna Ellen Schneider-Lenne, Member of the Board, Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt Pedro Schwartz, Vice President, FINCORP, Madrid; Professor of Economics, Madrid University Louis Schweitzer, Chairman and Managing Director, Regie Renault, Boulogne Jose Segurado, Chairman, Jasinas, Madrid; Honorary Chairman of CEIM (Madrid Employer's Confederation); former Member of Spanish Parliament *Peter Shore, Member of British Parliament Umberto Silvestri, Chairman, Telecom Italia, Rome *Myles Staunton, Member of Senate, Irish Republic Peter Sutherland, Director General, World Trade Organization (WTOIOMC), Geneva; former Member of the European Commission; former Attorney General of Ireland Poul Johan Svanholm, President and Group Chief Executive Officer, Carlsberg, Copenhagen *Bjorn Svedberg, President and Group Chief Executive, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Stockholm El Marques de Tamaron, Director, Instituto de Cuestiones Internacionales y Politica Exterior (INC/PE), Madrid Sir Peter Tapsell, Member of British Parliament Carlos Tavares, Chairman, Banca Nacional Ultramarino, Lisbon Horst Teltschik, Member of the Board, BMW, Munich; former Head of the Foreign & Security Office in the Federal Chancellery Jacques Thierry, Honorary Chairman, Banque Bruxelles Lambert; Chairman of the Board, Artois Piedboeuf Interbre-; Brussels Gaston Thorn, Chairman, Banque Internationale a Luxembourg; former President of the Commission of the European Communities; former Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg *Niels Thygesen, Professor of Economics, Economics Institute, University of Copenhagen *Otto Grieg Tidemand, Shipo-wne1; Oslo; former N01wegia11 Minister of Defense and Minister of Economic Affairs Maru1en Van Traa, Member of Dutch Parliament; Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee Marco Tronchetti Provera, Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pirelli, Milan *Antonio Vasco de Mello, Chairman, Sociedade de Reparafao e Montagem de Equipamentos Industriais, Lisbon; former Member of Portuguese Parliament Friedrich Verzetnitsch, Member of Austrian Parliament; President, Austrian Federation of Trade Unions, Vienna; President, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) Jose Vila Marsans, Chairman, Rhone Poulenc Fibras, Barcelona; Director, Banco Central, Madrid Paolo B. Vittorelli, Chairman, /stituto Studi Ricerche Defesa (/STRID), Rome; former Member of Italian Parliament Karsten D. Voigt, Member of the German Bundestag; Spokesman on Foreign Affairs of the SPD Parliamentary Group Karel Vuursteen, Chairman of the Executive Board, Heineken, Amsterdam Serge Weinberg, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Rexel; Member of the Board and Director General, Pinault-Printemps-Redoute Group, Paris Heinrich Weiss. Chairman, SMS Company, Diisseldorf *Norbert Wieczorek, Member of the German Bundestag and Chairman of the Committee for European Union Affairs *Otto Wolff von Amerongen, Chairman, East Committee of the German Industly; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Otto Wolff Industrieberatung und Beteiligung, Cologne Emilio Ybarra, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Banco Bilbao- Wzcaya, Madrid Arie van der Zwan, Chairman, World Software Group, The Hague *Executive Committee Former Members in Public Service Joris Voorhoeve, Minister of Defence, The Netherlands Thorvald Stoltenberg, Co-Chairman (UN) of the Steering Committee of
the Intemational Conference on fomier Yugoslavia, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway Simone Veil, Minister of State for Social, Health and Urban Affairs, France Japanese Members Joichi Aoi, Chairman, Toshiba Corporation Yoshitoki Chino, Honorary Chairman, Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd. *Koichiro Ejiri, Chairman, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Shinji Fukukawa, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Dentsu Institute for Human Studies Yoichi Funabashi, American Bureau Chief and Diplomatic Correspondent, The Asahi Shimbun *Toyoo Gyohten, Chairman of the Board of Directors, The Bank of Tokyo, former Wee Minister of Finance for International Affairs Toro Hashimoto, President, Fuji Bank, Ltd. Tetsuya Horie, President, The Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, Ltd. *Takashi Hosomi, Chairman, NU Research Institute,- former Chairman, The Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund Shin'ichi Ichimura, Vice-Chancellor, Osaka International University Rokuro Ishikawa, Chairman, Kajima Corporation Takero Ishikawa, Chairman, Mitsui Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. Tadashi Ito, Chairman, Sumitomo Corporation Motoo Kaji, Vice President, The University of the Air,- Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo Fuji Kamiya, Dean, Social Science Department, Toyo-Eiwa Women's University Ken'ichi Kamiya, Director and Counsellor, The Sakura Bank, Ltd. Hisashi Kaneko, President, NEC Corporation Koichi Kato, Member of the House of Representatives,- former Chief Cabinet Secretary Kenji Kawakatsu, Chairman, Sanwa Bank, Ltd. Shoichiro Kobayashi, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Kansai Electric Power Company, Ltd. *Yotaro Kobayashi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. Akira Kojima, Deputy Chief Editorial Writer, The. Nihon Keizai Shim bun Yutaka Kosai, President, Japan Center for Economic Research Yutaka Kume, Chairman, Nissan Motor Company, Ltd. Toro Kusukawa, Chairman, Fuji Research Institute Corporation Shonosuke Maeda, President, Toray Industries, Inc. *Minoro Makihara, President, Mitsubishi Corporation Michiya Matsukawa, Senior Advisor to the President, Nikko Securities Co, Ltd. Seiji Matsuoka, Chairman, The Nippon Credit Bank, Ltd. Isamu Miyazaki, Chail-man, Daiwa Institute of Research, Ltd. *Kiichi Miyazawa, Member of the House of Representatives,- former Prime Minister of Japan L Masaya Miyoshi, President and Director General, Keidanren (Japan Federation of Economic Organizations) Yuzaburo Mogi, President, Kikkoman Corporation Toshio Morikawa, President, Sumitomo Bank, Ltd. *Aldo Morita, Founder and Honorary Chairman, Sony Corporation Kazoo Morita, Vice President, Hitachi, Ltd. Moriyuki Motono, Advisor to the Board, Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. Jiro Murase, Managing Partner, Marks & Murase *Minoru Murofushi, President and Chief Executive Officer, ITOCHU Corporation Nobuyuki Nakahara, Honorary Chairman, Tanen Corporation Kaneo Nakamura, Counsellor, The Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd. Toshio Nakamura, Counsellor, Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd. Masashi Nishihara, Director of the First Research Department, National Institute for Defense Studies; Professor of International Relations, National Defense Academy Teruo Noguchi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Koa Oil Co., Ltd. Toshiaki Ogasawara, Publisher-Chairman, The Japan Times, Ltd.; President, Nifco Inc. *Shijuro Ogata, Senior Advisor, Yamaichi Securities Company, Ltd. Mitsuyoshi Okano, President, The Suruga Bank, Ltd. *Yoshio Okawara, Executive Advisor, Keidanren (Japan Federation of Economic Organizations); former Ambassador to the United States Ariyoshi Okumura, President and Chief Executive, IBJNW Asset Management Co., Ltd. Masafumi Ohnishi, Chairman, Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. *Kiichi Saeki, Senior Advisor, Institute for International Policy Studies Yutaka Saito, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Nippon Steel Corporation Seizaburo Sato, Professor, Keio University; Research Director, Institute for International Policy Studies Masahide Shibusawa, Director, East-West Seminar Motoo Shiina, Member of the House of Councillors; Japanese Chairman, UK-Japan 2000 Group Takeo Shiina, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, IBM Japan, Ltd. Atsushi Shimokobe, Chairman, The Tokio Marine Research Institute Tsuyoshi Takagi, General Secretary, ZENSEN (The Japanese Textile, Garment, Chemical, Mercantile and Allied Industry Workers' Unions) Akihiko Tanaka, Associate Professor, Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo Tatsuro Toyoda, President, Toyota Motor Corporation Keiya Toyonaga, Vice President, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Seiji Tsutsumi, Chairman, Saison Corporation Hisamitsu Uetani, Chairman Emeritus, Yamaichi Securities Company, Ltd. j I i Shoji Umemura, Chairman of the Board, Nikko Securities Company, Ltd Etsuya Washio, General Secretary, Japanese Trade Union Confederation (REN GO) Takeshi Watanabe, Chairman, The Non-Life Insurance Institute of Japan; former President, Asian Development Bank Taizo Yakushiji, Professor of Political Science, Keio University Tadashi Yamamoto, President, Japan Center for International Exchange Masamoto Yashiro, Executive Vice President and Country Corporate Officer, Citicorp/Citibank, N.A. Bunroku Yoshino, Chairman, Institute for International Economic Studies; former Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany *Executive Committee Former Members in Public Service Sadako Ogata, United Nations High Commissioner for Refagees