Minutes of Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
AG !"A #$% 'ie some .on.epts together /'ier .on.ept % year loo0-ba.0 differential
pay and .alendar1 ,in.e the fa.ulty team had gone first during our initial meeting on Mar.h 2 Del Le.y of the management team ga"e the following summary of his groups ideas: Ratios need upward mo"ement $ ratio for (3M and another ratio for other programs. . 4-ample of $% to$ for (3M and $&.5 to$ for all other management program types 'ier system-preferen.e. )referred % tier setup o"er 6 tiers. ,uggested that for e"ery 6 .redits o"er base would generate $ day of o"erload. 7"erload .ould go to a ma-imum of $.+ ('4. 7"erload ratio would be the same for all. ./$2$ day base .ontra.t li0e the rest of non-mgmt program fa.ulty1 % year loo0-ba.0: We need to e"aluate this. 8nderstanding that this has .ash flow issues for fa.ulty. Dis.ussed different payment options. Matri-- we agree with management fa.ulty that we want this remo"ed from the up.oming .ontra.t. 9on-traditional or hybrid .ourses. We feel that a per.entage of an instru.tor#s wor0load .ould be generated in this instru.tional method. May be up to %5: of load. 4-ample a $ .redit .ourse would e;uate to $/6% of the instru.tors base $.& .ontra.t. A 6 .redit .ourse would be 6/6% 4!' /are these management .redits or other<1 We will bring spe.ifi. numbers to the ne-t meeting for dis.ussion. /JM1 suggested a %&: of wor0load-$&: on base and $&: of o"erload. Dean 7tto from the fa.ulty team ne-t presented their issues for further .onsideration as follows: (a.ulty team is wishing for this 'as0 (or.e to .onsider the finan.ial impa.t of the .urrent legislati"e session before we ma0e substanti"e .hanges. 'here is a desire for a =pa.0age> deal rather than dis.rete indi"idual proposals from the management team. ,uggested % ratios: (3M would remain at $$.+ to$ and ,3M and all other management programs would go to a $&.& to $.
/?&-$+&: rather than @5:1 /9ote-some mgmt team members thin0 that the ?&: went away with the old 8'!4 blue .ba. !he.0 this out before ne-t meeting1 (a.ulty team did not dis.uss tiers "ery mu.h in the interim between the Mar.h 2 and April 2 meetings. !hanging paid .redits to registered .redits is important to fa.ulty side. (a.ulty as0ed mgmt side for spe.ifi. e-amples of problems with the two year loo0 ba.0. /DA1 in;uired if the % year loo0-ba.0 is more of a thorn rather than an issue. o /RD1 said that at 9orthland 5 of %& fa.ulty .ame up short on the number of .redits sold last year. o /),1 Ri"erland said that his .rew was %5 days short. 7ne 94W option floated by the fa.ulty team would be to ha"e a standard $2$ day .ontra.t and then to add a bonus/lump sum B and to gi"e fa.ulty a .hoi.e between ha"ing a @ or $% month .ontra.t. ,e"eral members brought up .ash flow and taimpli.ations of this plan. ALL fa.ulty present were .riti.al of disparate !ollege pra.ti.es on pro"isions dis.ussed and e-pressed a desire for uniformity-Mn,!8 fun.tioning as a system.
General &omments and "iscussion points /',1 ,tated that our si.0 lea"e is worthless and went on to des.ribe a person out with a serious ba.0 inCury-how would that person be able to sell .redits if they were away from wor0< Dow would they be able to ma0e up lost time to remain whole wage wise< De said that no substitutes were made a"ailable to fa.ulty when they are out si.0 for e-tended periods. /,31 as0ed for a spe.ifi. name to follow up with on this. /LL1 stated that at his !ollege arrangements were made to pro"ide a sub in a similar situation and to 0eep the fa.ulty whole. /DA1 mentioned that the pre"ious dis.ussion points were .onsisten.y/fairness issues and that they .ould be dealt with later with different sub groups of staff or another 'as0 (or.e rather than this one. All members were interested in generating more re"enues to 0eep these programs "iable. Dow do we now for instan.e pay for a $ day seminar/.onferen.e attended by %&& people< /JM1 stated that there is a B%$ &&& /twenty one thousand dollar1 annual defi.it per instru.tor now .ompared to an instru.tor in a an $?:$ program. /D71 says we need a ratio of 6% .redits to e;uate to a normal load< 6/6% of 6E& .redits< Are these management .redits or !arnegie units< /LL1 replied by saying that some !olleges pay half .redits and others pay only full .redits. /DA1 also .ommented on this issue by saying that those !olleges missed the logi./intent of the edi.t/poli.y that .ame out years ago. ,.hools should not follow the words literally. /A31 MnWest reminded the groups that !olleges ha"e different s.hedules/.alendars and that his groups ha"e %-E month semesters for e-ample.
Agenda #2% 'uition Wai"er limits or some sort of appropriate .ontrol me.hanism
/Define spa.e a"ailable for Management )rograms1 Most attendees agreed that the tuition wai"er pie.e was well settled /.ontra.t allows for wai"er of tuition for employees/dependents/spouses1 but that the senior rate was .ontro"ersial. 4-ample /A31 MnWest has a poli.y saying =9o spa.e a"ailable.> /D71 brought up the issue of .lass siFe ma-es< Room siFe ma-es for Management )rograms under the senior rate stru.ture< Dow are seniors .ounted for wor0load< /DA1 stated that these issues are set forth in M9 statutes. Resear.h these spe.ifi.s prior to our ne-t meeting. /DA1 suggested that another body or small group in"estigate these matters-away from this 'as0 (or.e.
Agenda #'% 7ut of the 3o- Re"enue BBGeneration and !ontra.t and )ra.ti.e
Limitations /do some of these .ompete with or .onfli.t with one another<1 /DA1 suggests more emphasis on re"enue sour.e generation. De suggested de"eloping/offering the 4ntrepreneurial .ourse online-perhaps to the ),47 /post se.ondary enrollment option1 students< /DA1 .larified that M9 statute prohibited this be.ause (3M students/.lientele must be =wor0ing farmers/wor0ing business persons> and not the traditional Digh ,.hool age youngster of ),47. )erhaps =farm 0ids> who assisted their parents on the farm homesteads .ould ;ualify for this online instru.tion< /DA1 emphasiFed the desirability of offering this online .ourse statewide/system wide and not e-.lusi"e to one single !ollege. /A31 stated that farmers are not a..ustomed to finding .lass offerings online and suggested that the fa.ulty bring the .ourse dire.tly/personally to them. /DA1 .larified that M9 statutes prohibited =free .ourses> as a mar0eting strategy and ga"e the e-ample of publi. Digh ,.hools offering free .ourses to lure students from other distri.ts to attend their institution instead. !hair /RD1 suggested another issue that would generate new dollars to support the management programs was statewide generated s.holarships. ,3M/(3M students s.holarship dollars .ould be ran through the Mn,!8 (oundation 7ffi.e. /77!1 ,taff will follow up. /D71 brought up the issue of selling the ,3M database again. 9o .lear e-planation gi"en for with holding appro"al to use this tool in re"enue generation.
dis.ussion followed by bo- lun.hes at 9oon and then .on.luding our agenda from $ to + pm in the W() World 'rade Room. Meeting adCourned at 6:+5pm.