TR-Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III

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East Service Road, South Luzon Expressway, Taguig City, Metro Manila

Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994

(Republic Act No. 7796)

Section 22, “Establishment and Administration of the

National Trade Skills Standards” of the RA 7796 known as
the TESDA Act mandates TESDA to establish national
occupational skill standards. The Authority shall develop
and implement a certification and accreditation program in
which private industry group and trade associations are
accredited to conduct approved trade tests, and the local
government units to promote such trade testing activities in
their respective areas in accordance with the guidelines to
be set by the Authority.

The Training Regulations (TR) serve as basis for the:

1. Competency assessment and certification;

2. Registration and delivery of training programs; and
3. Development of curriculum and assessment instruments.

Each TR has four sections:

Section 1 Definition of Qualification - refers to the group of

competencies that describes the different functions of the

Section 2 Competency Standards - gives the specifications of

competencies required for effective work performance.

Section 3 Training Standards - contains information and requirements

in designing training program for certain Qualification. It
includes curriculum design; training delivery; trainee entry
requirements; tools, equipment and materials; training
facilities; trainer’s qualification; and institutional

Section 4 National Assessment and Certification Arrangement -

describes the policies governing assessment and
certification procedure




 Basic Competencies 2 - 19
 Common Competencies 20 - 39
 Core Competencies 40 - 55


3.1 Curriculum Design 56 – 75

3.2 Training Delivery 76 – 77
3.3 Trainee Entry Requirements 77
3.4 List of Tools, Equipment and 77 - 78
3.5 Training Facilities 79
3.6 Trainers' Qualifications 79
3.7 Institutional Assessment 79









The Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC III qualification consists of a set of
competencies that a candidate for this qualification must achieve in order to obtain a
national certificate for this qualification as specified by TESDA requirements. This
particular set of competencies excludes core technical competencies required for related
highly specialized vocational skilled workers such as linemen, substation technicians,
electrical motors/generators repair technicians, etc..

Required units of Competency. The list of required units of competency for this
qualification are summarized herein and are in detailed in Section 2:

Code No Basic Units of Competency

500311109 Lead workplace communication
500311110 Lead small teams
500311111 Develop and practice negotiating skills
500311112 Sove problems related to work activities
500311113 Use mathematical concepts and techniques
500311114 Use relevant technologies

Code No Common Units of Competency

ELC311205 Use Hand Tools
ELC311201 Perform Mensuration and Calculation
ELC311202 Prepare and Interpret Technical Drawing
ELC311204 Apply Quality Standards
ELC311206 Terminate and Connect Electrical Wiring and Electronic Circuits
ELC311212 Maintain tools and equipment

Code No Core Units of Competency

ELC741304 Perform roughing-in and wiring activities for three-phase distribution
system for power, lighting and motor control panel.
ELC741305 Perform installation of data measurement and control system on
electrical and auxiliary equipment
ELC741306 Install, assemble, test and maintain motor control system.

A candidate who has achieved all these competencies is qualified to be:

a. Industrial Electrician
b. Electrical Leadman, or
c. Electrical Foreman

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 1




The Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC III qualification consists of a set of
competencies that a candidate for this qualification must achieve in order to obtain a
national certificate for this qualification as specified by TESDA requirements. This
particular set of competencies excludes core technical competencies required for related
highly specialized vocational skilled workers such as linemen, substation technicians,
electrical motors/generators repair technicians, etc..

Required units of Competency. The list of required units of competency for this
qualification are summarized herein and are in detailed in Section 2:

Code No Basic Units of Competency

500311109 Lead workplace communication
500311110 Lead small teams
500311111 Develop and practice negotiating skills
500311112 Sove problems related to work activities
500311113 Use mathematical concepts and techniques
500311114 Use relevant technologies

Code No Common Units of Competency

ELC311205 Use Hand Tools
ELC311201 Perform Mensuration and Calculation
ELC311202 Prepare and Interpret Technical Drawing
ELC311204 Apply Quality Standards
ELC311206 Terminate and Connect Electrical Wiring and Electronic Circuits
ELC311212 Maintain tools and equipment

Code No Core Units of Competency

ELC741304 Perform roughing-in and wiring activities for three-phase distribution
system for power, lighting and motor control panel.
ELC741305 Perform installation of data measurement and control system on
electrical and auxiliary equipment
ELC741306 Install, assemble, test and maintain motor control system.

A candidate who has achieved all these competencies is qualified to be:

a. Industrial Electrician
b. Electrical Leadman, or
c. Electrical Foreman

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 1


ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in REQUIRED SKILLS
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE
3. Identify and 3.1 Issues and problems are  Types of issues and  Identifying cause of
communicate identified as they arise problems in the problems
issues arising 3.2 Information regarding workplace  Identifying
in the problems and issues are  Written and problems and
workplace organized coherently to electronic issues
ensure clear and effective communication  Organizing
communication methods information on
3.3 Dialogue is initiated with  Communication problems and
appropriate personnel barriers affecting issues
3.4 Communication problems workplace  Relating problems
and issues are raised as discussions and issues in the
they arise workplace

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 3


1. Methods of 1.1. Non-verbal gestures
communication 1.2. Verbal
1.3. Face to face
1.4. Two-way radio
1.5. Speaking to groups
1.6. Using telephone
1.7. Written
1.8. Internet


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1. Dealt with a range of communication/information at one
1.2. Made constructive contributions in workplace issues
1.3. Sought workplace issues effectively
1.4. Responded to workplace issues promptly
1.5. Presented information clearly and effectively written form
1.6. Used appropriate sources of information
1.7. Asked appropriate questions
1.8. Provided accurate information

2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

Implications 2.1. Variety of Information
2.2. Communication tools
2.3. Simulated workplace

3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1. Competency in this unit must be assessed through
3.2. Direct Observation
3.3. Interview

4. Context for Competency may be assessed in the workplace or in simulated

Assessment workplace environment

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 4


UNIT CODE : 500311110
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead
small teams including setting and maintaining team and
individual performance standards.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables
1. Provide team 1.1. Work requirements are  Company policies and  Communication
leadership identified and presented procedures skills required for
to team members  How performance leading teams
1.2. Reasons for instructions expectations are set  Team building
and requirements are  Methods of Monitoring skills
communicated to team Performance  Negotiating skills
members  Client expectations  Evaluation skills
1.3. Team members’ queries  Team member’s
and concerns are
duties and
recognized, discussed
and dealt with
 Definition of Team
 Skills and techniques
in promoting team
 Up-to-date
dissemination of
instructions and
requirements to
 Art of listening and
treating individual
team members
2. Assign 2.1 Duties and responsibilities  Concept of delegation  Delegating skills
responsibilities are allocated having regard  How to delegate  Identifying
to the skills, knowledge  Understanding individual skills,
and aptitude required to individual differences knowledge and
properly undertake the attitude as basis
 Methods of monitoring
assigned task and for allocating
according to company responsibilities
policy  Duties and
responsibilities of  Identifying each
2.2 Duties are allocated having team member
each team member
regard to individual duties and
preference, domestic and  Knowledge in
identifying each team responsibilities
personal considerations,
whenever possible member duties and
3. Set 3.1 Performance expectations  Definition of  Identifying
performance are established based on performance performance
expectations client needs and according indicators/ criteria indicators
for team to assignment  Definition of team  Evaluating
members requirements goals and performance
3.2 Performance expectations expectations  Setting individual
are based on individual  Methods of monitoring performance
team members duties and performance target/
area of responsibility  Client expectations expectation

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 5


1. Methods of 1.1. Non-verbal gestures
communication 1.2. Verbal
1.3. Face to face
1.4. Two-way radio
1.5. Speaking to groups
1.6. Using telephone
1.7. Written
1.8. Internet


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1. Dealt with a range of communication/information at one
1.2. Made constructive contributions in workplace issues
1.3. Sought workplace issues effectively
1.4. Responded to workplace issues promptly
1.5. Presented information clearly and effectively written form
1.6. Used appropriate sources of information
1.7. Asked appropriate questions
1.8. Provided accurate information

2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

Implications 2.1. Variety of Information
2.2. Communication tools
2.3. Simulated workplace

3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1. Competency in this unit must be assessed through
3.2. Direct Observation
3.3. Interview

4. Context for Competency may be assessed in the workplace or in simulated

Assessment workplace environment

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 4



1. Work requirements 1.1. Client Profile

1.2. Assignment instructions
2. Team member’s concerns 2.1. Roster/shift details

3. Monitor performance 3.1. Formal process

3.2. Informal process
4. Feedback 4.1. Formal process
4.2. Informal process
5. Performance issues 5.1. Work output
5.2. Work quality
5.3. Team participation
5.4. Compliance with workplace protocols
5.5. Safety
5.6. Customer service

1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1. Maintained or improved individuals and/or team performance
given a variety of possible scenario
1.2. Assessed and monitored team and individual performance
against set criteria
1.3. Represented concerns of a team and individual to next level
of management or appropriate specialist and to negotiate on
their behalf
1.4. Allocated duties and responsibilities, having regard to
individual’s knowledge, skills and aptitude and the needs of
the tasks to be performed
1.5. Set and communicated performance expectations for a range
of tasks and duties within the team and provided feedback to
team members
2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
Implications 2.1. Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
environment where assessment can take place
2.2. Materials relevant to the proposed activity or task
3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1. Direct observations of work activities of the individual
member in relation to the work activities of the group
3.2. Observation of simulation and/or role play involving the
participation of individual member to the attainment of
organizational goal
3.3. Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion of
issues and strategies in teamwork
4. Context for 4.1. Competency assessment may occur in workplace or any
Assessment appropriately simulated environment
4.2. Assessment shall be observed while task are being
undertaken whether individually or in-group

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 7


UNIT CODE : 500311111
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to
collect information in order to negotiate to a desired outcome
and participate in the negotiation.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the REQUIRED SKILLS
Range of Variables
1. Plan 1.1 Information on preparing  Knowledge on  Communication
negotiations for negotiation is identified Codes of practice skills (verbal and
and included in the plan and guidelines for listening)
1.2 Information on creating the organization  Active listening
nonverbal environments  Knowledge of  Setting conflict
for positive negotiating is organizations
identified and included in
 Preparing conflict
policy and resolution
the plan procedures for
1.3 Information on active  Problem solving
negotiations strategies on how
listening is identified and  Decision making
included in the plan to deal with
and conflict unexpected
1.4 Information on different resolution
questioning techniques is questions and
strategies attitudes during
identified and included in procedures
the plan negotiation
1.5 Information is checked to
 Concept of  Interpersonal skills
negotiation to develop rapport
ensure it is correct and up-
to- date with other parties
2. Participate in 2.1 Criteria for successful  Outcome of  Negotiating skill
negotiations outcome are agreed upon by negotiation  Communication
all parties  Knowledge on skills (verbal and
2.2 Desired outcome of all Language listening)
parties are considered  Different  Observation skills
2.3 Appropriate language is
used throughout the
Questioning  Interpersonal skills
techniques to develop rapport
2.4 A variety of questioning
 Problem solving with other parties
techniques are used
strategies on how  Applying effective
to deal with questioning
2.5 The issues and processes
unexpected techniques
are documented and agreed
questions and  Setting conflict
upon by all parties
attitudes during
2.6 Possible solutions are
discussed and their viability
2.7 Areas for agreement are
confirmed and recorded
2.8 Follow-up action is agreed
upon by all parties

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 8


1. Preparing for 1.1 Background information on other parties to the
negotiation negotiation
1.2 Good understanding of topic to be negotiated
1.3 Clear understanding of desired outcome/s
1.4 Personal attributes
1.4.1 self awareness
1.4.2 self esteem
1.4.3 objectivity
1.4.4 empathy
1.4.5 respect for others
1.5 Interpersonal skills
1.5.1 listening/reflecting
1.5.2 non verbal communication
1.5.3 assertiveness
1.5.4 behavior labeling
1.5.5 testing understanding
1.5.6 seeking information
1.5.7 self disclosing
1.6 Analytic skills
1.6.1 observing differences between content and
1.6.2 identifying bargaining information
1.6.3 applying strategies to manage process
1.6.4 applying steps in negotiating process
1.6.5 strategies to manage conflict
1.6.6 steps in negotiating process
1.6.7 options within organization and externally for
resolving conflict

2. Non verbal 2.1 Friendly reception

environments 2.2 Warm and welcoming room
2.3 Refreshments offered
2.4 Lead in conversation before negotiation begins

3. Active listening 3.1 Attentive

3.2 Don’t interrupt
3.3 Good posture
3.4 Maintain eye contact
3.5 Reflective listening

4. Questioning 4.1 Direct

techniques 4.2 Indirect
4.3 Open-ended

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 9



1. Work requirements 1.1. Client Profile

1.2. Assignment instructions
2. Team member’s concerns 2.1. Roster/shift details

3. Monitor performance 3.1. Formal process

3.2. Informal process
4. Feedback 4.1. Formal process
4.2. Informal process
5. Performance issues 5.1. Work output
5.2. Work quality
5.3. Team participation
5.4. Compliance with workplace protocols
5.5. Safety
5.6. Customer service

1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1. Maintained or improved individuals and/or team performance
given a variety of possible scenario
1.2. Assessed and monitored team and individual performance
against set criteria
1.3. Represented concerns of a team and individual to next level
of management or appropriate specialist and to negotiate on
their behalf
1.4. Allocated duties and responsibilities, having regard to
individual’s knowledge, skills and aptitude and the needs of
the tasks to be performed
1.5. Set and communicated performance expectations for a range
of tasks and duties within the team and provided feedback to
team members
2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
Implications 2.1. Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
environment where assessment can take place
2.2. Materials relevant to the proposed activity or task
3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1. Direct observations of work activities of the individual
member in relation to the work activities of the group
3.2. Observation of simulation and/or role play involving the
participation of individual member to the attainment of
organizational goal
3.3. Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion of
issues and strategies in teamwork
4. Context for 4.1. Competency assessment may occur in workplace or any
Assessment appropriately simulated environment
4.2. Assessment shall be observed while task are being
undertaken whether individually or in-group

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 7


UNIT CODE : 500311112
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to solve problems in the workplace including the
application of problem solving techniques and to determine
and resolve the root cause of problems.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE
the Range of Variables SKILLS
1. Identify the 1.1. Variances are identified  Competence includes a  Using range of
problem from normal operating thorough knowledge and formal problem
parameters; and product understanding of the solving
quality process, normal operating techniques
1.2. Extent, cause and nature parameters, and product  Identifying and
of the problem are defined quality to recognize non- clarifying the
through observation, standard situations nature of the
investigation and  Competence to include the problem
analytical techniques ability to apply and explain,  Evaluating the
1.3. Problems are clearly sufficient for the effectiveness
stated and specified identification of of a present
fundamental cause, process in the
determining the corrective workplace
action and provision of  Applying
recommendations analytical
o Relevant equipment techniques
and operational
o Enterprise goals,
targets and measures
o Enterprise quality, OHS
and environmental
o Enterprise information
systems and data
o Industry codes and
 Normal operating
parameters and product
 Identifying and clarifying
the nature of problem
2. Determine 2.1 Possible causes are  Relevant equipment and  Analysis of
fundamental identified based on operational processes root causes
causes of the experience and the use of  Enterprise goals, targets
problem problem solving tools/ and measures
analytical techniques.  Enterprise quality, OHS
2.2 Possible cause statements and environmental
are developed based on requirements
2.3 Fundamental causes are
 Enterprise information
systems and data collation
identified per results of
investigation conducted  Industry codes and

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 11


ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE
the Range of Variables
3. Determine 3.1 All possible options are  Understanding the  Identifying and
corrective considered for resolution procedure in undertaking clarifying the
action of the problem corrective action nature of the
3.2 Strengths and  Principles of decision problem
weaknesses of possible making strategies and  Devising the
options are considered techniques best solution
3.3 Corrective actions are  Enterprise information  Evaluating the
determined to resolve the systems and data collation solution
problem and possible
future causes
 Action planning  Implementing
developed plan
3.4 Action plans are
to rectify the
developed identifying
measurable objectives,
resource needs and  Implementing
timelines in accordance corrective and
with safety and operating preventive
procedures actions based
on root cause
4. Provide 4.1 Report on  How to make a report and  Writing report
recommenda recommendations are recommendation and
tion/s to prepared according to recommendati
manager procedures. ons
4.2 Recommendations are
presented to appropriate
4.3 Recommendations are
followed-up, if required

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 12



1. Analytical techniques 1.1. Brainstorming

1.2. Intuitions/Logic
1.3. Cause and effect diagrams
1.4. Pareto analysis
1.5. SWOT analysis
1.6. Gant chart, Pert CPM and graphs
1.7. Scattergrams

2. Problem 2.1. Non – routine process and quality problems

2.2. Equipment selection, availability and failure
2.3. Teamwork and work allocation problem
2.4. Safety and emergency situations and incidents

3. Action plans 3.1. Priority requirements

3.2. Measurable objectives
3.3. Resource requirements
3.4. Timelines
3.5. Co-ordination and feedback requirements
3.6. Safety requirements
3.7. Risk assessment
3.8. Environmental requirements

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 13


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Demonstrated sufficient knowledge of the factors
influencing negotiation to achieve agreed outcome
1.2 Participated in negotiation with at least one person to
achieve an agreed outcome

2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

Implications 2.1 Room with facilities necessary for the negotiation
2.2 Human resources (negotiators)

3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Observation/demonstration and questioning
3.2 Portfolio assessment
3.3 Oral and written questioning
3.4 Third party report

4. Context for Competency to be assessed in real work environment or in a

Assessment simulated workplace setting.

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 10


UNIT CODE : 500311113
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
in the application of mathematical concepts and techniques.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated REQUIRED SKILLS
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE
1. Identify 1.1. Problem areas are  Fundamental operation  Identifying and
mathematical identified based on (addition, subtraction, selecting different
tools and given condition division, multiplication) measuring tools
techniques to 1.2. Mathematical  Units of measurement  Applying different
solve problem techniques are and its conversion formulas in solving
selected based on the  Fundamental of units problems
given problem 
 Standard formulas Describing the units
 Basic measuring of measurement
tools/devices and fundamental
 Measurement system units
 Basic measuring  Stating arithmetic
tools/devices calculations
involving the
 Steps in solving problem
following; addition,
subtraction, division,
 Applying theory into
actual application on
shipboard catering
2. Apply 2.1. Mathematical techniques  Problem-based  Solving
mathematical are applied based on the questions mathematical
procedure/ problem identified  Estimation computations
solution 2.2. Mathematical  Use of mathematical  Converting Metric to
computations are tools and standard English
performed to the level of formulas  Selecting and using
accuracy required for the
 Mathematical appropriate and
techniques efficient techniques
2.3. Results of mathematical and strategies to
computation is solve problems
determined and verified
based on job
3. Analyze 3.1 Result of application is  Techniques in analyzing  Analyzing the result
results reviewed based on the results based on the
expected and required  Process in reviewing the specified
specifications and results requirements
outcome  Precision and accuracy  Interpreting and
3.2 Appropriate action is communicating the
applied in case of error
 Four fundamental
operations results of the
 Steps in solving problem analysis
 Standard formulas
 Conversion

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 15


1. Mathematical techniques May include but are not limited to:
1.1 Four fundamental operations
1.2 Measurements
1.3 Use/Conversion of units of measurements
1.4 Use of standard formulas

2. Appropriate action 2.1 Review in the use of mathematical techniques

(e.g. recalculation, re-modeling)
2.2 Report error to immediate superior for proper


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency Identified, applied and reviewed the use of mathematical
concepts and techniques to workplace problems

2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

Implications 2.1 Calculator
2.2 Basic measuring tools
2.3 Case Problems

3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Authenticated portfolio
3.2 Written Test
3.3 Interview/Oral Questioning
3.4 Demonstration

4. Context for Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a

Assessment simulated work place setting

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 16


UNIT CODE : 500311114

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of competency covers the knowledge, skills, and
attitude required in selecting, sourcing and applying
appropriate and affordable technologies in the workplace.


ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in SKILLS
the Range of Variables
1. Study/select 1.1 Usage of different  Awareness on technology  Identifying
appropriate technologies is determined and its function relevant
technology based on job requirements  Communication techniques technology on
1.2 Appropriate technology is  Health and safety job
selected as per work procedure
 Company policy in relation
to relevant technology
 Machineries/ equipment
and their application
 Software programs
2. Apply 2.1 Relevant technology is  Knowledge on operating  Applying
relevant effectively used in carrying instructions relevant
technology out function  Understanding software technology
2.2 Applicable software and and hardware system  Communicating
hardware are used as per  Communication techniques skills
task requirement  Using software
2.3 Management concepts are
 Health and safety
procedure applications
observed and practiced as skills
per established industry  Company policy in relation
practices to relevant technology  Conducting risk
 Different management assessment
 Technology adaptability
3. Maintain/ 3.1 Maintenance of technology is  Awareness on technology  Performing
enhance applied in accordance with and its function basic
relevant the industry standard  Repair and maintenance troubleshooting
technology operating procedure, procedure skills
manufacturer’s operating  Health and safety  Identifying
guidelines and procedure failures or
occupational health and defects
safety procedure to ensure
 Company policy in relation
to relevant technology  Communication
its operative ability skills
3.2 Updating of technology is  Upgrading of technology
maintained through  Organizational set-up/work  Applying
flow corrective and
continuing education or
training in accordance with
job requirement
3.3 Technology failure/ defect is
immediately reported to the
concern/responsible person
or section for appropriate

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 17



1. Analytical techniques 1.1. Brainstorming

1.2. Intuitions/Logic
1.3. Cause and effect diagrams
1.4. Pareto analysis
1.5. SWOT analysis
1.6. Gant chart, Pert CPM and graphs
1.7. Scattergrams

2. Problem 2.1. Non – routine process and quality problems

2.2. Equipment selection, availability and failure
2.3. Teamwork and work allocation problem
2.4. Safety and emergency situations and incidents

3. Action plans 3.1. Priority requirements

3.2. Measurable objectives
3.3. Resource requirements
3.4. Timelines
3.5. Co-ordination and feedback requirements
3.6. Safety requirements
3.7. Risk assessment
3.8. Environmental requirements

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 13


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Studied and selected appropriate technology
consistent with work requirements
1.2 Applied relevant technology
1.3 Maintained and enhanced operative ability of
relevant technology

2. Resource Implications The following resources MUST be provided:

2.1 Relevant technology
2.2 Interview and demonstration questionnaires
2.3 Assessment packages

3. Methods of Assessment Competency must be assessed through:

3.1 Interview
3.2 Actual demonstration
3.3 Authenticated portfolio (related certificates of

4. Context for Assessment Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or

simulated environment

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 19



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on the safe
use, handling and maintenance of tools.
ELEMENT Italicized Bold terms are elaborated in REQUIRED REQUIRED
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
1. Plan and 1.1. Tasks to be undertaken are  Planning and preparing  Preparing
prepare for properly identified task/ activity required tasks
tasks to be 1.2. Appropriate hand tools are  Electronics hand tools  Communication
undertaken identified and selected and their uses skills
according to the task  Function, operation and  Using hand tools
requirements common faults in properly
electronics hand tools
2. Prepare 2.1. Appropriate hand tools are  Checking and safety  Identifying and
hand tools checked for proper operation requirements in handling checking hand
and safety tools tools
2.2. Unsafe or faulty tools are  Standard procedures in  Marking of safe
identified and marked for repair checking, identification or unsafe/ faulty
according to standard company and marking of safe or hand tools
procedure unsafe/ faulty tools
3. Use 3.1. Tools are used according to  Safety requirements in  Reading skills
appropriate tasks undertaken using electronics hand required to
hand tools 3.2. All safety procedures in using tools and test equipment interpret work
and test tools are observed at all times  Electronics hand tools instruction and
equipment and appropriate personal for adjusting, numerical skills
protective equipment (PPE) dismantling, assembling,  Using PPE
are used finishing, and cutting. properly
3.3. Malfunctions, unplanned or  Processes, Operations,  Problem solving
unusual events are reported to Systems in emergency
the supervisor o Proper usage and situation
care of hand tools
o Types and uses of
test equipment
o Common faults in
the use of hand tool
4. Maintain 4.1. Tools are not dropped to avoid  Safety requirements in  Checking and
hand tools damage maintenance of hand cleaning hand
4.2. Routine maintenance of tools tools tools
undertaken according to  Processes, Operations,  Storing hand
standard operational Systems tools properly
procedures, principles and o Maintenance of tools
techniques o Storage of hand
4.3. Tools are stored safely in tools
appropriate locations in
accordance with manufacturer’s
specifications or standard
operating procedures

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 20



1. Hand tools 1.1. Hand tools for adjusting, dismantling, assembling,

finishing, and cutting. Tool set includes the following
but not limited to: screw drivers, pliers, punches,
wrenches, files
2. Personal Protective 2.1. Gloves
Equipment (PPE) 2.2. Protective eyewear
2.3. Apron/overall
3. Maintenance 3.1. Cleaning
3.2. Lubricating
3.3. Tightening
3.4. Simple tool repairs
3.5. Hand sharpening
3.6. Adjustment using correct procedures


1. Critical aspect of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

1.1. Demonstrated safe working practices at all times
1.2. Communicated information about processes, events or
tasks being undertaken to ensure a safe and efficient
working environment
1.3. Planned tasks in all situations and reviewed task
requirements as appropriate
1.4. Performed all tasks to specification
1.5. Maintained and stored tools in appropriate location
2. Method of Competency in this unit must be assessed through:
assessment 2.1. Observation
2.2. Oral questioning
3. Resource Implication Tools may include the following but not limited to:
3.1. Screw drivers
3.2. Pliers
3.3. Punches
3.4. Wrenches
3.5. Files
4. Context of 4.1. Assessment may be conducted in the workplace or in
Assessment a simulated work environment

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 21


1. Mathematical techniques May include but are not limited to:
1.1 Four fundamental operations
1.2 Measurements
1.3 Use/Conversion of units of measurements
1.4 Use of standard formulas

2. Appropriate action 2.1 Review in the use of mathematical techniques

(e.g. recalculation, re-modeling)
2.2 Report error to immediate superior for proper


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency Identified, applied and reviewed the use of mathematical
concepts and techniques to workplace problems

2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

Implications 2.1 Calculator
2.2 Basic measuring tools
2.3 Case Problems

3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Authenticated portfolio
3.2 Written Test
3.3 Interview/Oral Questioning
3.4 Demonstration

4. Context for Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a

Assessment simulated work place setting

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 16


1. Measuring instruments 1.1. Straight edge
1.2. Torque gauge
1.3. Try square
1.4. Protractor
1.5. Combination gauge
1.6. Steel rule
2. Calculation Kinds of part mensuration includes the following
but not limited to:
2.1. Volume
2.2. Area
2.3. Displacement
2.4. Inside diameter
2.5. Circumference
2.6. Length
2.7. Thickness
2.8. Outside diameter
2.9. Taper
2.10. Out of roundness


1. Critical aspect of competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

1.1. Selected proper measuring instruments
according to tasks
1.2. Carried out measurement and calculations
1.3. Maintained and stores instruments
2. Method of assessment Competency in this unit must be assessed through:
2.1. Observation
2.2. Oral questioning
3. Resource implication 3.1. Place of assessment
3.2. Measuring instruments
3.3. Straight edge
3.4. Torque gauge
3.5. Try square
3.6. Protractor
3.7. Combination gauge
3.8. Steel rule

4. Context of Assessment 4.1. Assessment may be conducted in the

workplace or in a simulated environment

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 23


1. Technology May include but are not limited to:
1.1 Office technology
1.2 Industrial technology
1.3 System technology
1.4 Information technology
1.5 Training technology

2. Management concepts May include but not limited to:

2.1 Real Time Management
2.2 KAIZEN or continuous improvement
2.3 5s
2.4 Total Quality Management
2.5 Other management/productivity tools
3. Industry standard Written guidelines relative to the usage of office
operating procedure technology/equipment
Verbal advise/instruction from the co-worker

4. Manufacturer’s operating 4.1 Written instruction/manuals of specific technology/

guidelines/ instructions equipment
4.2 General instruction manual
4.3 Verbal advise from manufacturer relative to the
operation of equipment
5. Occupational health and 5.1 Relevant statutes on OHS
safety procedure 5.2 Company guidelines in using

6. Appropriate action 6.1 Implementing preventive maintenance schedule

6.2 Coordinating with manufacturer’s technician

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 18

ELEMENT Italicized Bold terms are elaborated REQUIRED REQUIRED
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
4. Store
4.1. Care and maintenance of  Effective ways to  Handling and
drawings are undertaken catalogue and store storing of drawings
according to company technical drawings  Scanning and
procedures.  Manual methods of storing drawings in
4.2. Technical drawings are handling, storing and digital form
recorded and inventory is maintaining paper  Matching
prepared in accordance with drawings specification
company procedures.  Storing drawing in digital details with
4.3. Proper storage of forms existing resources
instruments is undertaken o Scanner  Handling of
according to company o CAD drawing
procedures. instruments

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 25


1. Technical drawings Technical drawings include the following but not
limited to:
1.1. Schematic diagrams
1.2. Charts
1.3. Block diagrams
1.4. Lay-out plans
1.5. Location plans
1.6. Process and instrumentation diagrams
1.7. Loop diagrams
1.8. System Control Diagrams

2. Dimensions Dimensions may include but not limited to:

2.1. Length
2.2. Width
2.3. Height
2.4. Diameter
2.5. Angles

3. Symbols May include but not limited to:

3.1. NEC- National Electric Code

3.2. IEC -International Electrotechnical
3.3. ASME - American Society of Mechanical
3.4. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers
3.5. ISA - Instrumentation System and
Automation Society

4. Instruments/Equipment 4.1. Components/dividers

4.2. Drawing boards
4.3. Rulers
4.4. T-square
4.5. Calculator

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 26


1. Critical aspect of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competencies 1.1. selected correct technical drawing in line with
job requirements
1.2. correctly identified the objects represented in
the drawing
1.3. identified and interpreted symbols used in the
drawing correctly
1.4. prepared/produced electrical/electronic
drawings including all relevant specifications
1.5. stored diagrams/equipment

2. Method of assessment Competency in this unit must be assessed through:

2.1. Practical tasks involving interpretation of a

range of technical drawings
2.2. Oral questioning

3. Resource implication 3.1. Drawings

3.2. Diagrams
3.3. Charts
3.4. Plans

4. Context of Assessment 4.1 Assessment may be conducted in the workplace

or in a simulated environment

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 27



1. Hand tools 1.1. Hand tools for adjusting, dismantling, assembling,

finishing, and cutting. Tool set includes the following
but not limited to: screw drivers, pliers, punches,
wrenches, files
2. Personal Protective 2.1. Gloves
Equipment (PPE) 2.2. Protective eyewear
2.3. Apron/overall
3. Maintenance 3.1. Cleaning
3.2. Lubricating
3.3. Tightening
3.4. Simple tool repairs
3.5. Hand sharpening
3.6. Adjustment using correct procedures


1. Critical aspect of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

1.1. Demonstrated safe working practices at all times
1.2. Communicated information about processes, events or
tasks being undertaken to ensure a safe and efficient
working environment
1.3. Planned tasks in all situations and reviewed task
requirements as appropriate
1.4. Performed all tasks to specification
1.5. Maintained and stored tools in appropriate location
2. Method of Competency in this unit must be assessed through:
assessment 2.1. Observation
2.2. Oral questioning
3. Resource Implication Tools may include the following but not limited to:
3.1. Screw drivers
3.2. Pliers
3.3. Punches
3.4. Wrenches
3.5. Files
4. Context of 4.1. Assessment may be conducted in the workplace or in
Assessment a simulated work environment

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 21


ELEMENT Italicized Bold terms are elaborated KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
in the Range of Variables
3. Engage in
3.1. Process improvement  Quality improvement  Solution
procedures are participated processes providing and
in relation to workplace  Company customers decision-making
assignment defined  Practice
3.2. Work is carried out in company
accordance with process process
improvement procedures improvement
3.3. Performance of operation or procedure
quality of product or service
to ensure customer
satisfaction is monitored

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 29


1. Materials/components 1.1. Materials may include but not limited to:
1.1.1. wires
1.1.2. cables, soldering lead
1.1.3. electrical tape
1.2. Components may include but not limited to:
1.2.1. ICs
1.2.2. Diodes

2. Faults Faults may include but not limited to:

2.1. Components/materials not according to specification
2.2. Components/materials contain manufacturing
2.3. Components/materials do not conform with
government regulation i.e., PEC, environmental
2.4. Components/materials have safety defect

3. Documentation 3.1. Organization work procedures

3.2. Manufacturer’s instruction manual
3.3. Customer requirements
3.4. Forms

4. Quality standards 4.1. Quality standards may relate but not limited to the
4.1.1. materials
4.1.2. component parts
4.1.3. final product
4.1.4. production processes

5. Customer 5.1. Co-worker

5.2. Supplier
5.3. Client
5.4. Organization receiving the product or service

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 30


1. Critical aspect of Assessment must show that the candidate:

1.1. Carried out work in accordance with the
company’s standard operating procedures
1.2. Performed task according to specifications
1.3. Reported defects detected in accordance with
standard operating procedures
1.4. Carried out work in accordance with the process
improvement procedures

2. Method of assessment 2.1. The assessor may select two (2) of the following
assessment methods to objectively assess the
2.1.1. Observation
2.1.2. Questioning
2.1.3. Practical demonstration

3. Resource implication 3.1. Materials and component parts and equipment to

be used in a real or simulated electronic
production situation

4. Context of Assessment 4.1. Assessment may be conducted in the workplace

or in a simulated environment.

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 31


1. Measuring instruments 1.1. Straight edge
1.2. Torque gauge
1.3. Try square
1.4. Protractor
1.5. Combination gauge
1.6. Steel rule
2. Calculation Kinds of part mensuration includes the following
but not limited to:
2.1. Volume
2.2. Area
2.3. Displacement
2.4. Inside diameter
2.5. Circumference
2.6. Length
2.7. Thickness
2.8. Outside diameter
2.9. Taper
2.10. Out of roundness


1. Critical aspect of competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

1.1. Selected proper measuring instruments
according to tasks
1.2. Carried out measurement and calculations
1.3. Maintained and stores instruments
2. Method of assessment Competency in this unit must be assessed through:
2.1. Observation
2.2. Oral questioning
3. Resource implication 3.1. Place of assessment
3.2. Measuring instruments
3.3. Straight edge
3.4. Torque gauge
3.5. Try square
3.6. Protractor
3.7. Combination gauge
3.8. Steel rule

4. Context of Assessment 4.1. Assessment may be conducted in the

workplace or in a simulated environment

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 23
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in REQUIRED REQUIRED
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
3. Test
3.1. Testing of all completed  AC and DC power  Printed circuit
termination/ connections supplies board repair and
of electric wiring/electronic  Uses of diagnostic techniques
connections of
circuits is conducted for equipment  Electronic
electrical wiring/
compliance with  Tests for wiring and assembly
specifications and connections functional and
regulations using  Wiring support quality testing
appropriate procedures techniques and  Testing of wiring
and equipment alternatives and connections
3.2. Wiring and circuits are for conformance
checked using specified to specification
testing procedures
3.3. Unplanned events or
conditions are responded
to in accordance with
established procedures

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 33


1. Materials 1.1 Materials included the following but not limited to:
1.1.1 Soldering lead
1.1.2 Cables
1.1.3 Wires

2. Tools and equipment 2.1 Tools for measuring, cutting, drilling,

assembling/disassembling. Tool set includes the
following but not limited to:
2.1.1 Pliers
2.1.2 Cutters
2.1.3 Screw drivers
2.2 Equipment
2.2.1 Soldering gun
2.2.2 Multi-tester

3. Personal protective 3.1 goggles

equipment 3.2 gloves
3.3 apron/overall

4. Methods 4.1 Clamping

4.2 Pin connection
4.3 Soldered joints
4.4 Plugs

5. Accessories 5.1 Accessories may include the following but not

limited to:
5.1.1 brackets
5.1.2 clamps

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 34


1. Critical aspect of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

1.1. Undertook work safely and according to workplace
and standard procedures
1.2. used appropriate termination/ connection methods
1.3. followed correct sequence in termination /
connection process
1.4. conducted testing of terminated connected
electrical wiring/electronic circuits using appropriate
procedures and standards

2. Method of assessment 2.1. The assessor may select two (2) of the following
assessment methods to objectively assess the
2.1.1. Observation
2.1.2. Oral Questioning
2.1.3. Practical demonstration

3. Resource implication 3.1. Tools for measuring, cutting, drilling,

assembling/disassembling, connecting. Tool set
includes the following but not limited to:
3.1.1. screw drivers
3.1.2. pliers
3.1.3. cutters

4. Context of Assessment 4.1. Assessment may be conducted in the workplace or

in a simulated work environment

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 35


1. Technical drawings Technical drawings include the following but not
limited to:
1.1. Schematic diagrams
1.2. Charts
1.3. Block diagrams
1.4. Lay-out plans
1.5. Location plans
1.6. Process and instrumentation diagrams
1.7. Loop diagrams
1.8. System Control Diagrams

2. Dimensions Dimensions may include but not limited to:

2.1. Length
2.2. Width
2.3. Height
2.4. Diameter
2.5. Angles

3. Symbols May include but not limited to:

3.1. NEC- National Electric Code

3.2. IEC -International Electrotechnical
3.3. ASME - American Society of Mechanical
3.4. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers
3.5. ISA - Instrumentation System and
Automation Society

4. Instruments/Equipment 4.1. Components/dividers

4.2. Drawing boards
4.3. Rulers
4.4. T-square
4.5. Calculator

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 26
ELEMENTS Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables
2.6 Tools are inspected,
repaired and replaced after
2.7 Work place is cleaned and
kept in safe state in line with
OHSA regulations

3. Store tools and 3.1 Inventory of tools,  Safety Practices  Storing tools
equipment instruments and equipment o Use of PPE and equipment
are conducted and o Handling of tools  Handling of
recorded as per company and equipment tools and
practices o Storing procedures equipment
3.2 Tools and equipment are and techniques
stored safely in o Storage
appropriate locations in conditions/
accordance with locations
specifications or company

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 37


1. Materials Including but not limited to:
1.1 Lubricants
1.2 Cleaning materials
1.3 Rust remover
1.4 Rugs
1.5 Spare parts

2. Tools and equipment Including but not limited to:

2.1 Tools
- Cutting tools - hacksaw, crosscut saw, rip saw
- Boring tools - auger, brace, grinlet, hand drill
- Holding tools - vise grip, C-clamp, bench vise
- Threading tools - die and stock, taps
2.2 Measuring instruments/equipment

3. PPE Including but not limited to:

3.1 Goggles
3.2 Gloves
3.3 Safety shoes
3.4 Aprons/Coveralls

4. Forms 4.1 Maintenance schedule forms

4.2 Requisition slip
4.3 Inventory Form
4.4 Inspection Form
4.5 Procedures

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 38


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires that the candidate:

of competency 1.1 Selected and used appropriate processes, tools and
equipment to carry out task
1.2 Identified functional and non-functional tools and
1.3 Checked, lubricated and calibrated tools, equipment
and instruments according to manufacturer’s
1.4 Replaced defective tools, equipment and their
1.5 Observed and applied safe handling of tools and
equipment and safety work practices
1.6 Prepared and submitted inventory report, where
1.7 Maintained workplace in accordance with OHSA
1.8 Stored tools and equipment safely in appropriate
locations and in accordance with company practices

2. Resource implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Workplace
2.2 Maintenance schedule
2.3 Maintenance materials, tools and equipment relevant
to the proposed activity/task
3. Methods of assessment Competency should be assessed through:
3.1 Direct observation
3.2 Written test/questioning relevant to
Underpinning knowledge
4. Context of assessment 4.1 Competency assessment may occur in workplace
or any appropriate simulated environment
4.2 Competency assessment must be undertaken in
accordance with the endorsed TESDA assessment

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 39


ELEMENT Italicized Bold terms are elaborated KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
in the Range of Variables
3. Engage in
3.1. Process improvement  Quality improvement  Solution
procedures are participated processes providing and
in relation to workplace  Company customers decision-making
assignment defined  Practice
3.2. Work is carried out in company
accordance with process process
improvement procedures improvement
3.3. Performance of operation or procedure
quality of product or service
to ensure customer
satisfaction is monitored

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 29
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the SKILLS
Range of Variable
 Proper use of safety
 PEC requirements in
cable tray and panel
3. Perform 3.1 Safety procedures are followed  Wiring works provisions  Interpreting
wiring based on safety regulations PPE in DOLE Department plans and
works are identified and selected in line Order No. 13 s. 1998- drawings
with safety requirements Guidelines Governing  Handling of
3.2 Tools, equipment, pulling Occupational Safety materials, tools
compound and safety and Health in the and equipment
requirements are identified and Construction Industry  Applying
obtained for the lay out and  Wiring procedures such methods and
installation. as cable lay-out, pulling
3.3 Pulling materials are properly
 techniques in
splicing and wire various type of
installed and tensioned to termination. wiring wires
required specifications  Usage of different type and cables
3.4 Cable is secured permanently to of wires and cables and
support structure in accordance  Splicing and
its applications terminating
with standard installation
 Markings of circuit wires
3.5 Bending radius and loops
tolerance is observed for cable  Application of pulling
materials at all times compound.
3.6 Schedule of wire cutting lists is  Bundling of wire size as
followed based on estimates, per job requirement.
quantity and sizes to avoid  PEC requirements in
wastage. wiring works
3.7 Further instructions are sought if
unplanned events or conditions
3.8 Checking of quality of work is
done in accordance with
instructions and
4. Complete 4.1 Final checks are made to ensure  Processes, Operations,  Performing
work that work conforms with Systems commisioning
activity instructions and to requirements o Maintenance of activities
4.2 Tools, equipment and any tools  Performing
surplus resources and materials o Storage of tools good
are checked/ monitored in  Procedures in checking housekeeping
accordance with established and conforming the
procedures installation based on
4.3 Work area is checked as to job requirement
cleanliness and safety.  Proper disposal of
4.4 Waste materials and hazardous waste materials and
substances are disposal of in hazardous substances
accordance with environmental
rules and procedures.
 Principles of good

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 41



1. Tools and equipment Including but not limited to:

2.1 Pliers 2.7. Rivet
2.2 Screwdrivers 2.8 Mallet
2.3 Wrenches
2.4 Wire splicers
2.5 Knives
2.6 Face shield

2. Personal protective Including but not limited to:

equipment (PPE) 3.1 Working gloves
3.2 Safety shoes
3.3 Hard hat

Includes safety procedures in:

3. Safety procedures 4.1 Philippine Electrical Code
4.2 Industrial safety standards
4.3 Electrical safety standards

4. Correct procedures for 5.1 Bus ducts

Installation of bus ducts - Joints between sections and fittings are
and cable tray accessible for maintenance purposes
- Bus ducts shall be securely supported
- Vertically and horizontally aligned
- Dead end of busway shall be closed
5.2 Cable tray
- Properly supported, aligned and spaced
- Measurements referred to center of insert holes

5. Installation procedures 5.1 Horizontally and vertically aligned

5.2 No gap between plate cover and wall
5.3 Wire cut to requirement
5.4 All bolts tightened for rigid mounting

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 42

1. Critical Assessment required evidence that the candidate:

aspects of 1.1 Interpreted technical drawings and plans to determine job
competency requirements
1.2 Selected appropriate tools, equipment and materials for
performing rough-in and wiring activities
1.3 Selected and used correct personnel protective equipment
1.4 Demonstrated correct procedures for performing rough-in
activities such as installing bus ducts, cable tray and panel
1.5 Followed safety procedures
1.6 Performed wiring works
1.7 Made final checks to ensure work completion and conforms
with the working plan

2. Resource The following resources should be provided:

Implications 2.1 Workplace location
2.2 Tools and equipment appropriate to building wiring electrical
2.3 Materials relevant to the proposed activity
2.4 Drawings and specifications relevant to the task

3. Methods of Competency in this unit must be assessed:

Assessment 3.1 Direct observation/Demonstration of application of tasks.
3.2 Questions related to underpinning knowledge
3.3 Written Test
4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the workplace or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting
4.2 Assessment shall be observed while the tasks are being
undertaken either individually or as part of a team under limited

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 43


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of Core Electrical Competency covers the
knowledge, skills and attitudes in installing wiring devices
for power supply of data measurement and control system
on electrical and auxiliary equipment such as UPS, drytype,
transformer, capacitor bank AVR and rectifier based on
required performance standard.


ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variable
1. Plan and prepare 1.1 Instructions for the preparation  Types and  Interpreting
for installation of work activity are specification of plans and
work communicated and confirmed wiring devices for details drawing.
to ensure clear understanding data measurement  Handling of
1.2 Tools, equipment and and control system. materials,
personnel protective  Functions and uses tools and
equipment needed to of power supply on equipment
electrical system and data measurement  Checking and
auxiliary equipment are system and auxiliary quantifying the
identified and checked to equipment. item needed, in
ensure usability and safety in  Identification of tools the job
accordance with established and materials for requirement.
procedures installation of data
1.3 Materials needed to do the measurement and
work are obtained and control system on
estimated in accordance with electrical and
established procedures and auxiliary equipment
2. Install electrical 2.1 Safety procedures are  Procedures on  Installing AVR
system and followed in line with job installation of and UPS
auxiliary requirements electrical system  Performing
equipment 2.2 Correct procedures for and auxiliary splicing,
installation of electrical equipment. dressing and
system and auxiliary  Proper used of harnessing of
equipment are performed in power tools and wires.
line with job requirements equipment in an  Mounting of
2.3 Schedule of work is followed to installation. devices.
ensure work is completed in an 
agreed time, to a quality
Splicing, dressing  Performing the
and harnessing of installation
standard and with a minimum wires. economically.
of waste
2.4 Unplanned events or conditions
 Proper termination  Applying active
and mounting of and non-active
occurred are responded to
devices. test to ensure
2.5 On going checks of quality of  Proper use of safety its functionality.
work are undertaken in harness
accordance with instructions  Types and uses of:
and requirements o UPS
2.6 Conductors/wires are o Drytype
terminated/spliced in Transformer
accordance with electrical o Capacitor bank
standards o AVR

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 44
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variable KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
o Rectifier
o other metering/
central aux.
 PEC requirements in
installation of
electrical system
and auxiliary

3. Notify 3.1 Final checks are made to  Procedures in  Performing

completion of ensure that work conforms checking and commisioning
work with instructions and to conforming the activities
requirements installation based on  Performing
3.2 Completion report is prepared job requirement good
and submitted to appropriate  Procedures in report housekeeping
officer preparation and
3.3 Tools, equipment and any submission
surplus resources and  Principles of good
materials are checked and housekeeping
monitored in
accordance with established
3.4 Work area is monitored as to
cleanliness and safety

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 45




UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, (and) attitudes and
values needed to terminate and connect electrical wiring
and electronic circuits

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in REQUIRED REQUIRED
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
1. Plan and
1.1. Materials are checked  Use of tools  Reading skills
according to specifications  Use of test required to
prepare for
and tasks instruments/ interpret work
1.2. Appropriate tools and equipment instruction
connection of
equipment are selected  Electrical theory  Checking
according to tasks  Principals of AC materials for
requirements and DC conformance to
s circuits
1.3. Task is planned to ensure  OH & S guidelines specifications
OH & S guidelines and and procedures  Checking existing
procedures are followed  Basic electrical and and new
1.4. Electrical wiring/electronic electronic devices installation site for
circuits are correctly correct location
prepared for and specification
connecting/termination in
accordance with
instructions and work site

2. Terminate/
2.1. Safety procedures in using  Wiring techniques  Communication
tools are observed at all  OH & S principles skills
times and appropriate  Use of lead-free  Marking, tagging
electrical wiring/
personal protective soldering and labeling
equipment are used technology requirements for
2.2. Work is undertaken safely  Surface mount cables, wires,
in accordance with the soldering conductors and
workplace and standard techniques connections
procedures  Specifications and  Soldering
2.3. Appropriate range of methods for techniques
methods in termination/ terminating different  Adjusting and
connection are used materials fixing wiring
according to specifications, supports
requirements and safety
2.4. Correct sequence of
operation is followed
2.5. Accessories used are
adjusted, if necessary
2.6. Confirmed
termination/connection is
undertaken successfully in
accordance with job

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 32

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Correctly followed work instructions
1.2 Identified and checked appropriate tools, equipment and
materials for installing electrical system and auxiliary
1.3 Selected and used correct personal protective equipment
1.4 Performed correct procedures for installation of electrical
system and auxiliary equipment
1.5 Terminated/Spliced conductors/wires in accordance with
the existing electrical standards
1.6 Made final checks to ensure work conforms with the plan
1.7 Followed safety procedures

2. Resource The following resources should be provided:

Implications 2.1 Workplace location
2.2 Tools and equipment appropriate to installation of
electrical and auxiliary equipment
2.3 Materials relevant to the activity
2.4 Wiring diagrams, layout/shop drawings and specifications
relevant to the task

3. Methods of Competency in this unit must be assessed:

Assessment 3.1 Direct observation/Demonstration of application of tasks.
3.2 Questions related to underpinning knowledge
3.3 Written Test
4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the workplace or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting
4.2 Assessment shall be observed while the tasks are being
undertaken either individually or as part of a team under
limited supervision

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 47


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of Core Electrical Competency covers the
knowledge, skills and attitudes in installing, assembling,
testing and maintaining motor control system.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variable KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
1. Check/ 1.1. Wiring diagrams and layout/  Interpretation of  Interpreting
Review type shop drawings are obtained electrical drawing electrical
and purpose according to job requirements and wiring diagram. drawing and
of motor 1.2. Drawings are read and  Function of every wiring diagram
control interpreted in accordance with devices used in the  Checking and
system. job requirements line/ job quantifying
1.3. Correct rating, quantity, sizes requirements items needed in
and type of motor control  Motor specification the job
components & wiring devices for the selection of requirement
and other materials are identified control devices.  Checking the
in line with job requirements  NEMA Standard in required rating
1.4. Correct size and degree of mounting of MCC. based on its
protection of enclosures are  Electrical control specification in
verified in line with job components and accordance with
requirements devices standard.
1.5. Tools, equipment and testing  Safe working
instruments are properly
selected in line with job
1.6. Correct PPE are identified and
selected in line with safety
2. Install and 2.1 Safety procedures are followed  Lay-out and  Interpreting the
assemble according to enterprise or based dimensions of electrical wiring
motor control on PEC standard and electrical drawing or diagram of
system requirements. wiring diagram. motor control
2.2 Electrical components and wiring  Types and operation system.
devices are laid-out, mounted or of motor control  Wiring-up the
installed according to drawings, system. required
plans, specifications and PEC  Types and uses of electrical control
standards termination either based on the
2.3 Electrical motor control point to point standard.
components are wired correctly termination or  Connecting and
in accordance with wiring terminal strip. Terminating of
diagrams and PEC standards
2.4 Preliminary checks/ tests are
 Correct procedures motor terminal/
in assembling motor leads out and
conducted in line/ job the control
control system
requirements. devices.
2.5 Work schedule is followed to  Proper procedure
ensure job is completed on time mounting and  Checking for
installation of continuity test
in accordance to a quality
panels/MCC. or ohmmeter
standard and minimum wastage.
 Proper terminal test of motor
connection of motor terminal
leads outs.

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 48
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variable KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
 PEC standards -  Performing the
Article 4.30 installation
3. Notify 3.1 Immediate superior is notified  Checked and  Performing
completion of upon completion of work. conformed the commissioning
work 3.2 Performance tests are made to installation based on activities
ensure that work conforms to job requirement  Storing excess
instructions and job  Principles of 5S materials
requirements.  Proper disposal of  Checking
3.3 Tools, equipment and any waste materials and quality of work
surplus materials are cleaned,
checked and returned to storage
hazardous  Communicating
substances skills (both
in accordance with established
 Good housekeeping written & oral)
3.4 Waste materials and hazardous
substances are disposed of in
accordance with environmental
rules and regulations.
3.5 Work area is cleaned up and
made safe in accordance with
OSHA requirements
4. Maintain 4.1 Safety policies and procedures  Safety Practices in  Selecting
electrical are followed in accordance with the use of PPE, prevention
motor control OSH and enterprise procedures. handling of tools, and/or control
system. 4.2 Materials, tools, equipment, instrument and measures
testing devices and PPE equipment.  Handling of
needed are prepared for the  Types and uses of tools,
maintenance work requirements. lubricants and instrument and
4.3 Potential hazards are identified cleaning materials equipment.
for prevention and control  Preventive  Performing
measures are selected in Maintenance basic
accordance with the work plan Methods and troubleshooting
and site procedures Techniques and skills
4.4 Routine/visual/sensory
inspection is regularly
Procedures.  Identifying
conducted in line with normal
 Types of potential failures or
hazards defects
4.5 Maintenance work schedule is  Maintenance and  Implementing
prepared in accordance with troubleshooting corrective and
machine/equipment operating procedures preventive
time/condition  Good housekeeping actions based
4.6 Work instructions are prepared of materials, tools on root cause of
according to machine’s manual and equipment trouble
and established enterprise  Application of
procedures maintenance
4.7 Concerned department/ procedures
personnel are informed on the
schedule of work according to
standard operating procedure.
4.8 Availability of maintenance
records are prepared in
accordance with established
procedure, or based on
enterprise Quality Management
System (QMS).

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 49


1. Critical aspect of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

1.1. Undertook work safely and according to workplace
and standard procedures
1.2. used appropriate termination/ connection methods
1.3. followed correct sequence in termination /
connection process
1.4. conducted testing of terminated connected
electrical wiring/electronic circuits using appropriate
procedures and standards

2. Method of assessment 2.1. The assessor may select two (2) of the following
assessment methods to objectively assess the
2.1.1. Observation
2.1.2. Oral Questioning
2.1.3. Practical demonstration

3. Resource implication 3.1. Tools for measuring, cutting, drilling,

assembling/disassembling, connecting. Tool set
includes the following but not limited to:
3.1.1. screw drivers
3.1.2. pliers
3.1.3. cutters

4. Context of Assessment 4.1. Assessment may be conducted in the workplace or

in a simulated work environment

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 35
- Crimping tools
- Soldering tools
- Manual/Hydraulic pipe bender
- Manual/Electrical Pipe Threader/Reamer
- High-speed cutter

4.2 Testing Instruments

- Multi-tester
- Clamp ammeter
- Insulation resistance tester
- Ground resistance tester
- Earth leakage tester
- Harmonic meter
- Phase Sequence Tester
4.3 Three-Phase Motor
- Synchronous Motor
4.4 Single Phase Motor

5. Personal protective May include but are not limited to:

equipment (PPE) 5.1 Proper working clothes
5.2 Working gloves
5.3 Safety shoes
5.4 Gas/Dust mask
5.5 Hard hat
5.6 Safety goggles

6. Specifications 6.1 Brand/Make

- Classification/Type
6.2 Rating
- Voltage
- Current
- Power
- Frequency
- Temperature Rise
- Service factor
- Degree of protection
- Utilization category
- Harmonics
6.3 Phase
6.4 Range (Tools must be specific)
6.5 Needed accessories

7. PEC standard and 7.1 Splicing and joining of electrical conductor

requirements 7.2 Soldering electrical conductors
7.3 Solderless electrical connectors
7.4 Creepage distances
7.5 Clearances

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 51
8. Preliminary Check/Tests May include but are not limited to:
8.1 Mechanical
- Board/Panel properly leveled
- Doors can be opened/closed with ease. Paint
not easily scratched/removed
- Tightness of bolts and nuts
- Type of protection
- Cleanliness
- Cable trays
8.2 Electrical
- Conductor size or Cross-section
- Conductor Color Coding
- Cables laid to avoid risk of short circuit
- Grounding busbar conductor
- Voltage Clearances/Creepage Distances
- Control Voltage
- High Voltage Test
- Insulation Test
- Continuity Test/Contact Resistance Test
- Correct use of wire markers & terminals
9. Performance Tests 9.1 Simulation Test/No Load Test
9.2 Phase sequence
9.3 Actual Operation
9.4 Temperature rise
9.5 Insulation Resistance Test

10. Materials May include but not limited to:

10.1 Contact cleaner
10.2 Insulating varnish/materials
10.3 Carbon brushes
10.4 Sand paper
10.5 Waste rugs
10.6 Electrical tapes
10.7 Warning tags
10.8 Signages
10.9 Lockout/tagout
10.10 Lubricants
10.11 Motor cleaner
10.12 Insulating oil
10.13 Coolant

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 52
11. Tools, equipment and Including but not limited to:
testing devices 11.1 Electrician’s hand tools
- Pliers
- Screwdrivers
- Wrenches
- Wire splicers
- Knives
- Bolt/Cable cutter
- Knockout puncher
- Torque wrench
11.2 Testing instruments/devices
- Multi-tester (VOM)
- Insulation resistance tester (Megger)
- High potential tester
- Low resistance tester
- Phase sequence meter
- Ammeter
- Torque meter
11.3 Equipment
- Labeling machine
- Vacuum cleaner
- Air blower
- Dryer
- Welding machine
- Pressure washer
- Vacuum pump
12. Personal protective Including but not limited to:
equipment (PPE) 12.1 Working gloves
12.2 Safety shoes
12.3 Hard hat
12.4 Face shield
12.5 Insulating mat
12.6 Lockout tags
12.7 Safety goggles
12.8 Safety belt
12.1 Safety ladder
13. Potential hazards Including but not limited to:
13.1 Live wires
13.2 Oil spill
13.3 Chemical hazards
13.4 Flammable materials
13.5 Sources of energy
13.6 Moving machine parts
13.7 Sharp/pointed objects
13.8 Noise hazards
13.9 Confined space

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 53


1. Materials Including but not limited to:
1.1 Lubricants
1.2 Cleaning materials
1.3 Rust remover
1.4 Rugs
1.5 Spare parts

2. Tools and equipment Including but not limited to:

2.1 Tools
- Cutting tools - hacksaw, crosscut saw, rip saw
- Boring tools - auger, brace, grinlet, hand drill
- Holding tools - vise grip, C-clamp, bench vise
- Threading tools - die and stock, taps
2.2 Measuring instruments/equipment

3. PPE Including but not limited to:

3.1 Goggles
3.2 Gloves
3.3 Safety shoes
3.4 Aprons/Coveralls

4. Forms 4.1 Maintenance schedule forms

4.2 Requisition slip
4.3 Inventory Form
4.4 Inspection Form
4.5 Procedures

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 38

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Checked/Reviewed type and purpose of motor
control system
1.2 Installed and assembled motor control system.
1.3 Notified completion of work
1.4 Maintained electrical motor control system

2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Workplace location
2.2 Tools and equipment appropriate to assembly of
electrical control system
2.3 Materials relevant to the activity
2.4 Wiring diagrams, layout/shop drawings and
specifications relevant to the task

3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit must be assessed through:

3.1 Direct observation/demonstration of application of
3.2 Questions or interview related to underpinning
3.3 Written Test (about symbols)

4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the workplace – to

observe/check workmanship, correct function of
work, length of time in doing the work
4.2 Assessment shall be observed while the tasks are
being undertaken either individually or as part of a
team under limited supervision

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 55


These standard arrangement are developed to give technical and vocational

education and training (TVET) provides information and guidance on important
requirements needed when designing training programs for Electrical Installation and
Maintenance NC III.

This includes information on curriculum design; training delivery; trainee entry

requirements; tools and equipment; training facilities; and trainer’s qualification and
institutional assessment.


TESDA shall provide the training on the development of competency-based

curricula to enable training providers develop their own curricula with the components
mentioned below.

Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units of
competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology,
communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized. To this
end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to accompany
their curricula.

Course Title: Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC Level: NC III

Nominal Training Hours:

Basic Competencies - 32 Hours

Common Competencies - 32 Hours
Core Competencies - 96 Hours
Total Course Hours 160 Hours

Course Description:

This course is designed to develop & enhance the knowledge, skills, &
attitudes of an electrical, mechatronics and automation technician, in accordance
with industry standards. It covers the basic & common competencies in addition
to the core competencies as enumerated in section 1 of this training regulations.

To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be


TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 56

32 hours

This course is designed to equip individual with operational skills required for Basic Worker Competencies of Electrical
Installation & Maintenance III with learning outcomes, methodology and assessment approach as listed herein.

Unit of Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology Assessment Approach
Competency Duration
1. Lead workplace 1.1 Communicate  Read 2 Hours
communication information about o Effective verbal communication
workplace  Lecture  Written Test
processes o Sources of information
 Practice organizing information  Demonstration  Observation
 Identify organization requirements for
written and electronic communication  Lecture  Written Test
 Follow organization requirements for  Demonstration
the use of written and electronic  Practical  Observation
communication methods exercises
 Perform exercises on understanding  Demonstration
and conveying intended meaning  Role Play  Observation
1.2 Lead workplace  Describe: 2 Hours
discussions o Organizational policy on
 Group
production, quality and safety  Oral evaluation
o Goals/ objectives and action plan
 Read  Lecture  Written Test
o Effective verbal communication
 Prepare/set action plans based on
organizational goals and objectives  Demonstration  Observation

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 57
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the SKILLS
Range of Variable
 Proper use of safety
 PEC requirements in
cable tray and panel
3. Perform 3.1 Safety procedures are followed  Wiring works provisions  Interpreting
wiring based on safety regulations PPE in DOLE Department plans and
works are identified and selected in line Order No. 13 s. 1998- drawings
with safety requirements Guidelines Governing  Handling of
3.2 Tools, equipment, pulling Occupational Safety materials, tools
compound and safety and Health in the and equipment
requirements are identified and Construction Industry  Applying
obtained for the lay out and  Wiring procedures such methods and
installation. as cable lay-out, pulling
3.3 Pulling materials are properly
 techniques in
splicing and wire various type of
installed and tensioned to termination. wiring wires
required specifications  Usage of different type and cables
3.4 Cable is secured permanently to of wires and cables and
support structure in accordance  Splicing and
its applications terminating
with standard installation
 Markings of circuit wires
3.5 Bending radius and loops
tolerance is observed for cable  Application of pulling
materials at all times compound.
3.6 Schedule of wire cutting lists is  Bundling of wire size as
followed based on estimates, per job requirement.
quantity and sizes to avoid  PEC requirements in
wastage. wiring works
3.7 Further instructions are sought if
unplanned events or conditions
3.8 Checking of quality of work is
done in accordance with
instructions and
4. Complete 4.1 Final checks are made to ensure  Processes, Operations,  Performing
work that work conforms with Systems commisioning
activity instructions and to requirements o Maintenance of activities
4.2 Tools, equipment and any tools  Performing
surplus resources and materials o Storage of tools good
are checked/ monitored in  Procedures in checking housekeeping
accordance with established and conforming the
procedures installation based on
4.3 Work area is checked as to job requirement
cleanliness and safety.  Proper disposal of
4.4 Waste materials and hazardous waste materials and
substances are disposal of in hazardous substances
accordance with environmental
rules and procedures.
 Principles of good

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 41

Unit of Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology Assessment Approach
Competency Duration
 Identify client expectations  Lecture  Written examination
 Perform group exercises in setting  Demonstration
 Observation
individual target/ expectation  Role Play
 Read instruction and requirements in
 Lecture  Written examination
up to date dissemination to members
2.4 Supervise team  Describe listening and treating  Group 1 Hour
 Oral evaluation
performance individual team members concern discussion
 Identify methods of Monitoring
 Lecture  Written examination
 Perform group exercises showing the
 Demonstration  Observation
skills in monitoring team performance
3. Develop and 3.1 Identify relevant  Describe: 2 hours
practice information in o codes of practice and guidelines for
negotiation planning the organization  Group
 Oral evaluation
skills negotiations o differences between content and Discussion
 Read:
o Organizations policy and
procedures for negotiations
 Lecture  Written examination
o Decision making and conflict
resolution strategies procedures
o Strategies to manage conflict
o Steps in negotiating process
 Identify bargaining information  Lecture  Written examination
 Apply strategies to manage process
 Demonstration  Observation
 Apply steps in negotiating process
3.2 Participate in  Describe the following strategies 2 Hours
negotiations during negotiation:  Group
o Decision making and conflict Discussion  Oral evaluation
resolution strategies procedures  Case studies
o Problem solving strategies on how

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 59

Unit of Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology Assessment Approach
Competency Duration
to deal with unexpected questions
and attitudes during negotiation
 Practice the following scenarios in a
group activity:
o Perform interpersonal skills to
 Demonstration
develop rapport with other parties
 Simulation/  Observation
o Perform verbal communication and
listening skill Role play
o observation skills
o negotiation skills
3.3 Document areas  Describe the Procedure in  Group 2 Hours
for agreement documenting negotiations Discussion
 Oral evaluation
 Simulation/
Role play
 Apply a filing system in managing
information  Demonstration  Observation
 Demonstrate filing of documents
4. Solve 4.1 Identify the  Describe Normal operating  Group 2 Hours
 Oral evaluation
workplace problem parameters & product quality discussion
problems  Identify & clarify the nature of problem  Lecture  Written examination
related to work
 Read:
o Brainstorming
o Cause and effect diagrams
o PARETO analysis
o SWOT analysis  Lecture  Written examination
o GANT chart
o PERT CPM & graph
 Apply observation, investigation and
 Demonstration  Observation
analytical techniques in solving

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 60

Unit of Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology Assessment Approach
Competency Duration
problem in the workplace

4.2 Determine  Describe Teamwork and work  Group 1 Hour

 Oral evaluation
fundamental cause allocation problem discussion
of the problem  Read:
o Using range of formal problem
solving techniques
o Enterprise goals, targets and
measures  Lecture  Written examination
o Enterprise quality, OHS and
environmental requirement
o Non-routine process and quality
 Perform group exercises showing
 Demonstration
safety in emergency situations and  Observation
 Role Play
 Identify & clarify the nature of problem
 Select relevant equipment and  Lecture  Written examination
operational processes
4.3 Determine correct /  Describe principles of decision making ½ Hour
 Group
preventive action strategies and techniques  Oral evaluation
 Read:
o Evaluating the solution  Lecture  Written examination
o Devising the best solution
 Perform group exercise how to
 Demonstration
implement the developed plan to  Observation
 Role Play
rectify a problem
4.4 Provide  Describe industry codes and ½ Hour
 Group
recommendation to standards  Oral evaluation
 Apply enterprise information systems
 Demonstration  Observation
and data collation

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 61


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of Core Electrical Competency covers the
knowledge, skills and attitudes in installing wiring devices
for power supply of data measurement and control system
on electrical and auxiliary equipment such as UPS, drytype,
transformer, capacitor bank AVR and rectifier based on
required performance standard.


ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variable
1. Plan and prepare 1.1 Instructions for the preparation  Types and  Interpreting
for installation of work activity are specification of plans and
work communicated and confirmed wiring devices for details drawing.
to ensure clear understanding data measurement  Handling of
1.2 Tools, equipment and and control system. materials,
personnel protective  Functions and uses tools and
equipment needed to of power supply on equipment
electrical system and data measurement  Checking and
auxiliary equipment are system and auxiliary quantifying the
identified and checked to equipment. item needed, in
ensure usability and safety in  Identification of tools the job
accordance with established and materials for requirement.
procedures installation of data
1.3 Materials needed to do the measurement and
work are obtained and control system on
estimated in accordance with electrical and
established procedures and auxiliary equipment
2. Install electrical 2.1 Safety procedures are  Procedures on  Installing AVR
system and followed in line with job installation of and UPS
auxiliary requirements electrical system  Performing
equipment 2.2 Correct procedures for and auxiliary splicing,
installation of electrical equipment. dressing and
system and auxiliary  Proper used of harnessing of
equipment are performed in power tools and wires.
line with job requirements equipment in an  Mounting of
2.3 Schedule of work is followed to installation. devices.
ensure work is completed in an 
agreed time, to a quality
Splicing, dressing  Performing the
and harnessing of installation
standard and with a minimum wires. economically.
of waste
2.4 Unplanned events or conditions
 Proper termination  Applying active
and mounting of and non-active
occurred are responded to
devices. test to ensure
2.5 On going checks of quality of  Proper use of safety its functionality.
work are undertaken in harness
accordance with instructions  Types and uses of:
and requirements o UPS
2.6 Conductors/wires are o Drytype
terminated/spliced in Transformer
accordance with electrical o Capacitor bank
standards o AVR

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 44

Unit of Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology Assessment Approach
Competency Duration
5.3 Analyze results  Describe the four fundamental 2 Hours
 Group
operation (addition, subtraction,  Oral evaluation
division, multiplication)
 Read:
o Measurement system  Lecture  Written examination
o Precision and accuracy
o Basic measuring tools/devices
 Apply mathematical computations
 Demonstrate activities on:  Demonstration  Observation
o Use of calculator
o Use of different measuring tools
6. Use relevant 6.1 Identify  Describe company policy in relation to 1 Hour
 Group
technologies appropriate relevant technology  Oral evaluation
 Read:
o Awareness on technology and its
o Relevant technology application/  Lecture  Written examination
o Operating instructions
 Demonstration
 Practice basic communication skill in a
 Simulation/  Observation
group activity
Role Play
6.2 Apply relevant 2 Hours
 Describe different management  Group
technology  Oral evaluation
concepts Discussion
 Read:
o Relevant technology application/
implementation  Lecture  Written examination
o Technology adaptability
o Different management concepts

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 63

Unit of Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology Assessment Approach
Competency Duration
o Health and safety procedure
o Communication techniques
 Apply software applications skills  Demonstration  Observation
 Practice drills on installing application  Demonstration
 Simulation/  Observation
 Practice basic communication skill in a
group activity Role Play
6.3 Maintenance /  Read: 2 Hours
enhance relevant o Repair and maintenance procedure  Lecture  Written examination
technology o Operating instructions

 Practice drills:  Demonstration

o Installing application software  Observation
 Simulation/
o Basic troubleshooting skills
Role Play

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 64

32 hours

This course is designed to equip individual with operational skills required for Common Construction Industry Competencies of
Electrical Installation & Maintenance III with learning outcomes, methodology and assessment approach as listed herein.
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
1. Use Hand 1.1 Plan and  Identification of different types of hand tools and  Lecture /  Written/Oral 1 hours
Tools prepare for their uses Demonstration examination
tasks to be  Function, operation and common faults in electrical/  Distance education  Practical
undertaken electronic hand tools  Film Showing demonstration
 Planning and preparing task/activity
1.2 Prepare hand  Proper use of hand tools  Lecture /  Written/Oral 1 hours
tools  Checking and safety requirements in handling tools Demonstration examination
 Standard procedures in checking, identification and  Distance education  Practical
marking of safe or unsafe/ faulty tools  Film Showing demonstration
 Identifying and checking hand tools
 Marking of safe or unsafe/ faulty hand tools
1.3 Use appropriate  Safety requirements in using electronics hand tools  Lecture /  Written/Oral 2 hours
hand tools and and test equipment Demonstration examination
test equipment.  Familiarizing usage of electrical/electronic hand  Distance education  Practical
tools for adjusting, dismantling, assembling,  Film Showing demonstration
finishing, and cutting
 Processes, Operations, Systems
o Proper usage and care of hand tools
o Types and uses of test equipment
 Identification of common faults in the use of hand
 Applying safety handling of hand tools and test
 Using appropriate hand tools and test equipment for
the job requirement
1.4 Maintain hand  Safety requirements in maintenance of hand tools  Lecture /  Written/Oral 1 hours
tools  Processes, Operations, Systems Demonstration examination
o Maintenance of tools  Distance education  Practical

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 65

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Correctly followed work instructions
1.2 Identified and checked appropriate tools, equipment and
materials for installing electrical system and auxiliary
1.3 Selected and used correct personal protective equipment
1.4 Performed correct procedures for installation of electrical
system and auxiliary equipment
1.5 Terminated/Spliced conductors/wires in accordance with
the existing electrical standards
1.6 Made final checks to ensure work conforms with the plan
1.7 Followed safety procedures

2. Resource The following resources should be provided:

Implications 2.1 Workplace location
2.2 Tools and equipment appropriate to installation of
electrical and auxiliary equipment
2.3 Materials relevant to the activity
2.4 Wiring diagrams, layout/shop drawings and specifications
relevant to the task

3. Methods of Competency in this unit must be assessed:

Assessment 3.1 Direct observation/Demonstration of application of tasks.
3.2 Questions related to underpinning knowledge
3.3 Written Test
4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the workplace or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting
4.2 Assessment shall be observed while the tasks are being
undertaken either individually or as part of a team under
limited supervision

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 47

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
3.2 Interpret  Blueprint Reading and Plan Specification  Lecture  Written /oral 1 hours
technical  Electrical/Electronic symbols and abbreviations  demonstration  examinations
drawing  Trade Theory  Film Viewing  Direct observation
o Types of electrical/electronic product plans  Individualized  Project method
o Notes and specifications Learning  Interview
 Interpreting technical drawing and plans for  Direct Student
electrical/electronics Laboratory
 Matching specification details with existing Experience
3.3 Prepare/ make  Freehand sketching techniques  Lecture  Written /oral 2 hours
changes to  Pictorial drawing  demonstration  examinations
electrical/  Drawing conventions  Film Viewing  Direct observation
electronic  Dimensioning conventions  Individualized  Project method
schematics and  Mathematics Learning  Interview
drawings o Four fundamental operations  Direct Student
o Percentage Laboratory
o Fraction Experience
o Algebra
o Geometry
 Sketching drawings and plans
 Sketching pictures
 Computing formulas
 Using drawing instruments
3.4 Store technical  Effective ways to catalogue and store technical  Lecture  Written /oral 1 hours
drawings and drawings  demonstration  examinations
equipment/  Manual methods of handling, storing and  Film Viewing  Direct observation
instruments maintaining paper drawings  Project method
 Storing drawing in digital forms  Individualized  Interview
o Scanner Learning
o CAD  Direct Student
 Handling and storing of drawings Laboratory
 scanning and storing drawings in digital form Experience
 Handling and storing drawing instruments

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 67

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
4. Apply Quality 4.1 Assess quality  Relevant production processes, materials and  Field trip  Written test 1 hours
Standards of received products  Symposium  Demonstration &
materials  Characteristics of materials, software and hardware  Video clips questioning
used in production processes  Simulation/ Role  Observation &
 Quality checking procedures playing questioning
 Quality Workplace procedures  On the job training
 Identification of faulty materials
 Checking quality of materials or component parts as
per manufacturer’s standards
 Interpreting specifications or symbols
4.2 Assess own  Safety and environmental aspects of production  Field trip  Demonstration & 2 hours
work processes  Symposium questioning
 Fault identification and reporting  Film showing  Observation &
 Workplace procedure in documenting completed  Simulation questioning
work  On the job training  Third party report
 Workplace Quality Indicators
 Observing safety and environmental aspects of
production processes
 Preparing technical reports
 Performing procedures in the workplace
4.3 Engage in  Quality improvement processes  Field trip  Demonstration & 2 hours
quality  IEC/ISO standards  Symposium questioning
improvement  Environmental and safety standards  Film showing  Observation &
 Implementing continuous improvement  Simulation questioning
 On the job training  Third party report
5. Terminate 5.1 Plan and  Use of hand tools and test instruments / equipment  Film Viewing  Demonstration 1 hour
and Connect prepare for  Basic Electrical theory and application  Direct Student and Questioning
Electrical termination/  OH & S guidelines and procedures Laboratory  Assessment of
wiring and connection of  Basic electrical and electronic devices Experience Output Product
Electronic electrical wiring/  Preparing hand tools and test equipment for  On the Job
Circuit electronics termination Training
circuits  Preparing electrical/electronic materials for  Project Method

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 68

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
5.2 Terminate/  Electrical wirings  Film Viewing  Demonstration 2 hours
connect o Wiring techniques  Individualized and Questioning
electrical o OH & S principles Learning  Assessment of
wirings/ o Specifications and methods for terminating  Direct Student Output Product
electronic different materials Laboratory
circuits  Electronics circuits Experience
o Soldering techniques and procedures  On the Job
o OH & S principles Training
o Surface mount soldering techniques  Project Method
o Use of lead-free soldering technology
 Performing different types of splices
 Perform soldering techniques and procedures
5.3 Test  Use of diagnostic equipment  Film Viewing  Demonstration 2 hours
termination/  Continuity testing and grounding  Individualized and Questioning
connections of o Electrical Learning  Assessment of
electrical wiring/ o Electronics  Direct Student Output Product
electronics  Functionality test Laboratory
circuits o Electrical Experience
o Electronics  On the Job
 Performing continuity test Training
 Performing functionality test  Project Method
6. Maintain 6.1 Check condition  Read and familiarize safety practices  Lecture-  Direct observation 3 hours
Tools and of tools and - use of PPE demonstration
Equipment equipment  Oral questioning
- handling of tools and equipment  Group discussion
- good housekeeping
 Identity materials, tools and equipment
- types and uses of lubricants
- types and uses of cleaning materials
- types and uses of electrical tools
- types and uses of electrical equipment
 Describe operational conditions of electrical tools
and equipment
 Maintain tools and equipment

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 69

1. Wiring diagrams 1.1 Power circuit
1.2 Control circuit

2. Motor control components May include but are not limited to:
& wiring devices 2.1 Circuit breakers/Fuses
2.2 Magnetic Contactors
2.3 Overload heater
2.4 Power Cabinet or MCC
2.5 Power and Timers Relays
2.6 Terminal Blocks/Lugs
2.7 Pilot lamps and Buzzer
2.8 Actuators
2.9 Push buttons
2.10 Selector Switches
2.11 Cable duct
2.12 Din rail
2.13 Wire Strap
2.14 Wire Markers
2.15 Cable Tie
2.16 Tie Mount
2.17 Cable Glands/Grommet
2.18 Automotive wires/Conductors
2.19 Insulators
3. Degree of Protection 3.1 Nema Standards
- Nema 1
- Nema 2
- Nema 3/3R
- Nema 4/4x
- Nema 6
- Nema 11
- Nema 12
3.2 IEC Standards
- International Protection (IP)
3.3 Bureau of Product Standards (BPS)

4. Tools, equipment & testing May include but are not limited to:
instruments 4.1 Tools
- Pliers
- Screw drivers
- Wrenches
- Wire splicers/strippers
- Electrician knives
- Electric Hand drill
- Hand or electric taping/threading
- Hack saw
- File
- Manual/Hydraulic puncher
- Measuring tools (e.g. Push-pull meter)

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 50

96 hours
This course is designed to equip individual with operational skills required for Core Electrical Competencies of Electrical
Installation & Maintenance NC III with learning outcomes, methodology and assessment approach as listed herein. Trainees who
have completed training in or are holders of Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC II may forego training in core units of
competency (1) to (3).
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
1. Perform 1.1 Selection of  Read and familiarize:  Demonstration  Oral questioning 4 Hrs
roughing-in materials o Types of wiring diagram based on ANSI or IEC  Modular (self-  Written test or
and wiring Standard paced) examination
activities for o Types of enclosure, proofing and mounting  Lecture/  Demonstration
three-phase Discussion
distribution  Audio Visual
system for o Types and uses of tools, materials and
equipment for roughing-in activities  Practical
power, Laboratory
lighting and  Practice proper used of safety harness
motor control  Interpret plan and details drawing
panel  Identify and discuss the required proofing of the
panel and enclosure
 Identify and discuss the functional and defective
tools, materials and equipment

1.2 Install cable  Interpret electrical/ mechanical drawing  Demonstration  Direct 12 Hrs
tray and  Perform proper procedure in installation of cable tray  Modular (self- observation of
panel and panels paced) application of
 Ensure that installation must accessible for  Lecture/ tasks
maintenance purposes Discussion  Written test or
 Practice proper use of safety harness  Practical examination
 Develop blueprint reading skills required to interpret Laboratory  Demonstration
work instructions with oral
 Perform the installation economically questioning

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 71

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
1.3 Perform  Read and familiarize:  Demonstration  Direct 16 Hrs
Wiring Work o Wiring procedures such as cable lay-out,  Modular (self- observation of
pulling, splicing and termination of wires paced) application of
o Uses of different types of wires and cables and  Lecture/ tasks
its application  Discussion  Oral
o Application of pulling compound  Audio Visual questioning
o Bundling of wire size as per job requirements  Practical  Written test or
Laboratory examination
 Apply techniques in bending radius and loops
 Demonstration
 Practice proper handling of tools and equipment
 Splice and terminate wires
 Apply safety requirement for wiring works
1.4 Notify  Read and familiarize:  Demonstration  Direct 4 Hrs.
completion o Processes, Operations Systems  Modular (self- observation of
of work  Maintenance of tools & materials paced) application of
 Storage of tools  Lecture/ task
Discussion  Written Test
 Check and conform the installation procedures
based on job requirement  Practical  Oral
Laboratory questioning
 Practice good housekeeping
 Demonstration
 Perform commissioning activities
 Document work
2. Perform 2.1 Plan and  Read and familiarized:  Demonstration  Direct 4 Hrs
installation of prepare o Type and specification of the needed devices.  Modular (self-  Observation
data works o Function and the used of power supply of data paced)  Written Test
measurement measurement system and auxiliary equipment.  Lecture/  Demonstration
and control Discussion  Oral questioning
 Identify the tools and materials according to the
system on  Audio Visual
job requirements
electrical and  Practical
 Interpret plans & detail drawing
auxiliary Laboratory
 Practice proper handling of materials, tools and

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 72

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Check and quantify item as needed in the job
 Apply active and non-active test to ensure functionality.
1.2 Install  Follow procedure on installation of auxiliary  Demonstration  Direct 16 Hrs.
electrical equipment.  Modular (self- observation
system and  Apply proper usage of power tools and equipment in paced)  Written test or
auxiliary an installation.  Lecture/ examination
equipment Discussion  Third party
 Identify types and usage of auxiliary equipment
 Audio Visual report
 Practice proper usage of safety harness.  Demonstration
 Practical
 Perform splicing, dressing and harnessing of wires. Laboratory with oral
 Perform termination and mounting of devices. questioning
 Perform the installation economically
1.3 Notify  Read and familiarize:  Demonstration  Direct 4 hrs
completion o Processes, Operations Systems  Modular (self- observation of
of work  Maintenance of tools & materials paced) application of
 Storage of tools  Lecture/ task
 Check and conform the installation procedures Discussion  Demonstration
based on job requirement  Practical  Oral questioning
 Practice good housekeeping Laboratory
 Perform commissioning activities
 Document work
3. Install, 3.1 Check/  Interpret electrical drawing and wiring diagram.  Demonstration  Direct 4 Hrs
assemble, Review type  Read and familiarize:  Modular (self- observation
test and and purpose o Function of every devices used in the line/ job paced)  Written test or
maintain of motor requirements.  Lecture/ examination
motor control control o Motor specification for the seclection of control Discussion  Third party
system system devices.  Practical report
o Type of motor control components & wiring Laboratory  Demonstration
devices with oral
o NEMA Standard in mounting of MCC. questioning

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 73
11. Tools, equipment and Including but not limited to:
testing devices 11.1 Electrician’s hand tools
- Pliers
- Screwdrivers
- Wrenches
- Wire splicers
- Knives
- Bolt/Cable cutter
- Knockout puncher
- Torque wrench
11.2 Testing instruments/devices
- Multi-tester (VOM)
- Insulation resistance tester (Megger)
- High potential tester
- Low resistance tester
- Phase sequence meter
- Ammeter
- Torque meter
11.3 Equipment
- Labeling machine
- Vacuum cleaner
- Air blower
- Dryer
- Welding machine
- Pressure washer
- Vacuum pump
12. Personal protective Including but not limited to:
equipment (PPE) 12.1 Working gloves
12.2 Safety shoes
12.3 Hard hat
12.4 Face shield
12.5 Insulating mat
12.6 Lockout tags
12.7 Safety goggles
12.8 Safety belt
12.1 Safety ladder
13. Potential hazards Including but not limited to:
13.1 Live wires
13.2 Oil spill
13.3 Chemical hazards
13.4 Flammable materials
13.5 Sources of energy
13.6 Moving machine parts
13.7 Sharp/pointed objects
13.8 Noise hazards
13.9 Confined space

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 53

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
3.4 Maintain  Obseve safety practices in the use of PPE, handling  Demonstration  Direct 12 Hrs
electrical of tools, instrument and equipment.  Modular (self- observation of
motor  Practice good housekeeping of materials, tools and paced) application of
control equipment  Lecture/ tasks.
system  Identify types and uses of lubricants and cleaning Discussion  Oral questioning
materials  Practical  Written test or
 Apply methods, techniques and procedures in Laboratory examination
maintenance of motor control system  Third party
 Practice proper handling of tools, instrument and report
equipment.  Demonstration
 Schedule and perform preventive maintenance
 Perform basic troubleshooting skills
 Identify failures or defects
 Implement corrective and preventive actions based
on root cause of trouble.

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 75


1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery shall
be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.

a. Course design is based on competency standards set by the industry or

recognized industry sector; (Learning system is driven by competencies
written to industry standards)
b. Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate
individualized and self-paced learning strategies;
c. Training can be done on an actual workplace setting, simulation of a
workplace and/or through adoption of modern technology.
d. Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of
work to the industry required standards;
e. Assessment of competency takes the trainee’s knowledge and attitude into
account but requires evidence of actual performance of the competency as
the primary source of evidence.
f. Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current
g. Training completion is based on satisfactory performance of all specified

2. The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery modes,

both on-and off-the-job as long as the learning is driven by the competency
standards specified by the industry. The following training modalities and their
variations/components may be adopted singly or in combination with other
modalities when designing and delivering training programs:

2.1. Institution- Based:

 Dual Training System (DTS)/Dualized Training Program (DTP) which

contain both in-school and in-industry training or fieldwork components.
Details can be referred to the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the
DTS Law and the TESDA Guidelines on the DTP;

 Distance learning is a formal education process in which majority of the

instruction occurs when the students and instructor are not in the same
place. Distance learning may employ correspondence study, audio, video,
computer technologies or other modern technology that can be used to
facilitate learning and formal and non-formal training. Specific guidelines on
this mode shall be issued by the TESDA Secretariat.

 The traditional classroom-based or in-center instruction may be

enhanced through use of learner-centered methods as well as laboratory or
field-work components.

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 76

2.2 Enterprise-Based:

 Formal Apprenticeship – Training within employment involving a contract

between an apprentice and an enterprise on an approved apprenticeable

 Enterprise-based Training- where training is implemented within the

company in accordance with the requirements of the specific company.
Specific guidelines on this mode shall be issued by the TESDA Secretariat.


The trainees who wish to enter the course should possess the following

 Must be a holder and/or have undergone training in Electrical Installation

and Maintenance NC II or Mechatronics Servicing NC II

This list does not include specific institutional requirements such as educational
attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that may be required of
the trainees by the school or training center delivering the TVET program.


Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of

25 trainees for Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III are as follows:

Qty. Description Qty. Description
5 units Measuring tools (e.g. Pull-push 5 pcs. Circuit breakers/Fuses (Din rail
meter) type)
5 pcs. Crimping tools 15 pcs. Controller/Contactors
5 pcs. Pliers 10 pcs. Relays (Din rail type)
5 sets Screw drivers 5 pcs. Timers (Din rail type)
5 sets Wrenches (box & open) 5 pcs. Terminal Blocks/Lugs (Din rail type)
5 pcs. Wire splicers/strippers 15 pcs./ Pilot lamps (red, green, yellow)
5 pcs. Multi-Tester/VOM 5 pcs. Actuators/solenoids
5 units Insulation Tester 5 pcs. NO Push buttons (panel type)
5 pcs. Spirit level 5 pcs. NC Push buttons (panel type)
5 pcs. Hack saw 5 pcs. Selector Switches (panel type)
5 pcs. Pipe cutter 5 lengths Cable duct
5 pcs. Pipe reamer 4 lengths Din rail
5 pcs. Pipe threader 3 packs Wire Strap
5 pcs. Pipe bender 5 pcs. Wire Markers
5 pcs. Bolt cutter 5 pack Cable Tie
5 pcs. Ball hammer 20 meters Cable (Royal cord)
5 pairs Electrician Pliers 10 pcs. Glands/Grommet
5 pcs. Box Wrench 2 boxes Conductors

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 77


These standard arrangement are developed to give technical and vocational

education and training (TVET) provides information and guidance on important
requirements needed when designing training programs for Electrical Installation and
Maintenance NC III.

This includes information on curriculum design; training delivery; trainee entry

requirements; tools and equipment; training facilities; and trainer’s qualification and
institutional assessment.


TESDA shall provide the training on the development of competency-based

curricula to enable training providers develop their own curricula with the components
mentioned below.

Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units of
competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology,
communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized. To this
end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to accompany
their curricula.

Course Title: Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC Level: NC III

Nominal Training Hours:

Basic Competencies - 32 Hours

Common Competencies - 32 Hours
Core Competencies - 96 Hours
Total Course Hours 160 Hours

Course Description:

This course is designed to develop & enhance the knowledge, skills, &
attitudes of an electrical, mechatronics and automation technician, in accordance
with industry standards. It covers the basic & common competencies in addition
to the core competencies as enumerated in section 1 of this training regulations.

To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be


TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 56


The building must be in compliance with occupational health and safety

guidelines. Based on a class intake of 25 students/trainees, below are the space
requirement & their sizes:


Lecture Area 5x8 40 1 40
Laboratory Area 40
Learning Resource Area 4x5 20 1 20
Tool Room / Storage Area 4x5 20 1 20
Wash ,Toilet & Locker 1x2 2 2 4
Sub-Total 124
Facilities / Equipment / Circulation* 38
Total Area 162
* Area requirement is equivalent to 30% of the total teaching/learning areas


The trainer who will handle the course must have the following qualifications:

(1) holder of NTTC I in Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC III or

(2) have at least 3 years relevant job/industry or teaching experience


Institutional assessment is undertaken by trainees to determine their

achievement of units of competency. A certificate of achievement is issued for
each unit of competency.

The result of the institutional assessment may be considered as

evidence for the assessment for national certification. As a matter of policy,
graduates of programs registered with TESDA under this training regulation are
required to undergo mandatory national competency assessment upon
completion of the program.

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 79


Competency Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making

judgments whether competency has been achieved. The purpose of assessment is to
confirm that an individual can perform to the standards expected at the workplace as
expressed in relevant competency standards.

The assessment process is based on evidence or information gathered to

prove achievement of competencies. The process may be applied to an
employable unit(s) of competency in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the
national qualification.

4.1.1. To attain the National Qualification of Electrical Installation and

Maintenance NC III, the candidate must demonstrate competence in
all units listed in Section 1. Successful candidates shall be awarded a
National Certificate III signed by the TESDA Director General.
4.1.2. The qualification of Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC III can be
attained through demonstration of competence through project-type
assessment covering all the required units of the qualification.
4.1.3. Assessment shall focus on the core units of competency. The basic
and common units shall be integrated or assessed concurrently with
the core units.
4.1.4. The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:

(1) Graduates of formal, non-formal and informal including enterprise-

based education/training programs/courses
(2) Experienced Workers (wage-employed or self-employed)

4.1.5. For those holders of existing National Certificate (NC) of individuals in

Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III, automatic conversion
will be implemented.
4.1.6. Clustering of competencies is not applicable.
4.1.7. Individuals who already possess Certificate of Competency (COC) in
Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III are advised to take the
NC assessment for this amended TR upon expiration of their COCs.
4.1.8. The guidelines on assessment and certification are discussed in detail
in the “Procedures Manual on Assessment and Certification” and
“Guidelines on the Implementation of the Philippine TVET
Competency Assessment and Certification System (PTCACS)”.


TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 80

4.2.1 Self-Assessment Guide. The self-assessment guide (SAG) is

accomplished by the candidate prior to actual competency assessment.
SAG is a pre-assessment tool to help the candidate and the assessor
determine what evidence is available, where gaps exist, including
readiness for assessment.
This document can:
a. Identify the candidate’s skills and knowledge
b. Highlight gaps in candidate’s skills and knowledge
c. Provide critical guidance to the assessor and candidate on the
evidence that need to be presented
d. Assist the candidate to identify key areas in which practice is
needed or additional information or skills that should be gained

4.2.2 Accredited Assessment Center. Only Assessment Center accredited by

TESDA is authorized to conduct competency assessment. Assessment
centers undergo a quality assured procedure for accreditation before
they are authorized by TESDA to manage the assessment for National

4.2.3 Accredited Competency Assessor. Only accredited competency

assessor is authorized to conduct assessment of competence.
Competency assessors undergo a quality assured system of
accreditation procedure before they are authorized by TESDA to assess
the competencies of candidates for National Certification.

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 81

Unit of Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology Assessment Approach
Competency Duration
 Identify client expectations  Lecture  Written examination
 Perform group exercises in setting  Demonstration
 Observation
individual target/ expectation  Role Play
 Read instruction and requirements in
 Lecture  Written examination
up to date dissemination to members
2.4 Supervise team  Describe listening and treating  Group 1 Hour
 Oral evaluation
performance individual team members concern discussion
 Identify methods of Monitoring
 Lecture  Written examination
 Perform group exercises showing the
 Demonstration  Observation
skills in monitoring team performance
3. Develop and 3.1 Identify relevant  Describe: 2 hours
practice information in o codes of practice and guidelines for
negotiation planning the organization  Group
 Oral evaluation
skills negotiations o differences between content and Discussion
 Read:
o Organizations policy and
procedures for negotiations
 Lecture  Written examination
o Decision making and conflict
resolution strategies procedures
o Strategies to manage conflict
o Steps in negotiating process
 Identify bargaining information  Lecture  Written examination
 Apply strategies to manage process
 Demonstration  Observation
 Apply steps in negotiating process
3.2 Participate in  Describe the following strategies 2 Hours
negotiations during negotiation:  Group
o Decision making and conflict Discussion  Oral evaluation
resolution strategies procedures  Case studies
o Problem solving strategies on how

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 59


1) Certification - is the process of verifying and validating the competencies of a

person through assessment

2) Certificate of Competency (COC) – is a certification issued to individuals who

pass the assessment for a single unit or cluster of units of competency

3) Common Competencies - are the skills and knowledge needed by all people
working in a particular industry

4) Competency - is the possession and application of knowledge, skills and

attitudes to perform work activities to the standard expected in the workplace

5) Competency Assessment - is the process of collecting evidence and making

judgments on whether competency has been achieved

6) Competency Standard (CS) - is the industry-determined specification of

competencies required for effective work performance

7) Context of Assessment - refers to the place where assessment is to be

conducted or carried out

8) Core Competencies - are the specific skills and knowledge needed in a

particular area of work - industry sector/occupation/job role

9) Critical aspects of competency - refers to the evidence that is essential for

successful performance of the unit of competency

10) Elective Competencies - are the additional skills and knowledge required by
the individual or enterprise for work

11) Elements - are the building blocks of a unit of competency. They describe in
outcome terms the functions that a person performs in the workplace.

12) Evidence Guide - is a component of the unit of competency that defines or

identifies the evidences required to determine the competence of the individual.
It provides information on critical aspects of competency, underpinning
knowledge, underpinning skills, resource implications, assessment method and
context of assessment

13) Level - refers to the category of skills and knowledge required to do a job

14) Method of Assessment - refers to the ways of collecting evidence and when,
evidence should be collected

15) National Certificate (NC) – is a certification issued to individuals who achieve

all the required units of competency for a national qualification defined under
the Training Regulations. NCs are aligned to specific levels within the PTQF

16) Performance Criteria - are evaluative statements that specify what is to be

assessed and the required level of performance

17) Qualification - is a cluster of units of competencies that meets job roles and is
significant in the workplace. It is also a certification awarded to a person on

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 83
successful completion of a course in recognition of having demonstrated
competencies in an industry sector

18) Range of Variables - describes the circumstances or context in which the work
is to be performed

19) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – is the acknowledgement of an

individual’s skills, knowledge and attitudes gained from life and work
experiences outside registered training programs

19) Resource Implication - refer to the resources needed for the successful
performance of the work activity described in the unit of competency. It
includes work environment and conditions, materials, tools and equipment

20) Basic Competencies - are the skills and knowledge that everyone needs for

21) Training Regulations (TR) – refers to the document promulgated and issued
by TESDA consisting of competency standards, national qualifications and
training guidelines for specific sectors/occupations. The TR serves as basis for
establishment of qualification and certification under the PTQF. It also serves
as guide for development of competency-based curricula and instructional
materials including registration of TVET programs offered by TVET providers

22) Underpinning Knowledge - refers to the competency that involves in applying

knowledge to perform work activities. It includes specific knowledge that is
essential to the performance of the competency

23) Underpinning Skills - refers to the list of the skills needed to achieve the
elements and performance criteria in the unit of competency. It includes
generic and industry specific skills

24) Unit of Competency – is a component of the competency standards stating a

specific key function or role in a particular job or occupation; it is the smallest
component of achievement that can be assessed and certified under the PTQF


1) Technical Terms. All technical terms are used with meanings as defined in the
latest published edition of the Philippine Electrical Code, in applicable laws,
such as R.A. 7920 (The New Electrical Engineering Law), and current electrical
engineering practice.

2) Other Terms. All other terms are used as defined in applicable TESDA

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 84

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) wishes to

extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry,
academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise to the
development and validation of these Training Regulations.



Managing Director
Phasor Construction Corporation
3/F Glialcon Bldg. Blumentritt St., San Juan, Metro Manila
Telephone: 723-7675; 726-6748


President President
AN Escalante Construction, Inc. Industrial Controls Corporation
Davao City Mega Plaza, Ortigas Center Pasig City
Telephone: +63 822441820 Tel. Nos. 687-1246/687-4815


President President
Plug Electric Mfg. Corporation Polyphase.One Construction, Inc.
Pemcor Industrial Plant, Lot 3 Dama de # 7 Philip St. Jordan Park,
Noche, UPS4 Paranaque City Commonwealth Quezon City
Tel. Nos.: 823-5222; 823-5856; 823-4389 Tel. Nos.: 503-0649


President Trainer/Consultant
POWERLOOPS, INC. Gokongwei Brothers Foundation, Inc.
EDSA, Cubao, Quezon City Litton Mills Compound, A. Rodriguez Avenue
Tel. Nos.: 912-9141; 421-7182 Rosario, Pasig City, Tel No. 733-2118;
Associate Professor, RTU-Boni Ave
Mandaluyong City
Tel No. 534-8267

The TESDA Board – Standards Setting and Systems Development Committee

The Management and Staff of the TESDA Secretariat

 Qualifications and Standards Office

o Competency Standards Division

o Competency Programs and Systems

Development Division

 NITESD Office

o Curriculum and Training Aids Division

TR – Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III (Amended) Promulgated December 16, 2015 85

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