SUB: Request For The Suitable Post

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To, _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

SUB : Request for the Suitable Post Dear Sir/Maam, Please find enclosed my RESUME for your persual and kind consideration. I am a M.B.A. from Punjab Technical University & Commerce Graduate from C.C.S. University. I am also Marketing & ales Pro!essional and Com"uter #ard$are Pro!essional from Jetking & VISPL Ghaziabad and I am looking for a suita le !o in your esteemed organi"ation. I assure you, t#at once gi$en an opportunity to ser$e you, I s#all put my est of efforts in furt#er en#ancing t#e repute of your organi"ation and I s#all stri$e to li$e%up to your e&pectations and satisfaction. 'ope I s#all get a kind and fa$oura le consideration at your end. T#anking you and looking for(ard for a meeting/inter$ie(.

)ours fait# fully, (Harish Chandra) Encl : Resume Date :

D-368, S arn !"anti Puram

#ear P$%, &ha'iaba( )UP* Mobile : +8++8,-8.6 , ++--33,.+/ Email : harish0harr"clic12,,.3"ahoo4co4in #A%& # C#A'(%A %*+!ul,* . Summar" of S1ills an( E56erience : I am a young dynamic and #ard (orking professional (it# o$er -. years of ric# e&perience in Mar1etin7, Sales and 8eam Mana7ement (it# tremendous dedication, a ility and confidence to (ork t#roug# difficult situations. I am al(ays ready to (ork in dynamic en$ironment & face t#e c#allenges. I process great communication & interpersonal skills. E56erience : -* 9or1in7 -2 till (ate4 ith :%:%: Ban1, ;ari(aba( Branch as Branch Sales Mana7er from Se6

!ob Profile : To manage t#e team of Sales /fficers to open 0urrent 1ccount and Sa$ings 1ccounts. Make t#em dri$e to ac#ie$e #ig#est sla re(ards & recognition launc#ed y t#e company. Team Management, Training & Monitoring t#e performance of team mem ers to ensure efficiency in sales, operations and meeting of indi$idual and ranc# targets.

$chie<ements : Made #ig#est record of --- Sa$ing 1ccounts in /cto er -* as against 2ranc# pre$ious est of ,+. *3 9or1e( ith Birla Sun =ife :nsurance %o4 =imite( as a Sr4 $7enc" Mana7er from $u7 23, ,. to $u7 3-, -2. !ob 6rofile : To uild up t#e team of acti$e ad$isors, moti$ate t#em and manage t#em to sale t#e insurance products. Mentoring ad$isors to e acti$e in e$ery mont# y selling t#e policies. To pro$ide training for ne( products of t#e company and make t#em a(are a out t#e competitors products. Make t#em dri$e to ac#ie$e #ig#est sla re(ard & recognition launc#ed y t#e company.

To meet t#e clients and make t#em understand a out t#e plan and c#oose t#e rig#t policy.

$chie<ements : 4ot promotion from Sr. 1gency Manager to 2usiness De$elopment Manager in *..5. 4ot promotion from 1gency Manager to Senior 1gency Manager in *.., !ust only in one year of !oining. 6irst Manager to ac#ie$e t#e re(ard of T78 1 M/8T'79 & t#at too t#ree mont#s in a ro( !ust after t#ree mont#s of !oining. 9e(arded y t#e Trop#y for #ig#est 1nnual Premium in t#e mont# of :uly, 1ugust and Septem er in *.., & *..5 respecti$ely. 9e(arded y t#e Trop#y for #ig#est acti$itation in t#e mont# of :uly, 1ugust and Septem er in *.., & *..5 respecti$ely. 9e(arded y t#e certificate of 'I%6;I79 0;<2 for t#e mont# of Marc# *.., & Sep. *..,. 1part from t#is I #a$e uild up many Star and 0lu 1d$isors =;ike > Sil$er, 2ron"e, 4old, Platinum3 & (on many './. & 2ranc# competition like > o o o o o o 3* ?ick Start 8o$ *..@ & 8o$ *..,. Do ka Dum 8o$ *.., & Ainter splas# 8o$ *..,. 'ealt# Day 8o$ *.., & Premium ?ing 1ug *..5. 1cti$isation ?ing *..5 & ;icensing 0#amp Sep *..5. 8./.P. 0#amp Sep *..5, Satte pe Satta *..5 & PP S#ooter *.-. Aon e$ery matc# as a captain of t#e team on t#e criteria usiness parameters, (on mo ile p#ones & many more incenti$es etc. ith =4&4 E=E%8R>#:%S as a Sr4 Sales E5ecuti<e from !an 2,,? to

9or1e( $u7 2,,.4

!ob Profile : Managing team of sales e&ecuti$es to sale t#e products. De$eloping usiness, identifying usiness opportunities in key areas. 1naly"ing latest marketing trends and track competitors acti$ities and pro$ide $alua le inputs for fine tuning sales and marketing strategies. Team Management, Training & Monitoring t#e performance of team mem ers to ensure efficiency in sales operations and meeting of indi$idual and group targets. Managing and coordinating payments of t#e teams incenti$es.

$chie<ements : Increased t#e sales $olume from - ;ak#s to * ;ak#s per mont#, 1(arded y star a(ard for t#ree years in a ro(.


2uilt up a team of -B C acti$e sales e&ecuti$es. 9or1e( ith 8EE# 8E=E %>MMU#:%$8:>#S P =8D4 as an $sst4 8eam =ea(er from ;eb 2,,2 to !an 2,,?4

!ob Profile : Managing marketing operations. 'eading product launc# programs in co%ordination (it# e&ternal agencies to spear#ead product promotion and market de$elopment initiati$es. 1naly"ing latest marketing trends and tracking competitors acti$ities and pro$iding $alua le inputs for fine tuning sales and marketing strategies for 7P12D and ?TS. $chie<ements : Increased Territorial sales from B. t#ousand to -.B ;ak#s. Managed @%, Sales 9epresentati$es in 4#a"ia ad and 8oida. Implemented training for ne( recruits. 9ecei$ed 0ompanys 'ig#est Sales 1(ard t(o years in a ro(.

E(ucational @ualification : M.2.1. from Pun!a Tec#nical <ni$ersity :aland#ar )&n #uman %esource*. 2.0om. from 0.0.S. <ni$ersity Meerut. Intermediate =0ommerce3 from 0.2.S.7. 2oard. 'ig# Sc#ool from 1ir force 'indon 0.2.S.7. 2oard. 8echnical @ualification : /ne year diploma in 0omputer 'ard(are from E.I.S.P.;. 4#a"ia ad -.F )ear 1.D.0.'.8. =1d$ance diploma in computer 'ard(are & 8et(orking3 from :etking 4#a"ia ad. ales & Marketing and

Professional Silhouette : IT (orking kno(ledge in MS Aindo(s, MS /ffice, Internet. Sales Management, 2usiness De$elopment/2rand Management. ?ey 9elations#ips/1ccounts 'adling4 7ffecti$e people and Situation management.

:nterests : I am interested in listening to music, meeting people and stri$ing for kno(ledge gain as and (#en possi le. I am also acti$ely in$ol$ed in organi"ational acti$ities and playing outdoor sports. I #ere y affirm t#at all t#e information furnis#ed a o$e is true & is est to my kno(ledge.


='19IS' 0'18D913

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