Cab Sizing

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The document discusses cable sizing calculations for connections between indoor switchgear, capacitor banks and outdoor bus for different voltage ratings and capacities. It considers parameters like cable ratings, ambient temperature, method of laying and derating factors.

Cable sizing calculations are presented for 12kV power cables between 11kV indoor switchgear and a 16MVAr capacitor bank, between an 11kV outdoor bus and 2MVAr capacitor steps, and between the outdoor bus and a 1MVAr capacitor step.

The derating factor considered for cables laid in trench and the final current carrying capacity of the cable after applying this derating factor and ensuring it is greater than the maximum full load current of the connected equipment.


( 1C, 800 SQMM) A1 DESIGN INPUTS - Reference Standard : IEC 60502/ Enclosed Manufacturer's Documents & Technical Schedule 11kV Indoor SwitchGear & 16MVAr Capacitor Bank 16 11 840 924 40 MVAr kV A A deg C

- Cable Connection between - Maximum Rating of Capacitor Bank - Voltage Rating of the Capacitor Bank - Full load current Of Capacitor Bank (FLC) 1.1 times full load current Of Capacitor Bank (FLCmax) - Design Ambient Temperature A2 CABLE DATA - Voltage Designation of the cable Um (UO/U) - No. of Cores - Area of the cable selected - Conductor Material - Insulation/Metallic armour - Current Carrying Capacity in air at 40oC per single cable (Ic) A3 METHOD OF LAYING - LAID IN CABLE TRENCH - Assumed One run of 1core cable per phase

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12 (6.35/11) kV 1 800

Copper XLPE/ Armoured 1121 A (As per the GTP enclosed)

- Totally 6 runs of 1C cables for 2 numbers of 16MVAr capacitor bank is assumed in 2 trefoil groups laid in common trench as shown in sheet 5 of 5. A4 DERATING FACTOR & CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Derating Factor for cables laid in trench as per conditions considered in A3 above Final Current carrying capacity of 1x1C,800 Sqmm cable per phase, after derating : 0.9 (Manufacturer's Recommendation for derating factors enclosed)


: 1009 A A > FLCmax (924) A 1009 Hence selected cable is adequate as per conditions considered in A3 above

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CABLE SIZING CALCULATION FOR 12KV POWER CABLE BETWEEN 11KV OUTDOOR BUS AND 2MVAr CAPACITOR STEP ( 3C, 95 SQMM) B1 DESIGN INPUTS - Reference Standard : IEC 60502/ Enclosed Manufacturer's Documents & Technical Schedule :

- Cable Connection between - Maximum Rating of one Capacitor Step - Voltage Rating of one Capacitor step - Full load current Of one Capacitor step (FLC) 1.1 times full load current of Capacitor step above (FLCmax) - Design Ambient Temperature B2 CABLE DATA - Voltage Designation of the cable Um (UO/U) - No. of Cores - Area of the cable selected - Conductor Material - Insulation/Metallic armour - Current Carrying Capacity in air at 40oC B3 METHOD OF LAYING - LAID IN CABLE TRENCH Assumed single run of 3core cable for each 2MVAr capacitor step.

11kV outdoor Bus & 2MVArCapacitor Step MVAr kV A A deg C

: 2 : 11 : 105 : 116 : 40

: 12 (6.35/11) kV : 3 : 95

: Copper : XLPE/ Armoured : 279 A (As per the GTP enclosed)

- Totally 9 runs of 3C cable viz, 7runs for 7 numbers of 2MVAr capacitor step and 2 runs for 2 numbers of 1MVAr capacitor step are assumed to be laid in common trench with 2 tiers(worst case). - Cable laying arrangement for all capacitor steps are shown in Sheet 5 of 5. B4 DERATING FACTOR & CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Derating Factor for cables laid in trench as per conditions considered in B3 above Final Current carrying capacity of 1x3C,95 Sqmm cable , after derating

: 0.81

(Manufacturer's Recommendation for derating factors enclosed)

: 10.81279

: 226 A 226 A > FLCmax (116) A Hence selected cable is adequate as per conditions considered in B3 above

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CABLE SIZING CALCULATION FOR 12KV POWER CABLE BETWEEN 11KV OUTDOOR BUS AND 1MVAr CAPACITOR STEP ( 3C, 95 SQMM) C1 DESIGN INPUTS - Reference Standard : IEC 60502/ Enclosed Manufacturer's Documents & Technical Schedule 11kV outdoor Bus & 1MVAr Capacitor Step 1 11 52 57 40 MVAr kV A A deg C

- Cable Connection between - Maximum Rating of one Capacitor Step - Voltage Rating of one Capacitor step - Full load current Of one Capacitor step (FLC) 1.1 times full load current of Capacitor step above (FLCmax) - Design Ambient Temperature C2 CABLE DATA - Voltage Designation of the cable Um (UO/U) - No. of Cores - Area of the cable selected - Conductor Material - Insulation/Metallic armour - Current Carrying Capacity in air at 40oC C3 METHOD OF LAYING - LAID IN CABLE TRENCH Assumed single run of 3core cable for each 1MVAr capacitor step.

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12 (6.35/11) kV 3 95

Copper XLPE/ Armoured 279 A (As per the GTP enclosed)

- Totally 9 runs of 3C cable viz, 2runs for 2 numbers of 1MVAr capacitor step and 7 runs for 7 numbers of 2MVAr capacitor step are assumed to be laid in common trench with 2 tiers(worst case) - Cable laying arrangement for all capacitor steps are shown in Sheet 5 of 5. C4 DERATING FACTOR & CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Derating Factor for cables laid in trench as per conditions considered in C3 above Final Current carrying capacity of 1x3C,95 Sqmm cable, after derating : : 0.81 (Manufacturer's Recommendation for derating factors enclosed)


: 226 A A > FLCmax (57) A 226 Hence selected cable is adequate as per conditions considered in C3 above

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