Cab Sizing
Cab Sizing
Cab Sizing
( 1C, 800 SQMM) A1 DESIGN INPUTS - Reference Standard : IEC 60502/ Enclosed Manufacturer's Documents & Technical Schedule 11kV Indoor SwitchGear & 16MVAr Capacitor Bank 16 11 840 924 40 MVAr kV A A deg C
- Cable Connection between - Maximum Rating of Capacitor Bank - Voltage Rating of the Capacitor Bank - Full load current Of Capacitor Bank (FLC) 1.1 times full load current Of Capacitor Bank (FLCmax) - Design Ambient Temperature A2 CABLE DATA - Voltage Designation of the cable Um (UO/U) - No. of Cores - Area of the cable selected - Conductor Material - Insulation/Metallic armour - Current Carrying Capacity in air at 40oC per single cable (Ic) A3 METHOD OF LAYING - LAID IN CABLE TRENCH - Assumed One run of 1core cable per phase
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- Totally 6 runs of 1C cables for 2 numbers of 16MVAr capacitor bank is assumed in 2 trefoil groups laid in common trench as shown in sheet 5 of 5. A4 DERATING FACTOR & CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Derating Factor for cables laid in trench as per conditions considered in A3 above Final Current carrying capacity of 1x1C,800 Sqmm cable per phase, after derating : 0.9 (Manufacturer's Recommendation for derating factors enclosed)
: 1009 A A > FLCmax (924) A 1009 Hence selected cable is adequate as per conditions considered in A3 above
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CABLE SIZING CALCULATION FOR 12KV POWER CABLE BETWEEN 11KV OUTDOOR BUS AND 2MVAr CAPACITOR STEP ( 3C, 95 SQMM) B1 DESIGN INPUTS - Reference Standard : IEC 60502/ Enclosed Manufacturer's Documents & Technical Schedule :
- Cable Connection between - Maximum Rating of one Capacitor Step - Voltage Rating of one Capacitor step - Full load current Of one Capacitor step (FLC) 1.1 times full load current of Capacitor step above (FLCmax) - Design Ambient Temperature B2 CABLE DATA - Voltage Designation of the cable Um (UO/U) - No. of Cores - Area of the cable selected - Conductor Material - Insulation/Metallic armour - Current Carrying Capacity in air at 40oC B3 METHOD OF LAYING - LAID IN CABLE TRENCH Assumed single run of 3core cable for each 2MVAr capacitor step.
: 2 : 11 : 105 : 116 : 40
: 12 (6.35/11) kV : 3 : 95
- Totally 9 runs of 3C cable viz, 7runs for 7 numbers of 2MVAr capacitor step and 2 runs for 2 numbers of 1MVAr capacitor step are assumed to be laid in common trench with 2 tiers(worst case). - Cable laying arrangement for all capacitor steps are shown in Sheet 5 of 5. B4 DERATING FACTOR & CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Derating Factor for cables laid in trench as per conditions considered in B3 above Final Current carrying capacity of 1x3C,95 Sqmm cable , after derating
: 0.81
: 10.81279
: 226 A 226 A > FLCmax (116) A Hence selected cable is adequate as per conditions considered in B3 above
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CABLE SIZING CALCULATION FOR 12KV POWER CABLE BETWEEN 11KV OUTDOOR BUS AND 1MVAr CAPACITOR STEP ( 3C, 95 SQMM) C1 DESIGN INPUTS - Reference Standard : IEC 60502/ Enclosed Manufacturer's Documents & Technical Schedule 11kV outdoor Bus & 1MVAr Capacitor Step 1 11 52 57 40 MVAr kV A A deg C
- Cable Connection between - Maximum Rating of one Capacitor Step - Voltage Rating of one Capacitor step - Full load current Of one Capacitor step (FLC) 1.1 times full load current of Capacitor step above (FLCmax) - Design Ambient Temperature C2 CABLE DATA - Voltage Designation of the cable Um (UO/U) - No. of Cores - Area of the cable selected - Conductor Material - Insulation/Metallic armour - Current Carrying Capacity in air at 40oC C3 METHOD OF LAYING - LAID IN CABLE TRENCH Assumed single run of 3core cable for each 1MVAr capacitor step.
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12 (6.35/11) kV 3 95
- Totally 9 runs of 3C cable viz, 2runs for 2 numbers of 1MVAr capacitor step and 7 runs for 7 numbers of 2MVAr capacitor step are assumed to be laid in common trench with 2 tiers(worst case) - Cable laying arrangement for all capacitor steps are shown in Sheet 5 of 5. C4 DERATING FACTOR & CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Derating Factor for cables laid in trench as per conditions considered in C3 above Final Current carrying capacity of 1x3C,95 Sqmm cable, after derating : : 0.81 (Manufacturer's Recommendation for derating factors enclosed)
: 226 A A > FLCmax (57) A 226 Hence selected cable is adequate as per conditions considered in C3 above
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