Cricket Terminologies
Cricket Terminologies
Cricket Terminologies
Refers to the total number of runs made, Refers to the variety of available bowlers
catches taken or dismissals completed by a at the disposal of the fielding captain.
player during a season or career.
Agricultural Shot The total figure reached by computation of
A batting stroke which is anything other a batsmans run scoring performance
than standard or copybook. measured against the number of deliveries
faced or a bowlers performance measure
All Rounder against the number of runs conceded as
Refers to a player who is good at both compared to the number of wickets taken.
batting and bowling.
Away Swinger
Appeal Also known as the out swinger. A ball
A plea made to the umpire by the fielding moving from the line of the stumps at the
side when they believe a decision is bowlers end, towards the slips area.
needed to clarify whether a batsman has
been dismissed. Back Foot
Refers to the movement of the batsman
Arm who has placed his cetre of gravity onto
Used to describe the accuracy and strength the back foot. Usually occurring as a result
of a fielder who is very good at returning a of a rising delivery. Generally a defensive
ball from the outfield. IE: The player may batting technique, but occassionaly used to
be described as having a good "arm". attack the ball.
Refers to a new ball because of its bright Deep
red cherry coloured appearance. Refers to the farthest outfield. A fieldsman
in the deep, is either at or near the point
Chinaman boundary. See Diagram
A delivery by a left arm spinner which to a
right hand batsman appears as if it will Dig In
spin from off to leg, however , spins in the The act of a batsman ensuring he remains
opposite direction. Devised by a West at the crease for a long period, rather than
Indian player of Chinese descent. attack and risk his wicket by attempting to
score frequent runs.
A bowler who the umpire has determined, Drawing the Stumps
not to have delivered the ball in a legal The physical act by an umpire of
manner. withdrawing the stumps from the pitch at
the close of the day's play.
Clean Bowled
When a batsman is beaten by a ball and Drinks
subsequently dismissed through the A refreshment break during a session of
stumps being broken. play where fluids are brought onto the
Refers to a declaration by the batting team Duck
of a closure to an innings or the end of the A score of zero believed to have got its
days play. name from the shape of the numeral for
zero and the fact it resembles a duck's egg.
Cover Drive
An attacking batting stroke directed Edge
towards the covers area or the protective The outermost perimeter of the bat. Also
covering placed over the pitch during refers to a ball only just struck by the edge
adverse weather conditions. of the bat by a batsman. Sometimes called
a "snick".
Refers to the state of the pitch, usually late
in a game after experiencing considerable
Feather may have been first used by Clarrie
A very faint edge of a ball by the batsman, Grimmet.
aka a "snick".
Follow On
Field The requirement by the fielding Captain
The ground or oval on which a match is for the batting team to immediately bat
played. Also refers to the placement of again after being dismissed during its first
fieldsmen within the playing area. See innings and not having met the total of the
Diagram opposing side at the close of the first days
A player strategically placed within the Full Blooded
field of play, with the object of stopping A batting stroke played with the full
the batting team from scoring runs. physical power of the batsman.
Fielding Positions Diagram
Full Toss
Fiery A bowling delivery which reaches the
A hostile, generally fast pace bowler, who batsman without first having struck the
bowls a succession of usually short pitched pitch.
Finger Spin The act of a batsman patting down with
A method used by a bowler to deliver a the tip of his bat, either loose areas of pitch
ball which will spin off the surface of a or pieces of the playing surface that have
pitch. The spin on the ball is imparted with come apart.
the use of a finger or the fingers.
Golden Duck
Flannels When a batsman is dismissed by the very
The cream coloured clothing worn by a first ball he faces without scoring.
Good Eye
Flat The ability of a batsman to assess and
Generally refers to the condition of a pitch sight a delivery much quicker than would
which has an even surface without much normally occur.
Good Length
Flight A bowling delivery that pitches is such a
The loop in the path of the ball after being position, it will confuse the batsman as to
bowled by the spin bowler into the breeze, whether the ball should be played off the
which will cause it to drop sharply onto front or back foot.
the pitch with the hope of deceiving the
batsman. Googly
This is a delivery by a right arm spin
Flipper bowler which to a right hand batsman
A delivery used by a leg spin bowler appears as if it will spin from leg to off,
which presents to the batsman in a flatter however, spins in the opposite direction.
and faster delivery to the normal leg spin Thanks: Steven Dear
delivery. This delivery is believed to have
been devised by Australia's Richie Benaud.
But, some anecdotal evidence suggests it
Groundsman unplayable. The term is thought to
The person who prepares and maintains originate from the sweet (candy) of the
the pitch and playing field. same name, which is a small orange
coloured chocolate filled ball. It may also
Grubber come from the fruit of the same name, an
A bowling delivery that stays very low orange known as the Jaffa, which is a very
after leaving the surface of the pitch. sweet seedless variety.
Half Volley
A bowling delivery which pitches in such
a position that the batsman is able to strike Knock
the ball almost immediately it leaves the A term used to describe the batting innings
surface of the pitch. of an individual player.
Pitch Sightscreen
A term also used to describe the wicket A screen placed near the boundary behind
where the batting and bowling is the line of the bowlers arm in order to aid
performed. Wickets must be 22 yards in the batsman’s sighting of the ball when
length to comply with the Laws of Cricket. bowled.
See Pitch Diagram
Plumb Refers to any fielding position that is
When a batsman is standing directly in the located very close to the batsman.
line of the stumps.
Quickie Refers to a catch that would under normal
A term used to describe a bowler of fast circumstances be considered to be very
pace. easy.
Return Skipper
The throw by a fielder of the ball to either The Captain of a cricket team.
the wicketkeeper or the non strikers end.
Run To use either abusive or offensive words
The method of scoring during a game of against an opponent. The Aussies refer to
cricket. Also a single unit of score. this practice as “Mental Disintegration.”
The term sledge, was a shortened term
Runner taken from the Australian saying “as subtle
A player dressed in full batting equipment as a sledgehammer.”
called to act as the runner for an injured
batsman. A runner is only permitted to run Slow Wicket
for the injured batsman, who is still Describes a pitch is in such a physical
required to face the bowling. state, it offers no advantage to a pace
bowler, however, a considerable advantage
Run Out to a spin bowler.
A method of dismissing the batsman by
disturbing the stumps before the batsman Sticks
has made his ground and is within the A slang term used for the stumps.
batting crease.
Sticky Wicket
Seam (Bowler - Bowling) Describes a pitch, which although dry on
Refers to a bowler who can cause a ball to the surface, has underlying soft patches.
strike the pitch on the seam of the ball, This type of wicket is generally a difficult
thereby causing it to deviate in its delivery playing surface for batsman as it can cause
path prior to reaching the batsman. a ball to behave unpredictably. Most pitch
preparation practices have all but done
Selectors away with these type of pitches, which
A group of officials appointed for the were once very common in England and
purpose of picking the players to represent Australia.
a cricket team.
Streaker Wicket
A slang term given to a person who runs This term has many different uses. It can
across the cricket field naked. refer to the batting and bowling area, a
dismissal by a bowler or the stumps.
Strike (Striker)
The name given to the batsman who is Wicket Maiden
facing the bowler. The batsman is said to An over in which the bowler has taken a
be "on strike". wicket without a batsman scoring runs.
Stumps Yorker
The three upright timber sticks at A bowling delivery that generally passes
each end of the pitch. Sitting atop under the bat near to a batsman’s toes.
each set of stumps are two bails. Also known as a Sandshoe Crusher.
A term also used to describe the
end of a days play. See Stumps
Refers to any run scored by any means
other than from the bat.
Generally refers to the last 4 batsman on
the batting side.
A cricket match of International standard
lasting for 5 days.
Refers to the very bottom edge of the bat.
The toss of a coin is used to determine
whether a particular team will initially bat
or bowl to open a match.
Twelfth Man
An extra player chosen for a team to act as
a substitute filedsman in the event one is
called for. The twelfth man is generally not
permitted to bat or bowl.
Generally used by a batsman to indicate
his acceptance of a dismissal without
waiting for the decision of an umpire. The
physical act of walking away from the
stumps. It was once the usual practice, but
is now very uncommon.