RAT-UE - Drive Test Device

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RAT-UE - Hand-held drive test tool for comprehensive tests,

analysis and measurements of cellular networks

RAT drive test solutions offers a comprehensive product portfolio for
wireless systems engineering, performance analysis and troubleshoot
of GSM, UMTS, HSPA, LTE and WiFi Networks. With the handheld test
tool RAT-UE you can simultaneously analyze and collect decoded drive
test data of many kinds of cellular networks. The collected data is fully
supported by RAT advanced post-processing tools for both outdoor
and indoor measurements, to provide engineers and end users a
complete solution to visualize the user experienced performance and
quality of cellular networks. RAT-UE include measurements for voice
and data KPI, HSDPA, HSUPA, GPRS, WiFi and Round-Trip-Delay.

RAT-UE - Solutions RAT-UE Manager - Measure and manage

Fixed-mobile convergence bringing opportunities of mobile, RAT-UE has an user-friendly graphical display where you don’t
voice, data, mobile Internet and video services. Users also need any specific engineering skills to run advanced tests of a
starting to demand that services can be accessed through a specific cellular network. RAT-UE can easily be configured to
high-quality network that is always connected. RAT-UE is a tool perform many type of long-term measurements. RAT-UE gives
that monitor and measure the end user experience and shows effectiveness and a clear picture of both performance, quality
the actual performance and quality of a cellular network. and coverage of the cellular network that you test

RAT-UE - Drive test 2G, 3G and WiFi Networks RAT-UE can be supported by RAT-UE Manager, a centralized
RAT-UE Drive Test Unit is a modular field measurement tool management solution that remotely manage, supervises and
designed for testing the user experience of air interface of configure RAT-UE’s in your drive test fleet. With a scheduler
wireless networks. RAT-UE offers a flexible and easy-to-use you can create different types of measurements to be
architecture that is capable of supporting many different types downloaded and performed by the RAT-UE device. This saves
of wireless standards and tests. Collected data is automatically costs and man-hours.
tagged with GPS coordinates and the collected data is saved
into a inbuilt memory card of the tool. Easily and within a few RAT - Presentation of collected data
seconds the collected and saved data can be uploaded to a The collected and Geo-tagged measurement data can easily be
central RAT database where post-processing can be performed. exported to our post-processing and presentation tools RAT,
RAT-Mon and RAT-Indoor. With these tools you can analyze
RAT-UE - Parameters your network and create outdoor coverage maps or indoor
RAT-UE collects parameters for measurement of coverage, pilot coverage maps based on the measurements . For KPI demands
pollution, dropped calls and others. Example of parameters: you can easily create test criteria that will output a number of
RSCP, Ec/No, SC, UARFCN, MCC, LAC, HSDPA, HSUPA, RTT, advanced reports and statistical data. With the RAT solutions
MNC, BSIC, RxLev, ARFCN, SSID and a range of L3 indicators. you can show quality and performance based on facts.

Webconnect Europe AB
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Phone: +46 (0) 8 55 11 51 51 | Email: info@webconnect.se

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