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Orchestrating network performance

Paving the way to the future

Mobile operators must deliver the mobile data volumes and quality of experience (QoE) that subscribers
demand, all the while keeping capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operational expenditures (OPEX) as low as
possible as they prepare for the next big technological shift. This forces them to examine new and innovative
solutions to bring efficiency to the Plan-Build-Operate cycle.

InfoVista’s Planet® is an innovative, market-leading RF planning and optimization solution that helps mobile operators optimize the
performance of current and future emerging technologies such as IoT and 5G. The award-winning 64-bit platform is fully equipped
to deliver enhanced performance in demanding network planning and optimization situations, and on projects of any scale. Planet
ensures that network investments are fully utilized while maximizing mobile network coverage, capacity and quality of service (QoS).
Pave the Way to the Future

Make timely and accurate planning decisions right at the outset and pave the way for optimal QoE and ROI in the future.

Support Next Generation and Today’s Complex

Networks True Multi Radio Access Technology Support
Mobile operators want to know that their network planning  IoT: NB-IoT, LoRa, Sigfox
solution is ahead of the curve. They also want assurance that
 Small cells including Wi-Fi
this solution supports evolving mobile standards such as IoT
and next- generation technologies like 5G. Going well beyond  4G: LTE-Advanced, LTE, WiMAX
the traditional scope of a planning tool, Planet has also been  3G/3G+: HSPA+, HSPA, WCDMA, EVDO, CDMA
used extensively by operators of M2M networks for utilities,  2G/2G+: EDGE, GPRS, GSM, iDEN
surveillance and public safety applications, helping operators  Other: FDMA, TDMA, DVB, TETRA, P25
plan and optimize mobile networks efficiently.

Accuracy as a Guiding Principle

Planet excels at accurate predictive modeling so that mobile Real-world Network Design
operators can reliably replicate mobile network behavior, and  Best-in-class propagation models
benefit from accurate budgeting, efficient planning  Automatic propagation model selection
and optimal ROI in their deployments. Planet offers several
 Detailed modeling of access networks
remarkably accurate and unique models, such as CRC-Predict,
Planet 3D model and Universal Model, as well as support for  Detailed antenna modeling including 3D patterns
millimeter wave propagation for 5G, making it a hybrid tool that  Highly accurate accuracy traffic maps in 2D and 3D
offers unmatched propagation accuracy in all environments. Its
speed and accuracy with minimal tuning make it an excellent
choice for dimensioning and bid planning exercises.

Truly Model the World

Eighty percent of mobile traffic is generated indoors and served Detailed City Network Design
by outdoor cells, resulting in different performance levels for  Predict coverage with a model optimized for 3D propagation
mobile devices outside at street level, inside a building at the  Account for indoor traffic with 3D traffic maps
ground floor and on the top floor of a building. The Planet 3D  Analyze indoor and outdoor network coverage
model, in conjunction with the Metro Design Package, accurately
 Visualize multi-floor coverage in 2D or 3D
simulates urban environments. Combined with geo-located
subscriber-aware information, the capacity and quality of mobile
coverage in urban areas can be cost-effectively improved.
Bridging the RAN Planning and Optimization Gap

Seamlessly incorporate the latest network configuration settings and live measurement data from the network into the plan-build-
operate radio access network life cycle.

Figure 1. Leverage live information captured from the network to be more efficient in the Plan – Build – Operate cycle.

Real-World Measurements
Planet combines real-world measurements with advanced Subscriber-aware data
predictions for highly accurate network planning and  Network information from a mobile user point of view
optimization. With connectivity to VistaNEO, InfoVista’s RAN
 Support of all major vendors across 3G & LTE networks
geo-location and optimization solution, an unprecedented
 High accuracy geo-location with advanced algorithms
level of insight into subscribers’ behavior and experience
can be utilized for planning and optimization through the  Improved accuracy in network planning
utilization of network vendors’ rich call trace data. With a  Optimized critical RF parameters
unique RF finger-printing assisted geo-location algorithm,  Input for accurate traffic heat maps
indoor and outdoor traffic hotspots are detected, allowing
operators to pinpoint areas with abnormal call events and plan
corresponding network upgrades for optimal and accurate
small cell installation. Signal strength and quality maps can
also be created based on call trace data, further improving the
result of any Automatic Cell Planning (ACP) project.

Real-Time Network Performance Management Data

A mobile network’s performance is constantly changing. This Evolving Network Quality
is affected by anything from growing traffic load to shifts in  Proactive network planning and optimization
mobile device usage. Planet’s network performance module
 Hot spot identification with traffic forecasting
provides direct access to InfoVista’s multi-vendor network
 WCDMA/HSPA network traffic and LTE/LTE-A cell loads
performance management solution, VistaInsight, which
captures these changes and the resulting network quality.  3G and 4G multi-vendor KPIs for trouble shooting
Predefined KPIs displayed in Planet remove the guess work  Smooth LTE network roll-out
from network planning efforts so that RF engineers can  Feedback on new service introductions, such as VoLTE
prioritize their focus on parts of the network with the worst
quality, all while lowering CAPEX. Temporal selection of data
and traffic forecasting based on traffic trends in the cells
makes it the perfect solution to tailor network capacity to
actual subscriber demand – now and in the future.
Live Network Configuration Data
A complete network planning and optimization solution pairs Always Up to Date
highly accurate network analyses with live network information  Live network configuration updates
from several sources, including network configuration.  Multi-vendor support for GSM, WCDMA, HSPA, LTE and LTE-A
Network configuration parameters can be updated in Planet
 Network planning and design based on the live network
through an integration with Xeda, which is InfoVista’s multi-
vendor RAN configuration management platform. This  Feedback during network roll-outs
integration ensures that network additions and upgrades are  Comparisons of planned verses implemented
based on the current network configuration, where network  Optimization of live networks parameter settings
roll-outs can be closely monitored. Implemented network
configuration and parameter settings can be compared to
the planned network, so discrepancies can be detected and
corrected early in the process, making the “plan-build-operate”
loop even more efficient.

Geo-location and Visualization in a 3D World

Subscribers don’t live in a 2D world. Planet offers advanced Accurate network planning and optimization
3D geolocation capabilities that are supported with the latest  Unique 3-dimensional view for ultimate network coverage
advancements in the field, allowing mobile operators to visualization and analysis
understand traffic distribution inside buildings by height and  Understand subscribers coverage experience inside
to locate hotspots. Utilizing an advanced 3D fingerprinting buildings and hotspots
algorithm with live mobile network measurements, Planet  Simplify hotspot identification for small cells roll-outs
delivers 3D representations of indoor/multi-floor predictions accurately
and radio network coverage, delivering unparalleled accuracy  Facilitate evolving network traffic demands and issues
of network planning and optimization - especially for small
 Reduce or complement the need for in-building walk tests
cells to be planned and deployed accurately to manage traffic and site visits.
volume and aid in network densification.
Increasing Network Densification Efficiency and Scalability

Maximize ROI by accurately planning and deploying new cells and services to manage traffic volume and aid in network densification

Accurate View of the Traffic

Planet’s ability to accurately simulate the real world is useful Multi-source Traffic Maps
from the early strategic network planning stage to network  High resolution geodata and 3D building polygons
optimization. 2D and 3D traffic maps reflect actual and  Demographic data
expected traffic loads, offering a critical input to network  Geo-located call traces
planning and optimization. Geo-located call traces and social  Social media usage information
media usage information tells operators where mobile devices
 Live network traffic and cell loads
are being used. Network performance management data
 Traffic forecasting and hotspot identification
provides actual traffic and cell loads, and also historical data
 High accuracy traffic maps in 2D and 3D
for forecasting traffic development. Combined with detailed
Geodata and building polygons, that traffic can be scaled
based on operators’ business plans.

Breadth of Capabilities
Planet’s unmatched simulation and analytical capabilities HetNet and Small Cells support
offer the perfect platform to ensure operators make the right  Advanced analytical capabilities
business decisions. By associating live network measurements  Automatic small cell planning
with simulations, operators can validate their models and  3D planning support
confidently rely on their simulation results. Planet’s automatic  Support of multiple scenarios
network planning suite delivers definitive site locations and cell
 Geo-located call trace for hotspot identification
configurations, truly optimizing network capacity using spectral
 Indoor and outdoor call identification
efficiency. In addition, Planet allows engineers to build their
own analyses and reports on top of pre-defined capabilities.

Future-proof and Efficient

With a proven track record of outstanding customer Flexible .NET-platform
satisfaction, InfoVista remains at the forefront of software  Enterprise ready
evolution, ensuring that operators’ investments stand the test  Flexible deployment options
of time. As the only planning solution that embeds MapInfo  Data Manager centralized server
Professional GIS, Planet grants users easy access to worldwide  Planet Open API
data and an advanced GIS toolset that provides a foundation
 Integrations with live network
for managing all necessary geographic data. Multi-user support
 Professional GIS embedded
and flexible deployment options make it easy to configure
and upgrade Planet in operators’ own IT environment or in the
cloud, minimizing both OPEX and CAPEX.
Planet Benefits
Unmatched Accuracy. Accurate simulation of real world conditions enables reliable budgeting, efficient planning and optimal ROI.

Ease of use. The modern, contextual interface allows engineers to become familiar with the product quickly.

Live Connection. With performance management data, call traces and network configuration data, Planet offers a live view of the

Superior Platform. Planet builds on the product’s heritage as an enterprise-grade RF planning and optimization solution, while
offering the most modern platform in the industry.

Performance and Scalability. Network operators can support a countrywide, multi-technology network in a single project.

Proven Success. Infovista is the trusted source for wireless network planning and optimization solutions, with more than 550
customers globally.

Accessibility. Planet can be deployed to support more than 500 concurrent users, both in the office and in the field.

Extended Portfolio. InfoVista’s extended portfolio combines the industry-leading active network testing capabilities of TEMS with
InfoVista’s rich, network performance-driven solutions, ensures the delivery of optimal network performance that will result in a
better customer experience.

About InfoVista
InfoVista is the leading provider of cost-effective network performance orchestration solutions for a better connected and collaborative
world. Our award-winning offering empowers eighty percent of the world’s largest communications service providers, top mobile
network operators, leading global enterprises and regulatory bodies worldwide to ensure a high-quality user experience by achieving
optimal network performance and guaranteeing business-critical application performance. InfoVista’s expertise and innovations
provide a new level of actionable network, application and customer intelligence, visibility and control across all services, all
technologies, and all domains of both the fixed and mobile networks. Using our solutions, our customers deliver high-performing and
differentiated services, plan and optimize networks to match application and service demands, benchmark their performance, and
streamline network operations while keeping total cost of ownership as low as possible.

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Orchestrating network performance
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