Zuellig Freight and Cargo V NLRC
Zuellig Freight and Cargo V NLRC
Zuellig Freight and Cargo V NLRC
157900 JULY 22, 2013, FIRST DIVISION, BERSAMIN, J. F !"# Ronaldo San Miguel had been a checker/ customs representative of Zera Brokerage Corp. Sometime on January !!"# he and other employees $ere informed that Zeta $ould cease operations# and that all affected employees# including him# $ould be separated. Zeta informed him through a letter# of his termination effective March % # !!". &e allegedly accepted his separation pay sub'ect to the standing offer to be hired to his former position by petitioner. (n )pril *# !!"# he $as summarily terminated. &ence# San Miguel filed a complaint for unfair labor practice# illegal dismissal# nonpayment of salaries and moral damages against Zeta. +or its part# Zeta contended that the dismissal is for a 'ust cause# cessation of business operations. I##$% ,hether the dismissal due to alleged closure of business operations is valid R$&'() -o. .he cessation of business operations by Zeta $as not a bona fide closure to be regarded as a valid ground for the termination of employment of San Miguel. .he change of name is not a change of the corporate being. .he amendments in the articles of incorporation of Zeta to change the corporate name to Zuellig +reight and Cargo Systems did not produce its dissolution as a corporation. .hus# Zuellig is bound to respect and honor Zeta/s obligation especially $ith the employees/ security of tenure.