Volume 99, Issue 19
Volume 99, Issue 19
Volume 99, Issue 19
!, Spring Preview
Entertainment'67 Sports'68
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The Souths Liveliest College Newspaper
%$9"(*<9&<0;9%+= Ian Bailie ,-&-.9&.'%$9"(*=' Sam Somani $%!9.&'%$9"(*= Brittany Miles &%/!'%$9"(*= Joshua Garrick ()9&9(&!'%$9"(*= Arvind Narayan 19+%'%$9"(*= Lindsay Purcell %&"%*"-9&,%&"'%$9"(*= Keith Frady !)(*"!'%$9"(*= Newt Clark );("('%$9"(*= Ally Stone 1->(#"'%$9"(*= Lisa Xia
Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique publishes on Fridays weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in the summer. -$?%*"9!9&. !" Information can be found online at nique.net/ads. The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing information or for any other questions please email us at ads@nique.net. You may reach us at (404) 894-2830, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
0##+#'0.'(.)/#()*+'%& President Obamas Council of Advisors on Science and Technology recommended that the federal government provide more opportunities for massive open online courses (MOOCs). Their recommendation requested that the government prevent any interference with vendors and providers who offer the online courses and that accreditors waive any required standards on institutions who are looking for traditional programs. According to the council, their request stems from the need to spark innovation through the competitive market. The council also asked for grant programs to encourage research on the progress of MOOCs. Since the introduction of MOOCs, many critics have cited that vendors and providers of the courses require more regulations, and they have explained that some courses need more review for accreditation. To gain favor for MOOCs, the council searched for input from institutions involved with higher education, such as the Techs College of Computing, Harvards edX platform and Carnegie Mellon Universitys Open Learning Initiative. President Obama even reached out in support of MOOCs when he praised Tech in its work with Udacity, a MOOCs provider. In addition, the council extended its recommendations with the need for more modes of education and tuition which have played major roles in the outreach of higher education, according to InsideHigherEd.Com.
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plays measure 75.6 feet wide by 3 feet tall. Both displays have a high-resolution 16 mm pixel pitch to deliver bright, crisp imbe $25. Students can make an online appointment in the allergy and immunization clinic at myappointment.health.gatech.edu. Faculty and sta ff can call 404894-1432 to make an appointment. No appointment is necessary to get a flu shot at the flu clinics, but supply is limited for the time being. Those who do visit the flu clinic can receive either a shot or the nasal spray. As pointed out by administration in Stamps, neither carry the risk of causing influenza. Cash will not be accepted, so payments must be made by either credit card or Buzzcard. In addition, Buzzcards are required for check-in at the clinic. For those can not attend the Flu Clinic, Stamps Health Services offers vaccinations by appointment. Stamps hopes to get more supplies later this spring, but dates for future clinics are not yet determined.
ages. These displays are a complement to the seven existing ones that were installed at the stadium in 2009. &%/'0-*'0;-*.%*! On Jan. 3, Parking and Transportation Services announced the installation of four new Level II ChargePoint electric vehicle chargers in the Technology Square Parking Deck on 4th Street. According the Parking and Transportation Services, the electric vehicle chargers will be convenient and useful for individuals from GT Hotel and Conference Center, Global Learning Center, Scheller College of Business, Barnes & Noble and other campus visitors in general. Visitors who intend to use the car chargers in the parking deck must have a ChargePoint card or a credit card, and ChargePoint card users can use their account to obtain data, alerts and remote control of their charging session. Currently, visitors will not be charged to use the charging station, but they must pay to get into the parking deck.
Copyright 2013, Ian Bailie, Editorin-Chief, and the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Student Publications. The ideas expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Board of Student Publications, the students, sta ff or faculty of the Georgia Institute of Technology or the University System of Georgia. First copy freefor additional copies call (404) 894-2830
0##+#'0.'(.)/#()*+'%& +1#'?-009&%'019&90'9&'!"-,)! On Jan. 14 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Stamps Health Services will be providing a walk-in flu clinic for students, faculty and sta ff who are interested in receiving flu vaccinations. For students who have paid their health fees, the vaccinations will be free. For students who have not, as well as faculty and sta ff, each vaccination will
Bud Slivers. Phone, where art thou? Gay men prove that one mans junk is another mans treasure All work and no play makes Amy a dull girl... Im back in Georgia soon. Please send snow! Leaving Germany has its ups and downs. Down - I am no longer legal. Up - I get to see my cat again. BOOP Poke THWg ^ the proper way to hate on our cousins in Athens whom we still love Also, theres a place that sells burgers that are 12 inches in DIAMETER. Diabeetus, here I come!!! Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care? I miss the sound of your heartbeat Peggy.... Peeeeggyy..Peeeeeegggyyy... OMG I JUST REALIZED HE USED TO HAVE AN AFRO XD The I believe that we will win chant doesnt belong in Swarm. Stop trying to make it happen. Leave it in high school. By the time anyone reads this sliver I will have FINALLY graduated...7 years, 2 suspensions and some legal trouble later. Thanks for the memories, Tech! Onward to the world of being a grad student.. Georgia Tech: a tradition of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory Can I jingle your bells? One more day then IM FREE! FREEEE! The sound of people eating lasagna kind of sounds like bad sex....
will have, such as any anticipation of heavy snow or ice and whether or not roadways, sidewalks and parking lots could be kept clear. When inclement weather conditions are expected, they are continually monitored by the appropriate channels on campus. If a major event was happening overnight, Peterson, the Institutes Executive Vice Presidents and the Office of Emergency Preparedness will usually have a 4:30 a.m. discussion in order to make a decision about closing or delaying operations by 5:00 a.m. so that the announcement can be made in time for commuters. Key groups on campus went through this entire process earlier this week before the colder days were experienced on campus. Institute Communications worked '()*)+,-+T5031+U94025 "#$%&'#!($)*+,-#+.'/ with the Atlanta-Fulton County P0/-+?4)><9+)/+30I<>9+7/35>67/?+*(2+'4762+L5570/32+0/6+AVL+(082+,22/+7/9*4>I2/*05+7/+8-7/?+B)4+0+MVT!WUL+$29)>432+=2/*24+ Emergency Management Agency )/+30I<>9G+K7*(+3)/9*4>3*7)/+3)I<52*2+7/+*(2+A*>62/*+A2487329+T>7567/?X+*(2+/2:+32/*24+:755+)<2/+)/32+0+Q7423*)4+79+0<<)7/*26G (AFCEMA) to maintain a current assessment of conditions in the 2%&&%";',-*9&( well as being able to find a place announced, Tech was one of two and refer them to campus servic- region. Tech Facilities had a large 0##%1+0')()*+'%& to stay in Atlanta, said Stephanie peer-group institutions to not have es such as Dean Rays office and crew in place by 3:00 a.m. MonRay, Associate Dean of Students a dedicated resource for LGBT Counseling Center, Harlan says day to begin drying roadways and After several years of lobby- and Director of Diversity Pro- students. Although students have that Pride is often overwhelmed treating trouble spots. By 5:00 ing by various student groups and grams. been able to receive support from and do not have the training nec- a.m., they had pretreated difficult cooperation between several camSupport for an institutional student resources such as Pride Al- essary to help students with some- areas like the 5th Street Bridge. pus offices, the Tech LGBTQIA resource specifically for LGBT liance and campus resources such times serious problems. GTPD patrol units monitored Resource Center is built and set students has been building in re- as the Womens Resource Center [The resouce center will] pro- campus throughout the night, to open later in the spring. The cent years. During their success- and the office of the Dean of Stu- vide support from the institution and the Emergency Preparedness resource center will provide insti- ful election for Undergraduate dents, many felt that the lack of to the students and also to support team was on campus by 3:30 a.m. tutional support, event coordina- Student Body President and Ex- a central institution created issues the students in getting what they to evaluate the roadways on and tion and information to students ecutive Vice President last spring, that makes it difficult for LGBT need from the institution, Har- around campus to consult AFCEidentifying as gay, lesbian, tran- Nick Picon and Lucy Tucker em- students. lan said. [It will be] the voice of MA and nearby institutions. sexual or as part of another sexual phasized the need for the resource, Because [LGBT support] is queer students; often those voices When decisions are made, anminority. making it one of the key planks to not solely what I do, those pro- are hard to hear. nouncements come from Institute The office for the resource cen- their platform. grams and services are not coorInterviews of the three candi- Communications and are sent out ter has already been built in the I honestly didnt think I dinated as well as they could be, dates for the director of the center via numerous channels, including Smithgall Student Services Build- would see it in my time as a stu- said Ray. The office will give will occur on the 22nd, 23rd and being posted to the main Institute ing, and its services will be avail- dent, I thought at the very least these programs and services 27th of this month, and students web page and shared via social able for students after a director wed get the ball rolling towards stability, and credibility and ac- will have the opportunity to speak media channels. has been named and has arrived something in five or ten years, countability. with the candidates and hear their Were always planning for at Tech. said Kate Harlan, President of According to Harlan, Pride presentations. A selection commit- the next hazard while incorporatThe ideal start date for the Pride Alliance. [We] owe a lot Alliance is a major resource for tee, which includes one graduate ing lessons learned from our past new inaugural LGBT director to Nick Picon and his team and LGBT students, who often com- and two undergraduate students, experiences. Every winter, the would be March 1st, but I would making this a concern of theirs, ing to her and other Pride of- will state their recommendation weather scenario is different...This want the candidate to be able to which really helped it get through ficers with problems they have. with the final decision being made is a matter of constantly enhancgive their previous institution am- to the administration. Although they are able to give by vice presidents William Scha- ing the state of readiness at Georple warning of their departure as Before the resource center was advice from their own experience fer and Archie Ervin. gia Tech, Altizer said.
Check the following resources to determine whether the Institute is open, closed, or delayed due to winter or other inclement weather.
www.twitter.com/GeorgiaTech www.twitter.com/GTPDalerts
As soon as a decision is made on whether to alter the business hours of the Institute, this information will be posted to the main website, uploaded on social media accounts, and sent to local media outlets. You do not need a Twitter or a Facebook account to view the content on social media pages.
Georgia Tech Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration January 9 February 2, 2014
Ofce of Institute Diversity Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Division of Student Affairs The Student Center Ofce of Student Diversity Programs Campus Services BuzzFunds Ofce of Leadership & Civic Engagement Parents Fund for Student Life & Leadership Student Government Association
For more information, call the Ofce of Diversity Programs at 404.894.2561 or TDD 404.894.1664.
Please let sponsors know if you need an accommodation.
THURSDAY, JAN. 9 Campuswide Student Celebration: Coming Together to Fulll the Dream Student Center Ballroom 7 p.m. This event will include student speeches, cultural celebrations through the arts, and a candlelighting ceremony. It is open to students, faculty, staff, and the Atlanta community. A reception will follow. For more information, contact stephanie.ray@vpss. gatech.edu.
TUESDAY, JAN. 14 Hotel Rwanda Movie Premiere Student Center Theater 7 9:30 p.m. Join us for Georgia Techs premiere of Hotel Rwanda: the true story of Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager who housed over 1,000 Tutsi refugees during their struggle against the Hutu militia in the Rwanda genocide. This event will provide historical context as a precursor to the keynote address to be delivered by Rwandan diplomat His Excellency, Ambassador Eugene-Richard Gasana. For more information, contact stephanie.ray@vpss. gatech.edu.
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15 Martin Luther King Jr. Lecture Keynote Speaker: His Excellency, Ambassador EugneRichard Gasana Student Center Ballroom 3 p.m. His Excellency, Ambassador EugneRichard Gasana, is a Rwandan diplomat and the current Permanent Representative of Rwanda to the United Nations in New York City. An invitation-only reception will follow at Ferst Place. RSVP by December 15 at www.diversity.gatech. edu/mlk-institutelecture-rsvp. For more information, contact najah.hofman@ vpid.gatech.edu or sandra.duplessis@ vpid.gatech.edu.
MONDAY, JAN. 20 National MLK Holiday Observance: A Day of Service 8 a.m.2 p.m. Make a difference in the community with A Day On, Not a Day Off. Join Georgia Techs third annual MLK Day of Service, a campuswide initiative honoring the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Participants will serve in teams and engage in service projects with metro Atlanta community partners. There are 250 volunteer spots available. For registration details and a full schedule, visit www. leadandengage. gatech.edu. For more information, contact sarah.perkins@vpss. gatech.edu.
THURSDAY, JAN. 23 Sunday Supper: A Community Conversation and Meal Student Success Center, Presidents Suite 68 p.m. As we honor Martin Luther King Jr.s life and legacy, it is important to take time to celebrate and reect as a community. The Sunday Supper invites the Georgia Tech community to come together over a meal and engage in meaningful dialogue about the 2014 MLK Celebration events, Dr. Kings legacy, and his international impact. There are 100 spaces available. To register, visit www. leadandengage.gatech. edu. For more information, contact pschnaak3@gatech. edu.
SAT. SUN., FEB. 1 2 Memphis Civil Rights Tour Departure Time 7 a.m. Georgia Tech faculty, academic professionals, and students will journey to Memphis, Tenn. for our Civil Rights Tour to visit The Slave Haven Underground Railroad, the Memphis Rock & Soul Museum, and the national Civil Rights Museum. A major goal of this tour is to increase student-faculty engagement. Transportation and hotel lodging are provided at no cost to participants, but participants must pay for their own meals. This tour is limited to 30 faculty and academic professionals and 70 students. To register, go to www. diversityprograms. gatech.edu/plugins/ content/index. php?id=116. Registration will be open as long as spots are available. For more information, contact stephanie.ray@vpss. gatech.edu.
Copyright 2013 Georgia Institute of Technology Institute Communications N14C9003f An equal education and employment opportunity institution
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Information Technology
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OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion
January 10, 2014
A two year old is kind of like having a blender, but you dont have a top for it. - Jerry Seinfeld
6 Friday,
The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors.
Got something to say? Then let your voice be heard with the Technique. Sliver at Nique.net, tweet us @the_nique or check us out on Facebook at facebook.com/thenique. We want to hear your opinion and want to make it known to all of campus. We also welcome your letters in response to Technique content as well as topics relevant to campus. We will print letters on a timely and spaceavailable basis. Each week we look for letters that
Write to us:
Believe me, I would love to take the survey. Doing it halfheartedly since I dont have the time...however, wont do my professors justice.
problem sets until Saturday. And so, with my grades and mental sanity on my mind, I continue to ignore the CIOS (and TAOS) emails. But now its Saturday evening, and Ive finally finished all my requirements for the semester. I havent slept in so long that, when I instantly fall asleep, my dreams consist of sleeping. On Sunday, I take the whole day off to make up for all the times that I wanted to catch up on TV shows, play FIFA or go to the gym, but couldnt. In my deliriously happy state, I ignore all email from my beloved university, including the one from, you guessed it, CETL, calling for the last round of students to take the survey as it was the surveys last day for responses. When Tuesday rolls around
and I had rolled around in enough of my unproductivity, I decide to finally sit down and write a cohesive feedback for my professors this semester, highlighting specific critique that the survey core questions cannot suitably target from a five-point scale. But of course, the survey is closed by then. The case I have put forth isnt entirely applicable to everyone on campus. Some people may be more motivated to finish the CIOS surveys after their final exams within the deadline. Some peoples final exams may end earlier. Others may not be as inclined as myself to put detailed comments in and simply answer the questions instead. And a large number of students may be further inclined to complete them to get a few extra
credit points. Regardless, I personally would like the CIOS survey deadline to be extended, if not open until the beginning of the next semester. Some people may argue this limits the time professors have to improve on their performance from preceding semester by shortening the time after receiving survey results. However, professors, who see the survey answers five days after grades are due could instead receive a real-time analysis of results as more surveys start pouring insomething that shouldnt be hard to accomplish. Furthermore, email alerts for new responses could facilitate more time-efficient checking of the surveys from their end. This may also result in more deliberate feedback, which could benefit the professor. If students feel less rushed to fill out a survey, they will most likely take more time and devote more energy than before. If even one more student in a 20-person class takes a survey, thats a five percent increase in survey participation. After all, isnt that what the purpose of this survey is?
Nick Selby commercial Fitness data trackers has run its course still need to incentivize
Every time I watch a Tech ball. This isnt to say that you sporting event on television, I cant be interested in both buildsee the same commercial over ing an Iron Man suit and sports, and over. Im not talking about but that just isnt typically the the dumb Nissan Rogue com- case. When you have the oppormercial where tunity to display they drive the your school on When you have the car on top of the national televitrain. Im talk- opportunity to display sion, you should ing about Techs the most out your school on national get commercial of it. featuring Nick television, you should I also think Selby. Quite important get the most of it. its frankly, its time that Techs comfor Tech to pull arent "%&('4.!$5 mercials the commercial solely directed !2$*.!+"&1.$* at prospective from television. I do not know students. There Selby, but he seemed to be an ex- are plenty of reasons that Tech cellent representative for Tech in should want to appeal to adults all of the interviews of him that who never went to Tech and to I saw online. This is in no way kids who never plan on going some kind of personal attack on to Tech. From the athletic deSelby himself, just what I believe partments point of view, havwould best benefit Tech. ing more fans typically leads to I completely understand why increased revenue through sales Tech originally thought it would of tickets and apparel. Increased be a good idea to make the revenue is never a bad thing. speech into a commercial. The What I would like to see Tech speech was unique, funny and do for the next set of commermost importantly sent a message cials is to feature famous alumni that Tech wants prospective stu- and former athletes. Imagine dents to believe: that attending a commercial featuring Calvin Tech will help you fulfill your Johnson talking about his time dreams. Since the speech had at Tech. He could speak not gone viral, it was something that only about his athletic career people across the entire country here at Tech, but also his acawould easily be able to remem- demic accomplishments. Maybe ber. Unfortunately, as with just one could feature Mike Duke, about anything else played too the former CEO and president often, the commercial has just of Wal-Mart. Tech could also become old. Instead of fulfill- feature more recent alumni, ing its purpose of introducing such as 2014 Rhodes Scholar me to all the great opportunities Melissa McCoy. Having sevthat are possible while attending eral commercials each featuring Tech, it has just become an an- a different person would solve noying commercial that makes multiple problems. Not only me immediately change the would Tech have more than one channel. commercial to increase variation One of my biggest issues with instead of just showing the same the commerical is that I dont one over and over, but by choosbelieve that it appeals to most of ing people from different fields, the people who spend their af- the school can appeal to people ternoons watching college foot- with different interests. Though I havent intention- make my excuses and live in ally kept up with the news from denial-fueled bliss about my exthe 2014 Consumer Electron- ercise habits in spite of it? ics Show (CES), it surprised In my experience, having the me to see how many companies data only drastically changed are jumping on my behaviors the bandwagon when I was on with their own ...proper incentives the cusp of some versions of the ach ie vement will prove key in the recognized by now-mainstream fitness tracker. applications of trackers Fitbits online These devices are account system. like the Fitbit One. One achievedesigned to give the user various ment (climb 75 *!"'6!*.*% floors or 750 feet metrics about their activity lev"&1.$*'1%'#/1", in a single day), els. From stairs for example, had climbed to steps me climbing the walked, and even how well the stairs in my apartment building user slept, the trackers provide just to get the last few floors. easy access to many personal Most days, though, I would metrics some see as key to build- simply go through my routine ing a fit daily routine. Given without actively changing how the publicity of these trackers, I moved around campus. Even it is more than obvious tech so, I get my activity graphs that companies are banking on con- warm my little industrial engisumers wanting more of these neering heart. devices. With the sleep data, in parI love data. I especially love ticular, I still havent been able data over time, and these track- to change when I decided to get ers give me that info. Ive used my sleep. My records indicate a a Fitbit One for almost a year massive sleep debt Ive accrued, and this aspect appeals to me but Im not changing my behavpersonally. I like the idea of ior to improve this metric of my some piece of technology that general fitness. tracks my movements throughThis indicates to me that in out my day, and Im much more order to successful change users likely to make the decision to habits, simply having the data walk across campus rather than isnt enough; proper incentives drive when I have feedback from will prove key in the application what Ive done and have a goal of trackers like the Fitbit One. Im working toward. The milAll in all, the tracker itself lion-dollar question, though, is isnt the silver bullet to physiwhether access to this data will cal fitness. Some will leverage actually help users, like myself, the technology and incorporate overwhelmingly improve their the feedback they receive into general health. whatever daily routine they have My guess is no. decided to follow. Im under the belief data is For the rest, well get our powerful, and these trackers sleep charts, activity graphs and provide data. However, will I relegate the fitness tracker to a change my behaviors because neat gadget we ultimately use I have this information at my because we like data, not to imdisposal? Or will I continue to prove our health.
Im wearing tights, pants, two sweaters, a coat, three pairs of socks, boots, a scarf and gloves.
Im used to it. Its not that big of a deal. Ive been through worse.
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Free Donuts
Absolute Zero
The fact unfriendly powers are carrying out such breaches against institutions of free speech is unsettling enough
On Monday, comedian Kevin Hart and rapper and actor Ice Cube found their way to Techs own little corner of heaven: Sublime Doughnuts. The duo, who have enjoyed a lot of fame recently after their sketch on Conan, gave out free donuts to customers while promoting their new film, Ride Along. Theres not very much that can make Sublime better than it already is, but they managed to do it.
The world has shut down outside. Blisteringly cold temperatures have delayed flights, frozen cars and even caused Niagara Falls to turn into a large block of ice. Several schools in the metro Atlanta area turned off just for the cold weather, but on Monday and Tuesday morning, students still bravely made their way to class. If Hell hasnt already frozen over, it will in the next few days.
After a semester-long wait, the Stamps Turf Field has finally been renovated. The renovation project, which included adding new light fi xtures, adding sport storage units and replacing the synthetic turf, has been completed successfully, and the field is now open. Long delayed by rain and other issues, the project will allow students to practice, condition and play on a better field.
Stamps Fields
Sophomore Robert Carter, Techs forward, has a torn meniscus in his left knee. The seriousness of his injury is not yet known, and will only become apparent after surgery. Carter was injured during the Charlotte game, and he thought that his discomfort wasnt anything serious. Carter, tied for the ACC lead in rebounding, is one of Techs most valuable players, and hopefully, he will be back soon.
state attackers will target critical infrastructure networks such as power grids at an unprecedented scale in 2013 . . . These types of attacks could grow more sophisticated, and the slippery slope could lead to the loss of human life, said Chiranjeev Bordoloi, CEO of security company Top Patch. According to a CNN interview with James Lewis, a cybersecurity expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, at least 12 of the worlds largest military powers are working to construct complicated cyberwarfare systems. It would be no stretch to say that the United States has the most to lose at the hands of these powers if our government continues to put cybersecurity on the backburner. Though the medias constant bombardment of the public with images of war-ravaged Afghanistan would suggest otherwise, the events in a remote desert nation do not necessarily pose a greater threat to national security than seemingly less dangerous cyberattacks. The recent infiltrations should remind our legislators of this and prompt them to not only engage in serious discussion with other nations such as China, but also quickly pass legislation that would re-allocate substantial defense resources to building a
stronger cyberdefense system. Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) spoke to the immediacy of the situation in an interview with Politico: Foreign cyberattackers are targeting every aspect of the American economy every day and Congress needs to act with urgency to protect our national security and our economy, he said. With the defense budget and looming sequestration cuts up for debate, Congress needs to take advantage of an opportunity for bipartisan cooperation. Instead of continuing partisan bickering on troop withdrawals and timetables, lawmakers must work to pass serious legislation that will provide the tools necessary to combat lurking cyberthreats. Attacks on public utilities and power plants can create not only inconvenient but dangerous situations for everyday Americans, and the crash of a banks computer system can wreak economic havoc. In addition, some of the nations most sensitive intelligence information could be discretely collected and used against us in unexpected attacks. Aggression in cyberspace is unfortunately a product of our times, truly illustrating both the magic and terror that modern technology can bring. As such, our leaders must act so that we are prepared for whatever comes our way. Technological capacities will only continue to grow as time passes, and as nations unfriendly to the United States develop economically and politically, the possibility of more serious attacks will only increase. Constructing a stronger defense in U.S. cyberspace is of paramount importance, and waiting longer could only harm the nation the time for action is now.
"Everybody can be great... because anybody can SERVE. You don't have to have a college degree to SERVE. Youdon't have to make your subject and verb agree to SERVE. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul -MLK Jr. "Everybody generated by love." can be great...because anybody can SERVE. You don't have to have a college degree to You don't have to makeyour subject SERVE. Monday, and verb agree to SERVE. You only need 8am - 2pm a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love." - MLK Jr. anybody dy can be great... because "Everybo Breakfast Registration a college have to have You don't SERVE. can and Lunch included! Closes: Jan. 16th 5pm degree to SERVE. Youdon't have to make your subject and verb agree to SERVE. You WWW.LEADandENGAGE.GATECH.EDU a heart full of grace. A soul only need -MLK Jr. "Everybody love." by d generate can be great...because anybody can SERVE. You don't have to have a college degree to SERVE. You don't have to makeyour subject and verb agree to SERVE. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love." - MLK Jr.
Register Now!!!
!"#$%&'($&#)*+%&$,% Better movement with just a flick of the tongue? One Tech professor has been able to make the daily lives of patients with paralysis a lot easier. Mobility plays a vital role in the everyday lives of students at Tech, from getting out of bed to taking the bus and trolley system to get to classes. Yet most times, we tend to overlook how much different our lives would be if suddenly, our ability to be mobile were taken away from us. About 10,000 people a year in the U.S. alone receive spinal cord injuries, causing partial or almost total paralysis, causing drastic life changes for those injured. Maysam Ghovanloo, an ECE assistant professor, has helped create a revolutionary operating system for patients with paralysis that he believes will lead to individuals not only being able to operate wheelchairs more effectively, but also to do other tasks that were previously daunting or impossible without assistance from other people. The system, known as Tongue Drive, has patients receive magnetic piercings on their tongues, which will be used to operate as the guide for where they want
Lindsay Purcell
Michael Stearns discusses how balances his band, We Few, and his Tech workload in this week's Student Spotlight 11
Almost Famous
Friday, January 10, 2014
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Audiences are continually mesmerized by the futuristic technology found in movies. The gizmos rattling about those high-adrenaline moments of intense visual effects enthrall the audience, gluing them to their seats. How close is current technology to the gadgets found in our societys sci-fi fantasies, though? The chemical engineers at Tech who participate in the national Chem-E-Car competitions would argue that we are closer than ever before. These are not an average car. In addition to their innovative power source, the cars are shoe box sized and most not cost more
than $2000. Each year, universities from across the U.S. and the world participate in the Chem-E-Car competition, an event in which students design and construct a car powered by chemical energy and that will safely carry a specified load over a given distance and stop. The competition spans months, with multiple regional qualifiers conducted in several locations followed by the best of the teams competing ferociously for the championship at the national level. There, the craziest and most innovative of ideas fuse together to shape a prototype that uses some of the most common resources available and offers a potentially
100 percent clean solution to environmental pollution. This year, Techs team whizzed out the Ramblin Wrecka Chem-E-Car which could be the answer to the almost all problems posed by electric and fuel-driven cars today. After having secured the first two positions at the regional qualifiers, the Ramblin Wreck made its way to the national finals of the Chem-E-Car competition which was held from Nov. 1 to Nov. 3 in San Francisco, Cali. Techs version of the Chem-ECar threads together innovation and controlled reaction, which very much sums up the motto of the competition. Amidst 31 teams across the U.S. and all over the globe, the
Ramblin Wreck competed fiercely and bagged the fifth-place prize. The University of Tulsa was the 2013 national winner. Their award was $2000, which was funded by Chevron. The Chem-E team is an eclectic mix of seven studentsKeller Smith, Yu Leon Liu, Will Gleason, Phillip Kisembo, Juan Cobian, Nikhil Deshpande and Kamakshi Malhotra, all of whom are multi-talented individuals with interests in activities as diverse as music, dance and extreme adventure sports. The team has Dr. Clifford Henderson as their long-standing and all-encompassing mentor. The Chem-E club at Tech was founded about five years ago under the mentorship of Dr. Clifford
Henderson, from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Dr. Henderson is by far the coolest mentor apart from being a taskmaster, said Leon Liu, one of the co-captains and a second-year ChBE major. To the students, he is a beacon of support and their success is credited to his ability of picking the best of their ideas and refining them to bridge the gap between conception and successful implementation. The club and its efforts are funded by BP. The club conducts meetings every Wednesday. Their operation base is the Unit Operations Lab in the basement of the Ford Environ!""#/-B$#%&'"#()
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When asked what the biggest lesson he has learned from dirt biking so far, Shirley joked, Ive really learned how to fi x a dirt bike. I guess if none of my other careers work out, I could always be a mechanic. Currently, Shirley and his team are negotiating with the Student Center for a future performance on Techs campus.
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Thank you to the 2013 Team Leader Advisory Board! Kelly Allen Alexandra Bezozo Taylor Fischer Erin Kelly Alexander Merriweather Danielle Shaver Congratulations to the 2014 Team Leader Advisory Board! Kelly Albano Alexandra Bezozo William Ealick Wama Gbetibouo Haley Hahmann April Hsieh
Thank you Instructors for your time and talent in enriching the lives of our students!
Mary Alice Allen Andy Altizer Juan Archila Marisa Atencio Angela Ayers Willaim Baer Jennifer Baird Richard Barke William Baron Cassandra Spiller Belton Charlie Bennett Tracy Boothe Kirk Bowman Sandi Bramblett Mirjana Brockett Stanley Broome Sherri Brown Jennifer Brown Parker Lindsay Bryant Lynda Byrne Sarah Cantrell Perkins Michael Chang Jonathan Clarke Michelle Cohen Segall Lori Critz William Cutts Anne-Marie DeBacker Melanie DeMaeyer Shannon Dobranski Shawn Dommer Ameet Doshi Christopher Downing Yvonne Dragon Lynn Durham Mark Ellington Michael Justin Ellis Wesley Emeneker Donna Ennis Matt Frizzel Stephen Garrett Sheree Gibson Steven Girardot Ed Greco Lindsay Green Jeff Hallman Dana Hartley Beatriz Hegidio Jordan Holliday Ben Holton Kimberly Hoover Susan Hotle Andrew Howard Brett Hulst Joy Hymel Stephanie Jackson Sarah Johnson Stephanie Johnston Mark Juliano Greg King Marcia Kinstler Kristi Kirkland James Kramer Wes Kirkbride Larry Labbe Fatimot Ladipo Michael Laughter Jennifer Leavey Nicole Leonard Christy Lock Heidi Lowe Pete Ludovice Shriley Manchester J. Tanner Marcantel Catie McCoy Lauren McDow Kristen Mehaffey Teri Nagel Anna Newsome Gregory Nobles Kristen Norris Maureen Olson Gregory Owen Peter Paquette Ajay Patel Billie Pendleton-Parker Nick Perez Laura Pusateri Katie Raczynski Fred Rascoe Meredith Ray Christopher Reaves Colleen Riggle Chris Roberts Michelle Robinson Ashley Rose Christopher Roskilly Carl Rust Kristen Shaw Bailey Carrie Shepler Jihan Sherman Sandra Song Beth Spencer John Stein Enid Steinbart Marc Stieglitz Tearanny Street Katie Takacs Chauntee Thrill Wilbur Tinsley Violeta Toma Nirmal Trivedi Jennifer Tyner Vivian Victor Chaffee Viets Serena Wallace Renita Washington Brandi Williams William Winders Craig Womack Scott Wood Brenda Woods Chen Zhou
mental Science and Technology building, where they spend hours on Sunday afternoons, giving shape to figments of their imagination. The idea for the photochromic car arose in the last spring semester and has stood the test of multiple phases before it culminated into a brand new product driven by ultraviolet light. Given the current market trends, many people wonder whether electric cars are a better alternative to fuel driven cars. Electric cars are clean, in the sense that they dont burn gas, so they are considered to be zeroemission vehicles. They run on electricity generated from a host of natural resources, which is precisely the focus of the Tech team. They use the most common of resources to build a working vehicle. The teams Ramblin Wreck is powered by a lead-acid battery which is used to drive a motor. It is stopped by interrupting power to the drive motor which is triggered by a photochromic reaction induced by exposure of a photoreactive film to ultraviolet light. This is environmentally sustainable because the darkening of the photochromic lens is completely reversible. This means that no new chemicals are required for each run. The Chem-E-car team will continue to design and construct new innovative and resource friendly and hopefully prize winning cars.
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,#$,%$-&#.,#$*,/&$"% 2013 was a stellar year across the entertainment media. Sony and Microsoft joined Nintendo in the new console generation with the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, respectively. Beyonc, Lady Gaga, Jay-Z, Katy Perry and Justin Timberlake released new albums. Major blockbusters like Iron Man 3 and Star Trek: Into Darkness dominated summer theaters while award hopefuls like Gravity and American Hustle were released in winter. It is no baseless claim that 2014 has big shoes to fill. The video game industry is looking to start the year strong again. Highly anticipated Bioshock: Infinite stole the spotlight last spring, a job that falls this year to two exclusive titles: Infamous: Second Son for PlayStation 4 and Titanfall for Xbox One. The third Final Fantasy XIII game sees the light of day as Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. The next numbered entry in the
Keith Frady
Friday, January 10, 2014
!"#$%&'($&#)*+%&$,% James Thurbers classic short story about an ordinary man who escapes reality by daydreaming of romance, heroism and adventure, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, has been made into a modern-day masterpiece. Directed by and starring Ben Stiller as Walter Mitty, this film is a cinematic getaway for all audiences. While known primarily for his goofy comedies, Stiller has recently taken to more meaningful plotlinesand with this one, he has succeeded. The Walter Mitty of Thurbers short story fantasizes about fighting in war, piloting a Navy hydroplane, performing a one-of-a-kind
surgery and being tried for murder, all while out shopping with his wife. The stories are never finished, as he is routinely awakened from his daydreaming state by lifes distractions. The entire thirteen-paragraph short story, written in 1939, can be read in less than five minutes, which begs the question of how it could be adapted into a two-hourlong movie. Rather than use the same storyline Thurber originally wrote, the script for the movie takes an entirely new approach. Stillers Walter Mitty is an ordinary worker for Life Magazine, a photojournalism magazine published from 1936 to 2007 and partnered with Time Magazine at the formerly-known Time & Life Building in Manhattan. Mittys lack of courage deters him from asking out the new lady upstairs, standing up for himself or advancing within a company he has worked at for decades. When Life Magazine is bought out and the employees are rudely informed that they will most likely lose their jobs as the company disintegrates, Mitty is tasked with finding famous photographer Sean OConnells, played by Sean Penn, most recent, amazing photo to be the magazines last cover. Mitty embarks on a jour-
ney which confronts his body, psyche and heart with challenges he only imagined. From cowardice to bravery, Mitty transforms while on this mysterious journey through foreign countries and dangertesting just how far he is willing to go. The incredible cast, combined with a perfectly fit soundtrack and artsy style of filming, creates a moving and emotional film. However, Stiller clearly inserted moments of comic relief and lighthearted scenes, rounding the production out to include romance, comedy, action, adventure, fantasy and drama. The filming style and graphic design of scenes as simple as the beginning credits add to the effectiveness of portraying this sense of real life, and stepping out of ones comfort zone to see the world. This mirrors Walter Mittys main theme, turning his fantasy experiences into reality. In accordance with Life Magazine s motto, To see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to, to draw closer, to see and be amazed, Mitty steps out into the unknown, teaching us to explore, to see new things and achieve your wildest dreamsthat is living.
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recently re-released several of their classic movies such as The Little Mermaid after improving the quality of the images. What video game companies must realize is that Disney did not re-release or remake Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. The difference between these two is that one is a classic while the other is a decent movie that one might watch once and not think about again. Another point that seems to be missed is that movies only have the image and sound quality to worry about. Video games are much more involved; a re-released video game should reflect this. Re-releasing a video game in HD and making it available on a new console is okay, but the game would be much better if the re-release improved the controls or fi xed a puzzle that was previously incomprehensible due 9)'$'(5'3-$%+:('.(!"#$%#&' to a translation error. Video game companies should !"#$%#&'()*+(*(,''&($-%#&('.(-%/-%0%*+"#,(,*1%+(.-'1("$+(2'230*-(4%0&*(.-*#5)"+%(6"$)(32,-*&%&( ,-*2)"5+(*+(6%00(*+(#%6(.%*$3-%+('-(-%7*12%&(&3#,%'#+($)*$(&'(#'$(5)*#,%($)%(5'-%('.($)%(,*1%8 make their re-releases count. If a game was alright to begin with, it after updating the graphics and While re-releasing a game for ative in their releases when TV perhaps it should just remain aladding nothing else will not help a newer console makes it available shows and movies happily remake right while the next game that with its overall quality. Fortunate- to more people, this should by or re-release their forms of enter- group makes benefits from the ly, most companies realize this no means be the only reason for tainment. Even books have been mistakes made in the previous, unand have yet to attempt re-releas- a re-release. If someone does not re-released through newer edi- related game. On the other hand, ing such atrocious masterpieces have the console that a game was tions or re-publications where in- if a game is amazing, it could get as Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis or released on, he or she could easily formation is updated or the cover a re-release, but instead of simply the glitch-ridden Fantastic Four. go without that game. There are art is redone to reflect a new movie updating the graphics, the few Even though video game play- plenty of other video games avail- based on the book or simply to trivial nuisances or glitches could ers and the game makers seem able. When companies re-release make the book more eye-catching. be fi xed. Another approach would to have come to an agreement to games with only a change to their Remastered video games are be to change the puzzles or level not dredge up bad memories, the graphics, they are forfeiting time not always a bad idea; however, design slightly, which was demmarket is still filled with re-releas- that could otherwise be spent on it should not be happening very onstrated with the The Legend of es and remasterings of games that new games. often. Perhaps video game compa- Zelda: Ocarina of Time re-release were only mediocre and not worth Of course, it is hard to expect nies should learn from the movie alongside a more challenging verplaying a second time. the gaming community to be cre- industry. For example, Disneyw sion of the game Master Quest.
!"#$%&'($&#)*+%&$,% Saving Mr. Banks raises the curtains on the beloved live-action musical movie Mary Poppins to show how the film came into fruition, or so the plot summary may lead one to believe. The film is an exploration of the author of Mary Poppins book series, P.L. Travers (Emma Thompson, Wit), and how Walt Disney (Tom Hanks, Forrest Gump) coerced her into signing off on the movie rights to the film. The relationship between the two is a tumultuous one, spanning twenty years of Disney badgering the author to give him the rights. The film actually begins when Travers is forced to travel to Los Angeles in 1961 to finally give in to the filmmaker after running out of royalties from her books. The archetypal English women could not be more displeased about her position or good-oldboy Walt Disney, whom she imagines will just make her character from a stern nanny into a silly one that sings and dances. She constantly reminds the team that Poppins is the enemy of sentiment and whimsy. The movie peppers beautiful, nostalgic flashbacks of Travers
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Australian childhood in 1906 to break up the battle for the rights. These scenes are framed as the authors own memories of a simpler time when P.L. Travers was just Helen Lyndon Goff, or, as little Ginty, the nicknamed lovingly bestowed upon her by her father, bank manager Travers Robert Goff (Coline Farrell, Total Recall ). These memories permit the audience to fall in love with the charming, handsome alcoholic who always encouraged fantasy and escapism from the real world, but whose inability to deal with reality caused harsh times and horrible situations for his family. The Goff household falls into disarray until her mothers sister,
the inspiration for Mary Poppins, comes to restore order. Unfortunately, as this is a Disney film, everything needs a happy ending, or at least one that paints the company and its former employees and projects in a good light. A spoonful of sugar is added to the film to give it the magical Disney touch, with Walt Disney saving the day and an emotional P.L. Travers, who is obviously very moved by her books adaptation. However, it is widespread knowledge that Travers absolutely hated the film and refused to have the Sherman brothers work on a musical version of the story. The film company loves their founder
and made him look like the good guy, who reached out to help an emotionaly-fraught woman. The sentimental feelings evoked during the premiere showing of Mary Poppins actually spoiled the movie a bit, knowing the true outcome. Of course, the authenticity of the ending does not detract from the genuine emotions brought by the conclusion of the authors emotional journey of confronting her past. Emma Thompson is absolutely sublime in the role of P.L. Travers. A lady who appears to be misanthropic but is guided by her past and very much alone. Tom Hanks performance is comparable but is really is the
pairs gradual growth and acceptance and understanding of each other that stands out. The attention to detail in this film is pretty incredible, even taking into account Walt Disneys illnesses during this period of time, having him coughing intermittently, signaling the end of his life, which was said to be exasperated by his constant fighting with Travers during the production of Mary Poppins. Despite the sugar coating, Saving Mr. Banks adds to the real-life events, the film manages to toe the line between being outright sappy and sentimental. Excellent performances make the film well worth watching.
Listen, they request that you stop submitting a listing for your house labeled WHERE YOU BROKE MY HEART.
Really, the comforting side in most conspiracy theory arguments is the one claiming that anyone whos in power has any plan at all.
Joe Sobchuk is in his third year at Tech. He has watched sports all his life and takes a critical view of many of the trending topics in the sporting world. To contact Joe with your opinions email him at timeout@nique.net.
After yet another bowl game loss, I have seen a number of Tech fans clamoring for Paul Johnson to be fired so we can start to establish a normal offense. The general claim is that we cannot succeed with the triple option, and that we will continue to lose to teams like Georgia, Virginia Tech and Clemson until we instill a traditional scheme. While I understand their frustration with our teams recent performance in big games, I feel that they are just looking for an easy and popular scapegoat when in reality, the offense is not much of a problem at all. Paul Johnsons spread option, most commonly referred to as the triple option, is a unique style of offense that distinguishes us from the multitude of teams in the southeast. It generates national interest and excitement for our team, as fans across the country tune in to watch this unorthodox offense take the field. It alleviates our innate recruiting disadvantages by forcing us to look for a different type of athlete compared to the majority of our competitors. Tech must compete with the entire Southeastern Conference for recruits, along with football powerhouses in the ACC such as Florida State and Clemson. We are also an academically tough school, which deters many talented recruits. If we were looking for passing quarterbacks, conventional running backs and pass blocking offensive lineman and tight ends, we would be picking from the bottom of the barrel every year. Instead, we take an alternate approach by recruiting talent that played in similar offenses in high school and are being underserved by the SEC and other ACC schools. The reason we have been losing to our rivals lately is that we have a talent disadvantage compared to those teams. The triple option mitigates this discrepancy by forcing teams to adjust to our style of play and maximizing the output
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of our talent. For example, I am not sure how effective the 57, 190 lb. running back Robert Godhigh would be in a regular offense, as he would be taking a pounding on any inside runs. With the triple option, he avoids those hits by going outside and straight into the secondary, usually for a big gain. The offense slightly underperformed this past year, which may be why it seems that more fans have turned sour. Our total rushing yards were under 4,000 for the first time since Johnsons first year in 2008, and our total first downs and total offensive production dipped compared to last year. However, our points per game this past season was the highest in the
Paul Johnson era, but that was helped by the fact that we played two FCS schools instead of the usual one. Justin Thomas will fi x that problem next season, as he is a much better fit for the triple option than Vad Lee was. He has the skill set to lead the offense well he is small, quick and agile, and he ran a similar offense in high school. Lee was a decent quarterback and showed small flashes of brilliance in the passing game, but he was not a great fit for the triple option. He was big, relatively slow and did not always make the best decisions when running the ball. I expect Thomas to lead this offense in a similar manner as Tevin
Washington did when he takes the reigns next year. Finally, although fans may not realize it or want to admit it, if we fire Johnson, we will be looking at a few years of mediocrity, or possibly worse. It will take some time to adjust to a traditional offense, as we must recruit players suited to it and phase out the players recruited by Johnson specifically for his offense. The talent gap will suddenly become very apparent as we get blown out by our rivals and lose to teams we usually beat. If the fans are this displeased with seven-win seasons every year, I can only imagine the discussion after a string of three- or four-win seasons.
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away from their parents is actually one of the things most kids look forward to when going off to college. Thorne originally had that train of thought. It was not until she officially visited Tech that she decided she wanted to become a Jacket. I actually didnt want to come to Tech. Since my dad coaches here, I didnt want to be at the same school as my dad and since I had been to Tech so often growing up going to the tennis matches. I visited a couple other schools, but then once I visited here and I kind of saw a different side. The girls on the team are awesome, and thats one of the reasons I picked here, and its obviously awesome academically. It was definitely logical for me to come here, but it wasnt until I took my visit that I actually wanted to, Thorne said. One of the other schools that Rachel Thorne visited during her recruitment, and considered attending, was University of Georgia. They said any other school but UGA, but my mom would have been cool with it. My dad said that if I really wanted to go there that I could, but that he wouldnt wear any red and black. Like most freshman athletes, Rachel Thorne is still adjusting to the life of college athlete. She says !"#$#%1#./$05'%#;%<=>> the biggest difference between ?/05"9+)%@+1"06%="#/)0%75%$"0%3+.8"$0/%#;%A0))'%+)3%B/7380$% college and high school track is ="#/)0C%&#$"%D"#%+/0%909&0/5%#;%=01"E5%>$"60$71%F+66%#;%?+90:% the emphasis that the coaches put on recovery after practice. through. Stretching and icing are consid=FG@*H%!"#$%&'()%* It helps cause I can ask them ered a top priority, as opposed to growing up, but her lack of hand- for advice since theyve been there. just getting out there and running eye coordination ended that ex- If you are injured or something, I during high school practice. periment fairly quickly. She also can talk them cause theyve been Its a much bigger time comswam and played soccer, but quit injured before. Its just nice to mitment, but its nice having evboth towards the end of middle know that they know what youre erybody serious about it, Rachel school to focus solely on running. going through.... They understand Thorne said. For Rachel Thorne, there is the how hard the school is here, and The track team will open somewhat negative side of having they understand what youre do- their season Jan. 11 at Clemson. to follow in their footsteps, but ing, Thorne said. Thorne is excited for the event there is also the positive of havMost people would not choose and although she does not know ing two parents who have gone to come to a school where one for sure, she will likely compete in through exactly what she is going of their parents worked. Getting the 1500.
hand the talent coming back next season. I just felt that it is a good time for me to get a fresh start for my final two years of college, Lee said in a statement released through the Athletic Association. Coach Paul Johnson also released a statement saying, Vad is a young man with high character, and I appreciate all the work that he put into our program and to Georgia Tech during his three years here. This is a decision made by Vad and his family, and while you dont like losing talented players, I wish nothing but the best for Vad in the future. Lee has two years of eligibility remaining, but will have to sit out a season if he chooses to transfer to another FBS school. If Lee transfers to an FCS school, he will be eligible to play immediately. The most likely replacement is Justin Thomas, who will be a redshirt sophomore next season.
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Football enrolls four early signees
The football team enrolled four early signees for this years recruiting class. The four football players graduated high school early and started classes Monday. The early enrollees are Keshun Freeman, a defensive end from Callaway High School; Tre Jackson, a linebacker from Lowndes High School; Matthew Jordan, a quarterback from Alabama; and Step Durham, a cornerback from Florida. Also enrolling is running back Travis Custis from Lovejoy, Ga., a member of the 2013 class who was unable to enroll in the fall.
Newt Clark
Mark Russell
Staff Writer Joe Sobchuk explains why he believes you should be patient with Paul Johnson. 18
January 10, 2014
20 Friday,
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a good practice, have a good post practice. Come game time, and theres no jersey on my locker. It happened a couple of games, Senior forward Jason Morris made his but once I finally got out of a shoot around season debut last month against Kennesaw and saw that jersey, I was just excited to put State after missing Techs first ten games it on, Morris said. while recovering from surgery on his left Morris saw limited playing time against foot to repair a stress facture. Morris is no the Owls, seeing the court for only four stranger to foot injuries, this being his third minutes. In Techs following game against one since becoming a Jacket. Morris missed Vanderbilt, Morris once again had limited playing time. Morris made his first start of the season in his third game back against UNC-Charlotte, where he scored three points and had four rebounds. Hes back, and he played 23 minutes, which is more than I thought he was capable of playing. What I hope with Jason is that you see a steady increase in performance when he gets his basketball legs underneath him, said Head Coach Brian Gregory. When he gets even more comfortable with what we are trying to get done and how he fits in with that. As good as our underclassmen are, your season is usually determined by the type of season your seniors have.... I challenged the four seniors to have the best years of their careers, and if in the second half of the season, Jason can have his best season, then hes going to really help us. Morris said that adjusting back to the !"#$#%<+%F'*$/0%G##$) ,-./#(-$0.1+)*2-)'(3 game physically isnt the problem, but that 1)0/#(%9'2(6%H2*#0%7#((/*%6(/.)*%$#%$")%<2*=)$%/0%$")%*)2*#0%#4)0)(%I2*$%*)2*#0@% the mental part of the game takes much 7#((/*%3/**)6%$)0%923)*%$"/*%*)2*#0%5"/I)%()&#.)(/09%,(#3%*'(9)(+%#0%"/*%,##$@ more time. Morris said he still has plenty of "+)*$"&'(#$)*
Hunt continued their good performances from the first half, but it was not enough Tech fell to Duke 79-57. Miller finished the game with 14 points and 8 rebounds, while Georges-Hunt finished with 18 points on 8-12 shooting. The stat that stuck out for the Jackets was that Tech was 0-6 for the game from the free throw line while Duke was 22-25. You have to give [Duke] a lot of credit because I thought in the second half they played with great intensity and great energy, said Coach Brian Gregory at a postgame press conference. I told our guys that I like the team that I coached tonight a lot better than the one on Saturday. At the same time, we need to keep improving and keep getting better. I thought we did some good things and made progress especially with the involvement of this team with Robert [Carter Jr.] out. We did a lot better. Every decision is so important when you play a team like Duke on the road. They take advantage of every mistake you make
and thats something we need to improve on. Some good things to build on, but were not satisfied. In the second half, offensive play was an issue for Tech. The Jackets only scored 24 points in the second half and consistency from that end has been an issue for Tech all year. We need to be more aggressive in driving the ball to the basket. I thought at the end of the first half we had two possessions where we took two step-back shots. One, thats a low-percentage shot. Two, youre not winning on the road, [so] you have to be attacking all the time. You have to do that with poise and precision and good decisions. Thats the challenge. I think thats why theyre good, because they challenge you for forty minutes to make good decisions, Gregory said. With the loss, the Jackets fall to 9-6 (0-2 ACC) on the year. Tech returns home for their first conference home game to take on 10-5 (1-1 ACC) Notre Dame tomorrow.
confidence in his game. Thats pretty much the biggest thing. Just getting back and gelling with the team. Figuring out where guys are and where guys like the ball. Timing is a big thing and its something you can only replicate so much in practice, Morris said. Morris return couldnt have come at a more important time for the Jackets. Not only is conference play beginning, but Gregory announced last Thursday that sophomore forward Robert Carter Jr. is out indefinitely and will undergo surgery on a torn meniscus. He averaged 10.3 points and 9.3 rebounds per game this season. Morris has seen a lot of time at the three spot in the past, but with Carter Jr. out, that could force Morris to play down low a little more. That turned our world upside down a little bit. Everyone has to step up; with me at 66, 235 Im going to have to go down there and play the four, just comes with my size. Everyone is going pick up, no responsibility is going to be put on one person to fill the giant void, Morris said. Though Morris is seeing more playing time, he isnt just satisfied with getting on the floor. With only 15 points on 33 percent shooting, Morris believes he is capable of doing more. These last few years have been tough. So just being out there alone is a start, now its time to contribute and step up, Morris said.