Answer All The Questions. No Negative Marks For Wrong Answers. Please Do Not Mark Anything On The Question Paper

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Full Marks: 200 Time: 2 Hours

Answer all the questions. No negative marks for wrong answers. Please do not mark anything on the question paper. Section A: English [10 X 2 = 20] 1. om!lete the statements" I left K.K.Company.

I've worked here A. #" C. D. for since over while


I A. . " D.

a drinks machine so I looked over / went saw / fell sa$ % $ent looked over / fell in at the gate checke& stood waited stamped

over to get some.


I A" . C. D.


#.$. A" is &e'elo!ing . develops C. is taking D. takes

a new advanced type of printer.

%. #e's the most diffic&lt c&stomer A. I never dealt with . I never had to deal with " ()'e e'er ha& to &eal $ith D. I've never had to deal '. Tick the right sentence A. I've (een many times there

#" ()'e *een there man+ times" C. I've there (een many times. D. I've (een many there times. ). Tick the right sentence A" gol& is a !recious su*stance . a gold is a precio&s s&(stance C. *he gold is a precise s&(stance D. gold are precio&s s&(stance +. ,hich o- the -ollo$ing $or&s $ill come -ourth in the English &ictionar+. A. . C. /" ,alse ,ollow ,aithf&lly Fool

-. (- the -ollo$ing -i'e $or&s are arrange& in al!ha*etical or&er0 $hich $or& $ill come in the mi&&le. A. Draw . .ead C. $lay D. ack 1/. (n English0 F1E also means. A. ,riend . Army " Enem+ D. ,east Section #: 2ogical 3 4easoning [10 X 2 = 20] 1. 0ook at this series1 )2 1/2 +2 112 -2 122 ... 3hat n&m(er sho&ld come ne4t5 A. #" C. D. ) 10 12 1!

2. 6CD2 *7,2 89#2 :2 3K0 A. C;< . 8=I " 5(6 D. I=* !. 3hich word does <>* (elong with the others5

A" *ook . inde4

C. glossary D. chapter ". #ere are some words translated from an artificial lang&age. hapllesh means clo&d(&rst srenchoch means pin(all res(osrench means ninepin 3hich word co&ld mean ?clo&d nine?5 A. . C. /" leshsrench ochhapl haploch ha!lres*o

%. 6tatements1 All the schools in the area had to (e kept closed for most part of the week. ;any parents have withdrawn their children from the local schools. A" Statement ( is the cause an& statement (( is its e--ect . 6tatement II is the ca&se and statement I is its effect C. oth the statements I and II are independent ca&ses D. oth the statements I and II are effects of independent ca&ses '. ,ind the statement that m&st (e tr&e according to the given information. 7rin is twelve years old. ,or three years2 she has (een asking her parents for a dog. #er parents have told her that they (elieve a dog wo&ld not (e happy in an apartment2 (&t they have given her permission to have a (ird. 7rin has not yet decided what kind of (ird she wo&ld like to have. A. 7rin's parents like (irds (etter than they like dogs. . 7rin does not like (irds. " Erin an& her !arents li'e in an a!artment" D. 7rin and her parents wo&ld like to move. ). l&e(erries cost more than straw(erries. l&e(erries cost less than rasp(erries. .asp(erries cost more than (oth straw(erries and (l&e(erries. If the first two statements are tr&e2 the third statement is A" . C. true false &ncertain

+. *he @&estion has an &nderlined word followed (y fo&r answer choices. Ao& will choose the word that is a necessary part of the &nderlined word. *ook

A. #"


!ages C. pict&res D. learning -. Introd&cing a (oy2 a girl said2 ?#e is the son of the da&ghter of the father of my &ncle.? #ow is the (oy related to the girl5 A. #" rother

7e!he$ C. 8ncle D. 6onBinB law 1/. Arrange the words given (elow in a meaningf&l se@&ence. 1. $olice 2. $&nishment =&dgement A. % . % C. 1 /" 2 !2 12 22 "2 12 22 "2 !2 %2 "2 !2 22 80 10 90 :0 !. Crime ". =&dge %.

Section 1. encryption 0ink

: Technical [20 X 8 = ;0]

A. is more sec&re than endBtoBend encryption #" is less secure than en&<to<en& encr+!tion C. can not (e &sed in a p&(lic network D. is &sed only to de(&g 2. A form of code that &ses more than one process and processor2 possi(ly of different type2 and that may on occasions have more than one process or processor active at the same time2 is known as


m&ltiprogramming #" multi threa&ing C. (roadcasting D. time sharing !. 3hich of the following is a data(ase administrator's

f&nction5 A. data(ase design . (acking &p the data(ase C. performance monitoring /" All o- the a*o'e ". A. . " 3hat is the lang&age &sed (y most of the D ;6s for helping their &sers to access data5 #igh level lang&age C&ery lang&age S=2

D. %. A. . " D. '.

"90 In 6C02 which command is &sed to make permanent changes made (y statements iss&e since the (eginning of a transaction5 DI$ $ACK 1MM(T 6AE7 A means that one record in a partic&lar record type may (e related to more than one record of another record type.

A. >neBtoBone relationship #" 1ne<to<man+ relationshi! C. ;anyBtoB one relationship D. ;anyBto many relationship ). In 6C02 which of the following is not a data ;anip&lation 0ang&age D707*7

Commands5 A. . 6707C* C. 8$DA*7 /" 4EATE +. A. #" C. D. -. A. #" C. D.

3hich of the following systems software does the Fo( of merging the records from two files into one5 6ec&rity software >tilit+ !rogram <etworking software Doc&mentation system *he ,I,> algorithm e4ec&tes first the Fo( that last entered the @&e&e e?ecutes -irst the @o* that -irst entere& the Aueue e4ec&te first the Fo( that has (een in the @&e&e the longest e4ec&tes first the Fo( with the least processor needs

1/. *he register or main memory location which contains the effective address of the operand is known as A" !ointer . inde4ed register C. special location D. scratch pad 11. Conversion of decimal number 6110 to it's binary number equivalent

A. 11//112 . 11//111/2

" 1111012 D. 111112 12. An >. imagined as gate can (e

A. switches connected in series #" s$itches connecte& in !arallel C. ;>6 transistors connected in series D. All of the a(ove 1!. *he newline character is always incl&ded (etween A. pair of parentheses . pair of c&rly (races " control string D. G 1". *o (e called o(FectBoriented2 a programming lang&age m&st allow A. f&nctions that ret&rn only a single val&e . Hincl&de files " inheritance D. All of a(ove the

1%. 3hich of the following statements is false5 A. A f&nction is a (lock of code that performs a specific task . ,&nctions allow programmers to (reak large and comple4 pro(lems into small and managea(le tasks C. ,&nctions allow programmers to &se e4isting code to perform common tasks /" Functions can *e calle&0 or in'oke&0 onl+ once in a !rogram 1'. Consider the following code I char nameJ!/K L M=ohn DohleNO

printfPMQcN2 RPname S %TTO 3hat will (e printed5 A. #" C. D. *he te4t MDohleN will (e printed The te?t B/C $ill *e !rinte& 6ome F&nk characters will (e printed <one of the a(ove

1). A static varia(le is I A. . C. /" A varia(le which is initialiUed only once A varia(le which remem(ers its val&e at the r&ntime A varia(le which is managed in a separate memory space called static memory All o- the a*o'e

1+. 3hat is the siUe of an en&m type5 A" . C. D. 9 *+tes + (ytes 12+ (ytes <ot fi4ed. Depends on the siUe of the (iggest type within the en&m definition

1-. Consider the following method declaration in CSS int ;yClass11;y,&nctionPchar RpT const V W. X 3hat does this implies5 A. #" C. D. *he method definition canYt (e modified in f&t&re Dou cannot change the 'alue o- an+ mem*er 'aria*le *he method always ret&rns a constant val&e <one of the a(ove

2/. ;a4 positive val&e for a char type varia(le is A" 2:: . 2%' C. 12) D. '"

Erogramming A!titu&e
Instructions Answer all the questions Only C or C++ can be used to write a program unless specified!. Codes written should be simple" efficient" to#the#point and neat. $nnecessarily comple% codes will not be considered correct. Code with proper logic even incomplete! will carry positive marks. &ell commented codes will carry additional marks. 'ariable names and (unction names must be meaningful. )ention the output of your program wherever required. *f the specifications and requirements of each program are well addressed then it will carry additional marks. 1. 3rite a f&nction which takes a string array and a string and searches the string within that array and ret&rns Pdo not printT another array containing all the integer val&es that represents the positions of the array where the string is fo&nd [1: marks]

2. 3rite a program takes a he4adecimal val&e and converts it to a decimal val&e [1: marks] !. 3hat is the difference (etween method overriding and method overloading5 3rite a short code to demonstrate (oth [10 marks] ". 3rite a template in CSS which takes a type as parameter. Declare three methods in the template naming Add2 6&(tract and ;&ltiply which takes the same type varia(le as inp&t parameter and prints o&tp&ts according the method description. #int1 All methods sho&ld take two parameters of the same type to do the respective operations. [10 marks] %. 3rite a f&nction which takes a string Pchar RT2 a character to replace and a character to replace with. Ao& sho&ld not &se any standard string replacement method. #int I &se ZstrtokY [10 marks] '. 3rite a program that demonstrate operator overloading for assignment operator. 3rite a sample code which &ses that operator. [10 marks] ). 3rite a program in ZCSSY that prints / to 1// and 1// to / witho&t &sing any loops [10 marks] +. 3rite a program that takes st&dentYs name2 class and roll and saves it to a disk file Pcomma separatedT (y appending on whatever data it already has. [10 marks] -. 3rite a program which takes a single character val&e and print A76 if !rd (it and 'th (it is set to Z1Y. 8se Hdefine to define the mask. [10 marks] RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Section C: Technical [20x3=60] 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. 11. C 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. D

16. B 17. D 18. 19. B 20.

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