Pesantren, Madrasah Dan Sekolah Islam
Pesantren, Madrasah Dan Sekolah Islam
Pesantren, Madrasah Dan Sekolah Islam
This paper explores the history and development of pesantren, madrasah, and Islamic
schools as integral components of Islamic education in Indonesia. The study aims to
analyze the objectives, educational structure, and contributions of these institutions to
the development of human resources and religious knowledge. A qualitative
descriptive method is used, employing document analysis to investigate the unique
characteristics and methodologies of these institutions. The findings reveal that
pesantren, as traditional Islamic boarding schools, emphasize character building and
deep religious understanding through a learning approach centered around the kyai
(religious teacher). Madrasah combines religious and general education, bridging
traditional and modern curricula to meet the needs of contemporary society. Islamic
schools adopt a broader curriculum to integrate Islamic values into national
educational standards, making them more inclusive for a diverse student body. This
study highlights the synergy between these educational models in preserving Islamic
values while adapting to the demands of modern education. It offers insights into the
Haderani. (2020). Pesantren, madrasah dan sekolah dalam perspektif pemikiran pendidikan Islam. Jurnal
Tarbiyah Darussalam, 6(1), 13–24.
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Islamic schools, often managed by religious organizations, have
successfully integrated a holistic educational approach with a focus on
developing students intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. This study
found that Islamic schools often excel in modern teaching methods and
facilities compared to pesantren and madrasah. However, the disparity in
accessibility between urban and rural areas remains a significant issue.
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from Javanese culture, referring to temporary dwellings for students
during their learning process.
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classical Islamic books under the guidance of a kyai. The subjects
taught include fiqh, aqidah, nahwu, sharaf, balaghah, hadith,
tasawuf, akhlak, and ibadah. According to Martin Van Bruinessen,
there are 900 classical Islamic books (kitab kuning) used in
pesantren, most of which are written by Southeast Asian scholars in
various languages such as Arabic, Malay, Javanese, and others.
These classical books serve as the primary source of education in
pesantren, alongside the charisma of the kyai.
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With this approach, pesantren not only produces religious
students but also intellectuals and resilient entrepreneurs.
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adapting to the demands of modernity, offering a balanced
curriculum that includes both religious and general education.3
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for each subject, laboratory technicians, and other support staff. As a
result, the madrasah is able to meet modern educational standards
without compromising its Islamic identity.
Hendra Kurniawan, Fauziah Nur Ariza. Sekolah Islam Terpadu: Perkembangan, Konsep, dan Implementasi.
Itthad, 4(1), 2020, P-ISSN: 2549-9238, E-ISSN: 2580-5541.
Suyatno. (2013). Sekolah Islam Terpadu: Filsafat, Ideologi, dan Tren Baru Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2(2).
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Curriculum development in Islamic schools reflects efforts to
meet the evolving needs of society. One example of a significant
transformation is the shift in educational orientation from an
exclusive focus on religious studies to a broader and more inclusive
approach. This change aims to enable Islamic schools to combine
religious studies with general knowledge, technology, and social
sciences. Thus, Islamic educational institutions are not only centers
of doctrine but also places of research and development in fields
relevant to the times. The curriculum has also evolved from a grade-
level system to a semester system and eventually to the credit
semester system (SKS), offering more flexibility for students to
complete their studies.
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knowledge but also with general knowledge that is relevant to the
modern world. Pesantren that open formal schools, in addition to
responding to societal needs, also aim to produce graduates with
dual competencies in religious knowledge and social skills.
Graduates of pesantren are expected to contribute in various sectors,
both as civil servants and in community service.
1. Memorization Method
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and understand the text without being tied to attendance or fixed
3. Sorogan Method
In this method, santri take turns facing the kiai with the book
they will study. The teacher guides them directly, correcting any
misunderstanding of the text. This method is ideal for beginner santri
or those being prepared to become kiai.
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To enhance student engagement, Islamic schools also often use
active learning methods such as role-playing or projects, where
students can apply Islamic values in real-world situations.
Additionally, the use of technology through multimedia methods is
applied to make learning more engaging and interactive. All of these
methods are expected to create a learning environment that not only
develops students' intellectual intelligence but also shapes their
character and morals in line with Islamic teachings.
We would like to express our gratitude to all parties who have
supported the completion of this research. Especially to the
researchers and academics who have provided valuable references
and literature related to teaching methods in pesantren, madrasahs,
and Islamic schools. We also extend our thanks to those who have
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provided constructive feedback on the writing and content of this
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