Mary's Intercession Is Necessary For Our Salvation
Mary's Intercession Is Necessary For Our Salvation
Mary's Intercession Is Necessary For Our Salvation of 7
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Most Blessed Virgin is not diffidence in the divine mercy, but dread of our own unworthiness." of 7
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as a pure favor from God. But who can ever deny that it is most reasonable and proper to assert that God, in order to exalt this great creature, who more than all others honored and loved Him during Her life, and whom, moreover, He had chosen to be the Mother of His Son, our common Redeemer, wills that all graces that are granted to those whom He has redeemed should pass through and be dispensed by the hands of Mary? We most readily admit that Jesus Christ is the only Mediator of justice, according to the distinction just made, because through His merits He obtains all graces and salvation for us. But we say that Mary is the Mediatrix of grace. Whatever She obtains, of course, is gotten through the merits of Christ, and that is why She asks and prays in His name -- nevertheless, every grace we seek is obtained through Her prayer and intercession. There is certainly nothing contrary to faith in this, but the reverse. It is quite in accordance with the sentiments of the Church, which, in its public and approved prayers, teaches us continually to have recourse to this divine Mother, and to invoke Her as the "health of the sick, the refuge of sinners, the help of Christians, and as our life and hope." In the Divine Office for the feasts of Mary, the Church applies to Her the words of Ecclesiasticus, giving us to understand that in Mary we shall all find hope: "In Me is all hope of life and of virtue" (Eccles. 24:25). In Mary we find every grace: "In Me is all grace of the way and of the truth." In Mary we find life and eternal salvation: "He that shall find Me, shall find life, and shall have salvation from the Lord" (Prov. 8:35). In still another place in Scripture we read: "They that work by Me shall not sin. They that explain Me shall have life everlasting" (Eccles. 24:30-31). All this points out how much we need Mary's intercession. This then is the point of which I am convinced by so many theologians and Fathers of the Church. It is definitely incorrect in speaking of them to say, as this modern author does, that, in exalting Mary, they spoke exaggeratingly and that these words dropped from their lips in an excess of fervor. It ill becomes us to say that the saints exaggerated, spoke in hyperboles and overstepped the limits of truth. The saints were animated by the Holy Spirit, who is Truth itself, and it was through Him they spoke. of 7
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means, as by a channel, every good thing that comes to them." He says that "She is a full aqueduct, that others may receive of Her plenitude." On this the saint makes the following significant remark: "Before the birth of the Blessed Virgin, a constant flow of graces was wanting, because this aqueduct did not exist." But now that Mary has been given to the world, heavenly graces constantly flow through Her on all. The devil, like Holofernes, who, in order to gain possession of the city of Bethulia, ordered the aqueducts to be destroyed, exerts himself to his utmost to destroy devotion to the Mother of God in souls; for if this channel of grace is closed, he easily gains possession of them. And here, continues the same St. Bernard, "See, O souls, with what tender devotion Our Lord wills that we should honor Our Queen, by always having recourse to Her protection; and by relying on it; for in Mary He has placed the plenitude of every good, so that henceforward we may know and acknowledge that whatever hope, grace, or other advantage we possess, all comes from the hand of Mary." St. Antoninus says the same thing: "All graces that have ever been bestowed on men, all came through Mary." And on this account She is called the moon, according to the following remark of St. Bonaventure: "As the moon, which stands between the sun and the earth, transmits to this latter whatever it receives from the former, so does Mary pour out upon us who are in this world the heavenly graces that She receives from the Divine Sun of Justice." Again, the holy Church calls Her "the happy gate of Heaven"; for as the same St. Bernard remarks: "As every mandate of grace that is sent by a king passes through the palace-gates, so does every grace that comes from Heaven to the world pass through the hands of Mary." St. Bonaventure says that Mary is called "the gate of Heaven, because no one can enter that blessed kingdom without passing through Her." of 7
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St. Bernardine says that for this reason, "all gifts, all virtues, and all graces are dispensed by the hands of Mary to whomsoever, when, and as She pleases." Richard of St. Laurence also asserts "that God wills that whatever good things He bestows on His creatures should pass through the hands of Mary." And therefore the Venerable Abbot of Celles exhorts all to have recourse to "this treasury of graces" (for so he calls Her); for the world and the whole human race have to receive every good that can be hoped for through Her alone. "Address yourselves to the Blessed Virgin," he says; "for by Her, and in Her, and with Her, and from Her, the world receives, and is to receive, every good." It must now be evident to all that when these saints and authors tell us in such terms that all graces come to us through Mary, they do not simply mean to say that we "received Jesus Christ, the source of every good, through Mary," as the before-named writer pretends; but that they assure us that God, who gave us Jesus Christ, wills that all graces that have been, that are, and will be dispensed to men to the end of the world through the merits of Christ, would be dispensed by the hands and through the intercession of Mary. of 7
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*The doctrine of Mary's dignity as Mediatrix of all graces is commonly accepted by theologians, and recent pontiffs have occasionally alluded to it. We know that Benedict XIV has left these words on record: "Mary is like a celestial river by which the waters of all graces and gifts are conveyed to poor mortals." Pius IX, in speaking to the bishops of the whole world made use of the words of St. Bernard: "God wills that every grace should come to us through Her." In his encyclical on the devotion of the Rosary, Sept. 22, 1891, Pope Leo XIII says: "In a true and natural sense may we say that from the great treasury of graces that the Lord has merited for us, nothing came to us, by the will of God except through Mary." St. Pius X declares: "She is the dispensatrix of the graces that Jesus Christ has merited for us by His blood and His death." The following are the words of Benedict XV: "It has pleased God to grant us all graces through the intercession of Mary." Again: "All the graces which the Giver of all good deigns to grant to the descendants of Adam, are dispensed to us, in the disposition of a loving Providence, through the hands of the Blessed Virgin." And: "The graces of all kinds that we receive from the treasury of the Redemption are dispensed by the hands of the Sorrowful Virgin." It is worthy of note that four recent popes have directed special attention to this teaching on the Blessed Virgin Mary. They refer to it repeatedly, and thus place the seal of approval on the authority of those of former times who held the doctrine and particularly of St. Alphonsus. On the strength of these testimonies one can unhesitatingly subscribe to the judgment of the Apologist Bainvel, S.J., that, the twofold cooperation of Mary in the work of redemption, first on earth by Her life, prayer and suffering, and then in Heaven by Her prayer is sound Catholic doctrine, beyond all dispute and worthy of being defined, i.e. of being raised to the dignity of an article of faith. Father Jansen, C.SS.R. says that what the supreme teacher of the Church proclaims so loudly, deserves to be made known not merely to the students of theology in classrooms, but in pulpit and press to the faithful of the whole world. Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., the eminent theologian who taught up to the time of Vatican II also held that the doctrine that Mary is the Mediatrix of all graces could be solemnly defined by the Church as a doctrine of Catholic faith because it is contained in the deposit of Faith left us by Christ and the Apostles. At Vatican II the Blessed Virgin Mary is again spoken of as "Mediatrix". Here are the words of Vatican II: "This motherhood of Mary in the order of grace continues uninterruptedly from the consent which She loyally gave at the Annunciation and which She sustained without wavering beneath the cross, until the eternal fulfillment of all the elect. Taken up to Heaven She did not lay aside this saving office but by Her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation. By Her maternal charity, She cares for the brethren of Her Son, who still journey on earth surrounded by dangers and difficulties, until they are led into their blessed home. Therefore the Blessed Virgin is invoked in the Church under the titles of Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix." (Paragraph 62, Constitution of the Church.)
Prayer of 7 Page 6
O my soul, see what a sure hope of salvation and eternal life Our Lord has given you, by having in His mercy inspired you with confidence in the patronage of His Mother; and this, notwithstanding that so many times by your sins you have merited His displeasure and hell. Thank your God, and thank your protectress Mary, who has condescended to take you under Her mantle, for of this you may be well convinced, after the many graces that you have received by Her means. O yes, I do thank You, my Most Loving Mother, for all You have done for me who am worthy of hell. And from how many dangers have You not delivered me, O Queen! How many inspirations and mercies have You not obtained for me from God! What service, what honor, have I ever rendered You, that You should do so much for me? I know that it is Your sole goodness that has impelled You. Ah, too little would it be in comparison with all that I owe You, if I were to shed my blood and give my life for You; for You have delivered me from eternal death; You have enabled me, as I hope, to recover divine grace; to You, in fact, I owe all I have. My most amiable Lady, I, poor wretch that I am, can make You no return hut that of always loving and praising You. Ah, disdain not to accept the tender affection of a poor sinner, who is inflamed with love for Your goodness. If my heart is unworthy to love You, because it is impure and filled with earthly affections, it is You who must change it. Ah, change it then. Bind me to my God, and bind me so that I may never more have it in my power to separate myself from His love. You ask of me that I should love Your God, and I ask of You that You should obtain this love for me, to love Him always; this is all that I desire. Amen. of 7
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