Nehemiah: A Great Attitude in A Bad Time
Nehemiah: A Great Attitude in A Bad Time
Nehemiah: A Great Attitude in A Bad Time
For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. Nehemiah 1:4 When Nehemiah first saw his brother, he cou dn!t he p to as" about his hometown, the city where he his parents ived, the p ace where God showed #imse f for the ones whom #e chose to be #is. It had been a ong time since Nehemiah heard about his peop e. $ough years had passed since they were serving as s aves in foreign ands. #e was eager to earn something good about his hometown. #e tru y be ieved there was some piece of hope for his peop e. %ut the news was worse possib e. &erusa em was tota y bro"e, peop e were in great troub e, wa s and gates down. $he very worse have happened. $he s ightest piece of hope was undone. #ow many times we fee i"e nothing can get worse in our ives' $he way we see it, it is pretty much the end. (fter being hurt so many times, we )ust convince ourse ves to accept what we can!t change, so it wi be easier to dea . We , Nehemiah had a different way to dea with severe prob ems. #e was as human as us to weep and mourn i"e cra*y. %ut he did something which changed everything: he prayed, and prayed for wee"s for this particu ar sub)ect. $hat shows persistence. If you pursue this abi ity, you wi win every batt e on earth and get heaven. +ersistence is the "ey to reach God!s promises. &ust don!t give up. (fter some time of prayer, Nehemiah comes up with a p an. #e decides to ta " to the "ing and as"s him to go to &erusa em and rebui d the wa s. ,ee, if Nehemiah )ust "ept whining, he won!t get anywhere. $hat!s when we pray that things start to change. What Nehemiah does at this point is such a huge e-amp e for us. #e too" a big ris" of osing the position he had achieved as a cupbearer, a very re iab e position to the "ing. We a ways tend to put our needs first, it!s natura . %ut Nehemiah oved and cared so much about God!s peop e that he ris"s his own ife to he p them. #ow much do we care about peop e who God oves' #ow much have we been doing for them' When we put God!s p ans as our priority, #e ta"es care what we need from #im. $hat!s the #is promise ./athew 0.112. 3nce we are doing God!s wi , we shou dn!t worry about anything. #e wi provide whatever we need. $he more we give our ives to #im, the more we! receive from #im. For whoever wants to save their ife wi ose it, but whoever oses their ife for me wi find it ./athew 10:452. God ta"es tough times to show us how great #e is. It is in the crisis that we most see the 6ord. In Nehemiah!s prayer, we can see him worship the 6ord. #ow hard it must be to worship when things aren!t good. $hat!s rea y a great attitude of faith. We must worship #im no matter what circumstances are. We worship #im because #e is worthy. 7ircumstances shou dn!t change the way we see and be ieve in God. We must to "eep our faith strong because that is what "eeps us upright. $here is no situation God can!t change. What seems to be the end wi be the beginning of a great story. God is e-pert in turning awfu things into awesome ones. 8on!t et the circumstances bring you down. ,ee God beside you, istening to you, guiding your steps. #e wi do ama*ing things. ( you have to do is have a great attitude of faith in #im.