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PSPICE and MATLAB/SimElectronic Based Teaching of Linear Integrated Circuit: A New A roach

Abstract--Theoretical conce ts learnt during lectures are usuall! toughened "! E# erimental wor$% The conce t of modeling& anal!sis and designing 'arious circuits and s!stems in linear integrated circuit are e#tremel! challenging% To im art this $nowledge effecti'el! to a large num"er of students at undergraduate le'el is e'en more challenging% Com uter simulations are one of the "est alternate to hardware im lementation% It has "een e# erienced that student(s confidence& interest for the su")ect and their de th of gaining $nowledge were enhanced through the utili*ation of these com uter simulation tools% This a er shows the efficac! of using PS ice and Matla"/SimElectronic in teaching and de'elo ing 'irtual la" of linear integrated circuit% Keywords+linear integrated circuit& com uter simulation& matla"& PS ice%
)read )oard or simulatio n soft$are 4read )oard 4read )oard as $ell as using spice soft$are. 4read )oard as $ell as using spice soft$are. 4read )oard as $ell as using spice soft$are. 4read )oard the topic


Operational &mplifier fundaments &C and DC characteristic s of Op2amp



Linear applications of op2amp


<. Non2linear applications of op2amp

Linear integrated circuit course has gained popularity in the recent past due to continuous & rapid development of L!I technology. In this course" the students are guided throughout a complete design" analysis & simulations of various circuits. One of the main linear integrated circuit is operational amplifier commonly #no$n as O%&'% and Timer (((. The follo$ing learning o)*ectives $ere considered $hile introducing computer soft$are+s at undergraduate level ,-./ To )e a$are a)out learning techni0ues used for analysis and synthesi1ing discrete and integrated circuits. To improve the theoretical concepts of students. To improve the a)ility to design electronic engineering pro*ects )ased on discrete and integrated circuits. To guide throughout a complete design process of discrete and integrated circuits under realistic trade2off conditions. In this paper $e are providing ne$ ideas of utili1ing these simulation soft$are3s in teaching and learning various concepts of linear integrated circuits. The main contents of proposed course of linear integrated circuits are sho$n in ta)le -.
T&4L5-. %RO%O!5D COUR!5 O6 LIN5&R INT57R&T5D CIRCUIT! !No . Name Topic of List of La)oratory 58ercise 9hether performe d on %ro*ect assigned using %!%IC5:!im5lectroni c soft$are )ased on


4asic of ((( timer and its applications


&ctive filter designing using op2amp

Calculate parameters of ;<- op2 amps. To measure the sle$ rate" )and$idth of ;<- IC op2amp Design and verify various linear applications of op2amp Design and verify various non linear applications of op2amp Design monosta)le" asta)le multivi)rato r using timer ((( IC. Design various types of active filters.

Design" analyses and simulation of various parameters of ;<- op2 amps IC. Design" analyses and simulation of &C and DC characteristics of ;<- op2amps IC. Design" analyses and simulation of linear and non linear application of ;<- op2 amps IC.

Design" analyses and simulation of monosta)le" asta)le multivi)rator using timer ((( and ;<Op2&mp IC. Design" analyses and simulation of various types of active filters.

4read )oard as $ell as using spice soft$are


oltage regulators using op2 amp" )asic of ;=> general purpose regulators.

!tudy operation of various regulators.

Trainer )oard

Design" analyses and simulation of various voltage regulators using ;@AA and ;BAA voltage and compare them $ith manufacturer+s specifications.

electronic circuit" a com)ination of !im5lectronics )loc#s and other !imscape and !imulin# )loc#s can )e used. !ome of #ey features of !im5lectronics are/ It includes more than BD electronics and electromechanical components. It has a)ility to e8tend component li)raries using the !imscapeF language. it provides access to lineari1ation and steady2state calculation capa)ilities in !imscape It supports for C2code generation $ith !imulin#E CoderF III IRTU&L L&4OR&TORC 4&!5D ON LIN5&R INT57&R5D CIRCUIT 9ITG %!%IC5 &ND '&TL&4:!I'5L5CTRONIC !I'UL&TION TOOL

II CO'%&R&TI 5 !TUDC O6 %!%IC5 & '&TL&4:!I'5L5CTRONIC There are many computer simulation tools that can used to simulate any electric and electronics circuits and also perform circuit analysis. %!pice and 'atal):!im5lectronic ,;2@2-=. are t$o typical computer simulation tools. No$ a day+s role of simulation cannot )e ignored along $ith theoretical concepts for 0uality education. The advantages of using these simulation tools include/ %rovide a strong virtual la)oratory environment. 5asy to )uild or modify circuits using simulation tool. To allo$ user to modify various parameter and o)serve the outcome on circuit. 5asy to eliminate component or e0uipments that affect outcome. The main dra$)ac# of using computer simulation tools is that the designer is total una$ares physical handle of circuit components. PSPICE/ %!%IC5 ,;2@2-D. $hich stands for %C version" !imulation %rogram $ith Integrated Circuit" is mostpopular simulation tool that models the )ehavior of a circuit containing analog and digital components. It can perform )oth )asic and advance analysis li#e DC" &C" Transient" sensitivity" noise and temperature.. Dr. L$rence Negal at University of California has originally developed !%IC5 algorithm $hich is the )rain of %!%IC5 developed )y 'icro!im Corporation. $e can do$nload student version of this soft$are at $$$ free of charge. %!%IC5 is $idely used in industry as $ell as education )ecause of the follo$ing reasons/ It has analog and digital parts $hich can )e used. Its familiari1e and use is very easy. It contains li)raries developed )y the manufacturers. It is the most significant advance in circuit design methodology in the last >D years SIMELECTRONIC/ !im5lectronicsE ,@.soft$are $hich $or# in com)ination $ith !imscapeF soft$are and e8tends the physical modeling capa)ilities of the !imulin#E product family $ith tools for modeling and simulating electromechanical and electronic systems. To )uild a any

& num)ers of e8perimental e8ercises are assigned to the students either using simulation tools or prototyping using training )oard. 4ut only a fe$ universities and engineering institutions" teach simulation tools as a part of the sylla)us in class:la)s. If simulation tools li#e %!pice and '&TL&4:!im5lectronic are included in their course curriculum" it saves time and potentially creates interest in the su)*ect. 'oreover if these simulation tools are taught )y an e8perience person" confidence of students in theory increased significantly. Gere $e are presenting a fe$ la) pro)lem of linear integrated circuit $hich are simulated using these tools and simulated results are compared $ith theoretical results. 6irst e8ample of la)oratory assignment is design of 4and %ass filter ,(2?2--. sho$n in fig. -Ha")I using %!pice !chematics and '&TL&4:!im5lectronic model of 4and %ass filter for t$o cut2off fre0uencies i.e f GJ-DKG1 and fLJ-'G1. 4and pass filters is one $hich passes a particular )and of fre0uencies and attenuate any other input fre0uency outside this pass )and such that higher cut2off fre0uency Hf GI should )e greater than lo$er cut2off fre0uency HfLI. The transfer function of 4%6 has the form G4%6 HsI J

9here K%4 is overall pass2)and gain and c is the resonant fre0uency in rad:sec. There are t$o types of )and2pass filter/ Narro$ )and pass and $ide )and pass filter $hich can )e identify from the value of Luality factor HLI ,-2=2(.. If L less than or e0ual to -D" filter is $ide )and and if L is greater than -D then it is narro$ )and pass filter. The relationship )et$een L" >2d4 )and$idth H49I and resonant fre0uency HfRI is given )y e0.= LJ

K PB H c : QI S S + H c : QI S + c=


fC fH fL


6or $ide )and pass filter as sho$n in fig.=HaI $ith f GJ-D#G1 and fLJ-'G1" a ma8imum gain attained at the resonant fre0uency HfCI $hich is given )y e0.>


fH fL


Vp Ca 3 Ra 1Vac 0Vdc Vs 2 uA 741 4 U2 + 7 OS2 5 6 1 Rb Cb 2 -



7 + OS2 5 6 1 uA741 U2 R f2 Vn 4 V+ OUT OS1 V-

R f1

R i1

R i2

+ + + Ca Ra + OPA LM 741A R f1 + Rb

+ + Cb OPA LM 741A1 R f2 +
O u t1 C onn1 C onn2

si m o u t T o W o rksp a c e

S u b S y ste m 2

R i2 + R i1 + v_ in W id e b a n d b a n d p a ss fil te r f(x )= 0
i C on n2 C onn1 C on n3 C on n4

S o lv e r C o n fig u ra tio n


1 i

S u b sy ste m 1

6igure-. %!pice !chematic & !im5lectronic 'odel of 4and %ass filter

6igure=. Computer simulated output of )and pass filter

The simulated result sho$n in fig.= sho$s that t$o cut2off fre0uencies and overall gain are almost same as calculated mathematical. Thus it is very easy for students to modify components values in !chematics and 'odel" re2simulate the filter and then compare ne$ simulated results $ith theoretically calculated value till desired results are not o)tained.

In the second e8ample" $e have designed s0uare $ave generator ,=2>. $hich is also called free running oscillator as sho$n in fig. - $hich sho$s t$o sets of feed)ac#" $hich are lo$ pass R2C net$or# and a fraction =

R= of H R= + R- I

output is feed)ac# to non2inverting terminal through voltage divider net$or# circuit $hich gives reference voltage ref .

+ R + -

O P -A M P u A 7 4 1 + R1 R2 + f(x )= 0 S olve r -

O u t1 C onn1 C onn2

SS1 sc o p e

C -



O u t1 C onn1 C onn2


6igure<. Computer simulated output of s0uare $ave generator 6igure>. %!pice !chematic & !im5lectronic 'odel of s0uare $ave generator

The principle of generation of s0uare $ave output is to force an op2amp in the saturation region. 9henever input at inverting terminal *ust e8ceeds ref" s$itching ta#es place )et$een M ref and 2 ref resulting in a s0uare $ave output. The fre0uency of s0uare $ave is determined )y the time it ta#es capacitor C- to charge from 2 ref to M ref and vice2versa and is given )y -+ TJ R A C A In H-I - If R-JR=" then JD.( and TJ=ARACAIn > and if R -J-.-?<R= then TJ=ARAC and fre0uency of oscillation is given )y f oJ

. = RC
In this $ay" $e can assign a num)er of e8periment and pro*ects )ased on linear integrated circuits course curriculum as listed in ta)le-. I R5!ULT! &ND DI!CU!!ION In this paper" $e have simulated t$o e8ample related to the course of linear integrated circuit and sho$s their output using %!%IC5 and '&TL&4:!im5lectronics soft$are. The cut2off fre0uencies o)tained from !imulation for )and pass filter are appro8imately e0ual to mathematically o)tained fre0uencies. !imilarly" the oscillation fre0uency of s0uare $ave fre0uency is almost e0ual to the mathematically calculated fre0uency. The ta)le = sho$s the simulated and mathematically calculated results for the a)ove t$o e8amples. I . CONCLU!ION

In this paper" the authors have proposed a ne$ course curriculum of linear integrated circuits and also used %!%IC5 and '&TL&4:!im5lectronic to demonstrate ho$ some of e8periment can )e simulated and studied outside la)oratory. This approach improves the performance and response of students in teaching and learning. These simulation tools can )e used profita)ly in the analysis of any pro)lem related to operational amplifier. R565R5NC5! ,-. &riel 4uten)erg" 'ariano 7arcia In1a" !e)astian Car)onetto" Noss Lipovet1#y" 7a)riel 7a)ian" Garnan Romero and daniel 'usciano"O9or# in process2development of linear integrated circuit course focused on design under realistic trade2off conditions"O in proc. of <-st &!I:I555 6rontiers in education conference" Oct"-=2-("=D--. ,=. !an*ay K. Tupe" !ayyad !.4. and 4ehre !.G"OComparative study of different spice soft$are+s using asta)le multivi)rator in different spice soft$areO" international *ournal of recent trends in engineering" vol =" No ?" Novem)er =DDB. ,>. !yifaul 6uada" 6re)u Trilangga a0uari"O!0uare $ave generator circuit analysis using matla) approachO" international *ournal of engineering sciences and research technology" ol = No. =" 6e)"=D->. ,<. Dillard 9.C."OIs spice applica)le across the 5C5 currilcuum"O proceeding of the =DD< &!55 !outheast !ection conference" =DD<. ,(. Choudhary D. Roy" Nain !hail 4."Olinear integrated circuits"O Ne$ &ge International %u)lisher" Ne$ Delhi ,?. Rashid '.G"O 'icroelectronics Circuit analysis and Design"O %9! pu)lishing company" -BBB. ,;. %!pice schematics" evaluation version B.-" cadence design system" ,@. 'ath9or#s3 !im5lectronicsE User3s 7uide ,B. Tunenga %aul 9" !%IC5/ & guide to circuit simulation and analysis using %!%IC5" 5ngle$ood Cliffs N. N. U!&" %rientice Gall/ -BB@. ,-D. University of %ennsylvania" Department of 5lectrical & !ystem 5ngineering" %!%IC5 P & )rief primer. Nan ander !piegel Q =DD? *an2at2seusepenn.cdu. ,--. L K. 'ahesh$ari '. '. !. &nand" La)oratory 58periments and %!%IC5 simulations in &nalog 5lectronics %rentice P all of India%rivate limited Ne$ Delhi P --D DD-"=DD;. ,-=. 'umhad G. Rashid" Introduction to %!pice using orC&D for Circuits and 5lectronics" %rentice P Gall of India" %rivate Limited Ne$ Delhi P --D DD-" =DD?.

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