Electric Machine Simulation

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Electric machines simulation with QuickField

Practical recommendations for practical engineers.

(corresponding QuickField examples are placed to ICEM 2011/motors folder in the root of your QuickField Demo CD)

Tera-Analysis Ltd

There are three main steps for the electric machine simulation in QuickField: 1. Geometry definition ! Defining the field sources (currents or permanent magnets) and material properties. " Results analysis.

1. Geometry definition
QuickField may sol#e plane-parallel or axysimmetrical tasks

$oughly speaking% rotating machine is formed &y t'o coaxial o&(ects ) rotor inside% and stator outside *f the axial length is not too small compared to the diameter% then the system may &e represented as a plane-parallel model

Real device

Simulation model

+sing this approach% !D analysis may often &e applied for the simulation of the acti#e ,one of electric machine ) i e the part 'hich generates the tor-ue% defines the current loads and flux densities .nd ,ones of electric machine usually re-uire "D simulation% and can not &e performed 'ith QuickField

. Field sources and material properties.

/ain modules of QuickField used for electric machine analysis are magnetostatics% AC magnetics and transient electromagnetics !agnetostatics may &e applied for the models 'ith non-linear magnetic materials% and permanent magnets 0ro#ides calculation of fluxes% tor-ues% forces "# !agnetics pro#ides field analysis for the models 'ith sinusoidal source currents of any fre-uency (up to /1, range)% 'ith eddy currents in solid conductors 2ut there should &e only one fre-uency for all #alues in the model% and therefore all the materials should &e considered as linear This formulation pro#ides the same outputs as /agnetostatics% plus possi&ilities for impedance calculation Transient $lectromagnetics expands all features and approaches of the /agnetostatics to the time domain 3upports linear and non-linear materials% formula-defined sources% and is most flexi&le for 'ide range of pro&lems 2ut transient analysis calculations are most time-consuming of all types of QuickField analysis% &ecause re-uire field calculation in many time steps 4ther QuickField modules may also &e useful for additional studies For example% Transient 1eat Transfer module may &e used for calculation of the temperature distri&ution% /echanical 3tresses may help to estimate the mechanical sta&ility% and DC Conduction ) for the calculation of the currents in the slot insulation

%. Results analysis
$esults% pro#ided &y QuickField% include local #alues% field maps% plots and integrals in any moment of time (in Transient pro&lems) or phase (in AC pro&lems)

How to model transformers with QuickField

"&ysimmetrical pro'lem5 Single phase transformer with concentric windings (lane)parallel pro'lem5 Most of other types of transformers (including 3 phase!" End #one effects should $e neglected% which may affect the accuracy

$&ample. *ingle phase shell)core transformer.

6eometric model in QuickField 'ill look like this5

secondary winding primary winding


7indings are put concentrically one o#er another The thin 'ire filling the 'inding is represented &y the current layer $esults of the secondary 'inding electromoti#e force calculations look like5

To find the actual #alue of the secondary 'inding #oltage the displayed parameter should &e multiplied &y the num&er of the secondary 'inding turns This gi#es the secondary 'inding #oltage 'ith no load5 !88 8 !9" : 98 ; < 0lease% refer to the QuickField pro&lem in the =transformers> folder

How to model DC motors with QuickField

In &C motor the stator poles produce static magnetic field" 'he rotor field is also static $ecause the $rushes are fi(ed" 'wo static fields may $e simulated in &C Magnetics" $&ample: #alculate the current)tor+ue caracteristic for the motor ,ith serial e&citation ,inding. 6eometric model looks like5

The la&els of the direct and re#erse currents of the core 'ere set according to the connection schema5

4 #


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7inding in the rotor slots is defined &y the e-ui#alent single conductor This simplification does not affect to the magnetic field distri&ution All conductors 'ith the same direction of currents are assigned the same la&el La&el properties specify serial connection of the conductors
Resulting magnetic field& 'urrent$tor(ue caracteristic&

0lease% refer to the QuickField pro&lem in the =dc?motor> folder

How to model asynchronous motors with QuickField

'o simulate rotation the) slip fre*uency) approach should $e used

'he pro$lem with different rotation speeds of the rotor (w2! and magnetic field of the stator(w1! may $e replaced $y the pro$lem with stationary rotor and the stator field rotating with (w1 w2! speed" $&ample: #alculation of the tor+ue)speed characteristic of the motor !(n) 4n the geometric model &elo' the &lock la&els% sho'ing the phases of the 'indings% are sho'n

3eries of the calculations 'ith the #aried stator current fre-uency gi#es the tor-ue-speed characteristic For this task com&ined use of QuickField 'ith La&el/o#er is recommended5 $esulting magnetic field5 Tor-ue-speed characteristic

0lease% refer to the QuickField pro&lem in the =ac?motor> folder

How to model different parts of electric machines in QuickField

1ints for the typical tasks of electric motor design are pro#ided &elo' *lot *n most cases there is no need to dra' all indi#idual conductors They may &e replaced &y single solid conductor% or% if there are se#eral layers of 'inding ) &y se#eral conductors (ole 0ole 'inding consists of many conductors This decreases eddy current effects% and it may &e supposed that the current density is uniformally distri&uted along the cross section of the 'inding 3uch 'inding may &e presented in QuickField &y a single &lock 'ith e#enly distri&uted current density -aminated cores There is no eddy currents in laminated cores .lectrical conducti#ity in the &lock properties should not &e defined @on-linear magnetic materials may &e defined in the DC magnetics or Transient electromagnetics *hort)circuited loops 3hort circuited loops may &e defined &y setting +:8 in the la&el properties *:8 means that the loop is disconnected *hort)circuited rotor 3hort-circuited rotor may &e presented in QuickField as a set of conductors% ha#ing the same la&el% and 'ith +:8 in this la&el properties Rotating magnetic field $otating magnetic field may &e simulated either in AC /agnetics or in Transient .lectromagnetics AC magnetics re-uires definition of the single fre-uency for all currents in the pro&lem% and setting of specific phases for e#ery current Transient .lectromagnetics allo'ing using formulas for currents definition% e g sin(tAB!8) $&ternal circuit AC magnetics and Transient electromagnetics in QuickField supports connection of the external circuit% and coupled simulation of the field and circuit parts of the pro&lem .eating of stator and rotor QuickField supports coupled pro&lems of AC magnetics (or Transient .lectromagnetics) 'ith 1eat Transfer Currents calculated in the conductors &y electromagnetic simulation may then &e used as heat sources in the thermal analysis !echanical deformations and stresses in the electric motor parts Coupled magneto-mechanical analysis may &e applied to calculate deformations and stresses in the parts of electric motors /agnetic forces% calculated &y electromagnetic simulation are then considered as a mechanical loads in the 3tress Analysis

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