Electric Machine Simulation
Electric Machine Simulation
Electric Machine Simulation
Tera-Analysis Ltd
There are three main steps for the electric machine simulation in QuickField: 1. Geometry definition ! Defining the field sources (currents or permanent magnets) and material properties. " Results analysis.
1. Geometry definition
QuickField may sol#e plane-parallel or axysimmetrical tasks
$oughly speaking% rotating machine is formed &y t'o coaxial o&(ects ) rotor inside% and stator outside *f the axial length is not too small compared to the diameter% then the system may &e represented as a plane-parallel model
Real device
Simulation model
+sing this approach% !D analysis may often &e applied for the simulation of the acti#e ,one of electric machine ) i e the part 'hich generates the tor-ue% defines the current loads and flux densities .nd ,ones of electric machine usually re-uire "D simulation% and can not &e performed 'ith QuickField
%. Results analysis
$esults% pro#ided &y QuickField% include local #alues% field maps% plots and integrals in any moment of time (in Transient pro&lems) or phase (in AC pro&lems)
7indings are put concentrically one o#er another The thin 'ire filling the 'inding is represented &y the current layer $esults of the secondary 'inding electromoti#e force calculations look like5
To find the actual #alue of the secondary 'inding #oltage the displayed parameter should &e multiplied &y the num&er of the secondary 'inding turns This gi#es the secondary 'inding #oltage 'ith no load5 !88 8 !9" : 98 ; < 0lease% refer to the QuickField pro&lem in the =transformers> folder
The la&els of the direct and re#erse currents of the core 'ere set according to the connection schema5
4 #
11 $
1! #
26 $
7inding in the rotor slots is defined &y the e-ui#alent single conductor This simplification does not affect to the magnetic field distri&ution All conductors 'ith the same direction of currents are assigned the same la&el La&el properties specify serial connection of the conductors
Resulting magnetic field& 'urrent$tor(ue caracteristic&
'he pro$lem with different rotation speeds of the rotor (w2! and magnetic field of the stator(w1! may $e replaced $y the pro$lem with stationary rotor and the stator field rotating with (w1 w2! speed" $&le: #alculation of the tor+ue)speed characteristic of the motor !(n) 4n the geometric model &elo' the &lock la&els% sho'ing the phases of the 'indings% are sho'n
3eries of the calculations 'ith the #aried stator current fre-uency gi#es the tor-ue-speed characteristic For this task com&ined use of QuickField 'ith La&el/o#er is recommended5 $esulting magnetic field5 Tor-ue-speed characteristic
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