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Scarborough Manuscript Roll (Facsimile)

The original is now in the hands of the Grand Lodge of Canada. Ap 100 years ago Lodge Quatuor Coronati No 2076 produced a limited edition of this roll limited to 100 copies

Bradford Manuscript Roll of the Old Constitutions of Masonry

Approx 100 years ago Lodge Quatuor Coronati No 2076 produced limited edition of this roll limited to 100 copies This is roll no.5

1722 The Old Roberts Constitutions belonging to the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted

This is a Photostat of G W Speths copy in a card binding of the 187 reprint by Richard Spencer This is the AQC facsimile edition of the Constitutions of 1723 and published in 1976 by Quatuor Coronati Lodge Printed for Mrs Dodd This is a Photostat of this publication

ANDERSONS constitutions 1723 and 1738

1739 The Beginning and first Foundation of the Most Worthy Craft of Masonry with the Charges thereunto belonging JACHIN and BOAZ

This is a copy of Jachin and Boaz in the paper covered issue of 184 The outside wrap is probably later. Full title is Jachin and Boaz or Authentic Key to the Door of Free-Masonry Both Ancient and Mod Calculated not only for the Instruction of every New-made Mason; also, for the Information of all who intend to become Brethren LONDON Printed for the Booksellers No date

The Regius Manuscript

as published in 1757. This is a Quatuor Coronati facsimile from 189 bound as original in red leather, . The Regius M/s is the oldest docu referring to Freemasonry yet discovered. It was discovered in old documents in British Museum. Originally written in 1390 it was presented to King George II who presented it to the Nation. This is form of a poem. This book is extensive requoted and available in ch reprints etc. This is a very rare Facsimile copy .

I have only had one copy in 40+ years.


The 46 pages of this Calendar for 1790 contain details of Lodges a their meeting places as well as general information. This has been to a paper restoration firm and the pages have been re stitched and repaired. The whole is now in a soft card binding with decorative cover with title on spine. Very rare 1987 reprint in paperback 1843 reprint edited by George Oliver


The Spirit of Freemasonry The Spirit of Freemasonry

JOHN ROBINSON Proofs of Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments.

1797 Edinburgh Early anti-masonic book Rebound in half-leather This is a very scarce book in the 1797 edition a beautiful example


Illustrations of Masonry

1804 The First USA edition bound in leather. This is the first significant book on Freemasonry published in USA with complete of the Lodges in the USA. Printed by W+D Treadwell, Portsmouth pages VG

Illustrations of Masonry

A second copy which has been rebound recently in Cloth binding. V presentable on shelf 406 pages 1821 Thirteenth edition with corrections and additions by Stephen Past Master of the Same Lodge (Lodge of Antiquity) Printed for G


Illustrations of Masonry George Oliver Notes

W B Whittaker Ave Maria Lane London The Illustrations of Masonry 17th edition with additions by Geo.Oli 1861


AHIMAN REZON or A HELP TO A BROTHER to which are added Collection of Masons Songs and
Solomons Temple

Published by Spencer Great Queen Street London Published in USA by Leon Hyneman this Masonic Library is in one Volume of 768 pages and comprises reprints of Ahiman Rezon 2nd edition 72 pages A Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry by Rev Geo Oliver 2 pages The History of Initiation by Rev Geo. Oliver 176 pages History of Freemasonry in England by Rev James O Hall 36 pages New book of Constitutions James Anderson 1738 167 p Laws and Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland 74 pages Also included is a list Grand Office bearers 1847-48 and Provincial Grand Masters 1848 leather bound in very good condition and inexpensive collection the rare Ahiman Rezon and 1738 Book of Constitutions Published 1769 in Dublin, This is the 3rd edition of Ahiman Rezon published by Laurence Dermott of 62 pages; This section end with note End of the Irish and York masons Regulations PLUS A Collection of Masons songs and entertaining Prologues a Epilogues 70 pages and finally also bound in is Solomons Temple b John Bunyan of 144 pages. This last section is heavily foxed . Bou contemporary leather binding RARE ITEM

AHIMAN REZON or A HELP TO A BROTHER to which are added Collection of Masons Songs

Another similar copy about 1770. Unfortunately NO frontispiece or


Bro. Downes 4th ed 1820

CONSTITUTION of FREEMASONRY (AHIMAN REZON) to which are added Certain Lectures,

Charges and a Masonic Ritual

introduction. Starts as above Ahiman Rezon Before we enter into cause or motive This section ends with the note End of Regulations for 1768 This is followed by A Collection of Masons songs and entertaining Prologues and Epilogues 130 pages Finally there is an advertisement for the Constitutions of the Ancien Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons recently published . Printed for Thomas Wilkinson Dublin This copy does not have the addition of the Solomons Temple Bound in an early half calf-leather with marbled boards. Condition throughout is good with usual foxing 7 x 4.25 This is published by Authority of the Grand Lodge of Ireland and is known as Bro.Downes Fourth Edition. Published in Dublin by Bro C Downes (P M 141), this book was in common usage in USA until the publication of Webbs Monitor There is a long initial section of Old Charges etc of 151 pages; followed by the New Laws in 5 sections; and then a section of 82 pages of Masonic Songs with a few Prolgues and Epilogues. The whole has been rebound in an excellent half-leather binding wi gilt title to the spine reading The Constitutions of Free -Masonry a very nice condition Rare Wolfsteig 2041 Dublin 1839 Printed by Brother William Underwood Professional rebound


1850 Constitution Of Freemasonry or Ahiman Rezon to which are added Certain Lectures, Charges and a Masonic ritual. Regular bin with book plate of Rt Hon Lord Dunboyne

Do with De-luxe binding embossed in gold with Square and compa etc NO Bookplate

1858 Laws and Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Free and Acce Masons of Ireland to which is appended The Masonic Ritualist and

Lecturer, The Ancient Charges and Prayers to be used in Lodges etc Bookplate of Wallace Heaton

CHARLES G ADDISON the History of the Knights Templar

1888 Laws and Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Free and Acc Masons of Ireland to which is appended The Masonic Ritualis Lecturer, The Ancient Charges and Prayers to be used in Lodge Bookplate of Wallace Heaton The Temple Church and the Templars originally published in 1842. is a modern re-issue by Forgotten Books in paperback 2008


Report of, to the Governor of Alabama Dec 1900 Vol 1. Copy dedicated to Hughan on fep. This contains a section of papers and books on Freemasonr

1848 This is the First edition produced by Grand Lodge of Scotland itself 1904 the 12th edition In VG condition

CONSTITUTIONS belonging to the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of England
and Ireland

1923 13th edition This is a proof copy sent to Bro Peter Smellie fo amendment. As a result it heavily annotated. A very interesting and unique copy Reprints of the First editions published in London 1722;1723;1726 Dublin 1730 edited by Rev John Edmund Cox Published by Spenc


1871 This is the small format version of the 1895 Book of Constitutions issued by E Letchworth General Secretary 1863 edition in good condition



The Rationale and Ethics of Freemasonry

Presentation copy of critically considered and compared with the ol Edition (1873) Published Simpkin Marshall & Co 1883 - a series articles reprinted from the Freemasons Chronicle. Paper cover is detached published by Robt.Macoy New York 1859. Owners signature on f and on one page in text.- paper browning Rare


The Descent of Symbolic Masonry

traced from Zoroaster with a descriptive account of all the Ancient Mysteries Soft back (repaired)1896 Liverpool and Signed by Autho

JOHN ARMSTRONG A History of Freemasonry in Cheshire

being a record of all extinct and existing Lodges, Craft and Mark a Royal Arch Chapters, Provincial Grand Lodges Craft, Mark and Provincial Grand Chapter. Published by Geo Kenning 1901. 540 pages In a limited edition 500 this is No 127 and signed by the author


A story of an Antient Lodge

BRO G CLARET The whole of Craft Free-masonry COLEs Constitutions JOHN EDMUND COX FRED J W CROWE The Scottish Master Masons Handbook LAURENCE DERMOTT The constitutions of Freemasonry or Ahiman Rezon

A general short history of Freemasonry with particular reference to Lodge of Temperance 169 with Prize day at the RMIG All early editions by Bro Claret are required

Reproduced in exact facsimile with an introduction by W J Hughan Produced in Leeds this is no.85 of an edition of 200 1897

The Old Constitutions belonging to the Ancient and Honourable So of Free and Accepted masons of England and Ireland PUBLISHED Richard Spencer 1871 with introduction by W J Hughan 2nd edition Kenning revised to 1910

See above under Ahiman Rezon

J G FINDEL History of Freemasonry from its rise to the present day J FINLAY FINLAYSON Symbols and Legends of Freemasonry J FINLAY FINLAYSON Symbols and Legends of Freemasonry

Translated from the 2nd edition 1866. This is a facsimile copy

published by George Kenning 1889 (ex Masonic Library stamp) V copy a 1910 copy in VG condition ( small library sticker on inside front cover)

HENRY TENNYSON FOLKARD GEORGE F FORT A critical inquiry into the Condition of the Conventual Builders and their relations to Secular
Guilds in the Middle Ages

Works relating to Freemasonry 2nd enlarged edition of The Wigan Masonic catalogue 1882 J W Bouton New York 1884


The History of Freemasonry

This is book of collected essays and lectures entitled . The Spanish Story the Armada. Was published by Longman Green in 1909 and includes a lecture given at the Philosophical Institution in 1885 enti The Templars 3 volumes 1st edition in RED was published by Jack of Edinburg and London. With illustrations of Masonic Dignitaries. Due to the weight the binding does NOT stand up to heavy use and seldom found in V Good condition and the spines are often damage The History of Freemasonry by Robert F Gould in 3 Volumes.

The History of Freemasonry

Most people know this in a Red binding with portraits of Masonic personalities. This is the Blue bound issue (possibly second version which has the beautiful plates of Masonic regalia in Coloured Thermolithography printing

As a life time collector of Masonic jewels etc I have always though less common edition is more interesting because of its illustrations

Notorious for the bad spine binding on all the 3 volume sets of Gou am pleased that this set has been professionally rebound with blue leather spines. The gold titles differ from the original but the conten in excellent condition

ROBERT F GOULD The History of Freemasonry ROBERT F GOULD

The History of Freemasonry

This is one of the best sets you will ever find and especially in the l common blue version The 6 volumes version is much better as it does stand up to much more handling. Again in Blue with elaborate Masonic symbo spine. .Illustrations are of regalia as in the 3 volume edition abov This is the 5 volume set published by Caxton and revised a brought up to date by Dudley Wright. This is a brilliant set in excel condition with its original dust jackets

The History of Freemasonry

5 volume set brought up to date by Rev Herbert Poole contains colour plates not in the 5 volume version 3rd edition 1951

The History of Freemasonry

the 4 volume set revised by Rev Herbert Poole and published by Ca Press in 1952 This is the 1903 1st edition by Gale Polden 448 pages


The Concise History of Freemasonry


The Concise History of Freemasonry

First published in 1903 this is the 1951 reprint of the 1920 revised edition and now reduced to 372 pages. Published by Gale and Polde

Military Lodges 1732-1899 The Apron and The Sword or Freemasonry under Arms

Four Old Lodges The Founders of Modern Free-masonry

Sir Henry Harben PM No 92

being an account of Lodges in Regiments and Ships of War who ha belonged to the Society Gale and Polden 1899 very difficult to fin .This is a copy presented to Royal United Service Institute by the A and has some library identification. Otherwise VG 1879 This is the 1st edition of a book usually only available as a paperback reprint. The copy has damp discolouring to the front cov but otherwise in very good condition RARE Book This is a tribute to Henry Harben of Moira Lodge who was respons to the development in the C19th of Prudential Assurance to its dom

GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND Proceedings of Grand Lodge GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND The History of Free-masonry Edinburgh JEREMIAH HOW The Freemasons Manual or Illustrations of Masonry E L HAWKINS A Concise Cyclopaedia of Freemasonry WILLIAM J HUGHAN Old Charges of British Freemasons WILLIAM J HUGHAN Origin of the English Rite of Freemasonry WILLIAM J HUGHAN History of the Apollo Lodge York WILLIAM J HUGHAN The Jacobite Lodge at Rome 1735 WILLIAM J HUGHAN Ancient Masonic Rolls of Constitutions in possession of York Lodge No 236

position in the Insurance market-.reprinted from the Christmas Num of the Freemason 1897 Vol. IX 6th March 1895- 1st December 1897 bound in Blue cloth Rebound 1804

3rd edition 1881. Has a library stamp VG This is the 1908 1st edition in VG condition Originally published in 1908 This is the1925 reprint. By A Lewis 2nd edition 1895 ( considered to be the best edition published in 1884 This is the rare 1st edition This is the 3rd edition 1925 Published 1889

with a complete reproduction of the Minute Book 2 facsimiles 1910 ( Cover bound on verso) 7 Lodge of Research Leicester with intro by W J Hughan published Hu 1894

WILLIAM J HUGHAN Reprints of Articles on the Constitution of Freemasonry


WILLIAM J HUGHAN The Engraved Lists of Regular Lodges for AD 1734

This is published as a facsimile but is in fact also a 30 page Introdu with explanatory Notes of those Lodges Kenning 1889

WILLIAM J HUGHAN A Numerical and Numismatical Register of Lodges

Rev WILLIAM LEE KER Mother lodge, Kilwinning

Published by George Kenning as No 5 in a series of Masonic Sketc and Reprints this is a valuable reference book of Lodge Numbers w details of Special and Centenary Medals, Historical and Numismati \Sketches. Discussion of an old historical question published by Alexander Gardner 1896

W F LAMONBY History of Craft Masonry in Cumberland and Westmorland

Rare book from the year 1740 to the present day published Coward of Carlisle 1879. Also has a studio photo of the author signed on the reverse.


1889 Handy Book to the Lists of Lodges Original 2nd edition Facsimile 2nd edition

Masonic Records 1717-1894 Masonic Records 1717-1894 Centenary Warrants and Jewels

DAVID MURRAY LYON Freemasonry in Scotland DAVID MURRAY LYON Freemasonry in Scotland KENNETH MACKENZIE The Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia ALBERT MACKAY A Lexicon of Freemasonry ALBERT MACKAY Lexicon of Freemasonry ALBERT MACKAY The History of Freemasonry In 7 volumes

1891 currently having spine Professionally repaired. Interesting and rare book of interest to Jew collectors History of The Lodge of Edinburgh (Marys Chapel No.1) embrac an account of the Rise and Progress of Freemason in Scotland publ Blackwood 1873 History of The Lodge of Edinburgh (Marys Chapel No.1) embrac an account of the Rise and Progress of Freemason in Scotland The Tercentenary edition published by Gresham Publishing 1900 Originally published 1877 this is a 1987 re-issue facsimile in soft cover by John Hamill and R A Gilbert

This is the 1861 edition which was the 5th US edition and the 2nd U edition and revised by Donald Campbell. The Cover of this copy h been restored by professional bookbinder This is the 1857 4th improved and enlarged edition , - professiona repaired. Some foxing especially to title page. Nice copy

The History of Freemasonry by Albert Mackay was published in 7 volumes

This is a set of 7 volumes of the Classic work by Albert Mackay Vol. 1 Prehistoric Masonry Vol.2 Prehistoric Masonry History of Freemasonry

Vol. 3 Part 2 History of Freemasonry Vol. 4 Part 2 History of Freemasonry Vol. 5 Part 2 History of Freemasonry Part 3 Freemasonry in United States Vol.6 Part 3 Freemasonry in United States Part 4 Symbolism in Freemasonry Vol.7 Part 4 Symbolism of Freemasonry Part 5 Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and Royal Order of Scotland Part 6 Freemasonry in Other Countries*

Also has good illustrations etc including a different portrait of John Desaugliers (see photo below

. CHARLES LETCH MASON The History of the Philanthropic Lodge No 304

of Leeds 1794-1894 Leeds 1894

S L MacGREGOR MATHERS The Kabbalah unveiled J.MATTHEWMAN Masonic Addresses of THOMAS TEW L S MEYER Jewels of Masonic Oratory

. Originally published c 1887. This is sixth impression published in by Routledge and Kegan Paul with an introduction by Mathers Wi The basis of the GOLDEN DAWN Published in 1892 by W H Milnes of Wakefield this is a book of Addresses given by Thomas William Tew JP PGM of West Yorks with a biographical intro and notes by the author 468 pages

MORGANs Freemasonry

Morgans Freemasonry exposed and explained showing the origin, history and Nature of Masonry. Its effect on the Government and th Christian religion. New York c 1840 Poor paper wraps

CHARLES W MOORE The New Masonic Trestle-Board ROB.MORRIS The Poetry of Freemasonry

adapted to the Work and Lectures as practiced in the Lodges, Chap Councils and Encampments of Knights Templars in the United Sta America BOSTON 1868 Rob. Morris designated the Masonic Poet Laureate. This is the 189 Laureate edition by The Werner Company. Dedicated to W J Hug This edition includes a biography of the author by his son also Rob Morris. 400 pages in Blue cloth binding with silver and gilt embo


Masonic Institutes Various Authors

. This is one volume of a set of 5 entitled Remains of the Early Masonic Writers which was edited by G Oliver. 1847 Has bookplate of the Supreme Council


Some Account of the Schism which took place in the last Century

Rev GEORGE OLIVER The Star in the East

This was between the Antients and the Moderns. It includes the presumed origin of the Royal Arch degree in a letter to Robert T Crucefix. 1847 Showing the Analogy which exists between the Lectures of Freema ; Mechanism of Initiation into its Mysteries and the Christian Rel 1843

Rev GEORGE OLIVER A Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry

Rev GEORGE OLIVER Discrepancies of Freemasonry

A rare item by this prolific Masonic author, this was published in 18 by Richard Spencer (London) .including The Royal Arch Degr according to The System prescribed by the Grand Lodge and Supre Grand Chapter of England.. 288 pages plus publishers 14 page l other works by Oliver examined during a weeks gossip with the late celebrated Bro. Gi and other eminent masons etc. etc. 1875 1st


Signs and Symbols

This is George Olivers book Signs and Symbols Illustrated and explained in a course of 12 lectures on Freemasonry. Grimsby 182 printed for the author by Bro Skelton

JOSEPH G. OSBORN History of Freemasonry in West Cornwall from 1765 1828

with Chapters on the Mark, RA and KT Ceremonies. Intro by W J HUGHAN published in 400 only edition in Penzance 1901 cover suffered some water damage but contents are very good - The 1717 Theory exploded Reeves and Turner 1871

CHALMERS L PATON The Origin of Freemasonry CHALMERS L PATON Freemasonry its Symbolism, Religious Nature and Law of Perfection R E M PEACH A Brief Historical Sketch of Craft Masonry ALBERT PIKE Morals and Dogma ALEXANDER POWELL History of the Phoenix Lodge No 257 1786-1893; Chapter of Friendship No 257
(originally No 3) 1769 -1893 and Royal Naval Preceptory of Knights Templar No 2 1791-1893

Reeves and Turner 1873 Hardback. Library sticker on inside front cover. Detailed book covering Jewish Symbols and over 50 Mason symbols 482 pages in the City of Bath 1894

of the Free and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. This work w originally produced in 1871. This copy is 1925 reprint which has be rebound. In half-leather compiled from the books in possession of the Lodge and other sources. Privately printed in Portsmouth 1894

JAMES WILLIAM POWNALL List of Names of Masonic Impostors

BEN W RICHARDSON The Masonic Genius of Robert Burns

J W Pownall was Almoner to many Lodges in Lancashire and Ches and also the Editor of the Freemasons Chronicle. This book is a list Impostors with Documented Cases and some photos of those trying gain Masonic Charity on False Pretences. Dated July 1902 Paper w missing This is a Quatuor Coronati address on 4th March 1892 reprinted from AQC with additional notes by W Fred Vernon

JABEZ RICHARDSON Richardsons Monitor of Freemasonry


The History of Freemasonry in Canada from its Introduction in 1740

This is the 1888 edition of Richardsons Monitor of Freemasonry practical guide to the Ceremonies in All the Degrees conferred in Masonic Lodges, Chapters and Encampments explaining the SIGNS TOKENS and WORDS Published in New York by Dick and Fitzge Very nicely restored in cover with ties. . Published by The Hunter Rose Co, Toronto in 2 Volumes 1899 volumes Volume 1 has 1196 pages Volume 2 is 980 pages with many illustra etc. In excellent condition. Total weight approx 6 kgs unpacked

ALEXANDER ROSS Freemasonry in Inverness HENRY SADLER

Masonic Facts and Fictions

This is the 2 volume limited edition of 2000 copies and this is No 7 being an account of the Ancient Lodges of St Johns Old Kilwinnin 6 of Scotland and St Andrews Kilwinning No 31 of Scotland 1877 Very good binding 1887


Thomas Dunckerley His life, labour and letters

Published by Diprose and Bateman ( with Spencer & Co and Georg


Thomas Dunckerley His life, labours and letters Memorials of the Globe Lodge No 28

Kenning 1891 Do a second copy (ex Masonic Library with ownership annotations) still VG copy 1904


Masonic Reprints and Historical Revelations

Kenning 1898 and introduction by W J Chetwode Crawley

GEO. SHACKLES The Medals Commemorative or Historical of British Freemasonry

D CRAWFORD SMITH History of the Ancient Masonic Lodge of Scoon and Perth No 3

Shackles renowned book is now virtually impossible to find at any under 300. This copy of the book is a reprint by Repressed Publications in a smaller format but containing all the information photos of the original. This is a new copy from USA 2012 (The Lodge of Scone) published Cowan and Co Perth 1898 with in by W J HUGHAN Cloth binding

D CRAWFORD SMITH History of the Ancient Masonic Lodge of Scoon and Perth No 3

Half-leather binding with extras front end pages with photograph of author and signed dedication from the author

Rev,WILLIAM SPARK The Freemasons Liber Musicus HENRY LEONARD STILLSON (Editor in Chief) History of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and
Accepted mason and Concordant Orders

1883 The music for Masonic ceremonies together with lyrics

published in 1893 by the Fraternity Publishing Company a major w of 900+ pages Bound in Green cloth

HENRY LEONARD STILLSON (Editor in Chief) History of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and
Accepted mason and Concordant Orders

A second copy bound in red and dated 1898 the spine has been rep published by Agas. H. Goose Norwich 1896

HAMON LE STRANGE History of Freemason in Norfolk 1724-1895 H B TRISTRAM The Natural History of the Bible W FRED VERNON History of Freemasony in the Province of Roxburgh, Peebles and Selkirkshires A MASTER MASON HENRY D WARD The Words and Works of the Great Architect of the Universe TAXIL,Leo (aka Marie Joseph Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pages 1854-1907

1st edition 1867 in Blue Cloth published by SPCK. Not specifically masonic book but of interest to serious students. Rare

from 1674 to present time . Published Kenning 1893 with Intro by W J Hughan Copious extracts from this book were first published in the Kopbe Chronicle Japan in 1901 but this is the first time they have appeared full undated This the famous anti-masonic hoax exposure Les Mysteres de la F Maconnerie published in Paris by Letouzey & Ane published in th new edition c 1888. The text is in French with many lurid illustratio the ceremonies. 804 pages one small repair to one page. This is a uncommon item


THOMAS SMITH WEBB The Freemasons Monitor of Illustrations of Masonry JOHN A WEISS
Corringe) The Obelisk and Freemasonry (according to the discoveries of Belzoni and Commander

rebound in half-calf the new and improved edition c 1806 with libra stamp of American Antiquarian Society Worcester Mass. USA published J W Bouton New York 1880 With good illustrations in colour published by John Steen 1905 in very nice condition

FREDERIC W WILLMORE a History of Freemasonry in the Province of Staffordshire

HENRY J WHYMPER The religion of Freemasonry A F A WOODFORD A Defence of Freemasonry

intro by W J Hughan 1888

Adolphus Frederick Alexander Woodford (18211887) wa eldest son of Alexander George Woodford, a career soldier w was already a hero of Waterloo, and would rise to Field Mars ending his days in command of Chelsea Hospital. After a sho

stay in the Coldstream Guards, Adolphus entered the Anglica Church, having the living of Swillington from 18471872. On leaving the Army, he also became a Freemason, rising to bec Grand Chaplain in 1863, commuting from Yorkshire to his Lon [1] duties.

After moving to London, his editorship of the Freemason ignit an interest in the study of Masonic history, and led to the establishment of Quatuor Coronati Lodge, dedicated to maso research. Woodford was the first Immediate Past Master of th lodge, and as such convened the lodge for much of its first tw years, during the frequent absences of Charles Warren, the [2] master. Just before his death, towards the end of 1887, he passed on a set of coded papers which resulted in the establishment of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

This is a rare 1 edition of his book which is usually only avai nd as a reprint 1896 2 edition by Geo. Kenning

JOHN YARKER The Arcane Schools

Published by William Tait 1909. Very rare item, usually only foun reprint paperback. Yarker was a rebel Freemason whose strange ri led him to be removed from English Freemasonry (ex Masonic Library copy)

This book was issued as a paperback in 2007 by Cosimo Classics i USA

See also under Periodicals for the complete KNEPH



This is the 20 Volume complete set of 'British Masonic Miscellany' .each volume approx 144 pages

The set contains articles and all aspects of Freemasonry is a very interesting source of casual reading or basis for short talks.

Published in 1920's period to raise money for the refurbishment of the Dundee Masonic Hall, This series George Martin provides almost 3000 pages of interestin Masonic information and is the basis of any masonic library.

Individual copies (subject to availability) stock but no complete sets

we have a num

1912-1950 BOOKS


East Lancashire Masonic Worthies

Published by Weare and Co London 1913 This is the rare book of short his of Lodges round the World restored professionally VG

EUSTACE B BEESLEY Freemasonry in Lancashire from the earliest times down to the partition of the
Province of Lancashire into two divisions in AD 1825-6

COL. ROBERT J BLACKHAM Apron Men - The Romance of Freemasonry WILLIAM MOSELY BROWN Highlights Of Templar History Rev E CAHILL Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement CHARLES H CALLAHAN
The Memorial to Washington

This is a series of biographies of various Masons of East Lancashire Portraits including Thje Rt.Hon Earl of Derby. Published by Sherr and Hughes 1913 published by the Manchester Assn of Masonic Research 1932 Lim edition 46 of 500 and signed by the author .ex Wigan Public Library spine is torn Rider and Co 1933 Prepared for the Committee on Templar History of the Grand Encampment, Knights Templar, USA 1944 This is a Kessinger Reprint 3rd imp1949

Published in 1924 this book in a soft cover is a tribute to George Washington with a biography and a descriptions of various items w are featured in the Washington Memorial; details of the Memorial Association and finally a detailed description of the Temple and its


The Grand Festival and the Stewards 1717-. 1919

environments, 128 pages plus fold-out map written the well-known secretary of the Authors Research Lodge Masonic Collector this book was published in 1916 by Kenning and ( has ex Masonic Library notation) VG good rare book a presentation souvenir of the Grand Festival 30th April 1919 the spine has been professionally repaired another copy in original form slight damage to spine


Origin of the Masonic Degrees

published by A Lewis This copy is ex Masonic Library and has ink inscription on Title page and on f.e.p.


The Apocalypse of Freemasonry

published by A Lewis


English Freemasonry in its period of Transition 1600-1700

published Rider & Co 1931. Copy in stock is fairly well-used

The Genuine Secrets of Freemasonry prior to AD 1717

1930 1st edition by A Lewis Cover some sunning otherwise VG

ALBERT CHURCHWARD The Origin and Antiquity of Freemasonry ALBERT CHURCHWARD

of the Human Race The Arcana of Freemasonry

This is the 1898 edition by Sir Joseph Causton with colour plates et Very rare. This copy has been stored on a slope and is slightly bent. First edition published in 1915. This is a 1922 reprint - ome wear

ALBERT CHURCHWARD The Origin and Evolution of Freemasonry connected with the Origin and Evolution ALBERT CHURCHWARD
Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man The evolution of religious doctrines from the eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians

This is the 1921 2nd edition, Published by George Allen & Unwin Generally very good but the spine is badly discoloured

This is the 1913 2nd edition. This book has been rebound to the highest standard in half-leather w

excellent tooling to the spine

Sir JOHN A COCKBURN Freemasonry What, Why, Whence and Whither.

This book published by The Masonic Record is by a very well- kno Australian Freemason (P Dep GM South Australia) who wrote

GILBERT DAYNES The Birth and Growth of the Grand Lodge of England 1717-1926 GILBERT DAYNES The un-trodden paths of Masonic Research ALFRED DODD Shakespeare as Creator of Freemasonry ESSEX MASTER aka G E Roebuck The Teachings of Freemasonry GEORGE BENJ. FLUKE History of the St.Georges Chapter No 140 F W GOLBY A Century of Masonic Working-- being a History of the Stability Lodge of Instruction F W GOLBY History of Neptune Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons No 22 1757-1909 GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND Contributions from Lodges MANLY P HALL The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff A S HALL-JOHNSON Five questions on the Royal Arch T W HANSON The Lodge of Probity No 61 1738-1938 HAZLITT Unwritten Laws of Freemasonry WILLIAM HAMMOND Masonic Emblems & Jewels (Treasures of Freemasons Hall London)

extensively on Symbolism in Freemasonry published by Masonic Record. Now hard to find Published by Masonic Record 1924 Very good copy published by Rider and Co c1925

Formerly called the Chapter of Hope No 49 1786-1936. This book compiled from the Original Records by Bro Fluke and published in Herald Press Bath 1921 privately printed 1910 Jan 1st to Dec 31st 1918 Published by Rider 1931

Published in Buenos Aires in March 1938 This is a paper read befo Masefield Chapter No 617 in Buenos Aires on 24th March 1938. written in soft cover. published Halifax 1939. Some nice pictures of old Halifax 400 + p
1922 First edition Published by the Masonic Record

published by George Philip 1917 excellent reference book for collectors. VG copy


Symbolical Masonry

Originally published by The Masonic Service Association of the Un States. This is the 1924 UK 1st edition by George Allen and Unwin

Ancient Freemasonry and Old Dundee Lodge No 18 1722-1920

Published in 1921 by Kenning and Son This is the 2 nd edition with bookplate to inside front cover


The menace of Freemasonry to the Christian Faith

This book was first published by the Freedom Press in Derby in 192 This is the 4th edition in a paperback from 1930. A popular antimasonic book

W. R. HURST An Outline of the career of John Theophilus Desauguliers

Published Dec 1938 limited to 100 copies this paper was produced private circulation to members of Edgware Lodge No 3866 . Appen is also Lodge History from 1918-1928 Foreword by W,Bro Dr.John Stokes PGD APGM West Yorkshire Published in 1929. This is a 12th edition copy in VG+

HERBERT F INMAN Emulation working explained


Masonic Problems and Queries

DOUGLAS KNOOP. Pure Antient Masonry DOUGLAS KNOOP Collection of papers all initialled by author

originally 1933 this is 1964 reprint by A Lewis VG Private circulation 1939

This is a group of papers by Douglas Knoop :University Masonic Lodges 1945 AQC Reprint: Some Building Activities of John, Lord Cobham** The First 3 years of the Building of Vale Royal Abb 1278-1280 Some Notes on 3 early documents relating to Mason London Bridge and its Builders Castle Building at Beaumaris and Caernavon in the e Fourteenth century Each of the AQC reprints is by Douglas Knoop with G P Jones and by N B Lewis


The early Masonic catechisms An Introduction to Freemasonry The Genesis of Freemasonry

The whole collection is dedicated in ink on the paper wrapper to J E Tyler (J E T )and initialled by DK and occasionally by the other aut Quatuor Coronati 1st published 1943 this is the 1963 reprint from Quatuor Coronati Manchester University 1937 Manchester University Press 1947 (ex Masonic Library with some



The Scottish Mason and The Mason Word


The Bolsover Castle Building Account 1613 Early Masonic Pamphlets The Mediaeval Mason

Manchester University Press 1939. The Scottish Mason commence a study in AQC as a short paper and is here expanded. Together wi Mason Word which was the Prestonian Lecture for 1938 by Dougla Knoop issued in advance of Ars Quatuor Coronatorum Vol XLIX Part I 19

First published in 1945 by Manchester University Press , this is Qua Coronati reissue 1978 First edition published by Manchester University Press in 1933

WILLIAM FREDERICK KUHN 1849-1924 STANLEY H N LANE Jordan Lodge No 1402 Torquay 1872-1922 Rev JOHN T LAWRENCE Sidelights on Freemasonry Rev JOHN T LAWRENCE Masonic Jurisprudence Rev JOHN T LAWRENCE
Highways and Byways of Freemasonry

Subtitled The Man and His Work this booklet was produced by th Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Missouri through its Wm F Kuhn Memorial Committee New and Revised edition 1948 1923 2nd edition Hardback New edition c 1929


Glimpses of Masonic History

C W LEADBEATER The Hidden Life in Freemasonry


History OF Freemasonry in the Province of Antrim Northern Ireland

published by the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar Madras I in 1926. This is usually available only as a paperback reprint. C W Leadbeater was considered to be a major influence on the developm of Annie Besant in the Theosophy movement. First edition A second copy With a signed photo of Annie Besant pasted to f.e.p and dated Octo 1st 1927 Annie Besant was one of the most influential women of he times. Published by Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar Madras, Ind 1926. This is a rare item similar to Glimpses of Masonic History C Leadbeater was considered to be a major influence on the developm of Annie Besant in the Theosophy movement. First edition ex Ox Masonic Library sticker on fep published by Wm Brown and Sons of Belfast 1938 with good sectio Portraits

Ireland Vol. 1 .

Originally in German and 1st published in English in 1934. This the 1st by Methuen This is the 1978 edition by Lewis in Dust-jacket History of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of

ROBERT STRATHERN LINDSAY a History of the Mason Lodge Holyrood House (St Lukes) No 44
holding of the Grand Lodge of Scotland with Roll of Members

Dublin Lodge of Research 1925. This copy has sustained water dam to the cover but the contents are in good order There is some doubt about a second volume. It appears that a secon volume was written by R E Parkinson c 1950 and issued in a small and generally is not available. 2 large format volumes Limited edition 0f 500 copies of which th 35 1935


Speculative Masonry


ALBERT MACKEY Jurisprudence of Freemasonry ALBERT MACKEY A Lexicon of Freemasonry ALBERT MACKEY Masonry Defined MARTIN and CALLAGHAN The Treasury of Masonic Thought

A second copy published by Southern Published of Tennessee. Thi heavily annotated on inside front cover with signatures of members Lodge Anchorage which is a lodge of Women The written and unwritten Laws of Freemasonry Revised by Rober Ingham Clegg 1927 and Louis R Blakemore 1953 12th edition 1883 published Charles Griffin and Co

STEPHEN MELLOWS The history of Guys Lodge No 395 Leamington

A L MILLER Notes on the early history and Records of the Lodge Aberdeen G B MINSHULL Hegeston Papers JOSEPH FORT NEWTON The Builders JOSEPH FORT NEWTON The Builders

Published by Masonic Supply Co Memphis Tennessee. This is the 29th edition A Liberal Masonic Education Information every Mas should have 402 pages VG Compiled by 2 Scottish Freemasons George M Martin and John W Callaghan this book was published in 1924 by David Winter and So part of the fund raising activities for the building of the Dundee Ma temple This copy has a sunned spine by other good condition Guys Lodge No 395 of Royal Leamington Spa 1829 -1929 Excelle History 240 pages with good photographs and well written, Bound Blue with gilt title and heraldic design on cover. Courier Press Leamington Spa 1929 Published by Aberdeen University Press 1919 The Lodge is No 1t the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons Scotland. Papers presented to the Hegeston Lodge No 5220 published 1937 ( Masonic Library )

1st published 1916 this is the 9th impression in its dust-jacket (Allen Unwin) 1962 1916 edition without wrapper (Allen and Unwin)


A later 1921 copy. Ex Masonic library a reading copy only 1916 USA edition (The Torch Press)

ARNOLD WHITAKER OXFORD The origin and progress of the Supreme Council 33 of the Ancient and
Accepted (Scottish) Rite for England, Wales,The Dominions and Dependencies of the British Crown

Published Oxford UP 1933 1st


No 4 an Introduction to the History of the Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge

Published by Bernard Quaritch in 1928 in a limited edition of 300 t No 21 316 pages with good photos etc. Cover is dirty by handling but not

Rev HERBERT POOLE The Old Charges Rev HERBERT POOLE Six Masonic Songs of the Eighteenth Century Sir ALFRED ROBBINS English-speaking Freemasonry ALGERNON ROSE The Director of Ceremonies His duties and responsibilities
together with a few Emergency addresses and Articles entitled The Ceremony of Consecration and From Labour to Refreshment

damaged A rare item full of interest 1924 Quatuor Coronati 1930 Selected by the Rev H Poole with arrangements by Gilbert A Alcock soft board covers Ernest Benn 1930 - library stamp Kenning 1920 1st edition

Kenning new and revised edition 193

SILAS H SHEPHERD The Landmarks of Freemasonry T M STEWART The Gods of the Ancient Egyptians JOHN STOKES J T THORP
Royal Arch Masonry French Prisoners Lodges

Book One published 1924 by The Masonic Service Assn of the Un States. Part of the Little Masonic Library Parts have been highlighted in red ball-pen ink This book was originally published in 1927. This is a reprint edition A Lewis in 1978 published by the Masonic record in 1924 this the second augmented edition of this rare and interesting book published by The Lodge of Research No 2429 Leicester 1935


A Survey of Masonic Research


A E WAITE The secret tradition in Freemasonry

. This is an address delivered to the Durham Installed Masters Lodg 4441 on 26 Oct 1932 . This is 1937 1st edition of this rare book. Usually only available as a reprint

A E WAITE New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry A E WAITE The Pictorial Key to the Tarot being Fragments of a Secret Tradition under the Veil of Divination A E WAITE The Holy Grail its legends and Symbolism A E WAITE The History of Magic by Eliphas Levi

We can offer a Kessinger Reprint of this rare item in Mint condition attractive alternative at a quarter of the price of the 1 st edition 2 vols. in Blue Cloth 1911 FIRST edition

J S M WARD Who was Hiram Abiff J S M WARD No 1 The E.A.Handbook J S M WARD No 2 The F.C.s Handbook J S M WARD No 2 The F.C.s Handbook J S M WARD No 3 The M.M.s Book J S M WARD Freemasonry,its aims and ideals

Published by Rider & Co in 1933. 624 pages Fully professionally restored. This has a Library book plate on in front cover and smal library stamp opposite title page. Lovely copy This is the later 4th edition of this translation by A E Waite of the H of Magic by Eliphas Levi published in 1948. This is a very good lib rebind without the usual library stamps and a very presentable copy no loose pages and excellent hinges A very rare title Here at a very reasonable price as a rebound cop 1925 1st edition by Baskerville Press originally 1923 originally 1923 originally 1923 1st edition 1923 1st edition by William Rider/ Stamped for review with compliments This is the 4th edition from 1964 This the 6th edition 1969 This the 1st edition


Told through the Ages Labour and Refreshment

- a series of Masonic stories 1926 Speeches, Lectures and Stories for many occasions 1926

C J WHITTING History of the Lodge of Hengist No 195 Bournemouth W. L. WILMHURST The Masonic Initiation W. L. WILMHURST The Lodge of Living Stones The Ceremony of Initiation W. L. WILMHURST The Lodge of Living Stones The Ceremony of Passing W. L. WILMHURST The Meaning of Masonry DUDLEY WRIGHT
Editor of Goulds History of Freemasonry

Published George Kenning 1897 1924 1st edition in dust-jacket. 1948 Reprint in Dust jacket

1st edition May 1922 3rd edition July 1923 5 volume edition published by Caxton

DUDLEY WRIGHT Robert Burns and his Circle

see under R F Gould This is a hard-to-find book and usually available as a paperback rep This however is the original 1924 1st edition in VG condition

DUDLEY WRIGHT Masonic Legends and Traditions DUDLEY WRIGHT Roman Catholicism and Freemasonry

This is the 1921 1st edition published by Rider & Co. Now Rare V

1922. 1st edition by Rider and Co in dust jacket

The Eleusinian Mysteries and Rites

published by Theosophical Publishing House with Intro by J Fort Newton Parts of the text have been neatly underscored in coloured inks c 1

DUDLEY WRIGHT Woman and Freemasonry

1st edition by Rider 1922

DUDLEY WRIGHT Woman and Freemasonry DUDLEY WRIGHT The Masonic Whos who

This is a Kissinger paperback reprint

This published by A Lewis in 1926 and edited by Dudley Wright an contains Masonic and General Biographical Details of Freemasons parts of the World owning allegiance to or in communion with the UGLE 512 pages with good photographs

DUDLEY WRIGHT Druidism The Ancient Faith of Britain

Originally published in 1924 and now hard to find. This is a m reprint Ed J Burrow in 1990

BOOKS post 1950


Light after Darkness

Published 1992 1st edition by Lewis Masonic in VG dust-jacket

SCOTT ABBOTT Fictions Of Freemasonry H M ALLEN The Roots of Freemasonry as practiced in the Lodges and traced to the Priesthoods
BAIGENT,LEIGH & LINCOLN The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail

Freemasonry and the German Novel . This book re-interprets several of Germanys most important novels from the past three centuries in the polit semiotic contexts of Freemasonry. Published by Wayne State University D 1991 1st edition Bro Allen was the Past Deputy Grand Master of District No 11 Grand Regi of Saskatchewan. Interesting 94 page Paperback

1982 reprint. This book started a whole new genre of Masonic Book

BAIGENT and LEIGH The Temple and the Lodge

was later revised and extended. 1989 1st edition This book traces the flight of the Templa after 1309 to the protection of the excommunicate Scottish King Ro the Bruce.

C T BARLOW H R A CHAPTER Ensigns and Standards


Aux Origines de la Franc-Maconnerie (Isaac Newton et les Newtoniens)

This is a rare item and under-rated book 40 pages which illustrates colour The Ensigns of the 12 Tribes and the 4 Standards with full Scripture references quoted.. Also the Tracing Board specially desig for the Jubilee of Godson Chapter 2385 which was presented in 194 Published in 1949 Sold by the Chapter to raise monies for Masonic Charities. Published in France by Dervy in 2003 Text in French

PIERRE-YVES BEAUREPAIRE La Republique universelle des francs-macons

Published by Editions Ouest-France 1999 and subtitled de Newton Metternich this book is written in French. 202 pages in soft-back a history of 125 years of Middlesex Freemasonry 1870-1995

ALLAN BEAVER Middlesex Matters ELBERT BEDE The Landmarks of Freemasonry ERNEST BEHA A comprehensive Dictionary of Freemasonry DANIEL BERESNIAK Symbols of Freemasonry

Bro Bede was editor of the Oregon Freemason. This 56 page paperb book was published by Macoy in 1954 Published by Arco Publications 1962 1st edition in wrapper

Originally published in French this is the English edition publishe 2000 by Assouline Publishing in New York. A fairly common book this was a presentation copy to a visitor to KIRKLAND Lodge No in Washington USA. on 9th Dec .05 for the 100th Open Installat of Officers and is signed by the Master and his Officers on f.e.

K W BOND The New History of Freemasonry in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland HUBERT S.BOX The Lure of Freemasonry ARTHUR BROWN The Fourth Gospel and the Eighteenth Degree

Keswick 1994

Published by Augustine Press 1952

Signed 1st edition in a poor wrapper This is the 1956 1st edition in a dust wrapper PLUS a letter from Author in which he emphasis the delivery of the phrase There i beauty that we should desire him Interesting group A second copy with No additional material in Dust Jacket The story of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark masons of Staffordshire and Shropshire published 1981 with a signed dedication in on fep from Noel Boardman PGM

D J P BROWN Three Leopards and a Wakes Knot

WILLIAM MOSELEY BROWN George Washington Freemason PAUL H BUTTERFIELD Centenary The first 100 years of English Freemasonry in the Transvaal 18781978

Published by Garrett and Massie 1952 in George Washington Ma Bicentennial Year under the authority of the Grand Lodge A F & of Virginia. A major study of over 530 pages

HARRY CARR The collected Prestonian Lectures 1925-1960

Volume One published by Quatuor Coronati Lodge in 1965.This is edition By Lewis Masonic published 1984 in dust-jacket

HARRY CARR The collected Prestonian Lectures 1961-1974 HARRY CARR

The collected Prestonian Lectures 1975-1987

Volume Two copyright Quatuor Coronati Lodge published by Lew Masonic Volume Three copyright Quatuor Coronati Lodge published by Le


The Mason and the Burgh The Freemason at Work


The Early French Exposures

Masonic in 1988 in mint condition dust-jacket An examination of the Edinburgh Register of Apprentices and the Burgess Rolls 1954 Quatuor Coronati Lodge This is a sought-after book being a collection of over 400 pages of reprints of short and pithy articles on all parts of freemasonry. Goo reference book and useful source material for short talks . 1st edition 1st impression SIGNED in Dust-jacket 3rd imp 1977 1992 Revised edition by Frederick Smith published by Quatuor Coronati 1971 Now scarce very informative 488pages

Lodge Mother Kilwinning No.0

AUDREY T CARPENTER John Theophilus Desaguiliers E H CARTWRIGHT

A Commentary on The Freemasonic Ritual

a study of the earliest minute books 1642-1842. published by Quatu Coronati 1961 A Natural Philosopher Engineer and Freemason in Newtonian Engl Published by Continuum in 2011 in Paperback Together with Notes on the Ceremonial Work of the Officers Published in 1947

ALPHONSE CERZA The Courts and Freemasonry

RON CHUDLEY Thomas Dunckerley - a remarkable Freemason

Case Histories that have or could affect Freemasonry 1986 Resea Lodge No2 AF&AM of Iowa This is a the biography of the person large responsible for the revi Knights Templar in England from 1791 . He was also Grand Superintendent of the Royal Arch in 18 Provinces 1982 1 st editio


History of Craft Masonry in Devonshire


HENRY WILSON COIL Freemasonry through Six Centuries HENRY WILSON COIL Coils Masonic Encyclopaedia ROBERT L D COOPER The Rosslyn Hoax? Rev N BARKER CRYER The Arch and the Rainbow Rev N BARKER CRYER History of Mark Masonry in Surrey 1856-1980 L N A DAVIES The Centennial History of the Barry Lodge No 2357

in 2 volumes in original vg dust-jacket and the pair in sleeve publi by Macoy Publishing in 1967 Published in one volume 1961

2006 1st edition by Curator of Grand Lodge of Scotland Museum an Library.in which the author largely debunks the StClair/Rosslyn/KT theory. Interesting book.in VG Dustjacket Published Ian Allan 1996 This a comprehensive account of the development of the Mark and Royal Ark Mariners degrees Published in Soft-back and signed by the author
1890-1990 South Wales Province Eastern District

JAMES DEWAR The Unlocked Secret Freemasonry examined GEORGE DILLON

Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the secret power behind Communism.

January 1967 2nd impression. This was the book based on the BBC exposu the Author. Also later editions available

GEORGE S DRAFFEN Pour La Foy COLIN DYER William Preston and His Work COLIN DYER Grand Stewards Lodge 1735-1985 COLIN DYER History of the first 100 years of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge COLIN DYER COLIN DYER
Symbolism in Craft Masonry Emulation a ritual to remember

A reissue of an anti-Masonic book from 1885 entitled The War of Antichrist with the Church based on a Lost Lectures by George Dillon. Amusing A short history of the Great Priory of Scotland 1949

1st edition from 1987 Library stamp and no dust jacket 1st edition in good jacket no inscriptions or stamps a record in the 250th year of Grand Stewards Lodge of the progres the Lodge etc 1985. This copy is signed by the author Unsigned copy

1976 1st edition in Jacket

GEORGE FARRAH The Temples at Jerusalem and their Masonic connections LEWIS EDWARDS LEWIS EDWARDS
The Law and Custom of Freemasonry Guide to Masonic Speechmaking

1983 Paperback editiion 1973 1st edition in jacket Published for the Emulation Lodge of Improvement it is subtitled Notes on the men and Times in 150 ye History of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement 1823-1973 2003 Paperback 278 pages large format well-illustrated

published by A Lewis 1948 Published by A Lewis this is the 1966 3rd impression


etiquette Freemasonry and its etiquette

KENNETH FLYNN OBE Behind the Wire WILLIAM L FOX The Valley of the Craftsmen 1801-2001

G R GAYRE of GAYRE and NIGG The Heraldry of the Knights of St.John

R A GILBERT A E Waite MOLLIE GILLEN Royal Duke Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex 1775-1843

This is revised and enlarged edition (1971) of The Etiquette of Freemasonry by an Old Past master. Published by A Lewis in Du jacket Published in 1998 to provide funds for the Samaritan Fund this is th account of Freemasonry in Prisoner of War Camps particularly in th World Wars A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF Scottish rite Freemasonry in Americ Southern Jurisdiction 1801-2001. This is large format and heavy ite printed on art paper and containing mainly photographs with short captions or commentaries. 270 pages Published by Garga Brothers of Allahabad, India . 1956 This 168 p book is full of information on the Knights of the Order with illustra of their Heraldic Arms. Rare bibliography 1983 1st

A biography of the Duke of Sussex with some references and photo relating to Freemasonry

CARL GLICK A treasury of Masonic Thought COLIN R GOSS The Story of Jersey Freemasonry JOHN A GRANTHAM History of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the
Dominions and Dependencies of the British Crown

Published by Robert Hale in 1961 this is a 1972 reprint 1993 A Lewis 1958 An Introduction to Mark masonry

CHARLES E GREEN History of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the State of

This covers the period March 31st 1910 to June 30th 1973 Publi by the Scottish Rite Bodies of Delaware in 1975 218 pages

JESSICA L HARLAND-JACOBS Builders of Empire Freemasonry and British Imperialism 1717-1927 R M HANDFIELD-JONES The history of the Royal Masonic School for Girls 1788-1962 R M HANDFIELD-JONES Grand Lodge of Mark Master masons 1856-1968

The University of North Carolina Press Chapel Hill 1st edition 200 USA 1962 1st edition limited to 500 copies in its dust jacket The author was Grand Librarian

WALTON HANNAH Darkness Visible

A New and Comprehensive History of the Grand Lodge of Mark m Masons of England and Wales and the Dominions and the Depende of the British Crown. Published under the authority of the Genera Board The author was Grand Librarian This exposure published in 1952 was to have far reaching effects English Freemasonry with TV programmes based on it and eventua was the prime cause for the Penalties in the Obligations to be chang This is a copy of the RARE 1st edition with its dust-jacket 2nd edition No dust-jacket 9th edition 1957 VG dust-jacket

WALTON HANNAH Darkness Visible

10th revised edition Jan 1963 VG Dust-Jacket


The Medals and Jewels of British Freemasonry

H L HAYWOOD Famous Masons and Masonic President DAVID HARRISON The Genesis of Freemasonry Wm.HARVEY Masonic Readings and Recitations
E W HEATON Solomons New Men

This is a recent book (2007), covering the Medal and Jewels in 138 pages in colour. An excellent book on the subject 1968 edition by Macoy USA

This book published by Lewis Masonic in 2009 is now out of print Hardback and commanding high prices on Amazon This is a min copy in its Wrapper Published in 1946 in Dundee with a card cover

RONALD E HEATON The Lodge at Fredericksburgh a digest of Early Records abstracted from the Record
Book of the Minutes 1752-1771 .with an account of the Members of the Lodge in the American Revolution etc. etc.

The emergence of Ancient Israel as a national state. This is not truly Masonic but it is important background information to help under what the organisation was in Israel at the time of Solomon. Publish by Thames and Hudson in 1974 in 1st edition in Dust-jacket Published in Pennsylvania Second printing May 1976


Published in 1984 by A Lewis 1st edition

A new examination of the Qabbalah in Freemasonry Paperback 20 The author is 32 KCCH Member of Research Lodge of Colorado

ALEX HORNE The York Legend in the Old Charges ALEX HORNE King Solomons Temple in the Masonic Tradition MICHAEL HOWARD The Occult Conspiracy STEPHEN HOWARTH The Knights Templar ELLIC HOWE Magicians of the Golden Dawn
History for 1887-1923 1972

Templar Research Institute published A Lewis1978 1st in dust-jacket

1st edition 1972 No wrapper 3rd imp 1975 with wrapper 4th imp 1977 with wrapper Published by Rider 1989, This is described as The Secret Histor Mystics, Templars, Masons and Occult Societies Published by Collins in 1982 This is a History of the Knights Temp and has NO references to Freemasonry but is interesting backgroun information 1st in Dust-jacket

A C F JACKSON Rose Croix A History of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales

- a must read book for all members of the Rose Croix This is 19 edition 1993 reprint of the revised and enlarged edition

A C F JACKSON English Masonic Exposures 1760-1769

BERNARD E JONES Freemasons Guide and Companion BERNARD E JONES Freemasons Guide and Companion BERNARD E JONES Freemasons Guide and Companion BERNARD E JONES Freemasons Guide and Companion BERNARD E JONES Freemasons Book of the Royal Arch

1986 1st edition in excellent condition published by A Lewis. Intere book. Did the exposures describe the extant ceremonies or did th ceremonies develop from the exposures? Three Distinct Knocks 1 Jachin and Boaz 1762; and Shibboleth 1765 reproduced in full . One of the best standard books for general Masonic reference. Th book originally published in 1950. This is New and revised 1956 edition 1963 printing This is New and revised 1956 edition 1975 printing This the 17th impression of the 2nd edition 1994 Originally published in 1957 this is the 1965 revised reprint

KNIGHT TEMPLAR MAGAZINE Masonic Americana 2 vols


The Invisible College The Royal Society, Freemasonry and the birth of modern science

This is the popular 2 volume publication by the Knight Templar Magazine of USA The May 1985 15th printing of Vol 1 and the 1st printing of Vol 2 May 1985. Contains Pen Portraits of American Personalities; Presidents etc and American events of Masonic natur Very Interesting 2002 1st edition Headline in dust-jacket (Unclipped)

ALBERT MACKEY The History of Freemasonry Its legendary Origins NORMAN MacKENZIE Secret Societies JOHN MANDLEBERG Ancient and Accepted a chronicle of the proceedings 1845-1945 of the Supreme
Council established in England in 1845

This is the 1996 edition by Gramercy Books of New York. This b was being written at the time of Mackeys death in 1881. Published by Aldus Books London 1967 Covers various Organisat and includes a chapter of Freemasonry and also Rosicrucians by Me Jones and also the ceremony of the Third Degree published with the authority of Supreme Council 1995 by Quatuor Coronati Correspondence Circle - over 1150 pages and very heavy MINT Copy w neat library label published Watkings 1947 Published Macoy Publishing Paperback 1985


Pistis Sophia

a Gnostic miscellany

ALEC MELLOR Strange Masonic Stories ALEC MELLOR Our separated Brethren the Freemasons HARRY MENDOZA Serendipity

Published by George G Harrap this is a translation from the French R Feinson published in 1964 Described as Musings on the precedence of Numbers and Names u

HARRY MENDOZA The Ensigns of the Twelve Tribes of Israel CHRISTOPHER LEO MURPHY Postage Stamps and Freemasonry

PAUL NAUDON Histoire generale de la Franc-Maconnerie DENNIS PERRIN The Sacking of the Masonic Temple in Jersey by the Nazis in 1941 A L PHILIPS Freemasonry for Beginners and Others E E OGILVIE Freemasons Royal Arch Guide PICK and KNIGHT The Pocket History of Freemasonry PICK and KNIGHT The Pocket History of Freemasonry ROSCOE POUND Masonic Addresses and Writings

by Lodges and Chapters of UGLE and the Supreme Grand Chapter England together with a description of some of the Badges, Banner Mottoes they use. 1995 1st --The Royal Arch Banners published by A Lewis this is an 1989 1st edition Guide and Compendium United States and Canada Carlton Press York 1988 UNIQUE COPY A copy signed by the Author to Audrey Murphy. The illustrations include Drawings by Cyril Murphy the Authors Father who has sig this copy and also there is a tipped-in colour page Audry a little mo penmanshipas my contribution to Christophers Stamp CompendiumBest Wishes to youUncle Cyril Published in France 1981. This is the 1987 2nd edition Text in French Beautifully illustrated Published A Lewis 1993 soft-back 2nd edition 1976 Lewis 1978 1st 1st edition 1953 in dust-jacket revised edition 1956

H H C PRESTIGE A Century of the Allied Masonic Degrees J R H PROPHET Masonic Orations

Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply company 1953 Roscoe Po was a renowned American Lawyer with honours from many Univer in America and from Cambridge. This book includes essays on a nu of leading masons including William Preston and Albert Pike 1979 soft-cover This edition was made to commemorate the Centur


Record of the Installation 1919

This book was published to raise funds for Leicester Freemasons H Extension Fund and comprises the Orations delivered by the Provin Grand Chaplain 9 Consecrations or Dedications in the Province of Leicestershire and Rutland. 1972 Illustrated souvenir 1999 1st in Dust-jacket

PIERS PAUL READ The Templars F P REYNOLDS History of the London Bon Accord Mark Master Lodge E A RICHES and N J SMITH The History of the Royal Masonic School for Boys Vol. 2

2001 Paperback edition Bon Accord was the founding lodge of Mark Masonry in England . book is compiled from the Lodge Minutes. Published 1951

Vol. 2- 1938-1977. The Old Masonians Association published this book in 1984. This is listed as Vol 2 but I havent seen the Vol 1 ye This volume covers period from 1938 to the close of the School in 1

H C ROBBINS LANDON Mozart and The Masons - New light on the Lodge Crowned Hope ALLEN E ROBERTS House Undivided The Story of Freemasonry and the Civil War JOHN J ROBINSON Born in the Blood The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry HARLES A ROESSLER Colorados Masonic Lodges C D ROTCH The Lodge of Reconciliation 1813-1816 and its influence on Present-day Ritual R E S SANDBACH Priest and Freemason

published Thames and Hudson USA 1983 1st in jacket

Published Macoy Publishing Virginia USA 1990 Guild edition 1990

This a signed copy of this book of 136 pages of coloured photograp Colarado Masonic Temples. 2006 Originally serialised in Freemasons Chronicle May-August 1957 T the revised Oct 1957 booklet (28 pages) signed by the author Biography of Rev Oliver published by Lewis in 1988. This is the 19 revised edition in dust-jacket


Catholics and Freemasonry

F W SEAL-COON An historical account of Jamaican

This is a soft wrap pamphlet published by the Catholic Truth Societ 1962 (120th Thousand) 24 pages plus cover Freemasonry 128 pages in typescript and bound in soft cover


Privately published

Brotherhood of David and Jonathan, Cambridge, UK, 1950. Cover. Book Condition: Good. First Edition. 4to. 112pp, bw Or grey thin card wraps. . Extremely scarce masonic publica 'printed for private circulation only'. A history and chronicle the Brotherhood of David and Jonathan printed for the sixti anniversary of its constitution in Great Britain and the warranting by the Grand Council of the 'Century' Conclave N 100. Part I The Sources and development of Freemasonry; II Proceedings of the Order from its Origin to the Present D Part III Progress of the Conclaves and constitution of Distric Part IV various details of business, constitution and consecration of new Conclaves and list of all Conclaves with dates of foundation, warranting and consecration. 12 bw illustrations and portraits. Colophon indicates that the work prepared by Percy Albert Parfitt. Only one other on Internet present is in poor condition and in Australia at 142 plus Po

FREDERICK SMYTH Brethren in Chivalry 1791-1991 .

An account of the history of Masonic Knights Templar in England. very good book and was given by Great Priory as a presentation ite

those attending the bi-centenary meeting

FREDERICK SMYTH A Reference Book for Freemasons Sir JAMES STUBBS and T O HAUNCH Freemasons Hall The Home and Heritage of the Craft

Published by Q C Correspondence Circle 1998 1 st edition

published 1983 by UGLE. Soft-cover with only 68 pages but extre interesting

HAROLD TEMPERTON A History of Craft Freemasonry in Shropshire 1732-1982 I F TRINDER The Royal National Life-boat Institution and the Masonic Life-boats TUBAL CAIN Secrets of the Lodge VINDEX Light Invisible The Freemasons answer to Darkness Visible

Hardcover version with vg dust-jacket This is a 120 page History of Craft Freemasonry in Shropshire writt by the PGM Harold Temperton

1973 VG Soft cover sold to raise cash for Royal Masonic Hospita RNLI Published in 1999 This is the First edition of Secrets of the Lodge Origins, Practices and Beliefs of Freemasonry published by Delph Publishing 266 pages 1952 1st in dust-jacket published by The Regency Press

LIONEL VIBERT The Rare Books of Freemasonry NESTA H WEBSTER Secret societies and Subversive Movements

D WEINBEIN The Oddfellows 1810-2010 JOHN WEIR Robert Burns the Freemason
ROY WELLS Some Royal Arch Terms explained

This booklet (36 pages) was published in the USA by Sure Fire Pre contains a brief listing of the collectable books we should like to inc in our listings. Informative Soft cover ISBN 0 916411 73 7 Published by Britons Publishing Company 1964 this is the 8 th edit Hardback Includes sections on the Origins of Freemasonry; The Grand Lodge and German Templarism A History of published 2010 published by A Lewis 1996 published by A Lewis this is 1978 1st edition in dust-jacket The revised 2nd edition from 1988 with laminated cover


Royal Arch matters The Rise and Development of Organised Freemasonry

LESLIE WILSON and STANLEY LYLE Frederick R WEISMAN Art Museum Theatre of the Fraternity 1896-1929

1984 with dedication from author which has been partially oblitera by tippex published by A Lewis issued as Vol 17 of Th Masonic Book Club USA Masonic Lodges of Middlesex Their Origins and Names 1993 2 nd edition This is the companion book to the Exhibition held in 1996 entitled Staging the Ritual Space of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry 1896-1 It is a great insight into the USA system of staging the degrees for l numbers of Candidates. Keep an open mind about this there is a lot good material involved. In a soft cover 128 pages and very well illustrated with photos etc and great introductory essays.


History of the Order of the Secret Monitor 1887 t0 1963

This the 3rd History of the Secret Monitor and was published 1963 pages with photos in red cloth See also rare Secret MonitorMasonic Order of above private published in 1950


numerical order

THIS SECTION IS BEING UPDATED Do not assume a History is still in stock without checking
History of The Edinburgh Royal Arch Chapter No 1 (1911)

Chapter No 1 Lodge No 2 Antiquity

In 2 volumes bound in red cloth

KT Preceptory No 2 Lodge No 1 Marys Chapel Lodge

Royal Naval Preceptory see above under Alexander Powell Edinburgh Minutes of the (see also above David Lyon Freemasonry in Scotland 1873 Niagara-on-the-Lake Canada 1792-1992 Ancient Masonic Lodge of Scoon and Perth (The Lodge of Scone) above under D Crawford Smith

Lodge No 2 AF&AM Niagara Lodge Lodge No 3

Lodge No 6

Lodge of Friendship 1947

Preceptory No 6 St George Preceptory No 6 St George Lodge 15 Lodge 18 Kent Lodge Old Dundee Lodge No 18

C D Rotch History 1795-1895 by C Fitzgerald Matier a celebration of 200 years compiled by Peter Glyn Williams 1752-1952

Ancient Freemasonry and the Old Dundee Lodge1722-1920 by Art Heiron

Lodge No 22 Preceptory No 6 Lodge 28 Lodge 44 Lodge No 57 Lodge 61 Chapter140 Lodge 160 SC Lodge 169 Lodge 177 Lodge 195 Lodge 217 Lodge 238

Neptune Lodge Faith and Fidelity Globe Lodge Humber Lodge Lodge of Probity St Georges Chapter Lodge Roman Eagle The Lodge of Temperance Domatic Lodge Lodge of Hengist Stability Lodge Lodge Caledonian

see above under F W Golby Albany New York 1911-1936 formerly The Early Grand Encampment of England see above under SADLER Holyrood House (St Lukes) see above under Robt |Lindsay George Shaw (HRA) 1786-1936 1785-1931 see above under BEZZANT see above under Roy Wells Freemasonry in London from 1785 (Bournemouth) see above under C J Whitting see above under GOLBY History of the No 238 Annan Centenary History 1910 see above under G B Fluke see above under T W Hanson

Council 22 R&SM De Witt Council

Lodge 255 Lodge 257 Chapter 257 Lodge 259 Lodge 304 Lodge 306 Lodge 370 SC Lodge 452 Lodge 731 Lodge 1241 Chapter 1395 Lodge 1402 Lodge 2073 Lodge 2357 Chapter 3255 Lodge 5068 Lodge 5191 Lodge 6348 Lodge 6816 Lodge 7504

Lodge of Harmony and Phoenix Lodge Chapter of Friendship Prince of Waless Lodge Philanthropic Lodge Alfred Lodge No 306

Chapter of Iris

History of the see above under Alexander Powell (originally No 3) see above under Alexander Powell

1890 a list of members since its constitution. Good plates of past Members including Edward VII as Grand Master when Prince of W The history of the see above under Charles L Masom

Lodge Renfrew County Kilwinning Frederick Lodge of Unity Arboretum Lodge Trades House of Glasgow Lodge Weyside Chapter Jordan Lodge Quatuor Coronati Lodge Barry Lodge Fairfax Chapter Gwynedd Lodge Aldworth Lodge Walton-on-Thames Lodge Square Conduct Lodge Mount Meru Lodge

An abridged History of 1795-1945 signed by WM with programme 150th anniversary meeting # History of by J Watt Tait. 1838-1938 1867-1967 1920-1945 1878-1978 Surrey Torquay 1872-1922 see above under Stanley Lane see above under Colin Dyer see above under L. N. A. Davies Consecration 1910 of in Yorkshire 1929-1949 1930-1980 1946-1996 1949-1970 1930-1979 Tanzania Surrey 50 years of 1858-1908

Lodge 1198 EC Pitt Macdonald Lodge

The Masonic Book Club

1962 1100/1300 by Plez A Transou. as new

Masonic Almanacs and Anti-Masonic Almanacs Masonic Concordance of the Holy Bible Rise and Development of Organised Freemasonry Lodge in Friendship Village The records of the Hole Craft and Fellowship of Masons Issue 19 Masonic Odes and Poems Lessings Masonic Dialogues Folger Manuscript Freemasonry and Christianity Recollections of a Masonic Veteran The Freemasons Monitor or Illustrations of Freemasonry The Masonic Ladder or Nine steps to Ancient Freemasonry Issue 27 `1996 Masonic Harp Issue 28 1997 1110/1500 John Shere 1100/1650 Thomas Smith Webb Issue 23 1992 1110/1600 Format Issue 24 1993 1110/1600 Issue 26 1995 1110/1600 Format S Brent MorrisIssue 21 Issue 22 1990 1110/1625 1991 1110/1625 Rob Morris Gotthold Lessing 1988 1110/1600 Issue 15 1984 1110/1550 see also under Roy A Wells above P W George

Issue 17

Issue18 1987 1110/1500


(Lectures from Two Ag S Brent Morris-


Issue 29 1998 Biblical Characters in Freemansonry Modern Historical Characters in Freemansonry Medieval Historical Characters in Freemansonry


Geo Wingate Chase

Other publications

Stephen A Douglas Freemason

Set of 4 volumes by John H VanGorden Bound 1980

By Square and Compasses. Building of Lincolns Home and its saga George Washington in New York Making a Mason at Sight Mystic Tie and Men of Letters

1985 1986


1982 2022-3000 Wayne Temple


Wayne C Temple

1987 1993 1994

Allan Bardeau and Alexander Bleim Louis Williams Robin L Carr


Prestonian Lectures Paper issues 1938 The Mason Word 1952 Free in Freemason 1959 Some Notes on Medieval Freemasonry 1960 The Growth of Freemasonry in England and Wa since 1717 1968 The Five Noble Orders of Architecture 1969 Some Notes on medieval Freemasonry 1971 Masters and Master masons 1972 It is not in the power of any man..A study in Change 1974 Drama and Craft 1976 Prestons England 1977 The Tyler or Outer Guard 1979 250 years of Masonry in India 1981 The Grand Lodge according to the Old Constitu 1982 The Government of the Craft 1986 The Old Charges

1988 QUATUOR CORONATI LODGE Annual Transactions

Music and Freemasonry (Cassette)

St Johns Cards 15-20 each These are often not included in the bound volumes.

Blue Cloth issues Vol. 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 Facsimiles Bound Blue Volumes of AQC 23; 28; 34

Vol. 80,81, Vol. 87,89,90,94,95,96,98,101

Complete run 1- 121 in mixed bindings

Paper back issues We have a large amount of part paper sets from the early Volumes. Volume XXV complete pts 1 2 3 and St Johns Card NO Ind Volume XXVII complete pts 1 2 3 and St Johns Card NO In Volume XXIX complete pts 1 2 3 and Index NO St Johns C Volume XXIV XXVI XXXIV XXXV XXXVII XXXVIII XLIV XLV XLVI LV LVI LVIII LIX LX LXI part 1 part 3 parts 2 and 3 parts 1 and 3 parts 1 and 2 parts 1 and 2 parts 2 and 3 part 3 part 1 part 2 part 2 parts 1 and 2 part 2 and index part 2 and index part 1 and 2


one part presumably complete year one part presumably complete year one part presumably complete year one part presumably complete year


one part presumably complete year

Tell us what you need and we can try to assist

Volume 83/84/85/86/87 Index to Vols. 1-80


Soft cover

compiled by A R Hewitt


Masonic Reprints Vol X Masonic Reprints X1

The Minutes of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of England 1723-1 illustrated with Plates and Facsimiles. 360 pages Published 1913

Early Records of the Grand Lodge of England according to the Old Constitutions Published 1958 in paper cover now rebound in Blue

Masonic Reprints XII

The Minutes of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of England 1740-1 Published 1960 in paper cover now rebound in Blue Cloth Minutes of the Lodge of Edinburgh No 1 (Marys Chapel) in Hardback 1962 Herbert Bradley AQC Vol. 26 1913 J T Thorp AQC Vol. 31 1918

Masonic Reprints XIII


Bro Mozart and some of his Masonic Friends An early will of Philip, Duke of Wharton Inaugural address Herbert Bradley Wessel Linden and the Holywell ms

AQC Vol.34 1921 A E Evans AQC Vol,43 1945

Q C Pamphlet No 1

Builders Rites and Ceremonies. The Folk Lore of Masonry by G W Speth 1931 (1951 rep

Q C Pamphlet No 2

Two Versions of the Charges with an introductory note on the SPENCER FAMILY by Rev H Poole 1933

Q C Pamphlet No 3 ----The Prestonian Lecture for 1933

The Old Charges in C18th Masonry together with the text of the Fortitude MS by Bro H Poole 1934 The Cooke MS of c 1420

Q C Pamphlet No 5

a modernised version with introductory notes 1949

The History of the first 100 years of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No 2076

by Colin Dyer 1986


Transactions Volume IV No 2 Oct 1944-Dec 1945 Volume IV No 3 April 1946- October 1947 Volume V No 3 April 1951- January 1952


Volumes 1,2,3,4,5 sold as a set covering period of 21 years to 1930 Very large number of pages per volume


Volume 5 as a single volume A Hardbound Copy of the 8-part series entitled Concerning God an Religion c 1968



Complete Transactions for 1998 Vol. LXX Transactions 1953-1963 in one volume Transactions 1936-37 1952; 1957 1960 -1965 1967-1972; 1975; 1977-1980 1982-85; 1989 1990-1996 1998-99 Vol. II No 2


Very long run covering volumes 3 books volumes 3-8 Paper issues

1928-29 1947-48 to 1953-54 1981-62 1963-64; 1964-65; 1966-67; 1967-68 1969-70 to 1974-75 1976 to 1982 1985 1989 to 1998 2000 to 2004 2006 2008 2009-10



Vol 7 Transactions during 1988 Reading copy only there is som damage to copy No II Bruin in the Suds 1751 No IV Les Fri-Macons Hyperdrame 1740 Translation by R E Wallace-James No VI The Secrets of the Free-masons revealed Disgusted Brother 1759 No VII The Complete Freemason or Multa Pauc Lovers of Secrets 1763-64 No VIII A Master-Key to Free-masonry 1760 No X The Free-mason Examind 1754 No XI Solomon in all this Glory 1768


Exceeding Magnifical A Study of Beautiful Masonic Temples 68 photos of US Masonic Lodges Dec 1956

A Masonic Stamp Collection by George B Clark In 2 parts. 1 st June 1948 (52 pages)and 2nd Mar 1966.(36 pages) Details, pictures and information re postage stamps with a Masonic connection.


Volumes 11,12,14, 23; 27,28, 29; 32-36,39 4144-54; 56--67 69-71 73


Miscellanea Latomorum (or Masonic Notes and Queries)

No 1 (Aug 1913); 4,5.6,7,8,9 Vol. II Nos. 1- 9 Vol. III Nos. 1- 9 Vol. IV Nos. 1 -9 Vol. V No. 1 Vol. VII Nos. 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 Vol. VIII Nos. 1 9 Vol. IX Nos. 9 Vol. X Nos. 1 9 Vol. XI Nos. 1-6 and 9 Vol. XII Nos. 1-5 Vol. XX No. 1 Vol XXIX Nos 1-9 Vol. XXX Nos. 1-5 and 9 Transactions for 1916-17 1980 to 1992 Also 1994 to 1997; 1999; 2000 2001; 2002




Nos. 28 (Aug 1954) to 36 (1964-65) And Nos. 38 ((1968-69) to 41 (1976-77 Report 1906-1910 with Supreme council bookplate Report 1926-1930 Vol. VII Report 1931-1935 Vol.. VIII


Report 1916-1920 Vol. V with Supreme Council bookpla

See above H. H. C. Prestige A Century of the Allied Maso



Vol. VIII 1880-82 and Vol. XXIV 1915


The Equinox Vol. III No 10 Paperback edition Published 1990 Th Official Organ of the O.T.O. Contents include among other items OTO Gnostic Mass and the Manifesto of OTO 288 pages


ORDER OF WOMEN FREEMASONS Diamond Jubilee 1908-1968

Les Femmes Francs-maconnes This is a French periodical Histo No 346 September 1975 which includes an article on French Fema


Copy in French language

The Haunted Chambers by Karen Kidd Freemasons

The lives of Early Wome

Published in USA by Cornerstone 2007

Robert Macoy Leader of Eastern Star 1866-1876 A4 Glossy copy of his signed Carte de Visite

Robert Macoy was born in Ireland, October 4, 1816, but from the he was four years old lived in New York City, where, at an early ag apprenticed himself in the printing and publishing business, continued in it for nearly forty years, first as printer and bookselle then as a Masonic publisher. During his generation he made a place for himself in the American Craft, along with Ma McClenachan, Drummond, Morris, etc., with whom he was c associated He won a success in four separate spheres of Masonic la

1. In the Order of the Eastern Star. Rob Morris had conc the idea of it, had written rituals, had filled it wit inspiration, but was a failure at the work of organization. Upon his departure for the Holy Land, in 1868, Brother transferred to Brother Macoy all the authority he had ass and exercised in regard to the Order. Bro. Macoy immed set about arranging the work more systematically.... Und guiding hand the Supreme Grand Chapter. a self-const body, was organized in December, 1868. . ."

2. In the work of Grand Bodies of Masonry. He held the office of Deputy Grand Master of New York, and was Recorder of the Grant Commandery, E. T.

3. As author. He wrote an unknown number of articles f Masonic press; wrote much in a number of Monitors Manuals- and was author of The Worshipful Masters' Ass which for half a century was to the office of Master Mackey's Encyclopedia was to the whole of the Craft.

4. As a publisher. He published (and oftentimes either edi helped to write) a long list of Masonic books, among them Master Workmen, 1849- The Masonic Manual 1852; The of the Lodge, 1855, a work of immense national infl which American Masonic historians have overlookedManual, 1853- Masonic Minstrel, 1857; Worshipful M Assistant, 1885; Rise of Adoption, 1868, and in 1890- an General History, Cyclopedia, and Dictionary of Freema which is described under ENCYCLOPEDIA, Mackey's elsewhere in this Supplement.

During the productive period of Bro. Macoy's published and writin one demand everywhere was for Monitors and Hand-books, and M was but one of a number who supplied them, from Webb to Mac detailed, exhaustive bibliography of Macoy by an expert would op a path for historians into one of the most important fields of American Masonic history or American Masonic Jurisprudence~ Lodges (and other Grand Bodies) now prepare and publish thei Monitors. In the period, of almost three-quarters of a century, w

was left to private members to prepare and publish Monitors not of them (as was inevitable, and it is not to their discredit) insin into Craft practice more than one element of the Exoteric work represented nobody's idea but their own, and in some instances mistaken idea. Certain of the small discrepancies, anom inconsistencies which Grand Lodges find in the Monitorial sectio their Uniform Work, and sometimes in Lodge practice, could be t back to a private Monitorialist.

- Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freema


The Kneph 1881-1900

complete issues of this periodical;. Very rare items and complete in 2 red leather bound volum One volume contains Vols. 1-4 and the second has volum plus a final statement dated 28th July 1900

The Builder

Bound Volumes I 1915 and IV 1918

Masonic Record

We have a run in individual issue in a condition which req them to be bound as the individual covers are largely separ from the magazine issue. In stock are: Vol. X111 No. 5 1927 Vol. XIV Nos. 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12 Vol. XV Nos. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12 Vols 2 and 3 Parts in a self bind binder

Vol. IV December 1923- November 1924 Bound in Blu publishers cloth Vol. XI December 1930- November 1931 Bound in Blu publishers cloth

Freemason Square

The Speculative Mason (listing in preparation)

Large stock of early back numbers ask for your missing issues


do Main article is answer to Hannahs

Vol XLIII First Issue 1951

Darkness Visible

Traditions and Customs of the Hammermen of Glasgow (and the Insignia and Relics of the Incorporation of Hammermen ODDFELLOWS

Arthur Muir .
Glasgow 1923 an interesting book


The Official History and Literature of Odd Fellowship _ The Three link Fraternity. Published in 1897 by Fraternity Publis Company 896 Pages

History of the Improved Order of Red Men and Degree of Pocahontas 1765-1988. Includes interesting account of earl

American History from the time of the Boston Tea Party pages . Illustrated. Excellent information


The Oddfellows 1810-2010 200 years of making friends and helping people. This is the British Oddfellows 172 pagesPublished by Carnegie in UK 2010

M W PAYNE The Origin and development of the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes Vols 1,2,3

This is the History of the R A O B in 3 volumes issued in 1953 and each copy is signed by the author to this interesting Fraternity

over 450 pages in all - a great


The Rise of Western Occultism by Francis King. This bo was originally published in 1970 as Ritual Magic in Engla by Neville Spearman Limited. This is the 1989 revised ed published in Paperback and reprinted in 1990 by Prism-U Press

The Magical World of Aleister Crowley by Francis King published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1977 1st edition n wrapper

Broad Lines or The True Theosophy by S H Keir Moillie published by Griffith,Farran Okeden and Welsh 1890 R book usually only available as a reprint Old Tyler Talks byCarl H Claudy 2nd edition Paperback

Anti-masonic Cartoon in the Catholic Sunday periodical i

France Le Pelerin The Pilgrim dated 10th April 1910 Whole p Cartoon coloured and entitled The Radicals work for The International. (Les Radicaux travaillent pour LInternationale

Section 2 of G M B List

Section 2
It has been suggested that we should include more Masonic items in our listing in addition to the extensive Book section. The collecting of Masonic items has grown in popularity since the Sale of the Michael White collection 20 years ago. Nowadays with the introduction of the Internet there is more interest and also more competition. There is also a great amount which has no real interest to the serious collector. As a first stage we have arranged for a limited run to made available of facsimile copies of the Bonhams Sale Catalogue of The Michael White Collection of Masonic Art and Memorabilia which was auctioned by Eric Knowles on 30th August 1991. Now available 20 per copy including P+P in UK

This section will probably grow slowly as we intend to keep it selective.

Offers for any item will be considered

Large Coloured Creamware Sunderland Tankard

Rhyme The World is in Pain Our Secrets to gain But let them wonder and gaze on They neer can divine Neither the Word nor the Sign Of a Free and Accepted Mason Very smallest of Hairlines

Creamware Sunderland Frogmug

Symbols of the Antients Rhyme The World is in Pain Our Secrets to gain But let them wonder and gaze on They neer can divine The Word Mark or Sign Of a Free and Accepted Mason Smallest of Hairlines Very Nice Mottled Frog inside

Sunderland Creamware Frog Mug

J Phillips & Co Sunderland Pottery Rhyme The World is in Pain Our Secrets to gain But let them wonder and gaze on They neer can divine The Word nor the Sign Of a Free and Accepted Mason Perfect

Sunderland Lustre Frog Mug

Shows an unusual Sunderland Bridge transfer of New Bridge over the Wear at Sunderland With the Arms of the Antients entitled The Arms of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. There is some damage to the Frog and there are some hairlines to the body of the Mug One small firing chip under the colouring. Generally well and accurately coloured

This article has be copied from the Grand Lodge of England Website

Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Bucks

Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Bucks Jewel of the Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Bucks, which flourished between the 1770s and the 1820s. An account of the society published in 1770, evidently by a member, includes a long mock-scholarly description of how the society was founded by Nimrod, the mighty hunter of the Old Testament, and modelled on Nimrods government of the empire of the Assyrians. Extensive regulations are given on the appointing of officers, founding new lodges, and subscriptions for the benevolent fund. Moral exhortations follow, in favour of virtue and brotherly love and against drunkenness and

taking the Lords name in vain. The author makes the (presumably) tongue-in-cheek claim that The greatest monarchs in all ages, as well Asia and Africa as of Europe, have been encouragers of our noble order, and many of them have presided as grands over the Bucks in their respective dominions. However, after all this solemn and virtuous discourse the book ends with a selection of hunting and drinking songs and in fact the Bucks were noted at the time for rowdy and drunken behaviour. Their members must have all have been fairly well-off as their surviving jewels are of very high quality, with fine enamel and paste work.

In the Official History and Literature of Odd Fellowship The Three Link Fraternity. By Henry Leonard Stillson Published in 1897 by Fraternity Publishing Company 896 Pages It is claimed that The Odd-fellows may have derived from the Noble Order of Bucks

This is an excellent example of a Noble Order of Bucks Jewel which we have in stock See Hammonds Masonic emblems and jewels which illustrates this item as belong to the the Grand Master of the Noble Order of Bucks I do not know whether is can be authenticated. .oOo. This Jewel is engraved on the reverse (see Photo) below Offers invited Minimum of 750

The Gift of the ROYAL HANOVERIAN LODGE Noble Buck Luke May 3rd 1780

This is an antique jewel for the Order of Lazarus.

This degree is now incorporated into the Allied Degrees an individual jewel is not now worn but instead either a modern composite jewel or a set of miniatures for each of the different degrees is used. This is an early example probably late C19th in its original case.

Geo IIIMasonic Rummer

Lead glass Firing Very fine George III Masonic Rummer of superb quality and heavy metal. c1810 engraved with symbols and devices including Twin Pillars and Royal Arch , with Hebrew for lettering;YHWH7 steps etc with Canopy; KT signs; Squared Paving and various working tools . All-seeing eye etc Sun Moon & Stars

C19th Masonic Gaming Glass containing 3 dice

Multi-faceted glass with Masonic engravings and the base contains 3 dice and intended to be used to gamble to see who pays for the round.


Shriners Champagne Glass

Each year souvenir glasses were made. This is from 1911 when the convention was held in Rochester (The Home of Eastman-Kodak) and depicted on the glass is a photographer recording the Shriner on his Camel with the Pittsburgh centre in the background and also features the Shriner symbol for Syria Lodge

We have a spare sample of this glass and we invite offers for that as an individual item or for the set of 3 Glasses

This is the 1910 Glass which was for the Convention held in New Orleans In those days considered Iin the Swamp and features Alligators and Neptune,

This is 1909 Glass for the Convention held in Kentucky The base is Tobacco Leaves which is the produce of the area and the Horseshoe represents the Knetucky Derby

C19th Masonic Firing Glass

This is a Large and fine Masonic glass is heavily engraved with symbols and devices including Twin Pillars and Royal Arch , Squared Paving and various working tools VSL. All-seeing eye etc Sun Moon and Stars and the Dove.etc etc

A COLLECTION OF Shriners Postcards issued for Conventions

A pair of Book-ends depicting George Washington and Benjamin Franklin as Founding Fathers of Freemasonry in the American Colonies in the C18th. Made by the German potters Goebel of Western Germany and highly prized

A very rare MARK Master Masons certificate issued by an Independent Lodge and countersigned by the General Registar of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter for Scotland Mark Master Mason Lodge Langley, Cardiff No 16 dated 7th May 1867

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