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Lesson 3: Authors Craft Day 2 Doctor De Soto Overview Class: There are 23 second-grade students in this classroom.

Two students are on IEPs, though neither student is on an academic IEP. Both students participate fully in all classroom activities. One of these students has a full time, one-on-one aide. There are also 3 ELL students in the class. Subject: Language Arts/Read Aloud Brief Summary: This lesson continues our study of authors craft. The class will use Doctor De Soto to look at Steigs use of dashes and ellipses. Time: 45 minutes Understandings Students will understand that authors use different craft techniques in their text to influence their writing. They will specifically become familiar with the use of dashes and ellipses. Standards Reading Standards for Literature Grade 2: 1. Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. 4. Describe how words and phrases (e.g. regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song. 7. Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, settings, or plot. Speaking and Listening Standards for Grade 2: 2. Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. Objectives SWBAT: Identify Steigs use of dashes and ellipses in his writing Explain orally how these craft techniques influence their reading of the text in response to specific questions. Materials needed. Doctor De Soto by William Steig Pre-made vocabulary chart for Doctor De Soto ELMO projector Authors Craft Anchor Chart Dashes and Ellipses premade anchor chart elements Tape


Instructional Approach. 1. Introduction: a. Yesterday we began talking about different craft elements that authors use in their writing. Like all good authors Steig makes specific choices in his writing that help the reader better understand his writing. b. Briefly review elements discussed in Lesson 2 (dialogue, italics, pictures tell a story) c. Today we will be reading another book by William Steig called Doctor De Soto. Allow students to acknowledge if they have read the book by raising hands. 2. Vocabulary Scaffolding: a. As we saw in The Amazing Bone William Steig uses a lot of strong words in his books. Ive listed some of vocabulary words that are in Doctor De Soto. We will be referring to this chart as we read to help us understand the story. b. Read the words to the students; after each word have the students echo the word back. We will discuss the definitions when the word arises in the text. Remind the students to give a thumbs-up when they hear the vocabulary word in the story. 3. Interactive Read Aloud: a. While reading Doctor De Soto, pause to ask questions of the students to check comprehension (in the text questions, inferencing questions, making predictions, etc.) b. Pause at vocabulary words to clarify meaning and link back to the vocabulary anchor chart. 4. Discuss Story Elements: a. As a class, identify the characters, setting, problem, and solution in the story. 5. Dashes: a. What is a dash? What do they look like in text? What does a dash tell us to do as readers? Quick turn and talk to initiate conversation if necessary. b. Look at examples of dashes in Doctor De Soto using the ELMO. How do dashes help us as readers? Dashes are used to add more information. Dashes tell the reader to pause in their reading. c. Add characteristics to anchor chart as they are discussed. 6. Ellipses: a. What is an ellipsis? What do they look like in text? What does an ellipsis tell us as readers? Quick turn and talk to initiate conversation if necessary. b. Look at examples of ellipses in the text. What do ellipses tell us to do as readers? Model reading if there was not an ellipses and with the ellipses. Let 1-2 volunteers try as well. Ellipses tell the reader to take a pause.

They may show that a character pauses, trails off, or said more that is not included by the author. c. Add elements to anchor chart as they are discussed. 7. Conclusion: a. Have students summarize what we learned today. Prompt with questions such as: What is authors craft? What are some examples of craft techniques? What do these techniques show us as readers? How could they help us as writers? Sponge CDB! can be introduced (if not introduced in previous lesson) or continued. Allow the students to try to figure out what the letters stand for on their own. Encourage them to whisper the letters under their breath so they can hear what it sounds like; this may help them solve the puzzle along with the visual cues in the illustrations. Assessment Students will be informal assessed using whole class discussion questions during the lesson.

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