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Chapter 1 Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships Multiple Choice 1.

Marketing seeks to create and manage profitable customer relationships by delivering _____ to customers. a. competitive prices b. superior value c. superior service d. superior promotion 2. The marketing manager at Sunshine Car Washes is holding a training session for ne employees. She stresses that perhaps the most important concept of modern marketing is _____. a. customer relationship management b. e!mail advertising c. a "uality Web site d. properly trained sales people #. Selling on the Web presents serious challenges. $ma%on.com has made large initial investments in computer systems& distribution centers& and _____. a. customer ac"uisition b. inventory c. employee training d. employee benefits '. Many e(perts predict that the future ill belong to retailers ho offer both )clicks* and _____. a. ma+or discounts b. bricks c. superior locations d. superior promotion ,. -ou have learned at ork that today.s successful companies at all levels have one thing in common/ they are strongly customer focused and heavily committed to _____. a. obtaining the best C01s b. increasing ealth to stockholders c. marketing d. employee motivation 2. _____ is managing profitable customer relationships.

a. b. c. d.

Management Control Marketing 3uman 4esources

5. The t ofold goal of marketing is to attract ne customers by promising superior value and to _____. a. keep and gro current customers by delivering satisfaction b. keep and gro current customers by delivering competitive pricing c. keep and gro current customers by delivering friendly service d. all of the above 6. 3ighly successful companies kno that if they take care of their customers& _____ ill follo . a. fre"uent ord of mouth b. market share c. profits d. market share and profits 7. Marketing is more than _____ and advertising. a. distribution b. promotion c. selling d. customer service 18. Today& marketing must be understood in terms of making a sale and _____. a. satisfying customer needs b. understanding customer value c. customers. self images d. brilliant advertising 11. Marketing is not only an e(change and managerial process& it is a _____. a. numbers game b. social process c. cultural process d. subcultural process 12. -ou have learned from e(perience as ell as from this course that the most basic concept underlying marketing is that of _____. a. selling and advertising b. customer satisfaction c. retaining customers d. human needs

1#. $s a ne assistant marketing manager trainee& you learn in an orientation meeting that _____ are the form human needs take as they are shaped by culture and individual personality. a. ants b. demands c. self concepts d. desires 1'. 9reg Williams no has the buying po er to purchase the computer system he has anted for the last si( months. 9reg.s ant no has become a _____. a. need b. necessity c. demand d. none of the above 1,. What do companies call a set of benefits that they promise to consumers to satisfy their needs: a. marketing offer b. value proposition c. demand satisfaction d. need proposition 12. -ou are preparing a combination of products& services& information& and e(periences to a market to satisfy needs and ants. What are you preparing: a. value proposition b. demand satisfaction c. tactical plan d. marketing offer 15. We must learn a valuable lesson in marketing. Many sellers make the mistake of paying more attention to the specific products they offer than to the _____ produced by those products. a. benefits b. e(periences c. benefits and e(periences d. value satisfaction 16. Smart marketers look beyond the attributes of the products and services they sell. They create brand _____ and brand _____ for consumers. a. a areness; preference b. recognition; preference c. meaning; preference d. meaning; e(periences

17. <y orchestrating several services and products& companies can create& stage& and market brand _____. a. meaning b. e(periences c. a areness d. preferences 28. The difference bet een customer value and customer satisfaction is that value is the difference bet een the values the customer gains from o ning and using a product and the _____. a. costs of delivery of the product b. cost of obtaining the product c. cost of competing products d. cost of the lost e(perience 21. We can safely say that hen a customer.s purchase lives up to his or her e(pectations& the customer is e(periencing this state of being. a. customer value b. self!esteem c. self!actuali%ation d. customer satisfaction 22. $t ork& customers decide to satisfy needs and ants through e(change. What occurs at this point: a. selling b. customer service c. marketing d. transaction marketing 2#. Marketing consists of actions taken to build and maintain desirable _____ ith target audiences involving a product& service& idea& or other ob+ect. a. e(change transactions b. e(change relationships c. e(change processes d. e(change communications

2'. This group of buyers share a particular need or ant that can be satisfied through e(change relationships.


a. b. c. d.

segment target market market buying group

2,. 0conomists use the term )market* differently than marketers. They refer to a collection of buyers and sellers ho transact in a particular _____& as in the commodities or housing market. a. product class b. product division c. market segment d. target market 22. Marketing is not carried on by sellers alone. _____ also carry on marketing. a. Suppliers b. =nvestors c. Web designers d. <uyers 25. _____ means managing markets to bring about profitable e(change relationships by creating value and satisfying needs and ants. a. Selling b. >romoting c. Marketing d. 4elationship marketing 26. Sha n McCork has an interesting +ob. 3e is involved in getting& keeping& and gro ing customers through creating& delivering& and communicating superior customer value. What is Sha n.s +ob: a. general manager b. supervisor c. marketing manager d. sales manager

27. Marketers are not concerned ith serving all customers in every ay. 4ather& they ant to serve selected customers that they can serve_____. a. profitably b. ith superior customer service c. ell d. ell and profitably

#8. Marketing managers are concerned ith ays to deal ith demand. They may need to find& increase& _____& or even _____ demand. a. avoid; slo b. change; reduce c. ma(imi%e; change d. change; modify #1. The federal government finds it necessary at times to limit demand by reducing the number of customers or to shift their demand temporarily or permanently. ?ame the term for this type of action. a. debugging b. deregulation c. demarketing d. gray marketing #2. The five alternative concepts under hich organi%ations conduct their marketing activities include the production& _____& selling& marketing& and societal marketing concepts. a. promotion b. pricing c. distribution d. product ##. $fter surveying all #&,88 customers by e!mail& <est @alue Stores learned that its customers favor high "uality& performance& and innovative features. <est @alue.s customers ere surveyed about _____. a. product concept b. production concept c. marketing concept d. promotion concept

#'. We have learned by sad e(perience that the product concept can lead to marketing _____. a. failures b. myopia c. problems d. incongruences #,. Aolene.s firm believes that consumers ill not buy enough of the firm.s products unless the firm undertakes a large!scale selling and promotion effort. Aolene.s firm is practicing the _____. a. production concept b. marketing concept c. selling concept

d. relationship concept #2. Most firms practice the selling concept hen they face _____. a. a crisis b. a recession c. fierce competition d. overcapacity #5. To practice the marketing concept& an organi%ation must deliver the _____ better than competitors. a. desired satisfactions b. attractive prices c. level of service d. advertising campaign #6. 1ne of the follo ing is the call of the =nformation $ge here the customer asks/ a. )This is hat = ant& ill you make it safer:* b. )This is hat = ant& on.t you please make it:* c. )Can you make it safer and sell it cheaper:* d. )This is hat = ant& can you provide more options:* #7. Aonathan ?ash orks in sales for a telemarketing firm. 3is firm uses the selling concept hich takes a BanC _____ approach. a. outside!in b. myopic c. inside!out d. marketing concept '8. 3erb Delleher of South est $irlines uses the marketing concept in his successful organi%ation. 3is perspective of having a customer department uses a BanC _____ perspective. a. outside!in b. e(ternal c. inside!out d. modern '1. Customer!driven marketing usually orks ell hen _____ and hen customers _____. a. a clear need e(its; are easy to identify b. customers kno hat they ant; can afford it c. a firm can deliver the goods desired; are thoroughly researched d. a clear need e(ists; kno hat they ant '2. Marie 1rti% en+oys her ork at Euturistic Fesigns& =nc. 3er organi%ation understands customer needs even better than customers themselves do and creates products and services that ill meet e(isting and latent needs& no and in the future. Marie.s firm practices _____ marketing.

a. b. c. d.

customer!driven customer!driving relationship none of the above

'#. ?o many companies are beginning to think of _____ interests as ell as their o n customers. needs. a. society.s b. stockholders. c. investors. d. lenders. ''. The societal marketing concept seeks to establish a balance bet een consumer short! run ants and consumer_____. a. short!run costs and profits b. short!run ethics c. long!run elfare d. health

',. -ou find yourself in a ne +ob. -our marketing manager is heavily involved in the process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction. -our manager is concerned ith hich one of the follo ing: a. database management b. Web site hits c. relationship management d. customer relationship management '2. Companies today face some ne marketing realities that mean there are fe er customers to go around. Changing demographics& _____& and overcapacity in many industries are great concerns. a. more sophisticated competitors b. higher unemployment c. slo ing incomes d. 7G11 '5. _____ is an important concept hen e reali%e that losing a customer means losing more than a single sale. =t means losing the entire stream of purchases that the customer ould make over a lifetime of patronage. a. 3euristics b. ?et profit c. Customer lifetime value d. 4elationship marketing

'6. 0(perience has taught us that the key to building lasting customer relationships is to create superior customer value and _____. a. satisfaction b. great service c. competitive prices d. long!term relationships '7. Customers buy from stores and firms that offer the highest _____. a. value for the dollar b. customer perceived value c. level of customer satisfaction d. both b and c

The Marketing Environment Multiple Choice 1. The most commercially influential demographic group in history is _____. a. generation H b. baby boomers c. generation d. seniors The current marketing environment has a tendency to turn back the clock to simpler times. What has this yearning produced: a. massive nostalgia ave b. massive nutrition ave c. massive e(ercise ave d. massive music ave _____ is perhaps the company that has been most successful in riding the nostalgia ave. a. Capital 4ecords b. 1valtine c. @olks agen d. Ievi Strauss Most trend analysts believe that the nostalgia cra%eG ave ill _____ as the baby boomers continue to mature. a. decline




b. slo c. disappear d. gro ,. Aamie <esto itc% is researching the factors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management.s ability to build and maintain successful relationships ith target customers. What is Aamie researching: a. the marketing environment b. strategic planning c. target markets d. none of the above More than any other group in the company& marketers must be the _____ and _____. a. mass merchandisers; opportunity seekers b. trend trackers; mass merchandisers c. most skilled; trend trackers d. trend trackers; opportunity seekers -ou are directed to study the factors that are close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers J the company& suppliers& marketing intermediaries& customer markets& competitors& and publics. What are you studying: a. the macroenvironment b. the microenvironment c. the marketing environment d. the global environment -ou are directed to study the factors that are larger societal forces that affect your company J demographic& economic& natural& technological& political& and cultural. What are you studying: a. the macroenvironment b. the microenvironment c. the marketing environment d. the global environment $ll of the groups ithin a company are called the _____. a. culture b. diversity c. internal environment d. climate





18. Which of the follo ing do suppliers not provide marketers ithin your firm: a. resources to produce products and services b. insight into trends and competitors c. partners in creating and delivering customer value d. the funding for your paychecks 11. Iand>ort Transportation and 1mega Warehousing help distribute the goods your company sells. The t o businesses are e(amples of _____.


a. resellers b. marketing services agencies c. marketing intermediaries d. physical distribution firms 12. These firms help companies to stock and move goods from their points of origin to their destinations. a. financial intermediaries b. physical distribution firms c. marketing service firms d. resellers 1#. <anks& credit companies& insurance companies& and other businesses that help finance transactions or insure against the risks associated ith the buying and selling of goods and services are referred to as _____. a. financial intermediaries b. physical distribution firms c. marketing service firms d. resellers 1'. Currently& you are employed by a firm that conducts marketing research and creates ads for other companies that help them target and promote their products to the right markets. Eor hom are you employed: a. financial intermediary b. physical distribution firm c. marketing service firm d. reseller 1,. >ercy 1riginals caters to a market of individuals and households that buys goods and services for personal consumption. What do e call this market: a. business b. reseller c. government d. consumer 12. ?ame the market that buys goods and services for further processing or for use in the production process. a. business b. reseller c. holesale d. consumer


15. 4achel >atino orks for a holesale company called Fistributors Knlimited. She is responsible for buying and selling goods at a profit to small retailers. What is her market: a. business b. reseller c. holesale d. consumer 16. $ company.s marketing environment includes various _____& hich consists of any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organi%ation.s ability to achieve its ob+ectives. a. teams b. audiences c. markets d. publics 17. This type of public is a radio station that carries ne s& features& and editorial opinions about your area. What is it: a. financial b. media c. citi%en!action d. local 28. $ consumer organi%ation& environmental group& and minority group have challenged your firm.s stand on a local issue. This is the _____ public. a. general b. local c. government d. citi%en!action 21. -our marketing environment is currently researching the si%e& density& location& age& and occupations of your target market. What is this environment: a. demographic b. psychographic c. @$IS d. geographic

22. Statisticians have pro+ected the orld.s population to reach _____ billion by the year 282,. a. 2., b. 2.7 c. 5.,


d. 5.7 2#. The three largest age groups in $merica are the baby boomers& generation H& and _____. a. seniors b. generation c. teens d. toddlers 2'. -ou distribute coupons to every household in $merica. Sooner or later& you ill reach all ___ million people in this country. a. 225 b. 255 c. 265 d. 275 2,. 4esearch has sho n that the most important demographic trend in the Knited States is the _____. a. changing age structure of the population b. mobility of people c. slo ing birth rate d. increase in professional +obs 22. Some baby boomers are referred to as )F=?Ds.* What does this stand for: a. dependable income& no!kids couple b. don.t ork& intelligent& no!kicks c. dual!income& no!kids couple d. none of the above 25. <aby boomers ere born bet een the years 17'2 and _____. a. 17,' b. 1728 c. 172' d. 1758 26. This demographic age group is approaching life ith a ne stability and reasonableness in the ay they live& think& eat& and spend. They are _____. a. generation H b. generation c. baby busters d. baby boomers 27. Which group buys a lot of s eaters& boots& electronics& cars& and computers: a. generation H b. generation c. baby boomers


d. all of the above #8. This group shares ne cultural concerns& cares about the environment& and responds favorably to socially responsible companies. Who are they: a. generation H b. generation c. generation L d. baby boomers #1. Who are the echo boomers: a. generation H b. generation c. generation L d. baby boomers #2. This group has created large kid and teen markets. Who are they: a. generation H b. generation c. generation L d. baby boomers ##. 4ecently you read a marketing research report that mentioned ____ has BhaveC utter fluency and comfort ith computer& digital& and =nternet technology. a. generation H b. generation c. generation L d. baby boomers #'. Fefining people by their birth date may be less effective than segmenting them by their _____ or ____. a. income; occupation b. lifestyle; occupation c. lifestyle; life stage d. occupation; life stage #,. =t is interesting to note that about _____ percent of $merican households contain married couples ith children. a. 2' b. 26 c. #2 d. #' #2. The three groups of baby boomers include leading& _____& and trailing. a. core b. general c. secondary


d. central #5. _____ households are no gro ing faster than _____ households. a. Traditional; nontraditional b. Iarge; traditional c. ?ontraditional; smaller d. ?ontraditional; traditional #6. =n 17,8& omen made up #8 percent of the orkforce; no they make up _____. a. #, percent b. '8 percent c. '# percent d. '2 percent #7. $mericans are very mobile. 1ver the past t o decades& the K.S. population has shifted to ard the _____ states. a. Mid est b. estern c. sunbelt d. southeastern '8. Within given regions& the population is moving from large cities to the _____. a. smaller cities b. rural areas c. foreign countries d. suburbs '1. ?early '8 million $mericans are orking out of their homes ith electronic conveniences. They are called the _____ market. a. telecommuters b. S131 c. mobile d. ork!at!home '2. >opulation shifts interest marketers because people in different regions _____ differently. a. eat b. think c. buy d. act '#. Eacts Eor -ou research firm has +ust released a report that one of these groups of orkers has declined during the last 28 years. Which one is it: a. hite collar


b. blue collar c. service d. unemployed ''. Marketers need to kno that almost everyone in this country is a native. Which country is it: a. China b. <olivia c. Aapan d. Dorea ',. <ecause of increased _____& $mericans ill demand higher "uality products& books& maga%ines& travel& personal computers& and =nternet services. a. income b. family si%e c. education d. none of the above '2. =t is important for marketers to kno that the _____ population gro th is 12 times greater than the Caucasian gro th rate. a. 3ispanic b. 0thnic c. $sian d. $frican $merican

'5. Which economic group offers fe market opportunities: a. subsistence b. second! orld c. industrial d. industrial!technical '6. The _____ environment consists of factors that affect consumer purchasing po er and spending patterns. a. social!cultural b. political!legal c. technological d. economic '7. Furing the 1768s& $merican consumers fell into aBnC _____ fren%y that may never be e"ualed again in our time. a. debt b. consumption c. unemployment d. spending


,8. What movement has spa ned the marketer.s a areness of environmentally sustainable strategies: a. 0>$ b. black market c. green movement d. deregulation ,1. Can you find the most likely dramatic force shaping the marketer.s destiny: a. technological environment b. natural environment c. legal!political environment d. deregulation ,2. ?e a. b. c. d. technologies create ne opportunities and ne _____. products services markets means of financing purchases

,#. Marketers are a are of la s& government agencies& and pressure groups that influence or limit various organi%ations and individuals in a given society. We call this the _____ environment. a. social!legal b. legal!cultural c. political d. legal!technological ,'. 0ven the most liberal advocates of free!market economies agree that the system orks best ith _____. a. medium regulation b. ma(imum regulation c. occasional regulation d. at least some regulation ,,. $s marketing manager for Iaser =ndustries& you should be a are that legislation affecting business around the orld ill continue to _____. a. e(ist b. increase c. remain steady d. decrease ,2. <usiness legislation has been created for three basic reasons/ to protect companies from each other& to protect consumers& and to _____. a. protect the interests of society b. regulate prices


c. increase orld trade d. regulate monopolies ,5. The reason business regulation e(ists to protect the interests of society is to limit _____. a. businesses from harming each other b. unfair business practices c. unrestrained business behavior d. monopolistic competition

,6. $ society.s basic values& perceptions& preferences& and behaviors are found in its _____ environment. a. social b. cultural c. social!cultural d. cultural!economic

,7. Marketers must understand that a society.s core beliefs and values have a high degree of _____. a. persistence b. rigidity c. similarity d. ethnocentrism 28. -our company is making negotiations to enter basic markets in Io er $lbania. -ou have discovered that _____ beliefs and values are more open to change in this country. a. simple b. secondary c. primary d. core

21. $s contrasted ith the )me* society during the 1768s& the ne consumers are adopting more _____ behaviors and ambitions. a. family b. conservative c. liberal d. middle!of!the road


22. Studies suggest a bright future for products and services that serve _____ needs and provide real _____. a. emotional; e(citement b. basic; ants c. basic; value d. e(isting; value 2#. Marketers have noticed a shift a ay from the )me* society to the )_____* society. a. them b. e c. ne d. future

2'. >eople.s orientation to their society influences their attitudes to ard the marketplace and their consumption _____. a. desires b. needs c. patterns d. ants 2,. Marketers have observed from research that consumers are involved in more camping& hiking& boating& fishing& and other outdoor activities because of their _____. a. love of nature b. a areness of nature c. need for e(ercise d. none of the above 22. Some e(perts e(plain that $mericans are concerned ith the meaning of life and issues of the soul and spirit and are on a _____ +ourney that marketers need to envision. a. religious b. philosophical c. eternal d. spiritual 25. Marketers can take _____ by taking aggressive action to affect the publics and forces in their marketing environments. a. an environmental perspective b. an environmental management perspective c. a natural perspective d. a natural management perspective


26. Eirms that take an environmental management perspective ill hire ____ to influence legislation affecting their industries to their advantage. a. mediators b. lobbyists c. negotiators d. politicians Consumer Behaviour 1. Most large companies research _____ buying decisions to find out hat they buy& here they buy& ho and ho much they buy& hen they buy& and hy they buy. a. market b. permanent c. consumer d. social 2. 3o do consumers respond to various marketing efforts the company might use: The starting point is the _____ of a buyer.s behavior. a. belief b. subculture c. postpurchase feeling d. stimulus!response Marketing stimuli consist of the four >s. Which is not one of these >s: a. product b. political c. price d. promotion Which is not a part of the buyer.s black bo(: a. observable buyer responses b. product choice c. need recognition d. dealer choice The marketer ants to understand ho the stimuli are changed into responses inside the consumer.s _____& hich has t o parts. Eirst& the buyer.s characteristics influence ho he or she perceives and reacts to the stimuli. Second& the buyer.s decision process itself affects the buyer.s behavior. a. culture b. black bo( c. belief d. lifestyle






The marketer needs to understand the role played by all of the follo ing e(cept _____. a. the buyer.s culture b. the buyer.s subculture c. the eather d. the buyer.s social class _____ is the most basic cause of a person.s ants and behavior. a. Culture b. <rand personality c. Cognitive dissonance d. ?e product What is the most pronounced difference that marketers must study: a. motive b. information search c. habitual buying behavior d. international differences Marketers are al ays trying to spot _____ in order to discover ne products that might be anted. a. lifestyles b. cultural shifts c. groups d. dissonance




18. 0ach culture contains smaller _____& or groups of people ith shared value systems based on common life e(periences and situations. a. alternative evaluations b. cognitive dissonances c. subcultures d. motives 11. Eour important subcultures mentioned by the author include all e(cept _____. a. 3ispanics b. $frican $mericans c. mature consumers d. opinion leaders


12. _____ are society.s relatively permanent and ordered divisions hose members share similar values& interests& and behaviors. a. Social classes b. >urchase decisions c. >erceptions d. $ttitudes 1#. What is one ay that a social class is not measured: a. occupation b. education c. income d. number of children in the family 1'. _____ are ones to hich the individual ishes to belong& as hen a teenage basketball player hopes to play someday for the Ios $ngeles Iakers. a. Membership groups b. $spirational groups c. 4eference groups d. Ieisure groups 1,. _____ are people ithin a reference group ho& because of special skills& kno ledge& personality& or other characteristics& e(ert influence on others. a. 1pinion leaders b. 3abitual buyers c. Charismatic personalities d. >erceptionists 12. _____ marketers are no taking to the streets& as ell as cafes& nightclubs& and the =nternet& in record numbers. Their goal/ to seek out the trendsetters in each community and subtly push then into talking up a specific brand to their friends and admirers. a. Eamily b. <u%% c. >ersonality d. 1pinion


15. The _____ is the most important consumer buying organi%ation in society. Marketers are interested in the roles and influence of the husband& ife& and children on the purchase of different products and services. a. family b. social class c. opinion leader d. information search 16. $ _____ consists of the activities people are e(pected to perform according to the persons around them. a. motive b. role c. lifestyle d. perception 17. >eople often buy the kind of clothing that sho s their _____ in society. a. attitude b. status c. learning d. motive 28. $ buyer.s decisions also are influenced by _____ such as the buyer.s age and life! cycle stage& occupation& economic situation& lifestyle& and personality and self! concept. a. personal characteristics b. learning c. habitual buying behavior d. variety!seeking buying behavior 21. >eople change the goods and services they buy over time because of t o important factors. These are _____. a. belief and attitude b. perception and personality c. age and life!cycle stage. d. groups and learning

22. $nna Elores can consider buying an e(pensive ?ikon camera if she has enough _____& savings& or borro ing po er.


a. b. c. d.

personality spendable income culture information search

2#. _____ is a person.s pattern of living as e(pressed in his or her psychographics. a. >ersonality b. Culture c. Iifestyle d. Motive 2'. $ll of the follo ing make up a person.s lifestyle e(cept _____. a. $=1 dimensions b. interests c. dissonance!reducing buying behavior d. opinions 2,. Several research firms have developed lifestyle classifications. The most idely used is the _____. a. @$IS b. $=1 c. C=$ d. <2<


22. _____ are people ith so many resources that they can indulge in any or all consumer self!orientation. a. 3abitual buyers b. $ctuali%ers c. <rand personalities d. Subcultures 25. _____ refers to the uni"ue psychological characteristics that lead to relatively consistent and lasting responses to one.s o n environment. =t is usually described in traits such as self!confidence& dominance& sociability& autonomy& defensiveness& adaptability& and aggressiveness. a. $lternative evaluation b. <elief c. Culture d. >ersonality

26. $ person.s buying choices are further influenced by four ma+or psychological factors. Which is not one of these factors: a. motivation b. perception c. habitual buying behavior d. learning 27. $ _____ is a need that is sufficiently pressing to direct the person to seek satisfaction. a. lifestyle b. motive c. culture d. personality #8. The term _____ refers to "ualitative research designed to probe consumers. hidden& subconscious motivations. a. social class b. opinion leader c. motivation research d. need recognition #1. Maslo .s theory is that human needs are arranged in a _____ from the most pressing at the bottom to the least pressing at the top. a. social class b. culture c. perception


d. hierarchy #2. Maslo has a list of human needs from the most pressing to the least pressing. They include all of the follo ing e(cept _____. a. physiological needs b. safety needs c. need recognition d. self!actuali%ation ##. _____ is the process by hich people select& organi%e& and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the orld. a. >ersonality b. >erception c. Selective group d. 3abitual behavior

#'. >eople can form different perceptions of the same stimulus because of three perceptual processes. $ll of the follo ing name these processes e(cept _____. a. selective attention b. selective distortion c. selective attitude d. selective retention #,. _____ is the tendency for people to screen out most of the information to hich they are e(posed. a. Selective distortion b. Selective attitude c. Selective retention d. Selective attention #2. _____describes the tendency of people to interpret information in a ay that ill support hat they already believe. a. Selective distortion b. Selective attitude c. Selective retention d. Selective attention #5. >eople ill forget much that they learn. They tend to retain information that supports their attitudes and beliefs. This is called _____. a. selective retention


b. selective distortion c. selective attitude d. selective attention #6. _____ advertising is hen consumers are affected by marketing messages ithout even kno ing it. a. $lternative evaluation b. Subliminal c. Comple( d. Motive #7. _____ describes changes in an individual.s behavior arising from e(perience. a. Iifestyle b. Iearning c. >erception d. Cognitive dissonance '8. Iearning occurs through the interplay of all of the follo ing e(cept _____. a. drives b. stimuli c. cues d. dissonance behavior '1. _____ are minor stimuli that determine here& hen& and ho a person responds to purchasing an item. a. Cues b. Frives c. Messages d. >ersonalities '2. =f the e(perience is re arding& she ill probably use the camera more and more. 3er response to cameras ill be _____. a. a learning e(perience b. a belief c. reinforced d. a dissonance e(perience '#. The practical significance of _____ for marketers is that they can build up demand for a product by associating it ith strong drives& using motivating cues& and providing positive reinforcement. a. alternative evaluation b. social classes c. learning theory d. subcultures ''. $ _____ is a descriptive thought that a person has about something. a. lifestyle


b. motive c. belief d. habitual behavior ',. _____ describes a person.s relatively consistent evaluations& feelings& and tendencies to ard an ob+ect or idea. a. Iifestyle b. Motive c. 3abitual behavior d. $ttitude '2. $ person.s attitudes fit into a pattern& and to change one attitude may re"uire difficult ad+ustments in many others. Thus& a company should _____ try to fit its products into e(isting attitudes rather than attempt to change attitudes. a. usually b. not c. once in a hile d. seldom '5. Consumers undertake _____ hen they are highly involved in a purchase and perceive significant differences among brands. a. postpurchase behavior b. comple( buying behavior c. opinion leaders d. dissonance '6. _____ occurs hen consumers are highly involved ith an e(pensive& infre"uent& or risky purchase but see little difference among brands. a. <rand personality b. Fissonance!reducing buying behavior c. Comple( buying behavior d. Consumer market '7. $fter a purchase& consumers might e(perience _____ hen they notice certain disadvantages of the purchased carpet brand and hear favorable things about brands not purchased. a. postpurchase culture b. perception c. postpurchase dissonance d. purchase decision ,8. _____ occurs under conditions of lo consumer involvement and little significant brand difference. Consumers have little involvement in this product category J they simply go to the store and reach for a brand. a. $lternative evaluation b. 3abitual buying behavior c. <rand personality


d. 1pinion leader

,1. With habitual buying behavior& buyers are not highly committed to any brands; marketers of lo !involvement products ith fe brand differences often use _____ and _____ promotions to stimulate product trial. a. belief; attitude b. learning; attitude c. price; sales d. culture; learning ,2. Consumers undertake _____ in situations characteri%ed by lo consumer involvement but significant perceived brand differences. =n such cases& consumers often do a lot of brand s itching. a. dissonance buying behavior b. comple( buying behavior c. need recognition behavior d. variety!seeking buying behavior ,#. Which of the follo ing does not encourage habitual buying behavior: a. dominating shelf space b. running fre"uent reminder advertising c. keeping shelves fully stocked d. putting out ne products ,'. What is one thing that challenger firms do not do to encourage habitual buyers to try their products: a. They offer lo er prices. b. They advertise special deals. c. They put their products high on the shelf to be above all the others. d. They give out coupons and free samples.

,,. The buyer decision process consists of five stages. Which of the follo ing is not one of these stages: a. need recognition b. information search c. variety!seeking buying behavior d. purchase decision ,2. The buying process starts ith _____M the buyer recogni%es a problem or need.


a. b. c. d.

need recognition information search evaluation of alternatives purchase decision

,5. =f the consumer.s drive is strong and a satisfying product is near at hand& the consumer is likely to buy it then. =f not& the consumer may store the need in memory or undertake aBnC _____. a. brand personality b. alternative evaluation c. postpurchase behavior d. information search ,6. The consumer can obtain information from any of several sources. Which is not one of these sources: a. personal b. commercial c. attitude d. public ,7. The most effective source that consumers obtain information from is _____ because it legitimi%es or evaluates products for the buyer. a. commercial b. public c. e(perimental d. personal

28. What is the only promotion method that is of consumers& by consumers& and for consumers: a. public sources b. ord!of!mouth sources c. commercial sources d. subculture sources 21. The marketer needs to kno about _____M that is& ho the consumer processes information to arrive at brand choices. a. alternative evaluation b. opinion leaders c. lifestyle d. habitual buying behavior


22. Consumers arrive at attitudes to ard different brands through some evaluation procedures. Which describes ho this happens: a. Consumers use careful calculations and logical thinking. b. Consumers sometimes do little or no evaluating; instead they buy on impulse and rely on intuition. c. Sometimes consumers turn to friends for advice. d. $ll of the above apply. 2#. 9enerally& the consumer.s purchase decision ill be to buy the most preferred brand& but t o factors can come bet een the purchase intention and the purchase decision. What is one of these factors: a. postpurchase behavior b. attitude of others c. cognitive dissonance d. habitual buying behavior 2'. The marketer.s +ob does not end hen the product is bought. $fter purchasing the product& the consumer ill be satisfied or dissatisfied and ill engage in _____. a. habitual buying behavior b. alternative evaluation c. postpurchase behavior d. variety!seeking buying behavior

2,. What determines hether the buyer is satisfied or dissatisfied ith a purchase: The ans er lies in the relationship bet een the consumer.s e(pectations and the product.s _____. a. perceived performance b. brand personality c. recognition d. consumer market 22. $lmost all ma+or purchases result in _____& or discomfort caused by postpurchase conflict. a. opinion leaders b. cognitive dissonance c. purchase decisions d. comple( buying behavior 25. _____ is a key to building lasting relationships ith consumers. a. >ersonality b. $lternative evaluation c. ?eed recognition


d. Customer satisfaction N


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