Section D Comprehension Linear Text

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LINEAR. SET 1. Dear Editor, I remembered my late mums advice, Honesty is the best policy. I am going to relate to you my friends experience. y friend, !rish, aged "#, $as not feeling $ell one day. He $as advised to go for a thorough chec%&up. 'nly then did he find out that he $as HI(& positive. )hen he $ent to $or%, out of concern, all his colleagues gathered around him and as%ed him for the outcome of his chec%&up. *eing an honest man, he told them his medical problem. +hey loo%ed at him $ide&eyed and ,uic%ly $al%ed a$ay. -lmost immediately, he $as hauled to his employers office. He $rote him t$o che,ues, one for his last pay and another as compensation. !rish $as told to resign right then as his employer put it, +he office $or%ers do not feel comfortable $ith him around. !rish $as shoc%ed. He tried to explain to his employer that the doctor confirmed his condition $as under control and that he $as the sole bread$inner of the family of six children and an aged mother. .obody $ould listen to him. His $orld $as dar% and mysterious. He had to resign from the textile company. He did not get a /ob until a fe$ years later because he chose to declare in his employment application forms that he $as HI(&positive. 'nce his status $as %no$n, nobody $anted him. 0inally, an .1' $hich promotes HI(&-IDs prevention efforts came to his aid. *efore this employment, his poor $ife had to $or% as a cleaner by day and a dish$asher by night. +he social stigma $as there. Even other children refused to play $ith !rishs children at the playground. +he teachers in his childrens school tal%ed about it. Does it pay to be honest these days2 3 +he $ord relate as used in paragraph 3 means - tell * spell 5 guess D dictate !rish $as 6666666 to be HI(&positive. - said * rumoured 5 examined D diagnosed )hat $as his colleagues reaction )hen he told them his medical problem2 - -dvised him. * 9hunned him. 5 1ave him money. D +old him to resign. Ho$ did people %no$ about !rishs edical problem2 - His employer told them. * +he doctor announced it. 5 His family tal%ed about it. D He declared the problem himself. 4 )hy did his employer $rite him +$o che,ues2 - +o help his family. * +o get him to resign. 5 +o pay for his treatment. D +o buy him some medications. )hy couldnt !rish get a /ob +he previous year2 - He didnt pass the intervie$s. * He chose to declare his status. 5 He didnt have a complete and impressive curriculum vitae. D He $as physically handicapped and emotionally exhausted. )hich category of people listed *elo$ is most li%ely to be HI( infected2 - Drug users * 'ffice $or%ers 5 .e$born babies D !indergarten teachers In your opinion, $hat is a more effective $ay to eradicate social stigma associated $ith HI(2 - Educate the public. * <aunch an investigation. 5 0ine those $ho tal% about it. D Have tal%s $ith HI( patients.



SET 2 KUALA LUMPUR: 0ifteen&year&old !anendra !umar has more on his mind than /ust his exams and friends. He ,uestions the happenings in the $orld and $hy teenagers li%e him in $ar&torn countries have to suffer. I dont understand $hy they have to see their school bombed. I am very grateful for the peace $e have here, but the children in 1a=a $ill al$ays be in my thoughts, said !anendra of 9ri 5empa%a 9chool, Damansara. >esterday, !anendras schoolmates, aged bet$een " and 3?, handed #,4@@ hand$ritten letters, dra$ings and cards to Datin Aadu%a arina ahathir for the B+o y 0riends in 1a=a pro/ect. 0ive&year&old Cosie aya, $ho designed a )innie the Aooh card, said she $as happy that she had the chance to do something good. I hope this card $ill cheer them up. arina, $ho launched the pro/ect last month, said although the deadline $as yesterday, contributions are still $elcomed. )e have received more than #,7@@ greetings from individuals, preschools and schools. *ut I $ill accept more after sending these cards. 5empa%as (ice&chairman, Dr Is%andar Di=al Ham=ah, handed the cards to arina, $ho later presented t$o sets of boo%s in English and *ahasa alaysia documenting the lives of children and teenagers in Aalestine. Dr Is%andar said that the preschoolers incorporated the efforts as part of their school$or%, $hile the other older students $ere given the choice. +hese children got some help from their school teachers. +hey $ere very interested in designing their o$n cards for the 5hildren of 1a=aE +hose interested in sending greetings in the form of cards to children in 1a=a, may send their cards to B+o y 0riends in 1a=a, cFo :;, Calan +erasa% Dua, 4?3@@ !uala <umpur. G-dapted from The New Straits TimesH 3 )hat did the children do to help the children of 1a=a2 - 9ent cards. * 1ave boo%s. 5 Donated money. D 1ave old clothes. 0rom the ne$spaper report above, $e %no$ that !anendra !umar is - indecisive * revengeful 5 appreciative D approachable )hy did Cosie aya ma%e the card for +he pro/ect B+o y 0riends in 1a=a2 - 9he $anted to be re$arded. * 9he $anted to sho$ her artistic talent and s%ill. 5 9he $anted to encourage the children of 1a=a. D she $anted to spend her spare time meaningfully. )ho launched the pro/ect B+o y 0riends in 1a=a2 - +he .e$ 9traits +imes * +he people of Aalestine 5 Dr Is%andar Di=al Ham=ah D Datin Aadu%a arina ahathir 4 )hat should one do if one $ants to send a greetings card to the children of 1a=a2 - 9end to :;, Calan +erasa% Dua, !uala <umpur. * (isit Datin Aadu%a arina ahathirs office. 5 Email Dr Is%andar Di=al Ham=ah D 5all +he .e$ 9traits +imes. 0rom the ne$spaper report above, $e can conclude that the children $ere - %ind * calm 5 selfless D generous +he pro/ect B+o y 0riends in 1a=as instill in the children a sense of - timing * gratitude 5 patriotism D forgiveness )hat lesson do $e learn from the .e$spaper report2 - <ive and let live. * Inity is strength. 5 !ind $ords are $orth much and cost little.



SET 3 Aonggolo AonggalE Aonggolo AonggalE +hese $ere the shouts from the residents of !ampung 5hitty in 1a/ah *erang, ela%a. It $as the Aonggol 0estival held during the +amil festival of +hai, $hich usually falls bet$een Canuary and 0ebruary. +he 5hitty community numbering about #@@, held this $ee%&long festival in Canuary, $ith much colours and a variety of activities to add to the fun and laughter. +he Aonggol 0estival is an annual festival to signify a bountiful harvest, prosperity, good luc% and blessings for the year ahead. +his tradition dates bac% to India some 4@@@ years ago by the 5hitty community. +he 5hitty community $ere descendants of Indian traders $ho plied the 9traits of ela%a. +hey eventually settled do$n in ela%a during the 34th century ela%a era. During this festival, the main attraction $as the coo%ing of the ponggol rice. +his ceremony involved the boiling of mil% in a clay pot until it overflo$ed. +his is synonymous to giving than%s for prosperity. +hen, rice, unrefined sugar, raisins, chic%peas and cashe$ nuts $ere added. +he rice $as prepared by single young $omen. +hey then presented the rice on trays to the 1oddess in the hope of finding a good husband and long&lasting marriage at the village temple. +his ceremony $as conducted by the priest. +he young maidens $ould ta%e blessings from a flame after the priest had completed the ponggol rice prayer ceremony. *esides the ponggol rice coo%ing, the next attraction $as the bathing of the scared co$. +he sacred co$ $as ta%en of a parade around the village. 0resh flo$ers, fruits and many others $ere items offered to the sacred co$ to honour it for its hard $or% during the harvest. +hese items $ere offered to the sacred co$ after prayers at the temple. -mong the other highlights during this harvest festival $ere the Indian dance presentation, 5hitty coo%ing demonstrations, Indian fol% games and an open house. +he $hole 5hitty community gathered together to ma%e this event a successful and memorial one for everyone. G-dapted from The Star-MetroH 3 )hy $ere there shouts of Aonggolo Aonggal at !ampung 5hitty in ela%a last Canuary2 - +o celebrate a birthday. * +o celebrate a $edding. 5 +o celebrate the ne$ year. D +o celebrate the harvesr festival. +he $ord signify means to - hide * mar% 5 revie$ D disclose Ho$ long does the Aonggol 0estival last2 - 9even days * 0ortnight 5 'ne month D 'ne year +he phrase bountiful harvest Indicates - fear * anxiety 5 bitterness D happiness 8 4 +he 5hitty members $ere Descendants of - traders * royalty 5 farmers D $arriors )hy $as the ponggol rice Arepared by single young $omen2 - to repay a vo$. * +o as% for $ealth. 5 +o signify prosperity. D +o $ish for a good husband. )hich of the follo$ing activities in not held on the Aonggol 0estival2 - +he coo%ing of the ponggol rice * +he bathing of the sacred co$ 5 the catching fish competition D Indian dance presentation 0rom the passage, $e can conclude +hat the Aonggol 0estival is - a sacred festival * a dancing festival 5 a than%sgiving festival D a festival for young maidens

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SET 4 +here are t$elve animals in the 5hinese horoscope. It begins $ith the rat $hich is %no$n to be very alert and practical. +his is follo$ed by the ox $hich has a good heart and then the tiger $hich is punctual and trust$orthy. +he rabbit is gentle $hile next is the dragon $hich is dynamic in nature. +he sna%e is an opportunist $hile the horse is hard&$or%ing. .ext is the goat $hich is patient, gentle and ,uiet by nature. 0ollo$ing the goat is the ever agile and $ily mon%ey. +he rooster is %no$n for its punctuality $hile the dog prefers to be a loner and not to be seen. <ast in the horoscope is the boar $hich is home&loving by nature. Have you ever $ondered $hy the 5hinese animal horoscope begins $ith the rat or $hy the rat and the cat cant see eye to eye? -ccording to the legend, it has been said that the *uddha invited all the animals on earth for a ban,uet before he departed from the $orld. He also declared that the yearly =odiac $ould be named after the t$elve animals that arrived first. -ll the animals $ere extremely excited. -t that time, the rat and the cat $ere the best of friends. -s it $as still very early, the la=y cat do=ed off. He had earlier told the rat to $a%e him up so that they $ould be in time for the ban,uet. +he rat, being very dastardly, could not be bothered. +he cat $as left in slumberland $hile the rat made plans for himself. He met the ox $hich $as a po$erful s$immer. 9eeing that, the rat s$eetly as%ed the ox, 5ould I hitch a ride on your bac%, r 'x2 +he good&natured ox could not say no. +he rat /umped on the oxs bac%. -s soon as the rat sa$ the *uddha, he /umped off the bac% of the ox, scurried ahead and bo$ed to the *uddha. Hence, he $as the first animal in the 5hinese =odiac. +he ox bo$ed in his turn, follo$ed by the other animals of the =odiac. )hat happened to the cat then2 He $o%e up only to find his best friend, the rat, missing. He %ne$ he had left for the ban,uet. 9o, the cat raced to the ban,uet. He $as very sad and at the same time, disappointed. He had been played out by his best friend, the rat. 9ince then, the cat and the rat have been foes. 3 )hat is the passage above mainly about2 - 5ats and rats relationship * 5hinese animal horoscope 5 - partnership based on trust D -nimals racing competition on earth. +he phrase see eye to eye as used in paragraph # means - detest * agree 5 fight D trust 8 " )hich animal is ,uic% at ta%ing adantage of the situations2 - +iger * 9na%e 5 Dragon D on%ey +he follo$ing $ord describe the mon%ey except - agile * active 5 patient D cunning ; 4 +he horse is %no$n for its - faithfulness * punctuality 5 diligence D sincerity )hy did the rat allo$ the cat to sleep on2 - He $anted the cat to rest longer. * He $anted the *uddha to bless the cat. 5 He did not $ant the cat to attend the ban,uet. D He did not $ant the cat to see the other animals. )hy did the rat decide to hitch a ride on the oxs bac%2 - He did not $ant to be dro$ned. * He did not $ant to dirty himself. 5 He and the ox $ere the best of friends. D He $anted to be the first to attend the ban,uet. 0rom the passage above, $e %no$ that - the rat $as selfish. * the ox $as al$ays angry. 5 the rooster helped the poor cat. D the cat did not %no$ ho$ to s$im.


SET 5 During the last school holidays, my friends Jul, Dam and I visited my Incle Dashids farm. It $as a one&day trip and $e $ere very excited. *esides, I $as also loo%ing for$ard to eating my -unt -inis coo%ing. -ll the dishes she coo%s taste delicious. y favourite dish is chic%en rendang and hers is the best. )hen $e reached the farm my uncle too% us to the fields and sho$ed us around. )e $ere surprised at $hat he did $ith food leftovers. B+he process is scientific and is called composting, he started. B>our aunt and I collect vegetable discards, fruit peel as $ell as dead leaves and plants and cover them $ith soil. )e leave them to compost and the resulting product acts as a natural fertili=er for use in organic agriculture. In this $ay $e recycle all our leftover food. )e $ere ama=ed $ith the piles of soil $e sa$ in the fields and the $ay they $ere sprayed $ith $ater. Dam then as%ed, B)here does coo%ed food go then2 y uncle replied, B)ell, $e feed the chic%ens $ith leftover coo%ed foodE +his $ay nothing is $asted. BAerhaps $e could also do something li%e this at school, suggested Jul. B)e already recycle paper and aluminium cans. In this $ay $e can also recycle leftover food. 9oon it $as time for lunch and -unt -ini had coo%ed my favourite chic%en rendang, fish curry and fried aubergines. -fter the delicious meal, $e helped Incle Dashid in his farm 3 +he $riters favourite dish is - fish curry * fried aubergines 5 chic%en rendang D chic%en curry )hich of the follo$ing is not added to compost heap2 - potato peel * leftover papaya 5 dead leaves D leftover fried fish 5ompost is a natural - leftover * agriculture 5 fertili=er <eftover coo%ed food is used to - fertili=e the crops * feed the chic%ens 5 ma%e up the compost heap D pile up on the soil 8 4 )hat $as Juls suggestion2 - to recycle paper * to recycle aluminium cans 5 to recycle leftover food. )hich of the follo$ing $ords does not describe the $riter and his friends2 - Desponsible * Helpful 5 Enthusiastic D <a=y -ubergine is a - fish * bird 5 vegetable -t school Jul recycled the follo$ing except - paper * aluminium cans 5 leftover food

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SET 6 +he $ord phobia is commonly used no$adays. - phobia is described as a persistent, unreasonable fear of a specific thing or situation, $here someone feels an intense need to avoid or flee from the fear. +he threat of the phobia the person feels is much greater than the actual threat it poses. )hat causes such an intense reaction and desire to flee2 +here are t$o types of phobias. 'ne is social phobia and the other is specific phobia. - social phobia stems from excessive self&consciousness, and socially&phobic people usually fear being humiliated and criticised by others. +hose $ith specific phobias experience a fear to$ard a specific thing, such as animals, activities or ob/ects. -ny fear can turn into a phobia potentially, no matter ho$ silly or made up it seems. +hose having a phobia should realise that having a phobia isnt the end of the $orld. ost people live successfully $ith them $ithout allo$ing the phobia to interfere negatively. Ahobias also often cure themselves. Having a phobia is not the main problem and those $ho have them need not be stressed about it. 9ome people may thin% your $eird phobias are /ust trivial, but to you, they can be very real. It is only $hen a phobia becomes a big enough part of your life that it inhibits your day&to&day activities that you have to $orry. If your phobia causes immense problems in your day&to day life you may $ant to get chec%ed outE 3 - person $ho is phobic experiences unreasonable - /oy * fright 5 exhilaration )hat is a phobics usual reaction $hen faced $ith a phobia2 - Escape from it * 0ace it 5 0ight it D *lend $ith it 'ne of the features of social phobia is extreme - shyness * bravery 5 laughter D care )hich of the follo$ing is +DIE of Ahobias2 - +here are more than # types of phobias. * - phobic cannot lead a normal life. 5 - phobia can cure itself. D -ll fears turn into phobias. 4 +he $ord trivial as found in the passage can best be replaced $ith - important * small 5 crucial - phobic should see% medical consultation $hen it causes problems in - everyday life * someone elses life 5 past life D family life >ou should 6666 trivial phobia. - be stressed by * ignore 5 see% immediate medical help over D get help ,uic%ly Ahobia could cause the follo$ing except - death * fear 5 anti social behaviour


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SET 7 Aandas are famous for their blac% and $hite mar%ings. +he pandas legs, shoulders, ears and oval patches around the eyes are blac%, $hile the rest of the coat is $hite. Aandas are good tree climbers and they can also s$im to escape predators. +hey use an enlarged $rist bone that loo%s li%e a thumb to grasp ob/ects li%e bamboo. Aandas $eigh an average of #@@ to "@@ pounds and reach six feet in length. 9adly, only 3,@@@ pandas exist in the $ild and 7@ in =oos. +he pandas lifespan in the $ild is un%no$n but in captivity it averages more than #@ years. +he shrin%ing range of the panda is limited to parts of 9=echuan, 9hensi and !ansu provinces in central and $estern 5hina. +he panda lives in thic% bamboo and coniferous forests at ;,4@@ to 33,4@@ feet elevation. It feeds mostly on bamboo, a tall $oody plant full of fibre. +he pandas digestive system does not absorb the fibre, so it must eat a lot. Aandas also eat flo$ers, vines, tufted grasses, green corn, honey and rodents. +hese solitary animals spend most of their days alone feeding. -lthough they live in cold forests, pandas do not hibernate. +hey move to lo$er elevations during $inter to %eep $arm and to higher elevations in summer to stay cool. +hey do not have permanent homes but sleep at the bottom of trees and under stumps and roc% ledges. +he 1iant Aanda is an endangered species. +he threats faced by these $onderful animals are habitat loss due to increasing human populations, poaching and periodic bamboo die&offs. 3 Aandas are $ell %no$n for their - enlarged $rist bones * s$imming s%ills 5 tree climbing s%ills D blac% and $hite mar%ings )hat does the panda use to hold things2 - +humb * 0ingers 5 Hand D )rist bone +he panda can live more than #@ years in - the $ild * 5hina 5 the =oo D cold countries +he panda must eat a lot because - it al$ays gets hungry * it needs more food to %eep $arm 5 its digestive system does not absorb fibre D the $eather is cold ; 4 +he Aandas diet include except - rats * coc%roaches 5 creeper plants D honey +he $ord solitary means living - alone * in danger 5 in the $ild D in groups )hat causes the Aanda to move +o higher or lo$er elevations2 - food * temperature 5 $ater D people +he panda faces dangers of extinction because of the follo$ing EK5EA+ - loss of habitat * poaching 5 bamboo d$indling D lac% of trees

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any of us are struggling to lose some $eight and various methods are ta%en in achieving the goal for the ideal $eight. *elieve it or not, there are people $ho ar torturing their bodies $ith extreme diet plans or ta%ing slimming pills. oreover, some are $illing to ris% their lives by choosing a faster yet painful $ay to shed off their un$anted fats through surgery or liposuction procedures. 0orget about spending thousands of ringgit on unnecessary diet pills or slimming programmes. Instead, $e can accomplish our goal to be slimmer and fitter through a healthy lifestyle. 0irstly, $e should al$ays consult a doctor or ,ualified nutritionist before attempting to lose $eight so that $e can get the proper guidance based on our o$n individual needs and goals. )e should not ta%e lightly on the advice or suggestion provided as our safety is very important. )e should consume foods high in fibre, vitamins and protein $hilst is should be lo$ in fat, sugar and preservatives. +a%ing more fruits and vegetables loaded $ith fibre and vitamins can improve our digestive and immune systems. -lso, they are rich in nutrients that your body needs to survive and be healthy. 0ish and lean meat ae also good sources of protein to build up muscles and repair damaged tissues in our bodies. Infortunately, $e tend to indulge in /un% food or fast food instead. -fter all, there is a saying that says you are $hat you eat. It is basically true given that most of us are carried a$ay $hen it comes to satisfying our appetite and $e eat excessively. -part from that, $e should do some exercise from time to time. There are 1001 excuses given by many people $henever this topic is brought up. -pparently, people no$adays claim that their busy lifestyle and long $or%ing hours hinder them from exercising. +here are many sports centres, gyms and s$imming pools available for everyone to use. Ahysical activities such as /ogging, s$imming, hi%ing or even dancing stimulate various muscles and increase our metabolism. *esides, $e $ill be able to manage our $eight $hen $e exercise regularly. Eventually, it can boost our confidence and improve our self&esteem too. Degular physical activities can even help us to prevent depression and develop our energy level. Everyone is loo%ing for the formula to lose $eight but the fact is that determination and self discipline are the t$o main factors in this process. 9taying fit and healthy can be challenging for most of us but it is a $ise choice to ta%e. *esides healthy diet and routine exercise, $e should also avoid smo%ing and alcoholic drin%s. *y follo$ing the strategies mentioned above, $e $ill be able to have a long&term success in reaching and maintaining our ideal $eight.

0rom the first paragraph, $e %no$ that - everyone li%es to undergo surgeries * everyone $ants to be over$eight 5 everyone is happy $ith their $eight D everyone is struggling for the ideal $eight +he $ord attempting in paragraph # can also be replaced $ith - trying * as%ing 5 finding D going *efore losing $eight, $hat is the first step $e must ta%e2 - Eat only fruits and vegetables every day. * 1o for some surgeries or liposuction procedures. 5 9pend on slimming pills and slimming programmes. D 1et a proper consultation from a doctor or ,ualified nutritionist. In paragraph #, $e can conclude that - a $ell&balanced diet is important * /un% food and fast food are nutritious 5 fat, sugar and preservatives are healthy for the body D eating excessively is good

+he phrase There are 1001 excuses given in paragraph " sho$s to us that - there are many types of food * many people love to exercise 5 exercise is everyones hobby D most people disli%e exercising *y doing regular exercise, $e - $ill be more busy $ith $or% * can eat excessively 5 $ill eat more /un% food D $ill be able to manage our $eight Ho$ does a nutritionist help us to lose $eight2 - Decommends eating more fish and meat * onitor our physical activities 5 suggests fast food to eat conveniently D Alans our diet based on needs and goals +he $ord accomplish means - set * study 5 achieve D change


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SET 9 ENT!N": *aharuddin $ill never be able to lead a normal life $ithour the societys help. +his eight&year&old boy needs a ne$ liver. *aharuddins mother, siti -isyah, "4, is a helper in a restaurant in !ara%. 9he earns about D ;@@.@@ a month. 9he is the sole bread$inner in the family. *aharuddin is her only child. 9iti -isyah cannot afford the operation as it costs about D 3;@@@.@@ at Iniversiti alaya edical 5entre in Aetaling Caya. )ith the help 9iti -isyahs neighbours, they brought the matter to the ne$spaper to appeal for help from the public. 9he said that her son $as a smart pupil despite his condition. Doctors at the medical centre appealed anyone $ho can come and donate liver for *aharuddin. -n operation $ill be fixed as soon as there is liver and money. *aharuddins school, 9! 9ulaiman has raised D 7@@@.@@ for his operation through donations and sale of boo%s. .eighbours and relatives have managed to raise another D 4@@@.@@ but the family still needs another D 8@@@.@@. If you $ish to help *aharuddin, please send che,ues to Hope 5harity Department. Alease $rite the name *aharuddin bin -lias at the bac% of the che,ue. >ou can also send postal or money orders to his addressL *aharuddin bin -lias cFo Hope 5harity Department, ::;, Calan -stana ", +aman E,uine, :74@@ E,uine Aar%, 9erdang. Alease do not send cash. 3 )ho is *aharuddin2 - - boy $ho needs a ne$ liver. * - helper in a restaurant in !ara%. 5 - doctor at the Aetaling Caya edical 5entre. D - teacher in 9! 9ulaiman. )hat %ind of help is 9iti -isyah as%ing for2 - oney * *oo%s 5 Cob D edicine +he phrase sole bread$inner in the family means one $ho - $or%s in the bread company * $or%s to support the family 5 is not employed D li%es to $or% alone )hy does *aharuddin need an operation2 - Due to heart failure * Due to %idney failure 5 Due to liver failure D Due to hearing failure 4 Ho$ much money does *aharuddin still need2 - D 8@@@.@@ * D 3;@@@.@@ 5 D 4@@@.@@ D D 7@@@.@@ 0rom $hom is 9iti -isyah as%ing for help2 - Her brothers * Her husband 5 Her school friends D +he readers of the ne$spaper +he ne$spaper does not $ant to receive - money order * che,ues 5 postal order D cash 0om the report, $e %no$ that *aharuddin - is very sic% * can survive the operation 5 can find money on his o$n D $ill die soon



SET 1# +ravelling offers a lot to travellers as they can see ne$ places, meet other people, learn ne$ languages and encounter ama=ing experiences along the $ay. Ho$ever, you need to choose the suitable transportation in order to reach the destination safely and experience the re$ard of travelling. Aeople travel in many %inds of transportation. +here are various modes of transportation available, namely car, bus, train, boat, ship and airplane. 5ars and buses are suitable for short distance road trip. +he train is faster and allows you to travel further. -s for long distance /ourney, airplane is preferred as it is the fastest. Ho$ever, there are some $ho are afraid of flying on a plane or cruising on the open sea, thus, ma%ing land transportation the only option available for them. +ravelling by train is much preferred as it is rarely delayed by bad $eather unli%e airplane and safer compared to driving a car. It is suitable for long distance /ourney. It is also convenient to travel by train as you can relax in your comfortable seat and you are free to move around in the spacious cabin. >ou can en/oy the spacious legroom, $ashroom and there are also sleeping cabins on a train. -part from that, it can also save you a lot of money. +he price of a train tic%et is the cheapest compared to the rest. +he money spent on train tic%et is only a small fraction of airplane fare or fuel for your car. 'ne of the greatest advantages of train travel is that you can en/oy the scenic vie$s along the $ay. Inli%e airplane, ship or car, you can captivate and en/oy the precious moments $hile travelling. In countries li%e /apan and 1erman, the high& speed bullet train is very popular amongst its citi=ens due to safety, speed and connectivity. ore people prefer to travel around by train as it is cost&saving and practical. 3 +he passage discusses the advantages of travelling by - airplane * ship 5 car D train )hich of the follo$ing does not describe train travel2 - It is rarely delayed. * It is comfortable. 5 It is cost&saving. D It is the fastest. +he phrase allows you to travel further means that - long distance travelling is possible * only short distance travelling allo$ed 5 it is the fastest mode of transportation D travelling by plane is expensive 0rom the passage, $e %no$ that travelling - re,uires one to learn ne$ languages * gives heaps of benefits 5 teaches one to con,uer their fear of flying D ma%es one to master the techni,ues of navigation 4 +he $ord rarely can be replaced by * 5 D 7 al$ays seldom never often


-ccording to the passage, it is convenient to travel by train as - you can spend a lot on the fare * people are afraid of flying 5 it is suitable for short distance trips D you can relax and en/oy the trip +he $riter concludes the passage by saying that train travel is - the fastest * cheap and practical 5 precious D relaxing +he high&speed bullet train is popular - around the $orld * among fello$ travellers 5 due to its efficiency D compared to other modes of n transportation



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