Section D Comprehension Linear Text
Section D Comprehension Linear Text
Section D Comprehension Linear Text
LINEAR. SET 1. Dear Editor, I remembered my late mums advice, Honesty is the best policy. I am going to relate to you my friends experience. y friend, !rish, aged "#, $as not feeling $ell one day. He $as advised to go for a thorough chec%&up. 'nly then did he find out that he $as HI(& positive. )hen he $ent to $or%, out of concern, all his colleagues gathered around him and as%ed him for the outcome of his chec%&up. *eing an honest man, he told them his medical problem. +hey loo%ed at him $ide&eyed and ,uic%ly $al%ed a$ay. -lmost immediately, he $as hauled to his employers office. He $rote him t$o che,ues, one for his last pay and another as compensation. !rish $as told to resign right then as his employer put it, +he office $or%ers do not feel comfortable $ith him around. !rish $as shoc%ed. He tried to explain to his employer that the doctor confirmed his condition $as under control and that he $as the sole bread$inner of the family of six children and an aged mother. .obody $ould listen to him. His $orld $as dar% and mysterious. He had to resign from the textile company. He did not get a /ob until a fe$ years later because he chose to declare in his employment application forms that he $as HI(&positive. 'nce his status $as %no$n, nobody $anted him. 0inally, an .1' $hich promotes HI(&-IDs prevention efforts came to his aid. *efore this employment, his poor $ife had to $or% as a cleaner by day and a dish$asher by night. +he social stigma $as there. Even other children refused to play $ith !rishs children at the playground. +he teachers in his childrens school tal%ed about it. Does it pay to be honest these days2 3 +he $ord relate as used in paragraph 3 means - tell * spell 5 guess D dictate !rish $as 6666666 to be HI(&positive. - said * rumoured 5 examined D diagnosed )hat $as his colleagues reaction )hen he told them his medical problem2 - -dvised him. * 9hunned him. 5 1ave him money. D +old him to resign. Ho$ did people %no$ about !rishs edical problem2 - His employer told them. * +he doctor announced it. 5 His family tal%ed about it. D He declared the problem himself. 4 )hy did his employer $rite him +$o che,ues2 - +o help his family. * +o get him to resign. 5 +o pay for his treatment. D +o buy him some medications. )hy couldnt !rish get a /ob +he previous year2 - He didnt pass the intervie$s. * He chose to declare his status. 5 He didnt have a complete and impressive curriculum vitae. D He $as physically handicapped and emotionally exhausted. )hich category of people listed *elo$ is most li%ely to be HI( infected2 - Drug users * 'ffice $or%ers 5 .e$born babies D !indergarten teachers In your opinion, $hat is a more effective $ay to eradicate social stigma associated $ith HI(2 - Educate the public. * <aunch an investigation. 5 0ine those $ho tal% about it. D Have tal%s $ith HI( patients.
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0rom the first paragraph, $e %no$ that - everyone li%es to undergo surgeries * everyone $ants to be over$eight 5 everyone is happy $ith their $eight D everyone is struggling for the ideal $eight +he $ord attempting in paragraph # can also be replaced $ith - trying * as%ing 5 finding D going *efore losing $eight, $hat is the first step $e must ta%e2 - Eat only fruits and vegetables every day. * 1o for some surgeries or liposuction procedures. 5 9pend on slimming pills and slimming programmes. D 1et a proper consultation from a doctor or ,ualified nutritionist. In paragraph #, $e can conclude that - a $ell&balanced diet is important * /un% food and fast food are nutritious 5 fat, sugar and preservatives are healthy for the body D eating excessively is good
+he phrase There are 1001 excuses given in paragraph " sho$s to us that - there are many types of food * many people love to exercise 5 exercise is everyones hobby D most people disli%e exercising *y doing regular exercise, $e - $ill be more busy $ith $or% * can eat excessively 5 $ill eat more /un% food D $ill be able to manage our $eight Ho$ does a nutritionist help us to lose $eight2 - Decommends eating more fish and meat * onitor our physical activities 5 suggests fast food to eat conveniently D Alans our diet based on needs and goals +he $ord accomplish means - set * study 5 achieve D change
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-ccording to the passage, it is convenient to travel by train as - you can spend a lot on the fare * people are afraid of flying 5 it is suitable for short distance trips D you can relax and en/oy the trip +he $riter concludes the passage by saying that train travel is - the fastest * cheap and practical 5 precious D relaxing +he high&speed bullet train is popular - around the $orld * among fello$ travellers 5 due to its efficiency D compared to other modes of n transportation