% creatine for % energy CreaLne s nvolved n all ol Lhe bodys energy nLensve processes. AcLng as a suppler ol energy, creaLne s essenLal lor physcal and nenLal acLvLy. Muscle, bran, and nerve cells wouldnL be able Lo luncLon wLhouL creaLne. or Lhe body Lo be suppled wLh Lhe rghL anounL, creaLne should be Laken n Lhe lorn ol a deLary supplenenL. ParLcularly durng perods ol nLense workouLs and sLrenuous aLhleLc acLvLy, creaLne nproves endurance and perlornance, helpng aLhleLes recover lasLer. SporLs lor whch creaLne s connonly used as a deLary supplenenL nclude bodybuldng, weghLllLng, wresLlng, looLball, cyclng, ce hockey, and Lrack and eld. Creapure is a registered trademark with a registered logo, standing for high-quality pure creatine made in Germany. SLrengLh, power, and endurance Lnhanced overall perlornance As a deLary supplenenL, creaLne dranaLcally nproves perlornance. up to % increased maximum power and endurance up to % additional power with interval training up to % power gain and energy release in the short-sprint range up to % more for sprint repetitions More efcient workouts with Creapure Creatine: building block for energy 1he sole source ol energy lor all ol Lhe bodys cells s adenosne LrphosphaLe (A1P). Durng nLensve exercse, Lhe consunpLon ol A1P n nuscle Lssue can ncrease LwenLylold n a lew seconds. A1P would be sulcenL lor only one or Lwo seconds durng naxnun exerLon. or Lhs reason, creaLne s nporLanL lor nuscle Lssue Lo accunulaLe avalable A1P and delver lull power. CreaLne s converLed Lo phosphocreaLne n Lhe body. PhosphocreaLne s Lhen broken down n order Lo buld up A1P. 1he nany beneLs ol creaLne More strenuous activity possible Improved performance Smaller drop in muscle pH during exertion Greater endurance Increase in muscle mass and muscle strength Quicker recovery
Five Exercises for the Ofce Warun KreaLn7 1he rghL way Lo use Creapure' nLensve aLhleLc acLvLy can resulL n a creaLne converson raLe ol up Lo _ g a day. 1he body produces hall ol Lhe requred creaLne, Lhe renander has Lo be obLaned lron lood. A person would have Lo eaL _oo g ol raw neaL or sh every day Lo ngesL Lhe opLnal anounL ol creaLne. Snce Lhs snL realsLc, supplenen LaLon wLh creaLne s boLh prudenL and advsable. A daily dosage of g is recommended. CreaLne should always be Laken wLh callenelree drnks, such as waLer, lruL |uce, or warn (nproves solublLy) Lea. Make sure Lo Lake sulcenL ud wLh Lhe creaLne (rule ol Lhunb. 1 g creaLne/1oo nl or _._8 oz ol beverage). 1he creaLne drnk should always be prepared lresh and consuned LhaL sane day, as creaLne does noL renan sLable n uds lor long perods. CreaLne has been classed as a lood by Lhe OC (nLernaLonal Olynpc ConnLLee). 8eng Lhe sub|ecL ol nore Lhan _oo sLudes, creaLne s one ol Lhe nosL Lhoroughly researched nuLrLonal supplenenLs on Lhe narkeL. Prenun qualLy nade n Cernany Creapure' s Lhe prenun brand lor creaLne worldwde. Carelul selecLon ol raw naLerals, paLenLed hghperlornance Lechnology under CMP condLons (S paLenL _1_1), and precse analyss ensure a producL ol Lhe hghesL purLy. Creapure' ollers producers and consuners naxnun saleLy. 1he Creapure' logo s a sgn ol qualLy, saleLy, and elcacy. Ls avalable n con|uncLon wLh a Lradenarklcensng agreenenL. Consuners auLonaLcally assocaLe Lhe logo wLh hghqualLy creaLne producLs. AlzChen 1rosLberg CnbH Dr.AlberLrankSLr. _2 8__o8 1rosLberg Cernany www.creapure.de AlzChen LLC 6_o Vllage 1race, 8ldg. 1 MareLLa, CA _oo6 SA www.creapure.com 1 1 o o o 6 8 _ 2