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The Energy Used in Dancing by Cherrish


The Immediate Energy System Production of Lactic Acid

- Refers to ATP-CP or Adenosine - Occurs when your body is working hard
Triphosphate – Creatine Phosphate. - When it is not working fast enough, lactate
- The first system that can be use when builds up in your muscles causes your
doing an activity. muscles to hurt.
- It does not require oxygen (anaerobic) and
does not produce lactate (as with Aerobic or Anaerobic
glycolysis). - The motion of dancing (ballet) is aerobic.
- Instead, the system involves ATP and - This particular activity is aerobic because
Creatine Phosphate that are stored within in most cases dancing is slow rhythmical.
the muscle fibers.
 Athletes who compete in sports require Storage
high amounts of short duration - The body stores ATP in muscle in the
acceleration uses “anaerobic a-lactic form of Glycogen.
system” this does not create energy for - Is for needed energy for doing activities.
sufficient duration to create a great deal of
waste products. Energy System
- The oxidative system is the primary
The Glycolytic System (Anaerobic) source of ATP during aerobic activity.
- Works during short-duration, high intensity - Oxidative energy primarily uses
exercises or dances. Also called as the carbohydrates and fats substrates from
Anaerobic Lactic System. energy.
- “fast glycolysis” provides energy for
medium to high intensity bursts of activity Mitochondrial/Metabolic Rate
that last from ten seconds or two minutes. - “powerhouse of the cell”
- The anaerobic lactic system, as well as - Also contain a lot of enzymes, associated
the ATP-CP system, are capable of high with aerobic energy.
intensity levels, and do not rely on - Aerobic oxidative system forms a big part
oxygen for fuel. of our bodies metabolic rate.

The Oxidative System (Aerobic)

- Most utilized of the three. Provides energy DANCING RELIEVES STRESS
for low intensity activities that last from
two minutes to few hours. 3 Ways Dancing Relieves Stress
- This requires oxygen and takes much
longer to overload. When the body feels good, the mind does, too!
- Any type of physical activity releases
neurotransmitters and endorphins which
ENERGY FUNCTIONS IN DANCE serve to alleviate stress.
- The human body uses energy from food to Neurotransmitters are chemicals within
fuel movement and essential body the brain that help communicate
functions, but the body cells don't get messages throughout the body.
energy directly from food. Within these - Endorphins are the body’s natural
cells, and from these energy sources, painkiller to reduce stress and improve the
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is formed mind’s perception of the world.
to provide fuel. The body uses 3 different
Dance offers a creative outlet for people to
systems to supply cells with the necessary
express their personalities in a safe environment.
ATP to fuel energy needs.
- helps you connect to who you really are.
Leave that suit or pencil skirt at the office
and trade it in for sparkles and spandex!

Dancing improves your physical health

- From weight loss, to increased flexibility, 6. Speed – The ability to move all or a part
stronger bones and building muscle tone, of the body quickly.
dancing is a total body workout.
- Dancing can be a way to stay fit for people Exercise, according to a study by Buckworth and
of all ages, shapes and sizes. It has a Dishman, is the “planned, structured, repetitive
wide range of physical and mental bodily movements that someone engages in for
benefits the purpose of improving or maintaining physical
fitness or health”.


A person who is free from illnesses and can BONE-STRENGTHENING ACTIVITY
do physical or sports activities and still has an
extra energy to do more activities is Aerobic Activities, also called endurance
considered to be physically fit. Physical activities, are physical activities in which people
move their large muscles in a rhythmic manner
fitness is a combination of health fitness and
for a sustained period.
body fitness.
Muscle-Strengthening Activity, this kind of
HEALTH RELATED FITNESS activity, which includes resistance training and
A person who is free from illnesses and can lifting weights, causes the body’s muscles to work
do physical or sports activities and still has an or hold against an applied force or weight.
extra energy to do more activities is
considered to be physically fit. Physical Bone-Strengthening Activity, this kind of
fitness is a combination of health fitness and activity, sometimes called weight-bearing or
body fitness. weight-loading activity, produces a force on the
bones that promotes bone growth and strength.
Health Related Fitness Components
1. Body Composition – The combination of
all the tissues that make up the body Barriers to Physical Activities
such as bones, muscles, organs and body We understand the benefits of physical activities
fat. to our health especially to our body but there are
2. Cardiovascular Endurance – The ability circumstances when we become lazy in
of the heart, lungs, blood vessels, and performing physical activities. Below are some of
blood to work efficiently and to supply the the barriers that hinder us to do physical
body with oxygen. activities:
3. Flexibility – The ability to use joints fully 1. Lack of time
through a wide range of motion. 2. Social Support
4. Muscular Endurance – The ability to use 3. Lack of Energy
muscles for a long period of time without 4. Lack of Motivation
tiring. 5. Fear of Injury
5. Muscular Strength – The ability of the 6. Lack of Skill
muscles to lift a heavy weight or exert a lot 7. High Costs and Lack of Facilities
of force one time 8. Weather Conditions

Skills Related Fitness Components THE ACRONYM FITT:

1. Agility – The ability to change body Frequency: Increasing the number of times, you
positions quickly and keep the body under train per week.
control when moving. Intensity: Increasing the problem of the exercise,
2. Balance – The ability to keep the body in for instance, running at 12 km/h rather than 10 or
a steady position while standing and increasing the load you're squatting with.
moving. Time: Increasing the length of your training time
3. Coordination – The ability of the body for every session, for instance, cycling for 45
parts to work together when performing an minutes rather than 30
activity. Type: Increase the intensity of the training. For
4. Power – The ability to combine strength instance, progress from walking to running
with speed while moving.
5. Reaction Time – The ability to move Overload Principle
quickly once a signal to start moving is This principle pertains to doing “more than
received. normal” for improvement to happen. It means to
boost our fitness, strength, or endurance. The
workload is extended accordingly. Applying these shuttled to the mitochondria and we enter
training principles will cause long-term the oxidative energy system.
adaptations, enabling the body to figure more
efficiently to deal with higher levels of
Aerobic vs Anaerobic
Principle of Progression Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular
To ensure that the results will still improve over conditioning or “cardio”. During the cardiovascular
time, the adapted workload should be continually conditioning, you’re breathing and heart rate
increased. A gradual and systematic increase increase for a sustained period of time. Oxygen is
within the workload over a period of time will lead your main energy source during aerobic
to improvement in fitness without risk of injury. workouts; therefore, Oxidative System energy is
Principle of Specificity
We have all heard the phrase, "Practice makes Benefits of Aerobic Exercises:
perfect." Well, this is often the principle of  Reduce risk of heart attack
specificity in action. This principle simply states  Reduce risk of type 2 diabetes
that exercising a specific piece or component of  Recue risk of stroke
the body primarily develops that part. The  Help lose weight and keep it off
principle of specificity implies that to become  Help lower and control blood pressure
better at a selected exercise or skill, you need to  Increase stamina and reduce fatigue
perform that exercise or skill. during exercise
 Activates immune systems, making you
Principle of Reversibility less likely to get colds or flu
Development of muscles will happen if regular  Strengthens the heart
movement and execution are completed. If  Boosts mood
activity ceases, it will be reversed. This shows  Help you live longer than those who
that benefits and changes achieved from overload doesn’t exercise
will last as long as training is continuous
Anaerobic exercises involve quick burst of
FOOD FUELS FOR ENERGY energy and are performed at maximum
 Carbohydrates (CHO) – preferred source effort for a short time. The energy system used
of fuel during exercise (glycogen) are the ATP and Glycolytic System.
 Fat – concentrated fuel used during rest
and prolonged sub0maximal exercise Benefits of Anaerobic Exercises:
 Protein – used for growth and repair  Build muscles
(negligible use during exercise)  Lose weight
 Energy is the ability or capacity to do  Maintain muscle mass as you age
work and is measured in calories or  Strengthens bones
joules.  Burns fat
 Increase stamina for daily activities like
There are three energy systems: hiking, dancing or playing
1. ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate – an
organic compound that provides energy to Exercise increases your overall health and your
drive many processes in living cells such sense of well-being, which puts
as muscle contraction, nerve impulse more pep in your step every day. Exercise has
propagation. some direct stress-busting benefits.
2. Glycolytic System–the breakdown (lysis)
of glucose and consists of a series of  It pumps your endorphins
chemical reactions that are controlled by  It’s meditation in motion
enzymes.  It improves your mood
3. Oxidative System–also known as Krebs
Cycle and the citric acid cycle. In this How to make your exercise successful:
system, carbohydrates and fats are the  Consult with your doctor
primary energy sources converted into  Walk before you run
ATP and this process takes place in the  Do what you love
mitochondria of the cell. If we have  Schedule your work out
enough oxygen present in the blood, then
pyruvate, the end product of glycolysis, is Steps for sticking exercise routine
 Set SMART goals
 Find a friend
 Change up your routine
 Exercise in increments

The fundamental principle that dances is an

art form or activity that utilizes the body and the
range of movement of which the body is capable.
Unlike the movements performed in everyday
living, dance movements are not directly related
to work, travel, or survival. Dance may, of course,
be made up of movements associated with these
activities, as in the work dances common to many
cultures, and it may even accompany such

A. Folk Dance - a dance developed by
people that reflect the life of the people of
a certain country or region. (Wikipedia)
B. Modern Dance - a broad genre of western
concert or theatrical dance, primarily
arising out of Germany and the United
States in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries. It is often considered to have
emerged as a rejection of or rebellion
against, classical ballet. (Wikipedia)
C. Ballroom Dance – a set of partner dance
enjoyed socially and competitively around
the world. With the emergence of dance
competition, it is now known as
Dancesports. (Wikipedia)
D. Hip-hop Dance – also known as street
dance styles primarily to hip-hop music or
that have evolved as part of hip-hop

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