Afloat Logistics Capabilities: A21 Necessity For The Navy

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By Mark Romanow

an adia n def e nc e po l icy requires the Navy to maintain a m od er n, mu lti- p urp o se, combat-c apable f orce able to fight alongside the best, against the best with a balanced fleet able to deploy on both coasts. The 1998 Auditor Generals Report found that although the Navy is well served by its surface fleet o f m odern w ar ships, c oncer ns remain about its helicopter and replenishment ships, which provide support, and its submarines.


The Canadian Navy currently maintains two PROTECTEUR class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment ships (AORs) of 24,700 ton loaded displacement, with a maximum speed of 21 knots (kts), maximum range of 7,500 nautical miles (kms) at 11.5 kts, carry a crew of 247, including air detachment, and can carry up to three Seaking helicopters each with one helicopter operations position. They can carry limited numbers of light military vehicles and bulk equipment for sealift purposes but their prime purpose is Replenishment At Sea (RAS) where they are fitted with four dedicated RAS Stations and two 15-ton cranes for bulk store lift-on/lift-off capability. One is bas ed on each co ast to support the Pacific and Atlantic fleets.

The solitary 35 year old PROVIDER class AOR, which has been used in a reserve fill-in role to cover refits, is being retired early to help fund the Upholder submarine acquisition program. The PROTECTEUR class AORs are equipped with modern naval communications and radars. For defence they are equipped with guns and decoy systems to defeat incoming cruise missiles. In terms of operational ship effectiveness, the AORs will need replacement within the next decade, as both ships are almost 30 years old. If either should unexpectedly requir e major maintenance it would leave one of the fleets without an At Sea Replenishment and Maintenance capability. Operationally, the AORs are tasked with furnishing RAS support to a deployed Task Group at Sea, providing: fuel; ammunition; lubricants; provisions; stores; water; helicopter maintenance facilities and spares support. They also provide medical and dental care for the Task Group as most ships us ually deploy without a do ctor. Recently they have provided a limited headquarters and support facility for forces deployed ashore in Somalia and have undertaken hurricane relief operations in Florida in 1994. They have also undertaken limited sealift of military vehicles in support of the Bosnian and Somalian deployments.

During the Gulf war in 1991 the deployed Canadian Task Group based around the AOR PROTECTEUR, whose air group provided area surveillance operations, was in charge of the multinational naval resupply forces in the Persian Gulf.


Canada maintains several maritime commitments in support of national policy. Contingency forces of up to a maritime task group, comprised of up to four warships and a support ship with appropriate air support, are prepared to deploy on national, NATO, multilateral or UN contingency operations if required. One ship is also permanently on duty with the multinational Standing Naval Force Atlantic, provided on an alternating basis from each coast, with periodic responsibility for command of the squadron in rotation with the other members, and the occasional assignment of a replenishment ship. We must maintain the capability to contribute effectively to collective defence and to helping victims of aggression elsewhere or stand to lose a significant degree of respect and influence in the international community. According to The Naval Vision, Warships have a symbolic value in that they are legal extensions of their parent state. The presence of a warship is a


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clear signal of the interest or concern of a state in the cause of a multinational force, about a situation. The co mmitment of Canada to remain an active participant in multilateral efforts promoting collective security is a reflection of Canadian values and interests. Canadas ability to make s ignificant contributions within an increasingly multinational world secur ity environment is enhanced by a strong, continuing tradition of Alliance co-operatio n, notes former Vice Admiral Peter Cairns in a recent article, as shown by Canadas 30 years of continuous participation in NATOs oldest multinational naval squadron, Standing Naval Force Atlantic. Multinational military co-operation is the norm as Canada has conducted most military operations, such as Korea and the Gulf War as well as enforcing United Nations sanctions against Iraq or enforcing the arms embargo against the former Yugoslavia, within the framework of alliances. The AOR has a major force multiplying effect, notes LCdr A G Hunt in a DND r esearch study, of allowing the deployed forces to triple the time spent at sea for extended operations. Even the United Nations has recognized the importance of the worlds oceans by declaring 1998 as the International Year of the Ocean. Some 55 per cent of Canadas international trade, from which 30 per cent of her GNP is derived, is generated by sea borne commerce. The importance of an industrialized nation such as Canada maintaining combat capable maritime forces cannot be understated. Warships also provide an easily deployable secure base and sour ce of comfor t and r elief in a disaster, notes the Hunt study.

Figure 1 TOP View of Proposed ALSC

Figure 2 Side View of Proposed ALSC

In 1995, Canada presented a report entitled Towards a Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations to the 50th General Assembly of the UN whereby it recommended that the UN have at its disposal a multi-functional force that is quickly deployable to world trouble spots. Unfortunately, for Canada to participate in such a force we currently have to depend on chartered foreign flagged vessels to transport military vehicles as there are no suitable Canadian flagged Roll-on /Roll-off (Ro-Ro) or container ships and the current AORs have a limited sealift capability.

Plans for the eventual replacement of the existing ships are being considered and according to its Defence Planning Guidance 1997 strategic planning document, DND intends to start detailed planning in 2000 to replace the current AORs between 2005 and 2015. DND is studying the concept of multi-role vessel as an AOR replacements under the Afloat Logistics and Sealift Capability (ALSC) project. One concept design is reflected by MIL Systems of Ottawa proposed Strategic Multi-role Aid and Replenishment Tr ansport ( SMART ship). These ships would combine the role of at sea replenishment with that

The AOR has a major f o rc e multiplying effect.

o f dedicated Ro-Ro Sealift capability plus a support platform for land forces operating ashore. The proposed vessels would have a deep displacement of approximately 28,000 tons, a maximum speed of 20 kts, max. range of 10,800 nm at 15 kts, carry a maximum crew (including air detachment) of 111 with bunks for 40-80 additional personnel for contingency operations, and hanger space for two to four large maritime helicopters. The aft flight deck would allow for the simultaneous operation of two large maritime helicopters to maximize flight scheduling and allow rapid vertical off-loading of embarked stores. The hull would be ice strengthened to Lloyds lAS or equivalent. They would have four dedicated RAS Stations (two combined liquid/ heavy solids and two heavy solids) equally spaced on both sides. The ships would be equipped with a communications fit similar to the PROT E C T E U R class AORs plus a medium range air surveillance radar to support helicopter operations. The defensive fit would be similar to the existing AORs with the addition of a towed acoustic torpedo decoy system, decoy launchers for both chaff and infrared decoy flares, and compr ehen sive and defensive electronic warfare suites.


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For sealift purposes they would have approximately 2,000 lane metres of Ro-Ro capacity. This would comprise a main Ro-Ro deck capable of handling tanks and other heavy vehicles and a lower Ro-Ro deck, in conjunction with the flight deck, capable of carrying other tracked and wheeled military vehicles. Dock access would be via ramps at the stern quarter and ships side forward. Internal ramps would provide access to both the upper deck and the lower Ro-Ro deck. Approximately 200 standard 20-foot containers could be carried on the decks in place of vehicles, while a 25 ton crane would be a standard fit for bulk store lift-on/lift-off purposes. A three ship program, as envisaged by DND, would allow two ships to be based on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. To reduce costs they would be built to IACS commercial standards in most areas and would endeavor to utilize commercial off-the-shelf(COTS) equipment. Finally, to enhance flexibility they could utilize modu lar payloads o r accommodation facilities tailored to particular missions. Certain systems, such as electrical power, communications cabling, should be pre-outfitted. Modular payloads, pre-stored ashore, could be utilized for the Task Group Support role, eliminating the need for large storerooms.


Ships would provide Canada with flexible vessels capable of rapid deployment world-wide in support of foreign policy.
the LPD categor y, within the last decade by nations s uch as Italy; Netherlands; Spain and Japan. By 2001 Singapore will also have this capability. Smaller navies with far flung commitments, such as New Zealand, have resorted to the purchase or lease of former civilian owned Ro-Ro ships at a fraction of the cost of a new build military Sealift ship. Even the UK has realized that it has a serious strategic sealift deficiency and has charter ed two commercial, new-build, Ro-Ro ships to partially address this shortfall. Unfortunately, military requirements usually mean they are more likely to embark bulky, but relatively light cargoes, instead of heavy container loads thus leading to questions of stability. Replenishment ships operated by the smaller navies usually have no sea lift capacity while those operated by the medium to large navies are similar in capacity to Canadas existing AORs. Dedicated affordable multipurpose support ships built to satisfy military needs at a cost significantly below that of a traditional warships are required, driven by factors such as a need for large internal volume; helicopter operating and preferably support facilities; workshop space; a stern loading ramp; and a capability for offloading at sea. An innovative design, such as that proposed using interchangeable containers, such as hospital facilities or portable command-and-control posts, is a cost effective way to provide many options within a limited budget.

In an era where low-intensity operations predominate, navies have been quick to point out their utility for humanitarian aid, disaster relief and peace-support operations ashore. The ability to undertake Sealift over long distances, offer afloat facilities for command, control and communications, and provide logistic support to forces ashore - all independent of shore infrastructure - are lauded as key attributes. Large multipurpose amphibious ships are ideally suited to such a task, but they can only be afforded by a small number of navies, argues Richard Scott in a recent article. The traditional purveyors of large amphibious ships, such as the US; UK; Russia and France, have been joined, in

Vessels procured under the ALSC project would provide the fleet with platforms capable of the following: at sea replenishment of a small naval task force, provision of core at sea maintenance and medical facilities, national strategic sealift, onshore peacekeeping or joint forces ashore support, humanitarian and disaster relief, sovereignty enforcement patrols, extra helicopter support for a combined task force or Search and Rescue as well as providing a capability for Emergency Environmental response to incidents such as oil spills. The ships would provide Canada with flexible vessels capable of rapid deployment world-wide in support of foreign policy. In relation to the less than 15 per cent of the defence budget allocated to capital programs the ALSC project will deliver good value for the money allocated as long as political interference in the details, and programmed funds, is kept to a minimum Through the use of COTS equipments and streamlined project management the acquisition and maintenance costs could be lowered while improved fuel efficiency and a smaller crew size would lead to reduced operating costs. In summar y, the curren t AORs urgently require a replacement program to be initiated, as the lead time required from initiation to completion of construction of the 1st ship can be S or more years. By 2004 the older AOR will have been in service for 35 years. Even Canadas Auditor General recognizes that Canadian Naval task groups need better support. b

Mark Romanow is an independent defence/geopolitical analyst, based in Edmonton.


Vol. 4, No. 3

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