Institution Paper Presentation Contests: S.No Name of The Program Duration of The Program Resource Person(s)

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$.No 1. '. ). 0. 5. 7.

Institution Paper Presentation Contests

Name of the Pro%ram National 6evel Stu+ent &echnical Sym*osium for *a*er *resentation :R3--6$"'!1(< -RA A>A ? @3 National 6evel Stu+ent technical Sym*osium 2A&&6$ AF 3D$AB C-a*er *resentation contestD -RA.1A C1o+el *resentationD &$#>NA.$N C&echnical ;ui=D National 6evel Stu+ent &echnical Sym*osium for *a*er *resentation :R3--6$"'!7< National level Sym*osium" ri**le 'k/. Duration of the Pro%ram 1).(4.'(1( '8th Dec9 '((8 '/th Dec9 '((8 '4th Dec9 '((8 '4th Dec9 '((8 Se*tem,er9'((7 Resource Person&s' Sri .Sri-hani YesS -vt.6t+ Sri .N.Ramu9 D.$ A-&RANS#A Dr. &.2rahmanan+a Re++y9 .-R$#9 kurnool Dr. 1.2haskar Re++y9 !SR1#$9 !a+a*a Smt !. Sri .owri Sri &. Rama Su,,a Re++y


'8th Dec '((/

Dr. .1a+husu+han Rao Dr. .Sankar

S.No 1. '. ). 0. 5. 7.

Department wise Research output

Name of the Faculty Dr.D. .Ashok !umar Dr.&.Ramasu,,a Re++y Dr. !.Sri .owri 1r. .Naga 2haskar Re++y 1r.D.6enine 1rs.%.Surya !umari Area of Research Work Non"#onventional $nergy Sources Relia,ility $valuation of -ower Systems -ower $lectronic #ontrol of Drives 1ulti"level 3nverters -ower Factor #orrection 1--& &racking 1etho+s University %N&UA %N&UA %N&U! %N&U! %N&U! %N&UA Year of Registratio n '(() '(() '((/ '((4 '((4 '((8 Status of the work #om*lete+ #om*lete+ #om*lete+ #om*lete+ *re"-h.D #om*lete+ *re"-h.D #om*lete+ *re"-h.D


Papers Published in International/National Journals

List of International Journals 2 !" #

1. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :.D-W1 Algorithm for Direct &or;ue #ontrolle+ 2.
3n+uction 1otor Drive Using the #once*t of 3maginary Switching &imes<9 3#.S&"A#S$ %ournal9 olume 49 3ssue 3339 %anuary '((8. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :Novel S*ace ector 2ase+ .enerali=e+ Discontinuous -W1 Algorithm for 3n+uction 1otor Drives <9 AR-N %ournal of $ngineering an+ A**lie+ Sciences9 ol 09 No. 19 Fe,ruary '((8.

3. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :An A*timal AD-W1 2ase+ D&# 3n+uction 1otor
Drive for Re+uce+ 6ine #urrent Distortion +uring >igh S*ee+ A*erations<9 3nternational review of $lectrical $ngineering C3R$$D 9 3SSN 14'/"777(9 ol 0 No.'9 A*ril '((8. 2 #"( 1. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :>igh"-erformance .enerali=e+ AD-W1 Algorithm for S3 Fe+ 31 Drives for Re+uce+ Switching 6osses<9 3nternational %oint %ournal #onferences in #om*uter9 $lectronics an+ $lectrical '((8 ? #$$ '((89 3%R&$9 ol. '9 No. 19 Nov '((89 **. 87"1((. '. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :New Dou,le Switching #lam*ing Se;uences 2ase+ AD-W1 Algorithm for Direct &or;ue #ontrol of 3n+uction 1otor Drives<9 3nternational %ournal of A**lie+ $ngineering Research 3SSN (8/)"057' ol. 09 No. 11 C'((8D **. '175?'14(. ). !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :Direct &or;ue #ontrol of 3n+uction 1otor 2ase+ on A+vance+ Discontinuous -W1 Algorithm for Re+uce+ #urrent Ri**le<9 $lectrical $ngineering %ournal9 3SSN (804"/8'1. 0. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :>igh"-erformance A+vance+ Discontinuous -W1 Algorithm for Direct &or;ue #ontrolle+ 3n+uction 1otor Drives for Re+uce+ Ri**le<9 3nternational %ournal of -ower $lectronics9 3n+erscience %ournal CStatus"FinalD. 5. Dr.#h.Sai 2a,u 9 . Naga 2haskar Re++y9 S.Naga RaEa Rao 9 *a*er title+ as :A+vance+ 1o+ulating &echni;ues for 1ultilevel 3nverter using F-.A< is *u,lishe+ in 3nternational Eournal :3nternational Review of $lectrical $ngineeringC3R$$D< 9 ol.5 9 No ) 1ay"A*ril '(1( 7. Dr.#h.Sai 2a,u 9 . Naga 2haskar Re++y9 .Narsimulu 9 *a*er title+ as :#ontrol Af #asca+e+ 1ultilevel 3nverter 2y Using #arrier 2ase+ -W1 &echni;ue An+ 3m*lemente+ &o 3n+uction 1otor Drive< is *u,lishe+ in 3nternational Eournal :3nternational #ongress for .lo,al Science an+ &echnologyC3#.S&D<9 3#.S&"A#S$ %ournal9 olume 1(9 3ssue 19 Decem,er '(1( /. Dr.#h.Sai 2a,u 9 . Naga 2haskar Re++y9 S.Naga RaEa Rao 9 *a*er title+ as :A+vancement in #asca+e+ 1ultilevel 3nverters< is *u,lishe+ in 3nternational Eournal :3nternational %ournal of 3n+ustrial $lectronics an+ #ontrol Decem,er '((83SSN (8/0? '''( olume 19 Num,er 1"' C'((8D9 **.1"11 4. Dr.#h.Sai 2a,u 9 . Naga 2haskar Re++y9 S.Naga RaEa Rao 9 *a*er title+ as :#om*arison of 1o+ulation &echni;ues for 1ultilevel 3nverter fe+ -ermanent 1agnet Synchronous 1otor< is *u,lishe+ in 3nternational Eournal :3nternational %ournal of $ngineering Science an+ &echnology< ) ol. 'C1(D9 '(1(9 5'(7"5'10 8. D.6enine et.al9 :#om*arison ,etween aria,le Switching Fre;uency an+ &imer #ontroller with #onstant Switching Fre;uency &echni;ues for -F# #onverter<9 3nternational %ournal of #om*uter an+ $lectrical $ngineering9 Singa*ore. Articles NoF '49 olume"19 -age NoF 140 ? 1449 %une '((8. 1(. D.6enine et.al9 :An 3m*rovement of -re+ictive #ontrol for Single -hase oltage Fe+ -ower Factor #orrection #onverters< 3nternational %ournal of Recent &ren+s in $ngineering9 Aca+emy -u,lishers9 Finlan+. Articles NoF olume"'9 No.59 Novem,er '((89 **.117"1'(. 11. D.6enine et.al9 et.al9 :An $nhancement of Static -erformance of 1ultilevel 3nverter for Single -hase .ri+ #onnecte+ -hotovoltaic mo+ules<9 3nternational Eournal of Recent &ren+s in $ngineering9 Aca+emy -u,lishers9 Finlan+. Articles NoF olume")9 No.)9 1ay '(1(9 **.'("'0. 1'. %.Surya !umari9 9 et.al9 :An 3m*rovement of -re+ictive #ontrol for Single -hase oltage Fe+ -ower Factor #orrection #onverters<9 3nternational %ournal of Recent &ren+s in $ngineering9 ol '9 No. 59 Novem,er '((8. 13. %.Surya !umari9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 et.al9 :An $nhancement of Static -erformance of 1ultilevel 3nverter for Single-hase .ri+ #onnecte+ -hotovoltaic mo+ules<9 3nternational Eournal of Recent &ren+s in $ngineering9 Aca+emy -u,lishers9 Finlan+. Articles NoF olume")9 No.)9 1ay '(1(9 **.'("'0. 2 ( "(( 1. Dr.#h. Sai 2a,u9 .Naga 2haskar Re++y9 !.Suresh ) A *a*er title+ as :A+vance+ 1o+ulating &echni;ues for +io+e clam*e+ multilevel inverter fe+ 3n+uction motor < is *u,lishe+ in 3nternational Eournal :A-RN %ournal of $ngineering an+ A**lie+ sciences< 9 ol.7 9 No 19 %an"'(11 '. D.6enine et.al9 :Design an+ Analysis of a -ro*ose+ &imer #ontroller with #onstant Switching

Fre;uency 2oost -F# #onverter<9 3nternational %ournal of $ngineering Science an+ &echnology C3%$S&D. Articles NoF olume")9 No.19 %anuary '(119 **. '7)"'/5. ). D.6enine et.al9 :A aria,le Switching Fre;uency with 2oost -ower Factor #orrection #onverter<9 &$6!A1N3!A 3nternational %ournal C3n+onesia %ournal of $lectrical $ngineeringD9 ol.89 No.19 A*ril '(119 **. 0/"50 0. %.Surya !umari9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 et.al9 : Design an+ Analysis of A*en #ircuit oltage 2ase+ 1aGimum -ower -oint &racking for -hotovoltaic System<9 3nternational %ournal of A+vances in Science an+ &echnology9 ol. '9 No. '9 Fe,H'(119 **.51"7(. 5. %.Surya !umari9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 et.al9 :Design an+ 3nvestigation of Short #ircuit #urrent 2ase+ 1aGimum -ower -oint &racking for -hotovoltaic System<9 3nternational %ournal of Research an+ Reviews in $lectrical an+ #om*uter $ngineering C3%RR$#$D9 ol. 19 No. '9 %une '(119 **.7)"74. List of National Journals 2 *" !

1. Dr. ! Desikachar9 :A Novel #arrier for sinusoi+al *ulse wi+th mo+ulation for full ,ri+ge inverter< at 3"manager on 1ay"'((4


Papers Published in International/National ,onferences

List of National ,onferences 2 -" * Dr. 2. Rami re++y have *resente+ a *a*er title+ :A+a*tive o,server ,ase+ s*ee+ estimation for sensor less in+uction motor +rives<"1$--#AN"'((7 at 1$F#A $ngg #ollege9 &amilna+u on '((7. A**lication< at National #onference on %an"'((/.


2. 1r. D.6enine have *resente+ a *a*er :&hyristor"2ase+ 2rushless D# 1otor Drive for 6ow #ost
2 *" ! 1. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :&he .enerali=e+ Discontinuous -W1 Algorithm for Direct &or;ue #ontrolle+ 3n+uction 1otor using the conce*t of 3maginary Switching &imes<9 'n+ National #onference on A+vances in $nergy #onversion &echnologies CA$#& '((4D9 13&9 1ani*al9 A*ril '((4. '. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :#om,ining the -rinci*les of .enerali=e+ >y,ri+ Discontinuous -W1 an+ D&# for 3n+uction 1otor Drives using kim"sul Algorithm<9 'n+ National #onference on A+vances in $nergy #onversion &echnologies CA$#& '((4D9 13&9 1ani*al9 A*ril '((4. ). !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :S*ace ector"2ase+ .enerali=e+ -W1 Algorithm Using the #once*t of 3maginary Switching &imes<9 National #onference on Recent A+vances 3n $lectrical $ngineering9 $AR '((49 %N&U9 Ananta*ur9 1ani*al9 1ay '((4. 0. !. Sri .owri9 Y. iEaya Suresh9 :A 1o+ifie+ D&# 3nterior *ermanent magnet synchronous motor +rive with low ri**le in fluG I tor;ue with fiGe+ switching fre;uency< National #onference on A+vances in *ower electronics an+ +rives CA-$D"'((/D9 R.1#$&9 Nan+yal9 %uly '89 '((/. 5. !. Sri .owri9 Y. iEaya Suresh9 :S*ee+ control of 3nterior *ermanent magnet synchronous motor +rive using +irect tor;ue control<9 in :#onference on 3nstrumentation systems measurement an+ automationC#3S1AH (/D< at *on+icherry $ngg. #ollege9 -on+icherry9 Fe, /th to 4th9 '((4. 7. Dr.#h. Sai 2a,u9 . Naga,haskar Re++y9 !. RaEasekhara Re++y9 *a*er title+ as :A -re+ictive Switching 1o+ulator for -ower Factor #orrection of 2oost Rectifier<9 National #onference on :Recent A+vances in $lectrical $ngineeringC$AR '!/D<9 con+ucte+ ,y %N&U #ollege of $ngineering9 Ananta*ur9 on )r+ 1ay9 '((4 ** 188"'(7 /. D.6enine :Single -hase -ower Factor #orrection with aria,le Switching Fre;uency &echni;ue Using 2oost &o*ology< was *resente+ at National #onference on Recent A+vances in $lectrical $ngineering C$AR"'((4D organi=e+ ,y %N&U #ollege of $ngineering CAutonomousD Ananta*ur on 1ay"'((4.

4. Y. iEaya Suresh *resente+ a *a*er title+ :A 1o+ifie+ Direct &or;ue #ontrolle+ 3nterior -ermanent 1agnet Synchronous 1otor With 6ow Ri**le in FluG I &or;ue with FiGe+ Switching Fre;uency< in National #onference on :A+vances in -ower $lectronics I Drives< CA-$DD"'((/ on '8 th %uly9 '((/ in RaEeev .an+hi 1emorial college of $ngineering I &echnology9 Nan+yal. 8. Y. iEaya Suresh *resente+ a *a*er title+ :S*ee+ #ontrol of 3nterior -ermanent 1agnet Synchronous 1otor Drive Using 1o+ifie+ Direct &or;ue #ontrol< in National #onference on :National -ower $lectronics #onference CN-$#"'((/D< on 17th "18th Dec9 '((/ in 3n+ian 3nstitute of Science9 2angalore. 1(. Y. iEaya Suresh *resente+ a *a*er title+ :S*ee+ #ontrol of 3nterior -ermanent 1agnet Synchronous 1otor Drive Using Direct &or;ue #ontrol< in National #onference on :#onference on 3nstrumentation Systems 1easurement an+ Automation C#3S1A"'((/D on / th "4th Fe,9 '((4 in -on+icherry $ngineering #ollege9 -on+icherry. 2 !" # 1. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :Analytical $valuation of >armonic Distortion +ue to S*ace ? ector 2ase+ A+vance+ -W1 1etho+s for A# Drives<9 National #onference on Recent A+vances 3n $lectrical $ngineering9 $AR '((49 %N&U9 Ananta*ur9 Dec '((4. '. !. Sri .owri9 enkataramana Naik9 :S*ace ector 2ase+ >y,ri+ -ulse Wi+th 1o+ulation for re+uce+ #urrent Ri**le< in National #onference on 3ntelligent $lectrical Systems CN#3$SH(8D9 '0"'5 A*ril '((89 1aha #ollege of $ngineering9 Salem9 3n+ia. ). Dr.#h.Sai 2a,u 9 . Naga 2haskar Re++y9 S.Naga RaEa Rao 9 *a*er title+ as :A+vance+ mo+ulate+ &echni;ues for +io+e clam*e+ multilevel inverters<9 con+ucte+ ,y %N&U #ollege of $ngineering National #onference on :Recent A+vances in $lectrical $ngineering C$AR '!4D<9 Ananta*ur9 on '7 th" '/th Decem,er9 '((4 ** 14)"148. 0. Dr.#h. Sai 2a,u9 .Naga 2haskar Re++y9 2. Shravan !umar9 *a*er title+ as :1o+ifie+ #arrier An+ 1o+ifie+ Reference 1o+ulate+ techni;ues for #asca+e+ 1ultilevel 3nverters<9 National #onference on :Soft skill A**lications for soli+ state +rivesCSSASSDH(8D<9 RaEalakshmi $ngineering #ollege9 #hennai9 -roc. -age. No.88"1(09 A*ril '((8. 5. Dr.#h. Sai 2a,u9 .Naga 2haskar Re++y9 S. -raveen !umar9 *a*er title+ as :A+vancement in casca+e+ 1ultilevel 3nverters<9 National conference on : 3ntelligent electrical systemsCN#3$SH(8D <9 1aha #ollege of $ngg.9 Salem) -roc. -age. No.189 A*ril '((8. 7. D.6enine :>ysteresis #urrent #ontrol &echni;ue for Single -hase -ower Factor correction Using 2oost &o*ology< National #onference on -ower $lectronics an+ Drives organi=e+ ,y N3& Warangal at %une '((4. /. D.6enine :Stea+y"State -erformance of #lose+ 6oo* S*ee+ #ontrol of D# 1otor Drive<9 National #onference on Recent A+vances in $lectrical $ngineering organi=e+ ,y %N& University9 Ananta*ur on Dec. '7 ? '/9 '((4. 4. D.6enine :A Sim*le 1etho+ for aria,le >ysteresis",an+ #urrent #ontrol of a Single -hase -F# #onverter<. National conference on Artificial intelligence 2ase+ $lectrical 1achines an+ Drives C$6#ANH(8D organi=e+ ,y National $ngg. #ollege9 !ovil*atti9 &amil Na+u on 1)th 1arch '((8. 8. D.6enine :A Sim*le 1etho+ for Average current control techni;ue of a Single -hase -F# #onverter<. 3$&"National #onference on Soft Skill A**lications for Soli+ State Drives CSSASSDH(8D organi=e+ ,y RaEyalakshmi $ngineering #ollege9 &han+alam9 #hennai9 &amil Na+u on 1/ th "14th A*ril '((8. 1(. %.Surya !umari :1athematical 1o+eling an+ Simulation of -hotovoltaic cell using 1atla," Simulink $nvironment< National #onference on Recent A+vances in $lectrical $ngineering organi=e+ ,y %N& University9 Ananta*ur on Dec. '7 ? '/9 '((4. 11. %.Surya !umari :D#"D# #onverter For -hotovoltaic System With 1aGimum -ower &racking< National #onference on Artificial 3ntelligence 2ase+ $lectrical 1achines IDrives C$6$#AN H(8D organi=e+ ,y National $ngineering #ollege !.R.Nagar9 !oval-atti9 &amilna+u on 1)th 1arch '((8. 1'. %.Surya !umari :Single -hase .ri+ #onverter For -hotovoltaic system With 1aGimum -ower &racking< 3$&"National #onference on Soft Skill A**lications for Soli+ State Drives CSSASSDH(8D organi=e+ ,y RaEyalakshmi $ngineering #ollege9 &han+alam9 #hennai9 &amil Na+u on 1/th "14th

A*ril '((8.

1). 21 1anEunath *resente+ a *a*er title+ :#om*lete e;uivalent circuit of 6inear 3n+uction 1otor
consi+ering the en+ effect< at National conference on '((4

10. %.NagarEuna Re++y has *resente+ a *a*er title+:3m*lementation of a Stan+"Alone -hotovoltaic

System with Neural Network 2ase+ 1--& #onnecte+ to )"*hase 3n+uction 1otor< at National #onference9 Ananta*ur on '7th "'/th Dec"(4.

15. Dr.#h. Sai 2a,u9 .Naga 2haskar Re++y9 !.Suresh9 :Dio+e clam*e+ multilevel inverter fe+ in+uction
motor<9 National conference on : com*utational intelligent techni;ues in $lectrical $ngineering <9 at 3F$& $ngineering college9 illu*uram9 &amilna+u on 14 th A*r '((8 2 #"(


.Naga 2haskar Re++y9 S.NagaraEa Rao9 A.Suresh !umar :#om*arison Af &ra+itional an+ B Source 3nverter Using Sim*lifie+ S*ace ector 1o+ulation< National conference on :$merging &ren+s in th -ower systems<9 !.6.N $ngineering college 1a+hurai9&amilana+u 1ay 4 "'(1(. .Naga 2haskar Re++y9 S.NagaraEa Rao9 A.Suresh !umar :A+vance+ 1o+ulation &echni;ue of a seven level #asca+e+ >"2ri+ge 1ultilevel 3nverters< National conference on:$merging &ren+s in -ower systems<9 !.6.N $ngineering college 1a+hurai9 &amilana+u 1ay 4th "'(1(.


). D.6enine :-ower Factor 3m*rovement ,y Using -re+ictive #urrent #ontrol &echni;ue with 2oost
&o*ology<. 1(th National #onference on &echnological &ren+s CN#&&(8D organi=e+ ,y #ollege of $ngineering &rivan+rum 7"/ Nov '((8. List of International ,onferences


2 -" * D.6enine :$stimation of s*ee+ an+ Rotor *osition of 26D# motor using $Gten+e+ !alman Filter< was *resente+ at 3$&"U! 3nternational #onference on 3nformation an+ #ommunication &echnology in $lectrical Science organi=e+ ,y 3$&"U!9 #hennai Network an+ Dr.1...R University. 3$$$ -rocee+ing9 DecH'((/. **. 0))"0)8. 2 *" ! Dr.#h.Sai 2a,u9 . Naga 2haskar Re++y9 A *a*er title+ as :>armonic Re+uction in #S3"Fe+ 3n+uction 1otor Drive ,y Using Different Active filters< is *u,lishe+ in 3nternational #onference on :-ower System Analysis9#ontrol an+ A*timi=ationC-SA#A"'((4D<91arch 1) th "15th '((4. Dr.#h.Sai 2a,u9 . Naga 2haskar Re++y9 A *a*er title+ as :Simulation I 3m*lementation of Selective harmonic elimination in 1ultilevel 3nverters< is *u,lishe+ in 3nternational #onference on : -ower System Analysis9#ontrol an+ A*timi=ationC-SA#A"'((4D< 91arch 1) th "15th '((4. . Naga 2haskar Re++y9 Y. iEaya Suresh9 !.RaEa Sekhar Re++y 9 A *a*er title+ as :Simulation I 3m*lementation of Single *hase symmetrical -W1 A# cho**er< is *u,lishe+ in 3nternational #onference on : -ower System Analysis9#ontrol an+ A*timi=ationC-SA#A"'((4D< 91arch 1) th "15th '((4 2 !" # !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :A Novel >igh -erformance .enerali=e+ Discontinuous -W1 Algorithm for Re+uce+ #urrent Ri**le an+ Switching 6osses Using 3maginary switching &imes<9 3nternational &echnical #onference of 3$$$ region 1( C&$N#AN'((4D9 #entre for 1o+eling9 Simulation an+ Design C#1SDD9 University of >y+era,a+9 Nov '((4. D.6enine :#om*arison ,etween aria,le Switching Fre;uency an+ &imer #ontroller with #onstant Switching Fre;uency &echni;ues for -F# #onverter<9 3nternational #onference on $lectrical

1. 2. 3.




$nergy Systems I -ower $lectronics in $merging $conomies 3#$$S-$$$ ? '((89 Argani=e+ ,y SR1 University9 #hennai on A*ril 10 ? 1/9 '((8. D.6enine :3m*rovement of Dynamic Res*onse for 2uck #onverter Using Sli+ing 1o+e 6ike #ontrol &echni;ue< 3$$$ 3nternational #onference on &$N#ANH'((4 organi=e+ ,y 3$$$ Section >y+. on 14"'1 Nov '((4.** 1"79 '((4. .eneration Systems< at 3$$$ &$N#AN 3nternational #onference9 >y+era,a+ on 14 th "'1st Nov"(4

0. %.NagarEuna Re++y has *resente+ a *a*er title+ :#ontrol of .ri+ #onnecte+ - #ell Distri,ute+ 5. 1r. ..!umaraswamy9Dr.D. .Ashok !umar atten+e+ international conference on :#urrent Source
3nverter ,ase+ S&A&#A1F1o+eling I #ontrol : on $lectrical $nergy Systems I -ower $lectronics in $merging $conomics A*ril 17th I 1/th9'((8 SR1 University9 #hennai 2 #"(

1. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :Switching 6oss #haracteristics of A+vance+ D-W1 1etho+s Using S*ace ector 2ase+ #lam*ing Se;uences<9 3$$$ Sym*osium on 3n+ustrial $lectronics an+ A**lications C3S3$A '((8D9 Acto,er 0"79 '((89 !ualalum*ur9 1alaysia. '. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :Switching 6oss #haracteristics of A+vance+ D-W1 1etho+s Using S*ace ector 2ase+ Dou,le Switching #lam*ing Se;uences<9 3$$$ Sym*osium on 3n+ustrial $lectronics an+ A**lications C3S3$A '((8D9 Acto,er 0"79 '((89 !ualalum*ur9 1alaysia. ). !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :1inimum Switching 6oss AD-W1 Algorithm 2ase+ D&# 3n+uction 1otor Drive A*erating At Near Rate+ S*ee+s<9 3nternational #onference on A+vances in #om*uting9 #ontrol9 an+ &elecommunication &echnologies9 A#& '((89 Dec '4"'89 '((89 &rivan+rum9 !erala9 3n+ia. 0. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :>igh"-erformance A+vance+ Discontinuous -W1 Algorithm for Direct &or;ue #ontrolle+ 3n+uction 1otor Drives for Re+uce+ Ri**le<9 3#$$S-$$$(89 A*ril 17th"1/th '((8. 5. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :S*ace ector 2ase+ A+vance+ Dou,le Switching D-W1 Algorithm for 31 Drive A*erating At Near Rate+ S*ee+s<9 3nternational #onference on :Recent A+vancements in $lectrical Sciences< C3#RA$SH1(D 4th I 8th %anuary '(1(. 7. !. Sri .owri9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 :A+vance+ D-W1 1etho+s for 3n+uction 1otor<9 3nternational #onference on A+vances in $nergy #onversion &echnologies C3#A$#& '(1(D9 13&9 1ani*al9 %anuary '(1(. /. !. Sri .owri9 N. enkataramana Naik9 &. 2rahmana+a Re++y9 :A Novel >y,ri+ S*ace ector -ulse Wi+th 1o+ulation for Re+uce+ #urrent Ri**le Using Scalar control<9 3nternational #onference on $merging tren+s in $ngineering &echnologies C3#$&$S '(1(D9 Argani=e+ ,y N.3.University9 !umaracoil9 &amilna+u on 1arch '5"'79 '(1(. 4. Dr.#h. Sai 2a,u9 .Naga 2haskar Re++y9 !.Suresh :A+vance+ 1o+ulating &echni;ues for +io+e clam*e+ multilevel inverter fe+ 3n+uction motor< 3nternational #onference on *ower control9 signals an+ com*utation <$-S3#AN"'(1(< at &hrissure9 !erala9 +uring 0th "7th Ean9 '(1(. 9. . Naga 2haskar Re++y9 S.Naga RaEa Rao92.Sravan !umar9 A *a*er title+ as :Simulation an+ 3m*lementation of 1o+ulating &echni;ues for 1ultilevel 3nverters ,y Using F-.A< is *u,lishe+ in 3$$$ 2angalore Section " 14 th Annual Sym*osium on:$merging Nee+s in #om*uting9 #ommunication9 Signals an+ -ower< $N#'S- '((89 on'8 August '((89 2angalore 1(. Dr.#h.Sai 2a,u 9 . Naga 2haskar Re++y9 S.Naga RaEa Rao 9 A *a*er title+ as :A+vance+ 1o+ulating &echni;ues for 1ultilevel 3nverter using F-.A< is *u,lishe+ in :3nternational #onference :A+vances in $nergy #onversation &echnologies<"3#A$#&"'(1(91ani*al9(8"11 %anuary '(1(9*roc.*g 4)"48. 11. D.6enine :A -erformance im*rovement of constant switching fre;uency techni;ue with *ower factor correction<9 3nternational #onference on -ower9 #ontrol9 Signals an+ #om*utation C$-S#3#AN '(1(D9 Argani=e+ ,y i+ya Aca+emy of Science an+ &echnology9 &hrissur9 !erala on %an 0"79 '(1(. 1'. D.6enine :#om*arative $valuation of >ysteresis an+ Average #urrent #ontrol &echni;ues for -F# with 2oost #onverter<9 3nternational #onference on JA+vances in $nergy #onversion &echnologiesJ C3#A$#&'(1(D9 Argani=e+ ,y 13&9 1ani*al on %an /"1(9 '(1(

1). D.6enine et.al9 :Design an+ analysis of 1ultilevel 3nverter with Single"-hase .ri+ #onnecte+ -hotovoltaic System<9 3nternational #onference on $merging &ren+s in $ngineering an+ &echnologies9 Argani=e+ ,y N.3.University9 !umaracoil9 &amil Na+u on 1arch '5"'79 '(1(. 10. D.6enine :Scheme of a New &imer #ontroller with #onstant switching fre;uency an+ -F# with 2oost #onverter<9 3nternational #onference on $merging tren+s in $ngineering &echnologies C3#$&$S '(1(D9 Argani=e+ ,y N.3.University9 !umaracoil9 &amilna+u on 1arch '5"'79 '(1( 15. D.6enine :-re+ictive control techni;ues for high *ower factor ,y ,oost converter<9 3nternational #onference on $merging tren+s in $ngineering &echnologies C3#$&$S '(1(D9 Argani=e+ ,y N.3.University9 !umaracoil9 &amilna+u on 1arch '5"'79 '(1(. 17. D.6enin9 :$volutionary com*uting 2ase+ 1ultilevel >"2ri+ge #asca+e+ 3nverter with -hotovoltaic System<9 3$$$ 3nternational #onference on AR&com '(1(9 Argani=e+ ,y A#$$$9 !otayam9 !erala9 on Act '(1(9 **. 1'1"1'5. 1/. %.Surya !umari9 :#om*arison ,etween aria,le Switching Fre;uency an+ &imer #ontroller with #onstant Switching Fre;uency &echni;ues for -F# #onverter<9 International ,onference on $lectrical $nergy Systems I -ower $lectronics in $merging $conomies 3#$$S-$$$ ? '((89 Argani=e+ ,y SR1 University9 #hennai on A*ril 10 ? 1/9 '((8. 14. %.Surya !umari9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 et.al9 :3m*rovement of static -erformance of 1ultilevel for Single" -hase .ri+ #onnecte+ -hotovoltaic 1o+ules<. Secon+ 3nternational #onference on $merging &ren+s in $ngineering an+ &echnology C3#$&$&(8D. 3$$$ -rocee+ing9 17 " 14 DecH '((89 **. 117"1'19 Argani=e+ ,y ..>.Raisoni #ollege of $ngineering9 Nag*ur9 3n+ia. 18. %.Surya !umari9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 et.al9 :Design an+ analysis of 1ultilevel 3nverter with Single"-hase .ri+ #onnecte+ -hotovoltaic System<9 3nternational #onference on $merging &ren+s in $ngineering an+ &echnologies9 Argani=e+ ,y N.3.University9 !umaracoil9 &amil Na+u on 1arch '5"'79 '(1(. '(. A.Suresh !umar 9S.NagaraEa Rao9 %.NagarEuna Re++y9 :A 1ultilevel -W1 3nverter &o*ology for Neural Network ,ase+ -hotovoltaic .enerating System< in 3nternational #onference on $lectrical -ower an+ $nergy Systems C3#$-$S"'(1(D organi=e+ ,y 1aulana A=a+ National 3nstitute of &echnology9 2ho*al +uring '7th "'4th August9 '(1(. '1. S.NagaraEa Rao9 Y. iEaya Suresh9 %.NagarEuna Re++y :Different Schemes of 1atriG #onverter with 1aGimum oltage #onversion Ratio< in 3nternational #onference on $lectrical -ower an+ $nergy Systems C3#$-$S"'(1(D organi=e+ ,y 1aulana A=a+ National 3nstitute of &echnology9 2ho*al +uring '7th "'4th August9 '(1(. 2 ( "((

1. Dr.#h.Sai 2a,u 9 . Naga 2haskar Re++y9 .Narsimulu 9 :#ontrol Af #asca+e+ 1ultilevel 3nverter 2y
Using #arrier 2ase+ -W1 &echni;ue An+ 3m*lemente+ &o 3n+uction 1otor Drive< is *u,lishe+ in : 3nternational #onference on System Dynamics an+ #ontrol< ?3#SD#918 th "''n+ August '(1(918th "''n+ August '(1(913&9 1ani*al9 *roc.*g 055"071 Dr.#h.Sai 2a,u 9 . Naga 2haskar Re++y9 S.Naga RaEa Rao 9 *a*er title+ as :1o+ifie+ Reference 1o+ulation &echni;ues For 1ultilevel 3nverters< is *u,lishe+ in :3nternational #onference on $lectrical -ower an+ $nergy SystemsC3#$-$S"'(1(D9August '7"'49'(1(9August '7"'49'(1(9 N3&9 2ho*al9 *roc.*g '5/"'7) D.6enin9 :A Static 3m*rovement of -re+ictive #ontrol for Single -hase oltage Fe+ -ower Factor #orrection #onverters<9 3$$$ 3nternational #onference on AR&com '(1(9 Argani=e+ ,y A#$$$9 !otayam9 !erala9 on Act '(1(9 **. 117"1'(. D.6enine9 et.al9 :Design an+ Analysis of -re+ictive #ontrol with 3m*rove+ -erformance for 2oost -F# #onverter<9 3nternational #onference on A+vances in $ngineering an+ &echnology9 C3#A$&"'(11D9 1ay '/"'49 '(119 3S2N 8/4"1"05(/"70))"8 K '(11 -u,lishe+ ,y the #oim,atore 3nstitute of 3nformation &echnology %.Surya !umari9 :Scheme of a New &imer #ontroller with #onstant switching fre;uency an+ -F# with 2oost #onverter<9 3nternational #onference on $merging tren+s in $ngineering &echnologies C3#$&$S '(1(D9 Argani=e+ ,y N.3.University9 !umaracoil9 &amilna+u on 1arch '5"'79 '(1( %.Surya !umari9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 et.al9 :$volutionary com*uting 2ase+ 1ultilevel >"2ri+ge #asca+e+ 3nverter with -hotovoltaic System<9 3$$$ 3nternational #onference on AR&#A1 '(1(9 Argani=e+ ,y A#$$$9 !ottyam9 kerala9 Act '(1(.


3. 4.

5. 6.

7. %.Surya !umari9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 et.al9 .Design an+ Analysis of A*en #ircuit oltage 2ase+ 1aGimum
-ower -oint &racking for -hotovoltaic System<9 3nternational #onference on A+vances in $ngineering an+ &echnology9 C3#A$&"'(11D9 1ay '/"'49 '(119 3S2N 8/4"1"05(/"70))"8 K '(11 -u,lishe+ ,y the #oim,atore 3nstitute of 3nformation &echnology. %.Surya !umari9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 et.al9 .1athematical 1o+el of -hotovoltaic System with 1aGimum -ower -oint &racking C1--&D<9 3nternational #onference on A+vances in $ngineering an+ &echnology9 C3#A$&"'(11D9 1ay '/"'49 '(119 3S2N 8/4"1"05(/"70))"8 K '(11 -u,lishe+ ,y the #oim,atore 3nstitute of 3nformation &echnology %.Surya !umari9 #h. Sai 2a,u9 et.al9 .An 3nvestigation of Short #ircuit #urrent 2ase+ 1aGimum -ower -oint &racking for -hotovoltaic System<9 C3#A$&"'(11D9 1ay '/"'49 '(119 3S2N 8/4"1"05(/" 70))"8 K '(11 -u,lishe+ ,y the #oim,atore 3nstitute of 3nformation &echnology. Y. iEaya Suresh has *resente+ a *a*er title+ :Different Schemes of 1atriG #onverter with 1aGimum oltage #onversion Ratio< in 3nternational #onference on $lectrical -ower an+ $nergy Systems C3#$-$S"'(1(D organi=e+ ,y 1aulana A=a+ National 3nstitute of &echnology9 2ho*al +uring '7 th "'4th August9 '(1(. S.NagaraEa Rao9 Dr.#h. Sai 2a,u9 .Naga 2haskar Re++y :#om*arison of 1o+ulation &echni;ues for 1ultilevel 3nverter fe+ -ermanent 1agnet Synchronous 1otor< in 3nternational #onference on $lectrical -ower an+ $nergy Systems C3#$-$S"'(1(D organi=e+ ,y 1aulana A=a+ National 3nstitute of &echnology9 2ho*al +uring '7th "'4th August9 '(1(. S.NagaraEa Rao9 %.NagarEuna Re++y9 A. Suresh !umar :A 1ultilevel -W1 3nverter &o*ology for Neural Network ,ase+ -hotovoltaic .enerating System< < in 3nternational #onference on $lectrical -ower an+ $nergy Systems C3#$-$S"'(1(D organi=e+ ,y 1aulana A=a+ National 3nstitute of &echnology9 2ho*al +uring '7th "'4th August9 '(1(. LI$/ 01 P2P3R$ P45LI$63D IN N2/I0N2L/IN/3RN2/I0N2L J04RN2L$/,0N13R3N,3$ S.N A 1. '. ). 0. 5. 7. /. 4. 8. 1(. 11. 1'. 1). 10. NA1$ AF &>$ FA#U6&Y 1$12$R Dr.!. .Desikachar Dr... .1arutheeswara Rao Dr.!.Sri .owri 1r. .Naga 2haskar Re++y 1r.D.6enine 1rs.%.Surya !umari 1r...!umara Swamy 1r.S.2ala #hennaiah 1r.Y. iEaya Suresh 1r.2.1. 1anEunath 1r.S.NagaraEa Rao 1r.%.NagarEuna Re++y 1r.A.Suresh !umar 1r.!.Suresh NA. AF -A-$RS -U263S>$D &366 NAW 3% 3# N% N# ) ) 5 " 7 ) " 0 / 8 " / 5 4 " 5 7 1' " 1( 0 4 " ) " 1 " " " " " " " 0 " ) " " " 1 ) 5 " ) " ) " 1 " 1 " ' 1 1 " 1


9. 10.




,onferences 2ttended
Date of &raining From 17"()"(7 '("()"(7 &o 14"()"(7 ''"()"(7 &o*ic Art of teaching electrical machines Relia,ility evaluation &raining given ,y R.1#$&9 Nan+yal. R.1#$&9 Nan+yal.

Name of the Faculty 1rs !.Sri .owri

(4"('"(/ '8"11"(/ 1)"('"(4 '8"('"(4 )("()"(8 '8L('L(4 1'L(4L(4 1r. .Naga 2haskar Re++y ')L()L(8

(8"('"(/ )("11"(/ 1/"('"(4 ('"()"(4 )1"()"(8 ('L()L(4 1)L(4L(4 '5L()L(8

'(L()L'(1( ')L1(L'(1( 1(L7L'((/ 10L/L'((/ '7L/L'((/ 4L1(L'((/ 18L11L'((/ 1)L'L'((4 1r.D.6enine ''L'L'((4 8L7L'((4 ')L'L'((4 1)L7L'((4 1L1'L'((/ 15L/L'((/ '4L/L'((/ 8L1(L'((/ 1L1'L'((/ 1/L'L'((4

an+ A*timi=ation"An overview Recent tren+s in *ower $lectronics I +rives 1A&6A2 I its A**lications A+vances in -ower $lectronics Digital Signal -rocessor A**lications to $lectrical Drives Neural Networks I Fu==y Systems Digital Signal -rocessors A**lications to $lectrical Drives Awareness on 3n+ian $lectricity Act SA6AR -AW$RF NAW AND >$R$ Scenario of 3n+ian -ower system Muality of Research an+ Young Scientist Design an+ Simulation in #ontrol System $ngineering DS- -rocessors DS- -rocessors Recent A+vances I A**lication of -ower $lectronics Digital Signal -rocessing A+vances in -ower $lectronics Develo*ment in -ower System an+ Drives 1o+eling9 Simulation an+ #ontrol of -ower #onverter Scenario of 3n+ian -ower system Muality of Research an+ Young Scientist Art of teaching $lectrical 1achines Relia,ility $valuation I A*timi=ation" An Averview Relia,ility Allocation an+ A*timi=ation of #om*onents in system relia,ility evaluation A+vances in -ower $lectronics

.-R$#9 !urnool N3&&&R#9 #hennai R.1#$&9 Nan+yal. R.1#$&9 Nan+yal. %N&U#$9 Ananta*ur R.1#$&9 Nan+yal. %N&U#$9 Ananta*ur R.1#$&9 Nan+yal. R.1#$&9 Nan+yal. %N& University9 !akina+a -on+icherry $ngineering #ollege R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal %-N#$9 1aha,u,nagar Anna University R.1#$&9 Nan+yal NR ignana %yothi 3nstitute of $ngg. I &ech. N3&9 Warangal

'(L()L'(1( ')L1(L'(1( 1rs.%.Surya !umari 17.().(7 '(.().(7 14.().(7 ''.().(7

R.1#$&9 Nan+yal. %N& University9 !akina+a R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal




R.1#$&9 Nan+yal

(4"('"(/ ')L()L(8 )("()"(8

(8"('"(/ '5"()L(8 )1"()"(8

'(L()L(8 18.11.(5 (/.1(.(7 17.().(7 '(.().(7 '7.11.(5 '1.1(.(7 14.().(7 ''.().(7

''.1(.(7 1r...!umara Swamy )1.(4.(/ '4.(8.(/ 1).('.(4 ').().(8 '0L1L(4 1r.S.2ala #hennaiah 1(L)L(4 '0L)L(4 18L1'L(4 1r.Y. iEaya Suresh (4L('L(/ ''L()L(/ )1L(5L(/ 10L(/L(/ (4L1(L(/ (8L('L(/ '0L()L(/ ('L(7L(/ 15L(/L(/ (8L1(L(/ (1.(8.(/ '8.(8.(/ 1/.('.(4 '5.().(8 '5L1L(4 11L)L(4 '4L)L(4 '(L1'L(4

Recent tren+s in *ower $lectronics I +rives SA6AR -AW$RF NAW AND >$R$ Neural Networks I Fu==y Systems Scenario of 3n+ian -ower system 3ntro+uction to $#$ software # -rogramming Art of teaching $lectrical 1achines Relia,ility $valuation I A*timi=ation" An Averview Relia,ility Allocation an+ A*timi=ation of #om*onents in system relia,ility evaluation -S31 I S!1 -ower tools Software *ackages -ower Muality A+vances in -ower $lectronics Solar -ower Now I >ere 3gniting the s*irit of innovation in engineering stu+ents $m,e++e+ # *rogramming with 4(51 S*eech *rocessing Digital imagingF tren+s I *ers*ectives Recent &ren+s in -ower $lectronics I Drives Recent &ren+s in -ower $lectronics I Drives Recent A+vances in -ower $lectronics I Drives DS- -rocessors Recent A+vances" A**lications of -ower $lectronics A**lications of Soft Switching &echni;ues to -ower system A*eration I #ontrol DS- -rocessors

.-R$#9 !urnool R.1#$&9 Nan+yal %N&U#$9 Ananta*ur R.1#$&9 Nan+yal. R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal

&ri+ent &echla,s *vt 6t+9>y+ at %N&U#$9Ananta*ur Asmania University9 >y+. R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal SN3S&9 >y+era,a+ #$9 >y+era,a+ N3&9 Warangal %N&U#$9 Ananta*ur .. -ulla Re++y #ollege of $ngg.9 !urnool .. -ulla Re++y #ollege of $ngg.9 !urnool ignan $ngineering #ollege9 .untur R.1#$&9 Nan+yal %aya*rakash Narayan $ngineering #ollege9 1aha,oo, Nagar An+hra University #ollege of $ngineering9 isakha*atnam 2annari Amman 3nstitute of

'5L1(L(/ 18L11L(/

'/L1(L(/ (1L1'L(/

&echnology9 Satyamangalam9 &amilna+u 1)L('L(4 1/L()L(4 A+vances in -ower $lectronics Develo*ments in -ower Systems I Drives 1o+elling9 Simulation I #ontrol of -ower #onverters Solar -owerF Now I >ere A Scenario on 3n+ian -ower Systems 3nstructional Design I Delivery System A+vances in -ower $lectronics A )"Day National work sho* on :SA6AR -AW$RF NAW AND >$R$< $6$#&R3#A6 -AW$R .$N$RA&3AN &RANS13SS3AN I D3S&R32U&3AN A one +ay seminar on :A S#$NAR3A AN 3ND3AN -AW$R SYS&$1< 3nstructional Design I Delivery System AD AN#$S 3N -AW$R $6$#&RAN3#S A+vances in -ower $lectronics I their a**lications to Drives I -ower Systems A )"Day National work sho* on :SA6AR -AW$RF NAW AND >$R$< A one +ay seminar on :A S#$NAR3A AN 3ND3AN -AW$R SYS&$1< AD AN#$S 3N -AW$R $6$#&RAN3#S A )"Day National work sho* on :SA6AR -AW$RF NAW AND >$R$< A one +ay seminar on :A S#$NAR3A AN 3ND3AN -AW$R SYS&$1< 3nstructional Design I Delivery System A )"Day National work R.1#$&9 Nan+yal NR ignana %yothi 3nstitute of $ngineering I &echnology9 >y+era,a+ National 3nstitute of &echnology9 Warangal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal



(8L(7L(4 ')L()L(8

1)L(7L(4 '5L()L(8

'(L()L1( '4L(7L1( 1).('.'((4 ').().'((8 ()L(/L1( 1/.(4.'((4 '5.().'((8

)(.1(.'((8 1r.2.1. 1anEunath '(.().'(1( '4.(7.'(1( 1).('.'((4 1(.11.'((4 1r.S.NagaraEa Rao ').().'((8 ()..(/.'(1( 1/.(4.'((4 '8.11.'((4 '5.().'((8

Rao 2aha+ur Y. 1aha,aleshwara**a $ngineering #ollege R.1#$&9 Nan+yal N3&&&R9 #hennai R.1#$&9 Nan+yal %N&U9 >y+era,a+

R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal

'(.().'(1( 1).('.'((4 ').().'((8 1r.%.NagarEuna Re++y '(.().'(1( '4.(7.'(1( 1r.A.Suresh !umar ()..(/.'(1( 1/.(4.'((4 '5.().'((8

R.1#$&9 Nan+yal N3&&&R9 #hennai R.1#$&9 Nan+yal

').().'((8 15L(8L'((8

'5.().'((8 17L(8L'((8


'(L()L1( )L'L'(1( ')L()L(8 1)L('L(4 17.().(7 1r.!.Srinivasulu ().1'.(/ '5L()L(8 1/L()L(4 14.().(7 (/.1'.(/

sho* on :SA6AR -AW$RF NAW AND >$R$< A ' Day national seminar on :Smart *ower gri+< A one +ay seminar on :A S#$NAR3A AN 3ND3AN -AW$R SYS&$1< A Scenario on 3n+ian -ower Systems Wavelets I its A**lications in -ower Systems Solar -owerF Now I >ere A+vances in -ower $lectronics Art of teaching $lectrical 1achines 17F4// -3# 1icrocontroller an+ its a**lications Wavelets I its A**lications in -ower Systems A Scenario on 3n+ian -ower Systems 3nstructional Design I Delivery System A soft com*uting techni;ues in *ower systems

3$C3D9 >y+era,a+ R.1#$&9 Nan+yal

R.1#$&9 Nan+yal aag+evi 3nstitute Af &echnology I Science -RADDA&UR R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal R.1#$&9 Nan+yal N3&&&R9#>$NNA3 aag+evi 3nstitute Af &echnology I Science -RADDA&UR R.1#$&9 Nan+yal N3&&&R9 #hennai aag+evi 3nstitute Af &echnology I Science -RADDA&UR


)L'L'(1( 1r.R.Satish !umar '(L()L1( '4.(7.'(1( ()..(/.'(1(

1r.#.Naga !ota Re++y


*) (4. ,onferences/$eminars ,onducted

$.No 1. Name of the Pro%ram &wo weeks training *rogram :$lectrical Simulation Softwares" Awareness -rogram< Duration of the Pro%ram (7.1'.'(1( to 14.1'.'(1( Resource Person&s' 1r. Dhinakaran NataraEan9 &echnical $ngg9 $&AAutomation -vt.6t+9 #hennai 1r.#han+rakumar9 &echnical $ngg9&ri+ent &ech la,s -vt.6t+9 >y+era,a+ 1r. Dinesh9 &echnical $ngg9&ri+ent &ech la,s -vt.6t+9 >y+era,a+ Sri .Sri-hani YesS 9 -vt 6t+ Sri.A.S.2akshi 9 #hief $ngineer9 #$A9 New Delhi I Sri. ivek

'. ).

National 6evel Stu+ent &echnical Sym*osium for *a*er *resentation :R3--6$"'!1(< A one +ay worksho* :A Scenario An 3n+ian -ower

1).(4.'(1( '(th " 1ar9 '(1(

System< 0. 5. 7. /. 4. 8. 1(. -RA A>A ? @3 National 6evel Stu+ent technical Sym*osium 2A&&6$ AF 3D$AB C-a*er *resentation contestD -RA.1A C1o+el *resentationD &$#>NA.$N C&echnical ;ui=D National worksho* on Solar -owerF Now an+ >ere A five +ay worksho* on9 :National work sho* on simulation of 1o+ern *ower $lectronic #onverters< National 6evel Work sho* on9< 1o+eling an+ Simulation of S*ecial 1achines< '8th Dec9 '((8 '/th Dec9 '((8 '4th Dec9 '((8 '4th Dec9 '((8 ').().'((8 to '5.().'((8 8th ? 1)th Se*9 '((4. )1st 1arch"7th A*ril '((4

.oyal9 Director9 &ransI Dist9 #$A9 New Delhi Sri .N.Ramu9 D.$ A-&RANS#A Dr. &.2rahmanan+a Re++y9 .-R$#9 kurnool Dr. 1.2haskar Re++y9 !SR1#$9 !a+a*a Smt !. Sri .owri -rof. .Sri -hani9 -rof. !.Narasimha9 Dr. D. . Ashok !umar Dr.N. iswanathan9 Dr. Y - A,ulesu9 Dr.. .1arutheeswar Rao Dr...&ulasi Ram Das9 Dr. . iEaya !umar Dr. #h . Sai2a,u9 Dr.N. iswanathan9 Dr. Y - A,ulesu9 Dr.. .1arutheeswar Rao 3 1icro Systems9 #hennai Dr...&ulasi Ram Das9 Dr. #h . Sai2a,u Dr. .1a+husu+han Rao Dr. .Sankar Dr. .Dakshina 1urthy 1r.1.!alia moorthy Sri &. Rama Su,,a Re++y

11. 1'. 1). 10. 15.

Digital Signal -rocessor A**lications to $lectrical Drives National level work sho* on9 :A+vances in -ower $lectronics< National level Sym*osium" ri**le 'k/. National conference on :A+vances 3n -ower $lectronics an+ Drives< National 6evel Stu+ent &echnical Sym*osium for *a*er *resentation :R3--6$"'!7< &hree +ays Worksho* on9< Art of teaching electrical machines< &hree +ays Worksho* on9 <Relia,ility evaluation an+ A*timi=ation"An overview<

'8"('"(4 to ('"()"(4 1)th "1/th Fe, '((4 '8th Dec '((/ '8th %uly '((/ Se*tem,er9'((/

17. 1/.

17th to 14th 1arch9 '((7 '(th to ')r+ 1arch9 '((7

Dr. .Dakshina murthy Dr. .Dakshina murthy I Sri &. Rama Su,,a Re++y


5./ech Pro7ects
2 R38 N0 N293 01 /63 $/4D3N/ + " 5atch 52/,6 N4953R 1 A S3N.6$ S&A.$ A#LD# #AN $R&$R W3&> >3.> -AW$R FA#&AR9R$.U6A&$D 2US A6&A.$ /I/L3 N293 01 /63 84ID3 !. SR$$N3 ASU 6U

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) S31U6A&3AN AND ANA6YS3S AF -W1 3N $R&$RS US3N. 1A&6A2L-S-3#$ 0 D$S3.N AND ANA6YS3S AF 2AAS& D#"A# 2AAS& 3N $R&$R S 2A6A #>$NNA3A>


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! SR3 .AWR3

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A NA A6 AF SAF& SW3&#>3N. 3N $R&$R W3&> B S AND B#S F$A&UR$S D$S3.N AF SAF&SW3&#>$D 2AAS& #AN $R&$R W3&> 6AW NA3#$ AND 6AW #AS& A N$W S31-63F3$D 1U6&36$ $6 3N $R&$R &A-A6A.Y FAR D.# &A A.# #AN $RS&3AN 1AD$63N. AF 1"->AS$ 3NDU#&3AN 1A&AR AND 3&S S-$$D #AN&RA6 &>RAU.> 2A&> -3 AND FUBBY #AN&RA66$RS $ A6UA&3AN AF &RANS3$N& R$S-ANS$ AF A D.# 1A&AR US3N. 1A&6A2LS31U63N! $#&AR #AN&RA6 AF 3NDU#&3AN 1A&AR US3N. S-3RA6 &>$ARY 1A@31U1 -AW$R -A3N& &RA#!3N. FAR SA6AR 2AS$D $N$R.Y SYS&$1 S31U6A&3AN AND >ARDWAR$ 31-6$1$N&A&3AN AF 31-$DAN#$ SAUR#$ 3N $R&$R F$D -$R1AN$N& 1A.N$& SYN#>RANAUS 1A&AR A N$W S -W1 &$#>N3MU$ FAR &>$ R$DU#&3AN AF #A11AN 1AD$ A6&A.$ 3N ) ? ->AS$ S3 -AW$R FA#&AR 31-RA $1$N& 2Y US3N. S>UN&







2.1.1AN%UN A&>A

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S 2A6A #>$NNA3A> % SURYA !U1AR3


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D 6$N3N$




A B$RA A6&A.$ &RANS3&3AN R$SANAN#$ 2U#! #AN $R&$R R$1A&$ $6$#&R3#3&Y 23663N. SYS&$1S US3N. .S1 1AD$1





A NA $6 B$RA A6&A.$ SW3&#>3N. -W1 FU66 2R3D.$ #AN $R&$R 1AD$63N. AF D# &A A# 3N $R&$R US3N. NAN 63N$AR RA2US& #AN&RA6 SYS&$1




-"5atch /itle R$A6 &31$ A-$RA&3AN AF 3NDUS&R3A6 6AADS Pro7ect 8uide 1r. . Naga 2haskar Re++y

5.N o

Re% .No (7(81A('() (7(81A(')4 (7(81A('11 (7(81A('(1 (7(81A('(4 (7(81A(''1 (7(81A('') (7(81A('0)

Name of the $tudent AN%AN3 $ !USU1A $ 2A2A A63 & A!>36A AS>A! !U1AR R$DDY A >ARS>A RA.3N3 A >31ANAND3N3 2 1 1ADANA .A-A6 $



1rs. !. SR3 .AWR3

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$#&AR 2AS$ -W1 FAR R$DU#3N. &>D #6AS$D 6AA#AN&RA6 AF D# 1A&AR US3N. -9-39-3D #AN&RA66$RS A D3.3&A6 -AW$R FA#&AR #ARR$#&3AN &$#>N3MU$ A-&313B$D FAR F-.A S31U6A&3AN AF A S3N.6$ AR$A -AW$R SYS&$1 N$&WAR! FAR 6AAD FR$MU$N#Y AND A6&A.$ #AN&RA6 N$URA6 N$&WAR! 2AS$D $SS&31A&3AN AF $6$#&R3#A6 #3R#U3& WA $FAR1 #A1-AR3S3AN AF #AN $N&3ANA6 AND #ARR3$R 2AS$D S -W1 FAR )"6$ $6 3N $R&$R 1A@31U1 #ANS&AN& 2AAS& #AN&RA6 AF B"SAURS$ 3N $R&$R B$RA A6&A.$ &RANS3S&3AN 2U#! #AN $R&$R 1rs. % SURYA !U1AR3


1r.Y. 3%AYA SUR$S>

1r. 2.1.1AN%UNA&>A


1r. %.NA.AR%UNAR$DD Y 1r. A.SUR$S> !U1AR


D3R$#& $#&AR S-$$D #AN&RA6 AF 3NDU#&3AN 1A&AR #ARR3$R 2AS$D D3S#AN&3NUAUS -W1 US3N. B$RA S$MU$N#$ 3N%$#&3AN -R3N#3-6$ D$S3.N AF -AW$R SYS&$1 S&A2363S$R FAR 1U6&3 6$ $6 SYS&$1

1r. S.2A6A #>$NNA3A> 1r. !.SR$$N3 ASU6U



1r. ..!U1ARA SWA1Y



(7(81A('00 (7(81A('07 (7(81A('05 (7(81A('7( (7(81A('1/ (7(81A('74 (5(81A('57 (7(81A('/4 (7(81A('48 (7(81A('A0 (7(81A('A1 (7(81A('// (7(81A('8/ (7(81A('#( (/(85A('(/ (7(81A('A5 (/(85A('(7 (7(81A('84 (7(81A('2/ (7(81A('8) (7(81A('/' (7(81A('A' (/(85A('(5 (/(85A('(4 (7(81A('A/

1AD>A 3 6A&>A 1 1AD>UR3 -R3YAN!A R -AD1A .AUD .N .A-3 NA&> ! . RA%AS$!>AR R$DDY -A AN !U1AR ! A SAND$$- !R3S>NA S3 ANANDA R$DDY A SURYA -RA!AS> ! SUD$$R RA>3& N SR3N3 ASU6A R$DDY . YAS>WAN&> !U1AR ! SUD>$$R !U1AR S SYA1A6 D$ 3 ! SR$$N3 ASU6U ! SU2>AS>3N3 N & S 1ANA% SR$$6A&>A . RA1$S> . SU%3&>A 1 -RA $$N !U1AR SUN36 !U1AR ! &>3 3!RA1 $

B S >"2R3D.$ 3N $&$R US3N. SAF& SW3&#>3N. 2AAS& #AN $R&$R



S31U6A&3AN AND $@-$R31$N&A6 S&UDY AF A6&A.$ SAURS$ 3N $R&$R F$D 3NDU#&3AN 1A&AR A S31-6$ A6.AR3&>1 FAR UN2A6AN#$D RAD3A6 D3S&R32NU&3AN SYS&$1 A .$N$RA6 A6.AR3&>1 AF A-&31A6 -AW$R F6AW #AN&RA6

1r. . Naga 2haskar Re++y


1rs .!. SR3 .AWR3


1rs .% SURYA !U1AR3



(7(81A('87 (5(85A('(8 (7(81A('4/ (7(81A('8' (7(81A('/8 (/(85A('11 (7(81A('2) (7(81A('25 (7(81A('A) (5(81A('78 (7(81A('80 (/(85A('1( (7(81A('/7 (7(81A('A8 (/(85A('(0


SR$$N3 ASU6U . S3 A RA1A !R3S>NA R$DDY A S N -RASAD SRA AN&>3 S SAN%ANNA $N!A&$SU # ASAN&> !U1AR 1 $$RAS$!>AR ! SUR$S> 1 -RA $$N !U1AR 1 SR$$NA&>A RAA 1 AN3 A RA>3& R &>U6AS3 N NA.A RA&NA 2

-AW$R F6AW #AN&RA6 AND &RANS313SS3AN 6ASS 13N313BA&3AN 1AD$6 W3&> &#S# FAR -RA#&3#A6 -AW$R N$&WAR! RA2A& #A&RA6 US3N. B3."2$$ &$#>NA6A.Y

1r. D.6$N3N

1r Y. 3%AYA SUR$S>


-AW$R U-.RAD3N. AF &RANS313SS3AN 63N$ 2Y #A123N33N. A#"D# &ARNS13SS3AN #A1-AR3S3AN AF #AS#AD$ >" 2R3D.$ AND 1U6&3 6$ $6 D# 63N! 3N $R&$R W3&> -W1 #AN&RA6

1r 2.1.1AN%UNA&>A




(7(81A('2( (7(81A('81 (5(81A('A) (7(81A('4' (7(81A('20 (7(81A('8( (/(85A('(8 (7(81A('88 (7(81A('44 (7(81A('A( (/(85A('(1 (7(81A('40 (/(85A('() (7(81A('47 (7(81A('4) (7(81A('45 (7(81A('41 (7(81A('/0 (7(81A('28 (5(81A('20 (7(81A('24 (7(81A('/1 (7(81A('A4 (7(81A('/5 (/(85A('(' (/(85A('1' (7(81A('78 (7(81A('21 (7(81A('2' (7(81A('85 (7(81A('A7 (7(81A('/( (7(81A('4( (5(81A('71

&>US>ARA -RA2>A ! SRA AN3 1 SR$$N3 ASU6U . S>AN&>3 U ASU . SAW1YA . SUR$S> 2A2U % SUD>$$R !U1AR R$DDY S S3 A SAN!AR S SUD>$$R . #>ANDRA ANAND S3R3S>A S 1A>3&>A A S3 A!R3S>NA ! R . S>$2A RAN3 & S3R3S>A A SA&>YA D$$-A! # RA 3NDRA NA&> R$DDY . 3S>WAN&> % $N!A&$S> ! 3%AY 1A>AN A RA11A>AN NA3DU ! &>3 3!RA1 RA%U N RA 3NDRA NA&> ! !U66A3 R$DDY ! 3DYA SA.AR 1 RA%$S>WAR3 # ARA -RASAD 2 ARS> S3ND>UR3 2 SR$$N3 ASA R$DDY ! &$%$S> !U1AR . RA1A!R3S>NA R$DDY . SA&>3S> !U1AR Y -RA!AS> S

1ADU6A&3AN AND #AN&RA6 S&RA&$.3$S AF 1A&R3@ #AN $R&$R D$S3.N AND S31U6A&3AN AF MUAS3 R$SANAN& MUADRA&3# 2AAS& #AN $R&$R >A1$ A--63AN#$ #AN&RA6 US3N. .S1



1r A.SUR$S> !U1AR


1r S.2A6A #>$NNA3A>



S-$$D" S$NSAR6$BSS S$-ARA&$6Y $@#3&$D D# 1A&AR W3&> AN ADA-&3 $ A2S$R $R .$N$RA&3AN AF D# A6&A.$ 2Y AN D$ .ARFF .$N$RA&AR S#ADA 2AS$D 3N&$663.$N& 1U6&3 -ARA1$&$R 1AN3&AR3N. SYS&$1 W3&> 6#D D3S-6AY A-&31A6 #AN&RA6 AF R$A#&3 $ -AW$R F6AW US3N. S&A&#A1

1r !.SR$$N3 ASU6U

1r ..!U1ARA SWA1Y


1r !.SUR$S>


1r R.SA&3S> !U1AR

2 Re%d No. Name of the 5atch No.

* " 5atch /itle of the pro7ect Name of the

(/(81A('4 7 (/(81A('/ ( (4(85A('( / (4(85A('1 ' (/(81A('7 / (7(81A('( 8 (/(81A('A 0 (/(81A('4 ) (/(81A('2 ) (/(81A('A 7 (7(81A(') 0 (5(81A('A 5 (4(85A('1 ( (/(81A('/ 8 (/(81A('7 4 (/(81A('/ ' (/(81A('/ 7 (4(85A('( ' (4(85A('( 0 (/(81A('8 ( (/(81A('8 ) (/(81A('4 ' (/(81A('/ 5 (/(81A('2 ( (/(81A('/ ) (4(85A('( 5 (/(81A('4

$tudent N.Sharan %awalkar .Raghunath -.1ohan !rishna .Sree 6akshmi 1.2.N Raghaven+ra Rao N.Ashok !umar -. enkata 1ahesh N.San+ee* N.Yeswanth !umar Re++y Y. enkata Su,,a Re++y &.!ranthi Y.Suren+ra !umar Re++y 1.RaEasekhar !.Rukman Rao ..Raghunan+an 1.Ramu 2.Ravi &heEa #.2a,a Nysoora Re++y &.#how+eswaara RaEu N.Siva Ramaiah Ya+av !.Sree 6akshmi -.Sai !rishna 2. RanEith !umar Re++y -. ino+ !umar !.Ramya A.Divakaran ..Sekhar ) A sim*le single"sensor 1--& Solution Design of a 1"*hase rectifier with im*rove+ -ower Factor an+ low &>D using 2oost #onverter techni;ue 1 #ontrol of house hol+ a**liances using Big 2ee 1o+ules


1r. . Naga 2haskar Re++y

1r D.6enine '

1rs %.Surya !umari

1r .. !umara Swamy 0 1aglev &echnology 2ase+ 1agnetic &rain using -ermanent 1agnets

3m*lementation of Solar Fri+ge with fast chilling A**lications with &em*erature 1onitoring

1r Y. iEaya Suresh

5 (/(81A('4 ( (4(85A('( 8 (/(81A('A 8 (4(85A('( 7 (/(81A('8 7 (/(81A('8 ' (/(81A('/ 4 (/(81A('8 1 (4(85A('( 4 (/(81A('A ' (/(81A('7 7 (/(81A('2 ' (/(81A('4 8 (/(81A('A ( (/(81A('/ 1 (/(81A('A ) (/(81A('8 8 (/(81A('A 4 (4(85A('1 7 (/(81A('4 4 (4(85A('( 1 (/(81A('8 5 (/(81A('4 0 (/(81A('/ / (/(81A('8 /

Ru*a Sharma 2.-e++a A,ulesu !. ikram 1.!ranthi kiran!umar 1.Su+hakar

1o+el an+ Simulation of /5 !W Solar Array

1r 2.1. 1anEunath

1.Sony Stella A.Ru+rasena Re++y #.Sneha Dee*thi 2.-amuleti -. anitha

A #arrier ,ase+ -W1 Strategy with Bero"Se;uence oltage 3nEection for )"6evel 3nverters

1r S.NagaraEa Rao

D.-ush*a 6atha $.Yella Re++y ..Sivaram -.&rive+a S.Ramu Naik Y. .!rishna Re++y 1.Swetha Rani &. iEaya 2haskar Re++y 2. iswanath -.Siva Sankar Re++y 4 #arrier 2ase+ 1o+ulation &echni;ue for )"*hase 1atriG #onverters ? State of the art *rogress 1r. %.NagarEuna Re++y

Analysis an+ Simulation of A#"D# #onverter ,y using 3solate+ D#"D# #onverter

1r. A. Suresh !umar

!.Amarnath S.Ste*hen Sukeerth %ohn S.Satish !umar !.Ravi !umar D.Su+heer 1( A B#S Full"2ri+ge #onverter with out oltage Aver Stress on the Switches 1r S.2alachennaia h

(/(81A('8 0 (/(81A('A / (/(81A('2 0 (4(85A('1 / (7(81A('/ ) (7(81A(') 7 (4(85A('1 ) (/(81A('7 8 (4(85A('1 5 (4(85A('1 1 (5(81A('4 8 (7(81A('' ( (/(81A('A 5 (/(81A('4 / (/(81A('4 1 (4(85A('1 0 (4(85A('( ) (/(81A('( 5 (/(81A('5 1 (/(81A(') ( (/(81A('( 4 (/(81A(') / (/(81A('( ) (/(81A('( 1 (/(81A('1 / (/(81A('1 ( (/(81A('( /

-.Sreenivasa Re++y 2. enkateswara Re++y A.Suresh !. iswanath -.Ravi !umar D.2.!rishna Naik #. .Su,,a Re++y &...Raghunan+a n S.Suleman D.Sravanthi D.Ravin+ra Naik 1.>arilal Naik 2. enkata Su,,a Re++y 1.Shruthi &.Sa+i; .Su+ha 1ohan 2.2ramhanan+a Re++y #hennare++ygari Anura+ha N.1aniteEa swaroo* -.>arika 2.Ashok !umar S.!ha+er iEay !umar Du+ekula Ahemma+ Shaik A,+ul !areem Nagalla*ati #han+rakala Yelli*ogulu Ashok !umar -.Ar*itha 1) Shoot &hrough -W1 #ontrol of B" Source 3nverter 1' Detecting 9 &racking of &errorist Attack ,yAir 11 A Novel A**roach for 1o+eling oltage ? Source+ #onverter ,ase+ FA#&S #ontrollers

1r !. Suresh

1r. !.Srinivasulu

1r. R.Satish !umar

1rs !.Sri .owri 1 Am*hi,ionic Ro,ot


Automatic *ower factor corrector using ca*acitive loa+ ,ank

1r. . Naga 2haskar Re++y

) -erformance of Average current

(/(81A('0 1 (/(81A('( 0 (/(81A(') ' (/(81A('1 7 (/(81A(') 0 (/(81A('1 ' (/(81A('( 8 (/(81A('0 ( (/(81A('5 ( (/(81A('5 7 (/(81A('7 0 (/(81A('0 / (/(81A('7 5 (/(81A('0 5 (/(81A('' / (/(81A('7 1 (/(81A('0 0 (/(81A('5 4 (/(81A('5 8 (/(81A(') 5 (/(81A('' 5 (/(81A('1 0 (/(81A('0 7 (/(81A('5 5 (/(81A('' ' (/(81A(''

!.!ranthi !esav 6. 2.Anil !umar !othakota >emanth -alem #han+ra %yothi 1 N %yothsna !anike 2hagya Rekha -olakanti Ashok !umar 1otakatla ! !umar Re++y Yerva 1anasa Yerraguntla NagaraEu S.-ratha* Re++y D.1ag,ul 2asha %.-raveen !umar Rao Raya*ati 1a+huri A..owtham i+yaranya 2a,u 1. -arimala $vangiline !.D. 1a+havi !. Naresh 2a,u -.-aramesh / Develo*ment of high"gain high efficiency gri+ connecte+ inverter for - 1o+ule 0 .ri+ connecte+ *hotovoltaic with *ower factor correction control with -F# ,oost converter

1r D.6enine

1rs %.Surya !umari

Real time traffic controller 5 1r .. !umara Swamy

A*timal *ower flow using NewtonHs metho+

1r Y. iEaya Suresh

1r 2.1. 1anEunath

2. !alavathi 2..outham !.2in+iya 1uram 1a+husu+han Re++y %.Naga *raveen !.Fairo=a A.2.>arire++y 4 -M im*rovements of a )"*hase 0" wire +istri,ution system using a Big" Bag &ransformer an+ a S# 1r S.NagaraEa Rao

Simulation of Switche+ in+uctor B" source inverter 1r. %.NagarEuna Re++y

8 (/(81A('1 8

Ragisetty Dakshayini

(/(81A('( 7 (/(81A('0 ) (/(81A('1 ) (/(81A('( '

Suryas Anusha Dan+la 6alitha Y. 2harath !umar Re++y !o**ula A,hishekam 1( A new D# to D# B S -W1 #onverter for high in*ut voltage a**lications 1r. A. Suresh !umar

$.No 1. '. ). 0. 5. 7. /.

9./ech Pro7ects
2 Re%d. No ('(81D0)(1 ('(81D0)(' ('(81D0)() ('(81D0)(0 ('(81D0)(5 ('(81D0)(7 ('(81D0)(/ Name of the student !.2haskar Re++y !.#haya !umar ...o*i -.!alyan D.!rishna -rasa+ 2.1ahesh -.1ohan Re++y 2 " 5atch /itle of the pro7ect A new algorithmn for analysis I Design of high or+er Discrete &ime Systems Deman+ si+e management &echni;ue a**lie+ to an in+ustrial consumer 3m*rovement of *ower factor of a system working with fairly Fast changing loa+. Re+un+ancy o*timi=ation of series *arallel systems ,y >euristic a**roach Digitisation of *osition loo* com*ensator of servo system for -#1# ra+ar. Sensitivity analysis of Ra+ial Distri,ution Network using A+Eoint Network metho+ &ransformer -rotection cum 1easuring circuits using 1icro #ontroller Resonant #onverter ,ase+ #onstant Fre;uency *hase mo+ulate+ D# control 1o+elling I Simulation of -ower $lectronic ccircuits ,y using state varia,le a**roach Name of the %uide &.Rama Su,,a Re++y .Naga.2haska r .Re++y Sri D. .Ashok !umar

Dr .Dakshina 1urtyL&.Rama Su,,a Re++y &.Rama Su,,a Re++y &.Rama Su,,a Re++y &.Rama Su,,a Re++y Dr !.Sreenivas &.Rama Su,,a Re++y

4. 8. 1(. 11. 1'. 1). 10. 15.

('(81D0)(4 ('(81D0)(8 ('(81D0)1( ('(81D0)11 ('(81D0)1' ('(81D0)1) ('(81D0)10 ('(81D0)15

D.S.1unirunnisa -.Naveen &.-avithran Rao A.RaEesh -rasa+ 1.Rekha R.S. .S.Satish %.Sree+har -.San+ee* 3srael

17. 1/. 14.

('(81D0)17 ('(81D0)1/ ('(81D0)14


Simulation of S*ee+ control of S*ace vector mo+ulate+ 3n+uction motor Drive Sye+ *arve= Ealeel Analysis 9Design I Simulation of D#" D# Series -arallel Resonant #onverter #h. enkatatamana 1o+elling I Simulation of Unifie+ !umar -ower Flow #ontroller 2 3 " 5atch Name of the student S!.Anwar >ussain k.#han+ra >asa Re++y -.#haran Singh A.>emakesavulu R.%ay !ishore 6.6aGmi S.1urali+har !.R.Na,eesahe, -.NataraE !.-itham,er 1.-raveeen S.-riyanka ..RaEesh !umar ..Roo*a !.SailaEa 2.Samuel -rakash 2.Satish 2a,u ShiraE Shaik #h.Sirisha 6akshmi /itle of the pro7ect

Dr !.Sreenivas .Naga 2haskar Re++y Dr !.Sreenivas

$.No 1. '. ). 0. 5. 7. /. 4. 8. 1(. 11. 1'. 1). 10. 15. 17. 1/. 14. 18.

Re%d. No ()(81D0)(1 ()(81D0)(' ()(81D0)() ()(81D0)(0 ()(81D0)(5 ()(81D0)(7 ()(81D0)(/ ()(81D0)(4 ()(81D0)(8 ()(81D0)1( ()(81D0)11 ()(81D0)1' ()(81D0)1) ()(81D0)10 ()(81D0)15 ()(81D0)17 ()(81D0)1/ ()(81D0)14 ()(81D0)18

Name of the %uide &.Rama Su,,a Re++y Dr !.Sreenivas

Fre;ueny mo+ulate+ Bero #urrent Switching Muasi resonant converter fe+ D# +rive Sli* *ower recovery scheme of a Fully controlle+ converter with half controlle+ characteristics Develo*ment of Simulink mo+el of S-W1 I S -W1 controllers for the three level converters &ransient sta,ility using U-F# DS- ,ase+ #lose+ 6oo* *osition control of 26D# motor Design I #onstruction of $fficient solar sun tracking System A Dissertation work entitle+ -W1 ,ase+ current mo+e servo am*lifier for turrent *ower unit >armonic re+uction of single switch three*hase ,oost rectifier with >igher or+erharmonic inEecte+ -W1 #ontrol Stratogf of Single *hase active *ower filter using neutral *oint clam*e+ A#LD# converter Direct &or;ue control of 3n+uction motor in fuel fee+ing system of the thermal *ower *lant A Dissertation work entitle+ as Simulation of >igh Fre;uency A#"D# inverter with *ower factor correction -arameter estimation three *hase in+uction motor using least s;uare &echni;ue -ower Muality enhancement &echni;ue through *ower ;uality con+itioners

Dr !.Sreenivas

.Naga 2haskar Re++y &.Rama Su,,a Re++y D. Ashok !umar &.Rama Su,,a Re++y &.Rama Su,,a Re++y &.Rama Su,,a Re++y Dr 1. Su,,a Rayu+u Dr !.Sreenivas

Dr !.Sreenivas &.Rama Su,,a Re++y

'(. '1. ''. '). '0. '5.

()(81D0)'( ()(81D0)'1 ()(81D0)'' ()(81D0)') ()(81D0)'0 ()(81D0)'5

!.Sri .owri ..Sri+hara 2a,u &.Su,hakar #.Suchetha S.!.Unus 2asha S. aleswara Rao

ector #ontrol of -1S1 Neural Network controlle+ unifie+ *ower ;uality con+itioner for system harmonic com*ensation ector #ontrol of 3n+uction motor through S*iral ector theory Solar 2attery #harger with 1--& using a micro controller >armonic $lmination &echni;ues in -W1 voltage source 3nverters using -S-3#$ 2 4 " 5atch /itle of the pro7ect $ffect of the .3S *arameter on very fast transient voltages Simulation I 3m*lementation of 1ulti 6evel 3nverters >armonic re+uction of single switch three*hase ,oost rectifier with >igher or+erharmonic inEecte+ -W1 #urrent control strategy for ,rushless D# motor ,ase+ on a common D# signal 1inimising Network harmonic voltage +istorsion with an active *ower line con+itioner 1o+elling I Simulation of static AR com*ensate+ System to im*rove the transient I Dynamic Sta,ility LF #ontrol of three *hase 3n+uction motor using micro controller A Novel &hyristor ,ase+ 26D# motor Drive for low cost a**lications >armonic $lmination of -W1 3nverter AND -W1 3nverter fe+ 3n+uction 1otor Analysis I ali+ation of Real time A# Drive Simulator -ersua+er an+ eva+er $ngagement in *resence of sensor noise S*ee+ Sensorless Direct &or;ue #ontrol of 3L1 using an A+a*tive FluG A,server Design an+ 3m*lementation of -6# using 48#5' em,e++e+ micro controller A #ontinually Anline &raine+

&.Rama Su,,a Re++y Dr ! Sreenivas Dr !.Sreenivas D. Ashok !umar &.Rama Su,,a Re++y

$.No 1. '. ). 0. 5. 7. /. 4. 8. 1(. 11. 1'.

Re%d. No (0(81D0)(1 (0(81D0)(' (0(81D0)() (0(81D0)(0 (0(81D0)(5 (0(81D0)(7 (0(81D0)(/ (0(81D0)(4 (0(81D0)(8 (0(81D0)1( (0(81D0)11 (0(81D0)1'

Name of the student R.>emanatha Y.6akshimi Dee*a ..1a+havi 1.1allikarEuna rao 2.1oulichan+ra !.Narasimhaiah Achari ..Naveen N.-rathi,ha Sri D.-rem RaEu &.Sasanka Re++y .Sharmila Devi #h.Srinivas

Name of the %uide Dr .Dakshina 1urthy .Naga 2haskar Re++y Dr .Dakshina 1urty Sri D. .Ashok !umar Dr .Dakshina 1urty Sri &.Rama Su,,a Re++y Sri D. .Ashok !umar Sri &. Rama Su,,a Re++y Sri D. .Ashok !umar Dr 1. Su,,a Rayu+u Dr .Dakshina 1urty



!.Suresh !umar Re++y S.&hirumalaiah

Sri D. .Ashok !umar 1rs !.Sri.owri



15. 17.

(0(81D0)15 (0(81D0)17

#.Usha S. iEaya !rishna

Neurocontroller for the series ,ranch control of the U-F# Design I Analysis Af .eneral Rotor fluG oriente+ ector #ontrol System A 6oe Fre;uency A# to >igh Fre;uency A# 3nverter with 2uil+ in -ower factor correction an+ soft switching 2 + "5atch /itle of the pro7ect Sensorless #ontrol of Surface mounte+ I 3nterior 1agnet 26D# motor from Near =ero s*ee+ to >igh S*ee+s Sensor less #ontrol of 31 using Direct &or;ue #ontrol Simulation of #S3"fe+ 3n+uction motor 3ntegrate+ Design of S*ee+ sensorless an+ A+a*tive s*ee+ controller for a 26D# motor -ower System Relia,ility enhancement using a &hyristor controlle+ series ca*acitor Sensor less #ontrol of -1S1 2 -"52/,6 /itle of the pro7ect #om*arision ,etween non" linier carrier control an+ average current mo+e control for *ower factor correction converters >igh +ynamic *erformance of a *wm current source converter in+uction machine +rive Sensorless +irect tor;ue control of in+uction motor ,ase+ on +iscrete s*ace vector mo+ulation Stu+y of linier in+uction motor linier switche+ reluctance motor for electric traction S*ace vector *ulse wi+th mo+ulation signal generation for multilevel inverters 1o+elling an+ analysis of gri+ connecte+ *hotovoltaic systems )"*hase inverter using atmel 48c51 micocontroller Simulation I im*lementation of ="source inverter

Dr .Dakshina 1urty 1rs !.Sri.owri

$.No 1. '. ). 0. 5. 7.

Re%d. No (5(81D0)(1 (5(81D0)(' (5(81D0)() (5(81D0)(0 (5(81D0)(5 (5(81D0)(7

Name of the student -.S.1ohamme+ >aneef N.Naga RaEan !.RaEa Sekhar Re++y %.Sreenivasa Rao &.Suresh !umar Y. iEaya Suresh

Name of the %uide Dr 2.Rami Re++y 1rs !.Sri .owri .Naga 2haskar Re++y Dr 2.Rami Re++y Sri D. . Ashok !umar 1rs !.Sri.owri

$.No 1.

Re%d. No (7(81D0)(1

Name of the student . A#>SA> $UN3!$

Name of the %uide D. 6$N3N$

'. (7(81D0)(' ). (7(81D0)() 0. (7(81D0)(0 5. (7(81D0)(5 7. /. 4. (7(81D0)(7 (7(81D0)(/ (7(81D0)(4 S. NA.A RA%A RAA %. NA.AR%UNA R$DDY &. -RA $$N !U1AR $. RA1A !R3S>NA 2.1 1AN%UNA&>A 2. %YA&>3 . DWARA!A1AY3

D. . AS>A! !U1AR

!. SR3 .AWR3

2. RA13 R$DDY . NA.A 2>AS!AR R$DDY 1. !A36A1AAR&>Y &. SUR$S> !U1AR . NA.A 2>AS!AR R$DDY

8. (7(81D0)(8 !.S.S. -RASAD RA%U

#urrent controlle+ techni;ues for single *hase *ower factor correction ,y using ,oost to*ology 2 *"5atch /itle of the pro7ect

D. 6$N3N$

$.No 1.

Re%d. No

Name of the student

Name of the %uide

07091D430 M.Bhaskar Naik 1 07091D430 P.Chinna * +ondaiah 07091D430 ..+&,aras#a, 3 ! 07091D430 1.)aksh,an 4 07091D430 S.Praveen 5 +&,ar 07091D430 S. P&sh(a 7 )atha Bai 07091D431 B.Shravan 0 +&,ar 07091D431 B.S&:atha 1 07091D431 D.S&resh * 07091D431 +.S&resh 3 07091D431 4 07091D431 = 07091D431 5 M.'han&:a N.0enkatara,a na Naik N.Madhavi


). 0.

A Predictive Control Strate ! "or Po#er $actor Correction %! &sin Boost 'o(olo ! Co,(arison o" Avera e c&rrent control techni-&e and ti,er control techni-&e #ith constant s#itchin "re-&enc! "or P$C %! &sin %oost technolo ! Modelin and Control o" CSC Based S'A'C/M Photo 0oltaic S!ste, %ased M&ltilevel 2nverter 3sin P4M 'echni-&e 2,(le,entation o" P4M in cascaded M)2 $&88! lo ic Control "or a s(eed control o" ind&ction ,otor &sin s(ace vector %ased P&lse 4idth Mod&lation Si,&lation and 2,(le,entation o" ,od&latin techni-&es "or ,&lti level inverters &sin $P.A Selection; Si,&lation and (er"or,ance eval&ation o" a varia%le s(eed AC drive s!ste, Mod&lation and Control strate ies o" Matri< converter in (o#er electronics Diode cla,(ed ,&lti level inverter "ed ind&ction ,otor Anal!sis and Si,&lation o" Do&%le s#itchin cla,(in se-&ences S(ace 0ector %ased h!%rid P4M "or red&ced c&rrent ri((le Constant "re-&enc! control o" "&ll %rid e )C resonant converter inte rated #ith (hoto voltaic s!ste, Modelin and (er"or,ance anal!sis o" s#itched rel&ctance ,otor M&ilti>in(&t and M&lti>o&t(&t control s!ste, o" P4M converter?2nverter @"ed interior (er,anent ,a net s!nchrono&s

Mr. D. )enine Mr. D. )enine Dr.D.0.Ash ok +&,ar Mrs. 1.S&r!a +&,ari Mr. 0.Na a Bhaskar 6edd! Mr. 9.0i:a!a S&resh Mr. 0.Na a Bhaskar 6edd! Dr.D.0.Ash ok +&,ar Mr. ar:&na 6edd! Mr. 0.Na a Bhaskar 6edd! Mrs. +.Sri .o#ti Mrs. +.Sri .o#ti Mr. S.Na ara:a 6ao Mr. BM. Man:&natha Mr. 9.0i:a!a S&resh







11. 1'. 1).

10. 15.

07091D431 ..Chakradhar 7 07091D431 ).0en& o(al 7 6edd!

,otor drive
2 $.No 1. '. ). Re%d. No (4(81D0)( 1 (4(81D0)( ' (4(81D0)( ) (4(81D0)( 0 (4(81D0)( 5 (4(81D0)( / (4(81D0)( 4 (4(81D0)( 8 (4(81D0)1 ( (4(81D0)1 1 (4(81D0)1 ' (4(81D0)1 ) (4(81D0)1 0 (4(81D0)1 5 (4(81D0)1 7 (4(81D0)1 Name of the student -. . S.A+itya 1r. !. Anil !umar U. #haitanya !"52/,6 /itle of the pro7ect A Novel single stage full ,ri+ge 2uck" 2oost 3nverter Analysis of +ifferent schemes of 1atriG #onverter with maGimum voltage conversion ratio Simulation of Dou,ly Fe+" 3n+uction 1achine #ontrol for Win+ $nergy #onversion 3m*lementation of 3n+uction 1otor Drive Using S -W1 techni;ues Re+uce+ Switch count multi*le )"*h Ac 1achine Drive system #om*arison of #asca+e+ >" 2ri+ge I 1ultilevel D# link inverter With -W1 control metho+s -erformances of Fu==y logic ,ase+ in+irect vector control for in+uction motor +rive Reactive *ower com*ensation using 1ultilevel converters 1o+eling of simulation of a 1atriG converter fe+ 3n+uction machine Analysis Af a >y,ri+ ?>igh -ower Factor &hree ?-hase Uni+irectional Rectifier A+vance+ 1ultilevel 3nverter &o*ology for .ri+ connecte+ System A New B S ,i ?+irectional D#" D# #onverter for Fuel #ell an+ 2attery A**lication Analysis an+ Simulation of B" Source 2ase+ Single Stage Solar cell 3nverter -ower Su**ly A**lication 1ulti ?3n*ut 3nverter for .ri+ #onnecte+ >y,ri+ - LWin+ -ower A &hree 6evel Full 2ri+ge Bero oltage Bero #urrent Switching #onverter With a Sim*lifie+ Switching Scheme A Novel Bero ? oltage Switching Name of the %uide 1r.Y. iEaya Suresh 1r. Y. iEaya Suresh 1r. .Naga,haskar Re++y 1rs. !.Sri .owri 1r. Y. iEaya Suresh 1r. S. NagaraEa Rao 1rs. !.Sri .owri 1r. .Naga,haskar Re++y 1r.S.NagaraEa Rao 1r. 21.1anEunath 1r.S.NagaraEa Rao

0. 5. 7.

2.#han+rakala N..uruvaiah Shaik 3nthya= 2asha

/. 4. 8. 1(. 11. 1'. 1).

#h. .N. 6akshmi 1a+huri ..NagaraEu A. Raghaven+ra -rasa+ A. Sai 2hagya RaEa %.Samatha

1r. $.Siva -rasa+ Re++y 2.Sivaiah

1r.%.NagarEun a Re++y 1r. %. NagarEuna Re++y 1r.%.NagarEuna Re++y 1r. .Naga,haskar Re++y 1r.A.Suresh

10. 15.

#. Somasankara**a

!. Sreekanth !. Sunil !umar


/ 1/. 14. 18. '(. (4(81D0)1 4 (4(81D0)1 8 (4(81D0)' ( (4(81D0)' 1 (4(81D0)' ' (4(81D0)' ) (4(81D0)' 0 (4(81D0)' 5 -.Sunil #haitanya

2. eeresh 1. enkatesh

1r. 1.!. iEaya !umar ..Yugan+har Y. Sreenivasa Re++y !. Sreenivasa !alyan

'1. ''. '). '0.

1r. R.2harath !umar 2

single Stage >igh -ower factor $lectronic 2allast A 1o+ifie+ #arrier 2ase+ -W1 &echni;ue in &hree 6evel B" Source 3nverter &he use of 1atriG converters in Direct &or;ue #ontrol of 31 3m*rove+ Direct -ower #ontrol of .ri+ ?#onnecte+ D#"A# #onverter 3m*rove+ B"Source 3nverter with Re+uce+ B"Source #a*acitor oltages Stress an+ Soft Start #a*a,ility 1o+eling an+ #ontrol Af a .ri+ #onnecte+ -$1 Fuel #ell 1o+elling of #urrent Fe+ Resonant Full 2ri+ge 2oost D#LA#LD# #onverter #on+ition monitoring of *ower electronic circuits using Artificial Neural Networks #oor+inate+ #ontrol of FA#&S +evices ,ase+ on A*timal -ower Flow # " 5atch /itle of the pro7ect A Novel +c voltage charge ,alance control for casca+e+ inverter >y,ri+ -W1 control metho+ for multilevel inverter #ontrol of Shunt Active Filters for -ower Muality im*rovement Ri**le current re+uction of a fuel cell for a single *hase converter using a D# active filter with a centre ta* 1atriG #onverter fe+ 3n+uction motor +rive using D&#"S 1 -ulse wi+th mo+ulate+ sw" itching strategy for a +ual inverter fe+ o*en en+ win+ing in+uction +rive Fu==y control of fuel cell Distri,ute+ .eneration Systems -ower flow control using U-F# with fu==y controller

kumar 1r. S. NagaraEa Rao 1r.Y. iEaya Suresh 1r. 21. 1anEunatha 1r. A. Suresh !umar 1r. %.NagarEuna Re++y 1r.A.Suresh !umar 1r. 21.1anEunath

1r. 21.1anEunath

$.No 1. '. ). 0.

Re%d. No (8(81D0)(1 (8(81D0)(' (8(81D0)() (8(81D0)(0

Name of the student !.Ahme+ 2asha !. Aravin+ 2. Dastagiri Re++y S. .house 2asha

Name of the %uide 1rs. !.Sri .owri 1r. S.NagaraEa Rao 1r. .Naga 2haskar Re++y 1r. A.Suresh !umar

5. 7.

(8(81D0)(5 (8(81D0)(7

!.%aga+eesh #. %agan 1ohan re++y 1.!rishna #haitanya !.1anohar

1r.Y. iEaya Suresh 1r. .Naga 2haskar Re++y 1r.%.NagarEuna Re++y 1r. ..!umaraswamy

/. 4.

(8(81D0)(/ (8(81D0)(4



S.1urahari Rao

1(. 11.

(8(81D0)11 (8(81D0)1'

A. NagarEuna 2a,u 2.Nageswara Rao



-. Raghaven+er



&. RaEakullaya**a

10. 15.

(8(81D0)15 (8(81D0)17

-.RaEasekhar 1. RaEeshkumar

17. 1/. 14.

(8(81D0)1/ 2.Ramesh Re++y (8(81D0)14 (8(81D0)18 !.Siva 1uni -rasa+ -. Sai Sam*ath !umar

18. '(.

(8(81D0)'( (8(81D0)'1

1.Siva Sankar !. Su+harashan Re++y 1. eera 2ramhanan+a Re++y .. .NiranEan Re++y !. inay 2a,u %. Yugan+har





'). '0.

(8(81D0)'0 (8(81D0)'5

An im*rove+ single *hase inverter for small - "sytem using soft"switching &echni;ue -ower ;uality im*rovement ,y D R an+ S&A&#A1 aria,le"s*ee+ win+ energy conversion system using *ermanent magnet synchronous generator an+ B"source inverter 3n+uctor less D#"A# casca+e+ >",ri+ge multilevel ,oost inverter for electricLhy,ri+ vehicle a**lications #om*arative stu+y of 1aGimum *ower *oint tracking algorithms for *hotovoltaic circuits -1S1 >y,ri+ &or;ue #ontrol Analysis an+ 3m*lementation of *re+ictive control with im*rove+ *erformance for 2oost -F# converter FluG vector control with S 1 for -W1 inverter fe+ 3n+uction 1otor Drive A Novel )"*h three 6eg A#LA# #onverter Using Nine 3.2&Hs 3m*rovement of voltage sta,ility an+ re+uce *ower losses ,y o*timal .A ,ase+ Allocation of multi ty*e FA#&S Devices >armonic o*timi=ation in 163 using .A Design an+ Analysis of non linear carrier controller for high *ower factor ,oost converter 3m*lementation an+ Analysis of an 3m*rove+ series loa+e+ resonant D#"D# converter o*erating a,ove resonance for ,attery chargers Analysis an+ simulation of single switch A#"D# converters for *ower factor an+ efficiency im*rovement -erformance Analysis of casca+e+ 163 for D&# in+uction motor +rive #om*arison of short circuit

1r.%.NagarEuna Re++y

1r. S.NagaraEa Rao 1r. ..!umaraswamy

1r.S.2ala chennaiah

1rs. %.Suryakumari

1r.%.NagarEuna Re++y 1r. D.lenine

1r. 21. 1anEunatha 1r.Y. iEaya Suresh

1r !.Suresh 1r. 21. 1anEunatha 1r. D.lenine

1r !.Suresh

1r. A.Suresh !umar

Dr. !.Sri .owri 1rs. %.Suryakumari

current an+ incremental con+uctance metho+s of 1--& for *hoto voltaic system


/rainin% Pro%rams

$er:ice /o ,ommunit; Pro%rams " 0r%ani<ed $.No 1. '. ). 0. 5. 7. /. 4. 8. 1(. 11. 1'. 1). 10. 15. Name of the Pro%ram 5"Days Work Sho* on J>ouse Wiring &echni;uesJ 5"+ay *rogramme on J$lectric motor rewin+ingJ 0"+ay &raining -rogramme on JRe*air of Domestic A**liancesJ 0"+ay &raining -rogramme on J>ouse WiringJ Work sho* on JRe*airs an+ Rewin+ing of single *hase an+ &hree *hase in+uction motorsJ 5"Days Work Sho* on J>ouse Wiring J Ane week &raining -rogram on JRe*air an+ Rewin+ing of single *hase an+ &hree *hase in+uction motorsJ Ane week &raining -rogram on JWiring I 6oo* #heckingJ 5"Days Work Sho* on J>ouse Wiring &echni;uesJ 7"Day work sho* on JRe*air of Domestic A**liancesJ 5"+ay *rogramme on J$lectric motor rewin+ingJ Ane week &raining -rogramme on JRe*air of >ome A**liancesJ 5"+ay work sho* on J$lectrical SafetyJ Ane week &raining -rogram on Jwiring I 6oo* #heckingJ Ane week &raining -rogram on JRewin+ing of $lectrical 1achinesJ Duration of the Pro%ram '/"('"'((7 to ()"()"'((7 '0"(5"'((7 to '4"(5"'((7 (0"1'"'((7 to (/"1'"'((7 '1"()"'((/ to '0"()"'((/ 1/"(8"'((/ to ''"(8"'((/ 18"('"'((4 to ')"('"'((4 '("1("'((4 to '5" 1("'((4 (4"1'"'((4 to 1)"1'"'((4 18"('"'((8 to '0"('"'((8 ('"()"'((8 to (/" ()"'((8 15"(5"'((8 to '("(5"'((8 15"11"'((8 to '("11"'((8 (0"(1"'(1( &o (4"(1"'(1( '0"(5"'(1( to '8"(5"'(1( (7"1'"'(1( to 11"1'"'(1( ,oordinator Sri &.Ramasu,,a Re++y 1rs.!.Sri .owri 1r.D. .Ashok !umar 1r...!umara Swamy 1r. .Naga,haskar Re++y 1r. 2.Doss 1r. D.6enine 1r. .Naga,haskar Re++y 1r. %.NagarEuna Re++y 1r. S.NagaraEa Ra( 1r. D.6enine 1r. A.Suresh !umar 1r. 2.1. 1anEunath 1r. %.NagarEuna Re++y 1r. D.6enine


Ane week &raining -rogram on J Re*air of >ome A**liances J

17"(5"'(11 to '1"(5"'(11

1r. A.Suresh !umar

Intra departmental In" 6ost /rainin% Pro%rams " or%ani<ed Sl No 1. Name of the training *rogram 3ntro+uction to #om*uters I its Usage" Arientation *rogram 2asics of $lectrical 1achines an+ la,oratory eG*eriments "&raining -rogram 2asic -ower $lectronics #ircuits " $G*erimental verification 2asics of #ircuits I Networks"6a,oratory &raining $lectrical 1easurements 6a,oratory "&raining -rogram &raining on &AS1 for 1-1# 6a, 6oa+ing of Simulation -ackages" 1A&6A29 -6$#S9 -S319 -AW$R WAR6D9 $&A-"&raining -rogram &raining on 6a, 1aintenance an+ 1inor Re*air Works #onstructive ways of 3nternet Usage" Arientation *rogram Awareness of $lectricity Rules I Regulations" Awareness -rogram $lectrical Safety Rules" 1easures to avoi+ $lectric >a=ar+s" Awareness *rogram .eneral #on+itions Relating to Su**ly an+ Use of $nergy" Awareness -rogram #ontrol Systems I its Simulation "&raining -rogram &raining on 1s"Affice I A+o,e -hotosho* Dates of the *rogram 15"1'"(7 to 14"('"(7 ')"(4"(7 to '7"(4"(7 '4"1'"(7 to )1"1'"(7 10"()"(/ to 1/"()"(/ '5"(/"(/ to '4"(/"(/ (5"1'"(/ to (4"1'"(/ (7"('"(4 to (8"('"(4 '5L(5L(4 to )1L(5L(4 '4L1(L(4 to )1L1(L(4 '1"(1"'((8 to '0"(1"'((8 '1"(5"'((8 to '0"(5"'((8 '4"1("'((8 to (1"11"'((8 ('"('"1( to (7"('"1( 17"('"1( to No.of *artici*ants () Recourse *ersons 1r. &. Rama Su,,a Re++y 1r. S. 3m+a+ 2asha 1r. 1. !alia moorthy 1rs. !. Sri .owri 1r. 1. !alia 1oorthy 1r. . Naga 2haskar Re++y 1r. S. 2alachennaiah -rogram coor+inator 1r. D. . Ashok !umar



1r. . Anil !umar 1r. . Naga 2haskar Re++y 1s. 1. &hanuEa 1r. Y. iEaya Suresh 1r. S. 2alachennaiah 1r. 2. Dass

). 0. 5. 7.

(7 (7 (7 (7



4. 8.

(7 (7

1r. D. 6enine 1r. S. 2alachennaiah 1r. .. !umara Swamy 1r. 2. 1. 1anEunath 1r. Y. iEaya Suresh 1rs. %. Surya !umari 1r. A. Suresh !umar

1r. .. !umara Swamy 1r. !. Srinivasulu



1r. !. Suresh



1r. S. NagaraEa Rao 1r. A. Suresh !umar 1r. S. NagaraEa Rao 1r. !. Suresh



1). 10.

(7 (5

15. 17.

$nergy #onservation " Awareness -rogram 1aintenance of $lectrical $;ui*ment " Arientation *rogram

'("('"1( '1"1("'(1( to '0"1("'(1( '0"()"'(11 to '/"()"'(11

'1 14

1r. %. NagarEuna Re++y 1r. . Naga 2haskar Re++y

1r. R. Satish !umar 1r. D. 6enine

Inter departmental In" 6ost /rainin% Pro%rams " or%ani<ed S.N o 1. Name of the training *rogram Awareness of $lectricity Rules I Regulations" Awareness -rogram $lectrical Safety Rules"1easures to avoi+ $lectric >a=ar+s" Awareness *rogram .eneral #on+itions Relating to Su**ly an+ Use of $nergy" Awareness -rogram $nergy #onservation " Awareness -rogram 1aintenance of $lectrical $;ui*ment " Arientation *rogram Dates of the *rogram '1"(1"'((8 to '0"(1"'((8 '1"(5"'((8 to '0"(5"'((8 '4"1("'((8 to (1"11"'((8 '1"1("'(1( to '0"1("'(1( '0"()"'(11 to '/"()"'(11 2eneficiary De*artments $#$9 $3$9 1$9 #3 369 #S$9 3& $#$9 $3$9 1$9 #3 369 #S$9 3& No. of -artic" i*ants 4 Resource *ersons 1r. .. !umara Swamy 1r. 2. 1. 1anEunath 1( 1r. Y. iEaya Suresh 15 1' 1r. %. NagarEuna Re++y 1r. . Naga 2haskar Re++y 1r. A. Suresh !umar 1r. R. Satish !umar 1r. D. 6enine -rogram coor+inator

1r. !. Suresh


8 1r. S. NagaraEa Rao


$#$9 $3$9 1$9 #3 369 #S$9 3& $#$9 $3$9 1$9 #3 369 #S$9 3& $#$9 $3$9 1$9 #3 369 #S$9 3&

0. 5.

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