This document summarizes a standard for determining conformance with specifications based on significant digits in test data. It describes two methods - the absolute method and rounding method. The absolute method involves directly comparing test values to specification limits without rounding. The rounding method involves rounding test values to a specified level of precision before comparison. The document provides guidance on when and how to apply each method and how technical standards can specify which method applies to their limits.
This document summarizes a standard for determining conformance with specifications based on significant digits in test data. It describes two methods - the absolute method and rounding method. The absolute method involves directly comparing test values to specification limits without rounding. The rounding method involves rounding test values to a specified level of precision before comparison. The document provides guidance on when and how to apply each method and how technical standards can specify which method applies to their limits.
This document summarizes a standard for determining conformance with specifications based on significant digits in test data. It describes two methods - the absolute method and rounding method. The absolute method involves directly comparing test values to specification limits without rounding. The rounding method involves rounding test values to a specified level of precision before comparison. The document provides guidance on when and how to apply each method and how technical standards can specify which method applies to their limits.
This document summarizes a standard for determining conformance with specifications based on significant digits in test data. It describes two methods - the absolute method and rounding method. The absolute method involves directly comparing test values to specification limits without rounding. The rounding method involves rounding test values to a specified level of precision before comparison. The document provides guidance on when and how to apply each method and how technical standards can specify which method applies to their limits.
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By Authority Of
Legally Binding Document By the Authority Vested By Part 5 of the United States Code 552(a) and Part 1 of the Code of Regulations 51 the attached document has been duly INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE and shall be considered legally binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America. HEED THIS NOTICE: Criminal penalties may apply for noncompliance. Official Incorporator: THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER WASHINGTON, D.C. Document Name: CFR Section(s): Standards Body: e ASTM E23: Standard Test Method for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials 46 CFR 56.50-105(a)(1)(ii) American Society for Testing and Materials Designation: E 29 - 93a "St'tt'ridard Practice , . " " , .. , "- ' " ' ... .';,.,. ,""sing Oigits in Test,Data to Determine 'Confo'rrriance with 'Specifications 1 " . " . .:..' . j.' ,",- I I ',,",,', , This standard is issued under ,the fixed designation E.29; the number immediately folloWing the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year oflast revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year oflast reapproval. A superscript epsilon (E) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense. Consult the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards for the specific year of issue which has been adopted by the Department of Defense. 1. Scope 1.1 This practice is intended to assist the various technical committees in the use of uniform methods of indicating the number of digits which are to be considered significant in specification limits, for example, specified maximum values and specified minimum values. Its aim is to outline methods which should aid in clarifying the intended meaning of specification limits with which observed values or calculated test results are compared in determining conformance with specifications. Reference to this practice is valid only when a choice of method has been indicated, that is, either absolute method or rounding method. 1.2 This practice is intended to be used in determining conformance with specifications when the applicable ASTM specifications or standards make direct reference to this practice. 1.3 This practice describes two commonly accepted methods of rounding data, identified as the Absolute Method and the Rounding Method. In the application of this practice to a specific material or materials it is essential to specify which method is intended to apply. In the absence of such specification, reference to this practice, which expresses no preference as to which method should apply, would be meaningless. The choice of method is arbitrary, depending upon the current practice of the particular branch of industry or technology concerned, and should therefore be specified in the prime publication. 1.4 Section 7 of this practice gives guidelines for use in recording, calculating, and reporting the final result for test data. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: E 456 Terminology Relating to Quality and Statistics 2 E 380 Practice for Use of the International System of Units (SI) (the Modernized Metric System)2 3. Terminology 3.1 significant digit, n-any of the figures 0 through 9, excepting leading zeros and some trailing zeros, which is 1 This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-II on Quality and Statistics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E 11.1 0 on Sampling and Data Analysis. Current edition approved March 15, 1993. Published May 1993. Originally published as E 29 - 40. Last previous edition E 29 - 93. 2 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02. 18 used with its place value to denote a numerical quantity to some desired approximation. 3.1.1 The digit zero may either indicate a specific value or indicate place only. Zeros leading the first nonzero digit of a number indicate order of magnitude only and are not significant digits. For example, the number 0.0034 has two significant digits. Zeros trailing the last nonzero digit for numbers represented with a decimal point are significant digits. For example, the numbers 1270. and 32.00 each have four significant digits. The significance of trailing zeros for numbers represented without use of a decimal point can only be identified from knowledge of the source of the value. For example, a modulus strength, stated as 140000 Pa, may have as few as two or as many as six significant digits. 3.1.2 To eliminate ambiguity, the exponential notation may be used. Thus, 1.40 x 10 5 indicates that the modulus is reported to the nearest 0.01 X 10 5 or 1000 Pa. 3.1.3 Use of appropriate SI prefixes is recommended for metric units to reduce the need for trailing zeros of uncertain significance. Thus, 140 kPa and 0.140 MPa each indicate that the modulus is reported to the nearest 1 kPa or 1000 Pa, while 140 kPa may again have two or three significant digits. 4. Expression of Numerical Requirements 4.1 The unqualified statement of a numerical limit, such as "2.50 in. max," cannot, in view of different established practices and customs, be regarded as carrying a definite operational meaning concerning the number of digits to be retained in an observed or a calculated value for purposes of determining conformance with specifications. 4.2 Absolute Method-In some fields, specification limits of 2.5 in. max, 2.50 in. max, and 2.500 in. max are all taken to imply the same absolute limit of exactly two and a half inches and for purposes of determining conformance with specifications, an observed value or a calculated value is to be compared directly with the specified limit. Thus, any deviation, however small, outside the specification limit signifies nonconformance with the specifications. This will be referred to as the absolute method. 4.3 Rounding Method-In other fields, specification limits of 2.5 in. max, 2.50 in. max, 2.500 in. max are taken to imply that, for the purposes of determining conformance with specifications, an observed value or a calculated value should be rounded to the nearest 0.1 in., 0.01 in., 0.001 in., respectively, and then compared with the specification limit. This will be referred to as the rounding method. E 29 5. Absolute Method 5.1 Where Applicable-The absolute method applies where it is the intent that all digits in an observed value or a calculated value are to be considered significant for purposes of determining conformance with specifications. Under these conditions, the specified limits are referred to as absolute limits. 5.2 How Applied-With tlie absolute method, an ob- served value or a calculated value is not to be rounded, but to be compared directly with the specified limiting value. Conformance or nonconformance with the specification is based on this comparison. 5.3 How Expressed-This intent may be expressed in the standard in one of the following forms: 5.3.1 If the absolute method is to apply to all specified limits in the standard, this may be indicated by including the following sentence in the standard: For purposes of determining conformance with these specifications, all specified limits in this standard are absolute limits, as defined in ASTM Practice E 29, for Using Significant Digits in Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications. 5.3.2 If the absolute method is to apply to all specified limits of some general type in the standard (such as sional tolerance limits), this may be indicated by including the following sentence in the standard: For purposes of determining conformance with these specifications, all specified (dimensional tolerance) limits are absolute limits, as defined in ASTM Practice E 29, Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications. '5.3.3 If the absolute method is to apply to all specified limits given in a table, this may be indicated by including a footnote with the table as follows: Capacity mL 10 25 50 100 Volumetric Tolerance A mL 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.10 A Tolerance limits specified are limits as defined in ASTM Practice E 29, for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications. ' 6. Rounding Method 6.1 Where Applicable-The rounding method applies where it is the intent that a limited number' of digits in an observed value or a calculated value are' to be considered significant for purposes of determining. conformance with speCifications. 6.2 How- Applied-With the rOimdirig methoq,'anob- served value or a calculated value' sliouldbe rounded by the procedure prescribed in 4.3 to the nearest unit in the designated place of figures stated 'in the standard; as, for example, "to the nearest kPa," nearest 10 ohms," "to the nearest 0.1 percent," etc. The rounded value should then be compared with the specified limit, and conformance .. or nonconformance with the specification based on this com- parison. 6.3 How Expressed-This intent maybe expressed in the standard in one of the following forms: 6.3.1 If the rounding method is to apply to all specified 19 limits in the standard, and if all digits expressed in the specification limit are to be considered significant, this may' . be indicated by including the following . statement in the standard: . . The following applies to all specified limits in' this standard: For purposes of determining conformance with these specifications, an observed value or 'a calculated value shall be rounded "to the unit" in the last right-hand digit used in expressing the specification . limit, in accordance with the rounding method of ASTM Practice E.29, for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to DeterniineCoriformancec with Specifications. 6.3.2 . If the rouriding method is to apply only to the specified limitsJor certain selected requirements,this may be indicated by induding the following statement in the , dard: . , ., " The following applies to specified for requirements (tensile strength), (elongation); and C.,.) given in ... ,(appHcable section' number 'and title) and ( ... ) of this standard: For putposesof deter:.) mining conformance with these specifications, an. observed value or.a I calculated value shall be rounded to the nearest lkPa for (tensile,": strength), tq the nearest (I percent) for (elongation), and tothe ( ... ) for(..: .) in accordance with the Practice E 29 Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with ',f . . . . ., . ., 6.3.3 If the rounding to "apply to' I limits in. a table, this may ,be indicated by it: manner shown inihe followfng examples:, . , '.' ..... :', .... J, ,. Example I-Same, significant digits for alr'items:" " '.-:' ,A .' , Copper Iron Silicon I,'.r.' .' >, Chemical Composition;;', ,., % mass , .. , . 0.5 . 1.0 max .. 2',5 0.5 : ":;. Other constituents (magnesium + ziric. + manganese) 0.5 max " . Aluminum:) ".' , , remainder NOTE {-For purposes of determlnipg 'col1formance with these specificatIons, an obserVed value or 'acalculated vaiue shall be rotlrided' to the nearest 0.1 percent, in accordance' with the rounding method of ASTM Practice E 29" for Using SignificantlDigits iiJ.: Test Data to Determine ConfOrmance \'(ith Specifications. ": " "', 6.3.3 .. the same'for'all items; sin1iIar requirements:. . . ' " . "',:I - ',,' :.) ': . I' ''', " .i. .,' J. " " :"', .> .. "'"."',t., ".', . , ;')'1, .' ' , , '. ,; ,Chemical Cornposition,' % mass Nicktil '.' . < : Manganese Silicon" l ,I' ! Carbon Sulfur ; .': L'." :':): ::/1, : : ;.;: 18 : , 3 . " 0.40 : .', 0.25 0.03 Iron '. J.l j :, '. NOTE 2-For purposes' of conforiTIancewiththese specifications,:an observed.value.o,r value shall be rounded "to the, nearest, unif' 'in . the rig4F-hari significant digit .. t,n expressing the limiting value, in accordance. with the rounding method of ASTM Practice E 29, Using Significani Digits 'in Test patatd Determine Conformance with Specifications .. :" .. . .: ' -: Eiample digfts not the same aU items; .clissimilar . .... " . Tensile strength, psi Yield point,: min, psi. Elongation 'in 2 in., min % \'."-"'-" Tensile Requirements 60 000 to 72 000 . 133 000 \ ,,'.' ; '.' '22 "J c,' f'iT E29 NOTE 3;-For purposes of deJermination of conformance with,tQese specific!lttons, an (}bserved value or a calculated value shall be .rounded off to the'nearest 1090 psi for tensile strength and Yieid. point and tothe nearest 1 percent for elongation, iIi with the rounding method of ASTM Practice E 29 for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Deterniine 'Conformance With Specifications. 6.4 Rouhdin,g Procedure-The actual' 'i:oilllding pro- cedure 3 shall be as follows: ' , " , '6.4.1 When the digit next beyond the last place to be retained is less than 5, retain unchanged the digit,in the last place retained. 6A.2 When the digit next beyond the last place to be retained is greater than 5, increase by, 1; the 9igi( in the ,last place retained, 6.4.3 When the digit next beyond the last place to be retained is 5" and there are no beyond this 5, or only zet:0s, increase by 1 the digjt in the Hlst place .retained if it is octa, leave the digit unchanged if it is even. by 1 the digit in the last place retained, if there are digits beyond this 5'; , p.4.4, This rounding procedure may be restated simply as rounding a nUDloer to one having a specified number of significant digits, choose that which is nearest. If two choices are possible, as when the digits dropped are exaCtly' a 5 or a 5 followed onlY,by zeros, choose that ending ill an eve'll' 'digit. Tabie 1 gives eX,amples of applying this rounding-off procedure. . '6.5 The rouridedvalue should be obtained 'in one step by direct rounding ofthe most precise value available and not in two orrribre successive roundings. For example: 89 490 rounded t6 the nearest 1 000 is at once 89 000; it would be incorrect;to round first to the nearest 100, giving 89 500 and then to the nearest 1 000, gi:ving 90000. 6.6 Special Case, Rounding to the Nearest 50, 5, 0.5, 0.05, etc . ..."... If in special cases it is. desired to specify rounding to the nearest SO,. 5" . O.OS, etc., this may be. done. by so indicating in the standard. In order to round to the' nearest 50, 5, 0.5, 0.05, etoi, d0uble the observed or calculated value, round off to the nearest 100, 10, 1.0,0.10, etc., in accordance wi,th the procedure ,in- divide by 2. For example, in rounding 6025 to'the nearest 50, 6025 is doubled giving 12050 which becomes 12000 when rounded to the nearest 100 (6.4.3). When 12000 is divided by 2, the resulting number, 6 000, is the rounded value of 6 025. In rounding 6075 to the nearest 50, 6075 is doubled giving 12 150 which becomes 12200 when rounded to the nearest 100; (6.4.3). When 12.200 is divided by 2, the resulting number, 6 100, is the rounded value of 6075. 7. Guidelines for;Rehlining Significant Figures in Calcula.; , tion and Reporting of Test Results General DiscussiOn-Rounding 'test results avoids a misleadipg 6fpredsion while preventing loss of information due to coarse resolution. Any approach to retention of significant some loss of information; therefore, the level of rounding should be direfUlly selectedco'nsidenng' bbth planhedai1d potential uses for the data. The number dfsignificant digits milst, first, 3 The rounding-off procedure given in this practice is the same as one given in the ASTM Manual 7 on Presentation of Data and Control Chart Analysis. 20 TABLE 1 Examples A of Rounding Observed ';:, ,Rounded Value to be Conforms ValtJEFdr To Be Used for with Speci!iE;ld Limit Calculated Rounded, Purposes of Specified , yahle to Nearest Limit Conformance Yield point, 36 000 r 5940 100 kPa 35900 no pSi, min' 35950 100 kPa 36000 yes 35960 100 kPa 36000 yes Nickel, 57 %, mass, r 6 .4 1'% 56 no min 56.5 1 % 56 no 56.6 1 % 57 yes Water extract f.4 1 msjm 40 yes conductivity, 40 40,5 1 msjm 40 yes msjm, max " 40.6 1 msjm 41 no Sodium bicarbonate r 54 0.1 %' 0.5 yes 0.5 %, max, dry 0.55 '6.1 % 0.6 no mass basis , 0.56 0.1 % 0.6 no A These examples are meant to illustrate rounding rules and do not necessarily reflect the usual number of digits associated with these test methods. be adequate for comparison against specification limits (see 6.2). The following guidelines ate intended to preserve the data for statistical s,ummaries. For certain purposes, such as where calculations involve differences of measurements close in magnitude, and for some statistical calculations, such as paired t-tests, autocorrelations, and nonparametric tests, reporting data to a greater number Of significant digits may be 7.2 Recording Test Data-When recording direct mea- surements, as in reading marks on a buret, ruler, or dial, all digits exactly, plus one digit which may be uncertain dpe to estimation; should be recorded:. For example, if a buret is graduated in units of 0.1 an observation would be recorded as 9.76 mL where it is observed between 9.7 and 9.8 marks on the buret, and estimated about six tenths of the way between those marks. When the measuring device has a vernier scale, the last digit recorded is the one from the vernier. 7.2.1 The number of significant digits given by a digital display or printout from an instrument should be greater than or equal to those given by the rule for reporting test results in 7.4 below. 7.3 Calculation of Test Result from Test Data-When calculating a test result from test data, avoid rounding of intermediate quantities. As far as is practicable with the calculating. device ore f0F1U used, carry out. Galculations with the test data exaot1y:andrQund only the, final result. 7.4 Reporting 'Test Results-A, suggel',ted rtl-Ie relates the significant digits of the' test reswt to, tb,e . ,precision of the measurement expressed as the standard deviation (J,. The applicable standard. deviatiop- is the repeatability' standard deviation (see, Tefl11inolbgYi E 456). Test results should be round to hot than i O.5 (J nor than 0,05 (J, proyided that this value is not than the unit specified in the specification (see 6.2). When' only an estimate, s, is available for (J, s may be used in place of (J in the preceding sentence. Example: A test result is calcUlated as 1.45729. The.standard deviation of the test method is estimated to be, 0.0052. Round to 1,457 or the nearest 0.001 since this rounding unit, 0.001, is between 0.05 0' = 0.00026 and 0.5 0' = 0.0026. NOTE 4-A rationale for this rule is derived from representing the standard deviation of a rounded test result by .J0'2 + w 2 /12 where 0' is E29 the standard deviation of the unrounded test result. The quantity w/M is the standard deviation of an error uniformly distributed over the range w. Rounding so that w is below 0.5 u ensures that the standard deviation is increased by at most 1 %, while adding more digits would give a misleading impression of precision. 704.1 When no estimate of the standard deviation 0' is known, then rules for retention of significant digits of computed quantities may be used to derive a number of significant digits to be reported, based on significant digits of test data., 704.1.1 The rule when adding or subtracting test data is that the result shall contain no significant digits beyond the place of the last significant digit of any datum.
(1) 11.24 + 9.3 + 6.32 = 26.9, since the last significant digit of 9.3 is the first following the decimal place, ' (2) 26.9 is obtained by rounding the exact sum, 26.86, to this place of digits. (3) 926 - 923.4= 3 140 000 + 91 460 = 231 000 when the first value was recorded to the nearest thousand. 704.1.2 The rule when multiplying or dividing is that the result shall contain no more significant digits than the value with the smaller number of significant digits. Examples: (1) 11.38 x 4.3 = 49, the factor 4.3 has two siginificant digits (2) (926 - 923.4)/4.3 = 0.6 Only one figure is significant since the ,numerator difference has ollly one significant digit. 704.1.3 The rules for logarithms and exponentiais are: Digits of In(x) or 10gJO(x) are significant through the n-th place after the decimal when x has' n significant digits, The number of significant digits of eX Qr lOx is equal to the place of the last significant digit in x after the decimal. Examples: In(3.46) = 1.241 to three places after the decimal, since 3.46 has three significant digits. 10 3 .46 = 2900 has two significant digits, " since 3.46 is given to two places after the decimal. " 704.104 The rule for numbers representing exact counts or mathematical constants is that they are to be treated as having an infinite number of significant digits. Examples: (1) 1 - 0.23/2 = 0.88 where the numbers 1 and 2 are exact and 0.23 is an approximate quantity. , , , ' (2) A count of 50 pieces times a measured thickness 0.124 mm is 50 x 0.124 = 6.20 mm, having three significant figures. (3) A measurement of 1.634 in. to the nearest thousandth, is converted to mm. The result, 1.634 x 25.4 = 41.50 mm, has four significant digits. The conversion constant, 25.4, is exact. NOTE 5-More extensive discussion of dimensional conversion can be found in Practice E 380. 7.5 Specification Limits-When the rounding method is to apply to given specified limits, it is desirable that the significant digits of the specified limits should conform to the precision of the test following the rule of 7.3. That is, the rounding unit for the specificatiqn limits should be between 0.05 and 0.5 times the standard deviation of the test. . 7.6 Averages and Standard Deviations-When reporting the average and standard deviation of replicated measure- ments or repeated samplings of a material, a suggested rule for most cases is to round the standard deviation to two significant digits and round the average to the same last place of significant digits. When the number of observations is large (more than 15 when the lead digit df the standard deviation is 1, more than 50 with lead digit 2, more than 100 in other cases), an additional digit may be advisable. 7.6.1 Alternative approaclies for averages include re- porting 'X to within 0.05 to 0.5 times the standard deviation of the average O'j.fi1, or applying rules for retaining signifi- cant digits to the calculation of 'X. ASTM Manual 7 provides methods for reporting 'X and s for these applications. 3 NOTE 6-A, rationale for the suggested ruie comes 'from the uncer- tainty of a calculated standard deviation. s; The ,standard deviation of s based on sampling from a normal distribution with n observations is approximately u/J2ii. Reporting s to within 0.05 to 0.5 of this value;' following the rule of 7.4, leads to two significant digits for most values of u when the number of observations n is 100 or fewer. Example: Analyses on six specimens give values of 3.95, 4.07, 4.21, and 4.47 for a constituent. The average and standard deviation, unrounded,' are x = 4.0233. .. and s = 0.3089... <The suggested rule would report x and s as 4.02 andO.3L ' ... The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted. in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are fJxpressly advised that of the validity of any SUCh patent rights, aM the risk of infringement of such'rights, are entirely their own responsibility. , This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical COrTl/nittee and must be reviewed every five years and -if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards " and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on'Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. , .. 21
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