Position Paper On Originals
Position Paper On Originals
Position Paper On Originals
Commission on Banking Technique and Practice, 12 July 1999 This Decision emphasizes the need to correctly interpret and apply sub-Article 20(b) of UCP 00! Conse"uently# $CC national committees and associated or%anizations are stron%ly ur%ed to distribute this Decision as &idely as possible to help ensure the correct interpretation in the e'aluation of documents issued under letters of credit! This Decision does not amend sub-Article 20(b) of UCP 00 in any &ay# but merely indicates the correct interpretation thereof &hich has been adopted unanimously by the $CC Commission on (an)in% Techni"ue and Practice on *2 +uly *,,,! !" #ac$ground -'er a period of se'eral years there ha'e been a number of "ueries raised &ith the $CC (an)in% Commission as to the determination# by ban)s# of &hat is an .ori%inal. document under a letter of credit and the necessity# if any# for such a document to be so mar)ed! /or ease of reference the te0t of sub-Article 20(b) reads1.Unless other&ise stipulated in the Credit# ban)s &ill also accept as an ori%inal document(s)# a document(s) produced or appearin% to ha'e been produced1 by repro%raphic# automated or computerized systems2 as carbon copies2 pro'ided that it is mar)ed as ori%inal and# &here necessary# appears to be si%ned! A document may be si%ned by hand&ritin%# by facsimile si%nature# by perforated si%nature# by stamp# by symbol# or by any other mechanical or electronic method of authentication!. 2" %etermination of Originalit& $n documentary credit operations# the document chec)er is faced &ith a number of issues pertainin% to ori%inality includin%1 Apparent ori%inality (an)s underta)e to determine &hether a document appears on its face to be an ori%inal document# as distin%uished from a copy! 30cept as e0pressly re"uired by a letter of credit includin% an incorporated term - such as UCP 00 sub-Articles 24(a)(i') or 45(b) - ban)s do not underta)e to determine &hether an apparent ori%inal is the sole ori%inal! (an)s rely on the apparent intent of the issuer of the document that it be treated as an ori%inal rather than a copy! $n this re%ard# a person sendin% a telefa0 or ma)in% a photocopy on plain paper or pressin% throu%h carbon paper presumably intends to produce a copy! -n the other hand# a person printin% a document on plain paper from a te0t that that person created and electronically stored presumably intends to produce an ori%inal! Accordin%ly# documents bearin% facsimile si%natures or printed in their entirety (e'en includin% the issuer6s letterhead and7or si%nature) from electronically stored te0t are presumably intended by the document issuer to be ori%inal and in practice are accepted by ban)s as ori%inal! Documents that appear to be ori%inal but are not (an)s do not underta)e to determine &hether a document is ori%inal in fact! Under UCP 00 Article * # ban)s are not responsible for the %enuineness or falsification of any document! $f a document appears to be ori%inal or to ha'e been mar)ed as ori%inal but is in fact not ori%inal# then its presentation may %i'e rise to e0ceptional defences# ri%hts# or obli%ations under the la& applicable to for%ed or fraudulent presentations and is beyond the scope of UCP 00! UCP 00 re"uirements1 (*) The UCP neither re"uires nor permits an e0amination beyond the face of a document to determine ho& the document &as in fact produced# unless the document &as produced by the ban)# e!%! on a telefa0# tele0# e-mail# or other system that prints out messa%es recei'ed by the ban)! The .produced
or appearin% to ha'e been produced. lan%ua%e in sub-Article 20(b) does not o'erride UCP 00 subArticles *4(a)# *4(c)# or *5(b)# or other practice and la& that prohibit issuers and confirmers from determinin% compliance on the basis of e0trinsic facts! (2) As indicated by inclusion of the &ord .also. (. !!! ban)s &ill also accept as ori%inal(s) !!!.)# subArticle 20(b) is neither comprehensi'e nor e0clusi'e in its pro'isions that distin%uish ori%inals from copies! /or e0ample# a document printed on plain paper from electronically stored te0t is acceptable# &ithout re%ard to 20(b)# if it appears to be an ori%inal! (4) 8ub-Article 20(b) does not apply to documents that appear to be only partially produced by repro%raphic# automated# or computerized systems or as carbon copies! $n this re%ard# a photocopy ceases to be .repro%raphically produced. &ithin the meanin% of sub-Article 20(b) &hen it is also manually stamped# dated# completed# or si%ned by the issuer of the document! (5) The .mar)ed as ori%inal. pro'iso in sub-Article 20(b) is satisfied by any mar)in% on a document or any recital in the te0t of a document that indicates that the issuer of the document intends it to be treated as an ori%inal rather than a copy! Accordin%ly# a document that appears to ha'e been printed on plain paper from electronically stored te0t is .mar)ed as ori%inal. under sub-Article 20(b) if it also states that it is ori%inal or includes letterhead or is hand mar)ed! 8ub-Article *4(a) of UCP 00 refers to compliance of the presented documents bein% determined by international standard ban)in% practice as defined in the articles of UCP! $nternational standard ban)in% practice in relation to determination of .ori%inal. documents could be described as follo&s1 '" Correct (nter)retation of *ub-Article 20(b 4!* 9eneral approach! (an)s e0amine documents presented under a letter of credit to determine# amon% other thin%s# &hether on their face they appear to be ori%inal! (an)s treat as ori%inal any document bearin% an apparently ori%inal si%nature# mar)# stamp# or label of the issuer of the document# unless the document itself indicates that it is not ori%inal! Accordin%ly# unless a document indicates other&ise# it is treated as ori%inal if it1 (A) a (B) a ears to !e "ritten, ty ed, er#orated, or stam ed !y the document issuer$s hand% or ears to !e on the document issuer$s original stationery% or
(C) states that it is original, unless the statement a ears not to a ly to the document resented (e&g& !ecause it a ears to !e a hotoco y o# another document and the statement o# originality a ears to a ly to that other document)& 4!2 :and si%ned documents! Consistent &ith sub-para%raph (A) abo'e# ban)s treat as ori%inal any document that appears to be hand si%ned by the issuer of the document! /or e0ample# a hand si%ned draft or commercial in'oice is treated as an ori%inal document# &hether or not some or all other constituents of the document are preprinted# carbon copied# or produced by repro%raphic# automated# or computerized systems! 4!4 /acsimile si%ned documents (an)s treat a facsimile si%nature as the e"ui'alent of a hand si%nature! Accordin%ly# a document that appears to bear the document issuer6s facsimile si%nature is also treated as an ori%inal document! 4!5 Photocopies (an)s treat as non-ori%inal any document that appears to be a photocopy of another document! $f# ho&e'er# a photocopy appears to ha'e been completed by the document issuer6s hand mar)in% the photocopy# then# consistent &ith sub-para%raph (A) abo'e# the resultin% document is treated as an ori%inal document unless it indicates other&ise! $f a document appears to ha'e been produced by
photocopyin% te0t onto ori%inal stationery rather than onto blan) paper# then# consistent &ith subpara%raph (() abo'e# it is treated as an ori%inal document unless it indicates other&ise! 4! Telefa0ed presentation of documents (an)s treat as non-ori%inal any document that is produced at the ban)6s telefa0 machine! A letter of credit that permits presentation by telefa0 &ai'es any re"uirement for presentation of an ori%inal of any document presented by telefa0! 4!; 8tatements indicatin% ori%inality Consistent &ith either or both of sub-para%raphs (A) and (C) abo'e# a document on &hich the &ord .ori%inal. has been stamped is treated as an ori%inal document! A statement in a document that it is a .duplicate ori%inal. or the .third of three. also indicates that it is ori%inal! -ri%inality is also indicated by a statement in a document that it is 'oid if another document of the same tenor and date is used! 4!< 8tatements indicatin% non-ori%inality A statement in a document that it is a true copy of another document or that another document is the sole ori%inal indicates that it is not ori%inal! A statement in a document that it is the .customer6s copy. or .shipper6s copy. neither disclaims nor affirms its ori%inality! +" ,hat is not an "Original"A document indicates that it is not an ori%inal if it a ears to !e roduced on a tele#a' machine%
a ears to !e a hotoco y o# another document "hich has not other"ise !een com leted !y hand marking the hotoco y or !y hotoco ying it on "hat a ears to !e original stationery% or states in the document that it is a true co y o# another document or that another document is the sole original& 5" Conclusion (ased upon the comments recei'ed from $CC national committees# members of the $CC (an)in% Commission and other interested parties# the statements in clauses 4 and 5 abo'e reflect international standard ban)in% practice in the correct interpretation of UCP 00 sub-Article 20(b)!