Why International Fire Safety Standards (IFFS) Are Needed. Workshop With Real Life Case Study of Grenfell Tower Fire London. Gary Strong
Why International Fire Safety Standards (IFFS) Are Needed. Workshop With Real Life Case Study of Grenfell Tower Fire London. Gary Strong
Why International Fire Safety Standards (IFFS) Are Needed. Workshop With Real Life Case Study of Grenfell Tower Fire London. Gary Strong
With Real Life Case Study Of Grenfell Tower Fire London.
A global coalition of professional bodies, governments, academic institutions and others are
coming together as a result of the tragic Grenfell Tower fire in London in June 2017, on a not-
for-profit basis in the public interest to deliver a set of high level fire safety standards (IFSS)
that all members of the coalition will adhere to and be ambassadors for the standards around
the world to ensure consistency and adoption.
The growth in global population is driving the need for more and more high rise living vertical
village towers which are mixed use, as well as more urban buildings which may pose a life
safety risk. Occupiers, insurers and investors in these buildings need to be reassured the building
complies with an international fire safety standard.
Fire safety has to be paramount in these and all other higher risk buildings. We are not so
concerned by height but by risk - low level buildings could be high risk eg hospitals, care homes,
student accommodation, hotels.
This workshop will examine what happened in the Grenfell Tower fire in June 2017 in London;
what the government and industry response has been since; and what the lessons learned so far
The IFSS coalition will appoint a standard setting committee (SSC) of experts to write the
standards and keep them under review and update them as necessary.