Advanced Testing With VHDL

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Advanced Testing using VHDL

Module 9

Jim Duckworth, WPI

Advanced Testing using VHDL

SRAM Model Attributes Loop Statements Test Bench examples using
TEXTIO Conversion functions Reading file containing test vectors Writing test results to file

Jim Duckworth, WPI

Advanced Testing using VHDL

Adding the SRAM model

New testbench

Battleship/RISC SRAM Model



Jim Duckworth, WPI

Advanced Testing using VHDL

SRAM - Simplified Read Operation

Jim Duckworth, WPI

Advanced Testing using VHDL

SRAM Model - Verilog

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Verilog Testing for Testing using VHDL Module


Jim Duckworth, WPI

Advanced Testing using VHDL

SRAM Model Read and Write

Jim Duckworth, WPI

Advanced Testing using VHDL

VHDL Attributes
Signals can have attributes associated with them Example predefined signal attributes are
function value type range

Also possible to have user-defined attributes

Jim Duckworth, WPI

Advanced Testing using VHDL

Function Attributes
Predefined functions Returns information about the behavior of signals
returns true if an event occurred change in value

returns true if signal s is active new value assigned to signal s (may be same value)

returns elapsed time since last event

returns value of s before the last event

Jim Duckworth, WPI

Advanced Testing using VHDL

Function Attribute example

Check for setup time violation on d input changing
CONSTANT setup_time : TIME := 12 ns; -- TIME is predefined PROCESS(clk) BEGIN IF clkEVENT AND clk = 1 THEN ASSERT(dLAST_EVENT >= setup_time) REPORT setup violation SEVERITY error; END IF;

Assert statement checks that the input d has not had an event during the setup time. If time returned is less than setup time - assertion will fail
Jim Duckworth, WPI 10 Advanced Testing using VHDL

now function
predefined function that returns simulation time
IF dEVENT THEN lasteventonD := NOW; IF clkEVENT AND clk = 1 THEN ASSERT(now lasteventonD) >= setup_time REPORT setup violation SEVERITY error

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

RANGE attributes
Only for constrained array types Returns range of specified type Two range attributes
TYPE address_bus IS ARRAY (63 DOWNT0 0) OF std_logic; SIGNAL cpu_address : address_bus; -- declare array -- 63 DOWNTO 0 -- 0 TO 63


Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

VALUE and ARRAY Attributes

These return the bounds of a type Four predefined attributes
returns left bound of type

returns right bound of type

returns upper bound of type

returns lower bound of type

returns total length of the array
Jim Duckworth, WPI 13 Advanced Testing using VHDL

Value and Array Attribute examples

TYPE address_bus IS ARRAY (63 DOWNT0 0) OF std_logic; SIGNAL cpu_address : address_bus; -- declare array BEGIN PROCESS VARIABLE i, j, k, l, m : INTEGER; BEGIN i := cpu_addressLEFT; j := cpu_addressRIGHT; k := cpu_addressHIGH; l := cpu_addressLOW; m := cpu_addressLENGTH; END PROCESS;


63 0 63 0 64

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Enumerated type example

TYPE days IS (mon, tues, wed, thurs, fri, sat, sun); SUBTYPE weekend IS days RANGE sat TO sun; SIGNAL day1, day2, day3, day4, day5 : days; SIGNAL count : INTGER; BEGIN PROCESS BEGIN day1 day2 day3 day4

<= <= <= <=

daysLEFT; daysRIGHT; daysHIGH; weekendLOW;


mon sun sun sat -- 1 -- thurs

count <= daysPOS(tues); day5 <= daysVAL(3)); END PROCESS;

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

LOOP Statements
Used to iterate through a set of sequential statements Three types
FOR identifier IN range LOOP END LOOP; WHILE boolean_expression LOOP END LOOP; LOOP EXIT WHEN condition_test END LOOP;

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

general syntax
FOR identifier IN range LOOP END LOOP;

factorial := 1; FOR number IN 2 TO n LOOP factorial := factorial * number; END LOOP;

number = 2, 3, 4 no explicit declaration for loop identifier required also DOWNTO

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

general syntax
WHILE boolean_expression END LOOP;

j := 0; sum := 10; wh_loop: WHILE j < 20 LOOP sum := sum * 2 j := j + 3; END LOOP wh_loop;

Note: optional label for loop statement

Jim Duckworth, WPI 18 Advanced Testing using VHDL

No iteration scheme
statements in body executed repeatedly until loop exits

General syntax
LOOP EXIT WHEN boolean_expression; -- optional EXIT statement END LOOP;

j := 0; sum := 1; l2: LOOP sum := sum * 10 j := j + 17; EXIT WHEN sum > 100; END LOOP l2;

If exit statement not present loop executes indefinitely

Jim Duckworth, WPI 19 Advanced Testing using VHDL

LOOP contd
EXIT statement
only used inside a loop

General syntax
EXIT [loop_label] [WHEN condition] EXIT WHEN boolean_expression; -- optional EXIT statement END LOOP;

Example (alternative to previous example):

IF sum > 100 THEN EXIT; END IF;

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

LOOP contd
NEXT statement
used to exit a loop for the current iteration of a loop continue to the next iteration

General syntax
NEXT [loop_label] [WHEN condition]

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

LOOP example
PROCESS BEGIN l1: LOOP -- statements -l2: LOOP -- statements -test_num := test_num + 1; EXIT l2 WHEN test_num = 25; IF solenoid_1 = 1 THEN drive_b := 0; NEXT l1; -- go to top of loop1 END IF; IF trigger = 0 THEN -- statements END LOOP l2; EXIT l1 WHEN sim_tests = 200; END LOOP l1; Jim Duckworth, WPI 22 Advanced Testing using VHDL

Test Bench example

example test bench:
-- Test Bench to exercise and verify correctness of DECODE entity ENTITY tb2_decode IS END tb2_decode; ARCHITECTURE test_bench OF tb2_decode IS TYPE input_array IS ARRAY (0 TO 3) OF std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0); CONSTANT input_vectors: input_array := ("00", "01", "10", "11"); -- input_vectors array contains test vectors for input SIGNAL in1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL out1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0); COMPONENT decode PORT ( sel : IN std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); y : OUT std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); END COMPONENT; Jim Duckworth, WPI 23 Advanced Testing using VHDL

Test Bench example (contd)

BEGIN decode_1: decode PORT MAP(sel => in1, y => out1); apply_inputs: PROCESS BEGIN FOR j IN input_vectors'RANGE LOOP in1 <= input_vectors(j); WAIT FOR 50 ns; END LOOP; END PROCESS apply_inputs; test_outputs: PROCESS BEGIN WAIT UNTIL (in1 = "01"); WAIT FOR 25 ns; ASSERT (out1 = "0110") REPORT "Output not equal to 0110" SEVERITY ERROR; END PROCESS test_outputs; END test_bench; Jim Duckworth, WPI 24 Advanced Testing using VHDL

Assert Statements
During testing
Usually want to display information about signals and variables

Assert statement is rather limited

Report clause only allows a single string no built-in provision for formatting data
ASSERT FALSE REPORT first line & CR & second line;

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Test Bench example

Adapted from Pellerin and Taylor (pages 242-246)
demonstrates use of
textio to read in a test vector file complex strings in Assert Statements string to vector and vector to string conversion functions

uses a decoder component for test

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

VHDL for Synthesis

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

test_vec.txt File
Format is
3 bits for SEL input 8 bits for expected output

00000000001 00100000010 01000000100 01100001000 10000010000 10100110000 11001000000 11110000000

Jim Duckworth, WPI 28 Advanced Testing using VHDL

Test Bench VHDL file

LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE std.textio.ALL; -- use text I/O features of standard library ENTITY test_bench IS END test_bench; ARCHITECTURE tb1 OF test_bench IS COMPONENT decoder -- component to be tested PORT(sel : IN std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0); y : OUT std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0)); END COMPONENT; -- FOR all: decoder USE ENTITY work.decoder; -- configuration

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Test Bench VHDL file (contd)

-- function to convert string of character to vector FUNCTION str2vec(str : string) RETURN std_logic_vector IS VARIABLE vtmp: std_logic_vector(str'RANGE); BEGIN FOR i IN str'RANGE LOOP IF str(i) = '1' THEN vtmp(i) := '1'; ELSIF str(i) = '0' THEN vtmp(i) := '0'; ELSE vtmp(i) := 'X'; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN vtmp; END str2vec;

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Test Bench VHDL file (contd)

-- function to convert vector to string -- for use in assert statements FUNCTION vec2str(vec : std_logic_vector) RETURN string IS VARIABLE stmp : string(vec'LEFT+1 DOWNTO 1); BEGIN FOR i IN vec'REVERSE_RANGE LOOP IF vec(i) = '1' THEN stmp(i+1) := '1'; ELSIF vec(i) = '0' THEN stmp(i+1) := '0'; ELSE stmp(i+1) := 'X'; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN stmp; END vec2str;

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Test Bench VHDL file (contd)

SIGNAL clk : std_logic := '0'; -- create internal signals to connect to test component SIGNAL sel : std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL y : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN -- instantiate decoder test component u1: decoder PORT MAP(sel => sel, y => y); clk <= NOT clk AFTER 50 ns; -- create clock for timing

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Test Bench VHDL file (contd)

PROCESS -- declare and open file (1987 style) FILE vector_file: text IS in "test.vec"; VARIABLE file_line : line; -- text line buffer VARIABLE str_stimulus_in: string(11 DOWNTO 1); VARIABLE stimulus_in : std_logic_vector(10 DOWNTO 0); VARIABLE y_expected : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN -- loop through lines in test file WHILE NOT endfile(vector_file) LOOP -- read one complete line into file_line readline(vector_file, file_line); -- extract the first field from file_line read(file_line, str_stimulus_in); -- convert string to vector stimulus_in := str2vec(str_stimulus_in);

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Test Bench VHDL file (contd)

WAIT UNTIl clk = '1'; -- rising edge of clock -- now get sel input and apply to decoder sel <= stimulus_in(10 DOWNTO 8); -- top 3 bits for input; WAIT UNTIL clk = '0'; -- falling edge -- now check if decoder outputs are correct y_expected := stimulus_in(7 DOWNTO 0); -- expected output -- compare decoder output with expected value IF y /= y_expected THEN ASSERT false REPORT "decoder failure" & CR & "Expected y to be " & vec2str(y_expected) & " but its value was " & vec2str(y) SEVERITY ERROR; END IF; END LOOP; WAIT; END PROCESS; END tb1; -- suspend the simulation

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

VHDL Test Bench - Results

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Test Bench Waveform

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Simulation of post-place and route

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Writing Test Results to File

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Writing Test Results to File (contd)

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL


Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Assert Statement Limitations

Assert statements are limited to strings only
need conversion functions for displaying signals

Use TEXTIO instead of Assert Statements to print messages

supports most data types allows writing to multiple files

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Improving output messages

Use ieee.std_logic_textio.ALL package Removes need for conversion functions

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

Modified write statements

Jim Duckworth, WPI


Advanced Testing using VHDL

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