What Is Tableau Desktop
What Is Tableau Desktop
What Is Tableau Desktop
a data visualization application that lets you analyze virtually any type of structured data and produce highly
interactive, beautiful graphs, dashboards, and reports.
3. After
a quick installation, you can connect to virtually any data source from spreadsheets to data warehouses and
display information in multiple graphic perspectives.
6. With just a few clicks, you can publish or embed live, interactive graphs, dashboards and reports with current data
automatically customized to the needs of everyone across your organization.
7. It deploys in minutes and users can produce thousands of reports without the need of IT services all within your IT
8. Tableau Reader is a free viewing application that lets anyone read and interact with packaged workbooks created by
Tableau Desktop.
9. The company is one of the 50 fastest growing software companies in the U.S.
Customers include companies as diverse as Google, Cleveland Clinic, GM, Microsoft, Wells Fargo, the District of
Columbia, Allstate, Cornell and Harvard.
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