Republic v. Sandiganbayan

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RP v. SB (RL) TOPIC: Rights of the Filipinos are protected under IL during the interregnum period. [G.R. No. 104768.

July 21, 2003] Petitioner: Republic of the Philippines Respondent: Sandiganbayan, Major General Josephus Q. Ramas and Elizabeth Dimaano Ponente: CARPIO, J.: SUMMARY: After the EDSA Revolution, Pres. Aquino created the PCGG, which thereafter created an AFP Anti-Graft Board. It investigated various reports of alleged unexplained wealth of Maj. Gen. Ramas. A search warrant was issued which allowed the authorities to seize items (equipments, money, etc) from Dimaanos house in Batangas (alleged mistress of Ramas). The PCGG then filed a case in the SB against Ramas and Dimaano for violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. Ramas and Dimaano filed their MTD based on Republic v. Migrino, which held that the PCGG does not have jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute military officers by reason of mere position held without a showing that they are subordinates of Marcos. SB dismissed the complaint but ordered that the monies, equipment etc be returned to Dimaano. It remanded the case to the OMB for appropriate action. PCGG argues (among others) that the search and seizure was legal because the two cannot invoke their exclusionary right, as there was no Bill of Rights or Constitution in force at the time of the seizure. The SC held that the ICCPR and the UNDHR remained in force during the interregnum period. The revolutionary government did not repudiate such obligations of the Philippines; hence, the respondents rights are protected under these treaties. Furthermore, the authorities exceeded their authority by seizing items, which were not particularly described in the warrant.

FACTS: Pres. Cory Aquino issued EO 1 creating the PCGG. o PCGG is primarily tasked to recover all ill-gotten wealth of former Marcos, his family and cronies. The PCGG, through Chairman Salonga, created an AFP Anti-Graft Board (AFP Board) tasked to investigate reports of unexplained wealth and corrupt practices by AFP personnel, whether in the active service or retired. The AFP Board investigated various reports of alleged unexplained wealth of respondent Major General Ramas (Ramas). It issued a Resolution on its findings and recommendation on the reported unexplained wealth of Ramas, and concluded that a prima facie case exists against him. It further recommended that he be tried for the violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act (RA 1379). Some of the findings stated in the resolution:

He owns a house in La Vista worth P700,000. Military equipment/items and communication facilities were found in the premises of Elizabeth Dimaanos (his alleged mistress, as stated in the affidavits of certain Military Units) house in Batangas. o The team was also able to confiscate money in the amount of P2,870,000.00 and $50,000 US Dollars in the house of Elizabeth Dimaano. o Sworn statement disclosed that Elizabeth Dimaano had no visible means of income and is supported by Ramas for she was formerly a mere secretary. o Taking in toto the evidence, Elizabeth Dimaano could not have used the items seized in her house without the consent of respondent as general of the AFP. o It is also impossible for Elizabeth Dimaano to claim that she owns the the money for she had no visible source of income. o The money was never declared in the SALN of Ramas as these are all ill-gotten and unexplained wealth. Thus, PCGG filed a petition for forfeiture under RA 1379 against Ramas. Before Ramas could answer the petition, then SolGen Chavez filed an Amended Complaint naming the Republic of the Philippines, represented by the PCGG, as plaintiff and Ramas as defendant. It also impleaded Elizabeth Dimaano (Dimaano) as co-defendant. o xxx alleged that Ramas acquired funds, assets and properties manifestly out of proportion to his salary as an army officer and his other income from legitimately acquired property by taking undue advantage of his public office and/or using his power, authority and influence as such officer of the AFP and as a subordinate and close associate of the deposed President Ferdinand Marcos. It also alleged that the AFP Board found reasonable grounds to believe such allegation and prayed for the forfeiture of Ramas properties, funds and equipment in favor of the State. Ramas filed an Answer contending that his property consisted only of a house in La Vista. He denied ownership of any mansion in Cebu City and the cash, communications equipment and other items confiscated from the house of Dimaano. Dimaano filed her own Answer admitting her employment as a clerk-typist in the office of Ramas and claimed ownership of the monies, communications equipment, etc seized from her house. The case was set for trial by November of 1988. Petitioner from then on started askin for defgerment of hearing due to its lack of preparation, absence of witnesses and documents, among other reasons.On o SB noted that petitioner had already delayed the case for over a year mainly because of its many postponements.

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Ramas and Dimaano eventually filed their MTD based on Republic v. Migrino which held that the PCGG does not have jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute military officers by reason of mere position held without a showing that they are subordinates of Marcos. SB dismissed the complaint but ordered that the monies, equipment etc be returned to Dimaano. It remanded the case to the OMB for appropriate action. A MR was filed but the same was dismissed.

ISSUES: st 1 ISSUE: W/N PCGG has Jurisdiction to Investigate Private Respondents NO JURISDICTION. This involves the revisiting of an issue decided by this Court in Cruz, Jr. v. Sandiganbayan and Republic v. Migrino: (summarized version) o The term subordinate refers to one who enjoys a close association with former President Marcos and/or his wife, similar to the immediate family member, relative, and close associate in EO No. 1 and the close relative, business associate, dummy, agent, or nominee in EO No. 2. o It does not suffice that the respondent is or was a government official or employee during the administration of former President Marcos. There must be a prima facie showing that the respondent unlawfully accumulated wealth by virtue of his close association or relation with former Pres. Marcos and/or his wife. (Emphasis supplied) Hence, Petitioner has no jurisdiction over private respondents. The PCGG cannot exercise investigative or prosecutorial powers never granted to it. o PCGGs powers are specific and limited. o Unless given additional assignment by the President, PCGGs sole task is only to recover the ill-gotten wealth of the Marcoses, their relatives and cronies. Private respondents questioned the jurisdiction of the PCGG by filing their MTD as soon as they learned of the pronouncement in Migrino. This case was decided on 30 August 1990, which explains why private respondents only filed their MTD on 8 October 1990. o Nevertheless, it has been held that the parties may raise lack of jurisdiction at any stage of the proceeding. o Hence, there was no waiver of jurisdiction in this case. o Jurisdiction is vested by law and not by the parties to an action. Consequently, the petition should be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction by the PCGG to conduct the preliminary investigation.

2 ISSUE: W/N the Dismissal of the Case is Proper Before Completion of Presentation of EvidenceYES, dismissal was proper. Based on the findings of the SB and the records of this case, the SC finds that petitioner has only itself to blame for non-completion of the presentation of its evidence. The Sandiganbayan gave petitioner more than sufficient time to finish the presentation of its evidence. It overlooked petitioners delays and yet petitioner ended the long-string of delays with the filing of a Re-Amended Complaint, which would only prolong even more the disposition of the case. Thus, we hold that the Sandiganbayan did not err in dismissing the case before completion of the presentation of petitioners evidence. 3 ISSUE (IMPT!): W/N the Search and Seizure was legalNOT LEGAL. Petitioner wants the Court to take judicial notice that the raiding team conducted the search and seizure five days after the successful EDSA revolution. o It argues that a revolutionary government was operative at that time and asserts that the revolutionary government effectively withheld the operation of the 1973 Constitution which guaranteed private respondents exclusionary right. o It also argues that the exclusionary right arising from an illegal search applies only beginning 2 February 1987, the date of ratification of the 1987 Constitution. o Petitioner contends that all rights under the Bill of Rights had already reverted to its embryonic stage at the time of the search. o Therefore, the government may confiscate the monies and items taken from Dimaano and use the same in evidence against her since at the time of their seizure, private respondents did not enjoy any constitutional right. SC: Petitioner is partly right in its arguments. The resulting government was indisputably a revolutionary government bound by no constitution or legal limitations except treaty obligations that the revolutionary government, as the de jure government in the Philippines, assumed under international law. The correct issues are: o W/N the revolutionary government was bound by the Bill of Rights of the 1973 Constitution during the interregnum; and o W/N the protection accorded to individuals under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Covenant) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Declaration) remained in effect during the interregnum. SC: the Bill of Rights under the 1973 Constitution was NOT operative during the interregnum.


However, the protection accorded to individuals under the Covenant and the Declaration REMAINED IN EFFECT during the interregnum. During the interregnum, the directives and orders of the revolutionary government were the supreme law because no constitution limited the extent and scope of such directives and orders. o Thus, during the interregnum, a person could not invoke any exclusionary right under a Bill of Rights because there was neither a constitution nor a Bill of Rights during the interregnum. o To hold that the Bill of Rights under the 1973 Constitution remained operative during the interregnum would render void all sequestration orders PCGG before the adoption of the Freedom Constitution. During the interregnum, no one could validly question the sequestration orders as violative of the Bill of Rights because there was no Bill of Rights during the interregnum. To rule that the Bill of Rights of the 1973 Constitution remained in force during the interregnum, absent a constitutional provision excepting sequestration orders from such Bill of Rights, would clearly render all sequestration orders void during the interregnum. o Nevertheless, even during the interregnum the Filipino people continued to enjoy, under the Covenant and the Declaration, almost the same rights found in the Bill of Rights of the 1973 Constitution. The revolutionary government, after installing itself as the de jure government, assumed responsibility for the States good faith compliance with the Covenant to which the Philippines is a signatory. o Article 2(1) of the Covenant requires each signatory State to respect and to ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in the present Covenant. o Under Article 17(1) of the Covenant, the revolutionary government had the duty to insure that *n+o one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence. The Declaration, to which the Philippines is also a signatory, provides in its Article 17(2) that *n+o one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. o Although the signatories to the Declaration did not intend it as a legally binding document, being only a declaration, the Court has interpreted the Declaration as part of the generally accepted principles of international law and binding on the State . o Thus, the revolutionary government was also obligated under international law to observe the rights of individuals under the Declaration. The revolutionary government did not repudiate the Covenant or the Declaration during the interregnum.

Suffice it to say that the Court considers the Declaration as part of customary international law, and that Filipinos as human beings are proper subjects of the rules of international law laid down in the Covenant . As the de jure government, the revolutionary government could not escape responsibility for the States good faith compliance with its treaty obligations under international law. During the interregnum when no constitution or Bill of Rights existed, directives and orders issued by government officers were valid so long as these officers did not exceed the authority granted them by the revolutionary government. o The directives and orders should not have also violated the Covenant or the Declaration. In this case, the revolutionary government presumptively sanctioned the warrant since the revolutionary government did not repudiate it. o The warrant, issued by a judge upon proper application, specified the items to be searched and seized. o The warrant is thus valid with respect to the items specifically described in the warrant. However, the Constabulary raiding team seized items not included in the warrant. o The search warrant did not particularly describe these items and the raiding team confiscated them on its own authority. o The raiding team had no legal basis to seize these items without showing that these items could be the subject of warrantless search and seizure. o Clearly, the raiding team exceeded its authority when it seized these items. The seizure of these items was therefore void , and unless these items are contraband per se, and they are not, they must be returned to the person from whom the raiding seized them.

DISPOSITIVE: WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari is DISMISSED. The questioned Resolutions of the Sandiganbayan, remanding the records of this case to the Ombudsman for such appropriate action as the evidence may warrant, and referring this case to the Commissioner of the Bureau of Internal Revenue for a determination of any tax liability of respondent Elizabeth Dimaano, are AFFIRMED.

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