Bioclimatic Homes Feature

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GRANADILLA DE ABONA, Tuesday March 16 2010 FROM recycling your rubbish to cycling to work, in recent years we ha e been urge! to "ake "yria! s"all changes to our li#estyles to sa e the worl! #ro" the su$$ose!ly cataclys"ic threat o# cli"ate change% by &'ME( T)EE*IE But how much ca we rea!!y co tr"#ute towards cutt" $ $!o#a! $ree house $as em"ss"o s #y us" $ !ow%e er$y !"$ht #u!#s a d &utt" $ our &otato &ee!" $s " a com&ost #" ' (a we rea!!y ha)e a car#o % eutra! !"*esty!e' The (a ary Is!a ds ha)e #ecome someth" $ o* a !a#oratory *or re ewa#!e e er$y o)er the !ast two decades+ Te er"*e has three w" d *arms w"th te more " the &"&e!" e, a d a &hoto%e!ectr"c so!ar &a e!s are ow assem#!ed at a *actory o the "s!a d, a we!come d")ers"*"cat"o *rom the cr"s"s%h"t tour"sm eco omy+ Te er"*e,s Re ewa#!e E er$y a d Tech o!o$"ca! I st"tute -ITER. o&e ed "ts ew #"oc!"mat"c homes e/h"#"t at "ts head0uarters " the Gra ad"!!a " dustr"a! estate o March 11+ The 12%year !o $ &ro3ect attracted des"$ s #y 415 !ead" $ arch"tects *rom 46 cou tr"es, o* wh"ch 27 were chose to #e #u"!t+ ITER "s 60 &er ce t ow ed #y Te er"*e,s (a#"!do $o)er me t a d "s a &et &ro3ect o* curre t (a#"!do &res"de t a d e $" eer R"cardo Me!ch"or+ B"oc!"mat"c homes use a )ar"ety o* h"$h% a d !ow%tech o!o$y des"$ *eatures to actua!!y &roduce more e er$y tha they use+ 8hoto%e!ectr"c a d so!ar water heat" $ &a e!s are o#)"ous so!ut"o s to th"s &ro#!em, #ut th"c9 wa!!s *or " su!at"o , !ar$e o&e " $ w" dows to tra& or re!ease the su ,s heat, )e t"!at"o cham#ers a d e)e the &os"t"o " $ a d or"e tat"o o* the #u"!d" $ : e/&!o"t" $ atura! terra" : are ut"!"sed to $ood e**ect+ ;&ea9" $ at the o&e " $ ceremo y, <or!d (ou c"! *or Re ewa#!e E er$y -<(RE. cha"rma Dr <o!*$a $ 8a!= " s"sted that #"oc!"mat"c co struct"o costs o more tha as co )e t"o a! #u"!d" $, #ut that >)ested " terests> were &re)e t" $ the co ce&t *rom catch" $ o as *ast as "t shou!d+ I had the o&&ortu "ty to !oo9 arou d the homes a *ew days #e*ore the o**"c"a! o&e " $, $u"ded #y em&!oyee ?os@ I$ ac"o Aer a de=+ +olcanic +ineyar! Each house has "ts ow ame+ The *"rst o e we )"s"t "s La Geria, amed a*ter the trad"t"o a! method o* co struct"o *rom the (a ar"a "s!a d o* La =arote used " "ts &a!e $rey )o!ca "c ash wa!!s+ A!! the mater"a!s used " the #u"!d" $,s co struct"o were !oca!!y%sourced+ The des"$ #y a team o* s"/ ;&a "sh arch"tects wo the *"rst &r"=e " ITER,s #"oc!"mat"c homes com&et"t"o + Geria wa!!s are used to &rotect $ra&e )" es *rom the su , ut"!"s" $ the atura! " su!at" $ &ro&ert"es o* the ash+ Bowe)er, the mater"a! " co struct"o "s ow &roh"#"ted *rom #u"!d" $ use+ It "s easy to see why : "t crum#!es to the touch+ The " ter"or o* the s" $!e%story #u"!d" $ has woode *!oors, wa!!s a d s!atted s!"d" $ doors+ There are a"r )e ts #etwee a!! the rooms a d !ar$e a"r cham#ers #e eath the *!oor a d a#o)e the ce"!" $+ A!oor%to%ce"!" $ $!a=" $ o #oth the souther *ro t s"de a d orther rear o* the house a!!ow *uture occu&a ts to co tro! a"r*!ow a d re$u!ate tem&erature+ Th"s o&e )e t"!at"o system swee&s hot a"r out o* the house wh"ch wou!d otherw"se accumu!ate, r"se a d #ecome tra&&ed " the ce"!" $ s&aces+ The *ro t o* the house has a s!atted )era da wh"ch shades "t *rom the oo %day su #ut a!!ows a"r to c"rcu!ate, wh"!e the she!tered rear &at"o "s des"$ ed to stay coo! throu$hout the day+ The so!ar therma! &a e!s o the roo* heat water, wh"ch "s stored " a o!d%*ash"o ed ta 9 o the roo*+ I$ ac"o e/&!a" s that " a co!d c!"mate the hot water ta 9 wou!d #e &!aced u der the *!oor, where "t wou!d he!& heat the house #y co )ect"o + The &a e!s co s"st o* a array o* )ert"ca! co&&er tu#es co ect" $ hor"=o ta! *eed a d dra" tu#es at the #ottom a d to&, #etwee two sheets o* $!ass+ ;et at the #est a $!e to catch the su , a d !ocated o the dry south coast o* Te er"*e : 26 de$rees orth o* the e0uator : each house

eeds 3ust two or three s0uare metres o* these &a e!s+ L"9e a!! the homes " the *ac"!"ty, La Geria "s co ected to Te er"*e,s e!ectr"c"ty $r"d+ I$ ac"o e/&!a" s that th"s "s more e**"c"e t, eco om"ca! a d e )"ro me ta!!y%*r"e d!y tha try" $ to ma9e them " de&e de t o* other *orms o* &ower+ Each home wou!d eed s"/ to twe!)e !ar$e #atter"es to store e!ectr"c"ty o)er "$ht, ta9" $ u& a room to themse!)es+ The #atter"es are e/&e s")e a d &o!!ut" $ to &roduce a d d"s&ose o*+ I *act the homes $e erate more e!ectr"c"ty *or the $r"d tha they use, wh"ch ITER se!!s to e!ectr"c"ty com&a y C e!co E desa+ 'cross The Ri er The e/t home that we )"s"t "s El Ro -The R")er. #y Are ch arch"tect More! (edr"c, so ca!!ed *or the sha!!ow *!ow" $ water cha e! wh"ch ru s throu$h "ts h"$h ce tra! !")" $ room%cum%&at"o, the $!a=ed s"des o* wh"ch ca #e o&e ed out *or )e t"!at"o o* shuttered *or shade+ The #edrooms a d #athrooms are du$ out o* a r"se " the $rou d o o e s"de o* the house+ I!!um" at"o comes *rom s9y!"$hts, !"$ht *"tt" $s w"th *")e%watt !ow%e er$y #u!#s a d wh"te%&a" ted wa!!s to ma/"m"se re*!ect"o + <e *ou d !oca! &a" ter a d decorator Ro# Boo&er a d two o* h"s cra*tsme &utt" $ the *" "sh" $ touches to the dwe!!" $ #e*ore Ar"day,s $ra d o&e " $+ Ro# has #ee wor9" $ o the #"oc!"mat"c homes &ro3ect *or three%a d%a%ha!* years+ Be te!!s meD EIt,s ama=" $+ There are some " cred"#!e des"$ s here+ The most " tr"$u" $ th" $ "s how they use the w" d *or coo!" $ a d )e t"!at"o +F The (hort )ay Roun! Ne/t sto& o the tour "s the Ita!"a %des"$ ed a d Roma %" *!ue ced El Caminito -the !"tt!e way.+ The *"rst str"9" $ *eature o* th"s #u"!d" $ are the s0uare #r"c9 co!um s that sta d !"9e mo o!"ths arou d the *ro t yard, wh"ch &ro)"de shade *rom the su w"thout #!oc9" $ the sea )"ew+ The seco d "s the w"de co crete a"r duct wh"ch ru s throu$h the house *rom e d to e d, &ro)"d" $ coo!" $+ I$ ac"o adm"ts that wh"!e th"s "s *ar *rom h"s *a)our"te house, "t "s the #est acc!"mat"sed+ The +ault o# the Four )in!s Las Bvedas -The Gau!ts. #y ;&a "sh arch"tect ?a"me Na)ascues Lacour!y "s a!so du$ " to the ar"d terra" o* Gra ad"!!a *or she!ter+ ;te&s !ead dow to "ts su 9e &at"o, wh"!e "ts roo* s&routs sh" " $ meta! ch"m eys to&&ed w"th s&" " $ ,dy am"c )e t"!ators, : #y o mea s a s&ace%a$ed tech o!o$y : wh"ch draw hot a"r *rom the " ter"or+ The co struct"o "s s"m&!eD wh"te%&a" ted co crete w"th !"tt!e or o o e/&e s")e a d hard%to% ma" ta" sto e a d wood+ I $ ac"o saysD ENot ma y &eo&!e !"9e th"s house, #ut I 3ust !o)e "t+F ,e#t to their own *e ices The *"rst two%story dwe!!" $ we see "s the a $u!ar a ec!ect"c El Dispositivo -The De)"ce., des"$ ed #y Ge e=ue!a s 8a#!o La Roche, I$ ac"o de Ote"=a y Ara c"sco Must"e!es+ The two !o $, arrow *!oors are set at a acute a $!e to o e a other, w"th a th"c9 *ree%sta d" $ wa!! $")" $ she!ter o the w" dward s"de+ The wa!! has ma y arrow, )ert"ca! )e t"!at"o s!"ts+ Those !e)e! w"th the u&&er story are set w"th o&e " $ w" dows+ L"9e El Ro, th"s house a!so uses a water *eature " the *orm o* a sha!!ow s0uare &oo! outs"de the $rou d *!oor 9"tche + The *u ct"o "s the same : to 9ee& the &!ace coo! : #ut I$ ac"o comme tsD EI #et "* you had 9"ds you,d 9 ow where to *" d them+F <hat th"s house !ac9s "s &r")acy+ The two%#edroom to& *!oor "s o&e %&!a w"th o " ter a! doors, a d a !ar$e $r"!! set " the *!oor to $")e a yo e " the 9"tche a $ood )"ew u& your dress" $%$ow to $o w"th the"r mor " $ co**ee+ -ractical Technology. I as9 I$ ac"o "* the tech o!o$y used " ITER,s e/&er"me ta! homes cou!d #e a&&!"ed " e/"st" $ #u"!d" $s a d ur#a areas+ Be !au$hsD EThat "s a &o!"t"ca! 0uest"o , my *r"e d+ EHou wou!d eed to des"$ the who!e c"ty to #"oc!"mat"c &r" c"&!es,F he says, add" $ that the

same " a #u"!t%u& area EIt "s d"**"cu!t to &!ace th"s tech o!o$y o o!d #u"!d" $s+ Hou w"!! destroy the #eauty o* he #u"!d" $, or "* ot you may a**ect the " *rastructure : $as, e!ectr"c"ty su&&!y+ EO!d #u"!d" $s ha)e o s&ace *or so!ar therma! " sta!!at"o s+ The &"&es wou!d ha)e to ru throu$h commu a! areas+F Be adds that the tech o!o$y "s e/&e s")e, a d that &eo&!e are ot a!ways w"!!" $ to &ay e/tra+ Bowe)er, &!a " $ re$u!at"o s mea that ew #u"!d" $s " the (a ar"es must #e ready to *"t so!ar &a e!s+ Aor those o* you who ca ot wa"t *or #"oc!"mat"c houses to #e #u"!t " your tow , ITER "s &!a " $ to re t the 27 homes to tour"sts a d #us" ess tra)e!!ers+ Renewable Future <h"!e Te er"*e,s e!ectr"c"ty $r"d "s &art!y &owered #y the 20%metre d"ameter w" d tur#" es wh"ch tower o)er the #"oc!"mat"c homes !"9e the $"a ts o* Do Iu"/ote,s "ma$" at"o , 10 &er ce t o* the "s!a d,s e!ectr"c"ty comes *rom the o"!%*"red &ower stat"o e/t door to the ITER *ac"!"ty, ma9" $ the "s!a d )u! era#!e to *!uctuat"o s " the &r"ces o* "m&orted &etro!eum+ Th"s "s " star9 co trast w"th ma" !a d ;&a" , wh"ch $e erates #are!y 4 &er ce t o* "ts e!ectr"c"ty *rom o"! throu$h the use o* uc!ear a d hydro%e!ectr"c &ower+ The !atter "s ot a o&t"o here : $ather" $ e ou$h *resh water *or domest"c a d #us" ess su&&!y "s a ma3or e $" eer" $ &ro#!em " the ar"d (a ar"es+ <hat the (a ar"es does ha)e "s year%rou d su sh" e a d the At!a t"c trade w" ds+ I$ ac"o &o" ts out that the w" d tur#" es " sta!!ed at Gra ad"!!a ca $e erate 670 9"!owatts o* e!ectr"c"ty each, wh"!e the !atest des"$ s &roduce 6 me$awatts : a!most s"/ t"mes as much : *rom a s!"$ht!y !ar$er rotor+ E<e ha)e $reat &oss"#"!"t"es *or w" d e er$yF he says+ E<hy do ,t we ha)e the w" dm"!!s'F Geotherma! heat seems to #e a other o#)"ous so!ut"o " the )o!ca "c (a ary Is!a ds, #ut I$ ac"o e/&!a" s that the hard )o!ca "c #asa!t #edroc9 "s e/&e s")e to dr"!! throu$h+ <a)e -or t"da!. e er$y a!so !oo9s !"9e a $ood "dea out here " the m"dst o* the At!a t"c Ocea , #ut ITER has o &!a s to ma9e use o* "t+ I$ ac"o &o" ts out that the de s"ty : a d there*ore e er$y co te t : o* sea water "s 600 t"mes that o* the a"r wh"ch tur s ITER,s w" d tur#" es+ E<e ha)e to $et " )o!)ed w"th sea e er$y,F he says+ EI do ,t 9 ow "* "t wou!d #e eco om"c, #ut we shou!d ha)e that tech o!o$y *or *uture years+F

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