Cora Aquino - How The Politics of Reform Lost
Cora Aquino - How The Politics of Reform Lost
Cora Aquino - How The Politics of Reform Lost
Cory -- CenPEG
WHAT WE FILIPINOS SHOULD KNOW: Note: Colored and/or Underlined words are HTML
links. Click on them to see the linked postings/articles. Forwarding the postings to relatives and
friends, especially in the homeland, is greatly appreciated.
“As to the source of leadership, we Filipinos still look up and limit ourselves to the same
socioeconomic-political elite, the same prominent dynasties, many of whom were of the
collaborationist and mendicant variety. There is potentially good leadership, maybe still unknown,
OUTSIDE the selfish, morally bankrupt and oftentimes subservient elite. When we have done
away with our massive ignorance, we Filipinos can surely find and actively ensure that only
individuals -with courage and strong nationalism- earn respect; thus who will successfully propel
the people to fight, and finally win for the common good” – GADFLY(1947-present).
Ferdinand Marcos offered the 1986 Snap Election, which proved disastrous for
him and ended the Marcos Dictatorship . Due to his past successes, he was
overconfident about his ability to manipulate the electoral process but this time
he failed and was forced to flee, aided by his American supporter Ronald
Reagan. Just like several rulers of other countries, more faithful to their foreign
sponsors than to their own people, Marcos ran to the bosoms of his foreign
master despite his verbal bravado then to stay and fight.
Cory Aquino was used by practically everyone, by the "legal" opposition
movement comprised mainly of the pre-martial law politicians,
aristocracy/oligarchy, Catholic Church hierarchy and the middle class, all
comprising the so-called "civil society." We native Filipinos, being more
sentimental than rational, saw only her religiosity and forgot that Cory came
from and is part of that aristocracy and gave her the win.
Without belaboring the details of Cory's presidential rule, it was a complete failure
(some of my friends who were very active in supporting her were greatly
disillusioned; sadly, a few have expressed indifference to governance, withdrew
into themselves and to an escape to religiosity.) Her 6 years in the presidency
was the second wasted greatest opportunity for radical/fundamental changes in
our homeland (the first greatest opportunity was during Marcos' rule, shrewd
politicking and absolute power but we now know his real priorities). But in the
end, then and now, whether Cory or Marcos, Ramos or Estrada , or Arroyo, the
foreigners always win at the expense of the native majority.
I do not know why many of us saw, continually see and believe that the
facial change(s) in our homeland's ruling elite then as revolutionary when
no one acted/acts as a nationalist : when no one among our presidents have
questioned or raised the most critical issues of foreign dominance in our
homeland. I mean foreign economic (include cultural) dominance via the IMF
and WB, ADB, WTO and the punishments it continually brings, to include
military agreements JUSMAG, VFA, etc. that we natives practically do not know
and understand much about.and hidden from; when they sign
agreements/treaties and laws where more foreigners (resident Koumintang and
now-mainland Chinese varieties, Japanese, Koreans, Australians, etc. who
logically have their own personal and national interests amid their bribes and glib
talks) are given preferences in our homeland at the expense of our native
majority; when agrarian reform has been legislated and proclaimed several
times but never significantly implemented and instead allowed loopholes to
circumvent it (compare to Cuba's Fidel Castro who after his revolutionary
success, initiated real land reform beginning with his family's hacienda -
which made his angry sister run to America and be beamed/used by the Voice of
America propaganda radio to talk against him.)This foreign dominance is
essentially neocolonialism/neoimperialism applied and practiced in our
Until our rulers sincerely inform the citizenry and act against the neocolonial
blueprint that they have been perennially and religiously following, they and all
the contenders to public office demonstrate that they do not really care about the
native majority; that by continuously keeping and fostering mass ignorance,
these arrogant, slavish, salivating and thieving bunch only deserve to be put to
the wall or incarcerated for life for being grave crooks and traitors. They make all
our perennial "elections" a perennial charade -- a momentary venting of
frustrations and grievances, the sad, revolting historical and current
realities in our homeland.
Below is a short but fair article by CenPEG's Bobby Tuazon about Cory Aquino,
when she was our homeland's president and thereafter. [A comprehensive
analysis of the Cora Aquino regime from a nationalist viewpoint was made by the
late Prof. Renato Constantino, one of our great nationalists in his book/collected
essays "THE AQUINO WATCH', 1987]
- Bert
“There is no literate population in the world that is poor; there is no illiterate population that is
anything but poor.” – John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006)
“One of the major errors in the whole discussion of economic development has been the
tendency to look at the United States or Canada and say that this has worked here, and therefore
it must work in the poor countries.” – John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006)
For reference:
Bobby Tuazon
Director, Policy Study, Publication and Advocacy (PSPA)
Center for People Empowerment in Governance (CenPEG)
TelFax +63-2 9299526; mobile phone: 0929-8007965
For your comments/suggestions please send your email to
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