APHY 601/PHY 601: Problem Set # 2 Due Feb. 18 (Monday)

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601/PHY 601: Problem set # 2

Due Feb. 18 (Monday)

Notation used:

( 00 11 )
( 01 10 )

Problem 1

Due to power failure, components of two states 1 = 0 , 2 = + became mixed, where

( 0 1 ) . You are given a box containing both the components and two
detectors as described by operators
E1 =
1 1
1+ 2

E2 =

1+ 2

(a) Can you separate the two components?
(b) Does E1 and E2 form a POVM? If so, can you conclude from the detection of E1? If
not, can you construct a POVM using E1 and E2?
(c) What can you from the detection in each of the detectors using POVM?


Problem 2

Perform the Schmidt decomposition for,
a) a pure state given by,
' AB =
( 00 AB + 01 AB + 11 AB )

b) A pure state of qutrits given by, =
( 00 + 01 02 + 10 11 12 )

Note: Schmidt decomposition is essentially a restatement of singular value
decomposition(SVD). The SVD of a nxm matrix (assume n>m) is a factorization of the
form M = U $ 'V + ,where U is a nxn matrix, V is a mxm matrix and is a rectangular
#0 &
mxm positive semi definite diagonal matrix. SVD can be calculated using

MATLAB/MATHEMATICA or a similar software. Suppose, we write U = [U1 U2], where

U1 is a nxm matrix, then we can write M = U1V + . Try to construct the Schmidt
decomposition using the first m column vectors of U1 and V and the diagonal elements
of .

Problem 3

a) Explain why the BB84 protocol is not used for the secure transmission of a message
directly but for establishing a random secret key between Alice and Bob?
b) Suppose Alice prepares a large number of pairs of entangled qubits each in the state
' AB =
( 01 AB 10 AB ) and sends half of the qubits to Bob. Can you think of a
way in which Alice and Bob use these Bell pairs to produce a secret random shared

Problem 4

Two prominent classes of entangled states according to LOCC for N-qubits are the GHZ
and the W states which are given by,

GHZ 123... N =
( 00...0 12... N + 11...1 12... N )

W 123... N =
0...01 1... N1,N + 0...10 1... N1,N +... 1...00 1... N1,N

a) Calculate the number of entangled bits (given by Von-Neumann entropy) between
the subsystems (1|2,3,..N), (2|1,3,N) , (3|1,2,N) . . . (1,2,3,N-1|N) for both these

b) Suppose, we consider a three qubit GHZ state and distribute qubits one and two to
Alice and qubit three to Bob, Design a quantum circuit that will show the deterministic
teleportation of an arbitrary and unknown single qubit state from Alice to Bob using
CNOT and Hadamard gates.

c) Suppose, we distribute qubits (1,2) to Alice and 3 to Bob from the three-qubit GHZ
state, how many classical bits can be transferred from Alice to Bob with superdense
coding? Suppose, we distribute qubit (1) to Alice and qubits (2,3) to Bob, how many
classical bits can be transferred from Alice to Bob with superdense coding?

d) Can the three qubit W-state be used for the deterministic teleportation of an
arbitrary single qubit state if we distribute qubits one and two to Alice and three to
Bob? If yes, then give the scheme, if no, then explain why?

e) Suppose, we consider the asymmetric W state given by

W 123 = a 001 123 + b 100 123 + c 010 123

where a, b and c are complex numbers satisfying |a|2+|b|2+|c|2=1. Does there exist a
choice of (a, b, c) for which there is one entangled bit between subsystems (12|3)?

Problem 5

a) Suppose, we have two Bell pairs +
generate a Bell state +



and +


, show explicitly how one can

by using entanglement swapping.

b) Both the Bell states +


and +


undergoes the decoherence process and

evolves into mixed states (also known as Werner states) given by

W = F + + +

1 F "
# + + + + $%

where F is the entanglement fidelity. Show how one entangled state of higher fidelity
(F) could be obtained with two entangled states of lower fidelity (F) provided F>1/2,
where F is given by
(1 F )
F2 +

F '=

F2 +

F (1 F ) + (1 F )

c) One can carry out the above purification process N times and obtain the new fidelity
FN ' . Assume that the initial fidelity of the two Bell states is 0.6. Plot how the improved
Fidelity varies with the number of purification steps up to 20 steps.

Bonus problem (Additional points will be rewarded)
Consider the following four-qubit entangled state
1234 =
( 0000 0011 0101 + 0110 + 1001 + 1010 + 1100 + 1111 )
2 2
Show that using an appropriate qubit distribution of the above-entangled state, Alice
can transmit an arbitrary and an unknown two-qubit state to Bob. Show the outcomes
of Alices measurements and the corresponding states obtained by Bob explicitly.

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