Curriculum Pacing Guide/Lesson Plan: San Isidro Catholic School
Curriculum Pacing Guide/Lesson Plan: San Isidro Catholic School
Curriculum Pacing Guide/Lesson Plan: San Isidro Catholic School
Resou rces
Co re V alue s/ Learn ing
Tim e Standard s of Learn ing/ Learn ing Acti vit ies Eva luation Mga
Graduate Content/S ki ll s
Frame Pamantayan ng Pa gkatuto Mga Gawa in sa Pagkatuto Ebalwas yon Kagamitan/
Att ribute s Ni lala man/ Paksa
Topic: Prelim inari es: De la Cr uz,
The First Filipinos ● Prayer B. et al. (2004).
● Checking of Attendance Exploring Life
● Preparation of the Learning Environ- Through Filip-
ment no Literature
First Year.
Lesson Methodol ogies: Quezon City:
3 minutes 1. Well-Rounded A. MOTIVATION (Sequencing of Pictures) Phoenix Publi-
Individual Integration: The teacher will ask the students “How did At least 3 vo- shing House,
1. 6 Mentally Thinks and responds critically and logically in CLE world begin?” Then, the students will arrange the lunteers should Inc.
Balanced sequencing the pictures appropriately Genesis 1 onwards pictures posted on the board. The students will be able to -
Individual God’s Creation sequence God’s Creations according to the day place 3 ▪ Bible
Genesis 1: 27 it was made. pictures in its ▪ Pictures of
“God created man - proper order. God’s Crea-
male and female – in Day 1 Day 4 tion
His own image.” Creation Creation
Psalm 24:1
“The earth is the Day 2 Day 5
Lord’s,and Creation Creation
in it.”
Day 3 Day 6
SCIENCE Creation Creation
Living creatures
Cosmic elements
Resou rces
Co re V alue s/ Learn ing
Tim e Standard s of Learn ing/ Learn ing Acti vit ies Eva luation Mga
Graduate Content/S ki ll s
Frame Pamantayan ng Pa gkatuto Mga Gawa in sa Pagkatuto Ebalwas yon Kagam itan/
Att ribute s Nila laman / Paksa
Sang gunian
AP The teacher will introduce the concept of crea-
Land and water tion according to God’s Word and relate it to the
forms text that the students will be reading.
Resou rces
Co re V alue s/ Learn ing
Tim e Standard s of Learn ing/ Learn ing Acti vit ies Eva luation Mga
Graduate Content/S ki ll s
Frame Pamantayan ng Pa gkatuto Mga Gawa in sa Pagkatuto Ebalwas yon Kagamitan/
Att ribute s Ni lala man/ Paksa
brawling and slander, intervene in the fight?
along with every form 4. How would you describe Pamulak Manobo?
malice. Be kind and 5. What did Kaptan find out the following day?
compassionate to 6. What did Kaptan do to ease the pain?
one another, forgi- 7. What did Kaptan see one day after planting
ving each other, just in the garden? Describe it.
as in Christ God for- 8. What do we call such imaginative piece
gave you.” which talks about god’s and goddesses and
Humility relates to the world’s beginning based on an-
Acceptance of cient people’s belief?
One’s Weakness
3. Hardworking Enhances creativity in scene illustration Visual-Spatial Grou p 4: Students will draw the scene ▪ Cartolina
3.2 Competent in paragraph 12 on a white cartolina. ▪ Art Materials
Resou rces
Co re V alue s/ Learning
Tim e Standard s of Learn ing/ Learning Act iv itie s Eva luation Mga
Graduate Content/Sk il ls
Frame Pamantayan ng Pa gkatuto Mga Ga wain sa Pagkatuto Ebal wasyon Kagamitan/
Att ribute s Nila laman / Paksa
GROUP 1: Re-enactment
Presentation ▬ 8 points
Creativity ▬ 5 points
Participation ▬ 7 points
20 points
GROUP 2: Poem-making
Content ▬ 8 points
Organization ▬ 7 points
Creativity ▬ 5 points
20 points